£1 where sold
July 2013 No.393
Courthouse Update The first phase of building work in the Courthouse is nearly finished and has seen a door and hatch built between the Library and Courthouse Room as well as refurbishment of the room including new lighting, redecoration, new heating and secondary glazing. The consultation on future use of the building showed considerable support for a community café and plans are now being made to open a café. Phase 2 of the redevelopment of the building is also being planned which is hoped to see the toilets and kitchen refurbished and the upstairs room converted for use as studio space for Radio Stradbroke and a reading room for local history resources. The courthouse support group has incorporated to become a charitable company and has become a formal member of Suffolk Libraries giving us a vote in choosing the Board and making other key decisions about the library service. Free public wifi has been installed in the building allowing users to bring their own phones, laptops and tablets to the Courthouse. Once all the first phase work is complete we will be holding an exhibition about the history of the building. James Hargrave, Vice-Chair, Stradbroke Courthouse and Library Trust
Village Archive SLHG have collected the village archive over the past 14 years but on the sale of The Priory it is necessary for the archive to move elsewhere. It is proposed that part of the collection remains in the village under licence and a submission has gone to The Court house and Library Trust for their consideration. The remaining documents we hope to house at The Suffolk Records Office where they can be stored and cared for correctly. SLHG have contacted them for help and advice. We are very aware that this collection only exists through the generosity of donors and would not wish to include their donation against their wishes. To this end we ask that any donor who is not happy with the above contact Ann Readman at The Priory, Doctors Lane, IP21 5HU. Ann Readman
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.
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Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk
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A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. July Diary Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am 7th J. Ling 14th G. Catling 21st Rev G. Lee 28th J. Ling We welcome you to join us --- our activities for July: Praying together Monday Cameo Lunch Club Wednesday Youth Club Friday Drop in for coffee Wednesday Home based Bible study Wednesday Youth Club Friday
1st 10th 12th 24th 24th 26th
7.30pm 12:30pm 7.30pm 10am – 11.30am 7:30pm 7.30pm
Many hands make light work. Too many cooks spoil the broth. At the June Cameo lunch club after a really good meal the thirty plus guests, instead of the usual quiz, were invited to recall and write down any proverbs they could remember. Working in teams friends dug deep into their collective memories and came up with a wide range of sayings: some were obviously sayings handed down in particular families, or originated in different areas of the country. The idea of proverbs or wise sayings is very much found in the Bible. Part of the scriptures are normally called the Wisdom Books. Many profound quotes cast light on human life, including; • A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man give thought to his steps. • A good name is better than riches. • When words are many sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. • Do not boast about tomorrow for you don’t know what a day will bring forth. • Do not ask ‘Why were the old days better’. It is not wise to ask such questions. The last quote is very appropriate: as we age it appears that we spend an increasing amount of time looking back, often seeing through ‘rose coloured spectacles’ which make us assume that all our yesterdays were much better than today. Why do we look back?. Is it because we are fearful of the unknown future? The Bible which suggests that it is not wise to ask ‘Why were the old days better’? also promises that the Loving God who has kept us in the past will equally be with us in the future. The Bible tells us…..“I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future”. WANTED Our volunteers do a fantastic job in providing an excellent meal each month but would like more help in food preparation, serving and washing up. Can you help? ‘Many hands make light work’. For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :- 07749445531
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Family Service
11.00 am Led by Jennifer; Address: Rev Peter Followed by Coffee/Tea 14th July Holy Communion 8.00 am Led by Rev Susan BCP 21st July Parish Communion 11.00 am Led by Rev Peter Followed by Coffee/Tea th 28 July Holy Communion 8.00 am Led by Margaret Norris Informal service 5.00 pm Led by Rev Susan Join us for tea and cake first. 4th August Family Service 11.00am Led by Jennifer Address Rev Susan rd Please note the 1st & 3 Sunday services are now earlier, at 11.00am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The coins on the wall and cake stall raised a magnificent sum of £229.22. Thanks to Michael Ellis and Janet for their help. June 30th, the Gardens are open, 11am – 6pm. Maps, Teas and Raffle at the church, £2.50 per person. Children are free. Then, on July 27th we have the Great Potato Weigh In at the Village Show, details from R. Copping 2pm – 4pm. August 10th is the Garage Trail. Names to M Ellis A.S.A.P. , must be in a week before. £5 per garage. Maps from M Ellis at Pump Cottage, 50p. Early Note: We are having a Celebration of the Pumpkin on 26th October in the Church. Come and carve out a face, eat some goodies and much more. Details later. We are hoping that the school children will be part of this. Pumpkin recipes would be welcome later on. Just give it some thought, we welcome any suggestions. Have a lovely summer and hope to see you at the various functions that we put on. Mary Ellis
A Message from Rev Susan Dear Friends & Neighbours I hope that when you read this the sun will be shining and we will all be feeling the benefit of warmer days. It is amazing how the weather affects our sense of well-being. Some of us are fairly even natured but others of us have lots of peaks and troughs; we are so very unique. I was thinking about this as after a good encouraging few days my mood sank into my boots and I didn’t really know why. I am so thankful that faith doesn’t depend on my mood; no matter how I feel, I know deep within me that there is a God who not only created the world but he loves me - just as I am. However, he loves me too much to leave me as I am and constantly calls me forward, gives me grace and encourages me to do better. Jesus tells the story of a woman who wouldn’t give up: In a town there was once a judge who didn’t fear God or care about people. In that same town there was a widow who kept going to the judge and saying, “Make sure that I get fair treatment in court.” For a while the judge refused to do anything. Finally, he said to himself, “Even though I don’t fear God or care about people, I will help this widow because she keeps on bothering me. If I don’t help her, she will wear me out.” The Lord said: Think about what that crooked judge said. Won’t God protect his chosen ones who pray to him day and night? Won’t he be concerned for them? He will surely hurry and help them. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find on this earth anyone with faith? If you are feeling low today, count your blessings, and then ask God to lift your spirit, and give you a thankful heart. I think you will find your spirit lifting whatever the weather. God bless Rev. Susan
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Parish Pump!
MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 10 June 2013 No matters were brought to the Council’s attention during the time allocated for the Public Forum PLANNING: Applications for consideration: 1148/13 change of use Land to the east of Mill Lane 1456/13 erection of a one and half storey dwelling and alterations to the parking and turning area
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 8th July 2013 7.30pm At the Community Centre
Land at 4 Westhall
Approval recommended for both the above applications (1148/13 unanimous; 1456/13 majority vote c/w 1 abst.) Response to planning applications considered since the last meeting of the Parish Council: Refusal recommended for: 0750/13 Change of use Ebdens’Farm, Pixey Green Approval recommended for: 0816/13 Proposed erection of agricultural 3 bedroom two storey detached dwelling Havensfield Farm, Fressingfield Road Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Approval granted for: 0948/13 replacement of windows and doors. Repair of 1 window. Remove and re-render to whole of dwelling Hartfield House, Church Street 0821/13 erection of replacement cartlodge with utility/boot room link extension, new front porch, re-cladding of barn with raising of lean-to roof pitch to barn North Lane Farm, Pixey Green 0822/13 LBC for the above Applications refused planning permission: 0485/13 proposed pig building & straw/muck store – phase 1 Havensfield Farm, Fressingfield Road 0484/13 proposed pig building & associated hard-standing – phase 2 Havensfield Farm, Fressingfield Road Full details of all planning applications can be found on MSDC’s website or via the Clerk. OTHER BUSINESS: DIRECTORY: it is hoped that everyone received a copy of the Directory with last month’s edition of the magazine. If you did not, please contact the Clerk. And…if you thought there were any additions or amendments to be made do get in touch so these can be dealt with when the next Directory is planned. LIBRARY AND COURT HOUSE: things progress, still slowly! Don’t forget free wi-fi is now available. KERB AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE: requests had been received to extend the painting of the curved kerb which illuminated the corner. This would be done. POLICE REPORT: there had been 1 reported crime since the last meeting: an assault that was currently under investigation. SPEED WATCH: two steps forward and one back here! A volunteer from the Laxfield team had withdrawn and so numbers were again insufficient. Cllr Guy McGregor agreed to use his good offices to try to move the project along and, as Stradbroke’s volunteers were keen to begin, it was important to keep up the momentum. This has been painfully slow but it was hoped that, with the co-ordinator being from Stradbroke and the village’s volunteers still available, the scheme could begin very soon. **********STREET LIGHTS AND COMMUNITY CENTRE CAR PARK********** As previously reported in the magazine the Parish Council is sourcing a loan to pay for the upgrading of the street lights and the re-surfacing of the car park at the Community Centre. STREET LIGHTS: This will cost in the region of £29,000 but once upgraded responsibility for the lights will be transferred to SCC and the Parish Council will no longer have to bear any costs. The new lights will be on sensors so that running costs can be reduced. CAR PARK: Complaints have been received about the state of the surface and the number of potholes and the danger they create. The cost of re-surfacing will be iro £44,000 but MSDC will be contributing a sizeable amount of this. A loan is to be sought to cover the costs of the above works so that all can be completed at once, rather than limping along with ‘make do and mend’ repairs. This loan will be paid off over ten years and a small rise in the precept (£1,500) will be necessary to supplement the amount currently in the budget for street light maintenance and running costs for this period. If you have any comments to make about the proposed work and/or the means of financing it please advise the Clerk, by telephone, email or letter no later than 08 July 2013. The next meeting of the Parish Council: 08 July 2013 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679email: clerkspc@thesmys.com **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**
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Page 8
Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk
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Life in the Legion For our June monthly meeting at Laxfield, the speaker was a retired architect from Redlingfield, Neville Butcher, who spoke on “Military Architecture in Times Past” which was of great interest to the members, and I gave the vote of thanks on their behalf. Our annual Coffee Morning, with stalls, sideshows and a raffle, is on Saturday, 13th July at 10.00am at Thirkettle Cottage, Queen Street, by kind invitation of Sam and Alison Hackett. Members have received a reminder, but everyone is welcome at this event in support of our funds. Branch officers attended an H Group meeting at Fressingfield Sports Pavilion on Thursday, 20th June arranged the village RBL. Our next meeting is on Thursday, 11th July, at 11.30 am, at the Laxfield King’s Head. Michael Burton, Chairman
W.I This was the Topsy Turvy evening where non committee members ran the proceedings with the joyous intent of being as different as possible. For this evening only Jane Gemmill was Madam President , Prue Rush was secretary, Caroline Traylen, wearing a very elegant hat, was Greeter in Chief and Jennifer Chetwynd did everything else. The evening started with Jane thanking everyone for coming and wishing them goodbye safe journey home followed by a vote of thanks given by Dianne Maynard. Next came the safety advice with the T.T committee doing an elegant impression of air stewardesses demonstrating the fire exits. Ready for a break now the members were offered tea, coffee and after eight mints all of which were consumed before 8.pm. Now the games started and the ladies were asked to put newspaper pages back into correct numerical order and after much shuffling and shifting the game was completed and sweeties were awarded to the winners. Continuing on the newspaper theme the members found themselves flapping papers at paper fish to move them along a short race course and amidst much laughter and heavy breathing the game was won and again the sweets and lollipops were awarded. At this point the committee donned hats or fascinators and the business of the evening was conducted as elegantly as the giggles would allow. Jennifer as our delegate to the National AGM gave a full and informative report concluding with the advice from our leaders not to take ourselves too seriously, this the committee felt , they had succeeded in doing .The usual birthday posies were replaced with little baskets of fruit and the posy for the top table was a basket of grapes all of which were consumed by the end of the evening. Congratulations to Jane Merritt who won the competition which was judged by all members, and the most useless article was a wooden cone designed to fix and hold the tops of canes into a wigwam structure for the garden but as no more than 2 canes would stay in place at any one time it was voted most useless article. Two more games followed and judging by the noise and laughter all were enjoyed and so the members were allowed to leave at the end of a Topsy Turvy evening with our thanks for being good sports . The next meeting will be on July 11th in the community centre for an evening of Midsummer Madness. Prue Rush
Friends of All Saints Church The Elegant Safari Supper is on Saturday, 10th August, starting at 6.30 pm at Frythe Barn, the home of Don and Carol Darling; we will all be meeting up again for desserts & coffee! The route through the jungle that we are planning for the event is well advanced; tickets are £25 each and limited in number. If you would like to take part in this three-course safari around several village locations, in aid of the fabric fund of All Saints Church, please contact Margaret Streeter on 384869. Your route-map will be supplied on receipt of a £25 hunting fee! There will be a vegetarian option available. Margaret Streeter, m.streeter@btinternet.com
Wingfield and District Gardening Club On 22nd May we had a fascinating visit to Furze House at Rushall where Phillip and Christine Greenacre had made a garden from scratch, collecting plants from all over the British Isles and France. These were not just the usual varieties, but really different forms of our familiar garden plants and even a Giant Redwood. The polytunnels were full of cuttings for future use and tender plants waiting to be put out into the main garden. This garden is open on 3rd & 4th August for The National Garden Scheme. In July we are visiting a garden nearby to see the gardens at Skeetsmere House, Needham, the home of Rose and Phillip Martin. We meet there at 10am and may also see beautiful paintings of flowers on silk painted by Rose. For further information contact Caroline on 01379 384674
Lottery Bonus Winners 43 B Whiting, 9 E Shelford, 14 D Bickers, 27 B Elliott. £24 donated to District Bowls Club, £48 donated to White Hart Bowls Club and £24 donated to the Church. Mary Ellis
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Stradbroke High School Salter’s Festival of Chemistry Industry is constantly telling us that not enough scientists are coming through the educational system. Four young pupils from Stradbroke High School were recently on a mission to change that at the UEA. The four Year 8s: Rebekah Frost, Daniel Gibbs, Courtney Chilvers and Sam Hurren were up against pupils from fifteen other schools in the region. There were two challenges in the Salter’s Festival of Chemistry Day; both had to be completed without teacher help. The first was an ‘Iodine Clock’ experiment which the team finished on time – but did not win. The second however, which was a forensic exercise, showed that our team of intrepid scientists can outperform the best. Congratulations to all four (and perhaps a little praise to their teachers). Mrs McKinna, one of their teachers said “Stradbroke is a small school, but Science is strong here and the pupils are enthusiastic. Any of these top-set pupils have the ability to go all the way in the scientific world”. Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH) The Friends of the School have just purchased a wooden pavilion using money raised from recent quizzes and scrap metal collections. The School Council, with representatives from each class requested the purchase and the structure will be used as an outside classroom or more likely, somewhere to go outside when it’s raining. In September FOSH are running a Classic Car and Bike Show at the school – it should be a good day out, and if it rains, shelter is provided. Lawrie Hammond
Stradbroke High School Classic Car/Bike Show Stradbroke High School will be hosting their second Classic Car/Bike Show on Saturday September 7th from 10.30am until 3pm. There are no registration fees for exhibitors and forms are available from ww.stradbrokehigh.co.uk. There will also be a wide variety of local craft stalls plus a BBQ and other refreshments. Entry to see the show is £3 for adults and £2 for children. We look forward to seeing you there. For more information call Linda James on 01379 388573. Wendy Cook
Stradbroke Guides Stradbroke Guides are now coming to the end of their 3rd year and what a way to celebrate with our recent panto debut with Peter Pan!! We are amazingly proud of ALL our girls who worked their socks off and showed inspiring commitment to a project where everyone had a role to play; from costume design and making, set designing and painting, stage management, ticket sales and front of house to the actresses on made us laugh and smile during the performance! As an added bonus everyone who supported us on Thursday night helped raise an amazing £340!!!! Our most successful event yet! We are privilege to have a fabulous community unit, may it long continue. We will be treating the guides to a well deserved day out later this year with some of the money raised. Thoughts for the future... as our guide unit grows we want to offer the girls more opportunities and space to store equipment is becoming a necessity, our dream would be to have our own Guide/Brownie/Rainbow Building -but it's a big project that we need someone who has time to research the possibility. If this could be you please get in touch stradbrokeguides@yahoo.co.uk. Have a lovely summer! Many thanks, Candice & Rachel - Leaders of the 1st Stradbroke Guides.
Stradbroke Primary School This week the children have been enjoying special event days. While our youngest children enjoyed a “Punch and Judy” show at the pyramid Infant Activity Day, KS2 pupils had a special “China day” which described below. China Day was great fun. It was inspiring because we made kites, scented bags and lanterns and shuttlecocks! The food tasting was really nice (except for the celery!) We loved using chopsticks– it was a good experience because we have never done it before. Overall it was a fun day where we got to have a taste of the orient and have a good time with children from other classes. By Brandon and Lee Year 6
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Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 07501336499 at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.
Email: crcmx5@gmail.com www.mx5expert.com
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1st Fressingfield Scout Group Summer is well and truly here – can someone please tell the weather: I trust you have had a good half term and while the weather is more like October than June – scouting at 1st Fressingfield kicks off with another packed half term of activities. In the next couple of months we have camps, climbing, swimming, shooting, night hikes, motorsports, treasure hunts, cooking, archery, assault course, bowling, golf, games and much much more. Old Boys (and girls) network launch: Section Support Assistant with the Pioneer Scout Troop, Michael Knights has launched the 1st Fressingfield Scout Group Old Boys (and girls) network. We are now looking for former scouts that may be of a certain age who would like to support the group. If you know of a former scouter who would like to join the Old boys network please drop Michael a line at: daganyafarm@tiscali.co.uk Cross Dartmoor Challenge – for the HQ Development fund: A team of Leaders and Explorers are planning to complete the cross Dartmoor challenge in August – starting on the North Devon coast traveling over the top of Dartmoor and reaching the seaside town on Torquay on the South coast in just three days – more details later. For those of you who require something with less miles how about signing up for our ’Three Cakes Challenge’ interested? More details after the summer holiday! Marquee available: Did you know that the Scout Group has its own marquee (20ft by 30ft) traditional style marquee that can be loaned to individuals for a contribution of £150 per day/weekend. The marquee can be delivered and collected from the locality. We help in its erection and striking – although a team of four is needed from the hirer. If you are interested in using our marquee email Andrew: andrew.aaldersdunthorne@talk21.com Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne Mobile: 07908 262623
Over 60s On 30th May we went on a day trip to Hoveton Hall and Wroxham. The timing was just right, the azaleas were out in full bloom, they were amazing, so many different colours. We will be holding a special Strawberry Tea afternoon on 20th June at 2pm where Dougie will be playing the organ for us. We will then be looking forward to organising a Tombola Stall on the green at the Stradbroke Festival on Saturday 29th June. We hope the weather is kind to us all. Our July meetings will be Thursday 4th and 18th at 2pm in the Community Centre. In addition, we have a trip to Sheringham on the 11th July. If you would like to share our day out, there are spare seats available. The cost will be £7.00 each, leaving the Community Centre at 10am. We should be back around 6pm. To book, ring Joan on 388723 or Jean on 384563 Joan Grimes
Stradbroke Library Stradbroke library is hosting an exciting book launch on Friday 5th July at 6.30pm. ‘Echoes From the Lost Ones’ is compelling and original and haunts your imagination with its pure inventiveness and excitement. It is aimed at older teenagers and is the first book in a trilogy ‘The Song of Forgetfulness’, written by Nicola McDonagh. Nikki won the Suffolk Book League short story competition in 2011. Come along It will be a really good evening.
SUMMER READING CHALLENGE 2013. 2013 The theme for the summer Reading Game this year is;
‘CREEPY HOUSE’ There’s a spine-tingling adventure waiting for children when they take part in the Summer Reading challenge this year. They can join our adventures as they explore the CREEPY HOUSE, simply by reading 6 books over the summer holidays from the library. They can discover the secrets of the CREEPY HOUSE and meet some of the hairraising residents. Are you brave enough to explore ‘The Awful Upstairs’, ‘The Gruesome Ground Floor and ‘The Spine-tingling Cellar’??? You can come to the library and pre-register on Sunday 21st July and the Reading Game starts in earnest from Wednesday 24th July. There are CREEPY bookmarks, stickers, keyrings and fridge magnets to collect as you progress through the game. For all those who finish the CREEPY HOUSE challenge, there will be a presentation of medals and certificates at our party in September. BE THERE IF YOU DARE…. Maureen John, Library Manager
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Forthcoming Events
Youth Club Youth Club at Stradbroke Baptist Church (see Baptist Church page for dates) for all at High School & 6th Form. 11 – 18 years old. 7:30 – 9-30pm. £1 entrance fee – includes free hot drink. Tuck shop, games, crafts, cookery and more. Somewhere safe to hang out with friends, have fun and relax, and make new friends. For information call Graham 01728 628303 or Bev 01379 586731.
Stradbroke Church Village Show 27th July 2013. I still have buckets and potatoes for the heaviest crop grown in a bucket. Cost 50p. Available from 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke. Schedules available from the bakery shop and the Spar store. If you have any enquiries, please contact Roly Copping on 01379 384839. Roly Copping
Wingfield Barns Midweek Movies Wingfield Barns are bringing more Midweek Movies to you over the summer season. All screenings will be on Wednesdays with 1.30 matinee and 7.30 evening screenings unless notified. 10th July Hitchcock (12A) A love story between influential filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock and wife Alma Reville during the filming of Psycho in 1959. Starring Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins. 24th July Lincoln (12A) As the Civil War continues to rage, America's President struggles with continuing carnage on the battlefield and as he fights with many inside his own cabinet on the decision to emancipate the slaves. Oscar winning performance by Danial Day-Lewis. Tickets are £5 on the door . Refreshments are available with a fully licensed bar open in the evening. Free car parking. Wingfield barns is located on Church road Wingfield IP21 4RB tel 01379 384505. Lorraine Beedham
Heveningham Hall Country Fair with Wings & Wheels July 6th and 7th is the date for this year’s Heveningham Hall Country Fair, which this year is combining with the Halesworth Lions Wings and Wheels and offering two full days of entertainment for young and old. Family tickets for just £25.00 (2 adults and 3 children) purchased in advance £30.00 on the day. Adults £8.00 in advance or £10.00 on the day, Children 5-14 £4.00 or £5.00 on the day and Concessions (60 or disabled) £6.00 or £8.00 on the day. Under 5’s and dogs FREE!. More information at www.countryfair.co.uk All proceeds to charities. So come and join in the fun! Claire Dunford
Stradbroke Tuesday Summer Walks 2013 Do join us for three guided summer rambles on Tuesday evenings along our local footpaths. All are welcome. There is no need to book, just come along. If you do not know where our local paths are, this is a very good way to find out. Each walk starts from the Community Centre at 6.45 p.m. promptly. Walk 1. Tuesday July 2nd at 6.45 p.m. An evening walk to Doggets and the Battlesea Green Area (3.5 miles). Walk 2. Tuesday July 9th at 6.45 p.m. An evening walk past Stradbroke Mill out to Pixey Green and then back by a different way returning via Drapers Hill and exploring the paths to the north-east of the village. (4.5 miles). Walk 3. Tuesday July 16th at 6.45 p.m A newer route to Denham on Malcolm Easey's land, past the Llamas and Alpacas and back via Denham Church and Thorpe Hall. (7.5 Miles). Footpath Warden: Gerald Jenkins (384 825)
Local history Group There will be a meeting at Valley Farm at 10:00 am on 4th July for the members of SLHG to discuss the dispersal and housing of the village archive. Anne Readman
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Scott J Regan Chimney Sweeping & Window Cleaning Professional. Clean & Qualified Service Member of the Guild of Master Sweeps Membership no. REG-25-463 Telephone Number :-01379 678537. Mobile Number :- 07962 207846. Email: chimneysweep@occold.com
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Vine House, Church Hill, Hoxne, Eye Suffolk, IP21 5AT THAT CHAIR, SETTEE, ANY TYPE OF UPHOLSTERY SOFT FURNISHINGS, curtains, blinds, cushions, etc. FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION
Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206
Forthcoming Events
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Radio Stradbroke Radio Stradbroke will lie down, even for the Summer. At time of going to press, weather forecasts are being scrutinized in readiness for the Ivy House Music Day in aid of the East Anglian Air Ambulance. The Monthly Music Night is proving a hit. The next one is: Wednesday 17th July Battle of the Bands Wallys World of Glam Rock. DJ Wally unmasks the great & the good of an era when dressing up was obligatory, & the music was of its time, yet timeless. 8pm to 11pm. Log on www.stradbroke.org.uk Despite weather conditions that varied between sunshine & showers at frequent intervals, the third Music Day at the Ivy House was a great success, thanks to the dedication of the staff at the Ivy House, the Radio Stradbroke crew, the audience, & the musical acts. The raffle raised £135 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance, to add to donations from customers, who enjoyed the main act ‘Something Happened’, and particularly the talented local musicians who gave up their time, ‘Teenage Brass’, ‘Florence & Emily’, ‘Jack Stevens’, and ‘Tell Her’. The whole event was broadcast by Radio Stradbroke. For pictures & podcasts visit www.stradbroke.org.uk Michael Hugman
RBL Coffee morning The annual Royal British Legion Coffee Morning will be at Thirkettle's Cottage, Queen Street, by kind invitation of Sam and Alison Hackett, on Saturday, 13th July. David Streeter
NGS Gardens Open for Charity The ngs is a national organisation raising money for charity. This year, the garden at Frythe Barn, Wilby Rd. Stradbroke will be open on the 7th July and 8th September from 1-5pm. Teas served, wheelchair access, dogs welcome. Please come along and support us. Below are some of the charities that receive donations from the scheme: Help the Hospices, The Queens Nursing Institute, Marie Curie Cancer Care and National Trust. Carol Darling
Bordahoppa Our outings are run on Mondays throughout the year. To enjoy a day out on one of our outings, you will need to become a member. This just involves filling in a simple application form which is available by calling our office on 01379 854800. Our next outings are: Mon 1st July – Stowmarket & lunch at The White Horse, Stoke Ash. - £12 (lunch extra) Mon 8th July – Felixstowe. - £18 Mon 15th July – Waveney Stardust, Horning. - £23 (includes boat trip) Mon 22nd July – Aldeburgh & Thorpeness. - £17 Mon 29th July – Lowestoft. - £15 Mon 5th Aug – Rushall Gardens with lunch. - £23 (includes entrance to the garden, lunch, tea & cake). Lucy Sharpe
Stradbroke Cinema The first film of the new season will be on Thursday, 19th September. The list of titles has yet to be released for us to choose from. We look forward to your attendance. Margaret Streeter, Secretary
Events at Wingfield Barns Fitness Classes Mondays -
Full Body Fitness 6.30 to 7.25 Holistic Fitness 7.30 to 8.25 Thursdays Fitness For Life 10.00 to 10.55 For further details ring Emily on 07946 353731 International Mini Print Exhibition Saturday 27th July to Tuesday 3rd September Thursday to Sunday 10 - 4, or by appointment. Summer Activity days for Children of Primary School Age (5 -11) Friday 26th July, Monday 29th July, Monday 19th August, Tuesday 20th August, Tuesday 27th August, Wednesday 28th August: 10am – 4pm £10 per child per day. Sue Preston 01379 384505 enquiries@wingfieldbarns.com
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News and Views
Wilby School Vintage Summer Fair 2013 We would like to invite everyone to join us at our Wilby Vintage Summer Fair which is being held between 11.30am - 2.00pm on Saturday, 6th July in the school field. We are trying to make the fair as traditional as possible with lots of fun, activities & prizes for both adults & children, which includes:Grand Draw with luxury hampers and £100.00 John Lewis vouchers to win, other prizes include a portrait commission from Paul Podhorski, adult & child bikes, £20.00 voucher for the Crown in Brundish, Fiona Patrick massage voucher. Football Tournament, with other schools visiting to participate.Stalls include: Coconut Shy, smash-a-plate stall, hook-a-duck game, Play Your Cards Right, face painting, licensed bar, BBQ, strawberries & cream, refreshments, cake stall, the children’s raffle, name the teddy, sweet stall, tombola, Fair Trade stall, White Elephant, Wilby Boutique and lots, lots more! Entry is free!!! All proceeds will go towards new equipment for the school. Theresa Samson
The Suffolk Foundation has new name The Suffolk Foundation is pleased to announce its new name: Suffolk Community Foundation. This change has been made to strengthen its link to UK Community Foundations, the umbrella body that represents all 54 independent community foundations across the UK. Since the first community foundation was created in the UK in 1975, community foundations have had one shared objective: to help build thriving communities. They do this by working with philanthropists who invest in the communities that they love and care for, and they connect them to local people who are passionate about making positive change happen. The retiring Chairman of The Suffolk Foundation, David Sheepshanks has recently taken up the position of Chairman of UK Community Foundations. New Chairman James Buckle commented “We are very proud to be Suffolk’s community foundation and part of this national philanthropic movement and continue to work closely with other community foundations across the country to inspire community based philanthropy. In recent years the reputation of community foundations has grown and this is sure to carry on into the future.” Elizabeth Stephenson, Marketing Co-ordinator
The Hearing Care Centre Ltd One in six people in UK have a hearing problem, and if you think this sounds familiar there are special events taking place in the Suffolk towns of Eye and Botesdale. Hearing tests and professional advice are being made available free of charge this week to encourage people to take that first step. Local hearing care specialists, The Hearing Care Centre, have hearing centres within the Eye Health Centre and Botesdale Health Centre. They will be holding free ‘Hearing Care Open Days’ between 9am and 5pm on Friday 19th July 2013, in Eye and on Monday 22nd July 2013 in Botesdale. All services are available by appointment only. This event is in no way related to the NHS. Managing Director Karen Finch, who is a Qualified Hearing Aid Audiologist said, “By holding events such as these we hope to encourage those people who have been thinking for a while about having a hearing test, and just haven’t got round to it. “The longer hearing loss is left, the quicker it will become worse.” The events are by appointment only. To book call 0800 096 2637 or for more information visit www.hearingcarecentre.co.uk. Matthew Coward
Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre's entrant in Ride London-Surrey 100 This August, London will host what is billed to be the biggest & best celebration of cycling the UK has ever seen and Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre's very own Carolyn Hatton will be taking part! Part of the weekend is the inaugural Ride London-Surrey 100. Over 20,000 cyclists will be tackling the 100 mile route which starts at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (this will be the first sporting event at the park since the 2012 Games). Taking in much of the Olympic road race route, 10 London Boroughs and the hills of Surrey, the ride finishes on The Mall. Carolyn considers herself extremely privileged to have secured a place in this inaugural event through the ballot. So much so that she has decided to use her good fortune to raise money for charity. Continuing on last year's theme where she raised over £2700 for SANE she has again chosen a mental health charity. This time however she is supporting Mind. There are lots of ways in which you can show your support for Carolyn: You can meet her (and maybe even 'the bike' ) at Thorndon School Fete, Saturday 22nd June, 12 to 3 pm where she will be running a stall together with her Stradbroke Colleagues. She will be hosting a 'Cake & Coffee' morning on Saturday 13th July at Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre. There will be a mouth-watering array of home-made goodies on sale so please pop in and say hello over a slice of cake or pizza. You can make a donation to Mind at her Virgin Money Giving page: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/CarolynHatton and follow the story of her training in her blog at http://competitivemum.tumblr.com Claire James
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Accounts, Bookkeeping, PAYE, VAT Returns, Personal Tax, Corporate Tax Ini al mee ngs are FREE 01379 890656 www.jamiepre"y.co.uk info@jamiepre"y.co.uk OďŹƒce 5, Rickinghall Business Centre, Allwood Green, Rickinghall, IP22 1LQ
English Tuition from an experienced, qualified tutor Stimulating, supportive and structured sessions are tailored to meet individual needs and improve grades from Key Stage 2 to GCSE. For an informal chat, contact Deborah Vass: 01379 642219 07979730199 deborahjvass@yahoo.com
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News & Views
Memories of My Days in Stradbroke from 1909 to 1923 by Claude Rush These detailed memories of Stradbroke have recently come to light amongst the Village Archive material saved and stored for many years by Geoffey Smith. They were written in 1964 while Claude was living in retirement in Felixstowe and fortunately he was blessed with a very good memory for names and events. He was not quite six years old when he moved into the village in 1909. It is intended to publish a selection of his memories month by month in the magazine and then later to place it all on the Stradbroke Website. Thanks are due to Dorothy Readman who kindly retyped the whole manuscript into a modern format. Part 6 Arguments between boys in or out of the playground sometimes led to threatened fisticuffs. Arguing loudly face to face with a space of not more than a foot between, although what was said could be heard hundreds of yards away, would develop into one challenging the other ‘Orl right then – dew yew rub that out’ and he would draw a mark in the ground with his heel. If the other boy rubbed his boot across the mark fighting ensued without delay. If, on the other hand, the boy challenged did not act there was general jeering from the crowd all around who shouted, ‘Huh, he dussent – yeah, he’s scared’ or the like. In the playground we had a number of games which had no particular ‘season’ as marbles, tops and hoops had, but which just cropped up now and then and reigned for a fortnight or so when another old favourite would become popular. Two such games were ‘Cromer’ and ‘Hippertybuck’. For Cromer two lines were drawn with the heel of the boot (nobody wore shoes then) in the soil from one side of the playground to the other; one at one end about 12 ft from the end, the other at the opposite end. Behind the lines you were safe, about 1/3 of the boys would be in each ‘safe’ area the other 1/3 in the middle of the playground. Boys had to run from one safe area to the other through the boys in the middle. If one in the middle could hit one of those passing through on the back with his hand that boy had to go in the middle to help to catch the others until all were caught. Game then repeated with those who were in the middle before all going to the safe areas to start with. I was in the middle one day and caught a boy’s jacket by the bottom edge. The idea was to hold him so that I could pat his back. But his jacket ripped from bottom to collar at lightning speed. He spent the rest of the day looking like a penguin. For Hippertybuck a group of boys split into two: one half formed a kind of chain, the one at the head bending down and holding on a gate or rail with his hands. The rest of the chain was made by boys getting hold of the bottoms of the backs of the others coats and bending their bodies so that they matched the height of the first boy, that is, they were the height of their bottoms. The other half stood a distance behind the one holding the reputation for ‘going on the fuddest’ taking the lead. Running to the bent down line he leap-frogged from the first as far as he could go over the rest. A weighty boy landing on a weakling sometimes collapsed the ‘benders’ so a fresh start was made. Occasionally one would hear ‘That eent fair, he stuck his elbers out’. Which meant that the jumper’s passage had been allegedly wrongfully halted. My father was very fair and kind to me, but very firm. If I went to him and complained what some boy had done to me he would tell me to fight my own battles. But on one occasion a boy kicked me up the bottom really heavy and strong (many wore heavy boots with iron toe-plates). His boot went right onto the bottom of my spine and I was truly shaken to the foundations. I went home somewhat hazy and wavy so father went to see the boy’s mother. On return he said ‘That’s the last time I’ll do that – she said ‘Your boy is as much to blame as mine. I saw the whole thing, and remember your boy is no angel!’ At school we were taught to pronounce Newfoundland ‘Newfndlnd. My father was pretty good at spelling and he told me that he had never heard that pronunciation before. When I got to Stowmarket Secondary (now Grammar) later on the accent was on ‘found’, but I think the Stradbroke teaching is more to be heard today than that of the Secondary. I have come across several instances of it. I have no doubt that although you ran a big risk of being chastised painfully, the Framptons were good teachers – their instruction was sound. They were a musical family – stringed instruments mostly. I remember their cello. I spent most of the period of the 1914-18 war at Stradbroke School – I was 15 when the war finished. One game we devised was ‘English versus Germans’. We armed ourselves with sticks – some of them large – and split our numbers roughly in halves to represent the warring nations. We advanced on each other, our lines being right across the road outside the playground. We hit opponents’ sticks with our own. This went on for quite a time, say a week or more, but ended abruptly when one boy brought his stick down smack on his opponent’s with the opponent’s thumb in between. This thumb looked a pretty sight – split and squashed to twice its proper width and running with blood. End of that war! Snow on the ground provided great fun, not only snowballing each other but passers-by from the playground. One ‘annual’ was poor old Tom Whatling with his white beard, black felt hat, corduroys with ‘Elijahs, Tom well on into years. He lived in a red brick cottage just the Church side of the school and had to pass the school on his way to and from Grove Farm where he worked. We always waited for him. The first volley would result in verbal instructions to us. The next ball would send Tom running down the road into the gate of the playground and part of the way up to the school. That was usually enough; we had by then dispersed sufficiently so that Tom could get away without more shots, but on one occasion he ran us right into school, his big hobnailed boots banging on the floor as he ran halfway down the room, shouting – and with his hat on – hat on in school! Gerald Jenkins
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Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 We have a wide selec!on of Vegetable Plants (Cauli, Cabbage, Courge,e, Tomoatoes,Cues , Bean etc ... ) Also a wide variety of Bedding and Hanging Basket Plants . Come and have a look and get advice too ! Our shop has a good selec!on of local source Fruit and Vegetables A selec!on of cut Flowers . We will also have our own cut flowers too very soon . Come and have a look, and get advice from your local grower
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club My gripes about weather, availability etc of last month, have been slightly tempered as Summer has finally arrived, and brought a few players out of hibernation or exams. The Vikings are a cheerful bunch, and are never less than competitive. A narrow loss at Ipswich IV featured a stylish 94 from Marcus Marvell, & 42 from David Allum, and was followed by a fine win at St.Margarets (Ian Cattermole 5 for 56, Olly Bickley 53, Michael Hugman 25). Disappointment followed against Eye, despite 60 from Marvell & 25 from Brian Wilkinson. Liam Smith (5 for 40) bowled out Brantham, but although Hugman 41, Smith 28, Allum 21, Johnny Stephenson 20, James Ling 20 all got in, it was not enough. Richard Pierce-Saunderson 39, found some form at DBSL along with Allum 42, but rain curtailed events. The A Team have continued their upward curve. They restricted Castle to 193 (Alan Barker 4 for 51), leaving Stuart Taylor 70, & Allum 63 to see Stradbroke home, followed by a nail biter at Needham Market. Taylor 64, Wise 56, Dan Tompkins 23, Smith 23 set an imposing 212 to win, a win just achieved due to Ling (5 for 30) & James Gilbee (3 for 23). Trying to defend 111 v Stowupland (Josh Franklin-Mann 23) was nigh impossible, although Franklin-Mann (3 for 31) & Gilbee ( 3 for 21) made it tough. Hopefully you will receive 'The Monthly' in time to take part in the walkabout Treasure Hunt on Friday 28th June, from 6pm at the pavilion, ÂŁ1 entry, cash prizes. It is healthy, brain stimulating, & environmentally friendly. Support Michael Hugman your local cricket club.
Stradbroke Football Club Stradbroke Football Club held its A.G.M at the Queen's Head last week. Chairman Michael Ellis thanked everyone for their help during the year. The club has a healthy bank balance and S. Hambling said all fixtures had been filled all with Referee's. Officers for next season: President Don Lummis, Chairman Michael Ellis, Vice J. Field, Sec. S. Hambling, Ass. D. Ellis, Treasurer Mary Ellis. Com. G. Wharton, B. Varela, D. Blain, Ed Warne, K. Ellis, M. Ellis, S. Balls, D. Penycote and new Manager T. Frost. Subs will remain the same and Bingo will still be held. Training will start in July. The June Bingo raised ÂŁ57. The next one is on 12 July. We are having a stall at the Festifull, so see you there? Mary Ellis
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Well it looks like summer has at last arrived, and the first item to tell you about is that we will be having a stall at the Festifull on Saturday afternoon 29th June on the playing fields, do come and say hello. Then our final fund-raising for the season, is our popular JUMBLE SALE, on Saturday, 20th July, in the Community Centre, 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. Lots of bargains and lots of stalls. We have been very busy playing our League matches and Cup competitions, results are as follows: SAXMUNDHAM KNOCK OUT CUP Played Earl Soham WON
WAVENEY CUP Played Bedingfield
SAXMUNDHAM LEAGUE Played Sweffling Played Friston Played Leiston Town Played Yoxford
WAVENEY LEAGUE Played Diss & Dist. A Played Beddingfield Played Dickleburgh Played Beeches
Lily Lofts
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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
Web Site: www.foalsgrange.co.uk
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke - Tel: 01379
Spuds R Us Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * *Hot Stone Therapy* *Indian Head Massage* *Reflexology* I am only in Brundish, just give me a call or e-mail 01379 388458 - Fiona@fp-therapies.co.uk
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549
Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745
2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.
Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment
Page 26
Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384439 for information & bookings
SPURLING & REMBLANCE MOTOR ENGINEERS MOT TEST CENTRE Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
(01379) 384689
Tel - 01379 388653
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports Roundup
Page 27
Stradbroke Youth FC NEW PLAYERS NEEDED Stradbroke Youth FC is a well-established youth football club with FA Charter Standard Accreditation. We have qualified coaches, excellent training facilities and equipment and over 50 boys & girls regularly attending training sessions and playing in one of our 3 teams. We are looking for additional players to boost our current team who will moving into the u11s league at the start of the new season – that is boys and girls who will be in years 5 & 6 in Sept 2013. We are also looking at forming a 4th team next season for u9s and are also looking for players in that age group. (School years 3 & 4 as from Sept 2013). If your child would like to come along, have a kick around and see what it’s all about; training is at 5.30pm on Thursdays on the playing field by the Community Centre in Stradbroke. All children from the local area are welcome – not just those from Stradbroke. For more information please contact either – Don Darling - Club Secretary and Coach on Tel. 01379388098 email: caroldon01@gmail.com or Mel Shearman – Assistant Manager U11s team on Tel. 01379 384929 email: mel.shearman@btinternet.com
We enjoyed a great day at the opening of the allotments with more than one hundred people coming along to help us celebrate. Thank you to everyone for all the hard work that has gone into getting us this far and also to Heidi for organizing the day. We will have a stand at the 'Festifull', come along to have a chat about the allotments and maybe even put your name down for a plot, there are still a few left, we will also have some special allotment 'T' shirts for sale, some even sporting incredibly humorous mottos, we look forward to seeing you there. For information about the allotments, or if you would like to be involved as a member of the allotment association please contact the club secretary, Helen Pleasance on 01379 388253. Luke Heydon, Saga chairman
SAS - Marquee for Hire From moneys raised from last year’s Festifull, Stradbroke All Stars (SAS) have been fortunate enough to be able to buy a high quality 8 x 4 metre marquee for use in subsequent events. For a small charge we would like to offer it for hire to organisations and private individuals within the parish. This will include assistance with erection and dismantling. The cost of hiring will be: Private functions £50 per day. Charity and fund raising events – a nominal donation. Other non-fundraising village events – by negotiation! More information from either Don Darling 388098 or Sam Hackett 388872
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Local Gardeners Notes I have been writing this gardening article for a few years now and have managed to speak about most gardening matters and a few others to boot, I have enjoyed the discipline of writing it even if I tend to leave it till the very last moment to sit down and put something together, I have also enjoyed a certain amount of leniency with the deadline having only missed it once, which lead to a blank page at the end of the magazine, very Red Shoes. Even though gardening is seasonal, I have probably repeated myself once too often and feel it is now time to call it a day. In place of my article there will be a special Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners' Association column, offering gardening and allotment advice, handy tips, seasonal recipes and the opportunity to find out about various events and workshops that will be going on. We have a lot of talented and knowledgeable people who will hopefully be happy to put pen to paper with their ideas and suggestions, we may even have some fancy art work, who knows. June has been rather mixed on the weather side of things and we were very lucky on the open day for the Allotments, Orchard and Nature areas to have a warm dry day. It went down very well, with everyone enjoying themselves and taking the opportunity to look around the site. Roly Copping did the official opening and Peter Smith said a few words as chairman of the Stradbroke Charitable Trust to thank everyone that has been involved to make it all possible. We even had some appropriately chosen brass band music played very nicely by some of the members of Stradbroke Youth Brass Ensemble the and a specially written song sung by the Crossing the Border Choir, it even included some audience participation, much to everyone's surprise. When I started writing the article it was all but a pipe dream to have allotments in Stradbroke, I hardly imagined that we would end up with such a fantastic village asset, something hopefully the whole community can enjoy. Don't forget to get your produce sorted for the village flower show, I have a feeling the competition is going to be fierce this year with all the new veg growers on the allotments. I only hope that it doesn't turn ugly, we have a few potential candidates on the allotments who might take it a bit too seriously, I'm sure it will be worth coming along. I have waffled on long enough now and have barely mentioned gardening, which some what proves the point of my time coming to an end, make sure you take the opportunity to make some elderflower cordial and champagne while the elders are in bloom, I had intended to pass on the recipe for elderflower champagne, you can probably find it online, just beware, once made the bottles are very unstable, we have had a few sticky explosions in our time (sorry for the slightly dubious expression), the best being the one that covered a friend's house contents that were stored in our garage. It is all worth while though, elderflower champagne is probably the closest you will get to tasting summer in a bottle. Happy gardening and enjoy what I am sure will be a lovely summer, wet or dry, Luke.
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Acorn Foot Health
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BOOTY BUILDERS GENERAL BUILDERS THE BRAMBLES, LAXFIELD Renovations Alterations Repairs Listed Buildings Sectional Buildings Joinery New Houses Extensions
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Page 30
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Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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Like many of you, I am a great supporter of our Armed Forces and of our East Anglian Regiment and believe we have a moral obligation to look after those who have been injured in the service of our country by giving them the highest quality healthcare and support. That is why, as Veteran’s Health Minister, I was pleased to announce earlier this year that the Government is investing £11 million to give war Veterans with amputations access to state of the art prosthetic limbs which will enable them to walk up and down stairs and to run. However, active military service does not just impact on the physical health of returning servicemen and women, but can badly affect the mental health of our brave Veterans. Making the transition from a tour of duty back into civilian life can be extremely difficult for some people and that is why I am determined to ensure that care is there for those who are struggling. I recently announced that 6,400 Veterans and their families will be given the opportunity to go on a course that will teach them the mental health equivalent of first aid skills so they can help ex-soldiers suffering with mental health problems. The course will train Veterans to identify the early signs of other Veterans becoming unwell and how to guide those in difficulty to the right support. Training Veterans and their families to spot the signs that someone is suffering from mental health problems is a vital first step in them getting the help they need and talking openly about their experiences. We are already spending £22 million to support Veterans’ mental and physical health from 2010 to 2015 and this announcement will go further in giving those who make tremendous sacrifices for us, the support they deserve. I always make time to talk to young people, governors and staff in our local schools and we are fortunate to have such dedicated and talented local teachers who act in the best interests of the children they look after and teach. It was a pleasure to visit Stradbroke Primary School to present a very prestigious award to teacher Laura Wilbourn, who was announced as the winner of the Pearson Teaching Award for Teacher of the Year in the East of England. This is an exceptional achievement and is made all the more impressive by the fact that Laura was one of only 62 teachers from across the country who were selected from more than 24,000 nominations to receive this award. Laura will now join fellow winners at the UK final of the Teaching Awards on 20th October, filmed in London and broadcast by the BBC. I would like to again congratulate Laura and thank everyone at Stradbroke Primary School for their hard work and dedication. Lastly, I hold regular constituency advice surgeries locally to help people who have problems. If you think that I may be able to help you, please contact me on 01728 685 148, or email me via www.drdanielpoulter.com.
Letters to the Editor Ann and the family of Mike Readman would like to thank everyone for their support, love, prayers and kind words during Mike’s illness and following Mike’s death. Donations to Stradbroke Courthouse and Library Trust in his memory totalled £992. His love of and commitment to Stradbroke never wavered. Thank you. Ann Readman
We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’.
Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.
Village Diary June 28th 29th 29th & 30th 29th 30th 30th 30th July 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 4th 4th 4th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 9th 10th 10th 11th 11th 12th 12th 13th 13th 16th 17th 18th 19th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 24th 24th 26th 26th 27th 27th 27th 29th August 10th 10th
Treasure Hunt around Stradbroke i.a.o. Stradbroke Cricket Club, 6pm from Pavilion Wingfield Open Gardens 10am – 5pm Wildflower Meadow Weekend at Barton Grange, Worlingworth 10am – 5pm Stradbroke Festifull on Village Playing Field Wingfield Open Gardens 12pm – 5pm Stradbroke Festifull “It's a Knockout Wipeout” 1:30pm for registration. 2pm start Gardens Open 11am – 6pm. Teas, Raffle & Maps from the Church, £2.50 per person. Wingfield Barns Full Body Fitness 6.30pm & every Monday Wingfield Barns Holistic Fitness 7.30pm & every Monday Contact Club in Community Centre @ 10am & every Tuesday Summer Walk – Stradbroke Community Centre to Doggets & Battlesea Green. 6.45pm Table Tennis in Community Centre @ 7.15pm & every Wednesday Stradbroke Local History Group Village Archive Meeting, Valley Farm, 10am Wingfield Barns Fitness for Life 10am & every Thursday Stradbroke Over 60s meeting, in Community Centre at 2pm Book Launch at Stradbroke Library “Echoes from the Lost Ones” from 6.30pm Wilby School Vintage Summer Fair 11.30am – 2pm Heveningham Hall Country Fair with Wheels and Wings 10am - 5pm Heveningham Hall Country Fair with Wheels and Wings 10am – 5pm NGS Gardens Open for Charity, Frythe Barn, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke 1pm – 5pm Parish Council Meeting in Community Centre at 7.30pm Summer Walk – Stradbroke Community Centre to Pixey Green leaving at 6.45pm Stradbroke Baptist Church Cameo Lunch at 12.30pm Wingfield Barns Cinema “Hitchcock” 1.30pm & 7.30pm RBL meeting Low House, Laxfield at 11.30am Stradbroke WI Meeting in Community Centre at 7.30pm Stradbroke Football Club Cash Bingo at the Community Centre – 7.30pm Stradbroke Baptist Church Youth Club at 7.30pm RBL Coffee Morning at Thirkettle Cottage, Queen Street from 10am Cake & Coffee' morning @ Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre Summer Walk – Stradbroke Community Centre to Denham leaving at 6.45pm Radio Stradbroke Battle of the Bands – DJ Wally's World of Glam Rock 8pm – 11pm Stradbroke Over 60s meeting, in the Community Centre at 2pm ** ARTICLES FOR AUGUST EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** Hearing Care Open Day, Eye Health Centre 9am – 5pm (see inside) Stradbroke Bowls Club Jumble Sale in Community Centre @ 10am to 11.30am Stradbroke Library CREEPY HOUSE Reading Game – pre-register from today 10-3pm Hearing Care Open Day, Botesdale Health Centre 9am – 5pm (see inside) Wingfield Barns Cinema “Lincoln” 1.30pm & 7.30pm Stradbroke Baptist Church “Drop in for Coffee” 10am – 11.30pm Wingfield Barns Summer Activity Day for Children aged 5 – 11, 10am – 4pm (see inside) Stradbroke Baptist Church Youth Club at 7.30pm Stradbroke Church Village Show at The Community Centre 2pm - 4pm Wingfield & District Gardening Club – Visit to Skeetsmere House, Needham. 10am Wingfield Barns International Mini Print Exhibition opens 10am – 4pm (see inside) Wingfield Barns Summer Activity Day for Children aged 5 – 11, 10am – 4pm (see inside) Elegant Safari Supper @ Frythe Barn 6.30pm (see inside) Garage trail in aid of All Saints Church. £5 per garage. Maps 50p
Stradbroke Village Website First Responders Stradbroke Swimming Pool Parish Council Local History Group Stradbroke Monthly White Hart Bowls Club Stradbroke Cricket Club Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Village Games Stradbroke Youth Football Club ...and more… Has your group or organisation joined yet? It’s easy to sign up and share your group activities and news - all the groups above have joined, why not take a look at how they are using their Stradbroke web page?