The Stradbroke Monthly May 2014

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May 2014


An Award Winning SAGA! Against all the odds The Stradbroke Allotments, Orchard and Wildflower Meadow has won the Greenest County Award. In a nail biting finale Roger Turkington, Peter Smith and Helen Pleasance attended the ceremony at Snape Maltings and came away with the top prize. What makes it particularly special is not just that it was nominated for the short list by an expert panel but the actual winner was chosen by a public vote on the internet, it shows how popular the scheme has been and the appreciation for the work that the Stradbroke Charitable Trust and volunteers do in the village. The whole scheme has been a lot of hard work but well worth while and will just get better and better as things mature. On the 2nd August the Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners' Association are having an open day, it is your chance to come and have a look around the allotments and see what is grown and chat with allotment holders, there will also be lots of wild flowers to be seen in the meadow areas by then and the new landscaping around the pond at the top of the site should have started to settled in. We hope to be doing some pond dipping, a wildlife walk around the site, refreshments and a plant and cake stall, you maybe even interested in putting your name down for a plot. Another date for your diary is the Cake and Plant stall on Saturday 10th May from 9.00am-11.30am, please come along to support us at our usual position on the drive between Foulshams and the Wilby Road. As mentioned the village trust has improved the access to the pond at the top of the field, you can know get right down to the water safely to view the pond life, it is an incredible asset for the site and a real benefit to wildlife. Work on the allotments this year has got going early, especially compared to last year, it is worth remembering that we can still get a frost into May so take care if you are planting out tender veg and don't forget to earth up your potato shoots, this will also make the plants more productive. If you are preparing the ground ready for beans (climbing or French), incorporate a good amount of well rotted manure, digging a deep hole to 30cm and filling with manure will encourage good roots as beans are very thirsty plants, they shouldn't be allowed to dry out when they are in flower so mulching after planting helps to retain the moisture. If you are thinking of growing asparagus you will need a nice light soil, in this area we are 'blessed' with a rather heavy clay so it is best to use raise beds and bring in some good top soil, you can also improve their chances by planting the crowns on a raised mound with a sprinkling of grit under each plant. Don't harvest the asparagus in it's first year to build up the strength of the plant. The weather has been very nice and hopefully we will have a little rain in the next few weeks, the swifts have arrived and the skylarks are in full song, make the most of this beautiful time of year by getting out into your garden or for a stroll around the award winning Stradbroke Allotments. Luke Heydon

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. We make websites!

Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.


PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk

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A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. May Diary - Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am Speakers: 4th J. Ling 11th G. Catling 18th & 25th Rev G. Lee We welcome you to join us --- our activities for May: Youth Club Friday 2nd Praying together Monday 12th Discipleship Explored Tuesday 13th Cameo Lunch Club Wednesday 14th Youth Club Friday 16th Discipleship Explored Tuesday 27th Drop in For Coffee Wednesday 28th Youth Club Friday 30th

7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 12:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 10:00am 7:30pm

Spring----Parenthood---The duck update. Last month I mentioned that in a well camouflaged spot next to our small garden pond a duck was sitting on her nest of eggs. Great excitement on the 8 mother duck emerged with thirteen fluffy ducklings! We watched as the infants took their first steps, paddle and swim. Mother duck showed little concern as she preened herself and extracted tasty morsels from the pond. After just twenty four hours we watched as mother marched her family up the drive, across the busy road and away into the unknown. Sadly, ducks have a very poor reputation as parents and we naturally fear for those little fellows who were with us for such a brief time. It is good to know that as humans we have a loving heavenly Father who gave us life and cares for us today and forever. The writer of Psalm 136 tells us we should; Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever. th

CAMEO Lunch Club report by Jackie Good Grub not Posh Nosh at Cameo Fourteen years ago Cameo Lunch Club replaced the monthly Women’s Fellowship being held on the second Wednesday of each month. This change was a big step of faith and from day one was an instant hit with people from Stradbroke and a few others from further afield. Over the years we have seen many people coming monthly to eat together and enjoy each others company. We have had forty plus guests for lunch, this figure varies from time to time and at present we have spaces at tables which need to be filled with people who enjoy meeting others, eating good food, and enjoy a laugh. Along with a little serious side as we occasionally have a guest speaker. Stradbroke Baptists run the club with a small dedicated team, who enjoy providing good fresh food. All meat is from the local butcher, and normally everything is freshly cooked in our Five Star Gold awarded kitchen. If you or anyone you know would enjoy the lunch club, please give us a ring to book your meal. If you already come along, bring a new friend and you and your friend will receive a free meal‌.not to be missed? We would also like to extend our team of helpers so if you would like to lend a hand please get in touch, there is always room for more help and always room for more guests to join us. Next Cameo Lunch Wednesday 14 May please contact Jackie 384112 th

For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our telephone number is 07749445531 :- can we help you ? Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a lift to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done ? With ever increasing fuel prices we have revised our journey charges and will inform anyone phoning for a lift the cost of their journey. We would appreciate at least 24 hrs notice and look forward to being of service. If you are new to the village there is a Good Neighbour Welcome Booklet that could provide useful information. If you would like one please contact :07749445531

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

Services: 4th May 11th May 18th May 25th May

11.00 am Village service + Baptism, Followed by Coffee/Tea at the Art Exhibition 8.00 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion Followed by Coffee/Tea 8.00 am Holy Communion, 4.45 pm Tea and cake; 5.00 pm Informal service in The Rectory Garden 1st June 11.00 am Village service + Baptism Followed by Tea/Coffee During the summer months, you are invited to an informal service of reflections, prayers and singing on the 4th Sunday in the month, 5.00pm in The Rectory Garden (inside if wet!) Rev Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Rev Susan. Informal home groups 6th May – 10.30 for coffee; discussions about support in the church, 10.45 – 11.30 at 4 Bishops Way 14th May – 7.30 at The Rectory; another topic relating to the way we live and accept others. Jennifer Chetwynd

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee We have more pictures for the Art Exhibition this year. Many thanks must go to 3 sponsors, Rattlerow Farms Ltd, Roger Skinner Dog Foods and V. Goffee. This has paid all the postage. The preview is on 30 April, £7 with wine and nibbles. We are then open 1st - 5th May inclusive, 10am – 6pm. Well worth a visit. Come and have coffee or tea. We are also having a Bric-a-Brac and cake stall, any goods would be gratefully received. Then on 21st June, we are having Coins on the Wall and a Cake Stall, so put a few coins away and come and visit us. We shall look forward to seeing you. We are hoping to have an Old Fashioned Village Fete in the Rectory Gardens on 9th August. Have you any sideshows we can borrow, ie Splat the Rat? Any other ideas, just mention to me. Thanks for your support.

Mary Ellis

A Message from Rev Susan Dear Friends & Neighbours, First of all I want to say a big thankyou for the good wishes, prayers and cards I received while I was ill. I really appreciated every one. I can hardly believe it but our son David is thirty this month! Where does the time go? This all got me thinking about Jesus who lived his life in near obscurity until he was thirty. He had been noticed around his birth but since then lived an ordinary life of a faithful Jew. He learnt his father Joseph’s trade of carpenter and would have studied the scriptures that they had in the temple, which would have been the first five books of our bibles today, all about creation and the history of God’s interaction with his people. Jesus had just three years for his ministry upon earth, three years when he healed the sick, preached the Good News, performed miracles and gave his life up for us so that we might live forever. Not bad for three years, I reminded my son recently - no pressure then David! Seriously though, I do believe that God can take an ordinary life and do extraordinary things through that life; we know that to be true. Just think about some of the great people throughout history who have done extraordinary things. May is a lovely month, full of the promise of summer. As we look at the fields around us that change with the seasons and bring forth their yield time after time, it seems to me that the possibilities are endless. What extraordinary things might you do this month? God bless, Susan

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!

MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 14 April 2014 12 members of the public attended the meeting.

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 12th May 2014 at 7.30pm in the

Community Centre PUBLIC FORUM Two members of the public addressed the meeting and both were, at the discretion of the Chairman, permitted to speak for longer than the two minutes specified in Standing Orders. The first item concerned the recent emails urging people to respond to the consultation on a Post Office facility being opened in the Library with the suggestion that the Top Shop be seen as the desired alternative. This had caused, no doubt unintentionally, a degree of upset and was responded to by the Councillors involved. The second item covered the lack of adequate public relations on the part of the Parish Council. PLANNING: Applications for consideration: 0394/14 change of use of land for the siting of a mobile home - Barley Brigg Farm, Laxfield Road Approval was recommended unanimously for the above application Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Planning approval granted for: 0367/14 single storey extension to rear of property. Amended details to previously approved 2613/12 3 Priory Close 0553/14 ash tree – to be pollarded rather than re-reduced as it is too small for its surroundings. Cherry tree – reduce back to previous points; remove ivy from the main; reduction cuts by 6ft Farthings, Church Street 0455/14 internal and external alterations including new opening to dining room, insertion of rooflight, removal and replacement of stud wall partitions, removal of window to bathroom and new opening to kitchen (LBC) Harvest Cottage, Queen Street OTHER BUSINESS: VACANCY: there had been three names put forward for the casual vacancy and Councillors voted at this meeting. Stuart Crane was duly co-opted to the Parish Council for the remainder of the current four year term. LIBRARY & COURT HOUSE: the Courthouse lease and management agreement were in hand and schedule of repairs was due. In view of recent actions concerning the Post Office application the outcome of the Post Office consultation would not be known for some weeks and was likely to be delayed and the end result could be a later opening than anticipated at best; the worst case could be that there might be no Post Office for some considerable time if at all. SPEEDWATCH: the required equipment was on order so the scheme should be operational in the very near future. Two further volunteers had come forward but there is always room for more onboard. STREETLIGHTING: some 25 streetlights had been changed and it was anticipated that the work would be completed by the end of May 2014. POLICE NEWS: no crimes had been reported since the last meeting. Online security was more important than ever as more of us do so much via the internet – shopping, banking and social networking. Ensure your passwords are secure; ensure your firewalls; browser and computer updates are current; do not publish personal information and beware what you write…it does not go away; shop on secure sites; and remember financial institutions do not ask you to verify your details on line. If you would like the full text of this information do contact the Clerk. CONTACT NUMBERS: If there is an emergency continue to dial 999 but if you just wish to report an incident or seek advice please use 101. DIARY DATE: there is to be a WW1 Commemoration Day on Saturday 3rd May from noon until 5pm at Laxfield. Programme is on the notice board. Members of the public are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum, which takes place prior to the start of every meeting. Minutes of the meetings are held in the Library and are now posted on the Notice Board The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 22 April 2014 The next Meeting of the Parish Council: 12th May 2014 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Dirty Oven??

Jon Wilson

Home Improvements

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J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012

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Stradbroke Bakery • • • • • • • •

Fresh Bread Daily A vast range of Confectionery Home Made Pies and Pasties A Selection of Speciality Bread Tea and Coffee Take Away Snacks Newspapers and Milk A Small Selection of Groceries Tel: 01379384226

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Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm

Telephone 384634 to book your table.



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Life in the Legion Stradbroke and District had fifty members and guests from a wide area to their Annual Dinner, the 28th since the Branch was re-formed, at the Community Centre on Thursday, 27th March. Rev David Streeter said grace, and I gave the Tribute, and was toastmaster. This year’s theme was “Shoulder to Shoulder”, with speeches by Terry Hunt, Editor of the East Anglian Daily Times who proposed the toast to the Legion, with the reply from John Farmer CBE, past National Chairman. Bernard Mills proposed a toast to the guests, with the reply by Nick Eade, the Fressingfield Chairman. I presented the annual awards, the Ken Richardson Memorial Shield to Alan King as his daughter, Joyce Cooper, was unable to attend, and the Tommy Campbell-Preston Memorial Tankard to David Streeter. Ann Mills and Joyce Baker ran a Draw for the Poppy Appeal, and Bakewell were the caterers. We met in April when Allan Williams from Age UK Suffolk was the speaker, aided by many most interesting leaflets, and Bernard Mills gave the vote of thanks. It was agreed to send £100, raised by the Draw, to the Poppy Appeal. Bernard Mills gave his monthly treasurer’s report, and Joyce Cooper discussed arrangements for the Concert at the High School on Saturday, 31st May. The speaker on Thursday, 8th May, at Laxfield will be Michael Pickstock from Fressingfield. Members, please attend if you can. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman

W.I We were delighted to welcome Denise Janes as our speaker to our April Meeting. Denise a very charming and bubbly lady came to talk to us about her work with the Tourist Board, and she was just the sort of lady one would hope to be greeted by when seeking information. Her motto ‘Service with a smile’ was how she ran the St. Alban’s Tourist Board, and she had many, many stories to tell us. Perhaps her talk should have been subtitled ‘The things they say’ because of the funny things we say when asking for help. Having given more than 29 years to the service, Denise relocated to Norfolk, and now acts as a guide at the National Trust’s Blickling Hall. After a most enjoyable talk and with a lot of laughs, Dorothy gave a much deserved vote of thanks. On display for the evening were the exhibits for the Suffolk Show, which once again showed the great creativity and skill of our members. After refreshments we had the business section of the meeting, which included an update by Wendy Reeves on her quest to get the Spar Shop re-opened in the village. The news was encouraging, so now we wait and hope. Our grateful thanks to you Wendy, for your considerable efforts. With a total change in procedure, we closed rather than opened our meeting with the singing of Jerusalem, with a recorded organ accompaniment. Forthcoming Event. June 12th at 7.30pm. in the Community Centre - An evening with International Couturier Brian Piccolo, giving an insight into his world of Haute Couture. This evening is open to everyone. Tickets £3.00 to include a glass of wine, are available from June 01379 388009 and Gill 01379 384979. Gill Bird

Wingfield and District Gardening Club The members enjoyed a most enlightening talk given by Rod Leeds on “Bulbs for the whole year”, beginning in August with Autumn Crocus, the usual mauve but also white. Did one realise that Snowdrops could appear in October, many familiar bulbs have much longer periods of flowering than one associates with them, but Spring seems to be the best with Aconites, Narssisus, Arums, Anemones and in June, the Liliums. All very fascinating. On 29th May we meet again at Brundish Village Hall to hear Ben Potterton, who is always entertaining, to speak on “The Travelling Horticulturist”. The time is 7.30pm. For further information contact Caroline on 01379 384674

Eye War Memorial Eye Town Council and Hartismere School are collaborating to host an exhibition commemorating the contribution made by the people of Eye and the surrounding parishes to World War I. We would like to hear from you if you know of or have any stories, photographs or artifacts relating to the period that could be included in the August exhibition. We are interested in the men who went to war but also in the people who were left behind and what life was like for them. Additionally, if you would like to contribute by assisting with this project we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact me directly. Cllr Maria Ford, Eye Town Council, Email:, Tel: 01379 870466

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Stradbroke Primary School The Spring Term was an extremely busy one at Stradbroke Primary. Aside from a special Mother’s Day assembly and Easter Service at the Church there were a number of events taking place. As you might have seen in the Diss Express on Wednesday 26th of March local members of The Royal British Legion visited our school with Red Balloons full of poppy seeds to enable our pupils to play our part in the National Centenary Poppy Campaign! We look forward to watching the poppy seeds grow which were scattered by the children. We hope that you have noticed how beautiful the front of the school looks now with the daffodils, that the children planted last year in ‘Welly Week’, fully in bloom! The front playground has also about to be given a makeover, with the removal of the old wooden fort. There is an exciting addition to the playground with a large playground boat for pupils to sit in and make use of at playtimes! Class 1 also have a range of new items of furniture and some wonderful role play screens, which will be put to good use next term. A big thank you must go to our wonderful Friends of Stradbroke Primay (FOSPs) for making these things possible. Each class participated in an educational visit this term too with Class 1 visiting Norwich Castle, Year 2 having a special puppet making workshop at Norwich Puppet Theatre and Classes 3 and 4 visiting Norwich Cathedral, Norwich Castle and watching a matinee performance at the Theatre Royal of “CATS”! We ended the final afternoon of the term with a fantastic “Celebration of Arts and Music”. This really highlighted the talents of pupils in school. Our parents were treated to performances by the children with Musiclubz on guitars and drums, performance poetry, our ukulele orchestra, brass band, percussion, dance and songs from our younger children and finally a dance routine of “Kung Fu Fighting” choreographed by our very own dance teacher Miss Legood! Next term promises to be just as fun and just as busy! We welcome two new teachers to our school Mrs Pearson-Shaul and Ms. Kitson who is a specialist languages teacher and will be teaching our Key Stage Two pupils French. There will be a great range of after school clubs on offer by specialist providers including Art, French, Dance, Yoga, Guitar, Drums and different sports. We are also pleased to be able to offer a breakfast club from 8am for parents wishing to drop pupils off early. Further examples of the continuing fantastic provision for pupils on offer at Stradbroke Primary! Mrs Melanie Barrow, Executive Headteacher All Saints, Laxfield and Stradbroke Primary Schools

Friends of All Saints A GRAND AUCTION OF PROMISES, WITH SUPPER, ON SATURDAY 4th OCTOBER On Saturday, 3rd May, we will hold our Annual Plant Sale from 10.00am onwards.The time has come to plan our big money-spinning event for 2014; last year it was the very successful Safari Supper; this time we are holding an Auction of Promises, with supper, to be held in the Community Centre on Saturday, 4th October. In order to make sure it’s a most enjoyable event, and that the Friends of All Saints raise a goodly amount of money to keep the Parish Church well-repaired for future generations, can you please “Promise your Promise” to Carol Darling ASAP, Frythe Barn, IP21 5JP or Tel: 388098, or Margaret Streeter,

Lottery Bonus Winners 40 B Elliott, 29 D. Bickers, 41 E. Shelford, 32 S. Bryant £24 donated to Stradbroke District Bowls Club £24 donated to Community Centre. Mary Ellis

Fareline Coaches Good News! From April 2014 our 121 service from Stradbroke to Woodbridge and Ipswich will now operate on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, departing from Stradbroke Church at 09.20hrs. As we do not get any subsidy for this service, its success will depend on public support. Fareline Day Excursions Thursday April 10th Lowestoft Thursday April 17th Woodbridge & Felixstowe Adults £9, Under 14s 6.50. To book a place, please call 01379 668151 or 07850 940445 Jeff Morse, Proprietor of Fareline Bus and Coach Services

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Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 07501336499 at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.


My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and BEAUTY & HAIR 01379 852 233 the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a Old Market Place one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Harleston. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website We are also recruiting NOW - We need exceptional people who love to care.



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Stradbroke Library LIBRARY AND SCALT NEWS Saturday May 10 at 7.45pm at the Community Centre SCALT is promoting a performance of ‘Beauty’s Legacy’ by the brilliantly innovative theatre group ‘The Keeper’s Daughter’ The Keeper’s Daughter Present - BEAUTY’S LEGACY Or The Modern Frankenstein, Part Bladerunner, part Frankenstein, part Slimming World! Beauty’s Legacy is a sci-fi comedy/drama about revered geneticist Victor, who, using his maladjusted lab assistant as a guinea pig, creates the most beautiful, stylish and vain monster the world has ever seen. This sets off a whirlwind of events that threaten to tear apart his career, his marriage and all known society. Utilizing a strong visual style and an electronic soundtrack by pop noir soulsters Mirrors, Beauty’s Legacy rips through media culture, tears open financially obsessed societies and examines the value of the legacy we leave behind. Please come and support the Courthouse project and the Keeper’s Daughter. Tickets are available from Stradbroke Library 01379 384768 or call 07507 802360 to book. th

The new bus timetables for Stradbroke are now in the library, call in and pick one up. Maureen John Library Manager and chair of SCALT

Radio Stradbroke By the time you read this, Radio Stradbroke's ambitious 60s weekend to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Pirate Radio, will be over. Judge for yourselves if it was a success. Easter marks the watershed between Winter Sunday Sessions & Summer Monthly Music Nights. Yes, they are back.! The first one will be on Wednesday 21st May between 8pm & 11pm. Your host will be Richard Pierce. For further details visit our new website, our page on the Village Website, or the Radio Stradbroke Facebook page. Thank you for continuing to share our vision. Michael Hugman

1st Fressingfield Scout Group St George’s Day Celebration Service: The Group will celebrate in style with eight members of the Group attending the National Parade and presentation event at Windsor Castle (five members are receiving their Queen Scout Award). Group presentation and open evening: All parents, families and friends are invited to attend our annual Group presentation and open evening at the Scout HQ, Goodwin Hall. The evening will start at 7:15pm and conclude at 9pm on Friday 18th July – with a range of activities for all to take part in – including archery, BBQ and much more. Well done Sarah: Congratulations to Sarah Coulter who has just completed London Marathon in an impressive time of 4 hours and 12 minutes. Sarah mum of Adam (Adventurer Scout) was running in aid of the HQ redevelopment fund – she has raised in excess of £600 but you can still send a donation. Pioneer Troop – clean sweep: A merry band of Pioneers lead by ASL Micheal Knights recently worked hard during the Hoxne village tidy up. Beavers to organise massive sale for new HQ fund: 1st Fressingfield Beaver Colony are all set for a giant jumble sale – to be held on Saturday 5th July, 10-3pm at the Fressingfield Sports Pavilion. A sale of good quality jumble/toys and bric-a-brac. There will also be a tombola and a cake sale too! More details soon – donations can be left at the Scout HQ. Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne Mobile: 07908 262623

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Cleverley Made Cakes High quality, individually designed cakes for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christenings, Christmas, etc... Hand-crafted sugar decorations a speciality

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Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987

Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Cinema Our next film is on Thursday, 15th May. We are showing “The Railway Man” at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and ice-creams on sale in the interval. Entrance is £5.50. A former British Army officer, who was tormented as a prisoner of war at a Japanese labour camp during World War II, discovers that the man responsible for much of his treatment is still alive and sets out to confront him. Director: Jonathan Teplitzky, Writers: Frank Cottrell Boyce and Andy Paterson (screenplay), Stars: Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Stellan Skarsgård If you are in any way interested in stories of war, survival, trauma, revenge, forgiveness and the ethical dilemmas wrapped up in them all, then this is a film you should definitely see. The truth in the story adds so much more to the film. Margaret Streeter

Stradbroke Church Village Show The Annual Flower, Vegetable and Produce Show, will be held on Saturday 26th July 2014. Show Schedules will be available in the Bakery shop and the Library. Any inquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839 Any enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839

Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre 2014 Bungay Area Lions Club is holding another Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre in the grounds of Earsham Hall, Bungay, NR35 2AN on Sunday 4th May, 2014. There will be plenty to see - classic cars, motorcycles, tractors and both commercial and military vehicles. Other attractions on the day will include food and craft stalls, licensed bar, trade stands, auto jumble, children's games, entertainers and workshops. Funds raised from the event will go to local Lions causes. Gates will open from 10am until 5pm. Entry to the public will be £3 for adults - under 16s free. Bungay Lions invite you to a great day out for all the family. If you have a vehicle to show, you can obtain a registration form for free entry from: Michael Gardiner, Tel: 07599 935113 Email: Website:

Music quiz in aid of Colostomy Association Friday 23rd May at Laxfield Village Hall, Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. Maximum for 4 on a team, £20 per team. Please bring your own drinks and nibbles as we are trying to maximise the fund raising! Please note this is for fun, so no semi-professional DJs if you please! Also a raffle with great prizes. To book your table, please call Caroline 01986 798422

Eye Bach Choir MOZART IN MAY On 17 May 2014 at 7.30pm, Eye Bach Choir together with the Eye Bach Choir Chamber Orchestra, will give a concert of choral and orchestral music by Mozart: his Solemn Vespers K339 and Horn Concerto No 4 in E flat. Haydn’s Nelson Mass completes the programme. Soloists are: Lynn Roberts (Horn), Suzanne Williams (Soprano), Sarah - Jane Lewis (Contralto), Alastair Digges (Tenor) and James Arthur (Bass). Conductor is Leslie Olive. Venue is Eye Town Hall. Tickets are £12 (reserved) and are available from Eye Pharmacy, by email (, by telephone (01728 74737) or at the door. Elizabeth Medvei

SYFC car wash Stradbroke Youth Football Club presents another amazing car wash! Saturday 10th May 2014 9am – 12pm at the Stradbroke Community Centre Car Park. Free tea and coffee. Bacon Rolls available if you feel peckish and indulgent. At £4 per car - you can't do better! Tracey Kellett

Cratfield Open Weekend Cratfield Open Weekend on 14 and 15 June, 11am – 5pm. Open gardens and Plant sales, Art Exhibition and crafts, BBQ, Cakes, Cream Teas, Tours of St. Mary's Church and a Daily Prize Draw! Tickets are £3 per adult. Parking is available at St. Mary's Church IP19 0BU and Village Hall, Manse Lane, Cratfield. Website:, email: Candy Blackham

Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club On the 18th of May we are celebrating a centenary of the mid Suffolk league. Everyone is welcome to come along and see some of the displays of old photos etc. and perhaps watch a game or two of bowls. We start at 10am until 6pm behind the White Hart. Lynn Ruth

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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED

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Forthcoming Events

Page 17

A Guided Walk Sunday 25th May 2014. Do join us for a 10 mile guided walk via Wilby Green to Brundish and back again by a different route via Foals Green and the old railway line. We shall leave the Community Centre promptly at 10.30 a.m. and please bring a sandwich lunch to eat in Brundish Churchyard. For more information, please contact Gerald Jenkins on 384 825. No dogs. Gerald Jenkins

Concert Overlord To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D Day Landings. Where? Stradbroke High School. When? Saturday 31st May. Doors open at 7pm for draw ticket and bar sales. Entertainment provided by The Sheringham Shantymen. To begin at 7.30pm. Entrance by ticket, *cost only £5*. available at Rolfes Butchers, Stradbroke and Horham Post Office. Joyce Cooper

Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre AGM The Annual General Meeting of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre is to be held, in the Webb Room, on Tuesday, 20th. May at 7.30 pm.. ALL WELCOME. We are looking for people to join the management team, in particular a Chairperson. Margaret Streeter

Stradisphere Music Festival Stradisphere 2014 – STRADBROKE'S MUSIC FESTIVAL 5th & 6th SEPTEMBER Stradbroke will soon host the first music festival of this type, bringing our region’s best Bands and Acts as well as the two of the UKs finest tribute acts Bootleg Boss (Bruce Springsteen) and Kings Ov Leon (Kings Of Leon) to the community centre playing fields. The festival will be ticketed to a limited audience of 499 paying guests. This is a great opportunity for the community to enjoy a family friendly festival. The site will be controlled by a professional security team to ensure smooth running of the event and entrance will by Ticket Only. Food and a licensed bar will be available throughout the weekend. Tickets will be available from £25 per person with under 14s going free as long as they are accompanied by a paying adult. Tickets are available from The Queens Head, Stradbroke Library and The Laxfield Royal Oak. Proceeds from Stradisphere will go back to the community via SAS so a sell out show will enable the community to benefit from a substantial cash injection from the organisers. Alongside the bands playing will be two acts from "Stradbroke Cathedral & Cars” and “Cities of Gold” giving them the chance to play on a professional laid out stage and sound crew something that many acts would relish. We have also thought about the weather, booking a Circus style big top tent for the main stage and other marquees for the bar and second stage so you can forget the umbrella, as well as the weather the marquees will also act to contain the sound. Sounds will be projected away from local residents, all music will be finished by 22:30 again to alleviate any disruption. Again we are hoping this will be a fun packed day for all ages to come and enjoy the food and fingers crossed the sun too. For further information on other musicians you can visit the website and where there is also a link to our facebook page. Softfoot Concerts (Brett Baber 07712 168755) and SAS (Don Darling 388098)

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Stradbroke Good Neighbours Coffee Morning and AGM. Monday May 19th 10.30. In the Club Room at the Community Centre. All welcome to join us for coffee before our AGM. Jane Gemmill

Wingfield Barns Events Exhibition: Saturday 3rd May - Sunday 18th May 10am – 4pm. The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies. Open every day including weekends and the Bank Holiday, except Saturday 10th May. Free admission. Theatre: Thursday 8th May, New Eye Theatre Company Two plays by John Gleeson, Bus Pass to Peterborough starring acclaimed actress Helen Fraser, and Body & Soulmates. 7.30pm. Tickets £9.50, concessions £7.50 Theatre: Friday 16th May, Open Space Theatre Company presents Alan Ayckbourn’s Woman In Mind. 7.30 pm. Tickets £9.50. Concessions (over 60, under 18) £8.50. Open Space’s production of An Inspector Calls was a sell out at the Barns. Don’t miss this play by one of the country’s leading living playwrights. Exhibition: Monday 2nd June - Sunday 29th June 10am - 4pm (Sundays from 11am) Suffolk Monochrome Group Exhibition. Free admission. Sue Preston

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Views From The Gallery

“Parish council – The administrative body in a civil parish.” Oxford English Dictionary “Parochial – relating to a Church parish; OR having a limited or narrow outlook or scope. Derived from the Old French paroche – parish.” Oxford English Dictionary I usually go ballroom dancing on a Monday. This being the Easter holidays, I had to look elsewhere for entertainment on the 14th of April, so I went to the Stradbroke Parish Council meeting. I was not disappointed. In fact, it’s true to say that if I had not been laughing so hard (inwardly, of course), I would have been carried out of the meeting crying. Here were all the stereotypes and clichés normally associated with bad novels or with romans à clef from the France of the seventeenth century. Power brokers; hysteria; apologies; low-key manipulators; truth brokers; defeatists; a public gallery split by sentiment and politics and family affiliations; innocents brought to the slaughter; slanderers, libellers and storytellers. The only thing missing was a love interest, but I’m sure that could soon be invented or arranged. I don’t intend to dwell on people specifics here; that’s not my style nor my role. We hold these truths to be self-evident: • That all men (human beings) are created equal; • That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; • That the opening of the Post Office has been delayed, outcome unknown; • That some parish councillors do not get on with each other; • That some members of the public do not like some parish councillors; • That some parish councillors do not like some of the members of the public; • That the Parish Council needs a stop watch with a buzzer to keep the time for which members of the public can speak to the 2 minutes as defined by standing • That it will soon be legal to record by audio and video parish council meetings and indeed to broadcast them live; • That Laxfield Road is becoming a death trap because of speeding lorries and cars; • That the Parish Council meeting agendas are very long; • That the use of web sites is governed by the free market not by individuals; • That the Parish Council should really have its own web site; • That all the parish councillors are human beings; • That all the members of the public are human beings. Meanwhile, in the real world, MH-370 is still missing; tension is rising over Ukraine; the families of the Hillsborough 96 are still seeking justice; hospices are underfunded; the NHS is underfunded; London house prices are rising to stupid levels; cancer is killing someone every minute, as is poverty; and the few are still profiting from the miseries of the many. And this is the crux. Local government needs to be forward-looking and strategic; it should be about the few volunteers looking after the needs and interests of the many, and not just within the narrow boundaries of the parish, not just within the narrow boundaries of parochialism. It should not be about building individual empires, nor about appearing to be the most powerful human being in the parish. It should be about making the world a better place. All I can say is that the meeting might have made my world a better place for ninety minutes on a Monday evening because of its entertainment value, but it certainly didn’t make the world a better place because of the flaws of human nature it revealed nor because of the decisions that were made. Richard Pierce-Saunderson -;

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Views From The Gallery cont...

Firstly, welcome to the new Parish Councillor - Elected by the members and now sitting on the side of the table where youth prevails. To set the scene: The tables are arranged in a ‘U’ shape with the Chairman and the lady clerk at the head of the table. To the Chairman’s left and to that side of the ‘U’ sits the Vice Chairman and then generally the newer and younger members of the council. Opposite them and to the clerks right sits the older mature and generally longer serving members of the council. This is not segregation but councillor choice. So sitting back and watching the exchanges, which are at times heated, makes for good healthy debate. It would of course be wrong for either side of this ‘U’ to feel intimidated by either age or experience. So this is where the Chairman holds his own and I need to tell you Reader, he did a fine job in this meeting. He took a lead with the deciding vote on the Councillor election, he steered a difficult course on the issue of council involvement in village web sites and didn’t stop the meeting once for audience comment. We sailed pleasantly through street lights, neighbourhood plans, planning and reports. Here I stop to once again set the scene: I usually expect certain responses from certain councillors and I am not often disappointed. The trick for me is to not rely on that response but tick it off when it occurs. For example one of the councillors regularly makes inappropriate statements which are observed but generally ignored. One of the councillors is very negative, one says little but when he talks he hits the nail right on the head. Another councillor is a stickler for procedure – others rarely speak. Anyway where was I? Oh yes . . . the Post Office! The village Post Office, which should have been back in the village at the Library around the end of May, has suffered a delay due to comments made to the Post Office by some villagers right at the end of the consultation period. This period has now been extended to review those comments. Strong disappointment was expressed by SCALT. Work to the Court House has now also been delayed - awaiting the results of that consultation. We as villagers must also wait! *Sigh* At the end of the meeting The Chairman invites each councillor to say if they have anything to add. “THE SPEED OF TRAFFIC ON THE LAXFIELD ROAD is dangerously fast”. This reminds me - I forgot to mention Speed Watch. They are waiting for their speed guns and bright yellow attire which are as I write ordered and on their way to Stradbroke. So for those drivers who feel the need to accelerate either through or as they leave the village BEWARE! The item that didn’t come back to the council that I was looking forward to, was the invitation last month by the Chairman for members to look at ideas in respect of involvement and help, particularly towards businesses. However it was a very busy evening. Never mind that’s just another reason to return to the gallery next month.

Ann Readman

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Page 22

Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club One of the truisms in life is that bad weather always heralds the start of the cricket season, which is ironic considering the mild year so far. But we are British, we will cope. Thankfully, the two pre season events were a success. Nat West Cricket Force Day saw 14 club members & volunteers paint, cut, roll, clean, tidy, & erect nets in readiness for the new season. It is amazing how a couple of hours work can transform winter drabness into eternal Spring. There was much soul searching as to whether moving the 14th Annual Horse Race Evening to April from February was a wise move. The general consensus was that it was a success. 80 people attended and were royally fleeced, the Club making £900 on the night. Thanks are due to: Don Lummis, The Ivy house, The Queens Head, Ben & Cuffy, Radio Stradbroke, Jamie Pretty Accountants, & The Grigg Family for kindly sponsoring the races. On the cricket field, a recruitment drive is on to bolster the Junior section, at U-11, U-13, & U-15. Friday Night coaching commences on 2nd May from 6pm to 8pm. Another concerted effort to get the girls section up & running again has seen a joint venture with Mellis CC, under the banner 'North Suffolk'. For details on anything youth & girl related, contact Tom Smith on 01379-384403. Keep supporting your local Cricket Club. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Our Pudding Party evening was a great success and raised £497.55 which will be used to keep our Green in good shape for the coming season. Many thanks to all who came along and made the evening such a success. Our Club roll-ups are on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, if you want to come along and try the game of bowls, please turn up, we play from 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. Our first Club competition, the President's Cup is on Saturday, 10th May at 5.30 p.m. and open to all members. We will be holding a Coffee morning in the Community Centre on Saturday, 14th June, 10.00 - 11.30 a.m with stalls, refreshments and raffle. This is a date for your diaries. Lily Lofts

Stradbroke Badminton Club With the season coming to a close with the last club night on Tuesday May 6th this will be our last input until we re-open for the new season on Tuesday September 9th (this date to be confirmed). On behalf of the committee they thank all members for the excellent turnout over the past few months. League results Aldeburgh – mixed March 25 Stradbroke (Away) 3.5 Felixstowe 5.5 “ (Home) 4.5 “ 5.0 Aldeburgh Men’s Stradbroke 5.5 Glevering 0.5 Aldeburgh Tournament As indicated in the last issue this was played at Hollesey Bay Prison on April 6th and we are pleased to state that George Chaplin came a creditable 4th place in this prestigious tournament,well done George. The club’s AGM date will be notified to all members at a later date which is usually in June. We hope that you all have a great summer. Regards Roy Lee (01379 384729)

Stradbroke FC Club We are at present 3rd from bottom in the League. Since the last magazine, we have lost to St Clements, Somersham and Waterside. These are teams well above us. We have the bottom club to play so some points hopefully. The Club has paid £1000 towards the building being constructed on the field for storage. The April bingo was well supported and raised £90. The next Cash Bingo is on May 9th. The Annual Jumble Sale is on 26 April, 10 – 11.30 in the Community Centre. Mary Ellis

Stradbroke Table Tennis Club We are coming to the end of another good season, we have seen many new members including one French and two German visitors. The membership has changed, mainly due to many of the younger section changing years at school, and preparing for their exams. The season will end on the 30th April and open again on the first Wednesday in September 2014. The club is open to all ages, it runs on a Wednesday at 7.15 in the Community Centre. Anyone wanting more information about the club can contact me TONY POTTS on 01379384713. Tony Potts

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Page 24

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Page 25

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Page 26

Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at

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News & Views

Page 27

Stradbroke how it used to be‌ With the ongoing closure of the Spar Shop and the much needed Post Office facility not yet up and running, I have been thinking of days gone by and how things used to be in Stradbroke. Growing up in Horham, marrying and moving to Stradbroke in 1951, below are the memories I have of the businesses and amenities that the village could then boast of and the parishioners enjoy. QUEEN STREET Post Office, Bake House, Percy Rogers saddle maker, Ellis Electrical shop, Queen's Head PH, Butchers, Salter grocers & drapers, Primary School, Hempsheaf PH, Fish & Chip shop in hut at the side of the PH front car park, Village allotments, S Skinner corn & coal merchant. Mrs Nunn's Cafe, Tom Upson garage, petrol pumps & general haulier, Court House, Police House for the Police Sergeant, Moyes Coal Office in the former PH next to Court House, Amies Blacksmiths, Barclay's Bank, Garage & petrol pumps, CHURCH STREET White Hart PH, Ellis butchers & slaughterhouse, G R Ward grocer & draper, J C Hitchcock grocer, J Foulsham pork butcher, hardware store & ladies hairdressing upstairs, Corbyn (Cullen) chemist, 'Clocky' Rose jeweller & watchmaker, Fire Station. WILBY ROAD Ivy House PH, Herbert Hawes traction engine premises, Invicta Hall (later a Jeans manufacturing factory), Eastern Counties Bus Station, Maternity Home, 'Reading Room' & cricket meadow, Arthur Sharman shoe repairs, Miss Urwick violin and piano tutor, Mid Suffolk Light Railway Station, E G Clarke agricultural corn merchant's office in station yard, Harold Williams 'The Chocolate Box'. NEW STREET Beautiful Old Rectory, Adlard's dairy farm, Eddie Copping hardware, oil & an Aladdin's Cave, Fred Copping builder & undertaker, British Legion Hut (later to have the 'Royal' title), Police House for the Police Constable, (Doctor Biddle's Surgery in the 1940s), Nobles' dairy farm & milk delivery. LAXFIELD ROAD Billy Burrows boot & shoe repairs, Morton's haulage depot, Doctor Drawmer's Surgery, Cole's Mill, Olly Phillip's garage & petrol pumps. DOCTOR'S LANE Miss Hitchcock's drapery store, 'Pom Pom' Mills builder, The Priory used partially as a rest home for retired gentlemen. A few additional items that may be of interest:*Once or twice a week a Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages would be in attendance in the house (a former PH) next to the Court House. * Spencer Cullen the chemist in Church Street, would very obligingly act as Vet, with the backing of the RSPCA and put sickly household pets to sleep. * The Court House was used as a Magistrates' Court and the Girl Guides, Brownies, Army Cadets and other organisations met there. * The Invicta Hall acted as the local Picture House and also used for dances, pantomimes and dramatic society productions. *The British Legion Hut being the 'Village Hall' in those days, was always a hive of activity, hosting dances, socials, wedding receptions, whist drives and with many local organisations meeting there. (The gents' loo was an outdoor affair and could only be reached by going outside the main entrance and walking the whole uncovered length of the hut in all weathers, with the path becoming very wet after rain!!) *Hot Cross Buns were for Good Fridays only - pre-ordered from the Bake House, collected early on Good Friday morning, freshly baked and hot with the spicy aroma filling the whole street!! Those were the days‌ (I stand to be corrected by any residents with better memories than mine who may have lived in Stradbroke all their lives). Ruth Chambers, Doctor's Lane.

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Notes from your County Councillor Many of you know that since May of last year I have been Chairman of Suffolk County Council. The Chairman is elected by the members of the Council to be its civic head as well as chairing the five meetings of the full Council. My term of office comes to an end on 30 May when a new Chairman is elected. It seemed appropriate at this time to share my reflections about the year. I have tried to make known to a wider audience the significance of Edmund, King and Martyr and the first Patron Saint of England. He was killed at Hoxne in AD 870 by the invading Danes. He was a young man who died because he refused to renounce his Christian faith in return for being spared and restored to his East Anglian throne. I commissioned a new anthem in his memory which was given its world premiere at Hoxne Church on 21 November 2013. Earlier in the year I represented The County at Bury St Edmunds when we commemorated a thousand years since his body was returned to the town for reburial. I have had the privilege of being present at parades by the RAF Regiment (now based at Honington), Beating Retreat by The Royal Anglian Regiment and parades by the Royal Engineers. The public support at these events is very moving and I know that the troops are very appreciative. This past year not only have I heard the past Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams preach but I was a guest at Bury St Edmunds for the day when the new Archbishop came to commemorate the founding of the Diocese in 1914. A considerable part of civic life now involves civic services which I have enjoyed and these have taken me across Suffolk from Bungay to Sudbury, from Felixstowe to Lavenham. I was Suffolk’s representative at the Installation of the new Roman Catholic Bishop of East Anglia in Norwich. The cultural life of the County is diverse and I have been present at dance events, choral events and theatrical performances of a very high order. With its Public Protection remit the County is very much involved in the administration of Justice and so not only have I entertained Judge Devaux at Endeavour House but he returned the favour by inviting me to view the Crown Courts in Ipswich. I hope that I have not neglected local issues during my term as Chairman. I have given full support to Stradbroke High School and have attended a number of functions there. Real progress is being made in the takeover of the Court Building for an improved Library Service but also as the location of the reopened Stradbroke Post Office. Guy McGregor, County Councillor, Hoxne & Eye Division.

Page 29

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Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP

Page 31

After the state opening of Parliament, the budget is probably the second biggest event in the Parliamentary year. It provides the opportunity for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to talk to Parliament and the nation about the country’s finances, and the Government’s spending priorities. The budget statement is such a big event that MPs often queue during the night to be the first into the House of Commons chamber on budget morning to reserve their seats. It is one of the few speeches which are heard in (relative) silence, without other MPs trying to interrupt with points of information or questions. Perhaps the most difficult job on budget day falls to the Leader of the Opposition, who must respond immediately after the Chancellor with only a short time to prepare his or her speech. This year’s budget was perhaps the best received for over a decade. I had the good fortune to be sitting next to Ken Clarke, a former Chancellor, famous for drinking whiskey whilst delivering his budget speeches. Ken understands about budgets and appeared genuinely impressed with what was said this year. As we all know from running our own households, you cannot run a home or lead your life by continually borrowing money. Similarly, in the budget, the Chancellor’s first priority is to make sure that the UK can balance its books. As a country, we need to live within our means. Compared to 4 years ago we are making good progress with a long term economic plan and we are well on the way to getting our country’s finances back on track. Some decisions have been difficult, but getting the country’s finances in order allows us to invest in more schools, hospitals and railways. I have always believed that if you work hard all of your life then you deserve a comfortable and dignified retirement and I was very pleased with the boost that this year’s budget gave to pensioners. The good news is that the basic state pension is soon to rise to about £145 per week. In addition to this, was the introduction of measures for those people who have saved for a private pension who will have much more flexibility and freedom to access their own pension money in future. There is also more money for our NHS, which is good news for Suffolk, given the many older people which our local health service looks after. Young people trying to get onto the housing ladder received good news with the “help to buy” scheme for first time buyers. Living locally myself, I spend almost every Friday visiting local businesses, and it is great to see so many of them, particularly those involved in light manufacturing, agriculture, food and drink, doing so well. The great thing about Suffolk businesses is that in bad times, and now in good, they help and support each other. As our local businesses do well the number of new apprentices and young people being helped into vocational training courses in agriculture, plumbing and building is also increasing. Suffolk businesses such as Aspall Cyder, Skinners, and Gressingham have also benefitted from this and other recent budgets

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Village Diary April 26th Stradbroke & District Bowls Green re-opens. 2pm. All newcomers welcome. Stradbroke High School Scrap Metal Collection – 8am – 12 noon. 26th 26th Stradbroke Football Club Annual Jumble Sale 10 -11.30am at Community Centre 26th Eye Book Fair 10am – 3.30pm at Eye Church th 27 Suffolk YFC Country Fair at Easton Farm Park Badminton Club Night 8pm - 10pm Stradbroke High School 29th 30th Art Exhibition Preview in Church, £7 with wine and nibbles. May 1st - 5th Art Exhibition in Church 10am – 6pm nd Baptist Church Youth Club, 7.30pm 2 2nd Stradbroke Cricket Club Junior Coaching (Age 10-16 yrs) 6pm - 8pm Playing Fields 3rd Friends of All Saints Annual Church Path Plant Sale, from 10.00 am 3rd -18th Wingfield Barns Exhibition, 10am – 4pm (see inside for details) Last Badminton Club Night 8pm - 10pm Stradbroke High School 6th th 8 “Bus Pass to Peterborough” & “Body & Soulmates” at Wingfield Barns, 7.30pm 8th W.I. Meeting, at Stradbroke Community Centre, 7.30pm 9th Stradbroke FC Cash Bingo. See Mary Ellis for details. SYFC Car Wash Stradbroke Community Centre Car Park 9am – 12pm 10th 10th SAGA Cake, Plant and Preserve stall 9 – 11.30am, Church St, near Foulshams 10th The Keeper's Daughter present “Beauty's Legacy” 7.45pm (see inside for details) th 12 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm at Community Centre Baptist Cameo Lunch Club 12:30pm 14th 15th Stradbroke Cinema “The Railway Man”, 7 for 7.30pm at Community Centre £5.50 Baptist Church Youth Club, 7.30pm 16th 16th Open Space Theatre presents “Woman in Mind” at Wingfield Barns (see inside) 17th Eye Bach Choir and Chamber Orchestra “Mozart in May” 7.30pm, Eye Town Hall 18th White Hart Bowls Club celebration of centenary of Mid Suffolk League from 10am Stradbroke Good Neighbours Coffee Morning & AGM, 10.30am in Community Centre Club Room 19th

19th 20th 21st 23rd 23rd 24th 25th 28th 29th 30th 31st 31st

Neighbourhood Plan Meeting at Community Centre, 7.30pm AGM of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre in Webb Room at 7.30pm Radio Stradbroke with Richard Pierce 8 - 11pm **ARTICLES FOR JUNE EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** Music Quiz iao Colostomy Association 7pm for 7.30 at Laxfield Village Hall Eye WW1 Project Meeting, 7.30pm at Eye Town Hall Guided Walk to Brundish via Wilby Green, meet at 10.30am at Community Centre Baptist Church drop in for coffee from 10am Wingfield & District Gardening Club meeting at Brundish Village Hall, 7.30pm Baptist Church Youth Club, 7.30pm Royal British Legion Concert at Stradbroke High School 7.30pm Stradbroke Tennis Club Cheese & Wine Evening, 7.30pm at Community Centre

June 2nd - 29th Suffolk Monochrome Group Exhibition 10am – 4pm at Wingfield Barns (see inside) 12th W.I. Evening with International Couturier Brian Piccolo, Community Centre, 7.30pm 14th & 15th Cratfield Open Weekend, 11am-5pm 14th Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Coffee Morning 10–11:30am at Community Centre Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. Articles for inclusion can also be submitted via the website - use the green button on

Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.

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