£1 where sold
November 2011 No.375
Remembrance Day - Sunday 13th November 2011 Parade and wreath laying 10.50 a.m. at The War Memorial followed by a Remembrance Day Service in the Baptist Chapel. The names that are carved into Stradbroke’s War Memorial will be read out on Remembrance Sunday as they have been every Remembrance Day since the memorial was dedicated in 1922. They are the names of Stradbroke’s young men who gave their lives in times of war. They were young men who were part of the community; they walked the same streets as we do today; they enjoyed life while it was theirs to enjoy. Although most of us will only know them as “names” their families and friends remember them as the real people that they were. One of those names that will be read out will be that of Donald Moore who grew up in the village and joined the 2nd Battalion Irish Guards in World War 2. His was a tank regiment that fought through Normandy following the D Day invasion. In early August 1944, his unit was engaging the enemy when his tank received a direct hit killing all on board. Donald was just 20 years old. His sister Janet Chambers lives in the village and there are many others who remember Donald. He is not just a name… Donald Burcham Moore, 2nd Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20, on 7th August 1944 Son of George Henry and Eitheria Amelia Moore, of Stradbroke, Suffolk. Remembered with honour at Bayeux War Cemetery
…and by his Commanding Officer and his Regiment
Please join us at Stradbroke’s War Memorial at 10.50 a.m. on Sunday 13th November 2011 for the Remembrance Day service ...to remember all those who gave their lives in past conflicts. ...to pray for all our men and women who are serving their country around the world, particularly those young men from our community who serve in Afghanistan. Mike Readman,, Stradbroke Local History Group
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome
To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: leadmusictuition@googlemail.com Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.
Fleurs Ar san 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Stradbroke Baptist Church A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. Sunday Services each week @ 10:15am th
6 13th 10:50 20th 27th * * *
Speakers for November R. Powell Remembrance Sunday J. Ling meet at war memorial - 11:10 Service Baptist Church M. Caplin D. Willson
Cameo Lunch Club Drop in for Coffee Alpha Course
Wed 9th Wed 23rd Each Monday
12:30pm 10am – 11:30am 7:30pm
Thank You! Typewriters, sewing machines, computers and a vast array of interesting and useful tools all given by local people were recently delivered to Tools With A Mission. The Ipswich HQ is a hive of activity where many volunteers receive, sort, clean, repair and pack goods for the developing world. On behalf of this Christian charity we are still collecting trade tools, equipment, typewriters and sewing machines. If you have suitable items you wish to donate, please contact. Full details and list of requirements are available. Thank you for helping us help others! Transformation The audience was waiting for the brilliant pianist to come out onto the stage. Then, to everyone’s embarrassment, a little boy wandered up onto the stage and started banging out one, harsh note on the Steinway. Suddenly, the maestro appeared and made his way over to the boy. Standing behind him as he banged away tunelessly, he began to weave a melody around the note, taking it up into his larger tune and transforming it into something beautiful. After a few moments the maestro led the lad away from the piano and together they took a bow to the audience’s applause. In the same way Jesus can take the harsh, discordant, out of tune moments of our lives – and can weave his own purposes around them. As we let him do this, he transforms our mistakes and failures, bringing out of them something he can use for his glory. Details contact John 388751 Jackie 384112 Malcolm 384797
Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on very part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website; www.suffolk-carers.co.uk
Local Churches
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All Saints, Stradbroke 30th October 6th November 13th November
All Saints Festival Communion 10.00 am Benefice Communion at Horham 11.15 am Holy Communion 8.00 am
REMEMBRANCE SERVICE at the War Memorial 10.50 am and at The Baptist Church - 11.10 am
20th November St Edmund’s Day 27th November Advent Sunday 11th December
Holy Communion 8.00 am Evensong 6.30 pm Holy Communion (with hymns) 9.00 am Advent Carol Service at Athelington - 4.30 pm Family Gift Service 10.00 am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Harvest Supper was a lovely evening despite low numbers. A hot meal was served with wine and we were entertained by Dougie and we had a film of Stradbroke and the carnival. My how folks have changed we raised £214. By the time you read these notes we will have had the Return of The Artichoke Collection of Clothes and a Quiz evening. Nov 12th Craft and Table Top Sale anyone wishing for a Table £5 in Com Centre 10 – 1. Contact me to reserve a place. We shall again be having Xmas Coffee morning at the Chantry by kind permission of Anne and Jeremy on 24th Nov. The Xmas Cake stall on Dec 3rd in Church Street. Any new ideas for Fund Raising in 2012 will be greatly received. Once again Thanks for you support. Our best wishes go to Julie from us all. Mary Ellis As Treasurer I would like to thank most sincerely Andrew Hugman who raised over £300 for the Church and Suffolk Historic Churches Trust. Well done and many thanks. Keep Cycling Andrew. Mary Ellis
The Rectory
Tel: 384363 Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net Church Website: www.allsaints-stradbroke. com
Dear Friends, On August 21st, 2012, I will be seventy years old, and no longer Rector of Stradbroke, but the Bishop has given me permission to continue my ministry here for another two months, to say goodbye at the Harvest Festival services which are in October, and we will move from The Rectory before the end of that month. There is much to do over the next twelve months in preparation for a new Rector who will live in this house and to bring to a completion our thirty years, and more, in this parish, for Margaret and I, in a year’s time. The Flower Festival and the Harvest Thanksgiving filled the church with colour and produce, of field and garden, and from the Primary School. The children’s work is on display now – do take a close look – as we shall at the Service on Sunday October 30th at 10.00 am to celebrate all the saints, and St Edmund, the patron saint of Suffolk. The banner, made at the School to celebrate 200 years of Church Schools, is also here after being taken to the Cathedral in Bury St Edmunds for a diocesan service on Sunday 16th October Keith and Duane Adams, our Village Bakers, made three splendid harvest loaves, and earlier, I baked “Bible Cake” for the refreshments in September. To be ready for Christmas, you can buy, or win, my cakes on Saturday 12th November and Thursday 1st December, for the festive season, and other varieties, that I have made, with some success!, for flower shows this summer. The Primary School motto, on their banner, is “EXPECT THE BEST”, and I am most grateful, both to all who work at the School to that end, and for all the activities of our church life which maintain “All Saints”, the building, and ourselves who are “called to BE SAINTS”, which can be shortened to “BEST”, “BE A SAINT” , “BE ST”, and “BLEST”. I will speak on this theme on All Saints Sunday, 30th October, and write again on the same subject next month as we look forward to Advent, (a Candle-lit Carol Service at Athelington on 27th November) and the Christmas Carol Services in the church in December which will be bright and warm and welcoming. With all good wishes, David Streeter. All Saints Church Cleaning - Thursday, 3rd. November, 10.00 am onwards.
Margaret Streeter
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Parish Pump!
Parish Council Meeting
10 October 2011
Prior to the business of the evening commencing Patrick Taylor, Conservation Architect for MSDC and Babergh DC gave a presentation on the conservation plan for Stradbroke. Several members of the public took the time to come along and view the exhibition and then to listen to Patrick’s presentation. The Planning Committee agreed to meet to discuss the appraisal and present findings to the Council at the November meeting when a formal response could be submitted. Public Forum: Steve Lee reported to the Council that he had spoken to John Cleverley following the failure of the garage site to sell. Mr Lee planned to make alternative suggestions for the site.
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 14th November 2011 7.30pm At the Community Centre
Planning: Applications for consideration at this meeting: 2645/11 erection of stable block Three Corners, Laxfield Road 3043/11 construction of additional dormer window to the front elevation Oakfields, Battlesea Green 3360/11 work on cherry tree and yew tree Stradbroke Churchyard Recommendation for approval of the above Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: 2577/11 remove 1 x sycamore Old Builder’s Yard, Church Street 3380/11 change of use and works to convert a barn to a single residential dwelling, including retention of some works undertaken previously and completion in accordance with revised drawings and accompanying documents. Erection of detached cart shed garaging Brooklands Barn, Mill Lane 3386/11 LBC for above Other business: The Chairman reported there had been little movement from SCC’s property department on the subject of the Court House and the possible transfer to the Parish Council. Cllr Guy McGregor was attempting to facilitate a meeting where some progress might be made. It was stressed during this meeting that however keen the Council was to ensure the Court House was retained ideally by the Parish Council, affordability of the Court House would be an important factor. A piece of land had been informally offered to the Parish Council for affordable housing use. This is very early in the cycle but the Council was delighted with this news which enables it to proceed with the various processes to bring about some much needed housing for the village that can be afforded by those with a link to Stradbroke. Consultations would now be set in motion to formulate the best way to move forward. NEWS ITEMS DIGITAL TV SWITCH OVER: A last reminder that this is due for completion in November. ALLOTMENTS: It had emerged at the public meeting in August that the piece of land offered for allotments was not, in fact, as large as first anticipated and would not accommodate all those interested in taking plots nor give space for additional features envisaged. The Council agreed to continue the search. LIBRARY: nothing further had come from SCC CRIME: PCSO Long reported that in the course of 2011 so far there had been 19 crimes in Stradbroke. During the same period in 2010 the number had reached 38.
The next meeting of the Parish Council: 14 November 2011 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs** **Monday to Friday only**
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Dirty Oven??
J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012
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Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
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Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
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Life in the Legion As in previous years it is a very busy time for the Branch as Subscriptions have to be collected for those who are not on Direct Debit, and the Launch of this year’s Poppy Appeal is being organized. All members are receiving a letter giving details of this year’s Branch AGM, and in addition we are preparing for The Remembrance Sunday arrangements, and the awards to 3 SBEC pupils who wrote War Poems. Peter Warren from Harleston was the Guest Speaker at our October Meeting and he gave a talk about his visit to Dubai, which he illustrated with a video, and I gave him the Vote of Thanks on behalf of the members present. Branch treasurer Roy Neil gave his monthly report, and we congratulated Simon Harrison whose sponsorship total for The Pedal to Paris has now reached £1,335. I thanked Jeremy Higgins for putting up a RBL Display Board at the recent Flower Festival, and also thanked Rev’d David Streeter, Gill Graham, and Roly Copping who had all done RBL Flower Arrangements. The next meeting of The Branch at The Laxfield King’s head at 11.30am on Thursday 3rd November will be The AGM followed by Lunch. There will be a draw at the end of the meeting for The Poppy Appeal thus prizes will be most welcome. Speakers will be The County Secretary Sandra Bromley, and member Simon Harrison on his ‘Pedal to Paris’. The Remembrance Sunday Parade and Wreath Laying on November 13th will commence at 10.50am at The War Memorial followed by a Remembrance Day Service in The Baptist Church. Everybody is most welcome to attend. ‘The Legion will always Remember Them.’ Michael Burton – Branch Chairman
Womens Institute In her talk ‘Moonlight to Mountain Walk’ our speaker Cynthia Thompson told us how with a friend she joined thousands of others and took part in the Cancer Charity 20 mile Moonwalk around London, all dressed in pink. Having completed it, what should they do next? Another challenge was needed!! ‘Let’s walk the Grand Canyon’ and with their husbands they did just that! With the use of projected photographs, members were treated to some amazing and fantastic photos of their journey and all interspersed with interesting facts and information. The light and colours in the Grand Canyon were the inspiration for the design of the quilt that Cynthia made on her return, and which she brought with her for members to see. It was beautiful, and a wonderful memento of a great achievement. The vote of thanks to Cynthia was given by Gwyneth. Through the efforts of Irene with her book stall, donations of £50 each have been made to Stradbroke Primary School, the High School and the District Bowls Club.The ‘Shades of Autumn’ table top sale was again well supported, thank-you all. Our next meeting is on the 10th November and is our Annual Meeting when we will be entertained by our French Conversation Group. Hope to see you there. Gill Bird
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :- 07749445531
If anyone is interested in joining the Good Neighbours team of drivers to occasionally take people to the doctors, hospitals, collecting prescriptions, etc please contact Jane Gemmill 384518
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Stradbroke Primary School visit us at www.stradbrokevc.suffolk.sch.uk For the first time last week pupils in Year 4 and 5 at Stradbroke Primary were given the chance to attend a Residential trip to the Horstead Activity Centre. I accompanied them on this visit and have to say it was great fun. The children were highly praised for their excellent behaviour and were given the chance to try lots of new and exciting activities. In their own words here is what the children thought of the visit. Mrs Melanie Barrow, Headteacher. “It was really cool. The zip wire was amazing and it’s the first time I have ever done this”. Jamie, Year 5. “I think it was very exciting and AWESOME! I loved canoeing, Mrs Barrow and I were in a canoe together and we had great fun”. Callum, Year 4 “I would like to say how much fun it was. I would like to go again. My best part was archery, no the zip wire, no the tunnels and I liked canoeing and breakfast and sleeping. Actually I just pretty much loved all of it!” Oscar, Year 5 “Doing canoeing was the best. We had great stories and cocoa at bedtime. It was just like being at Hogwarts!” Pariss, Year 5 Mrs Melanie Barrow- Headteacher
Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College On Wednesday 5th October, one hundred and four Key Stage 1 pupils from five of Stradbroke Business and Enterprise College’s six feeder primary schools came to SBEC for a multi-skills festival. Twenty eight Year 10 sports leader pupils played an essential role in the whole of the afternoon’s events. Their roles ranged from transforming the sports hall in the space of ten minutes into a fun, multi-skill environment, to meeting the pupils as they arrived and the overall running of twelve different activity stations. The twelve different multi-skill stations were set up to test and develop children’s fundamental movement skills, through a variety of approaches. Stations included ‘The Tight Rope Walker’ testing balance, ‘Fireman’s Ladders’ testing speed and agility and the ‘Skittles’ testing underarm throwing and accuracy skills. The whole afternoon was filled with excitement, high 5s, laughter and cheering. The Year 10 sports leaders really took to their roles. Considering this was their first experience of leading they did a fantastic job, organising, encouraging, motivating and ensuring every key stage 1 pupil did their very best and had an afternoon of activities to remember. I think it is fitting to summarise this report with a quote from a member of staff from one of the primary schools: “The Year 10 sports leaders helping this afternoon are a credit to themselves, their PE department and to SBEC”. The afternoon could not have run, let alone have been so successful, without each of the year 10 sports leaders Miss D Firbank, PE Department
1st Stradbroke Guides In Aid of the 1st Stradbroke Guide Ladies Local luxury evening 1st December 2011, 7PM – 9PM @, Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College Come in from the cold this December for an evening of luxurious treats * Beauty & Health demonstrations, alongside pampering treats, provided by professionals from our local area. You can learn the benefits of homeopathy; shop for presents from the Body Shop, try a mini manicure or maybe a relaxing Indian head massage! There’ll be warming Mulled Wine & Mince Pies, plus a Raffle for an Amazing Hamper full of gorgeousness! Put the date in your diary, because… ‘You’re Worth It!’ Georgina Westmancott
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Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, LaStone Massage at Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Library In Association with Stradbroke Library Support Group Return with their festively fun adaptation of Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ On Tuesday December 27th at the Community Centre at 3pm If you do not see this show you will be visited by three spirits… The Keeper’s Daughter present an innovative and faithful adaptation of this classic story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a cranky old miser who makes life a misery for everyone who crosses his path until an evening of Ghostly visitations forces a change in him for the better. Told with precision, vigour and a huge amount of imagination this is a magical, quirky and original retelling of one of literatures most adored and classic ghost stories. The Keeper’s Daughter’s ‘A Christmas Carol’ ‘The affordable family show; for all you misers out there.’ Tickets available at the library priced £5 adults, £4 children ‘Ridiculously entertaining and wildly inventive’ – Paul Monkhouse, Diss Express Show lasts approx 60 minutes without an interval. www.thekeepersdaughter.org.uk Maureen John. Library Manager.
Friends of All Saints Church Friends of All Saints Church are going to produce a Calendar for 2013! Please start taking your photos now. Carol Darling will be pleased to receive the very best of your seasonal photos - digital pictures of at least 1 Mb (Megabyte). We will be at the Church Craft Stall in the Community Centre on Saturday, 12th November,10.00-1.00 pm and Carol Singing in the Church on Friday, 16th. December at 6.00 pm Margaret Streeter (Press Officer)
Stradbroke Over 60s Our November meetings will be on the 3rd. and 17th. 2 till 4 in the community centre where we make everyone most welcome. Our Christmas Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday 5th November (hope it goes off with a bang) at 10-00 till 12-00 in the community centre where there will be Cakes, Gifts, Tombola ,Bric A Brac ,Raffles and more! We do hope that you will give us your support. Joan Grimes
Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday 3rd. November “Senna”a documentary about the Brazilian racing legend. On Thursday, 17th. November we are showing “The Conspirator” at the Community Centre, 7 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open – and ice creams in the interval. Entrance is £5.50. Mary Surratt is the lone female charged as a co-conspirator in the assassination trail of Abraham Lincoln. As the whole nation turns against her, she is forced to rely on her reluctant lawyer to uncover the truth and save her life.Director Robert Redford. Writer James D.Solomon, Stars: Robin Wright, James McAvoy, and Tom Wilkinson. Margaret Streeter
Horham Fireworks Horham Fireworks - Saturday, 5th. November. On the Community Centre Meadow. Gates open 6 o’clock. Bonfire lit at 6.30 pm. £4 Adults - Concessions £2.00. Accompanied young children entrance free. Bar, Hot Food, Raffle. Proceeds to Horham and Athelington Community Council. Margaret Streeter, 01379 384363
Eye Bach Choir and Eye Bach Choir Chamber Orchestra Saturday 26 November 2011 Concert in Eye Parish Church at 7.30pm. Bach's Magnificat and Haydn's St Nicholas Mass and Trumpet Concerto performed by Eye Bach Choir and Eye Bach Choir Chamber Orchestra conducted by Leslie Olive with soloists Lisa Cassidy (soprano) Helen Sherman (contralto) Tyler Clarke (tenor) Mark Saberton (bass) and Ian McKechnie (trumpet). Tickets £12 reserved and £10 unreserved available from Eye pharmacy, by telephone (01728 747371) or on the door. Elizabeth Medvei
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Barn View, Wilby
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Page 14
Forthcoming Events
Christmas Sale of Original Art by Stradbroke Artists, Christmas Sale of Original Art by Stradbroke Artists, Mita and Steve Higton (with part of the proceeds going to the charity of your choice) Sunday 27th November 10.00 – 4.00 at Castle Villa, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5JN It’s not too late to think about buying a fine piece of hand made, creative work by a local artist, sculptor or craftsperson as one or more of your Christmas gifts. You will not only be lending a hand to those of us who are struggling to keep going in these hard times, but you will be giving something that has more than simple intrinsic value, an item that will represent a singular moment in time and the creative endeavour and spirit of the maker, an item that will have long lasting appeal. With that in mind why not come along to Mita and Steve Higton’s Christmas sale of their atmospheric and vibrant original paintings of East Anglia. Everything will be on sale at knock-down prices. In addition we will donate a portion of the proceeds to your favourite charity. So come along, buy a painting and vote for your charity of choice. The charity with the most votes will receive 25% of the sales made. To give you an idea of what to expect checkout our websites on: www.artsumitra.co.uk and www.shigtonart.co.uk
Wilby Christmas Box of Delights An Evening of Entertainment and Supper of Chilli con Carne, Chicken in White WineSauce or Vegetable Goulash. Chocolate Roulade or Trifle. Mini Mince Pie, Christmas Present Tombola Tickets Adults £12.50 and Under 15s £6 available from Priscilla 388034, Alex 384010, Barbara 384589, Sally 388653 Saturday 3 December at Wilby Coronation Hall at 6.30 for 7pm. In aid of St Mary’s Church Tower Repair Fund.
70s and 80s Disco Do you remember the 70’s and 80’s disco’s? Then come and dance around your handbags with us! At Syleham Village Hall on Saturday 12th November 2011 Starts at 7.30pm. Disco, light refreshments and raffle, and prizes for wearing the best ‘70s and 80s’ accessory. Adult ticket £5.00 and Under 16’s £3.50 Please contact: David Hunt or Gill Johnson on 01379 388862 or 07747781709 for tickets, and further Gill Johnson information. All proceeds to SBEC Prom 2012.
Coffee Morning
The All Saints Church Cleaners invite you to a coffee morning at Thirkettle Cottage, Queens Street on Thursday 10th November at 10 am, to raise funds for new equipment to clean the church. If you are unable to attend but would still wish to support us, any offers of furniture polish, window spray, floor cleaner, dusters and rags would be very welcome. We look forward to seeing you. Alison Hackett 388872
Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club Prize Bingo For Christmas on Friday 18th November 2011 @ 7:30PM in Stradbroke Community Centre to raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. Many excellent prizes plus a Raffle and Refreshments. Also a flyer to Win a Christmas Hamper! Please join us for a great evening. Julie Ward, Secretary White Hart Bowls Club
SYFC Christmas Party On Saturday 10th December between 4pm to 8pm at the Community Centre. There will be an Entertainer, party games, bar, buffet and a visit from Father Christmas. It’s an invitation to ALL families! Please look out for Posters coming soon.. For tickets and more information please contact Anita Redwood on 01379 388802.
Horham Community Centre East Anglian Film Archives. Saturday, 19th. November –Horham Community Centre. Films of East Anglia from the past, including: Towns, Countryside, Farming, Theatre, Local History. Bar opens 7.30pm. Films Start 8.00pm. Entrance £4.00 Concessions £3.00 Margaret Streeter
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
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Page 16
www.bcgoddard.co.uk Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257
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Forthcoming Events
Page 17
Community Achievement Award On 22nd September Mike Cane was presented with a “Community Achievement Award” at the Cedars Hotel in Stowmarket by the Chairman of Mid Suffolk District Council, Cllr Derek Osborne, and the President of Stowmarket & Gipping Valley Rotary Club, Tony Pickering. He had been proposed by David Merritt, himself a previous winner, with the following accolade:“For many years Mike has been booking clerk, general manager and bar manager for the Stradbroke Community Centre. Bookings clerk means many home phone calls at inconvenient times, sorting out problems with bookings, invoicing and sorting out problems with payments; all this and Mike ensures that all health and safety, licence and fire regulations are complied with. Bar Manager involves ordering stock, cleaning and serving at the bar. The Community Centre is profitable and much of this is made possible by the unpaid Mike Cane.” I’m sure we all extend our congratulations and best wishes to Mike. Stuart Gemmill, District Councillor.
The History of the Community Centre The Parish Council is going to publish a booklet of a complete 'History of the Community Centre Site' and present it at a public meeting on January 7th next year. The work on producing such a record was started more than ten years ago and it is felt that we had better complete it! We have now recovered the data from the previously unreadble computer disk and the existing material is now available in a modern form. Would anyone who has recollections, photographs. posters or notes about any events connected with the site, the old village hall and the events leading up to the construction of the present one, please contact Gerald Jenkins (01379 384 825) as soon as possible? Who went up to London to collect the Social Club building that was our first Village Hall? Who helped nail down the floor? Are there any photographs of that building? We would also particularly like to hear recollections of those public meetings which were held to promote or oppose the construction of the present one. (Louis and his German helmet for instance!) If you can write up something and send it by email, then that is the best and most convenient way to receive it. Please use extarquin@gmail. com to send it if you can. Otherwise telephone, so things can be collected. Gerald Jenkins
Wingfield Barns Community Interest Company Application to become a Member of the Board Are you interested in cultural and community activities? Do you have a background in the arts, or experience in business or venue management? Do you have other relevant skills that can be utilised in a new business? If so, we would like to hear from you. In particular, we are looking for people with business skills in financial management, administration, ICT, marketing, design, media, event management, fundraising, and HR. We want to attract people who are passionate about serving our diverse communities in Suffolk and Norfolk, people who value the East Anglian countryside, people who really want to improve quality of life. Does this sound like you? If you are interested, look at our website on www.wingfieldbarns.com or better still ring Lesley Jackson, the General Manger on 01379 384505 and arrange a convenient time to visit. Lesley Jackson
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News and Views
A New Way To Contact Your Police Suffolk Constabulary has introduced a new telephone number for people who want to talk to the police about non-urgent issues. Instead of ringing the current switchboard number of 01473 613500, people should dial 101. The introduction of 101 in Suffolk is part of a nationwide initiative which will see all forces adopting the number by the end of the year. It is designed to offer one easy way to contact your local police force to report non-emergency crimes, disorder or anti-social behaviour or to speak to your local police officers. Assistant Chief Constable Paul Marshall said: "By the end of the year, people will be able to use 101 to contact their local police force's non-emergency service, wherever they are in England and Wales. The new number should be used to report issues which don't require an emergency response. For example, people should ring 101 if: . . . . .
their vehicle has been stolen; their property has been damaged; they suspect drug use or dealing; if they want to give the police information about crime in their area; or if they would like to speak to a local police officer.
101 will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When calling 101, the system determines the caller's location and connects them to the police force covering that area. Police call handlers in the local force contact centre will then answer the call and respond appropriately. Calls from landlines and mobile networks cost 15 pence per call, no matter what time of day or the duration of the call. People who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired can textphone 18001 101. The new 101 service is not for emergencies. In an emergency, people should always ring 999 for immediate police assistance. Suffolk Constabulary
The search for the 2011 Stars of Suffolk is on! The Stars of Suffolk Awards were launched in 2009 and once again in 2011, we are searching for Suffolk's heroes and heroines. The awards were designed to find those people who are the shining stars in the county, the people that go an extra mile to help communities work together, make a difference to people's lives and show great acts of bravery and kindness. Nominations can be made at www.onesuffolk.co.uk/starsofsuffolk until 5pm Fri 28 October. We are particularly looking for more entrants in the following categories: • Healthy Lifestyle Champion • Outstanding Bravery • School Team of the Year • Search and Rescue Person of the Year • Social Worker of the Year • Hospital/Ambulance Hero/Heroine Suffolk County Council
Lottery Bonus Winners 31 C Mayhew, 29 D Bickers, 45 V Lummis, 14 A Boast. £48 donated to Com Centre. £48 donated to Quiz Evening. Mary Ellis
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L&M TAXIS 01379 669370 • • • •
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Badminton Club Hello everyone. It is hard to believe that we are now entering the third month of the badminton season, me certainly flies by. The following is an update of the clubs ac vi es since the last issue. The men had their first Ipswich league game of the season on Thursday 13th October when they played against Hamlets ‘B’ team where the overall score was Hamlet ‘B’ 5 points and Stradbroke 4 points. Stradbroke scoring was as follows: Steve Shears/Ian McBrearty 1.5 John Barker/George Chaplin 0.5 Alan Broadmeadow/Ian Steward 2.0 The next men’s game against Felixstowe will be at home in the Business College Sports Hall in Wilby Road on Thursday November 3rd star ng at 7.30 pm, if you have an interest why not come along. By the me of our next up date we should know the result for the winner of the club’s most improved player of the year award which is decided by the commi8ee each season. Allowing for the half term break there will be no badminton on Tuesday 25th October, the next club night will be Tuesday 1st November 8.00 pm-10.00 pm, hope to see you there. Contacts for more info 01379 384729 or 01379 586113 Roy Lee
Stradbroke Football Club The season is now well and up & running. Results this month are: v. Stowupland Falcons won 5- 2 away v. Shotley Touchline Cup won 7 – 3 away v. Woolverstone league Home won 9 – 3 v. Hoxne 1st team Suffolk junior Cup lost 1 – 3 away The October Cash Bingo raised £41-60. The next one is on 11 Nov. The more people attending the Bigger the Cash Prizes.
M. Ellis
Stradbroke Cricket Club Do you want the good news or the bad news? OK. Bad news first. That’s life isn’t it? The A team failed to maintain their place in Section A of the Suffolk Alliance, losing their final game at Easton, thus ending a proud club record of never having had a team relegated in 25 years of league cricket. The good news is that the Vikings (1st XI) have been accepted into the Two Counties League, admittedly in a regionalized Division 8. Where is the good news in that? Well, we are now part of a pyramid league, travelling is less than before, and the club can perhaps attract new players, recognizing that there is a pathway to the top. This is the most significant move the club has made in a decade, hopefully safeguarding our future. Autumn is a time to look back and reflect on the season past and plan for the future. The renovations of the square have taken place, thanks to Don, Richard, Keith, & Nigel, for their help. Maintenance of the outfield will commence very soon. By the time you read this the Annual Presentation Evening will have taken place. Our guest speakers this year are father & son, Don & Reece Topley, former & current Essex players. A full list of winners will appear in Decembers Monthly. The AGM also takes place that night. You may not want to serve on the Committee, but any volunteer help is welcomed. A committee of nine cannot preside over 4 adult teams & 5 junior sides, maintain the ground, coach 60 kids, keep abreast of ECB intitatives, & raise funds to keep the club solvent, without volunteer help. Think about it, then get in touch with me. Thank you. Michael Hugman
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 HOME GROWN AND LOCAL FRUIT & VEGETABLES in are our Shop With free delivery to local areas on a Friday Selec on of Home Grown and Cut Flowers ready for Birthdays ,Anniversary, Sympathy Tributes. Large selec on of Hedging Laurel Box Yew and Fruit Trees Local Potatoes Reds and Whites Onions at ÂŁ2 per net of 10lb
Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Calling all members and potential new members - our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING is on Monday 28th November at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Centre. You are all invited to attend this meeting, which is an important event in the Club's calendar. Thank you for all your support during a very busy playing season. Lily Lofts
Yoga A new autumn course of Yoga has already started at Stradbroke Community Centre on Monday evenings 7.30 - 9.00pm, but it's not too late to join in. Any newcomers wishing to experience the many benefits of practicing Yoga, can come along for a free taster class during this term which ends on Mon. Dec. 12th. Ring Sylvia on 01379 388615 for more details.
Running For Stradbroke Some of you may remember that, a few years ago, I ran in the London Marathon. I must be crazy, because I’m doing it again! In 2012 I plan to run for the charity CLIMB – Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases. CLIMB is a children’s charity that strives to bring hope, comfort and support to the many thousands of children, young people and families who, through no fault of their own, have been stricken by one of the many hundreds of inherited metabolic diseases. I anticipate that my major source of support for CLIMB will come from my contacts outside of Stradbroke. However, if you wish to sponsor my Marathon Charity, that would be much appreciated, it is an extremely worthy cause. In addition to raising money for CLIMB, I want to raise money for the young people of Stradbroke. They are ‘The Future’ and, in these troubled times, they need all the support the community can provide. Unfortunately, as a “gold bond” entrant, I can only run the marathon on behalf of one charity. However, in order to complete the Marathon in April 2012, I need to undertake extensive training. This will involve running over 500 miles before the big day! It is this training programme that I would like you to sponsor. A successful training programme will give me the best chance of getting to the starting line in a fit state to complete the 26.2miles. Your support will help me through the long, monotonous periods of putting one foot after the other and will motivate me to keep going. The Stradbroke Charitable Trust has kindly offered to hold all money raised and use it to support clubs, projects, and individual initiatives associated with the young people of Stradbroke. Sponsor forms will appear in various locations in the village from the beginning of November. You can sponsor me for each training mile completed (up to a maximum of 500miles) or for a fixed amount. Each month I will publish a training report in the Magazine so that you can monitor my progress. Thank you for your support. I look forward to seeing some of you on my training runs over the coming months Don Darling
Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club The AGM was held at the White Hart on 12th October and the Officers and Committee for 2012 were elected. Discussions took place regarding the green and area around it and it was decided to continue to work on upgrading, so far as finances allow, as the work and investment over the last year or two has really improved the playing surface. Some additional drainage at the south end of the green was proposed and agreed. The seating area around the green will see the pathway resurfaced to avoid trip hazards. The members who worked on the green were thanked for their efforts. Our fundraising team were also thanked for their excellent work during the year and in particular the Bingo evenings which were very successful. The annual Dinner will take place on 12th November at The White Hart and we look forward to seeing all our members there. Mike Readman
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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
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Spuds R Us Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
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Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
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Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
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Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment
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Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
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Anglian Ecology Protected Species Surveys Ecological Reports Landscape Assessment All forms of Surveying and Monitoring undertaken by qualified professionals. Please call: 07753 406866 / 01379 388030 Or visit www.anglianecology.co.uk
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Sports Roundup
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Stradbroke Youth Football Club SYFC Under 12s 9th October. Moreton Hall 2 – 3 SYFC. Away against a strong Moreton Hall side and with only ten players, SYFC looked as though they were in for a difficult game. However determination and excellent play saw us 2-1 ahead at half time with goals from Woody Walters and Alex Davidson; both coming from great runs by Matthew Knight. Solid defensive play from Sam Green and Jack Melton (MoM) kept Moreton Hall at bay and with only minutes to go a great through ball from Sam Green saw Alex Davidson score his second goal. Conceding a late goal put SYFC under great pressure but they deservedly hung on for their first win of the season. 16th October. SYFC 3 – 4 Ipswich Valley Rangers. League leaders Ipswich came to Stradbroke and looked very confident going 1-0 up early on. Equalising from a Woody Walters goal, SYFC looked to be back in the game but two defensive errors saw SYFC 1-3 down at half time. Conceding a fourth goal just after the restart could have seen heads drop but they battled on and took the game to the opposition. A thunderbolt from Adam Shepherd pulled it back to 2-4 and Jac Garrard scored a fine goal to make it 3-4. With a minute remaining the equaliser almost came with Jac Garrard’s great shot tipped round the post by the keeper. Mike Readman
SYFC Under 14s After a 2-0 defeat away to Elmswell in which the team struggled to cope on a small pitch, they put in a fantastic performance against Needham Market on Sunday 16th Oct. Needham were pinned into their own half for the majority of the first half Stradbroke having 5 or 6 clear chances to go in front but failing to score. Needham scored twice just before the interval with breakaway goals much against the run of play. Stradbroke came out in the second half and with 2 quick goals were soon on top. A third goal by substitute Charlie Cook looked like we were on to a winner when Needham came back with a surprise counter. Needham then went 4-3 up following a goal mouth scramble but we didn't give up and Charlie Cook got his second goal from close range to make it 4-4. Unfortunately with 5 min to go Needham went into the lead with a quick counter and it looked as though we were going down again. With only 2 minutes to go Richie Courtney with late challenge in their penalty area squeezed the equaliser past the keeper and we managed to survive the last few minutes before the whistle went. A breathtaking game and one in which the team found their true spirit as a team. Don Darling
Letters to the Editor Macmillan coffee morning-30th September 2011 A big thank you to everyone who came to my coffee morning and all those who sent donations and contributions of cakes, draw prizes and tombola items. We made a grand total of £307.50.Special thanks to Betty and Norman for coffee making and Jo, Rachael and Heather for manning stalls. Lynn Clarke,Marlbeck Cottage,Stradbroke
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Gardeners Notes October has been rather an exceptional month as far as the weather goes. We started the month with record breaking temperatures of up to 28.8C on the 2nd and by the 15th, less than two weeks later, we had our first frost. We also had no rain between 22nd September and 7th October and since then very little. My feelings are by the time you read this we may well have got the rain. This information has been passed on to me by Stuart Gemmill. I'm not sure how many people are aware, but Stuart collects information on the weather for the Met Office and sends it off each day, as well as measuring temperature and rainfall, he also measures wind speed, cloud conditions and a few other things that I haven't quite worked out yet from the data he has sent me. I plan to put a brief round up of the month's weather in my article each month so people can see for themselves whether the weather is really behaving more strangely than it used to. I was lucky enough to go to a tree conference earlier in the month (some people may not see that as being particularly lucky) in Cambridge. It was held by the Tree Council, an organisation that promotes the planting and looking after of trees nationally. They also help manage the tree wardens all over the country along with local councils. The topic this year was the use of trees in urban and residential areas, this caused a bit of an uproar from some of my fellow tree wardens seeing as they all come from rural areas. This must be seen in perspective as most of my fellow wardens are rather mature and the disturbance was soon quelled. I found it very interesting because the Tree Council are trying to promote and encourage communities whether rural or urban to take responsibility of the trees around them, they also need communities to come forward with projects to plant more trees and be envolved with the decisions made with tree planting on new developments. This made me realise that this is very much what some people in Stradbroke are trying to so with the nature reserve (still in development) and the recent positive responce to allotments by the Parish Council which may include a community orchard. This village will certainly have more development in future and it is up to the community to be involved to make sure it is done in a way the benefits everyone. As much as it pains me to use the phrase, this is all part of 'The Big Society' we are supposed to now be part of. I'm afraid to say whether we like it or not the communities that get the most out of the next few years will be the ones that do things for themselves. An example of this is that up until last year the local council (Mid Suffolk) used to supply hedging and trees for community schemes, from now on, since the council's budgets have been cut, the government money for this type of thing can only be awarded to local organisations that put forward a plan to a national fund called 'The Big Tree Plant', this means if we don't do anything we will loose out. That is something for everyone to be thinking of. As well as all that there is plenty to be doing in the garden. As the leaves fall make sure you rake them or mow them off the grass, any that fall on the beds can be left as they make excellent over wintering places for insects. A pile of leaves with compost over the top is also a good way to protect any slightly tender plants you leave out over winter such as dahlias and gunnera.On a number of occasions I have found hedgehogs nested up for winter in these piles which show it must work.It is a good time to trim deciduous (that drop their leaves) hedges to tidy them up for the winter, trying to leave berries on for winter. Once fruit trees have dropped their leaves now is a good time to shape and tidy them, taking off any broken and damaged branches. This is probably particularly bad this year with such heavy fruit crops. Remember this does not apply to stone fruit trees which can only be prunned in summer. The bareroot planting time starts soon so get planning and ordering trees and hedging for all those new projects. Happy gardening. Any questions please contact me. Luke
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Page 30
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Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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Like many residents in Suffolk, I was very concerned to learn about the difficult financial situation facing Ipswich Hospital last week, after Government figures revealed that the hospital has accumulated a debt of £45 million. Both working as a doctor in the frontline of the NHS and now as your local MP, I know how important local NHS health care services are to our communities in Suffolk, which is why I was particularly concerned at the possible challenge posed to frontline services as a result of the debt. One of the key reasons accounting for the current financial situation at Ipswich Hospital was the building of the Garrett Anderson Centre in 2008 as part of a private finance initiative scheme (PFI).These schemes were used by the previous Government to fund the building of schools and hospitals by private contractors, but many of the PFI contracts were badly managed or negotiated. Whilst the Garrett Anderson Centre has been highly beneficial to Ipswich Hospital, we need to make sure that all future public sector buildings provide good value for money for both the taxpayer and patients alike. Along with my Suffolk colleagues, I shall be doing all that I can to help Ipswich Hospital put its finances back on a stable footing. As both a hospital doctor and your local MP, I have a unique understanding of the main health care pressures facing both Suffolk and the country. The single biggest challenge facing our health service is how to meet both the human and the financial cost of looking after our growing elderly population. Not only are people living longer – which is a good thing - but many of our older people, particularly in our rural communities, are now living with multiple medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and arthritis, which means we will need more community-focussed care and far greater integration between local Social Services and the NHS if we are to properly look after older people. That is why I am pleased that the Government has committed to establishing a local Health Care and Wellbeing Board in Suffolk, which will bring together local NHS, public health and social care commissioners to promote more integrated care and support for our elderly people. The Coalition’s NHS reforms are a step in the right direction, as they will start to bring the greater joined up thinking and improved integration of community focussed healthcare services that are needed in Suffolk. We all owe our brave Armed Forces a huge debt of gratitude for the work they carry out on our behalf in conflicts overseas, which is why I was delighted to visit Wattisham airfield with my colleague Tim Yeo MP to meet with members of the 4 Regiment Army Air Corps. The conflicts in Afghanistan, and more recently in Libya, have brought home to many in Suffolk the daily sacrifices made by British servicemen and women for their country, and it is always important to recognise the bravery and courage of those who have served and continue to serve in our Armed Forces. For more information please see www.drdanielpoulter.com
Radio Stradbroke Sunday Sessions! The Sunday Sessions are back! Tune in at www.stradbroke.org.uk from 10am - 1pm on the following dates to hear your favourite Stradbroke DJs! November 6th Richard Pierce-Saunderson with Something Old Something New 13th Michael “Huggy” Hugman with New York New York 20th Wally Ward with Sunday Classics 27th Vic Spurling with Some of Her Favourite Songs December 4th Welcome To Planet Dave with Around The World In 180 minutes 11th Wes Kent with Triple Link + 18th Josh Franklin-Mann with Sunday Student Show Case 24th Radio Stradbroke Christmas Countdown 10am to 8pm with the Radio Stradbroke Team 25th Marty’s Christmas Crackers 9am to12noon
Oct 28th Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning at The Chantry @ 10 am – 12 noon 29th Stradbroke Cricket Club presentation evening in Community Centre @ 6.45 pm Nov 1st Stradbroke Badminton Club 8 – 10 pm at SBEC & every Tuesday 1st Contact Club in Community Centre @ 10 am & every Tuesday 1st Bookstart Rhymetime in library @ 11.15 am & every Tuesday 2nd Table Tennis in Community Centre @ 7.15pm and every Wednesday 3rd Over 60s meeting in Community Centre @ 2 – 4pm 3rd RBL meeting at Laxfield King’s Head @ 11.30 am 3rd Stradbroke Cinema in Community Centre @ 7pm (see inside for details) 3rd Church Cleaning at 10am 5th Horham Fireworks on Community Centre Meadow @ 6pm (see inside) 5th Over60s Coffee Morning in Community Centre @ 10am – 12pm 6th Radio Stradbroke presents “Something Old and Something New” Richard PS 10am-1pm 9th Baptist Church Cameo Lunch Club @ 12.30 pm 10th WI meeting (AGM) in Community Centre @ 7.30 pm 10th All Saints Church Cleaners coffee morning at Thirkettle Cottage @ 10 am 11th SBEC PTA Quiz Night at SBEC @ 7.30 pm 11th SFC Cash Bingo in Community Centre 12th 70s & 80s Disco at Syleham Village Hall @ 7.30 pm (see inside for details) 12th ASCFC Table Top sale in Community Centre @ 10 am – 1 pm 13th Remembrance service at War Memorial @ 10.50 am, followed by service at Baptist Church 13th Radio Stradbroke presents Michael “Huggy” Hugman with New York New York 10am - 1pm 14th Parish Council meeting @ 7.30pm in Community Centre 17th Over60s meeting in Community Centre @ 2 – 4pm 17th Stradbroke Cinema in Community Centre @ 7pm (see inside for details) 18th **ARTICLES FOR DEC EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** 18th Prize Bingo iao White Hart Bowls Club in Community Centre @ 7.30 pm 19th East Anglian Film Archive in Horham Community Centre @ 7.30 pm 20th Radio Stradbroke presents - Wally Ward with Sunday Classics 10am - 1pm 23rd Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee @ 10.00 – 11.30 am 24th Coffee Morning at The Chantry iao All Saints Church Fundraising Committee 26th Eye Bach Choir concert in Eye Parish Church @ 7.30 pm 27th Christmas Sale of Art, Castle Villa, Wilby Rd, 10am-4pm 27th Radio Stradbroke presents Vic Spurling with “Some of Her Favourite Songs” 10am - 1pm 28th Stradbroke & District Bowls Club AGM in Community Centre @ 7.30 pm Dec 1st Ladies Luxury Evening in aid of 1st Stradbroke Guides @ 7pm (see inside) 3rd ASCFC cake stall in Church Street 3rd Christmas Box of Delights in Wilby Coronation Hall @ 6.30 pm (see inside) 10th SYFC Christmas Party in Community Centre @ 4 – 8 pm
We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘For Publication’.
Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.