Supplementary Information Booklet - Village of the Year Competition

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Stradbroke Village Supplementary information accompanying our application to:

The Suffolk Village of the Year 2010 Competition

2-3 4-7 8 9 10 11 12

Stradbroke Parish Council 12th May 2010

Example of Agenda for Stradbroke Parish Council meeting. Example of Minutes from Stradbroke Parish Council meeting. Parish Plan 2009/10. Map of Parish and its footpaths. Map of Village showing places. of interest. Map of Village showing location of special initiatives. The Village Sign


Example of Agenda for Stradbroke Parish Council meeting

STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL 1 Felix Cottage, Athelington Road , Horham, IP21 5EG tel: 01379 384679 email:

YOU ARE SUMMONED TO ATTEND a MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL to be held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, STRADBROKE on MONDAY 10 MAY 2010 commencing at 7.30pm Dated this second day of May 2010 CA Smy Clerk to the Council Prior to the commencement of business TEN MINUTES WILL BE ALLOTED FOR THOSE MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WISHING TO ADDRESS THE PARISH COUNCIL TO DO SO

AGENDA 10.1.

Election of chairman for 2010/11


Chairman’s welcome


Apologies for absence


Declarations of Interest


Election of Vice Chairman


Election of Committees and Working Parties


The Minutes of last Meeting – 12 April 2010 -

10.8. 10.8.1 10.8.2 10.8.3 10.8.4 10.8.5

To receive the Financial Report & Approval of Accounts for Payment: Account Balances at 30 April 2010 Cheques for Approval Signatures for Annual Audit Report 2009/10 Signatures Reserves

10.9. 10.9.1 10.9.2 10.9.3 10.9.4 10.9.5 10.9.6 10.9.7 10.9.8 10.9.9 10.9.10 10.9.11

Matters of Report: Community Centre Report Maintenance Stradbroke Youth Club Support Group Passenger Transport Survey Wildfowl at Shelton Hill Participle Village of the Year 2010 Anti Social Behaviour/Graffiti Shelton Hill trees War Memorial Stradbroke Pool

10.10. 10.10.1

Risk Assessment: Community Centre Play Park

3 10.10.2 10.10.3 10.10.4

Westhall Play Park Cemetery Permissive Path

10.11. Parish Plan 2008/9 10.11.1 Recreational Facilities 10.11.1.i Playing Field drainage

10.12. 10.12.1

Parish Plan 2009/10 Affordable Housing

10.13. 10.13.1

Parish Plan 2010/11 Refurbishment of Churchyard Path

10.14. Parish Magazine 10.14.1.i Advertising 10.14.1.ii Editor/helpers 10.14.1.iii Maintenance 10.15. To consider any Planning Matters Applications for consideration: Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: 10.15.2 Other Planning Matters: 10.15.2.i Hedge/ditch Diss Road 10.15.2.ii Name for new development 10.15.2.iii Fennings Farm 10.15.2.iv Redevelopment 10.16. Correspondence Tabled Items 10.17.

To Receive the Clerk’s Report


To receive reports from the County & District Councillors and the Community Beat Officer. 10.18.1 County Councillor 10.18.2 District 10.18.3 Police 10.19. 10.19.1

To consider Matters of Information brought by the Chairman or Members


To receive Notice of Matters for Inclusion in the Agenda for the next Meeting of the Parish Council – 14 June 2010


Example of Minutes from a Stradbroke Parish Council meeting Minutes of the meeting of Stradbroke Parish Council held in the Community Centre, Stradbroke Monday 12 April 2010 Present: Ann Kerr; Nick Stones; Stuart Gemmill; Maureen John; Oliver Last; Mark Peacock; Mike Readman; Michael Smith; Peter Smith; In attendance: County Cllr Guy McGregor; PCSO Steven Long; PC Jacques Grotier; Carol A Smy (Clerk) 1 member of the public No items were brought to the Council’s attention in the Public Forum. Prior to the commencement of business a minute’s silence was observed for Pte James Grigg 10.1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting 10.2. Apologies for absence were received from Karen Hillen; Gerald Jenkins; Velda Lummis; Adrian Wingfield 10.3. Declarations of Interest were declared as follows: Mike Readman - item 10.5.3; Michael Smith - item 10.9.2.ii 10.4.

The Minutes of last Meeting – 8 March 2010 - were approved unanimously and signed

10.5. 10.5.1

To receive the Financial Report & Approval of Accounts for Payment: Current Account balance: £ 9,585.58 Deposit Account balance: £14,868.35 Unpresented Cheques: £ 828.89 Balance at 31 March 2010: £23,625.04 10.5.2 Cheques for Approval as per appended list. Payment was approved unanimously (proposed NS, seconded MP) and the cheques duly signed 10.5.3 Signatures were obtained from most Councillors for the new bank mandate although promisesd forms had not been sent from Barclays Bank plc. 10.6. Matters of Report: 10.6.1 Community Centre Report - Ann Kerr reported that the new board was in place. Keys were held by Mike Cane and Wendy Reeve. 10.6.2 Churchyard - Nick Stones met a representative from Waterfields and had received quotations for the repair of the path. The one offering bitumen covered with rolled-in gravel was the least expensive but also considered to be the most suitable for a rural setting. Enquiries were made about the size of gravel quoted but it was agreed that the larger size would prevent stones being trodden into the church so damage to the floor would be avoided. Another quotation had been requested but the contractor did not wish to tender for the work. The Chairman proposed accepting Waterfield’s quotation Option B - hot bitumen and stone at a cost of £1865 + VAT; seconded by Nick Stones; unanimously agreed. The Clerk was also asked to inform the PCC. Clerk to action 10.6.3 Conifers beside tennis courts - these had been dealt with satisfactorily. 10.6.4 Stradbroke Youth Club Support Group - nothing further to report. 10.6.5 Passenger Transport Survey - no further report. 10.6.6 Wildfowl at Shelton Hill - an email concerning the peacocks and now guinea fowl at Shelton Hill (copy in correspondence file) had been received. The Clerk had been in contact with RSPB and Natural England and awaited a response. It was agreed that mark Peacock would contact a gamekeeper for advice and the Clerk MP & Clerk to action would continue her research. 10.6.7 Participle - this was a private sector initiative successfully piloted in Southwark that was now to look at service provision across the county (supported by SCC). Volunteers and residents had been consulted and the results of such meetings would be analysed and the team would return to discuss the results. Although working with the County Council the organisation is an independent initiative with funding from social entrepreneurs. The team was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the amount of voluntary work undertaken in the village.


10.7. Risk Assessment: 10.7.1 Community Centre Play Park - the fence had been damaged again and it was felt best to leave it alone for the time being. 10.7.2 Westhall Play Park - Mike Smith asked the Clerk for the gadget to tighten up the see saw. Clerk to action 10.7.3 Cemetery - nothing to report 10.7.4 Permissive Path - nothing to report 10.8. Parish Plan 10.8.1 Recreational Facilities 10.8.1.i Report from meeting with Waterfields on church paths - see item 10.6.2. 10.8.1.ii Grass cutting at Playing Field - Matthew Hammond provided the cheapest quotation and was authorised to undertake the work as quickly as possible. The Cricket Club was now into the 2010 cutting programme. The Football Club had been disappointed to find that matches that should have been played at SBEC had to be forfeited as the goals and nets had been removed from the pitches. This, apparently, standard practice with SCC but the Football Club was not informed when it booked the pitches through until May. Dr Andy McLeod had been contacted and had confirmed the Playing field would not be ready for football use this spring. It was felt that there was something lacking in SBEC’s administration system which should be addressed. 10.8.2 Parish Magazine 10.8.2.i Advertising - £150 remained outstanding in advertising fees; there were two bad debts for 2009/10 (£80 of the o/s sum) and these advertisers would not be considered in the future (under any guise); 10.8.2.ii Editor/helpers - a new volunteer to help with the printing had come forward; two people had been interested in the Editor’s post and the last issue had been a three way effort between Mike, Claire and one of the volunteers. Jane Gemmill had kindly agreed to analyse the delivery of the magazine and was warmly thanked for this. 10.8.2.iii Maintenance - quotation for toner and staples from service engineer was cheaper than previous supplier and this source would be tried. 10.8.3 Housing Needs Survey - the report had been received from Suffolk ACRE and would be circulated to all Councillors via email. There had been a very positive response (over 30%) and a need ofr 7 or 8 affordable homes had been highlighted. A meeting would be arranged with Suffolk ACRE’s Housing Enabler (Sunila Osbourn), Nigel Brett from MSDC, a representative from Flagship Housing and a Working Party (Ann Kerr; Mike Readman; Stuart Clerk to action Gemmill) to investigate ways forward. 10.9. To consider any Planning Matters Applications for consideration: 0724/10 erection 2 no 130m wind turbines, electricity transformer and temporary works compound, construction of access tracks, hard standings and temporary access alterations Land alongside A140, Ipswich Road, Eye Comments would be returned to MSDC and further information requested Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: The following had planning permission granted: 0057/10 conversion of left space etc. 3 Chapel Close 10.9.2 Other Planning Matters: 10.9.2.i Hedge/ditch Diss Road - nothing further to last report that enforcement officer had undertaken a site visit and was pursuing the matter. Another similar ‘gateway’ had been opened up further along the road. Clerk to action

10.9.2.ii Pre-application site meeting 12 March 2010 1 & 2 Westhall - Mike Readman and Stuart Gemmill had attended and agreed the new, possible proposal was a far superior design to that previously submitted for consideration. The policy of reporting pre application site meetings was discussed and it was unanimously agreed that, although such items featured in the minutes, publication in the parish magazine of a pre application was not necessary as it may not translate into a full one. It was agreed that there might be occasions where publication might be useful in garnering public opinion but such cases should be treated on merit.

6 10.9.2.iii The application for two further chicken sheds at Fennings Farm is to go to the Planning Committee on Weds 14 April. No one was free to attend 10.9.2.iv letters from Steve Lee and MSDC concerning the naming of the private road to the rear of Doggetts. See also letter from MSDC. The Council felt the proposed name - ‘The Glade’ was rather too suburban for a rural village and historic local connections should be retained. ‘Doggetts’ Way’ was proposed as being appropriate but before a final decision was made Mike Readman would consult the tithe map and any other relevant suggestions could be discussed at the next meeting. MR to action

10.10. Correspondence 10.10.1 SALC - LAIS Planning Issues 10.10.2 SCC - Suffolk Spring Clean Fortnight is to be take place from 29 March to 11 April. Although past the date does the PC wish to take part? 10.10.3 Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership - a reminder that PCs have a key role to play in the conservation of biodiversity. Information on SBP website ref obligations and community projects 10.10.4 SCC - Parish Grass Cutting 2010 - 2 cuts will be paid for (3 in exceptional circumstances). Gerald to agreed paths etc. Clerk has confirmed Stradbroke will be taking part. 10.10.5 HOME START - information and request for funding (filed to appropriate meeting of Finance Working Party) 10.10.6 Suffolk ACRE - Community Initiative Awards 2010 - any suggestions? 10.10.7 Alliance & Leicester Bank plc - details of name changeover to Santander Tabled Items: SALC information; MSDC Council Tax & financial information; MSDC advertising protocol (signs); flood information; SALC courses calendar; notes on APMs and AMPCs 10.11. To Receive the Clerk’s Report 10.11.1 Village of the Year - application pack received. The Council agreed to submit an entry for this year’s competition. If an entry were to proceed the submission document would be a concerted effort with input from Parish Councillors and the first judging should include as many organisations as possible to portray the variety of interests and activities available in the village and its true community spirit. 10.11.2 Energy Saving Trust - the Parish Council can join and be provided with advice and support in greening the community; advice on funding; free training courses; free consultancy; help with calculating the village’s carbon footprint. The Clerk was asked to join. 10.11.3 Standing Orders - NALC has now published the revised version. Part 2 available on line from SALC at no cost. Complete hard copy costs £23. Part 2 gives the model standing orders. 10.11.4 Trees bordering churchyard - Clerk was contacted by resident stating that the trees are overhanging the pavement and would it be possible for them all to be cut back somewhat? The Clerk was asked to speak to Luke Heydon and take his advice. 10.11.5 Anthills - when these are removed it will be necessary for the topsoil to be removed from the cemetery. It was suggested it might be distributed on agricultural land ie in corners. Oliver Last would take the top soil if required. The Clerk would obtain definite quotations. 10.11.6 Telephone kiosk graffiti - Clerk was visited by PC Grotier and PCSO Long delivering a letter from a young boy who had tagged the kiosk. Clerk to respond. 10.11.7 Trevor - showed outstanding consideration for James Grigg’s family. He telephoned the Clerk last week to ask if it would be all right for him to work a double shift on Monday 12th to clear the paths around and within the churchyard in preparation for James’s funeral. As this had not occurred to the Clerk at this time it was an extremely welcome call. Clerk will write to thank Trevor formally. Also, Clerk will write to Alan Flatman to thank him for filling in the potholes at the cemetery entrance. This was requested at the last minute and Alan agreed straight away to help and have the area more level before the rehearsal. 09.11.8 Parish Liaison Meeting - the Chairman and Clerk attended. Topics covered were sheltered housing; gypsy sites; 2011 elections. Wardens were being downscaled and would no longer be resident on site at all facilities; traveller sites have to be provided but are generally set closer to major road networks; provision should be made for possible election costs next year (circa £2 per elector). There was reserve funding that could be used and then retrospectively included in the precept for 2011/12.



To receive reports from the County & District Councillors and the Community Beat Officer. 10.12.1 County Councillor - Cllr McGregor gave a brief report. He stated that there had been more money than expected for pot hole repairs and the work would be undertaken to as high a standard as possible. The bus was now running from Laxfield through Stradbroke to Diss and it was hoped more use would be made of public transport. Next year the County Council would be taking over responsibility for concessionary fares. Cllr McGregor wished to hold a meeting with the Parish Council and schools to discuss the future of education in Stradbroke. Funding for the care of the vulnerable would have to be carefully assessed very soon. 10.12.2 District Councillor - Cllr Gemmill presented a brief report on the likely expansion of joint working with Babergh Council. It was stressed that this would require some negotiation as the two district councils had very different ways of working. MSDC supported the proposal for a gym facility at the pool and it was hoped that, subject to planning permission, the work could be completed by the end of 2010. Cllr Gemmill announced he had been voted Chairman Elect of MSDC and was warmly congratulated on this achievement. 10.12.3 Police - PCSO Long was pleased to report that there had been no crime in the village since the last meeting.

10.13. To consider Matters of Information brought by the Chairman or Members 10.13.1 Reminder : Annual Parish Meeting - 29 April 2010 @7.30pm 10.13.2 War Memorial - it was unanimously agreed that Pte James Grigg’s name should be added to the War Memorial before Remembrance Sunday 2011. The Clerk was asked to research appropriate wording and then a meeting would be held with James’s parents to find the most suitable place for engraving. The Clerk had been in touch with Perfitts and they would be honoured to undertake the work. Clerk to action 10.13.3 Waste Bin - a top had been procured for the spare bin and this would be sited at the Playing field shortly. It was agreed another dog bin at the village end of the Permissive Path was not required. 10.13.4 Fitness Track - the dedication/information sign had been damaged following the recent repair (truck damage); Peter Smith and Gerald Jenkins had repaired the sign. The track would be formally opened on 08 may 2010 with a Fun and Fitness morning from 10am to 12 noon. 10.13.5 Trees at Shelton Hill and bad language being used in the vicinity of the Fish and Chip van - the Clerk had reported the trees and had been told they would be inspected and dealt with as required. The bad language had been reported to PCSO Steve Long and he had been asked to make his presence know at the optimum time. Councillors reported that they had found levels of bad language decreased. The Clerk was asked to follow these items up again. Clerk to action 10.13.6 Graffiti - the Clerk was asked to report to PCSO Long that there was graffiti on the rear of the Community Centre building and to check if this was related to the telephone kiosk incident.


To receive Notice of Matters for Inclusion in the Agenda for the next Meeting of the Parish Council – 10 May 2010 10.14.1 Road naming 10.14.2 Village of the Year competition

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.40 hrs


10 May 2010


Parish Plan 2009/2010


Improvement in Churchyard

Install new drainage on Playing Field



Remove two conifers Create wild life area Plant two yew trees

LEAD ORGANISATION PARTNER MSDC and Tree Warden and Church PC Authorities PC Tree Warden PC Tree Warden

Refurbish paths


Appoint consultant Draw up specification Invite tenders Appoint contractor


Form working party including sports clubs Apply for grant funding Draw up agreement with Cricket and Football Clubs re future use and maintenance Undertake work



Preliminary assessment of work PC Final assessment and sign off Housing Need



Consider results


Form a working party to take project forward



Meeting at MSDCto be confirmed PC Improvement to Community Centre Car Park

Consultant Consultant Consultant Cricket Club, Football Club, Stradbroke Charitable Trust Cricket Club Cricket and Football Clubs Consultant & Contractor Consultant Consultant & Contractor

Draw up plan to white line car park to increase space for parking PC Invite tenders PC Agree a contractor Mark out area for continuation of running track PC Mark out white lines for parking

Current status

Undertaken Undertaken Undertaken

Next financial year

Invite Suffolk Acre to PC meeting PC Agree format of questionnaire Deliver questionnaire to every household


Contractor & tender agreed, work to start jun 2010

Undertaken Undertaken Undertaken Undertaken

Undertaken Undertaken

Undertaken Undertaken Undertaken Mar/Apr 2010 - minor remedial work Reviewed in May2010 final review Aug/Sep 2010

Sign off in Aug/Sep 2010

Undertaken PC and Suffolk ACRE Stradbroke Post Office PC and Suffolk ACRE PC, MSDC, Housing Association (Flagship) and Suffolk ACRE PC, MSDC, Housing Association (Flagship) and Suffolk ACRE

Undertaken Undertaken Undertaken

First meeting to be held next year

Meeting held 11th May 2010

Agrred to meet atMSDCwith Planning Policy officers and Planners to scope potential sites and issues

Taking place May/Jun2010

Undertaken Undertaken Undertaken To be done on 5th May 2010 To be done on 5th May 2010

completed 7th May completed 7th May


Map of the Parish and its Footpaths


Map of Village showing places of interest (pictures and history courtesy of Stradbroke Local History Group)

1 - All Saints Church in 1864

2 - The Corn Hall c 1880 before it became the Court House which then became the Library

1 – All Saints Church and Churchyard 2 – The Court House (Library) 3 – Westhall open space and play area 4 – Stradbroke Primary School 5 - Town House 6 – The Fire Station 7 – Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College 8 - The Recreation Ground Community Centre, Medical Centre,Tennis Courts, Play Area, Swimming Pool, Cricket and Football pitches, Fitness Track, Bowls Green 9 – The Baptist Church 10 – The Cemetery

4- Stradbroke School opens 1863

5 - Town House as it was in 1865

9 – The Baptist Church built in 1841

8 – The Swimming Pool when it was just a few bricks...

7 –Stradbroke Secondary Modern School was opened in 1959 by the Countess of Stradbroke. It later became Stradbroke High School and today is the excellent “Stradbroke Business and Enterprise College”

6 – Stradbroke’s First Fire Engine in 1834


Map of Village showing location of special initiatives

1 – Wildlife area in the Churchyard, Footpath resurfacing 2 – Permissive Path to the cemetery 3 - Wildlife and wild flower areas in the cemetery 4 – Westhall open space and play area, Play equipment and planting 5 - The Recreation Ground Community Centre – floor resurfacing, new signage, SureStart Medical Centre – additional consulting room and access Dental Van Swimming Pool development of Gymnasium facility Drainage scheme for Cricket and Football pitches, New pitch for youth football Fitness Track, Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Stradbroke’s Village Sign - 1968

In 2010, the “Spirit of service to the community” is stronger than ever... and we are still the ”VILLAGE WITH A PROUD HISTORY”


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