The Stradbroke Monthly Mar 2012

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March 2012 No.378

Local Author Launches Debut Novel at Stradbroke Library Join Richard at Stradbroke Library on Friday 23rd March from 7-9pm to purchase your first edition copy and have it signed by the author himself! Drinks and nibbles will be provided and local group Cathedrals and Cars will be playing some of their original music.

All are welcome to come and join this special event!

Better Broadband for Stradbroke? Yes please! Suffolk County Council, local MPs and businesses are uniting to try and get better broadband for Suffolk. So to find out more and sign up to express your interest in a faster and better broadband connection visit: Stradbroke has the opportunity to be amongst the first places to get high speed broadband and we need your help. So please do sign up for your home and any business you may be involved with. The County Council and MPs have already managed to secure additional Government funding. With high speed broadband coming into our village homes and business would have the ability to download large files, use online gaming, stream films and TV programmes, share photos more easily for example. Businesses would have more opportunities to run services online reliably and undertake online transactions for example. The internet will continue to develop to meet the capacity of high speed broadband. Without it, rural areas risk being left behind. If you use the internet in Stradbroke, *please* register your interest in high speed broadband, now! James Hargrave

Stradbroke CEVC Primary School

OPEN EVENING - Tuesday 20th of March - 3.30-6.30pm ARE YOU CONSIDERING NEW SCHOOLS FOR YOUR CHILD? HEARD GOOD THINGS ABOUT STRADBROKE PRIMARY? WHY NOT COME ALONG AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF! In classrooms: A chance to talk to teachers Discuss pupilsâ€&#x; progress View the work pupils have been doing See our newly decorated building Visit the Infant Activity Area See the new ICT suite and new website See our new playground areas and entrance In the hall: Talk with Governors An opportunity to speak to our Headteacher Mrs Barrow Meet staff from SBEC Refreshments from the FOSPs NO APPOINTMENTS ARE NECESSARY. PLEASE COME ALONG WHEN IT IS CONVENIENT FOR YOU!

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome

To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.

6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.



PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk 4 J. Ling th

Speakers for March 11 N. Pierpoint 18 M. Caplin 25 J. Sullivan th



Your invitation to: Wednesday 14 March 12:30pm Cameo Lunch - Good food, meet friends, Christian message, (please book) Wednesday 28 March Drop in for coffee - Drop in anytime 10-11:30am Wednesday 28 March Home Group - Home based Bible study & prayer th



Drop in for coffee: What a brilliant idea! For the February „drop in‟ people arriving were greeted with the lovely aroma of cooking. Jackie was making pancakes and most folks enjoyed the treat. The grapevine tells me that there will be something equally appetising on the menu in March. Feel free - drop in anytime 10-11:30am on 28 March. All proceeds go to charity, in recent months we have collected £160 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Life is like that During World War 2, when the British Isles were the last line of resistance, Prime Minister Churchill went on radio and appealed to the world: “Give us the tools and we will finish the job.” He knew that without help Britain could not endure the assault they were facing. Life is like that. Often we are inadequate for the troubles life throws at us, and we need help. The good and great news is that God has invited us to ask for His help in any situation. We seek God‟s help through prayer, as we come in faith and share our problems and fears with Him. In an old hymn Joseph Scriven tells us; What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bearall because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. th

Details contact John 388751 Jackie 384112 Malcolm 384797

Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on very part of the Family Carers‟ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Information Line: 0844 2253099 Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 835400 or visit our website;

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th March 4th March 11th March 18th March 25th March 1st April

Thursdays in Lent, at The Rectory, Holy Communion, a Lent Course, and Coffee. Benefice Communion at Horham Holy Communion (with hymns) Holy Communion Family Service for Mothering Sunday Confirmation and Holy Communion Parish Communion for Palm Sunday

10.00am 11.15am 9.00 am 8.00 am 10.00am 6.30 pm 10.00am

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Beetle Drive in Jan was poorly supported despite us serving Soup & a Roll, raising £53. we are hoping for better in February when Pancakes are the offer of the evening. Mar 3rd Cake Stall in Church St + Roly with his Potatoes for the village show. Mar 27 Beetles + Hot Cross Buns & Coffee & Tea in the Club Room again 7.30pm. The Art Exhibition letters have all gone out anyone wishing to enter please contact me Mary Ellis ASAP. This is on May 2nd – 7th with the Preview 1st May 6-9. Tickets £6 available from M Ellis. Please start saving your odd change for Coins on the Wall on May 26th. Also, please open your Garden on 1st July. New Gardens always welcome along with all the regulars. Many thanks of Donations received in the form of Raffle Prizes most acceptable. Mary Ellis

The Rectory

Tel: 384363 Email: Church Website: www.allsaints-stradbroke. com

Dear Friends, The first Thursday in March is St David‟s Day, and that is when I invite you, and on the following four Thursdays, to The Rectory for Holy Communion at 10.00am, followed by Coffee, and a time of Study and Prayer together, to prepare for Holy Week and Easter. March 18th is Mothering Sunday, when bunches of flowers will be distributed at the Family Service at 10.00am, followed by tea or coffee, and Simnel Cake. Please join us then. The following Sunday, 25th March, our Service is at 6.30pm, when we will welcome the Bishop of Dunwich, and those coming from other parishes in the Deanery, for Confirmation and Holy Communion. We have candidates to be presented to the Bishop from Horham and Redlingfield, and we know how much we shall appreciate his being with us that evening. I will be up early, not only on Thursdays this month, but also on Saturday, 3rd March, to deliver cakes to the Stall in Church Street, and to collect our seed potatoes, to be grown and multiplied, until the Village Show on Saturday, 28th July. Will you be there also? I do hope so. From Sunday, 28th October, after I move away from Stradbroke, Rev. Susan Loxton will be the new Rector. When the house is ready, she will move from Fressingfield down Doctors Lane. I will tell you later in the year how to make contact with her, to make arrangements for events in the future, after the end of October. The Deanery has been reorganised into three benefices, and Stradbroke will join Fressingfield, Mendham, Metfield, Weybread and Withersdale. Horham, Athelington and Redlingfield will be in a new group with Hoxne and Denham, and Syleham and Wingfield. There is a map of the Deanery, setting this all out, on the Church Notice-board, and you can hear more at our Annual Church Meeting, in the Community Centre, at 7.30pm, on Tuesday, 17th April, with reports on all our church activities, and plans for the future. May God bless all that we do together! With all good wishes, David Streeter. All Saints Church Cleaning, - Thursday, 5th April - 10.00 am onwards. Margaret Streeter

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!

There were no items brought forward for the Public Forum at this meeting.

Planning: Applications for consideration: 3388/11 installation of 126 no. solar PV panels Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College 0179/12 Works to trees: reduce Liquidamber Styraciflua by 20%; thin out Malus; shape up ornamental Cherry approx 10% reduction The Chantry, Queen Street Approval was recommended for both the above applications 0189/12 Erection of 2 new chalet bungalows on land to rear of 3 & 4 Westhall; shared access with no.4;associated parking Land to the rear of, 3-4 Westhall (Re-submission of withdrawn application 3761/11) 0054/12 proposed permanent agricultural worker‟s dwelling Ebden’s Farm, Pixey Green Refusal was recommended for both the above applications

NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 12th March 2012 7.30pm At the Community Centre

Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: 3006/11 erection of 1st floor side extension 7 Bishop’s Way The above application was withdrawn

Other Planning Matters: Two Councillors planned to attend a Neighbourhood Planning Event in early March. This should give a thorough insight into the government‟s Localism Act. Other business: It was announced that land had been purchased by the Stradbroke Charitable Trust for allotments in the village. This has taken quite some time and the Trust was thanked, warmly, by the Council for its perseverance and generosity to the village. See the item elsewhere in the magazine giving details of the meeting to be held on 4th March. NEWS ITEMS You can still sign up to Suffolk ACRE‟s bulk purchase scheme for heating oil. See posters for details, contact the Clerk or go to Advance Notice: The 2012 Annual Parish Meeting will take place on day 17 May 2012 at 7.30pm. All organisations in the village are welcome to submit a report. If you wish your organisation to be represented please advise the Clerk and if you wish to submit a report but no one is able to attend on the night to present it again, contact the Clerk who will arrange for it to be read out on the night. Don Darling brought the Council up to date with plans for the summer festival. It will take place on 30 June and 01 July and should be a weekend of fun for all the family. Don is also taking part in this year‟s London Marathon, hoping to benefit the children and young people of the parish. Sponsorship forms are available in the village. AND FINALLY: there has been another outbreak of dog fouling in the village…particularly along Queen Street. Dog owners, PLEASE clean up after your pet. It is not the most pleasant task in the world but it only takes a moment and it is your responsibility. Linked to this please be aware that dogs are not permitted on any areas of the Playing Field and its surrounds nor are they permitted on any part of the Fitness Track.

The next meeting of the Parish Council: 12 March 2012 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Dirty Oven??

J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012

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Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111

Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at

Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm

Telephone 384634 to book your table.



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Life in the Legion The Speaker at the February Meeting was member Douglas Crooks, who lives in Laxfield where the meeting took place at The King‟s Head. Doug who is now 90 years old spoke about his wartime service in The Gurkhas, where he reached the rank of Major. He is the oldest officer anywhere still alive who served in The Regiment. His talk was of great interest to the members present, and on their behalf our New Branch Treasurer, Bernard Mills, gave the vote of thanks. Bernard also gave his first Treasurer‟s Report. I welcomed to the meeting the new H Group Representative on The Suffolk Committee, Ken Rowbottom, from The Fressingfield Branch. Discussed during the business part of the meeting was The Annual Branch Dinner on March 30th to be held in The Community Centre, and a Concert being organized by The Branch to celebrate The Queen‟s Birthday on April 21st to be held at The SBEC. All members will be receiving letters about these events. We also discussed the arrangements for a visit to The Army Air Corps at Wattisham. The speaker at the next Branch Meeting to held at 11.30am on Thursday 1st March at our usual venue, The King‟s Head Laxfield, will be Member, Welfare Officer, and Standard Bearer Joyce Cooper on the subject of „Gallipoli‟. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.

W.I At our February meeting we welcomed Sarah, Tara and Hannah from our local salon “Hair Logic” who came not only to talk to us about hair care but also to demonstrate their craft. Between them the girls covered all aspects of hair care, and introduced us to an amazing array of hair products which would keep our hair in tip top condition. Talking over, the demonstration began, and Carol, Rose, Jane G. and Phyllis C. were willing models and all were happy with the results. Everyone received a goodie bag to take home. Stella thanked Sarah, Tara and Hannah for giving us such an enjoyable and happy evening. The „Bad Hair Day‟ photograph competition was won by Sue, and raffle winners were Betty, Caroline, Jane, Pat, Phyllis and Wendy. A note for your diaries Carol Darling is holding a „Coffee Morning‟ on 2nd May at 10.30am. to raise funds for our Suffolk Show Entries. Gill Bird

Nature Reserve We make progress. In December I told you that we were hoping that an on-site meeting would clear up any difficulties over our proposed planning application for the Reserve. We had the meeting with the head of Planning and he has said that, in his view, all we need is permission for a change of use, which was what we thought when we started the process in September. We are finalising our application this month and, if all goes well, we hope that we may get permission before the Summer Sam Hackett (388872)

Wingfield and District Gardening Club Members of Wingfield and District Gardening Club had extremely interesting visits to two large gardens to see “Gardens at their worst” on January 28th. The first at Fryth Barn, beautifully landscaped with intriguing features like willow tunnels, ponds and herb gardens. We were treated to very welcome coffee, tea and delicious cakes before proceeding to an equally large garden belonging to a Brundish member. The garden featured long flowing, shrub filled borders backed by rose hedges. Both these gardens are young and very weed free! The potential is enormous and we look forward to seeing them “at their best” during the summer. For further information contact Graham on 01379 384259.

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :- 07749445531

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Stradbroke Primary School visit us at Were you watching Anglia News on a recent cold January evening? Yes, that really was Class 3 from Stradbroke Primary and our very own Mr. Plowman! We were asked to appear on a news item about the British bird count. Mr. Plowman not only runs a lunchtime bird watching club but has also been involving Class 3 in counting different species of birds which we have on school grounds. The children represented our school very well- there are certainly some budding wildlife presenters of the future to watch out for! We ended last term with a “Celebration of Music”. A big thank you to over 80 parents, grandparents, carers and siblings who came along to watch our Brass Band, Ukulele Orchestra and children perform a selection of songs including two special whole school numbers involving sign language. It was a lovely event and our children always make school staff feel very proud of them. Class 2 received some lovely praise from staff at Norwich Castle Museum where they recently visited for a special workshop of Egyptian artefacts. Museum Staff were particularly impressed with pupils‟ knowledge of this period of history. Class 2 have learnt all about the Egyptians this term including sarcophagus, mummies and hieroglyphics and are more than happy to discuss them! Once again we begin the term with introductions as we welcome many new pupils and families to our school. If you are considering a new school for your child please feel able to contact us to arrange a tour. Since our Outstanding OFSTED we seem to be becoming more and more popular with some year groups filling up fast.There are many events to look forward to this term. We often attend plays at Norwich Theatre Royal. This term Class 3 will be going to see “The Terrible Tudors Horrible History” and Class 4 will be going to see “Swallows and Amazons”. We were delighted to accept an invitation by the theatre manager to attend a special workshop for the children discussing how to adapt a novel from page to stage for Class 4. Can I also take this opportunity to inform parents that Tiddlywinks, the pre-school within our school grounds are now taking children from 2 years of age. Please come and speak to staff at Tiddlywinks or contact the school if you are interested in a nursery place for your child and we can pass on details to you. Melanie Barrow, Head Teacher

Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College Warhorse and Imperial War Museum On an overcast day Year 10 set off to the capital city, London, to see the magnificent War Horse production. The wonderful skyline loomed into view, as we approached the city. We went over Tower Bridge and arrived at the Imperial War Museum, for the historic half of the trip. We learnt all about the crude Cold War, frightening First World War and the Nazi revenge of the Second World War. There was a terrific trench experience and amazing World War II planes. Once we had learned about the wars, we headed to War Horse at the New London Theatre. It completely breached our expectations, and the horses were just the start! An amazing story of a farm boy and his horse through the deadly days of World War I. Now, real horses do not look realistic after seeing the War Horse puppets! It was an amazing day, with thanks to Mrs Spence, Mrs Rowe and Miss Barnett, along with all the teachers who accompanied us. Jacob Cleverley - Year 10

1st Stradbroke Guides Goodness me! It's only February and already this term the Guides have been to Panto, completed their latest 'Go For It', enjoyed a sleepover at Wingfield Barns and are busy planning the rest of the year! Coming up.... We are holding a Sponsored Shoe Shine on Thursday 8th March! You can have a pair of your shoes washed and polished for just £1!!! Funds are going towards our annual census payment (Admin/Insurance costs required by Girl Guiding, which totals over £600).We are also setting up FOGS! "Friends Of Guides in Stradbroke". 1st Stradbroke Guides is a charity and we run on subscriptions and donations, the leaders and helpers give all their time free of charge and as Rachel & I have busy jobs & home lives we'd love to spread the load a little - even if it's only an e-mail of fundraising ideas! If you'd like more information on either of the above projects, please contact us at Many thanks to those who continually support the villages' Guides! Candice Dudley. Unit Leader.1st Stradbroke Guides

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Neighbourhood Watch Another quiet month for us in Stradbroke, please contact me if you have anything to report no matter how small it may seem at the time. Maria Smith 384311 ( Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator )

Stradbroke Charitable Trust Allotments The Trust is delighted to announce that it has successfully purchased a piece of land for the use of allotments in the village. The field in question is off Drapers Hill, behind the houses on the east side of the road. The field is some 6 acres, which is more than is needed for the allotments, but further uses will be discussed and we would welcome ideas from residents. The previous meeting held to discuss the allotments demonstrated significant support for such a project and we hope an Association can now be formed quite quickly to take the project forward. There will be a further public meeting on Sunday 4th March 2012 for everyone who is interested. It will start with a site visit and then adjourn to the Community Centre where there will be an open discussion about what needs to be done next. It is hoped that a committee to form the Stradbroke Allotment and Garden Association can be elected at this meeting. Please meet at the corner of Drapers Hill and Laxfield Road at 10.00am (for the site visit) or at about 10.30am in the Community Centre on Sunday 4th March to hear more about this exciting opportunity. Peter Smith, Stradbroke Charitable Trust

Mid Suffolk Rural Transport Survey Below is the web address for the VASP (Mid Suffolk Mental Health Forum) High Suffolk (North Mid Suffolk) Mental Health Transport Survey. It covers IP21, IP22 and IP23 areas. Please take the time to go to the website and complete the survey if you can. Suzanne Britton/Louise Fairbrother Partnership Development Officer (Job Share) MAP - Mid Suffolk Action in Partnership

Warm Homes Healthy People Warm Homes Healthy People is aimed at the over 60s, families on a low income, families with children and young people with learning disabilities. Services offered:  Helpline - 08456 037 686  Free independent energy surveys in the home to help households struggling to pay their energy bills by offering advice and providing help to install measures to save money by cutting home heating bills  Free temporary heater loan scheme  Free emergency boiler repairs for vulnerable households through the Age UK „Surviving Winter‟ Appeal and funding through the Warm Homes project.  Free insulation and other energy-efficiency jobs including draught proofing  Help with paying fuel bills  Installation of free community alarms with extreme temperature sensors in vulnerable people‟s homes supported by a befriending service. Warm Homes Healthy People is: hassle-free and easy to get help from – all you need to do is make one phone call Genuine opportunity that is completely free to the householder. Why not call the Warm Homes number on behalf of an older relative or neighbour so that they can get help. Tel: 08456 037 686 E-mail:

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Cleverley Made Cakes High quality, individually designed cakes for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christenings, Christmas, etc... Hand-crafted sugar decorations a speciality

Julia Cleverley

Fressingfield 01379 588260/07944 965873

BRUCE SAMSON Carpenter & Joiner ◊ Joinery Design & Build ◊ ◊ Modern & Period Quality Bespoke Joinery ◊ ◊ Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Fitting Service ◊ Fitted & Freestanding Furniture ◊ ◊ Custom Staircases ◊ 20 Years Experience Public Liability Insurance 01379 384573 ◊ 07905 645716

Antique Restoration

Gas Safe and Oftec

Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers

registered plumbing and heating installer.

Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987

Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, 22nd March, 7.00 for 7.30 pm. We are showing “The Help”. The Bar will be open - and ice creams in the interval. Entrance £5.50. It is a 2011 drama-film adaptation of Kathryn Stockett's novel of the same name. It‟s about a young white woman, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, and her relationship with two black maids during Civil Rights Era America in the early 1960s. Skeeter is a journalist who decides to write a controversial book from the point of view of the maids (known as The Help), exposing the racism they are faced with as they work for white families. The film takes place in Jackson, Mississippi, and stars Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica Chastain, Sissy Spacek, Mike Vogel, Mary Steenburgen and Allison Janney. If you are seeking a very entertaining movie that uses humour to tell a story and send a message, then this one's for you. Travel back in time with this film. Margaret Streeter

Friends of All Saints Church The Beat the Winter Blues Supper” in the Community Centre went with a swing, and the gourmet food, the techno-wiz quiz and Joyce‟s monologue gave us just what was needed on a cold winter‟s night - and we made over £430; thank you to everyone who contributed. The Church Path Plant Sale is on Saturday, 5th May - so please think of The Friends of All Saints when you do your sowing, planting, dividing etc. On Saturday, 23rd June, a Tower Climb and/or A Walk, or just the “Full English Breakfast!” at Church House - an event not to be missed. Carol Darling says thank you for the seasonal digital photographs for the 2013 Calendar already received; keep them coming in. NB Digital pictures, 1 Mb (Megabyte) ALERT: You can help us when you shop online Margaret Streeter (Press Officer)

Roughcast Production - Richard III “Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York” With these immortal lines, on to the stage comes Shakespeare‟s most charismatic and most complete villain. And before the audience can draw breath, Richard of Gloucester, youngest brother to the newly -crowned king, has already begun to map out his bloody and corpse-strewn path to the throne. RoughCast‟s typically high-energy and fast-paced performance ensures that the audience will take as much delight in Richard‟s blackly humorous rise to power as Richard does himself; and then be enthralled as the brutal tyrant (like so many before and since) desperately tries to hang on to power. Touring in March: Redgrave Church (16th – tel 01379 586745); Fisher Theatre, Bungay (17th – tel 01986 897130); New Cut Arts, Halesworth (23rd-tel 0845 6732123);Diss Corn Hall (24th – tel 01379 652241); Headmaster Porter Theatre, Framlingham College (27th – tel 01728 723028); St Edmunds Hall,Hoxne (30th/31st – tel 01379 586745) Tickets £8/£6, all performances start 7.30pm. Pat Parris (Sec)

Lottery Bonus Winners 19 Roger Ward; 1 Alan Naulls; 46 Sue Aylon; 6 Stella Bryant; 24 John Dann. £48 donated to White Hart Bowls. £24 donated to Dist Bowls. £48 donated to Art Exhibition Postage. Mary Ellis

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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

Page 16 Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.

ToysGreeting CardsGift Wrap  Stationery  Tobacco  Confectionery  Drinks Fresh Milk  Films & Developing Computer Supplies  National Lottery Instants  Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order  A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books.  Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257

Open 6.30am - 10pm Seven Days a Week

Is your garden over run with Moles ? Do you have a wasp nest ? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat, 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106

Forthcoming Events

Page 17

Coastal Leisure Learning Saturday Specials A Range of one off learning opportunities for adults in the Spring. Coastal Leisure Learning once again offer a range of one off workshops and classes for adults held locally in two different venues over four weekends. The courses will be held in Saxmundham Middle school on March 3rd 2012, followed by courses at Stradbroke Business and Enterprise college on the 10th and 17th March 2012. We‟re offering over thirty classes over the four weekends. Take a look at our website and click on the Saturday Specials link for further information on the courses, booking and payment details, or telephone 01728833171. Thank you for your support. Sian Hart. Coastal Leisure Learning

Mendham Jazz Award-winning local pianist Nick Unwin and his trio present „Fascinating Rhythm‟, a tribute to George Gershwin, plus other pop and jazz standards. Saturday March 10th (8pm) and Sunday March 11th (3pm) at Mendham & Withersdale Village Hall. Seats £12 by reservation on 01379-855282 or e-mail Tea/Coffee included. Nick Unwin

Laxfield Farmers Market Saturday 17th March from 9.30 – 1.00 at Laxfield Village Hall Beef, Cakes, Cheese, Chicken, Chutneys, Cup Cakes, Eggs, Flavoured Vinegars, Fresh Baked Bread, Fresh Coffee ,Fresh Fish, Fresh Fruit & Veg, French Tarts, Hand Made Chocolates, Indian Fusion, Lamb, Olive Oils, Pickles, Pies, Pork, Sauces, Savoury Jams & Marmalades, Suffolk Cabrito, Sausage Rolls,Scotch Eggs & Take away meals. Also Lots of crafts & Pet Food. Breakfast available using produce from the market. For more info contact: Hayley 07889 648989

Jumble Sale Jumble Sale to be held at Wilby Primary School, Brundish Road on Saturday 3rd March 2012 at 10am - 12pm admission is 20p and refreshments will be available. Theresa Samson

Margaret Lockwood Memorial Quiz To raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support will be held on Friday 30th March 2012 in Stradbroke Community Centre 7.30pm. Teams of up to 4 people £4.00 per head. All proceeds to above cause. To book please ring Julie Ward 01379 388145, Angela Rankin 01379 388243 or Christine Brown 01379 384688 or just turn up on the night. Julie, Christine and Angela

Harleston Flower Club Harleston Flower Club has made a move to a new venue at Wortwell Community Centre where the increased space, stage, catering facilities and ample parking proved a resounding success with members and visitors at the February meeting when Lyn Barrow demonstrated 'With a Little Bit of Something Lovely' . This was not without apprehension when an arrangement tried to topple over and Lyn successfully made a grab for it! The Club was formed in 1957 and will be celebrating its 55th Emerald Anniversary at a special event in September. There is a full programme to look forward to including demonstrations, workshops and social activities including a strawberry tea, BBQ and garden meeting at members gardens. A team will be representing the Club at the Suffolk County Show and individual members will be competing at County and National level, including the Harrogate Flower Show and the Royal Horticultural Society Spring Show at Malvern. The Club would like to welcome new members and visitors to its monthly meetings at 2 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month. The March meeting on the 1st will feature a demonstration by Dulcie Lofting entitled Simplicity. April 5th will be a hands on workshop. Club members will also be present at The Farmers Market at The Swan Hotel in Harleston from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on Saturday 17th March to offer Mother's Day Posies for children to purchase at prices from £1 to £7.50 choosing from completed posies or choosing flowers and foliage which will be made into a posy. For more information about the Club please ring Jenni Baker 01986 782377.

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Forthcoming Events

St Elizabeth Hospice Would you like to show off your garden? Would you like to open your garden to raise funds for St Elizabeth Hospice? Supporters of the charity will be opening their gardens across Suffolk to the public from May to September with all proceeds going towards providing hospice care free of charge to patients, carers and families. Last year's St Elizabeth Hospice season raised £10,000 and featured more than 15 gardens but organisers would love more this year including some in Stradbroke. Andrea Chupacova, of St Elizabeth Hospice, said: "It doesn‟t matter if your garden is formal or informal, cosy or large; we had a successful season last year and would love to see even more gardens open in 2012. If you are interested in opening your garden please call 01473 723600 or email

Royal British Legion Concert CELEBRATION CONCERT FOR HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II 86TH BIRTHDAY Saturday 21st April 2012 at 7pm Stradbroke Business and Enterprise College (High School), Stradbroke Admission £5 The concert will feature The Ipswich Hospital Band, Interval Birthday Toast; Inspection of Standards & Drumhead Service. Special guests Colin Hawkins RBL Suffolk Chair & Richard Stretch RBL County Padre It is a peoples concert with music provided by, Ipswich Hospital Band with their Musical Director 'Peter Gray' TICKETS: Available from Horham Post Office & Stradbroke Post Office Or by post from post with a SAE from: Bernard Mills, 21 Orchards, Laxfield, Suffolk IP13 8EE Tel: 01986 798414 (Cheques payable to Royal British Legion, Stradbroke Branch)

Prize Bingo for Easter On Friday 23rd March 2012 @ 7:30pm at Stradbroke Community Centre to raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart bowls club. Many excellent prizes, raffle, refreshments plus a flyer to win a hamper. Julie Ward Secretary White Hart Bowls Club

Eye Bach Choir Concert Eye Bach Choir and Orchestra (Conductor Leslie Olive) with soloists Lindsay Gowers (soprano), Laura Trayhurn (contralto), Tyler Clarke (tenor) and Mark Saberton (bass) will perform Schubert's Mass in Ab and Magnificats by Vivaldi and Pergolesi in Eye Parish Church on Saturday 17 March at 7.30pm. Tickets £12 (reserved) and £10 (unreserved) available from Eye Pharmacy, on the door, by telephone 01728 747371 or email

Holiday and Weekend Opportunities for Children Hartismere Playscheme Registered Charity No: 1038933. 2012 is the 25th anniversary of the Playscheme which is held at Eye Primary School for 5 to 11 year olds. Our dates this year are MONDAY JULY 30th to FRIDAY AUGUST 3rd. Booking forms will go out via schools nearer the time. We hope you can join us to have fun in the summer holidays. For more information contact Pat on 01379 870100 or Bernard on 01379 873113. Pat Brightwell Eye Arts Club Eye Arts Club is a craft and theatre club for children aged 7 to 17 of all abilities. We meet at the Dove Hall (behind Vine Church) between 10 am and 12am on Saturday mornings during term time to create masks, puppets, scenery, animation and film, photographs and music. We use this to support a finale production including dance and movement in a performance at the end of each term‟s sessions. The club is supported by two professional artistes and volunteer helpers and you can also work towards the National Arts Award scheme if you wish. For more information on dates etc, please contact: Pat on 01379 870100 or Liz on 01379 668464. Charity No. 1061143

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Page 20

News & Views

Suffolk Church Village Show There will be a potato competition class for the July Village Show where a prize will be awarded for the heaviest potato crop grown from a single potato in a bucket (potato not to be cut) Buckets and potatoes will be on sale at the cake stall in Church Street on Saturday March 3rd at a cost of 50p each. Each family can have as many buckets as they like and the prizes will be 1st £3.00 2nd £2.00 3rd £1.00 4th 75p. Please support this novelty class and if you have any enquires please contact Roly Copping on 01379 384839. For those who want to get an early start the handicraft section this year will be. A Cushion any method – Any item of embroidery or tapestry – Hand knitted article.. A picture mounted - in pencil, watercolour or oils – A exhibit made of wood (and or ) Metal. Roly Copping

Lost Gardens of Suffolk Thursday 29th March 2012 at 7:30pm “Lost Gardens of Suffolk” - A talk by Suffolk County Archaeologist Edwin Martin at the De La Pole Arms, Wingfield.

'The History of the Community Centre Site' If you missed the talk on January 7th which explained how Stradbroke got the splendid facilities that it has today, then copies of the booklet are still available at £2 from the Library, the Church or from Gerald Jenkins of the Stradbroke Charitable Trust. Not only does it deal with the history of the Community Site itself up to the present but also describes all the groups, societies and organisations that exist in Stradbroke today. It is a permanent record of the living fabric of Stradbroke at the beginning of 2012. Gerald Jenkins

Sports Roundup Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Plans are now in place for our PUDDING PARTY AND BLIND AUCTION, and we are looking for some help to eat all the delicious savoury and sweet puddings that will be served on SATURDAY 10th MARCH, 7.30 p.m. in the Community Centre. Tickets are £6.00 from Mary Ellis, 01379 384642 or club members. If you would like to bring along a wrapped parcel, this would be most welcome. Looking forward to seeing you on the 10th March. An important date for your diaries is the opening of our Green on Saturday, 2lst April, at 3.00p.m. for club members and anyone who would like to come along and try bowls as a new leisure activity, plenty of fresh air and a friendly atmosphere. There will be bowls available, we would just ask you to wear absolutely flat soled shoes. Why not come along and give it a try. The President's Cup competition will start at 5.00 p.m. for Club members. Club afternoons will again be on Wednesdays and Saturdays 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. This is a chance to try out those new shots and practice the old ones and have an enjoyable afternoon. Lily Lofts

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140


Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

Page 22

Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club After wading through snow last week wondering if I would ever see the cricket square again, I am now regretting not cutting the grass as signs of Spring appear at every turn. Further evidence that the new cricket season is nearer than we realize comes with the start of pre-season practice. Seniors, Ladies, & Under 15s at Thomas Mills HS on Sundays 5pm to 7pm, juniors, years 3 to 8 at Stradbroke High School on Tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm, right up to Easter. Contact me on 384433 for further details. Once again the club are involved in Nat West Cricket Force, on Sunday 1st April (honestly!). As many club volunteers as possible are needed from 10am to cut & roll grass, paint the scorebox, tidy the equipment shed, and for members to renew their yearly subscriptions. Talking of money, which is tight everywhere at the moment, many thanks to the 55 members & villagers who supported the Annual Race Night. £670 was raised on the night. The next fund raising event is POP QUIZ on FRIDAY 2nd MARCH, at the COMMUNITY CENTRE , 7:30pm start. It is not too late to take part. Teams of 4, £4 per person inc nibbles. Prize to the winning team. There will be a bar & a raffle. More good news on the financial side is the kind sponsorship of the Queens Head Inn, re-establishing links that go back some years. Thanks to Jacqui & Dan at the Queen. For our part, we now have to go to the pub after matches. I don‟t think you all realize how difficult it is being a cricketer. Roll on Summer. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Football Club Results since last month. Lost to Wolverstone Away 4 – 2. Lost to Cedars Park Home 5 – 3. Other matches cancelled due to snow. The last Cash Bingo was when the weather was bad we managed to raise £26. The next one is on 9th March. See you there. The more people come the bigger the cash Prizes. M. Ellis

Stradbroke Table Tennis Club - Good News! Due to the dedication, sporting prowess and over keenness of the Stradbroke Table Tennis club members, we will now be continuing to play throughout the spring and summer seasons. New members are always welcome at the club on Wednesdays from 7.15pm in the Community Centre. Please text / call Nigel Brown on 07771-838957 for further information.

Stradbroke Badminton Club With the badminton season well under way the club is still doing very well with it‟s league games as the following results indicate. Jan 30 Stradbroke 2.5 Ipswich Skill Centre 6.5 Away Feb 2 “ 5.5 Stowmarket 3.5 Home Feb 9 “ 5.0 Corinthians 4.4 Home Feb 13 “ 6.5 Felixstowe 2.5 Away Feb 17 “ 5.0 Walton & Kirton 4.0 Away Feb 21 “ 0.5 Corinthians 8.5 Away It was a pleasure to see a couple of new faces on club nights and we wish them well and hope that we have made them more than welcome. As can be seen with my monthly reports the club is involved with playing in local leagues, however if this is not your scene we do have a number of members on club nights who are not league players and come along for the social game. Please come along and be our guests and give us a try, a polite reminder that Tuesdays is the club night from 8.00 pm till 10.00 pm at the High School on the Wilby Road. Regards to you all Roy Lee. Contact phone numbers: Roy- 01379 384729 or Rick- 01379 586113

Page 23

THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

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Spuds R Us Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622

Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25

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Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745

2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.

Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment

Page 26

Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties

Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at

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Sports Roundup

Page 27

Stradbroke Youth Football Club Stradbroke Youth FC U12 4 - 1 Stowmarket Town Hornets U12 A very good all round performance against strong opposition. Stradbroke dominated from the beginning despite going one nil down to a breakaway goal after 10 minutes. The equaliser came shortly afterwards when Jack Smith went past the full back and hit a great cross to the far post where Robert Redwood met it on the volley and smashed the ball into the roof of the net. It stayed 1-1 until half time but early in the second half, Woody Walters beat the offside trap and despite the close attentions of their centre back raced through to slot the ball past the keeper. Stradbroke always looked capable of adding to their score and Jack Smith broke clear as Stowmarket appealed for offside and he fired the ball into the net. Some confusion as the Stowmarket team thought offside had been given but the referee was signalling a goal. 3 – 1 but still work to do, and Stradbroke were now well on top and had a string of corners as they applied the pressure. Eventually in a crowded goalmouth Alex Davidson popped up to fire the ball home and seal a very good win for Stradbroke. Good performances from everyone particularly the determined and positive defending from Jack Melton, Sammy Green and newcomer Bailey Chapman which allowed the midfield to take the game to the opposition. Stradbroke Youth FC U12 1 - 2 Moreton Hall U12 A very even game and in the first half Stradbroke just shaded it going 1-0 up when Sammy Green collected the ball from Owen Hargrave and raced into the area to fire the ball into the net. Lots of pressure at both ends of the pitch but the Stradbroke defence held firm and Lewis Harvey made a couple of good stops. With the back four looking strong the midfield began to dominate and set up chances for Joe Serjent and Matt Knight and we could have added to our score, but it was 1-0 at half time. With Stradbroke down to ten players after half time, Moreton Hall grabbed an early equaliser which gave them a lift and we came under a lot of pressure. In defence Sam Green and Jack Melton cleared everything and with Robert Redwood and Ben Brown dropping back from midfield it meant we had fewer chances going forward but we always looked as though we could score on the break. Matt Knight had a couple of great chances from breakaways but the game looked to be heading for a draw until a few minutes from time. We conceded a corner which was hit high across our penalty and was met on the volley by one of their players and it screamed past Lewis Harvey into the net. A fine goal but it didn‟t leave us much time to get back into it. U14sUpdate Jan 29th Home to Elswell won 2 – 1 Having been beaten 7 – 1 by this team in the cup just before Christmas revenge was sweet with everyone playing some of their best football of the season. Ant scored the first goal with a close range blast following a cross from Ronnie. Elmswell equalised just before half time and the second half was all to play for. End to end stuff in the second half and both sides new that one goal was going to be the decider. Callum made some brilliant close range saves and then with only 10min to go Richie hustled and bustled his way through a crowded defence (taking the ball with him) and drove a low shot past the keeper. Ronnie, was without doubt the star of the day playing like a man possessed - fighting for everything, running, chasing and leading the team like a true captain and deservedly was Man of the Match. Hanging on for the last few minutes was nail-biting, especially for the spectators, and Callum with only seconds left on the clock, made a save of the match to give us a deserved win. Mike Readman and Don Darling

Running for Stradbroke M-day is getting close and I‟m getting worried by the fact that nothing‟s broken yet. With over 330 miles on the clock the “pins” are beginning to creak a little and as the runs get longer so the legs do seem to be getting shorter – is this another example of Einstein‟s general theory of relativity? Or is this why tortoises retract their legs so they can‟t run! Fund raising is going well with promises of about £500 so far. Thank you to everyone who has signed my sponsor forms so far - and to those that haven‟t, there‟s still space left for you!. I‟ve been thinking about a possible youth project which the funds might be used for. My favourite idea at the moment is to put the money towards a BMX park for bikers. The are a lot of young people who like riding around and generally amusing themselves on their bikes. Currently they use a pile of soil left on the side of the playing fields when the new drainage was installed. So it might be a good idea to create our own customised BMX park with purpose built jumps and ramps etc for use by boys and girls in the area If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to get in touch and let me know. Don Darling

Page 28

Gardeners Notes Since my return from Japan a couple of weeks ago we have had fair extremes of weather. The cold was good to break up the soil, especially on newly dug beds, and get on top of pests and diseases, but the warm weather feels a bit wrong this early. I've been working in a 'T' shirt for the end of February which probably a first for me. The problem with very warm weather this early is that it brings everything on too fast, if we then get a cold snap it can damage the new growth, especially flowering buds of fruit trees and roses. We are coming up to the end of the time for planting bareroot trees and hedging, the end of March is normally as late as you should plant particularly if the weather remains dry. If you are planting large trees make sure you add plenty of organic matter to the soil and, although it is expensive, a sprinkle of mycorrhizal fungi on to the roots will make a big difference. It is always worth making it easier for the tree to take up water, when planting you can coil a perforated pipe around the roots and bring it up to the surface to direct the water to where it is needed, although widely used by professionals this method was poo-hooed at a tree conference I went to in the autumn, instead they recommended a much simpler method of creating an earth bud around the base of the tree about 60cm (2 feet) wide, this helps guide the water to the roots. It is also worth remembering that a trees most beneficial roots are in the top 50cm of soil so keeping the base of the tree weed free will help. A new gardening year is always exciting and as we enter the growing season it is worth making plans to get the best out of your garden. Don't put off getting out there until May when everything is in full growth, instead get out there now, cut back last years untidy growth, most late flowering shrubs (unless tender) and roses can be cut back and taken in hand now, hedges can be trimmed before birds start to nest and trees tidied while you can still see their shape. Weed beds before things start growing and mulch with last years compost and leaf mold, this acts as a weed barrier, soil improver and helps to retain moisture. If you don't have any compost you can buy spent mushroom compost or the councils recycled green waste. These are normally delivered by the ton or cubic metre (the same as a builders ton bag) and cost between ÂŁ25-30 a cubic metre. This is about the equivalent to 18-20 bags of multi purpose compost. Tidying away the last of the leaves from borders and under hedges will also make everything look much better. Getting out in the garden or down to the allotment is as good, or in my opinion better, then going to the gym. You not only will end up with nice tight butts you will also have flowers and produce to show for it and saved yourself a couple of pennies. And, if you are looking to improve your six pack with all that sun bathing to be done later in the summer then you can't do better then giving the lawn a good rake out. Raking out the lawn removes the thatch, dead moss and helps get air and moisture to the roots in time for the new spring growth. Any areas that have suffered in the winter can also be re-seeded now. In my article today I haven't mentioned any plants but usually I like to recommend a few things that may be looking good or worth growing. It was brought to my attention by a keen gardener friend of mine that my use of Latin names may be abit off putting for people reading the article when a good old common name will do. From now on I will try to use the common name as well as the Latin name as long as I remember. I feel I have to use the Latin name, not only to show off, but it makes it much clearer for anyone wanting to take my advice and find the plant. The trouble with common names is they can be regional and often only represent a family group rather than a individual cultivar or variety. Until next month, happy and healthy gardening, goodbye, or, should I rather say Valete. Happy gardening, Luke.

Page 29

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Page 30

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Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP

Page 31

Farming and locally produced food and drink forms a key part of life in rural Suffolk, bringing enormous benefits to the local economy, local communities and our environment. Whilst supermarkets have an important role to play in providing affordable food, I know that residents in Suffolk value the opportunity to support local producers by purchasing food and drink that is from their local area. I recently heard the concerns of Suffolk‟s farmers and food producers at a meeting at C & K Meats hosted by Chris Soule and the Suffolk Federation of Small Businesses, which flagged up the dangers of imposing unnecessary rules on farms and small rural businesses. C & K Meats is an independent wholesale and catering butchers run by the Burrows family. We are fortunate to have such an excellent local abattoir supplying fresh, local meat in Suffolk. A number of businesses from across the food industry were present at the meeting, including small independent butchers and farm shops, who voiced their concerns about the Food Standard Agency‟s (FSA) proposed rule changes to meat inspections at abattoirs and its new E-coli contamination guidelines for butchers. Under the FSA‟s „full cost recovery‟ plans, all meat producers will be required to pay the full costs of meat inspections which the agency carries out. It is important that small businesses in Suffolk are not adversely affected by unnecessary regulation, and I shall be working with my Suffolk MP colleagues to fight for the interests of our local farmers and food producers in Parliament in the weeks and months ahead. Making the choice to eat local Suffolk produce is not only about supporting our local food producers but also about opting for high farming quality and high animal welfare standards. To support our local farmers, I shall continue to campaign for more honest food labelling in Parliament, by ensuring that the British food stamp is applied only to food that has been farmed in the United Kingdom, whilst pressing Ministers not to burden Suffolk‟s farmers and food producers with unnecessary rules so that we can continue to enjoy the great variety of high quality locally produced food and drink of which we in Suffolk are so proud. Finally, as part of my regular „In Touch‟ online survey to find out your views on the most important issues at a local and national level, I am this month focussing on access to health and social care services for older people in Suffolk. I would encourage as many of you as possible to let me know your views on this important local topic at, or write to me at Dr Dan Poulter MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. For more information please see

Letters to the Editor “Iris, Sue and Alex would like to thank neighbours, friends and villagers for the kindness and support shown to them since the sudden loss of Ned. We were overwhelmed by the number of people who attended Ned's funeral and the generosity which was shown in the donations, which amounted to over £1100 for 'Help for Heroes'. “ Kind regards, Alex Bloss “Freda Smith, Pauline & Family would like to thank everyone for the cards and kindness and all who attended the funeral in the memory of Peter, also many thanks to Rev David Streeter.” Freda. “I wish to say thank you to all the people who phoned and sent cards while Chris was in hospital he is home but still has a long way to go. A very big thank you to Jan and Neville Stokes and Roy Neal who with out them I would never have managed thank you. “ Janet Chambers and family


Mar 1st 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 4th 6th 6th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 10th 10th 11th 12th 14th 15th 17th 17th 17th 20th 22nd 23rd 23rd 23rd 27th 28th 29th 30th

Over 60s meeting in Community Centre @ 2.00 – 4.00pm RBL meeting at King‟s Head, Laxfield @ 11.30am Harleston Flower Club meet at Wortwell Community Centre @ 2pm Stradbroke Cricket Club „Pop Music Quiz‟ in Community Centre ASCFC Cake Stall Jumble Sale at Wilby Primary School @ 10 – 12pm Stradbroke Charitable Trust Allotments meetings (see inside) Stradbroke Badminton Club 8 – 10 pm at SBEC & every Tuesday Contact Club in Community Centre @ 10 am & every Tuesday Bookstart Rhymetime in library @ 11.15 am & every Tuesday Table Tennis in Community Centre @ 7.15pm and every Wednesday WI meeting in Community Centre @ 7.30pm SFC Cash Bingo in Community Centre Stradbroke & District Bowls Club „Pudding Party‟ in Community Centre @ 7.30pm Piano Jazz in Mendham & Withersdale Village Hall @ 8.00pm One-off workshops & classes for adults @ SBEC (see inside) Piano Jazz in Mendham & Withersdale Village Hall @ 3.00pm Parish Council meeting in Community Centre @ 7.30pm Baptist Church Cameo Lunch Club @ 12.30 pm Over 60s meeting in Community Centre @ 2.00 – 4.00pm Farmers Market in Laxfield Village Hall @ 9.30 – 1pm One-off workshops & classes for adults @ SBEC (see inside) Eye Bach Choir concert in Eye Parish Church @ 7.30pm Stradbroke Primary School Open Evening @ 3.30 – 6.30pm Stradbroke Cinema in Community Centre @ 7pm (see inside for details) BOOK LAUNCH in Stradbroke Library (see front cover) 7-9pm All Welcome! White Hart Bowls Club Bingo in Community Centre @ 7.30pm **ARTICLES FOR APRIL EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** ASCFC Beetle Drive in Community Centre Club Room @ 7.30pm Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee @ 10.00 – 11.30 am “Local Gardens of Suffolk” A talk at the De La Pole Arms, Wingfield, 7:30pm Margaret Lockwood Memorial Quiz in Community Centre @ 7.30pm

APR 5th 21st 21st

Harleston Flower Club meet at Wortwell Community Centre @ 2pm Stradbroke & District Bowls Club‟s Green opens @ 3pm - All Welcome RBL Celebration Concert at SBEC @ 7pm (see inside for details)

We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’.

Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.

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