June 2007 No. 325
The Stradbroke Monthly Stradbroke ‘Jazzes it up’ Around The World
Inside this issue: Local Churches
3, 4
Parish Pump!
Organisation News
9, 10, 12
Stradbroke News & Views Forthcoming Events
14 17, 18, 20
Neighbourhood Watch
Sports RoundUp
Village Diary
The 10th Stradbroke Jazz and Real Ale Festival is over but the memories linger on! Despite the awful weather at times, it was a sell out event that was thoroughly enjoyed by all those lucky enough to have a ticket. The well-known and popular Kenny Ball kicked off in great style on Friday setting the right mood for the rest of the weekend. I did my regular Saturday night spot with the Whoopee Band and on Sunday the church service was led by Laura Blake with the Downholme Jazz Band. Another favourite with festival goers, Spike Botterill entertained in great style, singing and playing the piano. There were many other bands including the very promising students in the Phat Band that helped make the event an outstanding success. The whole festival was broadcast live on the village website and seen by people as far afield as Italy, New Zealand, America and Israel to name but a few. Go to stradbroke.org.uk to see all the photographs. I would like to thank many local people for all their help and support and I will try not to miss anyone out: David Streeter for supporting the church service, the Post Office for the shop window display, the magazine deliverers for adding flyers to their deliveries, Nick & Sue Stones for accommodating the campers and pulling out those stuck in the mud, Laurence and Torben for the lights and stage, Annie and Maureen for tirelessly working on the door, Trevor for keeping the roads clear, the website team of James, Mike, Claire and Marty and last but not least Jim, Elaine and the staff at the Queen’s Head for all their hard work and stamina over the weekend including the lovely celebration cake! Finally, thank you all those who came along and made such great audiences for the performers. Bob Kerr
Kenny Ball sings
Wonderful Whoopee
Spike Botterill entertains
Your Editor Speaks... This month in my bag of articles for the magazine was an article from Stradbroke Youth Centre, which commented on past complaints about bad behaviour but also highlighted a number of successes and praiseworthy charity work. We now will not publish articles that are unsigned or that we cannot verify, as I mentioned in last months edition. This article unfortunately fell into this category and gave me no opportunity to contact the person who wrote it. The article did however mention that the Youth Centre has an open day on the 20th June where the public can see some of the projects and activities worked on by the group and they are happy to receive anyone who wants to visit or take part. As editor I would welcome the opportunity to broadcast the positive points of the Youth Club and the young people in the area in the magazine and to that end would welcome someone from the organisation contacting me so that we can make it happen. Tony Ambler
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Local Churches
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Stradbroke Baptist Church Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards. We do not have a pastor, however either Eric or Jackie will be pleased to talk with you. 3rd 10th 17th 24th
Services for June Eric Havers Including Communion Eric Baldwin Max Gionis Eric Havers
Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Secretary: Mrs J. Hughes 01379 384112 Treasurer/Elder: Eric Havers 01379 388173
Youth Group T.C+ meet Tuesday evenings during term time at 6.15.pm. for High School Students. Contact Steve; 388398. Cameo Lunch is held on the second Wednesday of the month at 12.30am. Between 30-40 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment. We welcome anyone who would like to join with us. To book a lunch or find out more contact 384112. Connect meets at 10.30am on the fourth Wednesday of each month for a short service followed by coffee and time to chat, contact 384112. Social Issues and Hartismere Hospital League of Friends. There has been much discussion, work, time and energy spent on the issue of Hartismere Hospital. You will see that in this magazine, there is an invitation to a coffee morning to raise money for the proposed work, to secure a Health Village on the site of the old hospital. Many people are involved in this project to promote and supply our communities’ need for a place, where we can receive medical care closer to our homes. However we do need funds as we continue to try and secure the project. Please come and support the coffee morning, and help those who are engaged in seeking to bring a better future for our health care. There will be an opportunity for you to see a presentation, showing plans for the proposed new Health Village Project. In this world where there is so much pain and suffering, we can make a difference in peoples lives by helping those who are looking to improve existing standards. Within the Christian message, we are encouraged to “make life better for others”, and so by being involved in Social Issues, we can help to make a difference in peoples lives. Hope to see you on Friday 23nd at the Baptist Church Hall 10.00am – 12.00pm. Jackie Hughes Happenings at the Baptist Church Here we are again – looking forward to summer, garden parties etc – let’s hope that it stops raining by June! We shall be meeting at the Church Hall on Wednesday 13th June for Cameo Lunch at 12.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there, enjoying lunch together and meeting up with friends. Please do ring Jackie on 384112 if you are able to come. Connect, our short service followed by tea or coffee and a chat will be on Wednesday 27th June in the Church Hall at 10.30am Do come along and join us. Iris Badcock
Help Hartismere at the League of Friends Coffee Morning
“Within the Christian message, we are encouraged to “make life better for others”, and so by being involved in Social Issues, we can help to make a difference in peoples lives.
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Local Churches All Saints, Stradbroke Sunday Services: 3rd June 10th June 17th June
24th June
1st July
Family Communion Linda, Jennifer, David S Benefice Communion at Horham David S Holy Communion Morning Prayer David S Holy Communion Mattins at Athelington Revd Julian Barker
10.00 am
Holy Communion Family Service Jennifer
8.00 am 10.00am
11.15 am 8.00 am 11.15 a.m. 8.00 am 11.15am
Parish Register Baptism - April 8th, Rebecca Joyce, daughter of Ian Cattermole and Yvonne Wilkinson Cremation at Ipswich, followed by Thanksgiving Service in Church - April 26th, Pauline Eva Turner, aged 81. Funeral Service in Church, followed by Cremation at Bury St Edmunds - May 10th, Pauline Marjoram, aged 65.
Garden Supper There is to be a Garden Supper In support of `All Saints Church Family Services’ on Tuesday 3rd July at 6.00pm held in the Old Doctors House, by kind invitation of Mrs J. Innes. Tickets, which are available from Jennifer, The Old Byre, New Street or Telephone 384069 are priced at £4.00 for an adult and £2.50 for a child.
Fund Raising Committee The Art Exhibition in the Church was a great success and raised £1,700 for church funds, which was better than last year. Thanks to all who helped to make it such a success especially Cyril, Jeremy, Tom, Don and Roy who put up and took down the screens and lights. Thank you! Our next event is The Garage Trail on the 2nd of June, which will enable you to sell all your unwanted items from the comfort of your own garden. All you do is pay us £5.00 and we advertise the event and supply, to prospective customers, a programme that includes names and routes to the garages involved. The programmes are available, on the day, from the Church between 9.00am and 1.00pm and coffee, tea etc will be available from the Chantry Any profit you make you keep with no travelling involved! July 1st is ‘Gardens Open’ day and we are looking for more volunteers to open their gardens for people to visit and hopefully we will have good weather for both events. If you want to open you garden please contact Mary Ellis on 384642
The Rectory - Tel: 384363. Dear friends, The St George’s Day Tea Party on top of the Church Tower was a great success, with more people enjoying scones and cake at ground level. We made over £300 for the charities, but have not yet heard the result of the competition for the most unusual place for a Tea Party. There will be more Tower Open Days; do ask if you would like to go up the 100 steps to enjoy the experience and the view, or to give someone else a treat for a time of celebration. The Stradbroke Monthly is in new hands. It was a privilege that I much appreciated being your editor for 21 years, and Margaret and I are most grateful for the gifts we received at the Annual Parish Meeting on April 26th, a framed certificate and a Lavandula which you can see flowering in The Rectory garden on Sundays, 10th June & 1st July, and a splendidly decorated cake, with verses, to be sung to “All things bright and beautiful” inscribed on the icing, “We would like to say thank you/For being our magazine Editor,/Also for 25 years/As our local Parish Rector.” “A wide selection of bright shirts/stripes, flowers, blue, red and green/Abseiling down the church tower/The most adventurous Rector we’ve seen”. “With support for your wife Margaret,……” And “Congratulations, David, on 25 years service in our benefice. Many weddings, baptisms, celebrations etc. have been taken in this time, everyone being special”. And early Birthday Greetings for August 21st, ’07! (more on that later). May God give me the power & the words to continue to serve Him & you all, preaching the Gospel. David Streeter.
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Domestic Electrician (Part P) • All Domestic Electrics • Computer Services & Tuition • General Maintenance
Michael Bloomfield Tel: 388870 Mob: 07843 478121
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Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump!
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 11th June 2007 at 7.30pm.
Parish Council Meeting - 14 May 2007 This was the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and the first following the elections of May 3rd. Ann Kerr was elected, unanimously, Chairman for the coming year with Adrian Wingfield as Vice Chairman, again unanimously elected. Ruth Seabrook was warmly welcomed onto the Council and thanks were recorded to Roger Ward for all his hard work during his term as Councillor. Stuart Gemmill was welcomed back as District Councillor. Much time was taken up with ‘housekeeping’ at this meeting but Planning was dealt with as follows: MSDC have granted the following applications: 0783/06
The Ivy House
Verdons Farm Bungalow
Repaint pub in Dulux Weathershield paint (buttermilk matt) The erection of single storey rear extension & internal alterations
Oakfields, Battlesea Green
Continued uses of land for horses & retention of stables
The Parish Council supported the following applications: 0894/07
Southview, Laxfield Rd
Single storey rear extension to enlarge existing bedroom-including new pitched roof to replace existing flat roof structure
Remove one conifer
Waveney Cottage, Queen St Site adjacent to Hepwood Cottages, Wilby Road 7 Eastlands
0806/07 l uses
Grimwoods Barn, Neaves Lane
Grimwoods Barn, Neaves Lane
Work is proceeding on the proposed Play Park at Westhall and it was hoped to be in a position to order the equipment and have work commence in the very near future.
“Sound does travel at this time of year”
Erection of single storey dwelling & garage (amendment to planning approval 796/06 with additional conservatory) Erection of a single storey extension, alterations & garage Change of use from agricultural to residential to form extension to garden and new vehicular access to serve agricultural and residential. Erection of tractor shed and polytunnel for agricultural purposes
Planning applications can be viewed via the Parish Council pages on stradbroke.org.uk or, for those without internet access at home, through the library computer. 3 members of the Youth Club submitted a request to the Council for permission to use the Playing Field for a car boot sale to raise funds. This was considered sympathetically and they were advised to liaise with the Cricket Club and construct a definite plan. Work is proceeding on the proposed Play Park at Westhall and it was hoped to be in a position to order the equipment and have work commence in the very near future. The Council was advised that the new Code of Conduct came into force on 3rd May and should be adopted as soon as possible. Yet again Trevor Carrison had undertaken weekend work to clear glass from the Playing Field and there had also been a fire in the dugout. This vandalism had been reported to the police. On a seasonal note: the nights are getting warmer and lighter and the dust is being blown off the barbecue and garden furniture and the DIY tools. The Council would ask all residents to be considerate of their neighbours, as sound does travel at this time of year. Clerk to the Council: Carol A Smy 01379 384679 clerkspc@thesmys.com
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Indulgence Beauty Therapy By Victoria Wednesday’s 10am – 7.30pm Friday’s 9.30am – 5pm Aromatherapy Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tinting, Nail Extensions and Slimming Wraps Manicures & Pedicures Using ‘Jessica’ products ‘Get Fresh’ Back &, Body Treatments Exquisite Bridal Hair Design and flawless Airbrush Make-up
Also Available…
Tel 07776 343 153 No 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke Gift Vouchers…. The Perfect Present
Page 9
Life in the Legion The speaker at the May Monthly meeting was John Graham, our warden from Brundish, who spoke about his Army Service from 1954 to 1958. This was very interesting and presented in a very humorous way. I gave him the usual Vote of Thanks on behalf of the 16 members present. During the business part of the meeting future branch funds were discussed and Treasurer Roger Gwyn gave his usual monthly report. The next branch meeting is an outing to visit Alan Smith’s Garden at Hoxne on Thursday June 7th. Members are to park cars and meet in The Hoxne Swan Car Park at 11.30am. After the visit members will be having lunch at The Hoxne Swan. Any members who have not already booked for the meal must contact Assistant Secretary Graham Neale -Telephone 01986 788540 - as soon as possible. Finally Branch Officers Ted Bootle, Jeremy Higgins, and myself attended a Suffolk County ‘Legion in The Community’ Seminar at Needham Market. The speaker was Tony Barber from Lincolnshire, who is the Regional Publicity and Recruiting Officer for the East of England. The attendance was very poor in view of the fact that there are currently 66 Legion Branches in Suffolk County. The Stradbroke and District Branch Membership remains at 89. Michael Burton - Branch Chairman.
Friends of All Saints Race Night The Friends of All Saints held a most enjoyable Race Night on 21 April. We would like to thank all of those that supported the evening especially the local business that kindly sponsored a race : The Ivy House, Clive Spurling Motors & PJS Painting & Decorating. We were able to add £432 to the Roof Fund. Wendy Reeves
The Diss, Thetford & District CAB There are changes and alerts happening all the time which effect the decisions we all make. This month, highlighted on the advice website are the following: •
Is your insurance right for you?
Changes for some people claiming Incapacity Benefit
New discrimination rights
Citizens Advice Bureau
More power for Welsh government
Shelfanger Road, Diss
Access to London Underground Stations
Email: bureau@disscab.cabnet.org.uk
If you want to know more about these and/or any other issues our advisers in Diss will be happy to help you with free, independent, confidential advice
Charity reg no.1089052
Registered in England & Wales no 04212031
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Organisations The future of The Friends of the Church
With the building generally sound there is the opportunity to widen use further so this is the perfect time to get involved, promote your ideas and help guarantee the future of this fine building for generations to come.
Stradbroke Good Neighbours are just a phone call away!
The Friends of the Church was conceived over 6 years ago and during its first year was successful in raising over £1,000 to provide new floodlighting which has helped to reinforce the importance of this wonderful building in the centre of our village. Bolstered by this initial success the Friends, in a moment of madness, then accepted the challenge to raise £20,000 towards the cost of a new roof. Well, we are now just a few hundred pounds short of that goal and of course we already have the new roof. This fantastic achievement has only been possible through the continued support of many in the village and the hard work and dedication of all the committee members over the years. In July we shall be holding our Annual General Meeting and as always we will be looking to elect new officers and encourage new members to join us with fresh ideas and a further injection of optimism and enthusiasm. This year myself and Peter Shelford will both be moving on and so it is perhaps even more important than previous years that we attract new members to take on the next challenges. Being a committee member isn’t just about running events and raising money, there’s a lot of fun and enjoyment along the way. Now that the main roof work is completed there is urgent work to be done on the Vestry roof and other areas. As with all old buildings there will always be something that needs attention but having made these major investments in securing the fabric we now have the opportunity to develop and expand the use of the church. The Friends are not a religious group, our purpose is to protect the building and, wherever possible, to encourage greater use of the building. The Church of England, the Diocese, the Parochial Church Council and the Vicar are all receptive to the idea of churches being used for the benefit of the whole community. In Stradbroke we already have the annual art exhibition, occasional concerts and other events. With the building generally sound there is the opportunity to widen use further so this is the perfect time to get involved, promote your ideas and help guarantee the future of this fine building for generations to come. Contact me or any other committee member and get involved. Roger Turkington
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Just a phone call away from helping you with those tricky one-off challenges that life throws at us! Need a lift to the surgery? Someone to check your smoke alarm? Someone to collect your prescription? All these and more can be available for you with one phone call to: 07749 445531 We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice and look forward to being of service to you!
The Lottery Bonus Winner It could be you! You’ve got to be in it to win it!
No 6 A. Boast No 48 A. Naulls No 23 D. Cattermole. No 44 D. Bickers £24 donated to the White Hart Bowls Club, £48 donated to the Tennis Club and £24 donated to the Stradbroke and District Bowls Club
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Debbie’s Cake Art Bespoke Wedding & Celebration Cakes Chocolate Cakes a Speciality 8 Farriers Close, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 388268 www.debbiescakeart.co.uk Email: deb@debbiescakeart.co.uk
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Stradbroke Local History Group If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. It could be memories of life in the village, or events for example. It could be Stradbroke Local photographs or newspaper cuttings or old letter heading or invoices or bills from History Group long gone Stradbroke businesses. In fact anything that relates to Stradbroke’s past has an important place in the Archive! Original documents, photographs, letters etc can be scanned and copied into the Archive… and the Archive also provides a back up in case you ever lost those precious items. email slhg@stradbroke.org.uk or tel. 01379 388341
Where was last month’s mystery picture taken from ? The whole photograph includes the church tower so you can see that it was taken on the north side of New Street just past the Wilby Road turning. The wall in the bottom right of the picture (part of which still remains) surrounded the Old Rectory. There was a building just inside the wall and the photograph was taken from one of the upstairs rooms. The house across the road is still there and is of course Fig Tree Cottage. ( Another puzzle picture next month )
Our Last Meeting We had a very enjoyable visit to St Mary’s Church, Mendlesham last month and spent one and a half hours being given a highly informative and entertaining tour by Father Philip Gray. The Amoury, which contained a marvellous collection of historical artefacts from the village was worth the visit on its own. A light supper finished the visit in fine style.
Our Next Meeting The June meeting is our AGM so all members and potential members are invited to join us at the Community Centre on Wednesday June 6th 2007 at 7.00pm.
Stradbroke Over 60’s Club Our meetings in May have continued as usual with members playing their usual pastimes, or having a chat with their friends. On the 17th we held our Annual Meeting where we elected our New Officers and Committee Members. Bert Siggers, our Chairman and Edna Knowles, both wished to retire after many years service to the club for which we would wish to thank them very much! We now have a Lady Chairperson who is Joan Grimes and a new Treasurer who is Joan Penn (two Joans) and we will have to think how to differentiate between them as we use first names, it’s friendlier that way. June Gould, a committee member, thought it was time for her to retire and we thank her for all of her help in the kitchen. The new regime will get into the swing of things as time goes by. Our Spring Outing, which is on the 7th June departs the Community Centre at 10.00am and returns late afternoon and is a river trip from Waldringfield to Felixstowe with lunch on the boat. The cost of the trip, which includes the coach, boat trip and Ploughman’s Lunch, is £15.50p per person and if anyone from the village would like to join us they wouild be very welcome. If you are interested in coming along then please contact the secretary on 384955 for further details. Our next meeting will be on the 21st June 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the usual venue and I hope to see you there. Eileen Leftley
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Stradbroke News and Views
Below is the first, of what we hope to many, articles about Heath and Fitness written by Heidi mills who is a Graduate Sports Rehabilitator & Personal Trainer, working within the village.
Health & Fitness We’re rapidly heading towards summer time and no doubt thoughts are turning to holidays, both home and abroad, and who doesn’t want to look their best in a pair of shorts or a swimsuit? There are so many different diet and exercise regimes out there, all promising astounding results, how do you know which one to choose? The answer? None! The problem with these crash diets is firstly, the difficulty in sticking to them. The second problem being, even if the weight does fall off initially, as soon as the diet stops the weight piles back on. Nor should you consider a low calorie diet. Although weight loss may initially be rapid, the body soon reverts to ‘starvation mode’ where fat tissue is conserved for later use, and day-to-day energy is sourced from muscle proteins, reducing lean muscle mass and in-turn decreasing the metabolic rate (or speed at which calories are burned). Try the following simple healthy eating tips: • Eat Breakfast: Kick-starts your metabolism.
Eat 5-6 small meals per day: Increases your average metabolic rate. As long as your meals are small
(less than half normal size), daily intake does not increase. E.g. a small pasta salad or salmon & steamed vegetables. • Reduce Salt, Sugar and Saturated Fats: Saturated fats are solid at room temperature i.e. Butter/Meat Fat. These are stored within the body as they are difficult to break down. Increase Fruit, Vegetables and Water: A variety of fruit and vegetables provide all the vitamins and minerals needed when trying to loose weight. Increasing your water intake (2-2.5 litres) raises your metabolism and prevents snacking in-between meals. Exercise is vital to any weight loss attempt, be it 5lb or 5st. Many people make the mistake of focusing solely on cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise. Introducing resistance (or weight) exercises into your routine increases lean muscle tissue, which has a naturally faster metabolism, & burns more calories per minute. It will also help you to look more lean and toned and prevent the onset of Osteoporosis. Exercises such as bicep curls & shoulder presses require a very simple weight (e.g. a bottle of water) & others such as press-us and lunges require no equipment at all. Heidi Mills BSc (Hons) GSR Sports Rehabilitator Injury Rehabilitation & Sports Massage Appointments available Thursdays @ Hair Logic, Stradbroke 07922 923496 heidi_mills@talk21.com
Tea on the Tower to celebrate St Georges Day Tea on top of The Church Tower, St George’s Day Monday 23rd April The Church Tower open afternoon with teas provided by David Streeter on top of the tower, and by Margaret and other helpers below in the Church proved a great success. A constant stream of visitors made it to the top during the afternoon and the photo shows just a few of them.
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Food Served All Day. Children Welcome! Tel: 384384 We are a family run free house; we offer real ale and good food, with a family atmosphere. We open from midday, seven days a week.
Jazz & Real Ale Weekend Wow! What a weekend all tickets sold out full house. Kenny Ball was fantastic!
Upcoming Events Every Tuesday: 1pm -7pm Suffolk Folk Music Quiz Night: 3rd June 2007 8pm start Wired Ones: 8th June 2007 8.30start Play ur Cards Right: 23rd June 9pm Prizes : Holiday for Two Cash prize Ticket Sales plus £98.00 We have this in the kitty unless its won on 26th May Game of Play ur Cards Right
Bob Kerr & Whoopee Band 4Oth Year celebrations, we supplied buffet and a cake, everyone in the marquee had a piece the cake. Patsy Saville-Nunn (who works for us) made the cake.
Plus the Booby Prize £1.00 per ticket Come and try it out Alex Mills : 29TH June 8.30pm start
The Queens Head Inn Tel: 384384 Open All Day Mon-Friday Daily Specials are £3.50, from 12noon until 3pm. Sunday Roast £10.00 for two or £5.95 per person. Children £3.25 Do book to avoid disappointment Pictures of the weekend can be seen on the Stradbroke website - www.stradbroke.org.uk Due to the number of visitors coming to Stradbroke, we had to restrict parking on Queens St. We hope all who wanted to come managed to get a ticket
21st April 2007, Play ur Cards Right Steffen Saunders won the holiday for two in Cornwall!
We have live music on Tuesday, 1 – 7pm (local folk music), and on Fridays 8.30 – 11.30pm (various types of music) The Queen’s Head Inn hosts two annual events Jazz & Real Ale Festival in the second weekend of the month of May Navy Day, held the last Saturday in July We have also refurbished The Suffolk Room with own private bar can be booked for private functions, children’s parties, meetings, family meals, weddings, birthday parties, etc… We also cater for outside function’s be it bar or catering
We do have two more holidays to win so pop down on 26th May and have a go You could be the next winner!
Hoping to see you soon! Jim & Elaine May
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Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
Forthcoming Events
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Well Done Louise! You may remember from last month’s ’Forthcoming Events’ section that Louise Stevens was taking part in the Race for Life event in Norwich. Well Louise completed the 5k run in 40 minutes and raised £128.00 for Cancer Research. Thanks to all who sponsored her and well done to Louise!
Stradbroke Cricket Club
Lousie raised £128! Well Done!
Presents a `LIVE MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA’ Featuring Two Local Bands at the Community Centre on Saturday 23rd June at 8.00pm. The PEACE LOVING MONKEYS and ROM TOM plus Wally’s Disco will be appearing. There will be a bar available (with ID’s required) and tickets are available, from any Cricket Club member, for £5.00 in advance and £8.00 on the door.
June is Tea@3 month for St Elizabeth Hospice. You are invited to an Afternoon Tea Party at 3.00 - 5.00 p.m. on Sunday, 10th June, in the Rectory garden, Doctors Lane, to support the East Anglian Daily Times’ Make Each Day Count campaign for St Elizabeth Hospice, Ipswich. Tea, scones and the Rector’s cakes will be served in return for donations to boost fundraising for the Hospice.
Central Suffolk & North Ipswich Conservative Association - Stradbroke & Wingfield Branch
Cordially invite you to meet Sir Michael Lord MP and Lady Lord at a Coffee Morning at Denham House, Syleham on Saturday 30th June 2007 from 10.30 am to 12 noon (Denham House is the home of John and Elizabeth Smith). Please park as the directions that will be provided. There will be stalls, refreshments and a raffle with entrance charges at £1.00 for an adult and 50p for children. All are welcome. This event is raising funds for the Central Suffolk and North Ipswich Conservative Association.
Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College Annual Summer Art Exhibition, Monday 4th - Friday 8th June, Open 9.30 am 3.30 pm daily. Please do come along.
Hartismere Hospital League of Friends The Hartismere Hospital League of Friends are holding a coffee morning in the Baptist Church on Friday 23rd June 10.00 – 12.00 with Coffee, Cakes, tombola and a raffle. There will be a presentation on the on-going work for the `Health Village’ project. Please come and help to raise funds for the ongoing work.
Come along to the Annual Art Exhibition 4th - 8th June 2007
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Forthcoming Events Community Centre AGM To all users of The Community Centre and interested Stradbroke residents, You are invited to The Sports & Community Centre, on Wilby Road, for the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 20th June 2007 at 7.30pm. The Community Centre, apart from the Church, is the biggest Charity in the village and the Committee really need some new people to volunteer to be Trustees to serve on the Committee of Management and to run this very important village asset.
Horham Bygones Country Rally
“Amongst the many attractions will be, Tractors, Classic cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles, Working Stationary Engines, Working Tractor Area, Fun Fair, Trade Exhibitors, Refreshments and Bar and an Evening Barbecue. “
There is to be a Bygones Country Rally and Car boot sale held on the 9th June 2007 starting at 10:00am in Horham on the B1117 nr Eye. Amongst the many attractions will be, Tractors, Classic cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles, Working Stationary Engines, Working Tractor Area, Fun Fair, Trade Exhibitors, Refreshments and Bar and an Evening Barbecue. Admission is £3.00, concessions £2.00, Family Tickets are £10.00 with under 5’s admitted free. There is free parking with a disabled parking area. Any one entering any of the events must pre-book as there will be no additional entries on the day. The show directors are Dom Moyes on 07894 903829 and Gary Woodrow on 01379 740496. Rally Entries – Mr. Peter Fisk on 01379 384231. Car Boot – Ms. Margaret Streeter on 01379 384363
Stradbroke Wine Society Diary of Forthcoming Events Sat 9th June
Evening Garden Party
Sat 21st July
Wine Table at Country Fair, Street Farm’ s Meadow. 2.30 – 7.00pm
Sat 4th August
Members choice of wines and mini quiz
Coach Trip to Sandyford Vineyard. Inc Tour,Tasting and Ploughmans
Special Christmas Evening
Sat 6 October Sat 1 December Special Note:
What would you choose? Stradbroke Wine Society share their favourite choices on the 4th August.
At the meeting on the 4th August, I would like some members to speak for 5 to 10 Mins about one or two reasonably priced wines that they particularly enjoy and give their reasons why they like them and where they discovered them. I have 2 members who would like to participate would like more. The society will meet the cost of enabling all members to enjoy tasting the wines chosen. Please contact Claudene Merritt on 01379 384439
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To celebrate our 2nd anniversary at the
in t our Ma Check ou cials d our Spe n a , u n e M e ut if you’r Board, b ot ish, why n k c e p ly n o : ar Meals try our B Portions, “Smaller rices!” Smaller P
Hart we are having a “Gig in the Garden” on nd
Saturday 2 June 2007 from 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm with funds being raised for the Air Ambulance Come and listen to : Mr Pink, Egypt, Cover Station and Folk Collective Burger and Hot Dog van, Ice cream Van And in the evening a complementary buffet
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Forthcoming Events Suffolk Open Studios
As part of a large group of artists belonging to Suffolk Open Studios, artists in the area are opening their studios, over the weekends in June, to anyone wishing to visit. This is a chance to meet the artists and see how they work. There is a wide range of styles and techniques to be seen, different approaches to work and many techniques to be discovered. There are many local artists in Stradbroke, Laxfield, Worlingworth, Denham, Eye, Brockdish and Wortham who will be opening there studios on various dates throughout June and for further information please contact Dave Sumner on 01379 388238. As part of the Suffolk Open Studios, Stradbroke’s own Lyn Berwick is opening Suffolk Open Studios her studio to the public on the 16th & 17th and the 23rd & 24th of June. open throughout June. suffolkopenstudios.co.uk Lyn’s studio is at Rose Villa, Church Street, Stradbroke. More information can be found at www.suffolkopenstudios.co.uk
Fressingfield Garden Festival 2007
“Here the traditional ‘open gardens’ has developed into a very special event for both the amateur and more experienced enthusiast, with even more of interest this year.
Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June 10am to 6pm The ‘open gardens festival with a difference’ will take place for the third time, during the weekend of 16th and 17th June 2007 with over 20 gardens open. Here the traditional ‘open gardens’ has developed into a very special event for both the amateur and more experienced enthusiast, with even more of interest this year. In the village centre will be marquees with regionally renowned nurseries and a taste of `Country Living’ with stalls, music, ice cream and more and the church in flower is a new addition to this year's Festival, featuring the 'Four Seasons'. The Festival Food is second to none, with coffee and cake in the morning, while you plan your day and a Festival Lunch at midday and strawberry and cream teas in the afternoon. Admission to the gardens is by programme at a cost of £4 on the day, or in advance from Fressingfield Stores or by calling 01379 586459 / 586269. Everything else is free of charge. The Fressingfield Garden Festival supports the restoration of the bells of St Peter and St Paul Fressingfield. For more information please visit our website: www.fressingfield.suffolk.gov.uk Virginia Skoyles 01379 586708, skoyles@netmatters.co.uk
Words Of Thanks From... Lifeboat Appeal The collection on behalf of the Life Boat Appeal generated £286.00 from the residents of Stradbroke so it’s a hearty thank you from the organisers.
The Westrep Family Mrs C. Westrep and family would like to thank all the friends who sent cards and get-well messages to her husband Maurice while he was in hospital. Maurice is home now and recovering slowly. Thank you all. Colleen, Sylvia and Lynda.
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Egil & Sue invite you to rediscover... re See our menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm News! Latest
ers is Danc r r o M Hoxne 17th ing on m r o f r e P 07 June 20 11.30am
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Page 22
Street Farm, Laxfield Road Telephone: 01379 384560 Monday
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
8.30am - 4pm
Beauty Therapy Tuesday & Friday, 9am - 8pm Sports Injury Clinic Thursday 10am - 7pm We also have a Salon in Eye, “Sarah’s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560
Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
Stradbroke News
Page 23
Neighbourhood Watch You’re in good company when you’re with Neighbourhood Watch www.neighbourhoodwatch.net
Safer Neighbourhood Teams A new approach to Policing in Suffolk from June 12th 2007. Suffolk will see 47 teams each based in the community it serves. Mid Suffolk North Team (Below) covers the following villages; Rickinghall – Walsham – Eye – Fressingfield - Worlingworth Gislingham - Hoxne – Palgrave - Laxfield- Stradbroke. In Charge – District Commander, Chief Inspector Paul Sharp
Sgnt Chris Gilan 792
PCSO3127 Nicolaas Kegge
PC 250 Alison Huntley
PCSO 3162 Pamela Morgan
PC24 Pauline Shadbolt
DCSO to be appointed)
PC1207 Tim Green
Special Sgnt 2038 Stuart Buxton
Stradbroke Community Beat Officer
Special Constable 2505 Daniel Frost
To contact: Telephone Switchboard 01986 835300 Martlesham Police Headquarters 01473 613500 Web site: www.Safersuffolk.org.uk ---------------------999 for emergencies--------------------Joan Hawkes. Village Co-ordinator. Telephone Number 388140
Also working alongside will include Community Partners, Council Staff, Community Wardens and Volunteers. These people will be working together to tackle concerns around crime, anti social behaviour & safety in a way that is visible and accessible to the community. The safer neighbourhood team will listen and talk to you, they will want to find out what most affects the quality of you life, whether that is anti-social behaviour, graffiti, noisy neighbours or crime. They want to try to solve these problems to create neighbourhoods that feel safe to live and work in. Each team will have a regular task meeting where problems and issues identified by the local community will be prioritised for action by combining the skills and knowledge of a variety of people. Problems should be solved more efficiently than before. Joan Hawkes
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ase For more info ple ri on ring Denise Codu 384147
Reg Ch arity N o Ofsted
: 10245 87
Reg No
58520 3
9am - 11.30 am Weekd ays during term tim e. Situated in the grou nds of the Primary Sc ho ol. LUNCH CLUB 11.30am 1pm Weekdays We aim to provide chi ldren with the opportu nity to develop to the full, me ntally and physically , during the important pre-school years, thr ough a variety of play expe riences.
Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers
Ian Brown
Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Page 25
Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc
Page 26
Sports Roundup
Page 27
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Results Waveney League Cup Stradbroke & District
Woodbridge League v’s
Pulham Market
Stradbroke & District
Waveney Threewoods League
Saxmundham League
Stradbroke & District
Diss & District.
Stradbroke & District
Stradbroke & District
73 Stradbroke & District
57 Stradbroke & District
70 Stradbroke & District 74
Otley 71
Leiston Town 60
Peasenhall 75 Iris Cattermole
23 v’s
Pulham Market 74
Stradbroke Cricket Club Cricket, like the English weather is always interesting because you never know what to expect. Last year the A Team struggled all season to stay in their Division. In 2007 they have not looked like getting beaten. Wins over Rumburgh (Steve Warner 4 for 48,Alan Barker 101, Scott Turner 39), Felixstowe (James Ling 37, Tim Courridge 4 for 18), and C&G (Courridge 5 for 14, Donovan Steward 44) have put them at the top. Strangely the other two sides have not looked like winning a game. The 1st XI had two heavy defeats at Elveden & Eye, while the newly formed B Team have struggled, regularly fielding six teenagers, who will only improve with experience. Then it rained! There have been some personal milestones this month. Michael Hugman became only the third Stradbroke player to pass 5000 runs, while Steve Warners 400th wicket puts him 2nd in the all time list. Tim Courridge passed 200 wickets, not bad for a 20 year old. Off the field, the Club are grateful to Monarch Water, and Lesley Jackson for their sponsorship of the senior teams & girls respectively, and to Mid Suffolk District Council for the grant for the artificial pitch and new roller. Fund raising continues to play an important part. The next event ties in with the villages continuing commitment to live music. Brothers Charlie & Tom Wright both have bands (Peace Loving Monkeys, & RomTom) and along with Wally’s Disco, will be performing at the Community Centre on Saturday 23rd June. Tickets are £5 in advance, £8 on the door. There will be a bar (ID required). Come along and support a) the cricket Club, b) young musicians looking for a break, and c) live music. Thank you. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Football Club At last the season is over with both the teams achieving good positions in the league despite the problems with the pitch. The presentation evening will be on the 26th May at the Queens Head. The last Cash Bingo raised £159.70 with the next session being held on Friday 8th June at 7,30pm in the Community Centre. Mary Ellis
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All Requirements & Budgets Catered For Parties - Weddings - Special Events Corporate Hospitality Wholesale Prepared Foods We Use Only Premium Quality Produce Local & Organic Where Available To Discuss Your Requirements Call Marie Worlingworth Suffolk IP13 7HX
Tel: 07789684434
Page 30
Painting and Decorating By Ron Rankin 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Highly Recommended Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226
Page 31
Page 32
LA R A B R O W N ITEC dip MiGPP Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles at
Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707 and The Therapy Studio Shelfhanger 01379 870147
The Oak Tree Press (Eye) Ltd Unit 14, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk P21 7HN http://www.oaktreepress.org.uk/
For a competitive quote for all your one colour to full colour work, contact Mark or Ceinwen Tel: 873057
Fax: 873058
Page 33
www.mooh.co.uk We make websites!
interior design service -please call for details Bespoke curtains and blinds I’ll help you with the choice of fabric and style of window dressing then arrange for your choice to be made up
Vehicle Body and Mechanical Repairs, Agricultural and Electrical Engineers Proprietor Adam Taylor Corner Gn Fm, Wingfield Tel 384909 or 384733
Rackham’s Funeral Service
01379 388847 to see how
The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321
I can help make your house a welcoming home.
“A professional company, giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.”
call Wendy on
Page 34
Domestic Bliss
Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties
Pixey Green
Wedding Receptions
Professional Cook, Chef/ House Sitter (Intermediate Food Hygiene) Experienced with Horses and Dogs Ring Eve 07906 105927 (mob)
If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
“No job too small”
The Cottage, Pixey Green, Wingfield IP21 5NF
Tel: 384312 for information & bookings.
Mill House Gallery Marine & Aviation Paintings Private Viewing by Appointment P. McMillan Mill House Cottage Battlesea Green Stradbroke, Eye Suffilk IP21 5NE Mobile: 07990 517827 Web: www.millhouseaviationgallery.com
How to find us
Southview, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke For sales, spares, repairs of Landrovers
Telephone 384280
Page 35
Joining Individuals Groups Social Activities Wellbeing
JIGSAW Mill Stones Cottage Thorndon, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7JP Tel 01379 678944 Mobile 07757971717
“Jigsaw is a new privately run day centre providing a service to prevent adults and older people from becoming socially isolated so they can enjoy living in their own homes in their local community for as long as they can do so.�
Village Diary for Late May 26th Football Club Presentation Evening at the Queens Head Village Diary for June 1st RoughCast’s `What the Butler Saw’ at Edmunds Hall Hoxne. Starts 7.30 pm 2nd Village Garage Trail. Programs from All Saints Church 9.00am – 1.00pm 3rd Suffolk County Annual Walk at Sudbury 3rd Family Communion Service at All Saints Church 10.00am 4th 4th to the 8th SB&EC Annual Summer Arts Exhibition. 9.30am – 3.30pm 5th Contact Club meet in the Community Centre 10.00 until 1.30pm 7th Over 60’s Club Outing departs the Community Centre at 10.00am 7th All Saints Church Cleaning from 10.00am onwards. 7th British Legion outing to Alan Smith’s Garden at Hoxne. Information inside magazine 8th Cash Bingo in the Community Centre at 7.30pm 9th Bygones Country Fair at Horham 9th Stradbroke Wine Society Garden Party. 6.00pm onwards Members only 10th Afternoon Tea @ 3 at the Rectory, for Elizabeth Hospice 3.00pm to 5.00pm 10th 17th Inter Village Games at Laxfield. More information fro David Streeter 12th Contact Club meet in the Community Centre 10.00 until 1.30pm 13th Cameo Lunch: 12:30pm at the Baptist Church Hall. 14th Stradbroke Women’s Institute Garden Meeting at Marsh Farm. Starts at 6.00pm 15th **Material in by this date please** 19th Contact Club meet in the Community Centre 10.00 until 1.30pm 20th Stradbroke Youth Centre open day. 20th Community Centre AGM at the Community Centre @ 7.30pm 21st Over 60’s Club Meeting at the Community Centre 2.00pm 22nd Stradbroke Women’s Institute Open Evening 7.30pm at the Community Centre 22nd Collate the Magazine in the Community Centre @10:00am 23rd Cricket Club Music Extravaganza, 8.00pm at the Community Centre 23rd Hartismere Hospital League of Friends at the Baptist Church 10.00am – 12.00pm 24th Mattins for St Peter’s Church, Athelington Patronal Festival 11.15am 26th Contact Club meet in the Community Centre 10.00 until 1.30pm 27th Connect in the Baptist Church Hall at 10:30am 30th Conservative Association coffee morning. Information inside magazine Village Diary for Early July 1st Open Gardens day 3rd All Saints Church Family Service Garden Supper at the Old Doctors House 7th MSDC Open day at Needham market 10:00 am until 4:00 pm
A big thank you from the Parish Council Magazine Team to all the Stradbroke Monthly Advertisers and Contributors for their continued support in getting adverts and articles to the team this month. The feedback has been great and we always welcome your criticisms, comments and congratulations! eMail on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk or get in touch with Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The distribution is organised by Wendy Reeves, Tel 388779 and for advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 See you next month!