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September 2013 No.395
Seasonal Flu Clinics It is much easier for us to manage the flu vaccination programme if patients do attend the clinics. If you are unable to attend a clinic, please contact us after the 21st October in order to book an appointment. Please note that we will not be sending out individual invite letters. Patients are eligible for a flu jab if they meet the criteria below. All eligible children under 17 should make an individual appointment. Please note, we will be contacting parents of 2 & 3 year olds. All other eligible patients should just turn up to one of the walk-in clinics below. It is not necessary to make an appointment. Walk-in seasonal flu clinics at Fressingfield Tues 8th October at Fressingfield
9 am to 11 am
Tues 8 October at Fressingfield
2 pm to 3:30 pm
Fri 11th October at Fressingfield
9 am to 11 am
Fri 11th October at Fressingfield
4 pm to 5:30 pm
Tues 15th October at Fressingfield
9 am to 11 am
Tues 15th October at Fressingfield
2 pm to 3:30 pm
Fri 18th October at Fressingfield
9 am to 11 am
4 pm to 5:30 pm
Fri 18 October at Fressingfield
Walk-in seasonal flu clinics at Stradbroke Mon 7th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am
Mon 7th October at Stradbroke
4 pm to 5:30 pm
Wed 9th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am
Mon 14th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am
Mon 14th October at Stradbroke
4 pm to 5:30 pm
Wed 16th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am
You are eligible for a seasonal flu jab if: You have asthma or a chronic respiratory disease
You have chronic heart disease
You have chronic kidney disease
You have chronic liver disease
You are diabetic
You have a weak immune system/Immunosuppression
You are over 65 years of age or are 65 prior to the 31/3/2014
You have a history of stroke or TIA or Multiple Sclerosis or a disease of the central nervous system
Those who are in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an older or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.
You are Pregnant
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.
www.mooh.co.uk We make websites!
Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk
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A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. September Diary Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am Speakers : 1st D. Dewsbery 8th J. Ling 15th M. Caplin nd th 29 D. Willson 22 Rev G. Lee (Harvest Festival) We welcome you to join us --- our activities for September: Praying together Monday 2nd 7:30pm Christianity Explored Tuesday 10th 7:30pm 12:30pm Cameo Lunch Club Wednesday 11th th Christianity Explored Tuesday 17 7:30pm Harvest Supper Saturday 21st 7pm Christianity Explored Tuesday 24th 7:30pm 10 – 11:30am Drop in for coffee Wednesday 25th Youth Club Friday 27th 7:30pm Time to say “Thank you” In spite of poor weather and difficult ground conditions earlier, it appears that the corn harvest is proceeding speedily with good yields harvested in favourable weather. Equally the produce of gardens, orchards and wild berries has exceeded earlier expectations. Each year the pundits, the doom and gloom merchants forecast disaster, but as usual these prophets have been proved wrong. It’s always worth remembering that government departments or the gloom merchants are not ultimately in control. And again we have good reason to say ‘Thank You’ to a loving God, who provides such an abundance of good things. We invite you to join us as we say-~Thank You. Sat 21st Harvest Supper (booking required) Harvest Festival Sun 22nd All welcome. Time to help others Again this year we are collecting tools and equipment which after renovation will be sent to the developing world through the Christian charity, Tools With A Mission. Any goods available, please contact John Ling 388751 Time to explore life! What’s it all about? Christianity Explored is an informal and relaxed seven-week course. It’s for anyone who wants to think about what Christianity says about the meaning of life. It’s designed to help you explore the big issues we all think about. It’s run by local people and looks at the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ. You can ask any question you want and meet other people who are on a similar journey to you. We each get one life to live - Christianity Explored helps you to explore what it’s all about. Anybody is welcome to this course which is a joint project with All Saints Stradbroke. Where Stradbroke Baptist Church When Commencing 10th September for seven weeks Details & booking Jackie 384112 John 388751 or Rev.Loxton 388493 For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :07749445531
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
1st September
Village Service
8th September
Holy Communion BCP
15th September
Parish Communion
22nd September 29th September
Holy Communion BCP Harvest Celebration Benefice Holy Communion
11.00 am Followed by Coffee/Tea 8.00 am 5.00 pm 10am Mendham
6th October
Parish Communion
11.00 am Followed by Coffee/Tea 8.00 am
Rev Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Rev Susan.
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Village Show was very well supported with more entries than previous years. Well done to the allotment participants for their 1st year. A profit of £491.54 was made, mainly thanks to Roly and Angela Copping. The Garage Trail attracted 23 garages open and many visitors from far and wide., raising £206. Our next events are the cake stall on 7th September and the Harvest Supper on 27th September in the Community Centre. A hot meal and entertainment. Tickets and price later. It is with a heavy heart we have soon to say farewell to Anne and Jeremy Higgins. They have both been so supportive to the village and especially to our committee. A very hard act to follow, we wish them well in their new environment. Mary Ellis
A Message from Rev Susan Dear friends & neighbours, September brings some changes; the nights will start to draw in, children and young people will be beginning a new academic year. In our parish churches the Hoxne parishes will be welcoming their new rector Rev Michael Womack; the Laxfield and Worlingworth parishes will begin to look for a new Rector for their benefice and as Rural Dean I will be a part of that process and have an oversight over all twenty-two parishes in the Deanery. I could not carry out my role as Rector without the many lay people who work and serve in and around our churches; visiting, cleaning, arranging flowers, leading services and running all sorts of groups. I want to say a big thank you to all of them and encourage you if you are not already involved in a church, to come along and offer your help in keeping our churches alive, in good order and ready to help where we can. Like many others my working days are very busy and sometimes it feels almost overwhelming , when it does I look up at my office wall and read some words by archbishop Oscar Romero who was assassinated, he said, We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete. No statement says all that could be said; no prayer fully expresses our faith; no confession brings perfection, no pastoral visit brings wholeness. We cannot do everything and there is a sense of liberation in realising that. So this month, whether you are working on the land, in an office or shop, or from home, remember Oscar Romero’s words, and ask for God’s grace that you may complete what you can and do it well, and ask God to take care of the rest. But remember that those of us who pray, when we ask God for help, can often be the answer to our own prayer! God bless, Rev Susan
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Parish Pump!
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 9th September 7.30pm At the Community Centre
MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL There was no meeting of the Parish Council during August so there is nothing to report this month. But, please note the following and do get in touch if you are (even mildly) interested:
Vacancy Due to the resignation of a Councillor a vacancy has occurred. If you feel you could give a little time to your community please put your name forward. Please contact the Clerk for information. HELP NEEDED! If you have looked at the village website recently you will have observed that it is in need of renovation. A Webmaster is required to bring the site up to date and make it the inviting source of information it once was. Like the vacancy above this is an unpaid position (expenses can be paid) but the satisfaction quotient will be huge and once the site is re-vamped it will take very little time to maintain. Training will be available, if required. Please help! Contact the Clerk for further information.
CONTACT NUMBERS: If there is an emergency continue to dial 999 but if you just wish to report an incident or seek advice please use 101. Unfortunately, this was omitted from the Directory; perhaps this is a good time to note these numbers on your copy or log in your ‘phone.
The next meeting of the Parish Council: 09 September 2013 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy: tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**
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Dirty Oven??
Jon Wilson
Home Improvements
Carpentry And General
Household Maintenance
Bedrooms Fencing
Call for a friendly reliable service
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General maintenance & repairs
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J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012
Page 8
Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk
Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
Page 9
Life in the Legion The Standard-Bearer of the Stradbroke & District branch of the Royal British Legion, Joyce Cooper, among her recent outings, went to Lowestoft Armed Forces Day Parade; also there was Ted Bootle, our president. Joyce will be going to the Annual Festival of Remembrance at the Albert Hall in November. Another date to look forward to is Sunday, 15th December, when the speaker at our Carol Service at Horham Baptist Church will be General Lord Dannatt GCB, CBE, MC, DL, former Head of the British Army. In appreciation of their services given to us, I have arranged a presentation to the 1070 Diss ATC Squadron at their HQ on Tuesday, 24th September. Members, please assemble there at 7.30 pm. We meet again on Thursday, 12th September, at Laxfield Low House at 11.30 am, when our guest speaker will be Charles Michell of Eye on Local Government. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman
W.I Our August meeting started in reflective mood as we held a one minute silence in memory of Sue Boon-Willett, a much loved and respected member of our W.I. who passed away in July. Sue had been a member since moving to Stradbroke in 2003 and was always in the forefront of things. She had great compassion, helping many charities. Perhaps the closest to her heart was the ‘Lioness Cubs Home’ in Kikambala Kenya, of which she was a Trustee, and which she visited annually. One evening she gave us a most moving and touching insight into the formation and working of the home, moving us near to tears. She was a great fundraiser for the home and other charities, and did sterling work for other organisations within the village. We all shared in her happiness when she married Ron Willett in December last year. Sadly and cruelly her life was cut all too short by illness and we lost her in July. At the Thanks Giving Service for her life, the church was packed with family, friends and neighbours who had all come to say their farewells. A testament to Sue and her life. We will miss her. Our thoughts and good wishes were also sent to Amanda who is very unwell. Our speaker for the evening was Mr Brian Heard a retired forensic scientist. His talk was based on the fourteen years spent at Scotland Yard starting in 1964. For many of us a time we remember well, but how it seems we had forgotten just how basic facilities were, none more so than in Scotland Yard. Some of what we heard was most unpleasant. He told us stories of notorious villains, and how they were detected and caught, but however unpleasant life can be there is always a humorous side to it, and he really made us laugh when he told us about a cross bow he was checking. It seems that twice he placed the bolt in position and fired it, with little result. A third firing however aimed a little higher this time, released the bolt into the air which subsequently came down on the other side of the wall of the enclosure they were in, penetrating the roof of the Commissioners car which was parked there. He remained in employment. Dorothy gave the vote of thanks. Next month’s speaker is Andy Malcolm. His subject ‘The True Cost of Fish’ Visitors very welcome. Our next meeting is on Thursday 12th September at 7.30 pm. in the Community Centre. A date for your diary Before her illness Sue Boon- Willett had started to plan a luncheon in aid of the ‘Lioness Cubs Home’ in Kikambala Kenya. This luncheon will be held on Saturday 9th November 2013 in the Community Centre 12 noon for 12.30pm. Tickets £15. Gill Bird
Friends of All Saints Church “The Nine-Stop Safari” in Stradbroke on Saturday, 10th August, was a resounding success. Our warmest thanks go to husbands and friends for allowing us into their homes, and for putting in a huge number of hours cooking, moving furniture and assembling tents. However, the most important people were those who bought the tickets! Enabling us to produce the financially- gratifying result of £1,208.97, and giving us all “A Night to Remember”. We will soon be making a Grant Application to the National Heritage Lottery Fund; a successful bid will mean we can complete the work, sooner rather than later, on the leaded side-aisle roofs on the magnificent building which is our parish church of All Saints, Stradbroke. Our most heartfelt and sincere thanks, from Margaret Jenkins (Chairman), Margaret Streeter (Vice-Chairman), Jacqueline Holmes, Carol Darling (Treasurer) and Toni Wisbey (Secretary and Membership). Margaret Streeter (Press Secretary)
Lottery Bonus Winners 31 Julie Ward 37 Edna Ruok 15 Iris Bloss 18 B Farroco 43 B Moore £24 donated to F C Club. £48 donated to Garage Trail. £48 donated to White Hart Bowls club. Mary Ellis
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Stradbroke High School PRIMARY MUSIC DAY AT STRADBROKE HIGH SCHOOL The annual primary school ‘Music Day’ was again held at Stradbroke High School where the schools from their pyramid group got together and made music. It was, without doubt, a big loud success and luckily the day was fair and sunny so that the assembled ensemble could go at it full blast – as they were outside. About 130 pupils from years 3, 4 and 5 were involved in the day. They used the complete range of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments, plus their voices. Jonathan Williams, head of music at Stradbroke said “…once again these youngsters gave their all and the enthusiasm was infectious. It was a joy to see and hear.” Mr Lawrie Hammond
Stradbroke Primary School Welcome back for another academic year! I hope both adults and children had an enjoyable Summer holiday. We have many new children join us this year in different year groups and we welcome the new families to our school. As ever there are lots of exciting events to look forward to this term and the list will grow as the weeks progress. This year we are ‘giving it some welly’ for Harvest Festival. We will be raising money for ‘Farm Africa’ and supporting their campaign to ‘Give Hunger the Boot’ collecting funds in welly boots! We are very excited to announce that we have booked two whole school Lego Team building workshops in November. Classes 3 and 4 will be learning more about circuits through building a Lego “Electro-City”. Classes 1 and 2 will be LEGO town planning– building a LEGO city! These workshops promote excellent problem solving and communication skills as the children work together to build Lego based kits on a grand scale. To create an Olympic legacy a project has been set up for schools called “Be the Best you can Be”. The Olympic athlete Wendy Smith (who was a Silver Olympic running medallist who competed against Zola Budd) is going to launch the programme in school for the children. The theme will run throughout the school year and at the end we will be having a “Be the Best” Sports Day and presentation of certificates and medals (specially commissioned by the Royal Mint). We have made a successful bid for funding for £1000 to participate in this project. We aim to inspire pupils to “be the best” that they can be in everything they do this year and to record their effort pupils will keep a special “to be the best” book detailing their achievements. After the enormous success of last year’s trip to the Panto– we are doing it again! In December we will be taking the whole school to watch the Christmas Pantomime “Cinderella” at Norwich Theatre Royal. This is a taste of just some of the wonderful and exciting events which are planned so far. We are looking forward to a fantastic Autumn term! Mrs M Barrow -Headteacher
Wingfield and District Gardening Club In July we visited a garden between Needham and Rushal where the main structure of box hedges and the main design had been kept but adapted by the present owners. A beautiful pergola had been cut back so that you could actually walk through it and the beds replanted with perennials to give colour throughout the year. The kitchen garden had been made with raised beds and the fruit beds incorporated into the whole. The vegetables were flourishing! Our second garden was a delayed visit to one of our “gardens at their worst”, first seen in rain and cold. Now in its summer state many of the climbing roses had finished, but others were in full glory and the many shrubs and perennials looked happy and successful. They are very fortunate not to have the very heavy clay with which most of us have to contend. We meet again at the De la Pole Arms at 7.30pm on 26th September when we have a talk by Peter Keggs-Gooch from Thorntons on the “planting pruning and care of clematis.” For further information contact Caroline – 01379 384674
Stradbroke Craft Club The Craft Club has been running since 2007 and we have worked our way through a wide variety of different crafts, with help, sometimes from experienced Teachers and at other times from within our own group. No experience is necessary, we all learn together. We meet in the Community Centre fortnightly on Monday afternoons for two hours, the cost is £1.50 which includes tea or coffee. Our new 'term' begins on Monday, 9th September from 2.00 p.m to 4.00 p.m. If you want to call in and meet us, please do so. The programme has now been finalised and if you want further information please contact Claudene Merritt 384439 or Lily Lofts 388586. Lily Lofts
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Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 07501336499 at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.
Email: crcmx5@gmail.com www.mx5expert.com
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1st Fressingfield Scout Group A forty strong group from the 1st Fressingfield Scouts have just returned from a blistering week of sun and fun in the Peak District after completing their annual summer camp. Members from the Explorer Unit and two Scout Troops based at Fressingfield took part in a range of activities: camping, scout skills, hiking and lots of games also featured in a packed programme – with a highlight being our outing to Alton Towers Resort. Scouts tackled their fear of heights with all taking part in rock climbing, abseiling, high ropes agility course and transversing walls. Two days of gruelling hikes in the Peak District National Park saw every member (eventually) reach the top of Kinder Scout! Final activity day was a day on the range – with rifle shooting and golf to test our aim. The six day summer camp is just one of many exciting opportunities during the year that members of the 1st Fressingfield Scout Group undertakes. The Group is taking new members in September – contact the Group Scout Leader, Andrew for further details. 1st Fressingfield Beavers (6-8) and Tiger Cubs (8-10) meet weekly on Monday. Scouts-Pioneers (10-14) meet weekly on Tuesday. Wolf Cubs (8-10) meet weekly on Wednesday. Scouts-Adventurers (10-14) and Explorers (14-18) meet weekly on Friday. If you are interested in joining the scouts in Fressingfield please contact: Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne Mobile 07908 262623
Over 60s Our September meetings will be on Thursdays 5th and 19th in the Community Centre, 2 till 4pm. All will be most welcome. On Thursday 12th September we are having a trip to Clacton, leaving the Community Centre at 10am. Departing Clacton at 4pm. There are just a few spare seats left. If anyone would like a nice day out, book a seat by ringing Jean on 384563 or Joan on 388723. Cost will be £7. Joan Grimes
Stradbroke Local History Group The Village Archive SLHG have collected the village archive over the past 14 years but on the sale of The Priory it is necessary for the archive to move elsewhere. It is proposed that part of the collection remains in the village under licence and a submission has been accepted by The Court house and Library Trust for their inclusion. The remaining documents we hope to house at The Suffolk Records Office where they can be stored and cared for correctly. SLHG are in contact with them for help and advice. This collection only exists through the generosity of donors and we would not wish to include their donation against their wishes. To this end we ask that any donor who is not happy with the above contact Ann Readman at The Priory, Doctors Lane, IP21 5HU. Thank you. Ann Readman
Library News The Creepy House Reading game medal and certificate presentation party will be on Friday 20th September at 4 o’clock. Well done to all those brave children who have completed the CREEPY HOUSE reading challenge!!! You are invited to the party at the library to be presented with your medals and certificates. Maureen John, Library Manager
St Elizabeth Hospice’s AGM St Elizabeth Hospice’s AGM is coming up in September and anyone is welcome to attend, see details below. It would be great if you could include this in your publication, if I haven’t already missed the deadline date. Celebrate St Elizabeth Hospice's volunteers at the charity's AGM. Join St Elizabeth Hospice in celebrating their volunteers at their Annual General Meeting in September. St Elizabeth Hospice’s AGM will be held at Trinity Park in Ipswich and anyone is welcome to attend on Thursday 26th September at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. The theme for this year’s AGM is “Celebrating Our Volunteers” and there will be a short film and special exhibition on this subject. There will also be a guest speaker, Steve Dewar, who will share his insights into maximising volunteering in the Hospice sector. To request an invitation or for more information please contact Sam Catling on Samantha Catling 01473 707018 or email enquiries@stelizabethhospice.org.uk
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Hartismere Hospital, Castleton Way, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7BH Tel. 01379 870707
Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
Cleverley Made Cakes High quality, individually designed cakes for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christenings, Christmas, etc... Hand-crafted sugar decorations a speciality
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Fressingfield 01379 588260/07944 965873
BRUCE SAMSON Carpenter & Joiner ◊ Joinery Design & Build ◊ ◊ Modern & Period Quality Bespoke Joinery ◊ ◊ Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Fitting Service ◊ Fitted & Freestanding Furniture ◊ ◊ Custom Staircases ◊ 20 Years Experience Public Liability Insurance 01379 384573 ◊ 07905 645716
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Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke High School Classic Car/Bike Show The Friends of Stradbroke High School are once again organising a day out surrounded by old cars. Far from a trip to the scrap yard it’s a date celebrating the glorious past when cars were cars, not computers on wheels, when you had to drive them, not push a few buttons, when you could look under the bonnet and recognise the parts, not scratch your head and wonder what all the bits are, and when you could actually mend them, not spend a fortune on diagnostic-plug-in-digitally-enhanced boxes of tricks. What’s more they look good too. At our last Classic Car event we had 51 cars on display at the school, including some very expensive and exotic dream cars plus some lovable cars from the sixties, most of which have become collectable. This year it will be bigger and better and will include motorcycles as well. There will be food, drink, and craft stalls. There will be a charge to enter - £3 adults, £2 concessions, children are free. Show cars are obviously free to enter. Bring the family and make a day of it. Steph Whatling
What’s going on at Wingfield Barns? Midweek Movies 1.30 and 7.30 screenings £5. Ample free parking 01379 384505 Wed 4th September: Summer In February (15) stars Dominic Cooper, Emily Browning and Dan Stevens The story of Mendham born Alfred Munnings and the Newlyn School of artists set against the approaching shadow of World War I. Wed 18th September: Robot and Frank (12A). Frank, a retired cat burglar grows to appreciate his mechanical companion given to him by his son. An inventive ‘odd couple’ comedy. Other Events 21st September: Wingfield Flower & Produce Show. Open to the public 12 until 3 21st September: ‘An Inspector Calls.’ Performance at 7.30. Tickets £9.50 and £8.50 concessions J.B.Priestley’s wonderful play originally set in the Edwardian era but brought forward to Thatcher’s Britain. A classic, presented by Open Space Theatre Company! 3rd & 4th October: 4 new plays. Performances at 7.30 Tickets £8 and £6 concessions. Four original plays from local playwrights. Pathos, Mystery, Intrigue and Laughter in four short, but exciting new plays by local writers. Coming soon 11th October: Kiki & Carmelo. 7.30. Tickets £15. The fabulous Kiki Dee & guitarist Carmelo Luggeri. Unmissable! 16th November: An Evening with Henry Blofeld: TMS And All That. 7.30 Tickets £16. Henry Blofeld, the cricketing legend joins us for an evening to amuse and delight. Fitness Classes: Monday evenings and Thursday mornings. For further details ring Emily on 07946 353731 Take a look at our website: www.wingfieldbarns.com Sue Preston
Prize bingo evening Friday 20th September 2013 - 7:30pm Stradbroke Community Centre. To raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. Many excellent prizes, there is a raffle and refreshments plus a flyer to win a hamper. Please join us for a fun night out. Julie Ward
Fressingfield Music Festival – 24-28 September 2013 One of the best music events worldwide, the ninth Fressingfield Music Festival has an impressive line-up of quality classical and jazz performances. One of the world’s greatest flautists, Stephen Preston opens, joining baroque chamber ensemble Badinage. Back by popular demand, inspiring concert pianist Meng Yang Pan performs mid-week and Friday sees the return of the lively Jazz Dynamos. Music by Byrd, Gibbons, Purcell, Holst and Britten is part of the Dmitri Ensemble’s virtuoso choral programme of Lux Aeterna. The festival closes with music by Elgar, Vivaldi and Carroll performed by the Commonwealth Orchestra. Information / tickets (£12): 01379 586459 or www.fressingfieldmusic.com Angela Steiner
Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Saturday 28th September 10am-12.30pm. At 1 Stone Cottage, Laxfield road, Stradbroke. Teas, Coffees, Cakes and Raffle........ (One day later than the national event as we are hoping for more support on a Saturday morning... If chilly, please wrap up a little, as if lots attend, there will be a large tent in the garden for any over spill..) Please help us, to support this admirable cause. Gill Johnson 01379 388862
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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ www.eyeflooring.co.uk DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED
Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
Based in Laxfield, where I can offer: • Hot stone, sport, remedial and seated Massage • 121 Pilates workshops • Equipment tasters, stability ball, foam rollers and wobble boards • Pamper ‘get together’ Other services •Group Pilates classes in Debenham and Framlingham. •Mobile massage in the local area. •Onsite seated massage for business or friends Please contact me to find out more ….. Nikki Hambling 07899888778, email nikkihambling@gmail.com www.orchidfitness.co.uk
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Scott J Regan Chimney Sweeping & Window Cleaning Professional. Clean & Qualified Service Member of the Guild of Master Sweeps Membership no. REG-25-463 Telephone Number :-01379 678537. Mobile Number :- 07962 207846. Email: chimneysweep@occold.com
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Vine House, Church Hill, Hoxne, Eye Suffolk, IP21 5AT THAT CHAIR, SETTEE, ANY TYPE OF UPHOLSTERY SOFT FURNISHINGS, curtains, blinds, cushions, etc. FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION
Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206
Forthcoming Events
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Stradbroke Jazz Day - www.stradjazz.net Saturday 5th October 2013 @ Stradbroke Community Centre, 12pm onwards To all StradJazz friends and fans… I am putting on a one day Jazz Festival in Stradbroke. As before it will be in the Community Centre. I’m sorry there was no festival last year as many of you will be aware Ann was very ill and sadly passed away in January this year. Ann had done so much for the Jazz Festival over the last 12 years, this one day festival is to raise funds for St Elizabeth Hospice, Ipswich, where Ann spent her last few weeks. We also aim to raise money for the Stradbroke Court House & Library Trust, which she helped to keep going through thick and thin. Come along and support these important charities! We have some great bands lined up for your pleasure, some very fine home cooked food and some very real ale. The bar will be open all day, there is easy parking, local B & Bs available and free camping for motorhomes and caravans. Tickets will be £20 each in advance or £25 on the day. Tickets can be bought online, in person at the Library or by post - Hazelnut House, Queen Street, Stradbroke IP21 5HH Tel Bob on 07585 959402 or Maureen on 07599 537405. eMail info@stradjazz.net For more information about the line-up and to purchase tickets online, go to www.stradjazz.net Bob Kerr
Stradbroke WEA As coastlines go, that of East Anglia is young, dynamic and often unruly. What history lies behind the landscapes we see today, and what are the chances of its survival? Tutor – Chad Goodwin. Starts Wednesday 2nd October. Stradbroke Community Centre, from 2.15 to 4.15pm. Anyone is welcome to attend the first meeting before committing themselves to the course. Course fee £48.50, for 8 weeks. Disabled Access. Hearing Loop. Please contact the secretary: 01728 724746
Radio Stradbroke Another month passes, another Radio Stradbroke Monthly Music Night meets universal approval. The last scheduled event is on Wednesday 11th September from 8pm to 11pm where DJ Huggy presents "Theres more to Manchester than Football". For Ferguson, Mancini, & Rooney, read Stone Roses, Oasis & The Smiths. Share the music that has made Manchester what it is today. There will hopefully be a special broadcast in October to finish off the Summer, and the regular Sunday Sessions commence in November. Radio Stradbroke is also privileged to be involved in Stradbroke Jazz Day on October 5th. It is fair to say that we are here to stay. Log on to www.stradbroke.org.uk Michael Hugman
Flower Festival St Marys Church, Wilby. With the theme of “Saints, Saints, Saints”. In the church September 7th, 8th and 9th between 10am and 6pm. Also in the Village Hall on the Sat 7th and Sun 8th will be various stalls, including bric-a-brac, cakes and plants. We will be serving soup or ploughmans lunches from 12 – 2pm. Please come along and support the Church restoration fund. Mary Pipe – Church Warden
SYFC car wash A Car Wash Like No Other! Our hard working footballers will be at the Stradbroke Community Centre car park on SATURDAY 19TH OCTOBER 2013 9am - 12pm to wash your car by hand for a mere £4 to raise much needed funds for their club. In addition to this............refreshments will also be available! Tracey Kellet
Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Bike Ride and walk On Saturday 14th September from 9am to 6pm is the annual Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Bike Ride and walk. Sponsor forms are in the church. We need cyclists and walkers. Come and support your church or chapel. Money raised is divided to the Trust and your own church chosen by you. We also need people to sit in church to register visiting cyclists. Can you spare 1hr or 2? If so contact me to arrange. Mary Ellis
Table Top Sale On October 5th in Wilby Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon in aid of WI funds. To book a table for £5 call 01379 384642. Mary Ellis
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, 19th September, we are showing “Summer in February”. Admission is £5.50 at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open, and ice-creams on sale in the interval. Dominic Cooper stars as AJ (later Sir Alfred) Munnings, with Emily Browning as Florence Carter-Wood and Dan Stevens as Gilbert Evans, based on Jonathan Smith's novel about love and loss among a bohemian colony of artists which flourished in the wild coastal region of Cornwall before the First World War. An excellent film, beautifully acted and shot! N.B. Alfred Munnings was born of old East Anglian farming stock on the 8th October, 1878, the second son of John Munnings, miller of Mendham, Suffolk. He revealed artistic talents at a very early age, even before his school days at Redenhall Grammar School and Framlingham College. We will be showing “Arbitrage” on October 17th. (The practice of taking advantage of a pricedifference between two or more markets: striking a combination) with Richard Gere. “Song for Marion”, a British/German comedy is on November 21st. Vanessa Redgrave and Christopher Ecclestone are in the cast. New chairs have just been delivered - so the viewing, sitting experience in Stradbroke Cinema will be better than ever. On Friday, 18th October, the newly-formed fund raising sub-committee are organizing A Quiz in aid of Community Centre funds, so please mark this date in your diary NOW! Margaret Streeter
News and Views Revised bus Services in Suffolk These services will change/commence at the start of September 2013. Downloadable PDF timetables for these services can be found on our website at http://www.suffolkonboard.com/timetables-and-leaflets/passenger-transportservice-changes or by contacting us on 0845 606 6171. Roadside publicity is currently being updated and area bus timetable leaflets will be available throughout September. Should you require any further timetable information or to discuss the changes please contact us on 0845 606 6171 or email Passenger.Transport@suffolk.gov.uk
Cruse bereavement care Awareness in Bereavement Care training course to be held in Bury St Edmunds Spring 2014. Cruse is the largest voluntary organisation providing care to those affected by bereavement. It gives advice via its website (www.cruse.org.uk) and provides help on the phone and one to one sessions. We depend on trained volunteers to deliver this service and so we provide the training too. This course is for people with an interest in supporting and caring for bereaved people. It develops basic counseling skills to be used in bereavement support work and is accredited by OCNW at Level 2. Suffolk Cruse also needs a part time volunteer to help with the office admin including record-keeping and simple data management in Bury St Edmunds. This would not involve any client contact or training. For further information, dates, cost and to register your interest please contact Suffolk Cruse at Suffolk@cruse.org.uk or via our Website at www.suffolkcruse.co.uk or ring 01473 652834 Susannah Downing
Electric blanket testing campaign 2013 It’s coming up to that time of year when we move into the cooler autumn period. With this in mind Suffolk County Council’s Fire and Rescue Service along with Trading Standards and Age UK are bringing you this year’s electric blanket testing campaign. If you live in Suffolk and own an electric blanket we’re offering the chance for you to come and have it tested free of charge in September and October 2013. We’ll have an expert present to check whether your blanket is in working order and safe for use. If your blanket fails the testing, you will be offered a FREE replacement. For more information please go to: http://salc.onesuffolk.net/news/electric-blanket-testing-campaign/
East Anglian Air Ambulance Feeling lucky? Would you like the opportunity to win £25,000 and at the same time, help to save lives? For just £1 per week, you can enter the East Anglian Air Ambulance Lottery and have the chance of winning one of 18 cash prizes available in each weekly draw, from £50 to £1,000. In addition, you will automatically be entered for our Accumulator prize which increases by £500 until it's won, up to a whopping £25,000! Playing could not be simpler. You can buy membership online or download a form on our website: www.eaaa.org.uk or just give us a call on 01603 489400. (Players must be aged 16 or over). Supporting the East Anglian Air Ambulance Lottery is one of the easiest and most sustainable ways to keep us flying and saving lives. So, if you fancy a flutter, or you are looking for a present for someone who does, why not join a lottery which supports a service you may need someday – we need you today, you may need us tomorrow… Martine Silkstone -Communications Assistant
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Accounts, Bookkeeping, PAYE, VAT Returns, Personal Tax, Corporate Tax Ini al mee ngs are FREE 01379 890656 www.jamiepre"y.co.uk info@jamiepre"y.co.uk OďŹƒce 5, Rickinghall Business Centre, Allwood Green, Rickinghall, IP22 1LQ
English Tuition from an experienced, qualified tutor Stimulating, supportive and structured sessions are tailored to meet individual needs and improve grades from Key Stage 2 to GCSE. For an informal chat, contact Deborah Vass: 01379 642219 07979730199 deborahjvass@yahoo.com
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News & Views
Memories of My Days in Stradbroke from 1909 to 1923 by Claude Rush. These detailed memories of Stradbroke have recently come to light amongst the Village Archive material saved and stored for many years by Geoffey Smith. They were written in 1964 while Claude was living in retirement in Felixstowe and fortunately he was blessed with a very good memory for names and events. He was not quite six years old when he moved into the village in 1909. It is intended to publish a selection of his memories month by month in the magazine and then later to place it all on the Stradbroke Website. Thanks are due to Dorothy Readman who kindly retyped the whole manuscript into a modern format. Part 8 I wasn’t much good at football or cricket but we also played the usual children’s games of the time. They had their annual ‘seasons’. As the winter wore away out came the marbles. We placed ‘tracings’ in the oft muddy gutters on the way to and from school as well as after school. I dread now to think what state our hands were in sometimes when we were in class ‘cleaning’ slates with them. Another marbles game was ‘buttons’ - hitting marbles against a wall and trying to make them fall on to your opponent’s lying on the ground or to fall sufficiently close so that you could finger-span them. If you could you took both marbles. Big and Little Ring, the higher grade games, ‘dibblehole’, the girls’ game, played by bowling marbles along the ground into a hole in the ground neatly made by heel and hands and smoothed all round, like a shallow bird’s nest. And ‘drop-eye’ an extravagant game: - Hole in the ground, put a handful of marbles into it; stand upright, put a marble against your eye, drop it into the hole and all the marbles knocked out are yours. Good Friday was the grand climax of the marble season. The older youths and men up to, perhaps, the age of forty took part. This was a thrill for the boys – people were playing marbles whom the boys had never seen play marbles before. It was the adults’ only marble games of the year – played on the road surface because nowhere else was level enough. ‘Big Rings’ were marked out with a stick or piece of chalk. I well remember 3 or 4 such rings all in action at once on Church Corner. Most of the youngsters were interested spectators on this great day. Marbles were placed in the ring and efforts made to knock them out of the ring by shooting marbles of a better kind and perhaps bigger size from between thumb and fingers. There were more alleys, bloods, glassies and stonies seen in action on Good Friday than at any other time! Directly after Good Friday we were supposed to throw all the marbles we had into a pond to prevent bad luck next season. I am afraid I was prepared to risk it, being of a hoarding nature. I kept mine in their various categories in cloth bags with tape fasteners which my mother made me. After marbles, tops – carrots, flying Dutchmen and shaped cotton reels. The playground surface was not good enough to spin them on. Mr Frampton would not allow top spinning there anyhow for fear of a flying-Dutchman coming through the window, especially if your whip string was wet. So most of the spinning was done in the street. Carrots were girls’ tops – they wouldn’t fly fast enough for boys, but they looked very pretty spinning round if just marked with different coloured chalk – just a mark here and there was enough, the spinning did the design for you. Occasionally somebody’s window would be smashed – nobody in sight when the householder opened his door, even if your flying-Dutchman had landed in the geraniums on the windowsill. Tops had a hobnail at the foot on which to spin. ‘Please Mr Rose will you put a hob in my top’ would follow the discovery of no hob, detected because of sluggish, muffled spinning. The hob put in, the top owner outside inspecting the shoemaker’s work would sometimes declare that he wouldn’t go there any more – ‘the hob worn’t put in straight’. After tops, hoops – wooden ones with sticks with which to propel them, metal ones (usually boys only) with a metal ‘hook’ to hold well down behind the hoop and so run beside it and push the hoop along – no hitting needed. I can hear the sound of this activity now! Metal hoops sometimes broke, so into the blacksmith’s shop we’d go to get Mr Amies to do a repair. One of his jokes to boys standing round watching him working red-hot iron was, when he cut a piece off and it fell on the floor, to say sharply, ‘Pick that up boy!’ One greenhorn swiftly went to obey one day, and this brought ‘No’!! Don’t you touch that, durn yer boy!’ Without this I believe the boy would have picked it up. Collecting cigarette cards went on most of the time with a boom period every now and then. Near complete sets were kept at home and wanted numbers known – known better than some of the subjects taught at school! Odd cards for exchange were carried in the pocket and other boys’ similar bundles carefully searched for wanted ones. At Stradbroke I passed through all the standards up to 7 and perhaps ex-7. At 14 I sat for an exam – I had to go to Mellis for this, and gained a scholarship. So, on 10th September 1917 I began two years at Stowmarket Secondary School in Violet Hill Road. It was then only a few years old, but has now gone into new premises on Onehouse Road and is known as The Grammar. I was the first Stradbroke child to go to that school. Others came from round about and we travelled daily by train – the MSLR I have spoken of. I had to leave home soon after 8 am to catch the train, but we did not get to school until 10.13 am so I always missed the first lesson. As scripture always came the first lesson twice a week it is understandable why I gained but 40% marks in that subject in the term exams. To be continued:
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Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Winter Bulbs available soon: Daffodils, Tulips, Crocus and Hyacinths. Winter Bedding Plants ready soon: Wallflowers, Pansy, Primroses Polyanthus and Primulars. Winter Vegetable Plants: Spring Cabbage , Sprou ng Broc and over Winter Onion Sets available shortly. Don't forget you Pumpkins, for Halloween. Many other shrubs available too. Our shop is filled with home grown produce. Don't forget to give that special person a Bouquet of flowers.
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club It seems inconceivable that the cricket season is almost over. The weather has been excellent, and although the club is swimming against the tide, some of the cricket has been encouraging. The Vikings seem to have hit a dead spot, magnified by a reluctance to catch the ball in the field. After setting Ipswich IV 165 to win (David Allum 45, Michael Hugman 37, Ben Flatt 22) dropped catches cost them dear. The same applied at Eye despite 67 from Olly Bickley, until rain saved them. It couldn't quite save the Vikings against DBSL. Ian Cattermole(3 for 56) emerged with credit, as did Allum(32). They did however beat Brantham, who conceded. The A Team on the other hand, go from strength to strength, thanks in some part to Alan Barker. His 4 for 24 followed by 78 saw off Castle. He then made 79 (Bickley 43) to defeat Worlingworth in the John Boast Plate Quarter Final, then took 115 off Stowuplands bowlers to set up a win, completed by Liam Smith(5 for 24) & Josh Franklin-Mann(3 for 0). Barker failed against Needham Market, allowing Franklin-Mann(45) & Allum(47) to finish the good work started by Billy Freeman(4 for 20). They now have a Plate Semi final to look forward to on September 1st at Wortham. There are some friendlies to end the season, which started with a ground breaking trip to Cambridge to play Liverpool University Staff. Hugman (5 for 32) kept Stradbroke in the game, but Barkers 35 was not quite enough to force victory. Keep supporting your local cricket club. Also please note that on Saturday 14th September we are holding a Cake stall at the top of the street iao Stradbroke Cricket Club. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Football Club The outlook begins to look bleak for getting a 1st team together for the coming season. We are still with manager Tom Frost trying to get enough players signed on. The last August Cash Bingo raised ÂŁ30 for funds. The next Cash Bingo is on Friday 13 Sept in the Community Centre at 7.30pm. Our thanks must go to our sponsors Transam for a cheque. Thank you Steve. Mary Ellis
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Thank you to all those who came along to our jumble sale in July, we raised approximately ÂŁ200, which will help with the cost of maintaining our green. Congratulations to Lee Spraggs on becoming Suffolk Champion of Champions Singles Winner and going on to play at Skegness in the National Finals. Unfortunately, David, Tony and Lee lost in the County Bowls Two Woods rink, and David and Ian lost in the Finals of the Mens Pairs. The President's Cup competition played at the beginning of August was won by our Chairman, Mike Murray, and the runner-up was Madeleine Murray. Our last Club tournament is on Saturday, 31st August at 5.30 p.m for the Barr's cup, this is open to all members. LEAGUE RESULTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: WAVENEY LEAGUE SAXMUNDHAM LEAGUE Played Long Stratton WON Played Sweffling Played Bedingfield LOST Played LEISTON TOWN Played Gissing LOST Played YOXFORD Played Diss & Dist. A LOST Played Dickleburgh LOST Played Beeches DREW WAVENEY DISTRICT PLATE Played Diss & Dist. LOST
Lily Lofts
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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
Web Site: www.foalsgrange.co.uk
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 384097
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * *Hot Stone Therapy* *Indian Head Massage* *Reflexology* I am only in Brundish, just give me a call or e-mail 01379 388458 - Fiona@fp-therapies.co.uk
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549
Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745
2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.
Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment
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Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384439 for information & bookings
SPURLING & REMBLANCE MOTOR ENGINEERS MOT TEST CENTRE Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
(01379) 384689
Tel - 01379 388653
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports Roundup
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Stradbroke Badminton Club Hello everyone, as you may recall the 2012-2013 season came to an end at the beginning of May and we now look forward to the start of the new season when our first club night will be on Tuesday September 3rd at the High School in Wilby Road starting at 7.30 thru till 10.00 pm. Tuesday is our regular club night (the exceptions will be the High School holidays) if you are interested please come along and give us a try you will be more than welcome. If you require further information about the club do not hesitate to give us a call on either of the numbers at the end of this article. Club AGM. This was held at the White Hart on the 11th June and the following is a brief resume of the items discussed. The committee members remain unchanged with the exception of Caroline Emeny the new Social Secretary. Rick Ferguson the chairman drew attention to the fact that the Ipswich Men’s team won 12 out of 12 games last season and have now been promoted to Division five. It was decided that an additional team be entered in the Aldeburgh Men’s league and the captain will be Stephen Shears. It has been the best year for quite a while for the teams entered in the cocktail and men’s division of the Aldeburgh league’s The involvement of ladies in the league games remains a problem and the committee will investigate means to recruit interested ladies to the club, perhaps any ladies reading this article may like to ring Caroline for a chat. A BBQ is planned for later this summer and members will be advised a date soon. It was discussed that an in house tournament take place on the either the second or third Thursday of September details will be advised to the membership at a later date. Membership has been running at an all time high and club nights were well attended. We hope that you had a great albeit late summer and look forward to hopefully seeing new faces at the club in September. Regards to you all, Roy Lee (01379 384729), Rick Ferguson (01379 586113), Caroline Johnson (01379 388232)
Inter-village Games After a break last year due to the Olympics, the Inter-Village Games this year is being jointly organised by Mendham & Withersdale and Brundish. There are 2 specific events taking place and no sports day event because village organisers did not get enough voluntary support. Mendham & Withersdale hosted a rounders tournament in July. Six village teams took part, including Stradbroke. The Stradbroke team members were - Chris Brown, Ben Brown, Nigel Brown, Liz Brown, Simon Heath, Mark Nowell, Julia Green and Sam Green. The host village were the final champions in the tournament and the Stradbroke team are now following a strict training schedule ready for next years event, with their designated rounders coach, Mrs Hope Lescase. Brundish are also hosting a Tug-O-War event on the 15th of September. Stradbroke currently have no team members for this at all so please get in touch if you'd like to be part of a team so we can support this event. If you would like to volunteer to be on the committee of the Inter-Village event organisation then please contact me. Julia Green- 07796 624768
SAS - Marquee for Hire From moneys raised from last year’s Festifull, Stradbroke All Stars (SAS) have been fortunate enough to be able to buy a high quality 8 x 4 metre marquee for use in subsequent events. For a small charge we would like to offer it for hire to organisations and private individuals within the parish. This will include assistance with erection and dismantling. The cost of hiring will be: Private functions £50 per day. Charity and fund raising events – a nominal donation. Other non-fundraising village events – by negotiation! Contact Don Darling 388098 or Sam Hackett 388872
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Stradbroke Gardeners’ & Association Newsletter August is probably the most bountiful month on a vegetable plot, especially if you have a good recipe for courgettes. The Stradbroke allotments have been hugely successful considering this is the first year, the ground has proved very fertile, and even with all the dry weather we have had, the soil seems to hold some moisture. With all this wonderful produce we will be having an Allotment produce and cake/food stall on Saturday 31st August from 9.00am -12.00, this will be in the normal place in the lay-by just past Foulshams on Church Street. We are still trying to raise funds for the poly tunnel as well as water tanks. The chickens are now settled in on the allotment and have proved to be very entertaining, I have noticed that most conversations on the allotment end up on chicken related matters. This month I have been passed on a raspberry cake recipe from Helen, it sounds very tasty and I'm sure that each slice will count as one of your five a day! Raspberry Cake 140g ground almonds 140g soft butter 140g caster sugar 140g self raising flour 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 250g raspberries handful flaked almonds Heat oven to 180c/160c fan or gas 4. Base line and grease a deep 20cm loose bottomed cake tin. Beat the ground almonds, butter, sugar, flour, eggs and vanilla together until well mixed. Spread half the mix in the tin. Lay the raspberries on top, then place remaining mix on top, spreading roughly. Sprinkle with flaked almonds and bake for about 50 mins. Cool, remove from tin and dust with icing sugar. Delicious. Helen's recipe is an exercise in keeping it concise, there is no unnecessary waffle as you would find in most cookery books or even articles about allotments and gardening... This is an apple pudding cake recipe, it isn't one of my own and bears some resemblance to one of Hugh's from the River Cottage Everyday cookery book, I have made a few changes, it is a wonderfully subtle appley/cakey flavour and works well with vanilla ice cream. The original recipe uses almonds as well, but we have a nut allergy person in the house so we steer well clear of that sort of thing, and I think it is better for it. Cake mixture 150 grams butter 125 grams caster sugar 2 medium (allotment chicken) eggs 75 grams self raising flour 4 dessert apples 25 grams butter 1 heaped teaspoon granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon Grease cake tin, peel, core, then slice apples into wedges. Melt 25g butter in a frying pan, once bubbling add gran sugar and then add apples after a couple of mins, sprinkle cinnamon on the apples and cook for 5 mins turning them a couple of times, once apples are softish remove and cool. Mix soft butter and caster sugar in bowl with a whisk, add eggs and beat well, add little flour and mix a bit then add the rest and fold in. Put mixture in the greased tin and place/arrange/chuck apples slices on top, pouring the juices from the pan on the top of that. Cook in the oven for 45 mins or so at 170 C, you will end up with a fairly dense cake that is just as good served hot or cold with cream, ice cream or custard. Next month I will try to get hold of a decent courgette recipe that doesn't have the word fritter involved in any way. If you are interested in being a member of the Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners Association please contact Helen Pleasance on t:01379 384253. Luke Heydon
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Acorn Foot Health
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Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
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BOOTY BUILDERS GENERAL BUILDERS THE BRAMBLES, LAXFIELD Renovations Alterations Repairs Listed Buildings Sectional Buildings Joinery New Houses Extensions
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Page 30
E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. (01379) 388180 mob 07765 617702 ellis.brown@sky.com
Septic Tank Emptying & domestic drains cleared & cleaned.
Fast, friendly, reliable service. (Environmental registered carrier) Call Lenny Jolly: 07905 794221
Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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The summer recess allows me to spend even more time in Suffolk. The Beccles loop, that I helped campaign for, makes the journey to Westminster much easier but being based in Suffolk for the whole of the summer is very enjoyable. Although my Ministerial responsibilities continue and the Government red boxes are always full and needing attention it is so much more pleasant to deal with them at home in Suffolk. During recent weeks I have really enjoyed the good weather and have attended many fairs and fetes across the constituency. Not only are these great social events where local communities come to together but they also raise money to help local projects and events. I thoroughly enjoy attending (and so does Bruno my dog!) and hope to visit more before the summer is over. I believe that Suffolk has some of the finest food and drink producers in the country. I recently paid a visit to leading cider maker Aspall Cider and it was a pleasure to meet members of staff and be shown the production process that is involved in making their exceptional cider. After observing bottles being filled with cider I then watched oilseed rape disappear beneath the cab of a combine harvester. I was pleased to be given the opportunity to experience what it is like to harvest a field from one of these highly sophisticated machines and appreciate the skills required to drive it. I also was told about the Company’s plans for the future and saw new custom built buildings being constructed. I am confident that Aspall will continue to play a leading role in the future of Suffolk’s economy and become a leading brand name throughout the country. Farming is part of Suffolk’s DNA as agriculture plays a significant role in Suffolk life, not just as an economic activity but maintaining and preserving the very environment we all live and work in. In recent years, modern agriculture has now embraced many new techniques and cutting edge technology while retaining its traditional appreciation of the land. This year I was pleased to play just a very small part in bringing home the harvest. Tourism plays a vital role in the Suffolk economy and is one of our major industries. The recent good weather will have given a major boost to those who work in this sector and as I travel across the constituency I always enjoy the beautiful countryside and welcoming towns and villages and am always aware that our lovely country areas and rural heritage should always be cherished and protected. I am a great supporter of our markets and local shops and take the opportunity to shop locally particularly while spending the summer months at home. When out and about across the constituency I take the opportunity to call into some of the many excellent cafes, restaurants and pubs which are to be found here in Suffolk. I hold regular constituency advice surgeries locally to help people who have problems. If you think that I may be able to help you, please contact me on 01728 685 148, or email me via www.drdanielpoulter.com. If you could spare some time to help deliver my advice surgery leaflets I would be most grateful, they are a good way of letting as many people as possible know a surgery will soon be taking place in their area. Even delivering to just a few houses is a great help. If you can help, contact me by email at daniel.poulter.mp@parliament.uk or phone my local office on 01728 684 834 For more information please visit www.drdanielpoulter.com
Letters To the Editor “I would like to thank all those who sent cards to Sue when she was in hospital, and to those who sent cards since. I would also like to thank all the people who attended the church service for Sue, there were so many, it was truly a wonderful service she would have been proud of. Thank you all once again for saying “goodbye” to sue, a lovely, caring lady whom I will miss very much.” Ron Willett Lost! “A pair of ladies glasses in a navy blue case with A Stodel, Diss on it. Lost at either the flower show or car park.” Contact E Nunn 01379 384442
Village Diary September Wingfield Barns Full body fitness 6.30pm and every Monday 2nd 2nd Wingfield Barns Holistic fitness 7.30pm and every Monday 3rd Stradbroke Badminton Club meet at the High School @ 7.30 – 10pm every Tuesday Contact Club in community centre @ 10am and every Tuesday 3rd th 4 Table Tennis in community centre @ 7.15pm and every Wednesday Stradbroke Football club training every Wed 7pm on the playing field 4th 4th Wingfield Barns Midweek Movies “Summer in February” 1.30 and 7.30pm. Only £5 5th Wingfield Barns fitness for life 10am and every Thursday Stradbroke Over 60s meeting in the Community Centre 2 – 4pm 5th 5th Stradbroke Jazz Day 7th Cake Stall at the top of the street iao All Saints church 7th Classic Car Event at Stradbroke High School (see inside for details) 7th – 9th Flower Festival at St Marys Church, Wilby 10 – 6pm, see inside for full details 9th Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm at the Community Centre 9th Craft Club at the Community Centre every other Monday at 2pm – 4pm (see inside for details) 10th Christianity Explored beginning of seven week course – see inside for details 11th Baptist Cameo Club Lunch at 12.30pm Radio Stradbroke – tune in 8pm – 11pm 11th 12th WI meeting at the Community Centre at 7.30pm 12th Over 60s trip to Clacton – leave the Community Centre at 10am RBL Meeting. Low House Laxfield @ 11.30am 12th 13th Cash Bingo iao Stradbroke Football Club in the Community Centre @ 7.30pm 14th Cake stall at the Church T Junction in the morning iao Stradbroke Cricket Club Suffolk Historic churches Trust Bike Ride and Walk 9-6pm - see inside for details 14th 15th Intervillage games - Tug O War Brundish Green 12 noon onwards 18th Wingfield Barns Midweek Movies “Robot and Frank” 1.30 and 7.30pm Only £5 th 19 Over 60s meeting in the Community Centre 2 – 4pm 19th Stradbroke Cinema “Summer in February” @ Community Centre 7pm for 7.30pm 20th **ARTICLES FOR OCTOBER EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** 20th Library Reading Game Presentation at the Court House 4pm 20th Bingo Night at Community Centre 7.30pm iao Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club Wingfield flower and produce show at Wingfield Barns. 12 – 3pm 21st 21st “An Inspector Calls” at Wingfield Barns 7.30pm 24th – 28th Fressingfield Music Festival 25th Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee 10 – 11.30am 26th Wingfield and District Gardening club meeting at the De la Pole Arms at 7.30pm 27th Harvest Supper in the community centre – details to follow 27th Baptist Church Youth Club at 7.30pm 28th MacMillan Coffee Morning at 1 Stone Cottage, Laxfield Road, 10 – 12.30 October 2nd Stradbroke WEA starts for Autumn Term 2.15pm—4.15pm Community Centre 3rd – 4th Four original plays at Wingfield Barns 7.30pm 5th Stradbroke Jazz Day at Community Centre (see inside for details) 5th WI Table Top Sale at Wilby village hall 10 – 12 noon Kiki & Carmelo at Wingfield Barns 7.30pm 11th 17th Stradbroke Cinema “Arbitrage” @ Community Centre 7pm for 7.30pm 18th Quiz night in aid of Community Centre funds 19th Stradbroke Youth Football Club Car Wash 9am – 12pm at the Community Centre Car Park
We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’.
Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.