August 2007 No. 327
The Stradbroke Monthly A Fair Success!
Inside this issue: Local Churches
3, 4
Parish Pump!
Organisation News
9, 10, 12
Stradbroke News & Views Forthcoming Events Sports RoundUp Village Diary
14, 23 17 23, 27
Stradbroke Country Fair was a great success! The well attended summer fair was held at Street Farm on the 21st July on the nicest day of weather we have had in weeks! There were working dog demonstrations, a BBQ, beer tent and Punch and Judy, as well as numerous stalls selling Arts and Crafts. Virtually every village organisation was represented! It is possible that Stradbroke may hold the national record for ‘number of raffles held in one event’ with the number calling having all the qualities of an Olympic long distance marathon! These photos are just some moments from the day. For more pictures log onto www.stradbroke.org.uk.
If you have photos from a village event why not send them to be featured on the Stradbroke Village Website at stradbroke.org.uk
Your Editor Speaks... It was Yew Tree Cottage If you have been following this saga you will remember from the June edition that we printed a photo of a dwelling, which we said was Fig Tree Cottage. In the July edition a number of readers cast doubt about it being Fig Tree Cottage and we received letters saying it was Yew Tree Cottage. It seems that were a number of people who read the article in last month’s mag and wanted me to know that it was Yew tree cottage in the photo in the June Edition. One reader, Roly Copping, took the time to stop and talk to me and explain how “old” Stradbroke looked and indeed what was standing where my house now is and what the buildings facing it looked like. He was certain that it was Yew Tree cottage. That seems to have resolved the matter unless, of course, you know different! Tony Ambler
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Local Churches
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Stradbroke Baptist Church Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards. We do not have a pastor, however either Eric or Jackie will be pleased to talk with you. Services for August 5th Tony Mason th 12 Eric Havers 19th Eric Havers th 26 Steve Ranson Youth Group T.C+ meet Tuesday evenings during term time at 6.15.pm. for High School Students. Contact Steve; 388398. Cameo Lunch is held on the second Wednesday of the month at 12.30am. Between 30-40 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment and welcome anyone who would like to join with us. To book a lunch or find out more contact 384112. Connect meets at 10.30am on the fourth Wednesday of each month for a short service followed by coffee and time to chat, contact 384112. MOT? At our church, we recently heard a sermon about reassessing our lives, and were encouraged to give ourselves an “MOT”. One of the points brought to our attention was the question “Do we ever take the time to relax and enjoy life without having to worry about what we are going to do next”? So, when was the last time you took time out from all the tensions of daily life to just be yourself, by taking a walk in the beauty of the countryside, laying in an open field watching the clouds drift by, enjoyed listening to the birds? Some people would say “why do you want to do that”? Well, it could be to get away from the computer, telephone, and the television, to think things through, especially if considering something that may change our lives. God wants to be part of our decision making, and sometimes we are so busy that we don’t hear Him guiding us along our way. We need to be quiet, to rest and enjoy the good things that God wants for us. So when was the last time that you took a day out, rested, listened and heard Gods still small voice? It could make a big difference to you, the family and your friends! Jackie Happenings at the Baptist Church Well, we all had a wonderful Cameo Garden Party on the 11th July albeit we held it in our Church because of the rainy weather. It was a really good Tea Party with fantastic food and everyone enjoying them selves! Don’t forget the next Cameo Lunch will be on Wednesday 8th August at 12.30pm in the Church Hall; please give Jackie a ring on 384112 to let her know if you are coming. Connect, our short service followed by Tea and Coffee, will be on Wednesday 22nd August at 10.30am so do come along. Iris Badcock
Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Secretary; Mrs J. Hughes 384112
Treasurer; Mrs C. Gionis 388486
Elder; Mr E. Havers 388173
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Local Churches All Saints, Stradbroke Sunday 5th August
Holy Communion Family Service (DS) Deanery Service at Brundish
8.00 am 10.00 am 6,00 pm
12th August
Benefice Communion at Athelington (Rev Julian Barker) Holy Communion Morning Prayer David S
10.00 am
19th August
8.00 am 11.15 am
Tuesday, 21st
Holy Communion (for The Rector’s 65th Birthday)
8.30 am
26th August
Holy Communion Sunday Half-Hour (Ourselves)
8.00 am 11.15 am
2nd September
Holy Communion Family Service
8.00 am 10.00 am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee Once again we were lucky with the weather for the “Gardens Open” The Committee would like to thank all 12 Gardeners who opened their gardens to visitors from far and wide. It proved to be a very successful and happy day raising £409.71 for our church. Thanks to all who helped especially Elaine & Joan who worked all afternoon and are not even on the committee! Our next event is our “Box Supper “ which is on Friday the 3rd of August at 7.30pm at the Old Doctors House by kind invitation of Mrs S. Innes. Come along and have a surprise meal with dessert and wine for £5.00 with tickets available from the Post Office. We are hoping to have another cake stall in August so be on the look out for Janet and myself near to Partridge & Lucas’s premises. Schedules for the Village Show, on September the 8th are available from the Post Office so please enter as there is something for everyone and hopefully the weather will improve so that we can enjoy what’s left of the summer. Mary Ellis 384642
The Rectory - Tel: 384363 Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net Dear Friends, As I write this to you on July 20th, I am getting my “rainbow outfit” ready to wear the next day, Saturday, for the Country Fair, when home-made cakes will be on offer, and details of our church services and fund raising events. I am also making a cake for my 65th birthday celebrations, on Tuesday, 21st August, and hope to see many of you that day. You are welcome to The Rectory garden in Doctors Lane, between 4.00 and 5.30 pm for Tea and Birthday Cake, or Cake and a Glass of Wine, between 6.30 and 8.00 pm, and we will be most grateful for a donation towards the cost of the Church Flower Festival in honour of The Queen and Prince Philip’s Diamond Wedding Anniversary which will open at All Saints on Tuesday, 20th November, until Monday the 26th, with music some evenings. I also invite you to share in activities that I enjoy. There’s ABSEILING down the church tower on Tuesday morning, the 21st; please ask me for sponsor forms; SWIMMING at the Pool on Wednesday, A FUN-RUN round the Playing Field at 7.00 pm on Thursday, 23rd; ALL WELCOME - Light refreshments afterwards. Bungee Jumping at Datchet, Berks. on Sunday, 26th. (ask me for info) Pool and Darts at Horham C.C. on Friday, 31st August, at 7.00 for 7.30 pm, and at Stradbroke with Carpet Bowls in September, and croquet, roller and ice skating to be arranged, and finally the SHCT Sponsored Bike Ride for our churches, on Saturday 8th September, from 10 am to 6 pm. Sponsorship forms are available in the Church, and from The Rectory. The Tower Opening is proving popular for those wishing to see the view from 100ft high. Do ask me if you would like to go up at any time, and I will make the arrangements. We are planning our Harvest Festival for Sunday, 6th October. We pray for fine and sunny weather that “All may be safely gathered in……” for which we can be most grateful. With all good wishes, David Streeter.
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Helping Hands Property & Garden Maintenance
Fence’s Erected & Repaired Pergolas & Garden features Erected Gutters cleared Drives and Patios Power Washed Call Steve on:07858 926216 Or 01379 384615
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Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump!
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 13th August 2007 7.30pm At the Community Centre .
For more information about the Parish Council and it’s work go to stradbroke.org.uk and follow the link on the front page.
Can you help with Stradbroke Neighbourhood Watch?
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 09 JULY 2007 13 members of the public attended the meeting and Mr John Cleverley spoke during the time allotted to the public forum. He gave some detail to his planning application for the redevelopment of the garage on Queen Street. Planning 1389/07 erection of rear extension c/w alterations to existing flat roof 23 Woodfields Approval was recommended for the above Stradbroke Garage, Queen Street, Stradbroke, 1673/07 Proposal: All existing buildings on site to be demolished including garage workshop, MOT bay and residential flat. This Conservation Area application was supported unanimously 2698/06 Proposal: Demolish existing garage buildings and flat, erect terrace for 7 no. dwellings (which includes 2 affordable housing units) with vehicular access and car parking. This was considered at length and in detail. All Councillors liked the style of the proposed development and agreed that lower cost housing was essential for the village. Concern was expressed about inadequate parking arrangements and the absence of any space for oil tanks and wheelie bins on what was a narrow site. The issue of inadequate parking provision was the greatest concern. Given the traffic problems, particularly at school times, it was very important that every effort was made to ensure that on street parking was not encouraged. The plan for only one space allocated per dwelling on the site was considered insufficient and it was agreed to recommend that the application be refused. Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: 3159/07 - Erection of single storey dwelling and garage (amendment to planning approval 796/06 with addition of conservatory) site adj to Hepwood Cotts., Wilby Rd The above has been granted permission to proceed Westhall A site meeting would be held with the contractors on 12 July and work should have commenced on 16 July. A letter was to be sent to all residents of Westhall and Grove End advising them of the plans. Seating It was agreed four seats should be purchased for siting around the village. Coronation Gates The contractor would be starting work very soon to site the gates near the pool. Anti Social Behaviour Recently there has been some anti social behaviour in the village near the pool and surface damage caused by the driving of vehicles on the Playing Field. If details of the vehicles involved are noted and passed on to the Police action can be taken. Suffolk Hedgerow Survey Three years remain for this survey to be completed in the county. Stradbroke has not, to date, undertaken to survey the hedgerows in and around the village and so if anyone would like to know more please contact the Clerk for details. This is a volunteer activity but training is given and it could be a rewarding way to spend some time. Neighbourhood Watch There is a vacancy for a Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator as Joan Hawkes retires after many years. This can take up as much or as little time as you can give and is very worthwhile. If you would like to help keep Neighbourhood Watch going in the village PLEASE contact the clerk or speak to any Councillor, Theresa Jones (Community Liaison Officer) or Joan herself, who will be able to give full details on what it entails. If a new co-ordinator is not forthcoming the scheme will cease and as well as losing a valuable local service many householders’ insurance premiums could rise if there is no Neighbourhood Watch scheme in place. Clerk to the Council: Carol A Smy Tel: 01379 384 679
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Indulgence Beauty Therapy By Victoria Wednesday’s 10am – 7.30pm Friday’s 9.30am – 5pm Aromatherapy Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tinting, Nail Extensions and Slimming Wraps Manicures & Pedicures Using ‘Jessica’ products ‘Get Fresh’ Back &, Body Treatments Exquisite Bridal Hair Design and flawless Airbrush Make-up
Also Available…
Tel 07776 343 153 No 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke Gift Vouchers…. The Perfect Present
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Life in the Legion Sixteen members of The Branch attended the mid day July meeting when the guest Speaker was Dr Roy Duffy from Burston. He gave a most interesting talk on the ’The Canadian Legion’, and I gave the usual Vote of Thanks. During the business part of the meeting reports were given on recent Legion Events that had been attended by members of The Branch. These were the Local H group Meeting held at The Metfield Duke William, and hosted by Fressingfield and District Branch, and the Horham Bygones Country Fair. Treasurer Roger Gwyn gave his usual monthly report. David Grunbaum who recently moved from the village to Elmswell has joined The Stowmarket Branch. Our annual Branch Coffee Morning was held on a warm Saturday Morning, and £272.80 was raised for Branch Funds. Members and Guests came from a wide area and I thanked our hosts Jeremy and Anne Higgins, and all those who had supported it. The H group Service was held on July 1st at Oakley Church, and was attended by Ted Bootle, Jeremy Higgins, and our Padre The Rev’d David Streeter who led part of the service. The Annual Royal British Legion Suffolk County Rally was held in Southwold on July 8th, and attended by Jeremy and Ted. Finally our Guest Speaker for our next monthly meeting on August 2nd will be Col Christopher Dale whose subject will be ‘Islam’. This will be held at our usual venue ‘The Queens Head starting at 11.30am. Michael Burton - Chairman.
Stradbroke & District Pre-school & Toddlers On the 20th July the pre-school children enjoyed a Pirates party and put on a wonderful production for parents and carers. All looked fantastic in their costumes; we didn’t even make them walk the plank! Those moving up to reception said farewell and will be missed. Winner of quiz sheet 3 was M. Weston – well done. For anyone stuck these are the answers: Clue Answer Clue Answer 1 Nuclear Pussy
Atomic Kitten
2 Like A Smartie
3 Broken
4 Insane Amphibian
Crazy Frog
5 Listen Speak
6 Stairs
7 Female Sheep as well
8 Frantic Road Padres
Manic Street Preachers
9 One + one + one +one +one
10 Large kid thin
Fat boy slim
11 Young male area
12 Toupee meadow
13 Bracelets
14 Sodden, soaked and saturated
Wet, Wet, Wet
15 Neverland medic?
Dr Hook
16 Knitted jackets
17 Bard’s kin
Shakespear’s Sister
18 Both Currents
19 20th Letter destroys
20 State of Sleep
21 Champagne and Orange juice
Bucks Fizz
22 Primitive Shout
Primal Scream
23 Woodworkers
24 Dark Sunday
Black Sabbath
25 In Wonderland Just like that!
Alice Cooper
We are pleased to say that just over £46 was raised at the Summer fayre and the pre-school cycle ride has made an impressive £206 so far. Help us to keep the funds rolling in and support us at the next quiz night on September 28th. SHOP ONLINE AND HELP US TO RAISE MONEY We have registered with a charitable website that enables you to shop online with well-known retailers such as Amazon, Next, Early Learning Centre, M&S, Toys R Us, Woolworths and many more; the retailer will then donate up to 15% of the purchase value to the pre-school. This service has been researched and is provided for free. To take a look, and get shopping visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk and simply follow the on-screen instructions. Thank you! Ginny Carter 388348
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Organisations Stradbroke Women’s Institute
Lily Lofts told us all about the W.I. book club and the books that have been read and discussed. Lily made it very inviting with the members having their first literary lunch in July which was a great success.
Members and friends who attended our “Open Evening” on June 22nd heard a very enjoyable talk by Gail Hussey from East Anglian Air Ambulance; we learned a great deal about the work they do. Our President, Sue Gray, presented them with a cheque for £265, which they were very pleased to accept. We had 5 visitors at our meeting this month, which was great. I hope you all enjoyed the evening and do come again, won’t you? It was a slightly different meeting with Iris Badcock speaking to us about her weekend at Belstead House and the scrap-booking course she attended which sounded very good! Lily Lofts told us all about the W.I. book club and the books that have been read and discussed. Lily made it very inviting with the members having their first literary lunch in July which was a great success. If you love books and want to join us then give Iris a call on 384244. Rose Tomson won the competition for her beautiful scrapbook. Well-done Rose! The next meeting is on Thursday 9th August at 7.30pm in the Community Centresee you all there! Iris Badcock Press Secretary
Stradbroke Wine Society The next meeting of the Stradbroke Wine Society is on Saturday 4th August at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. There will be a tasting of seven wines from various countries chosen by our members and a mini quiz. Claudene Merritt - Secretary
Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Stradbroke Good Neighbours are just a phone call away!
Just a phone call away from helping you with those tricky one-off challenges that life throws at us! Need a lift to the surgery? Someone to check your smoke alarm? Someone to collect your prescription? All these and more can be available for you with one phone call to: 07749 445531 We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice and look forward to being of service to you!
Stradbroke W.E.A. Autumn Term 2007 Stradbroke W.E.A. will be running a course entitled “Norwich A Fine City” at the Community Centre from 2.30 to 4.00 pm starting on Wednesday the 19th of September. The fee for the course is £40.00 and the tutor will be Mr. Charles H. Lewis but anyone is welcome to attend the first meeting before committing them selves to the rest of the course. Further information can be obtained from the Secretary on 01728 724746
The Lottery Bonus Winner It could be you! You’ve got to be in it to win it!
Lottery Winners 37 L.Pipe, 21 D.Smith, 48 M. Jenkins, 37 E. Elliott, 11 D. Davidson. £48.00 donated to the Over 60’s Club, £48.00 donated to Gardens Open, £24.00 donated to Wilby W.I. Mary Ellis
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Debbie’s Cake Art Bespoke Wedding & Celebration Cakes Chocolate Cakes a Speciality 8 Farriers Close, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 388268 www.debbiescakeart.co.uk Email: deb@debbiescakeart.co.uk
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Stradbroke Local History Group Pulham Family Descendents Descend on Stradbroke Stradbroke Local
More than 40 people from all over the country (and one from the USA), came to History Group Stradbroke on 14th July to visit their Pulham ancestor’s village. They had a wonderful day and Debbie, who organised it all thanks everyone who spoke to them around the village as they walked their ancestor’s footsteps and to everyone at The Queens Head for looking after them. The History Group gave a talk on what the village was like in the mid to late 1800s, using images and information from the Village Archive. Our research for the talk coupled with family details that Debbie supplied, enabled us to reasonable accurately identify two, possibly three, of the buildings where their ancestors lived, all of which are still standing. They were Doggetts Farmhouse on New Street (the thatched farmhouse just past Meadow Way) where Caleb Fosdyke lived; Wheelwrights in Church Street where Charles and Maria Pulham lived and what may have been Glenmore next to the Post Office where the Newman family lived. The Newmans took in the three children of Charles and Maria Pulham (who both died early). If anyone can add or correct anything on these locations we would love to hear from you. The photograph is of Charles Pulham and his three children, taken in 1866 by Henrietta Ryle outside the front steps of the Old Rectory. This was a photograph that we had not seen before Debbie passed a copy to us, so we have gained another Ryle photo for the Archive.
Local History Group News There is no meeting in August and in September we shall be visiting the gardens at Thorpe Hall. Although we have used computer projectors for past talks, the equipment has always been borrowed and has meant that this sort of presentation has been infrequent. However we have now purchased our own projector and the Pulham family talk enabled us to use it for the first time. We shall be using it in future to have regular events that “open up” the Village Archive and show the many facets of village life down the years. Mike Readman
Friends of All Saints – We’ve Done it! After 5 years of dedication, hard work, and fun, the Friends have reached the £20,000 target for the Roof Fund. This is a fantastic achievement for a village of our size. Special thanks must go to all the committee members past and present that have helped organise so many enjoyable and varied events including: walks and talks, musical concerts, cocktail and murder mystery evenings, garden parties and dinner dances. Many thanks also to everyone that has supported the Friends over the years. On Sunday the 15th July nearly 60 people attended our French BBQ in the Community Centre. This was to have been in our garden but uncertainty over the weather forced us indoors, the right decision as it transpired. A modest amount of alcohol was consumed together with some fine food prepared by committee members and expertly cooked by Don Lummis and Neville Stokes. The ubiquitous raffle together with a quiz, a “human fruit machine” game and some interesting fancy dress all combined to create a fun event and over £500 was raised in the process. Our AGM was held on Wednesday the 18th July, a new committee was elected and I’m pleased to say we have been successful in attracting 3 new members: Toni Wisbey, Margaret Streeter and Margaret Buckland. Peter Shelford, Pam Wolfe, Margaret Norris and Wendy Reeves were all re-elected. June Hampson and Moyra Gibling were appointed as Secretary and Treasurer respectively and Margaret Jenkins has very kindly agreed to succeed me as Chairman. Mary Ellis and Jennifer Chetwynd remain as appointed representatives of the Church Fundraising Committee and the PCC. With any ancient building there will always be a need for ongoing repairs and renovations, All Saints is no exception and the next priority will probably be the Vestry roof. The new committee will be working hard to meet these new challenges and I know will welcome all offers of assistance so please help by joining the Friends and supporting their future events. Finally, I would just like to say a very public thank you to everyone that has helped make my job much easier over the last four and half years and I wish the new committee every success in the future. Roger Turkington
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Stradbroke News and Views
From the Chairman of the Parish Council Dear Residents I am pleased to report that the new play equipment is being installed at Westhall and should be finished shortly. We have to wait until September for one piece of equipment - the three way see-saw - and the contractors will return to install it as soon as it is available. However, this will not prevent the children using the area in the meantime. They will also be undertaking the refurbishment of some of the equipment in the play area on the Community Centre site. I sincerely hope that these new facilities will be enjoyed by our children especially with the summer holidays having started. The Coronation Gates are at last being installed at the Community Centre. We hope this deters overnight parking and the consequent nuisance to neighbours and also prevents cars driving on to the playing field. The Parish Council will be in touch with the Community Centre Committee and others that use the site about the arrangements for locking and unlocking. I have no doubt this will take a little time to get used to but I hope everyone will co-operate and appreciate what we are trying to achieve. Ann Kerr Chairman of Parish Council
First Responders from Stradbroke In December 2005 a number of people from Laxfield and Brundish attended a meeting to discuss the setting up of a “First Responders� scheme for the two villages. It meant that a group of volunteers would be trained to provide an on-call system whereby when a 999 call is made from these villages, a volunteer would be alerted to attend to the patient whilst waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The volunteers would only be contacted for patients with specific, potentially life threatening symptoms such as breathing problems and chest pains. Very soon after this meeting and with the volunteers having received a total of 32 hours specialist training including resuscitation and the use of a defibrillator, Laxfield and Brundish First Responders went live and today it offers twenty four hours a day, seven days a week coverage. In September 2005, the team arranged an Auction of Promises evening, which raised sufficient money to purchase a second defibrillator to the one which was donated, the various other specialist kit, and satellite navigation aids for the volunteers. The team are now being called to incidents further a field from their original villages. These calls have included Cratfield, Fressingfield and Stradbroke. Plans are afoot to ask for more volunteers in Cratfield and Fressingfield so now we must turn to Stradbroke. Stradbroke is by far the largest village in this part of High Suffolk in terms of population, amenities and area, so it would appear to be an ideal place to consider setting up a brand new Responders team. If this is not possible then the Laxfield and Brundish team would certainly be grateful to hear from anyone in the village or parish who would be interested in receiving training and joining the team. Additionally, we would also be happy to receive any donations or know of any fund-raising which might benefit the cause. If you would like to know more about the scheme, please call Laxfield and Brundish’s co-ordinator, Laura Griggs on 01986 798999. The volunteers of Laxfield and Brundish Responders are providing a vital service for the people of this immediate area, Stradbroke included. Please consider any help you can give. You never know when you might be glad to see us!
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Food Served All Day. Children Welcome! Tel: 384384 We are a family run free house; we offer real ale and good food, with a family atmosphere. We open from midday, seven days a week. Navy Day 28th July 2007
After 17yrs this will be the last Navy Day, a small group of ex navy men will parade from the Church at 8pm, with the gun carriage, travel to the Queens Head Inn gardens to bury the bottle. We ask all groups who had a table in the past to raise funds for their organization to contact Elaine at the Queens Head to book your table for this final event. We also ask if any one has any old film or photos of past Navy Days and could lend it to us for one day so we could set out a museum of navy days gone by. It’s an end of another village annual event. Please come and support, black arm bands can be worn. The Top Hat will be performing from 9pm Party & Fireworks will end the day.
New for Summer 2007
Upcoming Events Every Tuesday: 1pm -7pm Suffolk Folk Music performed by the Royal Regal band Quiz Night: 5th Aug 2007 8pm start Play Your Cards Right: Next Game : 4th Aug 9pm Prizes : Holiday for Two (To be taken 2007/2008) Cash prize £130.00 plus,Ticket Sales And the Booby Prize £1.00 per ticket Come and try it out! Rocking Johnnies 31st Aug 8.30pm start
The Queens Head Inn Tel: 384384 Open All Day Mon-Friday Daily Specials are £3.50,
We have home made curries, chilli, rice, chips, vegetarian meals plus a weekly special with fresh vegetables.
Sunday Roast £10.00 for two or £5.95
All in a smoke free environment.
per person. Children £3.25
Once it’s gone, it’s gone!
Do book to avoid disappointment
from 12noon until 3pm.
We have live music on Every Thursday from 7pm - 9pm Hot Buffet style food. Help yourself for £5 per plate.
Tuesday, 1 – 7pm (local folk music), and on last Friday of the month 8.30 – 11.30pm (various types of music) The Queen’s Head Inn hosts two annual events
This has been so successful to help us
Jazz & Real Ale Festival in the second
supply enough for all please book to
weekend of the month of May
avoid disappointment.
Navy Day, held the last Saturday in July
Hoping to see you soon! Jim & Elaine May
We have also refurbished The Suffolk Room with own private bar can be booked for private functions, children’s parties, meetings, family meals, weddings, birthday parties, etc… We also cater for outside function’s be it bar or catering.
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Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
Forthcoming Events
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Over 60’s Club Our summer outing on the 2nd August will be to Stonham Barns going on to Friday Street Farm Shop for a look around and a Cream Tea at 4.00pm. Any visitors will be welcome to join us at a cost of £5.00, which includes the Cream Tea. The Coach will leave the Community Centre at 1.15 pm returning by 6.15 pm approximately. If you would like to come out for a trip please contact Eileen on 384955 or Joan on 388723. Our main outing on the 6th September will be to the Seacroft Holiday Centre at Hemsby where we will indulge in a three-course lunch with entertainment. Further details on this event next month. Bye for now, Eileen Leftley
"Ruby and Her Horses” A true-life rural narrative in story and songs set against the hardships of the agricultural depression. Presented by NeilLanham and Andrew Stannard at Horham Community Centre on Saturday, 20th October at 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. Tickets £5.00 in aid of The Millennium Farm Trust and Horham Happy Circle. Enquiries: Violet Allum 388107
Cream Teas with the Over 60’s Club at Stonham Barns.
Worlingworth Flower Festival Worlingworth, St. Mary's Church, Flower Festival will be held on August 25th, 26th. 27th. from10.00 am to 5.00 pm each day. There will be over thirty floral arrangements Ploughman's Lunches (12.00 Noon to 2.00 pm). Various stalls, cream teas and grand draw. On Sunday August 26th. “Songs of Praise” in St. Mary's at 6.30 pm. Wheelchair Access.
The Investment Club
St Mary’s Worlingworth Copyright © 2006 2007 The Suffolk Guild Of Ringers
The next meeting of the Investment Club will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday16th.August at Hildafred, on the Diss Road so if you have ever thought about joining, please do come along. If, before this date, you need any information or have questions about the club and it’s membership requirements – one of which is to enjoy good company and a glass of wine then I can answer these for you. More in-depth questions can be answered on the night at the meeting. Margaret Streeter, Club Secretary Tel 384363
Community Centre Committee A Cinema is coming near you starting on Thursday, 4th.October, 7.30 at the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre. It was decided at the Community Centre Committee meeting last night to cheer up the winter months, and help with the finances, by holding regular Thursday evening film shows! The bar will be open and there might well be usherettes and ice creams! If you are interested please ring Dorothy Readman 388499 or Margaret Streeter 384363
“I can answer any easy questions about the club and it’s membership requirements” - Margaret Streeter, Secretary
Stradbroke Speaks...
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First Aid for Injuries, by Heidi Mills It is hard to know what to do for the best when you suffer an injury. With so much varying information now available concerning injury management, which advice do you follow? Your actions and own treatment in the first few hours and days following an injury are the most important steps of the rehabilitation process, to prevent further and minimise existing damage and potentially reduce recovery time. Simplicity is the key; just remember this easy acronym for musculo-skeletal injury treatment::
P R I C E P rotection from the environment and any further damage i.e. cover and support the injury.
R est Take the weight or pressure off the injury; stop any activity immediately to prevent further damage. Never “play on�.
I ce Apply an ice pack or frozen peas as soon as possible to decrease pain, swelling and inflammation. Initial contact time should be 10-15 minutes, no longer. Applying ice for longer periods can have the reverse effect due to blood vessels dilating and a sudden flow of blood to the injured area.
C ompression Applying pressure to the injured area can slow bleeding (internal or external) and reduce swelling. Simply apply pressure to a wound with a sterile pad or apply a tubi-grip bandage (or similar) to a closed injury ensuring it is not so tight that you are at risk of cutting off the circulation!
E levation Raise the injured part above the heart. Most useful for blood injuries to stem the flow and reduce blood loss. Can be useful for internal injuries to reduce bruising and swelling. After the initial period of injury, ice should be continually applied in 10-15 minute sessions, every 4 hours, for the next 48 hours. Never apply heat to an acute (new) injury. Warming an injury only has benefits once it is a chronic (old) injury, to relieve pain, muscle spasm and increase flexibility. Once pain and swelling begin to subside, gentle stretching of the muscles surrounding the injury should be commenced. After an injury the adjacent muscles contract to protect it. However, this also causes an injury to feel stiff and decreases the range of motion at joints, which may in turn lead to further complications. Following this simple guide is the first step to a full recovery. However, if your pain and swelling persists after 4-5 days, consult your Doctor or an injury specialist. Heidi Mills BSc (Hons) GSR Sports Rehabilitator 07922 923496 heidi_mills@talk21.com Do you have an article you wish to submit to the Stradbroke Monthly? Get in touch with the Editor, Tony Ambler! Details on the back page.
Page 19
in t our Ma Check ou cials d our Spe n a , u n e M e ut if you’r Board, b ot ish, why n k c e p ly n o : ar Meals try our B Portions, “Smaller rices!” Smaller P
Pool Table Beer Garden Quiz Machines
Take some ‘Time Out’ at the White Hart!
Page 20
Words Of Thanks From... The Stradbroke Youth Club
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who turned out for our open evening on Wednesday 20th. June. Those who attended were treated to Mocktails (non-alcoholic drinks) and a buffet of unusual foods, which were in keeping with our theme for the term of Be Healthy. They also viewed a display of the young people’s achievements over the past year. Unfortunately no member of the general public were able to attend the open evening so we would like to share with you some of the aspects of the club which you may not be aware of. The youth centre is part of the Suffolk youth and Connexions service. We work within the framework of the Young Peoples Charter of ‘Every Child Matters’. All the youth centre staff have access to the work force development programme run by the Suffolk Youth and Connexion service. All the courses are referenced against the ‘Every Child Matters’ outcomes for children and young people. The references outcomes for children and young people are: • Be healthy • Stay safe: • Enjoy & achieve: • Make a positive contribution: • Achieve economic well being: Workforce development training: Curriculum development areas include: Youth involvement Diversity Challenging racism Anti-bulling Child & young persons development: Adolescent health – substance misuse Awareness of culture and religions Post 16/18 options Accrediting achievements of young people Advocacy and children’s rights Accreditation for AQA Safeguarding: Young people and the law The quality of the youth work is monitored to make sure the needs of the young people are met. This is done through yearly plans and quality statements, reviewed annually. The quality statements highlight areas for development, which the youth workers address when preparing their yearly plan. Staff development is ongoing through out the year. We hold Termly Support Group Meeting where members of the community, local councillors, police officer and representatives from the community college school are invited to discuss aspects related to young people, the club and to find ways forward. We are always looking for new people to join our committee if anyone feels they would like to become a member of the committee please contact Linda Wittey the number is in the Stradbroke directory. The young people have produced a newsletter, which was displayed at our open evening; we would like to publish the newsletter termly in the parish magazine. The planned sponsored bike ride for the NSPCC has been postponed until September due to a lack of time this term. Linda Wittey Senior Youth and Connexions Worker.
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Egil & Sue invite you to rediscover... re See our menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm News! Latest
oard e blackb h t k c e Ch the Ivy outside t ur lates o r o f ! House events d n a s offer
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Page 22
Street Farm, Laxfield Road Telephone: 01379 384560 Monday
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
8.30am - 4pm
Beauty Therapy Tuesday & Friday, 9am - 8pm Sports Injury Clinic Thursday 10am - 7pm We also have a Salon in Eye, “Sarah’s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560
Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
Stradbroke News & Views
Page 23
Neighbourhood Watch You’re in good company when you’re with Neighbourhood Watch www.neighbourhoodwatch.net After more than 15 years serving the Stradbroke Community as Co-ordinator of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, Joan Hawkes has decided to stand down. We are very grateful to Joan for all the effort and support she has shown over the years and wish her well for the future. We are now looking for a willing volunteer to step in to keep the scheme up and running. The job is not an onerous one - you would act as a point of contact between residents and the Police and would receive regular crime prevention advice and updates. Sadly, if no-one comes forward the scheme will have to close and this will impact on any residents who claim a discount on their household insurance for being part of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, as they will have to inform their insurers that the Watch no longer exists. If you would like further information on what being a Co-ordinator involves, please contact Theresa Jones, the Community Watch Liaison Officer for Mid Suffolk at Stowmarket Police Station on 01473 383388. PC Tim Green Mid Suffolk North Safer Neighbourhood Team
Sports Roundup Stradbroke Cricket Club The rain has relented slightly, but has made a mess of the senior league fixtures. The Youth teams, however, keep dodging the showers, so here is a mid season review of their exploits. The Under 15’s started the season with a cup defeat at Easton, despite a gutsy 15 from Josh Riding. They also started slowly in the League with a loss to Eye, Riding again top scoring with 29. Riding (23) was at it again against Walsham, aided by 14 from Owen Morgan, but it was not enough. The sight of a Worlingworth bowler is like a red rag to Stradbroke. Tom Wright 14, Sam Johnson 11, & Charlie Wright 15 started things, leaving Riding (40) & Morgan(29) to add a record 77. Johnson then grabbed the ball to take 3 for 5 to win the match. The Under 13’s found Mildenhall too strong in the cup, but responded with a win at Walsham where Morgan’s 4 for 2 decided the match. Champions Garboldisham put Stradbroke in their place, as did Eye, but the bowling of Surjay Rughani & Kieran Allum offered some hope. The Under 11’s continue to impress. Liam Smiths 9 was the cornerstone of victory over Yoxford. Allum(13) & Smith(9) top scored against Worlingworth in the cup, but despite bowling heroics from the Taylor brothers, Daniel 4 for 19, & Lewis 3 for 18, it was not enough. Smiths 12 at Easton set a challenging total, but they could not capture wickets. Daniel Taylor was at it again at Worlingworth with 4 for 9, including a hat-trick, followed by 11 runs. Even 17 from Allum & 19 from Smith proved insufficient. Rain interrupted the return at Yoxford after 3 for 7 from Daniel Taylor. Allum batted on for 14, and 11 from Smith & 10 from Taylor kept Stradbroke in the title hunt. The Girls team continues to gain momentum. They found Garboldisham too experienced, but gained their first ever win over Felixstowe. Ellie Johnson, Tilly Heydon, & Louise Stevens all batted well, then Johnson(3 for 6), Chelsea Briggs(2 for 7), & Charlotte Pierce-Saunderson(2 for 13), plus two direct hit run outs saw them home. The gap with Garboldisham closes, with Johnson again outstanding. Battisford proved too experienced, but it has done nothing to dampen the girl’s enthusiasm. Michael Hugman
Page 24
ase For more info ple ri on ring Denise Codu 384147
Reg Ch arity N o Ofsted
: 10245 87
Reg No
58520 3
9am - 11.30 am Weekd ays during term tim e. Situated in the grou nds of the Primary Sc ho ol. LUNCH CLUB 11.30am 1pm Weekdays We aim to provide chi ldren with the opportu nity to develop to the full, me ntally and physically , during the important pre-school years, thr ough a variety of play expe riences.
Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers
Ian Brown
Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Page 25
Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc
Page 26
Sports Roundup
Page 27
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Results S&D
v’s (S.L.)
98 S&D
v’s (W.T.L.)
63 S&D
v’s (J.C.)
72 S&D
v’s (Sax L)
v’s (W.L.)
v’s (Jub.C)
68 S&D
v’s (W.T.L.)
78 Diss & District Bowl Club
Leiston Town 74
v’s (J.C.)
B/of Eye 80
v’s (W.L.)
Otley 79
v’s (S B)
v’s (M.C.C.)
Long Stratton
v’s (W.T.L.)
69 S&D
52 S&D
43 S&D
55 S&D
Hollesley 90
v’s (W.L.)
Grundisburgh 83
v’s (W.T.L.)
Mendlesham 50
v’s (W.P)
Diss & District Bowls Club 59
S.B.= Sun Bowl: W.P. = Waveney Plate: J.C. = Junior Cup: W.T.L. = Waveney Three Woods League: W.L. = Woodbridge & Ditrict League Jub C = Jubilee Cup: Sax.L. Saxmundham League. M.C.C Marie Curie Cup
The Club competition for the Barr’s Cup took place on Saturday 23rd June and all those who entered enjoyed their matches.The final result was a win for Betty Whatling with the runner up to be decided between Pam Wolfe and Norman Whatling. Finally we would like to thank all those who supported the Jumble sale making it a success.
Stradbroke Football Club The Club starts pre-season training on the 25th July on the playing fields so all players both new and current will be most welcome. Any queries please contact Micky Ellis on 854315 or me, Mary Ellis on 384642. The July Bingo was very well supported enabling the cash prize to be put higher. The more people who play bingo the bigger the prizes so please do come along. The next Cash Bingo session is on the 10th August at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Hope to see you there, Mary Ellis.
Stradbroke Swimming Pool Check out the swimming pool advert this month! All Stradbroke residents are entitled to free public swimming until 2008 IF they enrol in the SPLASH SCHOOL swimming clubs! If you are unlucky enough to not live in Stradbroke you can still benefit from free swimming during July and August - Full details are available from the Swimming Pool!
Page 28
Page 29
All Requirements & Budgets Catered For Parties - Weddings - Special Events Corporate Hospitality Wholesale Prepared Foods We Use Only Premium Quality Produce Local & Organic Where Available To Discuss Your Requirements Call Marie Worlingworth Suffolk IP13 7HX
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Page 30
Painting and Decorating By Ron Rankin 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Highly Recommended Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226
Page 31
Page 32
LA R A B R O W N ITEC dip MiGPP Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles at
Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707 and The Therapy Studio Shelfhanger 01379 870147
The Oak Tree Press (Eye) Ltd Unit 14, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk P21 7HN http://www.oaktreepress.org.uk/
For a competitive quote for all your one colour to full colour work, contact Mark or Ceinwen Tel: 873057
Fax: 873058
Page 33
www.mooh.co.uk We make websites!
interior design service -please call for details Bespoke curtains and blinds I’ll help you with the choice of fabric and style of window dressing then arrange for your choice to be made up
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Page 34
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The Cottage, Pixey Green, Wingfield IP21 5NF
Tel: 384312 for information & bookings.
Mill House Gallery Marine & Aviation Paintings Private Viewing by Appointment P. McMillan Mill House Cottage Battlesea Green Stradbroke, Eye Suffilk IP21 5NE Mobile: 07990 517827 Web: www.millhouseaviationgallery.com
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Southview, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke For sales, spares, repairs of Landrovers
Telephone 384280
Page 35
Joining Individuals Groups Social Activities Wellbeing
JIGSAW Mill Stones Cottage Thorndon, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7JP Tel 01379 678944 Mobile 07757971717
“Jigsaw is a new privately run day centre providing a service to prevent adults and older people from becoming socially isolated so they can enjoy living in their own homes in their local community for as long as they can do so.�
Village Diary for August 2nd
Over 60’s Club outing to Stonham Barns. 1.15 pm from the Community Centre
British Legion meeting at the Queens Head at 11.30am
Box Supper at the Old Doctors House, 7.30pm Tickets available from the Post Office
Stradbroke Wine Society Members choice of wine & mini quiz, 7.30pm at the Community Centre
Contact Club Meet in the Community Centre 10.00am to 1.30pm
Cameo Lunch: 12:30pm at the Baptist Church Hall
W.I.Meeting at 7.30pm in the Community Centre
Cash Bingo at 7.30pm in the Community Centre
Benefice Communion at Athelington at 10.00 am
Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm Community Centre
Contact Club Meet in the Community Centre 10.00am to 1.30pm
Over 60’s Club meeting at the Community Centre @ 2.00pm
Investment Club meeting at Hildafred on the Diss Road., 7.30pm.
17th *****Articles in by this date please***** 21st
Contact Club Meet in the Community Centre 10.00am to 1.30pm
Holy Communion for the David’s 65th Birthday
Celebrations in the Rectory Garden 4.00 to 5.30 & 6.30 to 8.00pm
Abseiling down the Church Tower in the a.m.
22nd Connect in the Baptist Church Hall at 10:30am 23rd
Fun Run around the Sports Field at 7.00pm
Collate magazine in the Community Centre
Worlingworth Flower Festival 25th to 27th 10.00am to 5.00pm each day
Bungee Jumping at Datchet, Berks see David Streeter for info
Contact Club Meet in the Community Centre 10.00am to 1.30pm
Pool and Darts at Horham C.C. See David Streeter for info
Village Diary for Early September 6th
Over 60’s Club outing to Seacroft Holiday Centre at Hemsby
SHCT sponsored bike ride from 10.00am until 6.00pm Forms from the Church.
Get In Touch! We’d love to hear from you! eMail on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. Advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 The distribution is organised by Wendy Reeves, Tel 388779