The Stradbroke Monthly September 2011

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£1 where sold

September 2011 No.373

Brome & Oakley Community Recycling Centre to Reopen Brome Industrial Estate, Brome, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7HN Opens on Monday 5 September 201l Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday. l0am to 4pm Sundays and bank holiday Items accepted free of charge include: Bikes Electrical goods Plastics Books Bric-a-brac Cooking oil Furniture Glass Tins Gas bottles Mobile phones Paper and cardboard Soil and hardcore CDs and Videos Cartons Toner cartridges Batteries Metals Clothes & textiles Wood Garden waste Confidential waste paper There will be a charge of £6 (including VAT) for each car or domestic type trailer. If you sort and recycle your waste it won’t cost to dispose of it. Background: When budget cuts meant the council-run Brome household waste recycling centre was threatened with closure, the community rallied round to keep a service running. Nobody wanted the site to close, but Suffolk County Council simply couldn't afford to keep all 18 of its sites open. People said they would rather pay, than lose the service, but legally this was not an option open to the council. However, others can charge, so Eye Town Council and Brome & Oakley Parish Council have worked with local Firm Bolton Brothers Recycling & Waste Management to start a new scheme, offering free disposal on most items, but with a new charge tor anything going to landfill. This will encourage people to really think about what they throw away and recycle as much as possible. Suffolk is already one ot the top recycling areas in the country, with over halt our household waste recycled. The aim is to get to 60% by 2015. We hope you will continue to help us achieve that ambitious target. Phone: 01473 830948. Web: For information on recycling visit: Eu/

Will you take the Budget Challenge? Community groups and residents across Babergh and Mid Suffolk are being encouraged to take part in Babergh and Mid Suffolk’s Budget Challenge. Like many councils, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils are facing severe cuts in budgets for next year. Reductions in the amount of money received from the Government, increases in inflation and demand on services, means that by working together, £2.8m in savings need to be found in order to balance the books for 2012/13. This could come from savings or by looking at ways to increase further income. Babergh District Cllr Nick Ridley, Chairman of the Strategic & Financial Planning Task Group explained that, “this is not a formal consultation, rather it is an open call for ideas to help us balance our books in tough times. Never before have either of our councils reached out to organisations, community groups and residents so early in the budget process. We are totally serious about getting them involved in coming up with their ideas which we can then evaluate in the autumn before drawing up detailed budget proposals”. During August and September, both councils are encouraging residents to take part in the budget challenge by answering five questions about the way in which the council currently works and how services might run in the future. All responses received will be considered by both councils when looking at the budget in more detail between now and the end of the year. To take part you can find out further information online: or or by speaking with your local district councillor Stuart Gemmill Tel: 01379 384518 or email: Stuart Gemmill

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome

To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.

Fleurs Ar san 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.



PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Stradbroke Baptist Church A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. Sunday Services each week @ 10:15am Speakers for September th 4 M. Caplin th 11 A. Buttress 18th Harvest Family Service 25th R. Powell * * *

Cameo Lunch Club - Wed 14th at 12:30pm Coffee Morning - Wed 28th at 10am (Drop in for coffee, tea and a chat) Home Group - Wed 28th at 7:30pm (Informal study & prayer) Harvest - Time to say, “Thank You” and to help others.

Harvest Supper Sat 17th September 7pm An all ticket evening of good food, fun & Christian message. Tickets from Jackie 384112 John 388751 Harvest Thanksgiving Sun 18th 10:15am We invite you to join us as we celebrate God’s goodness to us during another year. We also ask for your help as we try to support charities which care for people less fortunate than ourselves. ‘Tools With A Mission’ On behalf of this Christian charity we are collecting trade tools, equipment, typewriters and sewing machines which after renovation will be sent to the developing world. ‘Aquabox Rotary Club’ A unique scheme to assist in disaster areas. A 75 litre water container with a filter and purification tablets is filled with essential requirements to support victims of flood, earthquakes etc. The filled containers are stored in readiness for speedy transportation to the area of need. Full details and list of requirements are available. Can you help us help others? Coming shortly The Alpha Course. Open to everyone interested in discovering what Christianity is all about. Come, relax, share your thoughts and explore the meaning of life. Details contact John 388751 Jackie 384112 Malcolm 384797

Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on very part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website;

Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

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28th August 4th September 11th September

Holy Communion (with hymns) Benefice Communion at Redlingfield Holy Communion Evensong Holy Communion (with hymns) Harvest Festival at Athelington Organ Recital (with a soprano soloist) Flower Festival in the Church Holy Communion Family Service Songs of Praise Holy Communion (sung, with hymns) Holy Communion

18th September 21st September 22nd – 27th 25th 26th September 2nd October

9.00am 10.00am 8.00am 6.30pm 9.00am 4.00pm 7.30pm 10am – 6.00pm 8.00am 10.00am 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.00am

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Village Show once again was very successful mainly due to Roland and Angela Copping also everyone who helped and those who entered. Cup winners were: K.Andrews, R.Copping, M. Streeter. The Potato Competition stayed in Stradbroke. Winners were1: T.Loane 2: G.Cooper 3 D. Merritt and 4 C Merritt. A profit of £53.74 was raised. 15 garages were open on August 6th with many visitors, this raised £154. Our event for September is An Evening with Roy Hubbard and Friends on 16th Septmeber in Community Centre 7:30pm. October 7th is Harvest Supper. Tickets for both events available nearer the time. We again thank you for all your support and help. Mary Ellis

The Rectory

Tel: 384363 Email: Church Website: www.allsaints-stradbroke. com

Dear Friends, The Church is open every day if you wish to come in, and on most days you see the building from the outside, but in this month of September, we are bringing it to your attention with an invitation to come inside, not only for the usual services, but especially between Wednesday 21 , and Tuesday 27 . We open our Festival at 7.30 pm with an Organ Recital, and singing, with a soloist, and two hymns for you, and continue to be open each day from 10am to 6.00pm. And there is more! On Thursday 23 , we ask children, aged 5 – 11, to be there from 4.30 – 5.30 pm to practice for the Family Service on Sunday 25 at 10am. And there is another practice time on Saturday morning from 10 to 11am. Friday evening, at 7.30pm, I will tell the story, with photos to illustrate it, of our journey to Australia and back, in March. Saturday evening is the time for Stradbroke’s young musicians to perform, from 7.00pm. Come & listen! Sunday 25 is “Back to Church Sunday” when we are making a special request to you to come through the door, and to attend the services, in the hope that you will come again, and again, and again! That evening the Songs of Praise will include a Talk about the King James Bible, the Authorised Version, whose 400 Anniversary we are celebrating, and on Monday evening, the theme of the service will be the 90 Birthday of the Royal British Legion, both nationally and in Stradbroke. We finish the seven days at 6.00pm on Tuesday 27 . The Bible begins with the account of God’s Creation of the World in seven days. After six days, God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good, and on the seventh day, he rested. My hope is that you will find what looks good to you in the Church on all the seven days of our Festival, and that seeing our displays and exhibition will be not only restful, so that you feel better afterwards, but also recreational, as is your experience when you take part in an activity that you enjoy, and are feeling very well later. May this week’s events recreate our church membership! st








With all good wishes, David Streeter.

All Saints Church Cleaning is on Thursday, 1st September, 10 am onwards. Margaret Streeter

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!

Parish Council Meeting 8th August 2011 This meeting was the first one where the Council used the new projector and screen to view the plans for applications under discussion. Although a few ‘tweaks’ were needed this is a great addition to the Community Centre’s facilities. Planning The following planning applications were considered: 1758/11 erect two storey extensions to side and rear of Garden Cottage. Erect single storey extensions to rear and side of Doggetts Farm. Erect outbuilding. Doggetts Farm and Garden Cottage, New Street 2577/11 remove 1 x sycamore Old Builders Yard, Church Street

NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 12th September 7.30pm At the Community Centre

Approval was recommended for both the above. The Clerk was asked to note that the Council was particularly pleased with the detail and care being taken with the restoration of this important building in the village and it commended the builder. Doggetts Farm had proved to be much older than previously thought – mid 15th century. Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: The following had planning permission granted: 1420/11 change of use of ground floor of building from and office to a dress shop (being a change of use from Use Class B1 to Use Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended)) Bank House, Queen Street 1433/11 demolition of existing chalet bungalow , erection of 2 no detached 3 bedroom houses and 1 no pair of 2 bedroom semi-detached houses Chantala, Wilby Road Other Planning Matters: Name for the development at Westhall – several suggestions were put forward, including the names of past residents of the village. The Council decided upon Castell Close and MSDC Building Control would be advised. News Items: Clothing Bank The Council agreed to investigate the possibility of providing a clothing bank for use in the village. Digital TV Switch Over: Don’t forget this is to take place in November 2011. Stuart Gemmill can be reached on 01379 384518 for help and advice. We make no apology for repeating last month’s message to be aware that there are dishonest people about who are NOT part of the Switch Over Team so DO NOT admit anyone to your home just because they say they are there to help you. They may not be! Contact Stuart and he will advise you. Telephone Calls: The Clerk is happy to take telephone calls from anyone who wishes to contact her about matters of concern or items to be raised at Council meetings. This does not, however, extend to the receiving of calls late at night which are anonymous and abusive in tone. Please take note of the times listed below. Abusive calls will be noted and reported to the Council, likewise anonymous ones, but that will be the limit of any action taken. InterVillage Games: The Parish Council congratulated Don Darling, the committee and team of helpers on staging such a successful event in which the village team came first: WELL DONE STRADBROKE!!!! The next meeting of the Parish Council: 12 September 2011 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy Tel: 01379 384679 email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Dirty Oven??

J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012

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Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111

Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at

Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm

Telephone 384634 to book your table.



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Life in the Legion As there was no meeting in August regular members at our monthly meetings were invited to Brian and Joyce Cooper’s new home at Gorleston where we were entertained by our hosts to a very enjoyable day out, and our thanks go to both of them for their outstanding hospitality. Member Simon Harrison is getting fit for The Royal British Legion’s “Pedal to Paris” cycle ride taking place on 1st to 4th September for which he is seeking sponsorship. To date around £700 has been pledged and we still welcome more. Please contact Jeremy Higgins on 01379 384300 who now holds the sponsorship Form. As a result of our very successful annual Coffee Morning we welcome Joanna Hackett who has joined The Branch. The membership now exceeds 80. Next month’s meeting is on Thursday September 1st at 11.30 am to be held at The King’s Head, Laxfield. The Guest Speaker will be Lieutenant General Sir Christopher Wallace KCB DL who is travelling up from the South of England to address us. Members please attend if you are able. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.

Womens Institute Our August meeting was lively and very well attended and we had the pleasure of welcoming Claire Webb from Horham, visiting us for the first time. We hope she enjoyed her evening with us. It was announced by our President, that new courses were now available at Denman College, our very own seat of learning in Oxfordshire. Further information is available from Irene. June Hampson gave an insight to a visit made by members to Coddenham for an ‘Art Appreciation’ talk given by Mr. John Sheeran which was obviously much enjoyed. Other members are soon to enjoy the delights of the 2012 Olympic Park. Sue Boon announced that her ’Bring and Share Lunch’ in aid of a Kenyan Orphanage, would be on Friday 21st October in the Community Centre at 12.30pm. Members then settled down to an absorbing talk by Denise Hammond –Webb. Her subject ‘Bakery to Banham Zoo’ where she traced the history of the Goymour Family from 1773. A very focused family who over 238 years went from agriculture, to owning the biggest bakery in Suffolk and Norfolk, to fruit farming (pick your own), cider making and finally starting the famous Banham Zoo, which was officially registered in 1968.and now has over 1000 animals in 35 acres of land. Dorothy Readman gave the vote of thanks. At our next meeting on the 8th September 7.30pm. in the Community Centre we welcome a speaker from the ‘Truffle Shop’ the sweet variety. Why not come and join us. Gill Bird

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :- 07749445531

Stradbroke Neighbourhood Watch I have been informed that there are phone calls being made by con men in this area stating that a bill is owing and asking for it to be settled by sending money or bank details. Never respond to these calls in any way, put the phone down and ring the Police. Your Neighbourhood Watch Officer.

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Stradbroke Primary School visit us at Stradbroke Primary had an incredibly successful year in 2010-11, culminating in our Outstanding OFSTED inspection. We are now really looking forward to the forthcoming academic year. We are becoming more and more popular and welcome many new pupils to our school in Reception and other year groups. We would like to offer any parents considering new schools for their children to come and have a tour of our school and see what makes Stradbroke Primary so special. There are many events to look forward to this term. Mrs Walsh has organised our first ever residential visit for Year 4 and 5 to the Horstead Activity Centre in North Norfolk. Our Friends of School will be holding our annual Halloween Disco this term too. We will also be welcoming back the Working Space Theatre Company who will be performing “Oliver Twist”. This is the third year the theatre company have visited us and they are very popular with pupils and staff. This year we have two teachers who have been accepted to study for Post Graduate Master’s Degrees. Their research will enrich the teaching practice in our school even further. Our Outstanding Early Years practice has also been selected to be part of a study in excellent teaching of emergent writing by the University of East Anglia. We were highly praised for getting learners off to a brilliant start as they learn to write. The teaching in our school was consistently highly praised last year and it is lovely to be able to share this news and work with such a brilliant team. Thank you to all of you in the community who have commented to school staff on how good the new design for the front of our school looks. We are very pleased with this and that Tiddlywinks (our on- site pre-school for 2 ½ to 4 year olds) now has a separate entrance. Look out for pupils wearing our new uniform this term, which features our new logo. Again we would like to thank the Stradbroke Exhibition Fund for their donation to the school. We partly used this to buy every child in the school a new jumper or sweat cardigan. This really has helped us launch the new uniform properly. We believe that if pupils are provided with a bright and smart uniform they feel a sense of belonging to their community and school. We are looking forward to another great year with lots more news and pupils’ successes to share. Mrs Melanie Barrow- Headteacher Stradbroke Primary

Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College Bring your Grandparent to School During Celebration Week we had ‘Bring your Grandparent to school and stay for lunch‘, this was a delightful day with fourteen Year 7 pupils proudly bringing their grandparents to school. Grandparents sat alongside their grandchild and joined in the lessons. At the end of the morning we had the most wonderful comments from grandparents who had all clearly enjoyed the experience. Many reminisced about their school experiences and compared these to their grandchild! Comments included: “A fabulous morning, thank you for allowing us to come in, when can we come again? and “I wish I could come in tomorrow and every day!”

Mrs C Phillips, Deputy Head Teacher

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Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, LaStone Massage at Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707

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1st Fressingfield Scouts

1st Fressingfield Scout Group. c/o The Old Forge, New Street, Fressingfield, IP21 5PG. Tel: 01379 586243 Mob: 07908 262623 Email: 1st Fressingfield Scout & Explorer Summer Camp Report. Twenty-eight scouts, explorers and leaders of the 1st Fressingfield Scout Group, have just returned from their annual summer camp - 22-28 July 2011. A sun filled (almost), action packed week of activities based in North Devon. Two minibuses and a transit van (kindly sponsored by Cowham’s) left packed with equipment for the eight hour drive to Collard Bridge, near Barnstaple. Along with the routines of camping, cooking and living outdoors – scouts also completed an underground cave labyrinth, bouldering wall challenge, gibbon line and a tough assault course. The only day of cloud and rain saw the group ‘sunning it’ on the beach with a swim in the sea – a cream tea and games on the beach. A bit of rain doesn’t put scouts off enjoying the outdoors! Other activities included a hike on Exmoor, a day out at the theme park and a swimming session at Barnstaple pool where our lads joined in with a 45 minute aqua-aerobics session to the surprise and amusement of the ladies who generally attend. A great time was had by all and we are looking forward to our ‘bushcraft’ camp (scouts) and cycling expedition (explorers) in Thetford during the October half term. 1st Fressingfield Scouts (10-14) and Explorers (14-18) meet weekly on Friday, term times only, between 7:159:00pm. Some sections are full and we are operating a waiting list, if you are interested in joining the scouts in Fressingfield please contact Andrew on 07908 262623. For further information: Contact Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne, GSL.

Fressingfield Brownies Yummy Scrummy Fayre on Monday 26th September at Fressingfield Primary School 6pm until 8pm Toys,Teddies,Cake Stalls. Games. Lucky Dip. Refreshments. Raffles for Adults AND children! Candice Dudley

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Cleverley Made Cakes High quality, individually designed cakes for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christenings, Christmas, etc... Hand-crafted sugar decorations a speciality

BRUCE SAMSON Carpenter & Joiner ◊ Joinery Design & Build ◊ ◊ Modern & Period Quality Bespoke Joinery ◊ ◊ Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Fitting Service ◊ Fitted & Freestanding Furniture ◊ ◊ Custom Staircases ◊

Julia Cleverley

Fressingfield 01379 588260/07944 965873

20 Years Experience Public Liability Insurance 01379 384573 ◊ 07905 645716

Antique Restoration

Gas Safe and Oftec

Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers

registered plumbing

Ian Brown


Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987

and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

Health News

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The Seasonal Flu Vaccination provides protection against the three most prevalent flu viruses during the flu season including H1N1 Swine Flu.



9 am to 11 am

Tuesday 11 October


2 pm to 3:30 pm

Friday 14th October


9 am to 11 am

Friday 14th October


4 pm to 5:30 pm

Tuesday 18th October


9 am to 11 am

Tuesday 18 October


2 pm to 3:30 pm

Friday 21st October


9 am to 11 am

Friday 21st October


4 pm to 5:30 pm





9 am to 11 am


Monday 10 October


4 pm to 5:30 pm

Wednesday 12th October


9 am to 11 am

Monday 17th October


9 am to 11 am

Monday 17th October


4 pm to 5:30 pm

Wednesday 19th October


9 am to 11 am

Monday 10 October

YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A SEASONAL FLU JAB IF: You have chronic respiratory disease You have chronic heart disease You have chronic liver disease You are diabetic You are over 65 years of age or are 65 prior to the 31/3/201 You are Pregnant You have a history of stroke or TIA or Multiple Sclerosis or a disease of the central nervous system You have chronic kidney disease You have a weak immune system/Immunosuppression Those who are in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an older or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.

Fressingfield and Stradbroke Surgery

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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on:

Page 16 Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.

Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257

Is your garden over run with Moles ? Do you have a wasp nest ? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat, 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106

Forthcoming Events

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Stradbroke Over 60s Our meetings for September will be on Thurs. 1st.& 8th.all will be made most welcome we meet in the Community centre 2 till 4. On Thurs. 8th. Sept. we have a coach trip to Great Yarmouth leaving the Community Centre at 10.00a.m arriving home around 5.30 p.m. Price £7.50.if you would like to come along ring Joan 388723 or Jean 384563

Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, 22nd September, at the Community Centre, 7 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open - and ice creams in the interval! Entrance is £5.50. We are showing Mao's Last Dancer. Writers: Jan Sardi (screenplay), Cunxin Li (autobiography). Stars: Chi Cao, Bruce Greenwood and Kyle MacLachlan, Director: Bruce Beresford. It tells the true story of Chinese ballet dancer Li Cunxin, who grew up in rural poverty under Mao's communist regime, before being given the opportunity to dance in the West in the early 80s. Li is forced to examine his conscience as he must choose between his career, family, culture, politics and love, whilst having to make heart-wrenching decisions on what he must decide to sacrifice and what he must save. A well-constructed story, excellent performances, and breathtaking choreography. Bring a hankie! The season continues on Thursday, 20th October, with “Bridesmaids”. Thursday, 3rd November, “Senna”, a documentary on Brazilian Formula One racing driver Ayrton Senna, presented for us by the Oily Rag Club. Thursday, 17th November, “The Conspirator” and Thursday, 1st December, “Beginners” Margaret Streeter.

Wingfield Barns in September At Wingfield Barns in September 2011: Music, Literature, Art, Theatre, Film, Comedy Art Exhibitions Until 4 September, International Mini Prints Exhibition, 600 prints by 600 artists from 60 countries, ….a unique, inspiring collection of contemporary art and printmaking; 13 September to 10 October, Royal Academy Alumni Exhibition, work by the region’s ex-students of the Royal Academy with many famous names from around the county. Galleries and tea shop open Tues to Sat, 10am to 5pm and Sun, 11am to 4pm. Free admission Events Weds 14 September, Chick Flick – Educating Rita with Michael Caine and Julie Walters. Film starts 8pm, bar open 7pm. £10 (or 4 for £30 if pre-booked); Sun 18 September, Rebecca Lyne’s Life Drawing Class, 9.30am to 3.30pm, £30 per session. To book, call 01379 668552; Sun 25 September, The Ristov Quartet, international, award-winning musicians, 3.30pm. Tickets £10; Weds 28 September, Film4All, Pirates of the Caribbean 4. Film starts 8pm. £8 (4 for £30 if pre-booked); Fri 7 October, Harry The Piano, ‘the best pianist in the world’ (according to Jonathan Ross), 7.30pm. Tickets £10. For the most up to date details of events, visit the website at To book, call the Box Office on 01379 384505. Wingfield Barns, Church Road, Wingfield, Suffolk IP21 5RA. Wingfield Barns (Community Interest Company), a perfect venue for you to hold classes, workshops, meetings of your group or society, with flexible large or small spaces and easy parking. Virginia Skoyles

Lottery Bonus Winners 39 M Dann 48 B Nunn 19 D Bickers 3 S Bryant £48 donated to Garage Trail £48 donated District Bowls Club

Mary Ellis

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Allotments Meeting Wednesday August 31st 2011 at 7.30 p.m. at Stradbroke Community Centre The Parish Council has been offered a lease on a suitable piece of land for the allotments in Stradbroke. We now need to establish how much firm interest there is and how many plots will be required. If there is sufficient support, the Parish Council will begin the negotiations to lease this land and consider the formation of an Allotment Association. Further information will be available at the meeting. Do come along to this meeting and make your views known. Some experts and experienced allotment holders will be on hand to answer questions. Carol Smy, Clerk

Howzat for Entertainment ! Howzat for Entertainment! is a family variety show - to include singing, music, poetry and comedy which will be held at Stradbroke Community centre on Friday 2nd September at 7pm.Tickets, priced at £3 for adults and £2 for under 16s, will be available from Stradbroke Post Office, Huggy (Michael Hugman), Richard Pierce-Saunderson or Julie Thompson (01379 668169). Raising money for Stradbroke Cricket Club and the James Grigg Youth Cricket Trust. If you would like to be involved as a participant please get in touch as soon as possible to enable a running order to be confirmed – we already have singing, music, poetry, and comedy offered, as well as a finale by the ‘boys’ before they return to Uni! Please also contact me if you would like to help with the organizing, or on the night – or if you can offer a raffle prize. Julie

Stradbroke and Eye Family History Group Stradbroke & Eye Family History Group's meeting will be on Tuesday, 27 September at The Community Centre, Wilby Road, Stradbroke at 7.30 pm Clive Paine will speak on WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR BASTARD, ORPHAN, DELINQUENT, PAUPER AND ABANDONED CHILDREN?' Admission £2 (includes tea/coffee & biscuits). All Visitors Welcome. Jill Whittaker

Stradbroke WEA AUTUMN TERM 2011 - CHINA: LAND AND PEOPLE FROM MANDARINS TO COMMISSARS China – one of the oldest continuous civilisations is currently undergoing dramatic change, and emerging as a major world economy. The course will introduce you to it’s rich cultural and natural heritage and it’s turbulent history. TUTOR - David Prynn STARTS Wednesday 28 September STRADBROKE COMMUNITY CENTRE From 2.15 to 4.15pm Anyone is welcome to attend the first meeting before committing themselves to the course. Course fee £46.00. FOR 8 WEEKS THE SECRETARY : 01728 724746 th

Stradbroke Nature Reserve Calling all volunteers who have signed up to help with the development of the Nature Reserve! A plan of work to be carried out has now been finalised and work will commence at the end of September. If you would like more information about the tasks ahead, or would like to join the work force, then please contact Sam Hackett on 01379 388872, with your wellies and spades at the ready! Sam Hackett

Stradbroke Wine Society The Society is flourishing and welcomes new members, including those who perhaps have just moved into this village or neighbouring ones. Membership is £5 for individuals or £8 per family. We hold six meetings a year, mostly in the Community Centre and this gives us the chance to taste a wide variety of wines in a friendly and sociable environment. The next meeting in on Saturday September 10th and will be on "The Wines of New Zealand'. It will be presented by Alistair Marshall, senior wine buyer for Adnams and there will be eight wines to taste. Please contact Gwyneth Harris on 388 089 for details.

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Library The Circus Stars Reading game PRESENTATION PARTY is on Tuesday September 13th 2011 at 4 o’clock. All those who joined the reading game and who have read 6 books over the summer holidays are invited to the party to come and be presented with your certificates and medals. There will as usual be a party tea to enjoy as well. See you there! Maureen John. Library Manager.

Friends of All Saints, Stradbroke Our well-known local traveller, Gerald Jenkins, will be giving a talk on his recent trip to Vietnam on Saturday, 22nd. October, at 7.30 pm. Further details later. Margaret Streeter (Press Officer)

Electric Blanket Safety Campaign Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service and Suffolk County Council’s Trading Standards are working together to reduce the number of fires that are caused by unsafe electric blankets.If you have an electric blanket that has not been tested for 3 or more years, book your free 5 minute test now by telephoning 01473 260588. • 5 September - Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, Ipswich, IP1 2BX • 6 September – Bury St Edmunds Fire Station, Parkway, IP33 3BA • 7 September – Lowestoft Fire Station, Stradbroke Road, NR33 7HS • 14 September – Suffolk County Council, Endeavour House, Ipswich, IP1 2BX Jo Rayner, Press Office, Communications Team

Red Feather Club/95th Bomb Group Heritage Association in Horham Saturday September 24 - General Knowledge Quiz Night Start 7.30pm Contact John Kirkum on 384559 to book team tables of up to four people(£5 per person). Wednesday November 16 - Film show and talk by Malcolm Osbourne on the 486th Bomb Group. Start 7.30pm Admission is £3 for 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association members and £4 for non-members. Mike Ager th


Wingfield and District Gardening Club After our summer recess, we begin our Autumn programme with our Annual General Meeting, followed by 'Gardeners' Question Time', where members can bring along their problems or queries, to be answered by other members. This is NOT the BBC! The club is now returning to the de la Pole Arms in Wingfield, and the meeting will be on Thursday 29th September, at 7.30. Gardening novices are especially welcome, come and improve your horticultural knowledge. We are also trying to think of a snappy name for the club, possibly an acronym which is made up of words with a gardening theme, or something attention-grabbing, not necessarily including the word 'Wingfield'. Let us have your ideas, and the selected suggestion wins a bottle of wine. Email your idea/s to or phone 01379 384259. Graham Redelsperger (Chairman)

All Saints Church Flower Festival All Saints Church Flower Festival 22ND – 27TH September, 10am – 6pm opening with an organ recital on Wednesday 21ST September at 7.30pm To celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible and the 90th Birthday of the Royal British Legion. David Streeter

Page 21

Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Large selec on of Pansies, Polyanthus, Wall Flowers, Bellis Daisy, For Get Me Nots, And Hardy Cyclamen Five variety's of Lavender, Box , Laurel etc..... Fresh cut Flowers Dahlias Chrysanths Gladioli and Asters Compact Tractor available for grass topping and rotava ng and autumn grass seeding Come and see your local grower and Roger will give you advice on any of your Plants and Garden


Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

Page 22


Stradbroke Badminton Club Just a polite reminder to existing and potentially new members that the first club night of the new season is Tuesday September 6th between 8.00-10.00 pm in the Sports Hall of the High School in the Wilby Road, Tuesday’s being our regular club night. As previously advised we welcome you to come along and give us a try, membership is open from teenagers to senior ager’s. Give us a call if you require more information. Rick Ferguson 01379 586113 or Roy Lee 01379 384729 Regards to you all. Roy Lee

Stradbroke Football Club Both teams have played Benhall who are in a higher league losing 2-0. But still no reserve team manager. August bingo raised £73. The next cash bingo is on 9th September. The club is indebted to Transam for their continued support. M Ellis

Stradbroke Cricket Club There was a nip in the air this morning, a sure sign that the cricket season is coming to a close. The sadness of the passing of another summer is tempered by the glint of silverware, the rewards of a seasons toil. The Under 15s won the North Suffolk League, losing just one of their 10 matches, completing a hat-trick of wins for some of the boys who came through the Under 11 & Under 13 age groups. The only other hope of a trophy comes with the B Team, who have won 5 of their last 6 matches in Section D of the Suffolk Alliance. They may have to settle for runnersup, but promotion is within their grasp. The A Team continue their fight against relegation, the win at Saxmundham contained many of the good things about Stradbroke cricket, and offered some hope in their last 4 matches. Off the field, the club continues to push back the boundaries as they look to raise much needed funds for not only themselves, but the James Grigg Youth Cricket Trust, also. On Friday 2 September they proudly present ‘OWZAT FOR ENTERTAINMENT’, a variety show at the Community Centre, featuring music, song, poetry, comedy, all for £3 per head (£2 for U-16s). The fun starts at 7pm. Look out for a full list of acts. Please come along, not just to help raise funds, but to support local talent. There will be a bar, and a raffle, and a good time guaranteed. Finally, the age profile of the cricket club is young, so we all share that nervous wait for exam results. To all members who have earned their place at University or at Sixth Form, well done, we are all very proud of your achievements. Michael Hugman nd

Stradbroke Table Tennis Club The new season is nearly upon us, and I would like to thank all of the members who have supported us over the last season. We are a friendly club and welcome members of all ages and experience levels, so if you are interested in playing or learning more about table tennis do come along on Wednesday evenings at 7.15pm at the community centre. THE FIRST SESSION WILL BE WEDNESDAY 7th SEPTEMBER - All Welcome. Any inquiries, please call: Tony on 01379 384713 or Dave on 01379 388537 Tony Potts

Stradbroke Zumba Classes Zumba Fitness at Stradbroke Community Centre on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Cost is £5 per person and you can secure a place by calling 07884186849; emailing or you can just turn up ! Sarah Foster ZIN, REPS

Page 23

THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873

Web Site:

Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke - Tel: 01379

Spuds R Us Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622

Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

YOUR LOCAL RELIABLE PLUMBER Mark Jardine • All domestic Plumbing • Full Bathroom Installation, • All work full insured & guaranteed, • Domestic heating, radiators, pumps, etc… • 24 Hour call out.

Tel: 01379 672904 Mob: 07854924801 New Haven, Tudor, Occuld, Eye, Suffolk IP21 7PZ

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25

Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by

Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549

Would you like an illustration of your home or a particular building? Or an ideal present for a friend or loved one? Personalised cards and postcards also available. Then call Gill on 01379 388862 for further details.

Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745

2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.

Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment

Page 26

Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions

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SPURLING & REMBLANCE MOTOR ENGINEERS MOT TEST CENTRE Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

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Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

Sports News cont...

Page 27

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Many thanks to those who came and said hello at the 'Festibull' car boot and for supporting our bowls game, which was eventually won by Mrs P Robinson. We raised £34.74 for club funds. Our final club competition, the Ray Biggs cup, which was postponed from July, was won by Bill Robinson, runner-up Irene Rogers, we have a lovely sunny evening to play this event. League and Cup matches are continuing, results are as follows: SAXMUNDHAM K.O.CUP WAVENEY K.O.CUP v YOXFORD LOST v SHOTFORD WON MARIE CURIE AREA FINAL SEMI FINALS AT MENDHAM v LAXFIELD LOST (by 1 shot) v PULHAM MARKET WON SAXMUNDHAM LEAGUE WAVENEY LEAGUE v YOXFORD WON v BEECHES WON v DENNINGTON LOST v THORNDON WON v FRISTON WON v DISS & DIST.A LOST v GISSING LOST v STRAD.W.H. WON

Lily Lofts

Stradbroke Youth Football Club We are having our first “social club night” on 26th August for players and parents, at the Community Centre from 6.00 – 8.00 p.m. Video games,table football and lots of fun. As we mentioned last month, the playing strength can always be added to and there are still places available for all of the teams for anyone who would like to join us. If you know of anyone, boy or girl, who wants to play football for Stradbroke please come along to our training evening at the Recreation Ground,Wilby Road. The U18s on Wednesday evenings starting at 6.30pm and the U10s, U12s and U14s on Thursday evenings at 5.30 – 7.00pm. Once the clocks go back the training will move to SBEC on the astro turf floodlit area. We also want to bring in a few more coaches/trainers to the club, so come on you footballers and you ex-footballers; put your experience to good use by passing on your skills to a new generation and help us build for the future. Our first league matches are scheduled for Sunday 11th September (details may change) U10s are away to Walsham-le-Willows U12s at home to CFCBury (at SBEC) U14s at home to Honington Foxes (at Wilby Road Recreation Ground). U18s are away to AFC SudburyTigers. All due to kick off at 10.30am and supporters are more than welcome ! Mike Readman and Don Darling

Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club Waveney League Div 1 Our usual great start to the season was followed by our usual poor end to the season when we won only 3 of our last 9 matches! We will probably finish in the top half of the table but a run of losses meant we rather lost our way. Lost 51 - 96 v. Kenninghall Red Lion (A) Won 104 - 37 v. Thornham Magna (H) Lost 66 - 57 v. Beeches (A) Lost 61 – 72 v. Diss (A) Lost 78 – 58 v. Gissing (A) Won 74 – 64 v. Shotford (H) Lost 57 – 50 v.Thorndon (H) Lost 75 – 62 v.Stradbroke & District (A) Won 72 – 48 v. Dickleburgh (H) Waveney League Cup Won 93 - 57 v. Hoxne (A) Lost 35 – 93 v. Gissing (at Diss – semi final) Mid Suffolk League We just missed winning the league by ½ a point ! Quite frustrating but some great all round performances during the season. Won 63- 53 v. Bedingfield (A) Cattee CupLost 54 – 57 v. Dennington Club Competitions: Anson Trophy - Winner B. Ryan, Runner Up J. Ingle Chambers Cup - Winner R.Ward, Runner Up T Brown Mike Readman

Page 28

Gardeners Notes I always leave my article until the last minute, much to the annoyance of my wife or daughter who type it up for me, my excuse is that it makes it more up to date. I sit here now with the editor's deadline clock ticking in my ear trying to think of what to write. I will mention again the allotment meeting that is to take place on the 31st August at the Community Centre. It is really important for as many people as possible to come along. If you have any interest in taking on or sharing an allotment now or think you may at any point in the future please come along and show support. There will be experts on hand to answer any questions you have about allotments and growing. The Parish Council has been very supportive about this project but can only take it further if enough people want to do it. Gardening has always been credited for improving the quality of life and a recent government Natural Environment White Paper assessed the value of the environment and found that access to a private garden or park is valued at ÂŁ300 per year per person, by contributing to positive mental and physical health.. Based on that I should be an almost perfect specimen of a human being, I know this is not strictly true because my wife tells me so. The summer has settled into a routine of warm and wet which has gone some way to make up for the early spring. The fruit on trees seems to be pretty good this year. We have a 5 year old mulberry tree that has had it's best crop to date, I couldn't really describe it as bountiful but certainly a generous handful. If you have never had a mulberry you have missed a real taste sensation, they are a cross between a blackberry, raspberry with a little cranberry and much juicier than all put together. Sally and I went for a trip to the edge of the Broads to one of the bird reserves, we were promised otters, an osprey and much more but had to settle for terns, a heron and the occasional Marsh Harrier. We still had a good time and would very much recommend it as they take you on to a large private area of the broads by boat. Another water related trip we have done recently was to hire Canadian canoes on the Waveney river near Bungay, after much meandering we stopped for a picnic in a field by the river. I was rather amused as my brother-in-law disembarked from his canoe into a fresh cowpat, especially as he was wearing his sandals. Ah, the pleasures of the countryside. Things to be getting on with in the garden, late summer is a good time to take semi-ripe and hardwood cuttings. Semi ripe include conifers and evergreen shrubs such as laurel, hardwood are best slightly later on from mid autumn onwards and include dogwood and willow. The weather is still good enough to repair lawns and re-seed, try not to cut too short as we get later into the season. Bulbs can be planted any time from now on, I tend to find waiting until the weather cools down a bit makes is easier as the ground is a bit softer. If you have a sunny free draining area fox tail lilies with their 1.5m flower spikes are very striking. Now is a good time to divide strawberry plants and plant out for next year, don't plant them too close so that you can keep an eye on slugs and snails. Finally keep dead heading roses and dahlias if we have a good late summer they will go on a lot longer yet. We have had quite a mixed year of weather but you still can't beat Suffolk in summer so make the most of the last few weeks of good weather, in the blink of an eye we will probably be under 2 feet of snow if it's anything like last year. Happy gardening, Luke

Page 29

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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Page 30

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Keeping in Touch - Dan Poulter,

Page 31

I firmly believe that we need more MPs in Parliament who have worked in the real world. Before becoming an MP, I worked as a full time NHS hospital doctor, often spending over 100 hours a week looking after my patients. As a doctor, I look after people of all different ages, cultures and backgrounds. Like politics, medicine is a public service, and it has prepared me well for being a hard working local MP. I don’t really do holidays. So, this summer, alongside my work locally as your MP, I have returned to work for our NHS, looking after patients from Suffolk. Returning to the hospital wards has not only given me the chance to look after patients once again, which I very much enjoy, but also helped to remind me of the reasons that I became an MP in the first place. As a frontline NHS hospital doctor, I see the consequences of violent crime, the need to better support the growing numbers of elderly and frail people in our rural communities, the results of alcohol and drug abuse, as well as supporting women through pregnancy and childbirth. I see the very best and the very worst of human nature every day, and it is these lived experiences that help motivate the work that I do as your MP. I recently held a meeting at Whitehouse Farm in Mendlesham, the home of Raymond and Ann Fenning, to discuss the problems faced by local egg farmers. Under new EU legislation egg farmers throughout Europe are being asked to improve animal welfare standards for hens by changing cages from conventional caging to new and improved enriched cages. Farmers throughout Suffolk are concerned that whilst British farmers are improving their hen welfare standards, that farmers from Southern and Eastern Europe are not complying with new EU regulations. I shall be looking to hold a debate in Parliament in September to raise Government awareness of problems faced by egg farmers and shall be calling for an enhanced role for the egg marketing inspectorate to look at the quality of imports coming in from Europe, as well as asking the Government to put pressure at the European level, to ensure that there is a level playing field and that eggs can only be sold in Britain if they meet the same high quality standards that are achieved by British farmers.

For more information please see

Letters to the Editor Sir, “How perfect to wake early morning and go to bed at night listening to the peacocks calling. How utterly selfish to wake early morning and go to bed at night listening to neighbours loud music, car horns, and their dogs barking as they are never walked. How utterly selfish to get home from work to see your garden has once again been dug over and messed on my neighbours cats, who also mess on my doorstep. How utterly selfish for those neighbours who know i have 2 grandchildren to allow their cats to do that on my private property. How utterly selfish to see stradbroke villagers allowing their dogs to wee and mess on the village green. How utterly selfish to have neighbours light bonfires while your windows are open and your white sheets are on the line. But lets remove the natural English sounds of the peacocks and lets keep the more unnatural and far more hard to remove sounds of the selfish folk of Stradbroke. Buts lets remove the peacocks - or should the villagers get a right to vote. Peacocks versus cats/dogs/selfish neighbours/bonfires/loud music. Over to you. Jayne Yates


Aug 31st

Allotment meeting in Community Centre @ 7.30 pm

Sept 1st RBL meeting 11.30am @ King’s Head, Laxfield 1st Wingfield Barns events throughout September – see inside for details 1st Over 60s meeting in Community Centre 2pm – 4pm 1st Church cleaning 10am onwards 2nd Howzat for Entertainment. @ 7 pm in Community Centre 6th Stradbroke Badminton Club 8 – 10 pm at SBEC & every Tuesday 6th Contact Club at Community Centre 10am and every Tuesday 7th Table Tennis in Community Centre @ 7.15pm and every Wednesday 8th RBL H Group meeting 7 pm @ Queen’s Head, Stradbroke 8th WI meeting in Community Centre @ 7.30pm 8th Over 60s meeting in Community Centre 2pm – 4pm 8th Over 60s coach trip to Great Yarmouth (see details inside) 9th Cash Bingo iao Stradbroke Football Club 10th Stradbroke Wine Society meeting in Community Centre 12th Parish Council Meeting at the Community Centre 7.30pm 13th Reading game PRESENTATION PARTY in library @ 4pm 14th Stradbroke Baptist Church Cameo lunch club @ 12.30pm 17th Harvest Supper Baptist Church 7pm see page 3 18th Harvest Thanksgiving Baptist Church 10.15am 21st All Saints Church organ recital @ 7.30pm 21st - 27th All Saints Church Flower Festival 22nd Stradbroke Cinema in Community Centre @ 7pm (see inside for details) rd 23 ***ARTICLES FOR OCTOBER EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE*** 24th Red Feather Club Quiz Night @ 7.30pm (details inside) 26th Fressingfield Brownies Yummy Scrummy Fayre @ 6pm – 8pm 27th Stradbroke & Eye Family History Group meet Community Centre @ 7.30pm 28th Stradbroke WEA starts 2.15pm Community Centre 28th Stradbroke Baptist Church coffee morning @ 10am 29th Wingfield & District Gardening Club meet in De La Pole Arms @ 7.30pm Oct 8th Stradbroke Tennis Club Cheese & Wine eve in Community Centre @ 7.30pm 20th Stradbroke Cinema in Community Centre @ 7pm (see inside for details) 22nd Friends of All Saints talk by G Jenkins on Vietnam @ 7.30pm We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘For Publication’.

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