£1 where sold
February 2012 No.377
Our Library and the Court House As part of the on-going discussions over the future of Suffolk’s libraries, seven pilot groups have been set up to explore local participation in the running of libraries. Stradbroke is part of a pilot group along with Eye and Debenham. Local involvement (mostly Parish / Town Councillors at this stage) covers two distinct areas: Firstly the library service . In December 2011, Suffolk County Council agreed to proceed with an entirely new way of delivering public library services – one that is owned and run by local library groups themselves and works in partnership with the county council as the statutory library authority. The organisation, an “Industrial and Provident Society” (IPS), will be led, ultimately, by a board elected by members of the organisation. In the meantime an interim Board is being set up and will, over the next eighteen months help establish the new IPS and work with local library groups. After that, the board will be elected by the IPS members The Court House The Court House, is only part used by the Library. Now that the Suffolk County Council’s Youth Service has ceased its involvement here, the remaining areas are not used. As the new IPS will only be involved with Library Services the Court House building as a whole would be significantly under used. Suffolk County Council would like to see libraries based in multi use community facilities and the Court House, which is owned by SCC, no longer falls into that category. It is under utilised and that may well create probems in the future as SCC would not necessarily wish to be involved with or continue owning, premises that are not used effectively. We thus might lose the building and/or the Library at some point in the future. For that reason the Parish Council has been exploring ways of ensuring that the Court House remains available for use by our community and with our library as the focal point. At the Parish Council meeting in January, councillors discussed the various ways of achieving this. It was agreed that a working group be set up to continue discussions with SCC who were willing to lease the Court House to either the Parish Council or a community involvement group. The Parish Council’s major concern was weighing up the value of the Court House to the community, whilst ensuring that it did not become a liability in terms of cost. Although further information is needed from SCC the information provided by them for discussion at our Parish Council meeting, indicated that a 99 year lease would be available with break clauses as well as funding via the IPS. If the terms of any agreement with SCC are right for Stradbroke, and help ensure the survival of our library then we would want to proceed. The PC working group will report back at the February meeting and further details will appear in next month’s magazine. A big thank you to everyone who has worked so hard in challenging the original library closure programme – your voices were heard and although there is still a lot of work to be done and decisions made, we feel we are are heading in the right direction. Mike Readman
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome
To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: leadmusictuition@googlemail.com Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.
Fleurs Ar san 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Speakers for February 5th J. Ling 12th D. Dewsberry 19th D. Quin 26th. P. Bailey Cameo Lunch Weds 8th February 12:30pm. Good food, meet friends, Christian message (please book) Drop in for coffee Weds 22nd February - Drop in anytime 10-11:30am Home Group Weds 22nd February - Home based Bible study & prayer Looking back Our Cameo Christmas Lunch with all the trimmings was much appreciated by the 40+ friends who attended. After the meal we were entertained by children from Stradbroke Primary School who came and sang for us. We sang alternate verses of the carol, Away in a Manger, undoubtedly the children were the best singers whilst the older generation were advised to continue taking the medicine. John reminded all ages that we get the presents but the celebration is really for Jesus’ birthday. On a pleasant winter’s evening a good company of people joined in the traditional Carols–by– Candlelight led by a brass band. Our gifts of £200+ were given to St Elizabeth’s hospice. Looking Forward This year our attention will be focussed on the Olympic Games, the hopes and aspirations for gold, silver or bronze medals. Hero and cheat alike will receive their moment of glory. It is interesting to realize that the original games were in celebration of the ancient Greeks defeating the Persians in 490 B.C. The writers of the New Testament were aware of this type of event as they used the games as illustrations. St Paul advises that physical exercise is of some benefit, but the most benefit to the whole community is to trust in God and follow God’s pattern of behaviour. This year’s best advice - enjoy the games but consider the more important issues of faith and living by God’s standards. If we achieve that goal we will deserve a Gold medal and will be on the right track to rectify the financial and social difficulties that our country faces at present. Details contact John 388751 Jackie 384112 Malcolm 384797
Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on very part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website; www.suffolk-carers.co.uk
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke 29th January 5th February 12th February 19th February 22nd February 26th February
Parish Communion Benefice Communion at Redlingfield Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Holy Communion (with hymns)
10.00am 10.00am 8.00am 10.00am 8.00am 7.30pm 9.00am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee Since last magazine, the Coffee Morning at the Chantry in Nov raised £329.64. The Hamper was won by Alison Ward. The Xmas cake stall raised £136.90 This enabled our Committee to raise just over £5000 for the Year. Now we start all over again in 2012. Jan 26th 7.30pm Beetles in Com Centre £4 with soup & roll & tea or coffee. Feb21st 7.30 pm Beetles with Pancakes. March 3rd Cake Stall when Roly will be on hand with his Potatoes & Buckets for the village show. So do come and try to beat last years weight. Anything that you have for Raffle Prizes will be most welcome. We send our best wishes to Janet hoping Chris is recovering now he is at home. Mary Ellis
The Rectory
Tel: 384363 Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net Church Website: www.allsaints-stradbroke. com
Dear Friends, Ash Wednesday, 22nd February, is the first day of Lent, a time for prayer, study and learning. We begin that season of the church’s year with a Service in the church at 7.30pm, with hymns and a sermon to introduce the Lent Course which follows on five Thursdays, starting on March 1st. Full details of subject, time and place will be in the March Monthly and on the church notice boards. If you would like more information earlier, please ask me or Jennifer Chetwynd, (Tel: 394069). On Sunday, 25th March, at 6.30pm, the Bishop of Dunwich is coming to All Saints for a Confirmation Service. If you, or a member of your family would like to be presented to the Bishop at that time, or if you wish to know more about Confirmation and Holy Communion, do please ask me. Those who were in the church on Monday, 16th January, at the funeral of Neville Bloss, heard me speak about cameras, photography and flower arranging. Last year I won first prize with photos of the church at Metfield and Hoxne Flower Shows. This year I will be entering more competitions, and our annual Art Exhibition, with photographs and paintings, and with flower arrangements (and cakes!) in the spring and summer. I also have an opportunity at one show to enter photos of flower arrangements, bringing the two artistic activities together. Watch out for more details! If you, or an artist you know, would like to see the schedule for this year’s Art Exhibition and Sale of Pictures, do ask Mary Ellis (384642) to send you one. From Easter Sunday, 8th April, onwards, flower arrangements will add to the beauty and loveliness of the inside of the church. You could be part of the team for colour and displays; please tell me that you would. We had a splendid Christmas in Church with all the Carol Services, Heidi Smith singing the solo for “Once in Royal David’s city”, and a telephone conversation with George Rishmawi in Bethlehem. My warmest thanks go to all who took part with words, music, decorations, - and tidying afterwards! With all good wishes, David Streeter. All Saints Church Cleaning, Thursday, 2nd. February - 10.00 am onwards.
Margaret Streeter
All Saints Finance As church Treasurer I would like to thank everyone who faithfully contribute to the Church monthly by direct debits – envelopes also to the Friends of the Church who donated £12,000 for repairs to the North Porch and also £1000 to help with the insurance, this was a tremendous help enabling my job to be much easier. Thank you all. Mary Ellis
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Parish Pump!
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 09 January 2012 NEXT There were no items brought forward for the Public Forum at this meeting. PARISH COUNCIL Planning: MEETING: Applications for consideration: 13th February 2012 3885/11 Demolition of garage and erection of family annex/garage Meadow Cottage, Kersey Hall Lane 7.30pm Approval was recommended unanimously (one no vote; declaration of personal interest At the declared) with the proviso that the annex remained a part of Meadow Cottage and Community Centre could not be sold off separately in the future. 4260/11 Erection of single storey rear extension and 2 x porches Tudor Farm, Battlesea Green 4259/11 LBC for the above Approval recommended unanimously. Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Approval granted for the following applications: 3408&7/11 erection of barn/cart lodge to adjoin existing outbuilding (following demolition of existing building) Broadway Hall, Verdons Lane 3520/11 erection of 1 no solar array panel on existing poultry farm roof Ebdens Farm, Pixey Green Other Planning Matters: 3761/11 erection of 2 dwellings on land to rear of 3 & 4 Westhall/shared access with no 4 and associated parking. Withdrawn by applicant 4189/11 – prior notification of Agricultural Buildings and operations at North Lane Farm, Pixey Green. Formal approval of the proposal is not required
Other business: The budget for 2012/13 was agreed. The precept has been lowered very slightly to maintain the cost to a band D property at the same level as last year. Gerald Jenkins was thanked for completing the History of the Community Centre. The launch of the booklet was very well attended and sales of the booklet were buoyant – there are still a few copies left. Plans for the future of the Library and Court House took up the majority of the meeting. Some members felt that the two issues were inextricably linked and if the village, through a charitable trust, did not take on the responsibility of the Court House it could not be certain that the Library would exist once the pilot study was completed. Following the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council further information had been received from Suffolk County Council and if the running of the Court House were to be undertaken there would be a 99 year lease with break clauses that would allow the lease to be terminated if necessary. Other questions to SCC on some of the funding and cost issues had yet to be answered. After discussions the majority of members (10 in favour 2 abstentions) felt it worthwhile to pursue the running of the Court House and it was agreed to form a Working Party initially comprising James Hargrave, Maureen John, Ann Kerr and Mike Readman to bring fuller information back to the next meeting. News Items Suffolk ACRE has established an oil buying club which is open to all residents. An annual administration fee is charged but there could be savings to be made through bulk purchase. Information has been posted on the notice board or you can contact the Clerk for more details. MSDC and Babergh are establishing a Joint Housing Board for their tenants which will comprise six councillor members and six elected tenant members. If you are a tenant of MSDC this is your opportunity to put yourself forward for election. A formal postal ballot will be held to elect the six members to the board and the count will take place on 09 March 2012. If you are interested in being a member of the Board please visit our website to find out how you can stand for election: http://www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/Homes+and+Housing/HaveYourSay/JointHousingBoard.htm Or contact Tarina Gregory on 01449 724759 or email: tarina.gregory@midsuffolk.gov.uk
The next meeting of the Parish Council: 13 February 2012 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**
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Dirty Oven??
J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012
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Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk
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Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
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Life in the Legion In starting this month’s notes may I wish all members and readers a very ‘Happy New Year.’ As we had no Branch Meeting in January I wish to pay tribute to all the members of the Branch who have given outstanding service. These include our Secretary Jeremy Higgins and his wife Anne for hosting many events, Joyce Cooper our Welfare Officer and Standard Bearer, who has dealt with 17 welfare cases during the year plus organizing The Poetry Competition at The SBEC, and the Christmas Tree Collections. Finally Simon Harrison who raised £1,412 in Sponsorship for The Pedal to Paris, and has sponsored the postage costs of the letters sent to members during the year. The efforts of these members makes us one of the best Branches in Suffolk with a membership of 84. We have also recently welcomed four new members who have recently joined from Laxfield. The Christmas Lunch and Carols was a great success with a super meal served by Bob Wilson and his staff from The Low House. Branch Chaplain David Streeter gave the Christmas message, and Dougie Chittock accompanied us on his keyboard. I attended The County Conference in January as a County Vice-President along with Jeremy Higgins, Bernard Mills, Albert Siggers and Joyce Cooper who paraded the Branch Standard. Details of a visit to Wattisham Airfield on the 13th March, and our Annual Dinner on the 30th March will be given at the next Branch Meeting, and in a letter to members due out shortly. The next meeting of The Branch will be at The Low House on Thursday 2nd February at 11.30am, and the speaker will be Doug Crooks on The Gurkhas. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.
Womens Institute W.I. Christmas Dinner. Members and their guests gathered in the festively decked community centre where they were entertained by the ‘Castleton Band’ playing a selection of much loved carols, before enjoying their Christmas Dinner. Addressing us for the first time as our President Dorothy Readman thanked members for their support over the past year and looked forward to a successful 2012. A card was read from Iris Badcock wishing us a happy evening and regretting that she could not be with us .Thank-you Iris, we did miss you and we send you our love and very best wishes for the New Year. Dorothy gave a gift of thanks to Dougie Chittock for all his help throughout the year, and presented the Presidents Cup to Jane Gemmel for her untiring help over many years. The Competition Winner’s Cup was awarded to Sue Gray. Moyra, Iris and Cyril were among the lucky raffle winners. January A New Year and a New Programme, and much to look forward to in this very special year, and we certainly started it well with our January meeting which was very well attended. Our President Dorothy Readman gave a New Year Welcome, and before concluding the business of the evening she and Gwyneth encouraged members to enter the many and varied classes in the W.I. section of the Suffolk show. There was a very good response and a special meeting to get things underway is planned. We then welcomed Don Darling who came along to give us a brief insight into the training and running of the London Marathon which he will be undertaking for the second time. In his happy and light hearted delivery we all learnt some very interesting facts and figures and enjoyed his talk immensely. Good luck in April Don. After a couple of fun communication games, members settled down to a buffet and a really good chat rounding off a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Lucky raffle winners were Caroline, Irene and Wendy. Our next meeting is on Thursday Feb 9th when the Hair Logic Team will be demonstrating hair design. Gill Bird
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :- 07749445531
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Stradbroke Primary School visit us at www.stradbrokevc.suffolk.sch.uk This month the School Council at Stradbroke Primary wanted to write an article about their new play equipment on our school playing field. This was paid for by an “Awards for All” National Lottery Grant. The School Council had requested new play equipment and they were delighted when it was installed: “We now have low ropes and play equipment so even our youngest children can enjoy the equipment” Amy Keeble, Class 2. “We think this play equipment will improve the school because we have a place for children to play and also new music panels to play music and have fun!” Robert Redwood, Class 4. “We are really proud that the school council helped to achieve getting new equipment. This was one of our goals which we set to help keep on improving the school” Ben Brown, Class 2 “The best bit is the music station with different musical areas- it’s great fun!” Ben H-C, Class 2 Very happy children and a big thank you to “Awards for All!” Melanie Barrow, Headteacher Stradbroke Primary
Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College Inter-Faith Seminar Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College hosted two Inter-Faith Seminars in October and December with the international Muslim Speaker, M. Manwar Ali. Manwar is the Chief Executive of Jimas, a Muslim educational charity, who spends much of his time talking to young people. These events were well attended by pupils of Stradbroke, together with some staff, parents, local Vicars and Community Support Officers. Manwar was a very entertaining speaker and surprised the group by revealing he had twelve children! He told us a great deal about his own personal story and beliefs, as well as explaining many Muslim ideas relating to both Peace and Conflict and Equality. He was an excellent ambassador for his religion and showed great respect for different opinions and beliefs. Manwar answered a variety of questions from pupils that included: why he became a Muslim; why he believes in peace; what Muslims believe about terrorism; equal rights for women and homosexuality. It was a very positive experience for our pupils to be able to talk to and question someone from a very different faith and culture, who also shared many of the pupils own beliefs and values. Mrs R Hurren, Head of Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
1st Stradbroke Guides The 1st Stradbroke Guides would like to thank everyone who attended the Christmas shopping event at SBEC in December. It was a wonderful night and raised enough money to support the Unit this month and a donation of £50 will be sent to E.A.C.H. To end the Term in style in December, we took the girls to the Ice Rink in Norwich and a good time was had by all! After the Christmas break, the Girls are all back in force and are busy planning their own tasks for 2012 including eating chocolate, and our 2nd Guide Sleepover. This time we will be heading to the Wingfield Barns for a G Festival-themed weekend! Watch this space for more fundraising events as the Girls are hoping to raise enough for a trip to a theme park and would really like to raise enough for EuroDisney if was can make this happen for them! All the best from the 1st Stradbroke Guides! Candice Dudley. Unit Leader.1st Stradbroke Guides
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Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, LaStone Massage at Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707
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Neighbourhood Watch Another quiet month for us in Stradbroke, please contact me if you have anything to report no matter how small it may seem at the time. Maria Smith 384311 ( Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator )
Friends Of All Saints Church The “Carol Singing by Lamplight”, with Dougie and the Brass Band, accompanied by mulled wine and mince pies, set the Christmas scene in Stradbroke; good company and good food! Saturday, 28th. January will be another such occasion with the “Beat the Winter Blues Supper” with entertainment, in the Community Centre. See you there. Our ever popular Church Path Plant Sale is on Saturday, 5th May - so please think of The Friends of All Saints, when you brave the great outdoors once more for your sowing, planting, dividing etc. On Saturday, 23rd June a Tower Climb and/or A Walk and a “Full English Breakfast” at Church House - one event not to be missed. Carol Darling says thank you for the seasonal digital photographs for the 2013 Calendar already received; keep them coming in. NB Digital pictures, 1 Mb (Megabyte) ALERT: You can help us on line info@spendandraise.com Margaret Streeter (Press Officer)
Stradbroke Over 60s Just a reminder to our members, that our meetings start again this month . at 2.00 till 4.00 in the community centre on the 16th of February. The next ones being on Thurs. the 1st March and 15th. March. New members are always welcome, we look forward to seeing you. Joan Grimes
Use it or lose it! Call for residents to use local waste and recycling centres This message is often heard as we go about our daily routines but now it has to be stressed - if we want to continue to have a ‘household waste’ facilities in Mid Suffolk we need to use it to not lose it! Earlier this year, we were in danger of losing the household waste sites in Brome and Bramford due to Suffolk County Council cut-backs, the situation was saved and the site re-opened in July. The Bolton Bros., have been operating the sites at Brome and Bramford for three months and the ‘free of charge’ recyclable tonnage is slowly increasing, but to make this facility more financially viable there needs to be a greater input by you all to ensure they are able to remain open. Cllr Diana Kearsley, portfolio holder for communities at Mid Suffolk supports the sites, saying: “On hearing this message, I soon went to my garage, had a much needed clear out and the estate car was full within an hour with loads of rubbish. At the Brome site - two friendly attendees were there and promptly emptied the car - the whole job done in a short time - not bad for £6.00. With Christmas fast approaching and the likely increase of rubbish needing to be disposed afterwards, everyone will likely have a need to use the site!” Items which are ‘free of charge’ to dispose at either of the sites are: waste paper, plastic, metals, cardboard, textiles, glass, inert soil and hardcore, cooking oil, tetrapaks and electrical appliances. Those items that have a disposal fee are: non-recyclable material and mixed waste, wood and garden waste. For more information and opening times go to www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/ and search for ‘Recycling Facilities’ MSDC
Lottery Bonus Winners 45 S Ayloa; 15 J Bloss; 8 D Cracknell; 20 D Davidson; 12 J Sparkes; 19 E Pipe; 2 JMS Cattermole; 38 P Shelford; 33 D Davidson. £216 donated to various village charities & clubs. Mary Ellis
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Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, February 16th. we are showing Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and ice creams in the interval. Entrance £5.50. It is is a 2011 British espionage film directed by Tomas Alfredson, from a screenplay written by Bridget O'Connor and Peter Straughan based on the 1974 novel Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré. The film stars Gary Oldman as George Smiley, and co-stars Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch and Ciarán Hinds. Set in London in the early 1970s, the story follows the hunt for a Soviet double agent at the top of the British secret service. A beautifully played and observed spy film is one for those who are looking for a film of a different type, time and pace. Margaret Streeter
Tiddlywinks Nursery School We are holding an open day on Saturday 11th February 2012 between 10am and 1pm. Come and meet the staff, view the facilities and see what we do. Everybody is invited! If you would like more information or wish to visit at another time, please contact us on 07760 573208 or 01379 586111. Amanda Havers
Wilby Quiz Night Wilby Quiz Night will be held at the Coronation Hall in Wilby on Friday 24th February - 7.15pm for 7.30pm Tables of 4 and £5 per person including Finger Buffet Alex Gwyn
SBEC Prom Fundraising - 2012 Thankyou to those that supported our recent 70/80s disco. It was a great night, and well done Vicky for looking the part. We raised an impressive £200.00. Our next fundraising events are.... Bingo at Syleham Village Hall, Raffle. on Friday 27th January, eyes down at 8pm and a Coffee morning and Cake sale, to include cupcakes, hot soup and more besides on Sat 18th February, 10am until 12.30pm in the courthouse (next door to the library) All Proceeds to go to SBEC prom 2012. We look forward to your continued support. Gill Johnson, Liz Stevens and Carolyn Mayhew.
Horham Bygones Country Rally June 2012 Originally started in 2002 as a one-off event to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee Horham Bygones Country Rally has gone from strength to strength and become an annual feature. The event – on Saturday June 9 2012 from 10am until 5pm – regularly attracts 100 historic tractors along with other farm machinery, historic military vehicles, motorcycles, stationary engines, cars and working horses. As well as being a big draw for anyone who wants to see old farm machinery and horses in action it is also big fun day for all the family as there should be fairground rides for smaller children and a variety of stalls, including bygones and canal art, and lots of good food from local firms. Last year more than 3,000 visitors flocked into the small village between Eye and Stradbroke for the event. Not only does the event generate much needed funds for the Horham Community Council it also offers charities, including the Royal British Legion and East Anglian Children’s Hospice, the opportunity to attend, free of charge, in order to promote their organisations and raise funds. Horham Bygones Country Rally is on Horham & Athelington Recreation Field of the B1077. In the evening, in the community centre, there will be live music with a licensed bar and food. Admission: adults £5, concessions £3, family ticket £12, accompanied under 5s free. There will be free parking with a dedicated disabled parking area. Visit horhambygonescountryrally.onesuffolk.net for more information.For pix contact Mike Ager.
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on:
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www.bcgoddard.co.uk Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257
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Forthcoming Events
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Coastal Leisure Learning Saturday Specials A Range of one off learning opportunities for adults in the Spring. Coastal Leisure Learning once again offer a range of one off workshops and classes for adults held locally in two different venues over four weekends. The courses will be held in Saxmundham Middle school on February 25th and March 3rd 2012, followed by courses at Stradbroke Business and Enterprise college on the 10th and 17th March 2012. We’re offering over thirty classes over the four weekends ranging from guitar for beginners to digital video editing, getting to know your sewing machine to getting to know your SLR camera, through flower essences to flower arranging and many more beside. Take a look at our website www.coastalleisurelearning.co.uk and click on the Saturday Specials link for further information on the courses, booking and payment details, or telephone 01728833171. Thank you for your support. Sian Hart. Coastal Leisure Learning
Stradbroke Library There will be a Book Sale on Saturday 11th Feb/Sunday 12th Feb In the Court House Room. Don’t miss out. Pop in and grab some real bargains! Saturday 10-12.30, Sunday 10-3pm Maureen John. Library Manager.
Mendham Jazz Award-winning local pianist Nick Unwin and his trio present ‘Fascinating Rhythm’, a tribute to George Gershwin, plus other pop and jazz standards. Saturday March 10th (8pm) and Sunday March 11th (3pm) at Mendham & Withersdale Village Hall. Seats £12 by reservation on 01379-855282 or e-mail nicholas@nicholasunwin.com Tea/Coffee included. Nick Unwin
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Our Annual Dinner and Presentation Evening will be held on Saturday, 4th February, 7 for 7.30 p.m., at the Swan Inn, Fressingfield. We are all looking forward to meeting up with our Club members for an enjoyable evening. We have started planning our fund raising activities, and we kick off with our Pudding Party and Blind Auction, on Saturday, 10th March, 7.30 p.m. in the Community Centre. You might want to know that at the Pudding Party we serve a selection of savoury and sweet puddings, and you can have as many servings as you can fit in. The tickets are £6.00, available from Mary Ellis (01379 384642) and Club members. If you want to bring a wrapped gift parcel for the auction it would be most welcome. Lily Lofts
Great British Fish and Chip Supper – Friday 18th May 2012 “Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people live full and independent lives.” Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 18th May 2012 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s information and support services. You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. Last year we had over 100 suppers taking part in England and Wales and we raised £6,000. In the three years we have been running the event we have raised £20,000 to support spinal cord injured people. The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350 or email fishandchips@spinal.co.uk or visit www.spinal.co.uk/fishandchips
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News and Views
St Elizabeth Hospice If you receive any unwanted Christmas presents this year, please think about donating them to St Elizabeth Hospice. Donations of new or second-hand items are needed to resell in the Hospice’s 15 shops across Suffolk to raise funds for the charity. If you are updating your furniture this Christmas or New Year, then why not donate your old fixtures and fittings to the hospice too. Donations of good quality: sofas, chairs, tables, cabinets and other home furnishings are needed to resell and raise funds for the hospice which costs £6.6 million a year to run. Van drivers can collect items from homes for free, six days a week. Fiona Browning, the Hospice’s retail sales manager said: “If you have any unwanted gifts that weren’t your cup of tea this Christmas we would love to have them in our shops. We are also in need of furniture as we have recently opened a dedicated furniture store in Felixstowe. We will come and collect if suitable.” Money raised through the shops enables St Elizabeth Hospice to continue to make a real difference to the lives of their patients and families, friends and carers. To find out where your nearest shop is call 01473 723600 or email enquiries@stelizabethhospice.org.uk. Donations can also be dropped off at the Hospice distribution centre in Rapier Street, Ipswich, where there is plenty of parking. For any further information please contact me. Many thanks, Samantha Catling
Tackling Fuel Poverty This message is being sent by Police Direct on behalf of Suffolk County Council -Suffolk County Council and its partners have successfully secured £265,000 to support vulnerable people in the county through the remaining winter months. The one off grant from the Department of Health’s ‘warm homes healthy people’ fund will help support a number of initiatives designed to tackle fuel poverty in the county.Anyone who has a vulnerable relative or neighbour is urged to help them find out more about what support and assistance might be available to them. Further information is available www.suffolk.gov.uk/warmhomes or people can email winterwellbeing@suffolk.gov.uk. Alternatively, people can call a central telephone number for information, advice and support. Tel: 08456 037 686
Joint Housing Board for Babergh and Mid Suffolk Tenants and leaseholders in Babergh and Mid Suffolk can stand for election to become part of a new Joint Housing Board, which will make decisions about issues affecting all tenants across the two districts. Plans to form a Joint Housing Board were approved by Members at both Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils last year. This is believed to be the first Joint Housing Board in the country where tenants and Members from two districts will work together, with equal voting rights, to decide on strategy and develop plans and policy. Martin King, Head of Housing for Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils said: “The Government's commitment to localism, the devolution of power to communities and the Housing Revenue Account reforms are all factors that mean we must transform our decision making processes. The new Joint Housing Board is part of that change and will provide the capacity and flexibility to meet these challenges.” The Joint Housing Board, which will be made up of 12 Members (six councillors and six tenants), will be established in the next few months. It will cover six wards across the two districts. All tenants will be allowed to stand for election. Those who stand as a candidate will be asked to write a ‘mini-manifesto’. The manifesto will contain information about the candidates and what they see as the priorities for the new Board. All tenants will then take part in a postal ballot to elect a tenant to represent their ward. This will be done in February 2012. Richard Senior, Chair of the Babergh Tenants Forum said in support of the board: “This is an exciting new development and involves tenants fully. It is the first time ever that tenants have been involved in such a scheme. The tenants will have more control and more say in what goes on.” Rick Langford, Chair of the Mid Suffolk Forum has been involved for many years and feels that this is a major step forward: “This is great news and means that tenants will have an equal say in all matters that affect the service that the councils provide for us.” Keith Wykes, Chair of the Joint Integration Group, a joint tenant forum that was set up to oversee the integration of the two councils housing service summed up by saying: “Exciting things are happening at your local council. We all urge tenants and leaseholders to find out more, and be part of it. ”Tenants and Leaseholders who would like to find out about the Housing Board and how to stand as a candidate can contact Tarina Gregory on 01449 724759 or email: tarina.gregory@midsuffolk.gov.uk
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News & Views
The Suffolk Foundation Grants available for Suffolk Community and Voluntary groups The Suffolk Foundation, a leading grant maker in Suffolk, is seeking applications to its main grant giving programmes. Grants are available for Community and Voluntary groups including Social Enterprises of up to £5,000 from the Transforming Suffolk Community Fund and the Improve and Prove Fund. Other amounts are available from the Suffolk Fund, Port Community Fund, Safer Suffolk Fund and the Disability Care Fund. Up to £25,000 is available from the Creating the Greenest County Fund for carbon reducing projects. Typically grants are given to help with social cohesion, build communities, and support a range of activities and projects that strengthen the voluntary sector in Suffolk. Some funds support core costs. Further information and all application forms, guidelines and closing dates are published on The Suffolk Foundation’s website www.suffolkfoundation.org.uk If you wish to discuss your idea or potential application request, please do not hesitate to telephone Sue Wright on 01473 734127 who is also happy to help with form filling and advice as to which fund would suit your organisation’s needs best. Elizabeth Stephenson
'The History of the Community Centre Site' If you missed the talk on January 7th which explained how Stradbroke got the splendid facilities that it has today, then copies of the booklet are still available at £2 from the Library, the Church or from Gerald Jenkins of the Stradbroke Charitable Trust. Not only does it deal with the history of the Community Site itself up to the present but also describes all the groups, societies and organisations that exist in Stradbroke today. It is a permanent record of the living fabric of Stradbroke at the beginning of 2012. Gerald Jenkins
Sports Roundup Running For Stradbroke Running for Stradbroke No 3 2 months into the training schedule; I’m worried! The legs are still working and there’s no excuse to stop! At the time of writing, mileage covered is 186 with a target of 200 by the end of the month – This tortoise, having worn out one pair of shoes, is catching up. The weather has been a bit unkind recently. Halfway round a 14mile circuit, just after Christmas, the heavens opened along the Tannington road. No problem however, because the wind got up and I had dried out by Worlingworth. Then, on taking a right towards Bedingfield, my personal air dryer turned into a wind tunnel across the open fields … it was running into a brick wall! If I had been a tortoise I’d have gone faster. On the bright side though, when I turned back towards Athelington I positively flew home! A big “thank you” to all those who have sponsored me so far, including the anonymous donors who put their loose change into the Spar Jar. I’m about a quarter of the way to reaching my target of £1000. All monies raised will go towards youth activities within Stradbroke. I am open to any specific suggestions, so let me know if you have an idea and I will add it the list.
Don Darling
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 We have now got a selec on of Seed Potatoes, Onion sets, Shallots ( Available soon ) Also a selec on of Fruit Trees Apples , Pears, Selec on of hedging plants : Hawthorn, Dog wood , Yew , Laurel, Large selec on of Box and Lavender Plants ( 4 types) Fresh fruit and vegetables available all year round in our Farm Shop . ( Locally Sourced if not our own produce ) Fresh cut owers for all occasions Dont forget your Valen ne on Feb 14th orders taken for Roses Single to a Dozen
Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club Apparently, time passes more quickly as you get older. It seems inconceivable that we are less than three months away from the start of a new cricket season. I have already cut the square once, and we look forward, rather than back. Fixtures have been set, a new committee is in place, net practice starts soon. Adults & Under 15s commence on Sunday 26th February at Thomas Mills High School from 5pm to 7pm up to Easter. For juniors (Yrs 3 to 8) coaching is available at Stradbroke High School on Tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm commencing 21st February. All sessions cost £2. Before that is the fund raising event of the year. The 12th annual Horse Race Evening is at The Community Centre on Saturday 11th February. 1st Race 7:30pm. Entry is £7 per person (including fish & chips). Book with me now on 01379-384433. You can sponsor a race for just £20, buy a horse for £2, have a bet for just 50p. There will be a bar & a raffle. Don’t miss out. The ever popular Pop Music Quiz will be held on Friday 2nd March at The Community Centre. Teams of 4, cost £4 per person (includes nibbles). Prize to the winning team. Book with me or with Marty (01379-384548).That’s all for this month. Please support your local cricket club. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Football Club Results since last Report. Beat Ufford Sports 5 – 2 Beat Stowupland Falcons 5 – 0 Lost to Felixstowe Harpers 2 – 1 Beat Sizewell Ass 4 – 1 Beat Sizewell Ass 6 – 3 Lost to Crowley 2 – 0 Lost to Cedars Park 5 - 1 The December Cash Bingo raised £95 and the January one £36. The next Cash Bingo evening is on 10th Feb. Many thanks to all who help especially R Lee who has done the bar for several years. We now serve Tea & Coffee. Thanks also to all who donate Raffle Prizes. M. Ellis
Stradbroke Badminton Club Please accept my apologies for the fact that no article appeared in last months magazine due to my not typing it’s correct e-mail address. As a consequence the following report of the clubs activity is a little behind time. However the Cub wishes all it’s members and readers of this article A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, no prizes for guessing what one of my new years resolutions will be!! Get it right first time. We hope that one of your resolutions will be to come along on Tuesday evenings and give us a try. With the season well underway the following results certainly indicate that the club is doing very well in it’s home and away league games as the following results show. Nov 3rd Stradbroke 5.5 vs Felixstowe 3.5 Sep 29 Stradbroke 6.5 vs Ipswich Skill Centre 2.5 Nov 10 Stradbroke 5.0 vs Woodbridge ‘C’ 4.0 Nov 17 Stradbroke 5.5 vs B.S.P 3.5 Dec 5 Stradbroke 1.0 vs Meadlands 8.0 Dec 15 Stradbroke 4.5 vs Meridians 4.5 Dec 19 Stradbroke 7.5 vs Walton & Kirton 1.5 Jan 5 Stradbroke 7.5 vs Walton & Kirton 1.5 Jan 12 Stradbroke 7.0 vs Hamlets 2.0 Improved Player Award During December the Lee Cup for the most improved player was awarded to Lizzie Bamba followed by Emily Self, and Mark Banham as close runners up. Club Nights The following are the Tuesday club nights (8-10pm) between now and the end of February. January 24th & 31st and February 7th & 21st No club on Feb 14th Regards to you all Roy Lee. Contact phone numbers: Roy- 01379 384729 or Rick- 01379 586113
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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
Web Site: www.foalsgrange.co.uk
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke - Tel: 01379
Spuds R Us Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: jbedwell@talk21.com Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549
Would you like an illustration of your home or a particular building? Or an ideal present for a friend or loved one? Personalised cards and postcards also available. Then call Gill on 01379 388862 for further details.
Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745
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Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment
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Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384312 or 384363 for information & bookings
Anglian Ecology Protected Species Surveys Ecological Reports Landscape Assessment All forms of Surveying and Monitoring undertaken by qualified professionals. Please call: 07753 406866 / 01379 388030 Or visit www.anglianecology.co.uk
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Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports Roundup
Page 27
Stradbroke Youth Football Club Honington 2 – Stradbroke 3 (League) A fierce wind and the low sun were against us in the first half. We had few chances and gave away two goals through defensive lapses. In the second half the boys battled away and put a lot of pressure on the opposition. Sam Green kept the centre of defence together and with Jack Melton, Adam Shepherd and Matt Knight all playing well we looked much better defensively as the game went on. We came back into the game with a well struck corner that was deflected in for an own goal and from another corner Joe Serjent got us the equaliser. More pressure and yet another accurate corner from Robert Redwood, was met, this time by captain, Jack Melton who had charged up into the attack and it proved the winner. Stradbroke 0 - Chantry Grasshoppers 2 (League) A fantastic performance and you would have been hard pressed to tell which team were league leaders - and we only had 10 players! The defence was superbly marshalled by Jack Melton and Sam Green in the centre and with the full backs Matt Knight and Adam Shepherd not allowing the pacey wingers any room Chantry were kept at bay. When they did get through or resorted to long range shots, Joe Serjent in goal looked unbeatable. In the second half, both sides had some really good moves and it was end to end action. Jack Smith had our best chance of the game, breaking free and taking the ball past the last defender only to see his shot go narrowly wide. As our ten men tired towards the end, a free kick just outside our penalty area was fired high into the net giving keeper Joe Serjent no chance and then with a few minutes to go a breakaway from the Chantry half saw their player beat a couple of tired tackles before slotting the ball home. MoM was stand-in keeper Joe Serjent. Needham Market 3 – Stradbroke 2 (U12 Vase) A poor start with a defensive error giving Needham an early goal followed by a disputed second goal soon after, took us in 0-2 down at half time. Not disheartened, we started playing some really free flowing football and had a number of chances before a succession of fast accurate passes saw Jack Smith whip in a cross which was smacked home by Joe Serjent. Soon after Owen Hargave started another fine passing move and as Jack Smith tangled with two defenders the ball came back to Owen Hargarve who took it in his stride and placed it across the keeper and into the far corner. Disappointment followed as Needham scored a good goal to go 3-2 up and with the referee finishing the game five minutes early (!) we just couldn’t get the result we deserved. An enjoyable game against good opposition, MoM was Adam Shepherd. Mike Readman Stradbroke Youth FC - Under 14s Away to Elmswell : Lost 1-7 Not a good end to last year. A game, which on paper should have been a close match, was one in which we played like “noddies”. Josh and Alex were the only 2 players of note both for their hard work and Alex for scoring our only goal. Away to Walsham: Won 2-3 In the first 15 min we were all over the opposition. Good passing, plenty of control, several goal scoring chances. Steve scored from the edge of the area with an excellent left footed drive which the goal keeper could only parry into the net. Then we went to sleep, or so it seemed. Walsham pressured us for the rest of the half and scored 2 good goals. After tough talking at HT we came out and stepped up a gear. Working hard Stradbroke took control and created several chances. Ronnie had 2 left foot drives pushed over the bar, Charlie came close, as did Steve and Ant. Eventually Ritchie turned on his magic to fight past 2 players, dummy a 3rd and then drove the ball hard and low into the net. 10 minutes later Ritchie did it again. This time, following an excellent through pass from Steve, he ran at the defence and with the outside of his foot squeeze the ball between keeper and post. A totally different second half and a match deservedly won. Home to Thurston ( cup ) Lost 2-3 Against a 1st division side Stradbroke put in an excellent performance again but this time losing out by the odd goal. Despite taking the lead with 2 goals from Richie, we lost in the second half to a slightly stronger side. Everyone played well and man of the match went to Luke for his great defensive work. Don Darling
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Gardeners Notes The year has started as it finished with slightly unusual weather, by the time you read this hopefully we will have started to have some cold spells. The reason last years fruit and flower crops were so good was because of the extreme cold followed by a nice mild spring. A late cold spell will stop the blossom from setting and mean there aren't so many insects around to pollinate. With the winter being so mild I have taken the opportunity to get on planting and preparing the border for the spring. Bulbs are all going to be early this year, they may be as much as a month compared to last year. Digging up, splitting and moving plants can all be done now as long as the ground isn't frozen. Taking photos of your borders in the, summer and autumn, when everything is at it best will remind you what needs to be improved and how you can increase the length of interest. Although very little happens during the winter a few key plants is all it takes, dogwood with their firey barks, variegated and evergreen plants or structural plants such as grasses, phormiuns and mahonia will just give you an extra dimension. Pruning roses should be done from now on before they start to grow in the spring. Basic rules are to make an airy structure with mainly outward facing buds. A mulch of compost or manure around the base of the plant with an extra feed of a slow release fertilizer like growmore or bonemeal will greatly improve health and growth of the plant. If you are replanting roses you must avoid planting in the same spot as the it tends to make for sickly plants. Fruit trees should be pruned by march (not any stone fruit trees like plums or cherries, they should be done in early summer), again try to create an airy centre, a gentle prune is normally all that is required on a good shaped healthy tree. If your tree has not been pruned for a long time it will be best to stagger the pruning over two to three seasons, this reduces the stress on the tree and prevent the production of lots of sappy growth. All trees, but particularly fruit trees from keeping the base of the trunk clear of weeds and grass. An area of at least a metre is a good minimum, the grass should be removed and the area mulched with compost, bark mulch or leaf mold. This is commonly done at arboretums, trees that have been damaged or are not doing well this can give them a new lease of life. The most beneficial tree roots lie just below the surface of the soil, this means they are able to take up water and feed more efficiently. Make sure tree ties are not too tight and on a healthy tree the stake and tie should not be left on for more than a couple of years after planting. Other jobs worth doing are as follows, clear and prepare vegetable beds if the weather is dry, empty the well rotted compost on to the beds and if any is left over it can always be used under hedges to improve the soil. Consider ways of collecting rain water by utilizing down pipes with water butts beneath. Clean the greenhouse out, if you have soil beds in the greenhouse it is worth changing some if not all of the soil annually. Keep an eye on tender plants being over wintered under cover, mildew and mold can be a problem particularly on things like pelagoniums. I have been writing my article for a couple of years or so now and I find it hard not to repeat myself too much so I hope it is not too repetitive. I'm also a dab hand of leaving it to the last moment, much to the annoyance of Sally (who has to type it up). This month she has got away without having to do it as I am away in Japan and didn't manage to get it done before I left. I may be right in saying this may be the first time the magazine has had a contribution from Tokyo. I was tempted to write about Japanese gardens but Suffolk doesn't really lend itself to the oriental approach. So for the last 45mins I have had to transport myself back to Stradbroke. Happy gardening, Luke.
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Acorn Foot Health
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Page 30
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Septic Tank Emptying & domestic drains cleared & cleaned.
Fast, friendly, reliable service. (Environmental registered carrier) Call Lenny Jolly: 07905 794221
Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP
Page 31
2011 was a very busy year for me, both locally here in Suffolk and in Westminster. A particular highlight of my year was visiting the Stradbroke and District Branch of the Royal British Legion, which plays a vital role in raising funds to look after serving and ex-servicemen and women and their families. I also enjoyed my visit to Wattisham Airbase, where I had the chance to meet with members of the Anglian Regiment and to show my support for our brave Armed Forces. In Suffolk, a number of changes have taken place in the past year, including the welcome and much-needed change of leadership at Suffolk County Council, where there is now both a new leader and a new Chief Executive, who is paid about £60,000 less than Andrea Hill received before her departure. As a doctor, and as a rugby player, in my spare time, I know that teamwork is usually more effective in getting results than individual endeavour, and I am glad that the county’s MPs and county councillors, under new leader Cllr Mark Bee, are now working well together. This teamwork has already delivered a number of positive results for local residents: • One of the biggest achievements for Ipswich and Suffolk this year was the Government’s decision to award Suffolk over £11.6 million to deliver the high speed broadband network that our county has long deserved. Along with Peter Aldous, the MP for Waveney, I invested much time and effort in leading this bid in Parliament for faster, more reliable internet speeds for local businesses, families and schools. I would like to praise Suffolk County Council leader, Cllr Mark Bee, who played a vital role in putting Suffolk’s broadband bid back on track, along with Chris Soule and the Suffolk Federation of Small Businesses, and all of the small and large businesses throughout Suffolk who made sure that our county had a solid business case for high speed broadband throughout the bidding process. Other notable local successes that I have helped to achieve are: Holding the East of England Ambulance Trust to account by demanding that action to be taken to improve ambulance response times in rural areas of Suffolk. • Securing the £1.5 million of funding to re-furbish Hartismere Community Hospital in Eye, which is due to be complete in Spring 2012, and will deliver improved local healthcare outcomes for those in our rural communities, particularly the frail elderly. • Forcing the county council to develop an alternative strategy on the future of our community libraries, which is now progressing well under the new leadership of the County Council.
But there are many challenges that lie ahead, both locally and nationally, including bringing down the level of youth unemployment that has increased in Britain and across Europe. As your local MP, I am always keen to hear your views, and this year I have launched my new regular ‘In Touch’ online survey to ask people for their opinions on the most important issues at a local and national level. A new survey will be published every two months and this month. In Parliament, I am currently sitting on the House of Lords reform committee and would welcome your thoughts on the future shape of the House of Lords. I would encourage as many people as possible to let me know their views at www.intouchwithdrdan.com, or write to me at the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. You can also now follow my Twitter page, @Drdanpoulter. Finally, I would like to offer all Stradbroke Magazine readers my very best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2012. For more information please see www.drdanielpoulter.com
Letters to the Editor Terry, Tina & Jeremy Bannon would like to thank everyone who attended Doreen's funeral and for the cards, letters and donations with which £448.00 has been shared between Alzheimers society and Diabetes uk, also many thanks to Rev David Streeter. Tina The sum collected from the Children’s Society Box Opening was £353. Thank you to all the box holders, if anybody would like to have a collection box to help this worthy cause, please contact A Mills on 01379 384646. Thank you. Arlene Mills Re: Mrs Marjorie Sharp, long time resident of Church View, Stradbroke. Rosemary, Enid and Ruth would like to acknowledge the generosity of family and friends for donations given in memory of our Marj. These amounted to £875.80 for Action on Hearing Loss (formerly known as the RNID.) A wonderful tribute to a much respected local lady. Thank you one and all. Ruth Chambers
Jan 26th 27th 27th 28th 31st 31st 31st
ASCFC Beetles in Community Centre @ 7.30pm Prize Bingo iao White Hart Bowls Club in Community Centre @ 7.30 pm Bingo in Syleham village hall for SBEC Prom funds @ 8.00pm FOASC “Beat the Winter Blues Supper” in Community Centre Stradbroke Badminton Club 8 – 10 pm at SBEC & every Tuesday Contact Club in Community Centre @ 10 am & every Tuesday Bookstart Rhymetime in library @ 11.15 am & every Tuesday
Feb 1st 1st 2nd 4th 8th 9th 10th 11th 11th 11th 12th 13th 16th 16th 18th 21st 22nd 24th 24th
Table Tennis in Community Centre @ 7.15pm and every Wednesday Stradbroke Cinema in Community Centre @ 7pm (see inside for details) RBL meeting at Low House @ 11.30am Stradbroke & District Bowls Club annual dinner & presentation evening (see inside) Baptist Church Cameo Lunch Club @ 12.30 pm WI meeting in Community Centre @ 7.30pm SFC Cash Bingo in Community Centre Stradbroke Library Book Sale @ 10.00 – 12.30pm Tiddlywinks Nursery School Open Day @ 10.00am – 1.00pm Stradbroke Cricket Club ‘Horse Race Night’ in Community Centre (see inside) Stradbroke Library Book Sale @ 10.00 – 3.00pm Parish Council meeting in Community Centre @ 7.30pm Over 60s meeting in Community Centre @ 2.00 – 4.00pm Stradbroke Cinema in Community Centre @ 7pm (see inside for details) Coffee morning & cake stall in Court House for SBEC Prom funds @ 10am – 12.30pm ASCFC Beetles in Community Centre @ 7.30pm Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee @ 10.00 – 11.30 am **ARTICLES FOR FEBRUARY EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** Wilby Quiz Nite in Coronation Hall @ 7.15pm
Mar 1st 2nd 3rd 10th 10th 10th 11th 15th 17th
Over 60s meeting in Community Centre @ 2.00 – 4.00pm Stradbroke Cricket Club ‘Pop Music Quiz’ in Community Centre ASCFC Cake Stall Stradbroke & District Bowls Club ‘Pudding Party’ in Community Centre @ 7.30pm Piano Jazz in Mendham & Withersdale Village Hall @ 8.00pm One-off workshops & classes for adults @ SBEC (see inside) Piano Jazz in Mendham & Withersdale Village Hall @ 3.00pm Over 60s meeting in Community Centre @ 2.00 – 4.00pm One-off workshops & classes for adults @ SBEC (see inside)
We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’.
Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.