The Stradbroke Monthly June 2013

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£1 where sold

June 2013 No.392

Mike Readman 12th May 1947—29th April 2013 It was with great sadness that the members of the Parish Council learned of Mike’s death recently. Mike and Ann moved to the village in the late 1990s when he took early retirement and once they had settled into The Priory Mike became a ‘Stradbroke boy’; the casual observer would not know he was not a prodigal returned. He threw himself into village life and projects with the greatest gusto. Mike took to bowls and was a leading light in ensuring the White Hart bowling green was kept for the village. He also started the youth football, with Don Darling, and this illustrated both his love of the game and his encouragement to young people to take their sport to a higher level. Mike was passionate about the campaign to save Stradbroke’s library; he, Ann Kerr, Maureen John and James Hargrave fought ferociously to ensure the facility and Court House building remained for the use of the village. Mike played an integral role on the board of the IPS, representing Stradbroke in ensuring all libraries in Suffolk could thrive in challenging circumstances. He would be very proud to see the progress that has been made and that the work has continued. Mike was co-opted onto the Parish Council in 2001 and was subsequently elected at each ballot, remaining an active member until shortly before his untimely death. He took on the publication of the Village Design Statement – a copious document that set out the vision for Stradbroke that is still valid. This dove-tailed with his enthusiasm for local history which did not diminish and in which he was a fount of knowledge. This interest led to Mike’s delving into the laws and vagaries of planning and he became the PC’s representative for planning issues. He had such a deep knowledge of the history of the village, its houses and properties that he was able to ensure that Stradbroke’s comments on planning applications were always valid. He might not have always seen the Parish Council’s view carried but his responses were never dismissed lightly. This approach ensured that Stradbroke Parish Council’s responses were always noted with respect by the district council’s planning department, and still are. Mike always presented his arguments in a reasoned manner and was a great fan of straight talking but he would generally temper this with a joke or ironic comment that wasn’t always caught until after the event! Although Mike had tendered his resignation from the Council shortly before his death he is still missed and his presence still felt. He has left a legacy to the village in various ways and for that he is owed a vote of thanks. Stradbroke Parish Council

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. We make websites!

Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.



PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk

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A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. June Diary Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am 2nd A. Fairweather 9th T.B.A. 16th Rev S. Sealey 23rd Hope Now 30th T.B.A. We welcome you to join us --- our activities for June Praying together Monday Cameo Lunch Club Wednesday Youth Club Friday Coffee Morning & Cake Sale Saturday Drop in for coffee Wednesday

3rd 7:30pm 12th 12:30pm 21st 7:30pm 22nd 10am – noon 26th 10am – 11:30am

SUPPORT ‘HOPE NOW’ WEEKEND Saturday 22nd 10am – noon Coffee Morning & Cake sale Sunday 23rd 10:15 am presenting the work in Ukraine Stradbroke Suffolk <<<< >>>> Borovitsya Ukraine Good News? Through our links with the Christian Charity ‘Hope Now’ we are now twinned with a Christian Fellowship in Ukraine. Situated on the river Dnieper, Borovitsya is a rural village in the centre of the country, 100 miles from the capital Kiev, and 30 miles from the main area of Hope Now activity in Cherkassy. Until recently the fellowship met in the home of one of its leaders, but has now been able to purchase and renovate a building for their church activities. Hope Now has been able to assist by making a grant, and also by providing training in their Bible School for a young man who has now returned to work within the church. Our new friends have information and photos of Stradbroke. One photo we have received shows Ukrainian friends holding a photograph of our Baptist chapel. We shall know more of our ‘twins’ following Jackie’s proposed visit later this year. Good News? In Ukraine through all the years of Soviet rule the communists harassed Christians and church attendance was discouraged, however some remained faithful to God. These Christians are now confident enough to spread the ‘Good News’ of Jesus and the church is growing. Good News? Last century saw the rise and decline of communism and fascism, both systems opposed to God, Christian belief and church activity. These ideologies have both proven unsustainable, yet God’s kingdom, the Christian community, has continued to grow especially in South America and China. Good News? The continuing growth of Christianity is just as the Bible predicted. Jesus gave a number of illustrations: he likened belief to yeast permeating dough active yet unseen, or belief is a small seed which grows into a large tree. The evidence shows that the Bible, was, and is correct, for that reason you should consider what the message is for you today. Discover the GOOD NEWS. For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :- 07749445531

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

2nd June

Family Service + Baptism

9th June

Holy Communion BCP Parish Communion

16th June 23rd June 30thJune 7th July

Holy Communion Informal service Join us for tea and cake first. Benefice Communion with Mother’s Union Family Service

11.15 am Led by Rev Susan 10.45 am Coffee/Tea 8.00 am Led by Rev Susan 11.15 am Led by Rev Peter 10.45 am Coffee/Tea 8.00 am Led by Jennifer 5.00 pm Led by Rev Susan 10.00 am Led by Rev Susan 11.15am Led by Jennifer Address Rev Susan

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee Since the last magazine, we had a fashion show by Polly's Place, Harleston. This was poorly supported, but we raised £138. Next the Art Exhibition. A huge big Thank You to everyone who helped in any way. We raised £1488.26, £12 up on last year, so many thanks. June 30th is Gardens Open 11am – 6pm. Maps from the Church, £2 per person. Coffee and Teas will be in the Church. But, what we need is some gardners to open their plots for the visitors to look around. Please let me know as soon as possible. Without the gardens, no where will be open! The Village Show schedules are in the Spar and the Bakery, so do pick one up and enter. (There is a class for allotment holders). Many thanks for your help. Mary Ellis

A Message from Rev Susan Dear Friends & Neighbours, Robin, my husband, and I and Rosie the dog, have at last moved into the Rectory down Doctors Lane. In between school assemblies, meetings and visiting, you will find me in the parish office attached to the house, if you ever want to have a chat, ask me something or just say hello, come and visit me there. If you would rather speak to me on the telephone my new number is 01379 388493 and email We will be opening our garden on 3rd August from 2.00pm until 6.00pm; you are welcome to drop in, have a walk around and have a drink. I leave you with some words from the bible: The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Take care, Rev Susan.

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!



13 May 2013

No matters were brought to the Council’s attention during the time allocated for the Public Forum Nick Stones and Oliver Last were both unanimously elected to the offices of Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. Councillors were elected to positions on other committees and working parties for the coming year. The annual audit statement was approved.

10th June 2013 7.30pm At the Community Centre

PLANNING: 0821/13 erection of replacement cartlodge with utility/boot room link extension, new front porch, re-cladding of barn with raising of lean-to roof pitch to barn North Lane Farm, Pixey Green 0822/13 LBC for the above 0948/13 replacement of 38 windows and 4 doors. Repair of 1 window. Remove and re-render to whole of dwelling Hartfield House, Church Street 1049/13 erection of detached workshop inc 4 bay open-sided lean-to Red House Farm, Pixey Green 1012/13 erection of two storey and single storey side extension to existing dwelling 2 Red House Cottages, Pixey Green 1061/13 Alteration to driveway entrance. Restore garage frontage to brick and install window. Install air-source heat system Grove Farm, Queen Street Approval was recommended for all the above applications 0750/13

Change of use of land for the siting of a mobile home for a temporary period of three years Ebdens’ Farm, Pixey Green Refusal was recommended for the above application Response to planning applications considered since the last meeting of the Parish Council: 0818/13 erection of single storey extension and internal alterations Kimberlene, New Street Approval recommended for the above application Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Approval granted for: 0734/13 removal of 30ft bay tree Coppings Cottage, Church Street Full details of all planning applications to be found on MSDC’s website or via the Clerk. OTHER BUSINESS: DIRECTORY: final amendments were received for the Directory and it was hoped to circulate it with the June edition of the magazine LIBRARY AND COURT HOUSE: things progress, albeit slowly. Free wifi was now available. COMMUNITY CENTRE CAR PARK: another slow-moving item! This is now with MSDC. KERB AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE: the curved kerb had now been painted to illuminate the corner. POLICE REPORT: there had been 2 reported crimes since the last meeting. 1 x attempted burglary (a property on Wilby Road was targeted overnight on Monday 6th May; no access was gained). 1 x Section 5 Public Order Offence was committed on Church Street the same night, a male was subsequently arrested. Following a county- wide spate of thefts of catalytic converters, officers from the Mid Suffolk North team conducted a marking session on Saturday 11th May at Barley Green Garage, with 25 vehicles being marked. SPEED WATCH: a volunteer has agreed to take on the role of scheme coordinator so once the site survey has been completed things can really move forward. POINTS TO PONDER: 1. Bonfires: although, at the time of writing, the sun has retreated behind the never-ending black clouds there was a sunny day in May and bonfires began to be lit. Please show consideration to your neighbours when you light up the fire or barbecue; perhaps check if there is washing on the line or if they are enjoying the sun in their gardens and warn them you are about to release your inner cave-man!!!! The next meeting of the Parish Council: 10 June 2013 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Dirty Oven??

Jon Wilson

Home Improvements

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Household Maintenance

Bedrooms Fencing

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J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012

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Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at

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Life in the Legion “The Last Night of the Proms” at the High School on Saturday, 20th April, was a great success, with over 160 in the audience. Ipswich Hospital Band, conducted by Bernard Westren, gave a splendid programme of music and song, with Peter Holloway, from Charsfield, the Master of Ceremonies. Rev David Streeter proposed the Health of St George, Patron Saint of England. Barney Rollington marshaled 13 RBL standards on parade. The evening was organized by our own Standard Bearer and Welfare Officer, Joyce Cooper. We raised £348 with 50 Draw prizes, distributed by Diss 1070 ATC Cadets, who also supervised the car parking. “The best event ever in my 40 years with the Legion!” “Well done, Joyce!” Brian Chester from Hoxne spoke to us in May about the famous WW2 fighter plane, the Spitfire, and how he was a passenger in a flight from Duxford. David Streeter gave the vote of thanks. Bernard Mills gave his treasurer’s report, and Ken Rowbottom of Fressingfield, our H Group Rep., told us of changes in the County RBL. We meet again as usual at the Low House, Laxfield, at 11.30 am on Thursday, 13th June. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman.

W.I At our May meeting the main business of the evening was devoted to discussing the resolution concerning ‘The decline of our High Streets and Town Centres’ in preparation for our National AGM being held in Cardiff in June. Jennnifer Chetwynd our delegate for the meeting led the discussion. Members then unanimously agreed to support the Food Bank in Diss. On a much lighter note, we were given our first glimpse of the helmet created by Carol Darling and Jane Gemmill , which is to be their entry in this year’s Suffolk Show. The helmet was inspired by the famous one at ‘Sutton Hoo’ and members just gasped when they saw it, and all agreed that it was truly brilliant. Carol and Jane really are two very clever ladies. Carol is also exhibiting her photograph of the Snape Maltings, at the show. Our next meeting is called ‘Topsy Turvy’, when the committee take a back seat and members take over. We were amused to hear that a special competition for ‘The most USELESS object in your home’ would take place. We now wait with baited breath!! The final part of our evening was a most interesting talk and demonstration given by Maria Smith, Rita Chilvers, and Julia Green, Stradbroke’s First Responders. After listening very intently to a subject that could affect us all one day, members were invited to try their hands at chest compressions on two dummies. The subject always a delicate one for some, and frightening for others, was dealt with care and compassion by the Responders and we were left thanking our lucky stars that we have such fantastic people in our midst. Prue Rush gave a very warm vote of thanks. Gill Bird

Friends of All Saints Church Thank you to everyone who gave us plants to sell; with the coldest Spring for years we were rather up against it, but we managed to make £82! In anticipation of a balmy August evening, we are holding the Safari Supper on Saturday, 10th August. We do hope you’ve found your tropical kit in preparation for what we trust will be a most memorable evening visiting the Committee’s watering-holes; further details next month. Margaret Streeter, Press Secretary

Wingfield and District Gardening Club At our last talk given by Edward Martin, the Fashions in Gardens in the 1700s were described. Much importance was ascribed to canals to follow the trend set by Royalty, indeed there were over 50 sites in Suffolk. The one at Boundary Farm also had remnants of mechanisms to provide water for a fountain or other water feature. These canals would be straight or tapering, sometimes with a pavilion at one side or at the far end to provide leisurely viewing. They were sometimes brick lined but mostly on clay so it was not always necessary to have a water source. They were also stocked with fish and often had terraces either to provide cascades or long walks beside them. On 22nd June we hope to enjoy “Gardens at their best”, meeting beforehand at Stradbroke Community Centre at 10.00am. Caroline 01379 384674

Lottery Bonus Winners 14 Miss S Bryant, 26 Mrs J Sparrow, 37 Mrs J Larter, 3 Mrs E Rook, 15 Mrs E Shelford. £48 donated to Over 60s, £48 donated to Football Club and £24 donate to District Bowls Club. Mary Ellis

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Stradbroke High School Heavy Metal Day II. By popular demand our Scrap Metal Day was re-run on Saturday 20th April. Once again the Friends of Stradbroke High School secured the service of young Levi Smith and his very large truck - part of the Smith Scrap metal empire run out of Wingfield. This time it was bigger; the scrap piled up and Lawrie Hammond and Sue Ackerley were staggering towards the end. The result however was worth it! The school gained an amazing £832.00 from their effort and of course the villagers’ ‘donations’ – many, many thanks to all who took the trouble to clear out their sheds. The two ‘Scrap Metal’ days we have run have now raised in excess of £1200. This is very likely to be a regular event, so do store up the goodies and look out for the signs in the late autumn. Friends of Stradbroke High School

Stradbroke Guides The 1st Stradbroke Guides are working very hard on our latest project - Peter Pan! We have been rehearsing, costume designing, creating stage make up and set designing - and enjoying it! Please come along and support the Stradbroke Guides by helping our unit to raise money and be entertained by a truly one-off performance.... Tickets also available from Stradbroke Bakery and Cowham's Car & Commercial in Fressingfield! Stradbroke Guides present “PETER PAN” at Stradbroke High School on Thursday 13th June at 7.30pm. Tickets are £2.50 Adults and £1.50 Children (under 16yrs). Tickets are available from Candice Dudley

Stradbroke Primary School I am truly delighted to share with you the news (and attached press release) that Laura Wilbourn has today been named as the WINNER of the Pearson Teaching Award for Teacher of the Year in a Primary School in the East of England! As you will gather I cannot emphasise enough how proud we all are of her and we will be celebrating during lunch time with a Glorious Garden Party (whatever the weather)! Regional Teaching Award Winners announced on “thank a teacher day” Friday 17 May. Laura Wilbourn of Stradbroke CEVC Primary School in Eye, Suffolk has been announced as the winner of the Pearson Teaching Award for Teacher of the Year in a Primary School in the East of England. Selected from over 24,000 nominations received by the Pearson Teaching Awards in 2013, 62 celebrations are taking place in schools across England, Northern Ireland and Wales on 17 May 2013 to present prestigious Regional Teaching Awards to outstanding local heroes of education. The Pearson Teaching Awards are an annual celebration of exceptional teachers and teaching, founded in 1999 by Lord Puttnam, they recognize the lifechanging impact of an inspirational teacher on the lives of the young people they teach. Laura was nominated by her headteacher who said: “To put it simply Laura is an inspirational teacher. All children should experience teaching of the quality Laura delivers. From the moment she stepped into the school she changed the lives of those she works with. Her lessons are vibrant, well structured and very importantly- fun! Children not only make good progress under her care but they thrive. She is everything one hopes to find in a teacher and the whole school community have enormous professional respect for her”. Laura will now join fellow winners at the UK final of the Teaching Awards on 20th October, filmed in London and broadcast by the BBC. Rod Bristow, President of Pearson UK said: “We want to recognise and support inspirational teachers, for their commitment to teaching and learning and improving the life chances of the next generation. It’s really important that we create opportunities to say thank you.” Melanie Barrow, Headteacher Stradbroke Primary

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Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 07501336499 at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.


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1st Fressingfield Scout Group Ten Explorer Scouts from the 1st Fressingfield Scout Group have just returned after a two week Easter expedition to Kenya. The ten young men aged 16 and 17 were completing the ‘Explorer Belt Challenge’ that requires international travel and an immersion in a contrasting culture.The expedition is on the back of a successful sponsorship partnership where the scout group raises over £300 per year to send to Mothers’ Mercy Home, Nairobi where the group supports one of the orphans by paying his school fees. The team lived and worked at Mothers’ Mercy Home an orphanage in Kenya, during their stay the ten Fressingfield Explorer Scouts toiled on the farm, helped with maintenance tasks around the complex, helped prepare meals, set up a children’s library with donated books, organised a sports afternoon, took some of the orphans on a ‘UK style’ scout camp at Lake Navisha, taught English, learnt some Swahili and most importantly of all built friendships. Expedition Leader Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne commented “The Expedition has taken almost two years to plan, the experiences that we shared in Africa were totally amazing and I am certain that the hearts and minds of all the young people involved British and Kenyan have been touched and changed forever.” It wasn’t all work – with opportunity to experience some of the wilder side of Africa, with a game drive and a walking safari to see some of the magnificent animals. Part of the Explorer Belt Challenge is to use different modes of transport – and with an impressive range of transportation the team certainly achieved that objective. On foot hiking, using carts to collect grass for the cattle, a coach to move around Kenya, cycles, a motorbike, boats to cross a lake full of hippos not mention a camel ride at the fish market! The expedition was billed as life changing and it will definitely live for a long time with the team members. Although the Kenya Exchange between MMH and 1st Fressingfield has only just begun. With a team of four from the Kenyan Home visiting the UK in July this year and a repeat expedition already scheduled for 2016. The team are putting together a DVD of the expedition and will be giving presentations at a number of local venues in the coming weeks. The team were: Marc Aalders-Dunthorne (Fressingfield), Jordan Sach (Horham), Jake Stringer (Stradbroke), James Johnson (Wingfield), George Austin (Brundish), Lewis Criag (Hoxne), Ronan Craig (Hoxne), Toby McManus (Hoxne), Pawel Procner (Hoxne), Callum Barber (Thwaite). Expedition Leader: Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne, Supporting Leaders: Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne Mobile: 07908 262623 Donna Aalders-Dunthorne, Chris Backhouse.

Stradbroke Festifull The 2013 festifull aims to be bigger and better than ever, with more for everyone. In addition to all the usual events (dog show, animal displays, side shows, stalls, & bouncy castles) we aim to resurrect some traditional fairground favourites such as the coconut shy, “splat a rat”, Stocks, and much more. We also plan new exhibits including “The Stradbroke Market Hall”, and a display of Military Vehicles. The second day will build on the success of last years “Its a knockout/Wipeout” with even zanier fun and games for all the family – and yes the Gunge tank will be there as well. Stradbroke’s 5-a-side youth football tournament (boys and girls) will also be running over the whole weekend bringing visitors and families from around the county to our village. So remember the dates June 29th & 30th. These events take a lot of arranging, but are great fun for both the organisers and the participants. Additional help would be much appreciated either before or on the day. Please get in touch with either Don (388098) or Nigel (384034) if you would like to volunteer your services. Don Darling

Stradbroke Festifull 2013 “It's a Knockout Wipeout” Sunday 30th June – Stradbroke playing fields. Team registration 1:30pm. 2pm start. Team fun and games, featuring lots of water and gunge. Following the success of the debut knockout/wipeout event last year, we’re holding it once again as part of the Festifull weekend for 2013! This year the event will include some original favourites such as the head-splashing “heads-up” relay and the egg throw along with some new events such as “team chicane splat run”. Finalists will have the chance to compete in human table football and the space hopper course to decide on the final winners. Once again, we will unleash gunge on your favourite local teachers, should you manage to hit the teacher gunge tank target. You don’t have to be super fit and sporty to take part but you do have to be prepared to dress up, look very silly, be spatted with gunge and get wet. Teams should consist of 6 people which includes at least 1 adult and at least 2 children aged 12 or under. Team captains should contact Julia Green in advance to register their team and guarantee participation – 01379 388855, email or via the facebook page. Julia Green

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Cleverley Made Cakes High quality, individually designed cakes for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christenings, Christmas, etc... Hand-crafted sugar decorations a speciality

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Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Forthcoming Events

Youth Club For all at High School & 6th Form. 11 – 18 years old. 7:30 – 9-30pm. £1 entrance fee – includes free hot drink. Tuck shop, games, crafts, cookery and more. Somewhere safe to hang out with friends, have fun and relax, and make new friends. For information call - Graham 01728 628303 or Bev 01379 586731.

Stradbroke Church Village Show 27th July 2013. I still have buckets and potatoes for the heaviest crop grown in a bucket. Cost 50p. Available from 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke. Schedules available from the bakery shop and the Spar store. If you have any enquiries, please contact Roly Copping on 01379 384839. Roly Copping

Eye Opportunity Group We are The Eye Opportunity Group; a charity for children with additional needs. We are having a fundraising event at the end of June. Back to the 80s / 90s Disco. 29th June, Eye Community Centre, 8pm - midnight. Tickets £7.50 in advance, £8.50 on the door. Limited capacity so get your tickets fast! Tickets available at Moons Hairdressers and Eye Pharmacy. All proceeds to Eye Opportunity Group registered charity number 287907. Faye Castle

Wingfield Barns Midweek Movies Wingfield Barns are bringing more Midweek Movies to you over the summer season. All screenings will be on Wednesdays with 1.30 matinee and 7.30 evening screenings unless notified. 12th June The Sapphires (PG) It's 1968, and four young, talented Australian aboriginal girls learn about love, friendship and war when their all girl group The Sapphires entertain the US troops in Vietnam. Based on a true story. 26th June Silver Linings Playbook (15) After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper ) moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own. Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar for her performance. A film of quality! Tickets are £5 on the door . Refreshments are available with a fully licensed bar open in the evening. Free car parking. Wingfield barns is located on Church road Wingfield P21 4RB tel 01379 384505 Lorraine Beedham

Hevenigham Hall Country Fair with Wings & Wheels July 6th and 7th is the date for this year’s Heveningham Hall Country Fair, which this year is combining with the Halesworth Lions Wings and Wheels and offering two full days of entertainment for young and old. Over the two days some 100 light aircraft will be landing and taking off - as well as a dazzling display by the “Blades” aerobatic team, flown by ex-Red Arrow pilots, there will be a visit on Sunday from a WWII Battle of Britain spitfire. A full ring programme will include Big Pete and the Grim Reaper Monster trucks, the Suffolk Punch horses, duck and geese herding, the Derby Midshipman’s Band (Sunday only) terrier racing and more. For those who like a quiet cup of tea with homemade scones and cakes visit the Walled Garden and listen to the Ipswich Hospital Band. A short walk away, passing the animal area, will take you to Orangery where a Flower show is on display. As usual there will be a Craft marquee offering a wide variety of gifts to buy, a Food Hall full of local produce and trade stands to empty your wallet. Vintage cars, motor bikes and engines all offering the enthusiast plenty to see, while working up an appetite for a visit to the BBQ, Hog Roast or maybe Fish and Chips, just three of more than twenty food concessions and bars available to choose from. A childrens’ play area will keep the young and old entertained. A Dog Show will also test the skills of both dog and owner whilst the lake area has plenty of interest with raft racing, canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding on offer. Family tickets for just £25.00 (2 adults and 3 children) purchased in advance £30.00 on the day. Adults £8.00 in advance or £10.00 on the day, Children 5-14 £4.00 or £5.00 on the day and Concessions (60 or disabled) £6.00 or £8.00 on the day. Under 5’s and dogs FREE!. More information at All proceeds to charities. So come and join in the fun! Claire Dunford

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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED

Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

For all electrical problems and installation, From classic car repairs to the latest computer diagnostics. Mobile: 07764 352214 Tel: 01379 388548 The New Bungalow, Brundish Rd, Wilby, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5LS Email:

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Scott J Regan Chimney Sweeping & Window Cleaning Professional. Clean & Qualified Service Member of the Guild of Master Sweeps Membership no. REG-25-463 Telephone Number :-01379 678537. Mobile Number :- 07962 207846. Email:

Open 6.30am - 10pm Seven Days a Week


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Vine House, Church Hill, Hoxne, Eye Suffolk, IP21 5AT THAT CHAIR, SETTEE, ANY TYPE OF UPHOLSTERY SOFT FURNISHINGS, curtains, blinds, cushions, etc. FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION

Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206

Forthcoming Events

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Radio Stradbroke May I start by paying tribute to Mike Readman. Without him, there would be no Radio Stradbroke. Drink had been taken, but Mike, & Marty Norris discussed the possibility of a Community Radio Station in the Village. The rest is history. There are artists and artisans. Much work has been done by many people to get Radio Stradbroke to what it is today, but Mike was a visionary, sowing the seed in our minds. Our achievements are well documented, as we attempt to push the boundaries of broadcasting. Our latest venture ‘The Monthly Music Night’ is underway. The next date to log on to is: Wednesday 19th June Kim Bannon hosts ‘Battle of the Bands – Top 10 hits of the 90s 8pm to 11pm. It does exactly what it says on the tin! Look out too for an interview with Guy McGregor, coming soon. Is a permanent studio for Radio Stradbroke getting one step closer? Michael Hugman Radio Stradbroke will be broadcasting ‘live’ for The Ivy House Music Day, on Sunday 23rd June. All proceeds go to the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Time table is as follows: 10:00 – 12:00 DJ Huggy with ‘School Disco – 70s style’ 12:00 – 14:30 A showcase of local bands, live from the Ivy House garden 14:30 – 18:00 ‘Something Happened’ live. The folk/blues duo are back by popular request. Look out for more details around the Village. Michael Hugman

RBL Coffee morning The annual Royal British Legion Coffee Morning will be at Thirkettle's Cottage, Queen Street, by kind invitation of Sam and Alison Hackett, on Saturday, 13th July. David Streeter

Open Farm Sunday 9th June, Shotford Hall Farm, Harleston, IP20 9QT, 11.00am to 5pm. Visit our mixed farm on Open Farm Sunday for a day of fun and discovery. Meet and touch the animals (milking from 2-4pm), take a close look at the farm machinery, enjoy a tractor and trailer tour, take a leisurely riverside walk, meet some food producers and find out where your food comes from. Free entry for everyone. Refreshments available – hog roast, cream teas, coffee/tea. For more information, contact Tim Lewis on 07767 708106. We look forward to seeing you there. Libby Alexander

Wildflower Meadow Weekend Come and stroll through the stunning 4 acre Wildflower Meadow before it is cut for hay. Soon to be featured in an upcoming BBC documentary on bees. At Barton Grange Water Lane Worlingworth IP13 7PE. Sat 29th & Sun 30th June between 10am and 5pm Admission £2.50 per adult (to inc. tea or coffee) children free. Ploughman lunches served between noon and 2pm £4. Suffolk Wildlife Trust tent for children along with other stalls including plant, cake produce and bric-a-brac etc. In aid of St. Mary’s Church Worlingworth Restoration Fund & Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Nick Cook

Horham and Athelington Community Council Are holding a Car Boot Sale on the Community Centre Meadow on Saturday, 8th. June, 9.00 am“late risers”, 10.00 am buyers. Bar, refreshments, tombola. In aid of Community Centre Funds. Ring Karen on 01379 384754. (£5.00 pre booked, £6.00 on the day). Margaret Streeter (Chairman Horham and Athelington Community Council)

NGS Gardens Open for Charity The ngs is a national organisation raising money for charity. This year, the garden at Frythe Barn, Wilby Rd. Stradbroke will be open on the 7th July and 8th September from 1-5pm. Teas served, wheelchair access, dogs welcome. Please come along and support us. Below are some of the charities that receive donations from the scheme: Help the Hospices, The Queens Nursing Institute, Marie Curie Cancer Care and National Trust. Carol Darling

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News and Views

Bordahoppa Fancy a Day out? Borderhoppa list of 2013 – 2014 outings is now available & has been sent to all our current members. Many of which have wasted no time in booking to go on their favourite days out, several have even booked right through until next March! Some of our more popular trips already have limited space so early booking is advisable. Our outings are run on Mondays throughout the year to garden centres, pub lunches, seaside, shopping trips, open gardens & boat trips. Hopefully we have something for everyone. To enjoy a day out on one of our outings, you will need to become a member. This just involves filling in a simple application form which is available by calling our office on 01379 854800. Our next outings are: Mon 1st July – Stowmarket & lunch at The White Horse, Stoke Ash. - £12 (lunch extra) Mon 8th July – Felixstowe. - £18 Mon 15th July – Waveney Stardust, Horning. - £23 (includes boat trip) Mon 22nd July – Aldeburgh & Thorpeness. - £17 Mon 29th July - July – Lowestoft. - £15 Mon 5th Aug – Rushall Gardens with lunch. - £23 (includes entrance to the garden, lunch,tea & cake). Lucy Sharpe

Wilby School Vintage Summer Fair 2013 We would like to invite everyone to join us at our Wilby Vintage Summer Fair which is being held between 11.30am - 2.00pm on Saturday, 6th July in the school field. We are trying to make the fair as traditional as possible with lots of fun, activities & prizes for both adults & children, which includes:Grand Draw with luxury hampers and £100.00 John Lewis vouchers to win, other prizes include a portrait commission from Paul Podhorski, adult & child bikes, £20.00 voucher for the Crown in Brundish, Fiona Patrick massage voucher. Football Tournament, with other schools visiting to participate.Stalls include: Coconut Shy, smash-a-plate stall, hook-a-duck game, Play Your Cards Right, face painting, licensed bar, BBQ, strawberries & cream, refreshments, cake stall, the children’s raffle, name the teddy, sweet stall, tombola, Fair Trade stall, White Elephant, Wilby Boutique and lots, lots more! Entry is free!!! All proceeds will go towards new equipment for the school. Theresa Samson

Wingfield Open Gardens Wingfield Open Gardens will be taking place this year on Saturday 29th June 10 am - 5.00 pm and Sunday 30th June 12.00 - 5.00 pm. Visitors will be able to view a wide variety of gardens from small to large, formal to cottage, Mediterranean, woodland, water and wild gardens. There will be plant sales in several locations with exhibitions, lunches, cream teas, ice creams, refreshments and sales of jams and chutneys. The De La Pole Arms will be open all day and the £3 entry tickets and guide to the village gardens can be purchased in advance from Wingfield Barns and the De La Pole Arms from Friday 14th June and from all gardens during the event. Under 16s are free if accompanied by an adult. Proceeds this year will go to St Andrew's Church, Wingfield. For further information about the event please contact Rosemary Elliott: 01379 384789. Rosemary Elliott

East Anglian Air Ambulance Time to spare? When you think of donating to a charity you probably think of giving money but have you ever thought about giving your time? The East Anglian Air Ambulance is a 365-day helicopter emergency medical service which covers Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. With a medical crew highly trained in critical care, we bring the emergency room to the patient within 25 minutes, we can then transport them to the most appropriate hospital if needed. Volunteer Programme Development Manager, Victoria Pank explains: “Volunteers are a valuable resource for our charity. We receive no Government funding and, quite simply, without the dedication and support of so many fabulous people, we couldn't work in the way that we do.” James Edgehill, a retired carpenter and retained fire fighter from Cromer in Norfolk, has been a volunteer since 2006: “Working as a fire fighter made me realise just how important the air ambulance is, especially when we attended road traffic collisions in which injured people were trapped in their cars. I wanted to help the EAAA when I retired and I've got more and more involved.” So if you have some spare time, either regularly or occasionally, come and join our team and help the East Anglian Air Ambulance continue to save lives in your area. There are many opportunities available, working behind the scenes in one of our offices or as a public speaker or event supporter, the choice is yours! We will make sure that you are offered a position which best suits your skills, interests and availability. It’s great fun and very rewarding. Why don't you? Visit our website at to find out more or ring Victoria on 01603 489406 ( Martine Silkstone

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Accounts, Bookkeeping, PAYE, VAT Returns, Personal Tax, Corporate Tax Initial meetings are FREE 01379 890656 Office 5, Rickinghall Business Centre, Allwood Green, Rickinghall, IP22 1LQ

English Tuition from an experienced, qualified tutor Stimulating, supportive and structured sessions are tailored to meet individual needs and improve grades from Key Stage 2 to GCSE. For an informal chat, contact Deborah Vass: 01379 642219 07979730199

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News & Views

Memories of My Days in Stradbroke from 1909 to 1923 by Claude Rush These detailed memories of Stradbroke have recently come to light amongst the Village Archive material saved and stored for many years by Geoffey Smith. They were written in 1964 while Claude was living in retirement in Felixstowe and fortunately he was blessed with a very good memory for names and events. He was not quite six years old when he moved into the village in 1909. It is intended to publish a selection of his memories month by month in the magazine and then later to place it all on the Stradbroke Website. Thanks are due to Dorothy Readman who kindly retyped the whole manuscript into a modern format. Part 5 Now, as to my schooling – at 4 ½ years of age I went to Arnold Street School at Lowestoft. I really enjoyed it – at first at any rate – because at the end of Friday of the first week on being told that there was no school on Saturdays I went home very low in spirit. Mrs Symes in long black dress with big black apron over, was the mistress. The day before moving from Lowestoft, then aged nearly 6, I went with other children to a lane (now all houses) not far from our house and filled my soap-box on wheels with May blossom from the hedges there to bring to Stradbroke, as I thought there might not be any at Stradbroke! So about the end of May 1909 I joined the infants at Stradbroke Voluntary School. The staff consisted of Mr and Mrs Geo. H Frampton, Miss Kitty Frampton (daughter) and Miss Bessie Steel (later Mrs Herbert Rose, butcher, Debenham). She died a few weeks ago. Mr Frampton sucked Peps year in and year out. They lived in the house on Church Corner, outside which the signpost stands now. Mrs Frampton taught the infants, Miss Steel standard 1, and Mr and Miss Frampton the rest – standards 4, 5, 6, 7 and ex-7 all in the big room now divided. Mr and Mrs Frampton ruled us with great strictness – Mrs Frampton’s pencil on the head of the infants, not just a few but many blows at machine-like speed and in like precision; and Mr Frampton’s cane, kept in a cupboard near the east window of the big room. The thrashing was done at that end of the room (there was something of a ‘circulating area’ there) and five standards of children gaped at the performance. Once, very angry and confused, he said to a boy ‘Come out for the cane and I’ll give you the stick’ at the same time leaving his seat and walking quickly to the cane cupboard, feeling in his pocket for his keys, his pince-nez swinging from left to right on the black cord which was attached to his waistcoat. Mrs Frampton, seeing boys fighting in the playground, would go out amongst them and say, ‘If you want to fight anybody, fight me’, rolling up her blouse sleeves as she spoke. More than once I have seen her go into the playground or passages, seize a boy by the back of his coat collar, telling him that she had heard him swear and that she was going to wash his mouth out. She took these boys to a bowl which was in a cloakroom on the east of the school buildings, made some suds from carbolic soap, and with her fingers wiped the inside of the boys mouth all round with the liquid. Why was she never bitten? To teach the infants reading she stood them in a big circle in the infant room, all facing the centre. They held their books and read (or tried to) as called upon by her. She walked round behind the circle, and massaged her face by squeezing her jowls with her hands. This was regular and frequent. If we lifted our eyes and she saw it, we had a stern order where to put them. I presume the massage was some kind of beauty treatment. After I had been in the infants some months Mrs Frampton told my mother that I was ‘getting on now’ but that when I went there I ‘didn’t know ‘A’ from a bull’s foot.’ Then only Stradbroke children were at Stradbroke School. Almost every parish had its own – Horham, Wilby, Wingfield, Redlingfield, and Brundish – many of them now closed. But of course, travelling to and from school is now so different. In those days almost every child walked – wet through often on arrival with practically no provision for drying clothes. Many were not very well clad, some very poorly, ragged clothes, ill fitting boots with soles three- quarters worn away. A few children’s heads were ‘alive’ and those children sent home for cleansing. Mrs Frampton’s pencil was sometimes pushed broadside through a child’s hair to see if it had inhabitants. Stradbroke school, like the rest in the district, was most inadequately heated – just the open coal fire, sometimes partly surrounded by steaming wet-through coats for most of the day, thus keeping such heat as there was from reaching the children, but making no difference to those who sat away from the fire because they could not feel the heat in any case. In summer we would sometimes be taken into the playground for a lesson, sitting under the lime trees, then not very big and the trunks surrounded by wire netting on which one big boy with outstanding ears ‘wholly rent his lug’ on one occasion. Lessons out of doors were real thrills. We usually wrote on slates with slate pencils: some boys had rags in their pockets with which to clean the slates, others used their hands or, grasping the underside of their cuffs with their fingers would use the sleeve for that purpose. If you wanted a good clean you first spat on the slate. To be continued: Gerald Jenkins

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Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307

Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 We have a wide selection of Vegetable Plants (Cauli, Cabbage, Courgette, Tomoatoes,Cues , Bean etc ... ) Also a wide variety of Bedding and Hanging Basket Plants . Come and have a look and get advice too ! Our shop has a good selection of local source Fruit and Vegetables A selection of cut Flowers . We will also have our own cut flowers too very soon . Come and have a look, and get advice from your local grower


Passmore Weeks & Richardson

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Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club Another frustrating start to a cricket season. Bad weather, financial restraints, & availability of players are roadblocks on the highway to sporting enjoyment. The last one has had such an effect that the Club has taken the difficult decision to withdraw the B Team from the Suffolk Alliance. Thanks are due to everyone who has striven to keep the team afloat, to no avail. With only one Saturday & one Sunday League side, at least fielding 11 players and being competitive should be less of an issue. The Vikings have started the season well, beating Woodbridge (Michael Hugman 52), then rain thwarting victory against St.Margarets (David Allum 73, Hugman 59), followed by a narrow defeat to Easton (Hugman 42, Josh Franklin-Mann 32, Patrick Mills 5 for 38) The A Team were walloped by Wortham (Matt Wise 72) then by Mellis, but finally found form against Worlingworth (Stuart Taylor 73, Dan Tompkins 57, Lewis Taylor 41, Billy Freeman 3 for 18, James Gilbee 3 for 6). Friday night junior sessions have been weather affected, but it hasn’t bothered the Under 11’s who have won their first two matches. The next fund raising event is on Friday 28thJune with the environmentally friendly, fuel saving, Treasure Hunt, on foot around the Village. It starts from 6pm at the Pavilion. Families are welcome. There is no junior training that night due to the Festifull. Finally, a few words about Mike Readman. No audit trail will ever find Mike as a member of the Cricket Club, but as an ally in other areas, his work was invaluable. As a Parish Councillor he always fought the Clubs corner, and as someone who organized junior sport for many years, he acknowledged what we did for the youth of the area. He once told me that the way we ran our junior section was the template he adopted in the formation of Stradbroke Youth Football Club. We owe it to him not to let our standards slip in the future. Thank you. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Football Club The club has now finished all its fixtures and finished mid table in the league. The last Cash Bingo raised £45.20. The next one is on 14th June. Hope to see you there? The Clubs A.G.M. is on 5th June at 8pm in the Queen's Head. Anyone welcome. **URGENTLY REQUIRED** A Manager for the Club to run the 1st team. Stuart Balls has been our manager for the last few years but cannot undertake the job for the coming season. No Mangager = No Club! A sorry state of affairs. Surely someone is able to fill this position? Please contact M. Ellis on 01379 384642. Mary Ellis

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Thank you to all those who came along on Saturday, 18th May to support our fund-raising Coffee morning in the Community Centre, we raised £118 towards our Club funds. Although the weather has been very uncertain and not a bit like bowls weather, Cup and League matches have been played, results are as follows: WAVENEY K.O.CUP Played Dickleburgh WON SUFFOLK SENIOR CUP Played Waldringfield WON

SAXMUNDHAM LEAGUE Played Wenhaston WON Played Dennington LOST Played Laxfield LOST

We had to cancel two of our Saturday Club Cup competitions, but these have now been re-arranged - the President's Cup will now be played on Saturday, 3rd August at 5.30 p.m and the Barr's Cup will take place on Saturday, 31st August at 5.30 p.m. All members are invited to take part. Lily Lofts

Stradbroke Table Tennis Club The Stradbroke Table Tennis Club would like to thank Mr Cyril Knowles for his generosity in purchasing a new table to be used in the Webb room for coaching and guidance. The Table Tennis club has been going from strength to strength, with membership almost trebling over the past two years. We now average 27 members per session, 17 of these are young players. Once again a big thank you to Cyril. For information regarding Table Tennis please contact Tony Potts on 01379 384713. Julia Green

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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873

Web Site:

Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke - Tel: 01379 384097

Spuds R Us Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622

Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * *Hot Stone Therapy* *Indian Head Massage* *Reflexology* I am only in Brundish, just give me a call or e-mail 01379 388458 -

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

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Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by

Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549

Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745

2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.

Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment

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Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at

STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384439 for information & bookings

SPURLING & REMBLANCE MOTOR ENGINEERS MOT TEST CENTRE Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

(01379) 384689

Tel - 01379 388653

Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

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Apprentice Carpenter Opportunity The person we are looking for will be bright and willing to learn, but interested more in a practical rather than academic further education. They will be keen on a future in construction, enthusiastic, able to work as part of a team and be trustworthy and polite. The apprenticeship will involve paid leave to attend college and lead to NVQ qualifications. We have a busy time ahead and work based learning will include historical building conservation and new construction.Over the years our apprentices have three times won top awards for their skill and efforts so we are aiming high ! If you are interested please write to Steve Lee at Town Farm, Stradbroke Road Brundish, Wilby IP13 8BQ or email Steve Lee

Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre The Annual General Meeting of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre was held on Tuesday, 21st May. Reports were given by Peter Chetwynd, the Chairman and Eileen Shelford, the Treasurer. We heard that the new storage area is completed, and the Centre continues to thrive and is financially in a good position, having at long last paid off the loan we received from Adnams. No one on the committee wished to stand down and there were no further nominations so they were voted back “en bloc”. The officers are Peter Chetwynd (Chairman), Treasurer - Eileen Shelford, Licensee - Tony Ambler. Bookings Clerk - Claudene Merritt. Caretaker - David Merritt. Margaret Streeter, Secretary. Margaret Streeter

Safer Neighbourhoods Come and meet your local policing team who will be visiting Stradbroke Library on 18th June, 5.30pm – 6.30pm. We will also be offering crime prevention advice, as well as UV marking items such as laptops, mobile phones, power tools (other items can be considered on the day). See you there! Jaqueline Thomas, Eye Police Station

New Awards Programme from The Suffolk Foundation Has your local charity or community group carried out a project that has benefitted the community or perhaps worked in partnership with other local organisations to deliver outstanding outcomes? If so then you could apply for an award of up to £5,000 or £10,000 from the new Working Together Fund administered by The Suffolk Foundation on behalf of Suffolk County Council. The Suffolk Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the Working Together Fund, which is designed to recognise and award community development and outstanding service delivery as a result of collaborative working or an increased partnership. The fund is open to charities and community groups, with awards of up to £5,000 and £10,000 currently available. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 31st July 2013. The fund aims to support “working together” initiatives that will typically fall into one of two categories. The first category, Community Awards, is for those groups that have delivered a project where they have pulled together to provide a service that will benefit the community, with high levels of community action and volunteer involvement. The second category, Partnership Awards, is for those groups that have delivered a project that has outstanding outcomes as a result of partnership working with other charities or community groups, statutory and private sector organisations. All partners will be recognised but the award payment will only be given to the lead charity or community group.If you feel that your charity or community group has delivered a project that is worthy of an award from the Working Together Fund then please contact Sue Wright to discuss your proposal on 01473 786917. Emma Rawlingson

SAS - Marquee for Hire From moneys raised from last year’s Festifull, Stradbroke All Stars (SAS) have been fortunate enough to be able to buy a high quality 8 x 4 metre marquee for use in subsequent events. For a small charge we would like to offer it for hire to organisations and private individuals within the parish. This will include assistance with erection and dismantling. The cost of hiring will be: Private functions £50 per day. Charity and fund raising events – a nominal donation. Other non-fundraising village events – by negotiation! More information from either Don Darling 388098 or Sam Hackett 388872

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Local Gardeners Notes By the time you read this the Grand Opening of the Allotments, Orchard and Nature areas will have happened, hopefully we will have been blessed with good weather and everyone will have had a good time. I want to take the opportunity to thank the everyone who has been involved throughout the last year and a half to get us to this point. Although the allotments are the centre of the site they are by no means the only part, I walked across the field along the footpath from the cemetery and had a great view across everything, with the village and church in the background, I pictured how the woodland would look in the future with the pond to one side and open meadow in the middle, cut grass paths leading you to various natural delights, including picnic spots, and the traditional orchard with nuttery and bee hives. It all sounds rather far fetched but we will have these things once everything has a chance to grow. We would like as many people to enjoy this as possible, it may be just taking a walk around the site or taking part in one of the workshops The Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners' Association plan to hold in the future.This has all been made possible because the Stradbroke Charitable Trust had the confidence to purchase the field on behalf of us all, hopefully this is just the start of similar projects around the village. The wildflower meadow that we have sowed will take a couple of years to come into it's own, contrary to popular belief, a meadow is quite difficult and takes careful management especially in its early years. We plan to take the green hay off the cemetery in the summer which is a good way increase the diversity of species, particularly flowers and wild grasses that do well locally. The hedge around the allotment is made up of plants that produce edible fruit, some are common things like blackberries and raspberries, but there is also Cornus mas, elder and hawthorn. The orchard contains apples, pears, plums, gages, damsons, mulberry, quinces and medlar, it will be a little while before we are harvesting the fruit in any quantity, and as these are on traditional rootstocks they will make large trees and will last for many years. Back to gardening, not much to say about the weather, we enjoyed a lovely 10 days of warmish temperatures, I even got my shorts out just in time for the rain and hail to return. Considering how grim it has been most plants seem to be coping but are just coming through a little late. It is also worth noting what has suffered during the winter and bad spring, bay trees are almost becoming ungrowable in this part of the country now, I think it is the cold east winter winds, in future it would be worth fleecing them on cold nights, it seems that most of the damage is done in late winter, I think that it may be that the sap starts to rise and freezes in the leaf cells. If you want any details about the new allotments please contact me, we still have a bit of work to do on the shed and would like volunteers, if you would like to help or put your name down for a plot or raised bed please call me on tel:01379384778. Happy gardening, Luke.

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Acorn Foot Health


Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP

Church Farm Bungalow, Rishangles, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7JX

Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : Some evening appointments available


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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

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Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP

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Giving every child the very best start in life and the chance to reach their full potential is something that I strongly believe in and it is always pleasing when the work I am doing as a Government Health Minister benefits families and children throughout Suffolk. As an NHS hospital doctor who at one time delivered babies on a daily basis, I have seen firsthand how having a child can be a stressful experience, particularly the first time around. Whilst there has been a lack of support for families in the past, I have worked hard to ensure that, since 2010, there are now 1,300 more midwives and more than 900 health visitors who are helping to provide each and every woman and family in England with personalised care and support during pregnancy, childbirth and the early years. But there is still more work to do. I recently announced that 16,000 of the most disadvantaged new mums and dads in England will also be given one-to-one help and support from a specialist family nurse to bring up their babies as part of a large extension of the Family Nurse Partnership programme. Family nurses, which from this July will be coming to our part of Suffolk, provide care and help for some of the most vulnerable young families by visiting parents at home and building a close, supportive relationship with the family. The results of the Government’s Family Nurse Partnership programme speak for themselves - family nurses are good for mum, good for dad, and good for baby. They reduce post-natal depression, babies go on to do better at school as they grow up, and parents are far more likely to go back to work or into education and training. Every child, regardless of their circumstances or background, should have the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life and I am sure these plans to help during the early years of a child’s life will be welcomed by families in Suffolk. I always make time to talk to young people in Suffolk to encourage them in their education and I was recently delighted to visit Stradbroke High School, where I spoke to GCSE students about the subject of medical ethics, before meeting with Headteacher Andrew Bloom. As both a doctor and a Government Health Minister, I understand more than most the arguments and sensitivities surrounding contentious issues such as abortion, IVF treatment, Euthanasia and stem cell research, and I presented both sides of the argument as well as highlighting my own experience of working as an NHS hospital doctor, when answering the students’ questions. I very much enjoyed the discussion and would like to thank Ruth Hurren, Head of Philosophy and Ethics and PSHE, for inviting me to speak to the students. We are fortunate to have many dedicated and committed teachers and school governors in Suffolk who act in the best interests of the children they look after and teach. Under Headteacher Andrew Bloom’s leadership, Stradbroke High School became an Academy Trust last year and has continued to go from strength to strength. I will continue to fight for the interests of Suffolk’s rural schools and I look forward to visiting Stradbroke High School again soon. I hold regular constituency advice surgeries locally to help people who have problems. If you think that I may be able to help you, please contact me on 01728 685 148, or email me via

Letters to the Editor Mary Dann’s family would like to thank everyone who attended her funeral, and thanks to whose incredible generosity £849 was raised for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Marty Norris I would like to thank friends, neighbours and family who kindly gave donations on my 70th birthday. £160 has been given to Ipswich Hospital breast cancer clinic. Janet Chambers I would like to thank everyone who helped me with my Swimathon sponsorship. £727 will be going to Marie Curie Cancer Care. Peter Fisk

Stradbroke Village Website First Responders Stradbroke Swimming Pool Parish Council Local History Group Stradbroke Monthly White Hart Bowls Club Stradbroke Cricket Club Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Village Games Stradbroke Youth Football Club ...and more… Has your group or organisation joined yet? It’s easy to sign up and share your group activities and news - all the groups above have joined, why not take a look at how they are using their Stradbroke web page?


MAY 30th

Over 60s trip to Hoveton Hall Gardens. Leave at 10am Community Centre

June 4th 4th 5th 5th 8th 9th 10th 12th 12th 13th 13th 13th 14th 18th 19th 19th 21st 22nd 22nd 23rd 26th 26th 28th 29th 29th 29th 30th 30th 30th 30th

Contact Club in Community Centre @ 10am & every Tuesday Bookstart Rhymetime in library @ 11.15am & every Tuesday Stradbroke Football Club AGM at Queen’s Head @ 8pm. All welcome. Table Tennis in Community Centre @ 7.15pm & every Wednesday Horham and Athelington Car Boot Sale in Community Centre Meadow from 9am (see inside) Open Farm Sunday at Shotford Hall Farm ,Harleston 11am – 5pm (see inside for details) Parish Council Meeting in Community Centre at 7.30pm Stradbroke Baptist Chapel Cameo Lunch Club @ 12.30pm Wingfield Barns Cinema “The Sapphires” 1.30pm & 7.30pm Stradbroke Guides present ‘Peter Pan’ at Stradbroke High School @ 7.30pm (see inside) Stradbroke WI meeting in Community Centre at 7.30pm RBL meeting Low house, Laxfield at 11.30am Cash Bingo i.a.o Stradbroke Football Club. Community Centre at 7.30pm Safer Neighbours - meet your local Police Team 5.30pm – 6.30pm at Stradbroke Library Radio Stradbroke “Battle of the Bands” Hits of the 90s with Kim Bannon. 8pm - 11pm ** ARTICLES FOR JULY EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** Stradbroke Baptish Church Youth Club @ 7.30 pm (see inside) Stradbroke Baptish Church Coffee Morning & cake sale @ 10 am to 12 noon Wingfield and District Gardening Club “Gardens at their best” at Community Centre 10am Ivy House Music Day with live music broadcast by Radio Stradbroke (see inside) Stradbroke Baptish Church ’Drop in for coffee’ @ 10am to 11.30am Wingfield Barns Cinemas “Silver Linings Playbook” 1.30pm & 7.30pm Treasure Hunt around Stradbroke i.a.o. Stradbroke Cricket Club, 6pm from Pavilion Eye Opportunity Group Disco—see inside. Wingfield Open Gardens 10am – 5pm (see inside for details) Wildflower Meadow Weekend at Barton Grange, Worlingworth 10am – 5pm (see inside) Wingfield Open Gardens 12pm – 5pm (see inside for details) Stradbroke Festifull “It's a Knockout Wipeout” 1:30pm for registration. 2pm start Wildflower Meadow Weekend at Barton Grange, Worlingworth 10am – 5pm (see inside) Gardens Open 11am – 6pm Maps from the Church

July 6th 6th 7th 7th 13th

Wilby School Vintage Summer Fair 11.30am – 2pm (see inside for details) Heveningham Hall Country Fair with Wheels and Wings (see inside for details) Heveningham Hall Country Fair with Wheels and Wings (see inside for details) NGS Gardens open for charity (see inside for details) RBL Coffee morning (see inside)

We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’.

Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.

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