May 2007 No. 324
The Stradbroke Monthly Marty and his GoGo Roadshow raise over £400
Inside this issue: Local Churches
3, 4
Parish Pump!
Organisation News
9, 10, 12, 14
Forthcoming Events
17, 18, 20
Stradbroke News
23, 27
Sports RoundUp
Village Diary
For some years the Marty's Mighty Go-Go Roadshow has been live at the Queen's Head Pub in Stradbroke to raise money for Stradbroke Cricket Club. Last year, for the first time ever it was broadcast live on the Internet - the first time a Stradbroke event had been broadcast on the net marking the launch of Radio Stradbroke. This year’s event has built on that success and the marathon ran from Friday to Monday in Easter Week. More than £400 was raised split between East Anglia Air Ambulance and Stradbroke Cricket Club. Again the event was broadcast live on the Internet and this year: - We broadcast live for over 50 hours from the Queen's Head - 180 different computers (so at least 180 people!) listened to The Team pose after a the live Internet Broadcast marathon weekend of - More than 150 requests were made online for songs search- beer and music! ing the online database of over 4000 Vinyl classics - People listened from France, Germany and Italy as well as closer to home in Essex, London and even Diss! Radio Stradbroke will be back for the Jazz and Real Ale Festival from 11th to 13th May. Stay tuned to www.stradbroke.org.uk for more details.
Your Editor Speaks... Well, we now have the first edition under our belt and would like to thank all those involved in providing articles for publication and all the people who helped in producing the magazine. We could never have put it together, on time, without you! Having learned a lot, over the last month, about trying to compile a magazine I need your help in making it a bit easier by being mindful of the simple rules below when you submit articles.
1. Please make sure that your article or articles reaches us by the date noted in the Village Diary on the back page. Late copy causes us a lot of problems, especially if there isn’t a lot of spare space to play with. For the June Edition the last day for articles is Friday the 18th May. 2. Please ensure that your name is on the bottom of the article you submit and that the article can be attributed to you and not copied from another source. 3. Please keep all articles to 400 words or less. This will help us with any shortages of space we may encounter. 4. Please, if one is required, add a contact phone number or e-mail address And last, but not least, please keep sending us your articles we do appreciate your time and effort. How do I get in touch with the magazine? eMail on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk or get in touch with: Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The distribution is organised by Wendy Reeves, Tel 388779 For advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341
Tony Ambler, Editor (and only 263 words!)
Page 2
Local Churches
Page 3
Stradbroke Baptist Church Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards. We do not have a pastor, however either Eric or Jackie will be pleased to talk with you. th
6 13th 20th 27th
May Services Peter Hall Including Communion Max Gionis Sheila Martin All age service Eric Havers
Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Secretary: Mrs J. Hughes 01379 384112 Treasurer/Elder: Eric Havers 01379 388173
Youth Group T.C+ meet Tuesday evenings during term time at 6.15.pm. for High School Students. Contact Steve; 388398. Cameo Lunch is held on the second Wednesday of the month at 12.30am. Between 30-40 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment. We welcome anyone who would like to join with us. To book a lunch or find out more contact 384112. Connect meets at 10.30am on the fourth Wednesday of each month for a short service followed by coffee and time to chat, contact 384112.
HOW MUCH? Lots on at the Baptist
Have you ever asked yourself the question “What is your value and what is your Church in Stradbroke worth”? Not in financial terms, but the value and worth that we are to friends, family, and to God. We may have amassed a fortune in the bank, property, and riches beyond compare. But as we all know money does not buy happiness, but it goes a long way to pay the bills! How do you see yourself in terms of your value? You may not like the image that reflects back in the mirror, or the fact that life has thrown many disappointments along the way. However your value to God is so very high that He would like to have your attention so that you can discover your worth. “After the Easter John 3 – 16 says “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that who- celebrations, maybe it soever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (Paraphrased) That is time to reflect on is how much God loves You! just how much value No earthly riches, no flashy life style, no high achievements can impress God. we put on “earthly When we come before the cross where Jesus suffered on our behalf, the ground is things” and consider the everlasting effect completely level for everyone. We all need forgiveness, no special favours because someone did better than anyone else. Jesus offers that forgiveness right now of having a relationship with the to you and to me whoever we are, whatever we may have done. One who has the After the Easter celebrations, maybe it is time to reflect on just how much value we put on “earthly things” and consider the everlasting effect of having a relation- highest of value to ship with the One who has the highest of value to each one who lives on this earth. each one who lives on Jackie Hughes this earth”
Page 4
Local Churches All Saints, Stradbroke
Church Services SUNDAYS 6th May
Holy Communion
8.00 am
Family Service
10.00 am
In The Community Centre Linda, Jennifer 13th May Thurs. 17th May
Holy Communion
8.00 am
Jazz Gospel Concert
11.00 a.m.
Ascension Day Holy Communion
10.00 am
David S 20th May
Parish Communion
10.00 am
David S 27th May
Sunday Half Hour
11.15 am
Ourselves 3rd June
Family Communion
10.00 am
Linda, Jennifer & David S
Confirmation By the time you are reading this, four young people from Stradbroke will have been presented to the Bishop at a Confirmation Service in Laxfield Church on Sunday 22nd April. Congratulations to Andrew, Grace and Matthew Deatker and Victoria Hammond, who are now full members of the church family. We ask God’s blessing on them in their service for Him.
The Rectory - Tel: 384363. Dear Friends, All Saints Church looks very fine in April and May with Easter flowers inside, and all the pictures for the Art Exhibition between Wednesday 2nd May, 7.00 – 9.00 pm, and Thursday, 3rd to Monday, 7th May, 10.0 am – 6.00 pm and outside, the cherry tree in blossom, and the flags flying in celebration of St George’s Day on Monday, April 23rd, and later to invite you to see the show by all the artists, and for Ascension Day on May 17th. The church has a splendid appearance because of its wonderful architecture, and the natural features around, and thanks to all the good work done by those who care, cutting the grass in the churchyard, and within the building, arranging the flowers, dusting and polishing, and providing interesting displays for visitors to look at. The comments in the Visitors’ Book, in appreciation of our lovely building and the welcome it gives, are most encouraging for those of us who share in maintaining high standards there for all who come inside. At our Annual Church Meeting on April 17th, I did thank all those who take part with me in the purposeful activities of our church, with flowers, words, music and bell-ringing, worship and reading, and much more, as I have written above, in the service of Our Risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in praise of whom we meet there for our church services, that we may be better equipped to serve Him in our love and care for one another & the village community. With all good wishes, David Streeter.
Page 5
Domestic Electrician (Part P) • All Domestic Electrics • Computer Services & Tuition • General Maintenance
Michael Bloomfield Tel: 388870 Mob: 07843 478121
Page 6
Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump! Parish Council Meeting - 16 April 2007 This was the last meeting before Election Day (3rd May). There have been 13 nominations and so, unfortunately, there will not be a ballot this year. Cllr Roger Ward had decided to withdraw his nomination and was thanked by the Chairman for all the work he has put into the Parish Council over the years.
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 14 May 2007 at 7.30pm.
Planning The following applications were considered The following were supported: 0777/07 Continued use of land for keeping horses & retention of stables 0730/07
Erection of single storey rear extension & internal alterations
The following were not supported: 0757/07 Erection of cottage style dwelling c/w on site parking 0661/07
Change of use of 3 x holiday homes to single residence
Oakfields, Battlesea Green Verdons Farm Bungalow, Verdons Lane
Land formerly used as hair- dressing salon, Doctors Lane Water Meadow Cottages
All decisions were unanimous and Cllr Readman declared an interest in 0661/07 and did not take part in the vote. Since the last meeting permission has been granted for the extensions at 16 Woodfields.
Planning applications can be viewed via the parish website or, for those without internet access at home, through the library computer. Stradbroke Play Parks “The style of the equipment is in keeping with a rural village and the choice of items is varied, suitable for the venue at Westhall and in line with feedback from various consultations made in the village. “
Play Parks An acceptable proposal had been received from Adventure Playgrounds of Attleborough. The style of the equipment is in keeping with a rural village and the choice of items is varied, suitable for the venue at Westhall and in line with feedback from various consultations made in the village. Further ‘fine tuning’ is needed but it was expected to make a start on some replacement work at the Community Centre Play Park in the very near future. The Play Parks will be able to be installed/refurbished without recourse to further grant funding. Other Items Potholes have been repaired in Doctors Lane although resurfacing there is likely to be in the far distant future. The Parish Council’s attention was brought to the poor behaviour of some members of the Youth Club. Noise and bad language is causing a degree of distress, which is totally unacceptable. The Council will be writing to the Team Leader to express its displeasure. There had also been some mindless vandalism in the village over the Easter weekend and the police were made aware of this. The Council wished to express its thanks publicly to Trevor Carrison for taking time out of his leave period to clean up the mess. Next Meeting This will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and will be held on Monday 14 May 2007 at 7.30pm.
Play Parks are coming to Stradbroke!
Clerk to the Council: Carol A Smy
01379 384679 clerkspc@thesmys.com
Page 7
Be d in din st g oc Pla kN n OW ts !
Page 8
Indulgence Beauty Therapy By Victoria Wednesday’s 10am – 7.30pm Friday’s 9.30am – 5pm Aromatherapy Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tinting, Nail Extensions and Slimming Wraps Manicures & Pedicures Using ‘Jessica’ products ‘Get Fresh’ Back &, Body Treatments Exquisite Bridal Hair Design and flawless Airbrush Make-up
Also Available…
Tel 07776 343 153 No 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke Gift Vouchers…. The Perfect Present
Page 9
Life in the Legion The Guest Speaker at the April mid day monthly meeting of The Branch was the local well known ‘Horseman’ John Parker from Wingfield, who told members his very interesting life story. On behalf of the 18 members present I gave the usual Vote of Thanks. The highlight of the business part of the meeting was the presentation of The Tommy CampbellPreston memorial tankard to member Tom Moore for his services to the branch over the past year. His widow Margaret Campbell-Preston, who had come up from Melton for the event, presented it to him. Treasurer Roger Gwyn gave his usual monthly report, and I thanked all those who had supported and helped at the recent annual branch dinner, which had been another very successful event. Various forthcoming dates were given out:Suffolk County Annual Walk at Sudbury
Sunday June 3rd
Horham Bygones Country Fair at which the branch will have a stand as in previous years. The Branch Annual Coffee Morning at The Chantry by kind invitation of Jeremy and Anne Higgins.
Saturday June 9th
The Legion in the Community evening in Stradbroke to be held at the Community Centre
Friday October 26th
Saturday July 14th
Letters to members will follow giving details of these events The final amount for The Stradbroke and Wilby Poppy Appeal is £2498.47 which is a record. Our thanks go to Organizer Jeremy Higgins and all his collectors for this grand total. The speaker at the next branch meeting on Thursday 3rd May will be member John Graham on his service career. This meeting will be held at our usual venue ‘The Queens Head’ starting at 11.30am. Michael Burton - Branch Chairman.
The Diss, Thetford & District CAB We keep up to date with changes in legislation and procedures to ensure you receive the best possible service. This month, highlighted on the advice website of The Citizens Advice Bureau, adviceguide.org.uk are the following:
Citizens Advice Bureau Shelfanger Road DISS Email: bureau@disscab.cabnet.org.uk
New protection when you take out a loan
New rules about tenancy agreements
Changes to prescription charges
Smoking ban in Wales
How to find a NHS dentist
ALSO: New rules are coming in on 30th April which will protect you against discrimination when you buy goods or services. If you want to know more about these and/or any other issues our advisers in Diss will be happy to help you with free, independent, confidential advice Charity reg no.1089052
Registered in England & Wales no 04212031
Page 10
Organisations Women’s Institute
The next meeting on the 10th May at 7.30pm, as well being our Resolutions Evening has Victoria Leeder giving a talk entitled “Route to a Better Body”
Mark Murphy, BBC Radio Suffolk, a very entertaining, amusing and enjoyable evening
Our President welcomed members and their guests to the April meeting on Thursday 12th April. Our speaker was Mark Murphy, the early morning Presenter for Radio Suffolk; we were in for a treat. Radio Suffolk was launched in1990 and, quite by chance, the 12th April happened to be it’s 17th birthday. Mark recounted how, when it had first begun, not many people listened to the station but all the staff worked hard to get more listeners. They bought the rights to broadcast all of the Ipswich Football Club games, which bought in all of the football fans and were given the school closures list, which they broadcast when there is bad weather or problems with any of the school that stops them from being opened. This also attracted more listeners. When Mark was young he listened to Radio Caroline, Radio Luxemborg and Radio 1 and it was always his ambition to become a presenter, but it took lots of perseverance to get a job. He started as a DJ and gradually learned to talk to an audience. He spent some time working for a hospital radio where he was given some training and where he learned that some songs were totally unsuitable for Hospital radio. Eventually mark did get an unpaid job working for Radio Suffolk, as a `tea boy’ for Stewart White, but after 18 months was paid and offered a permanent job. His program starts at 6.30 am and the current topic is how to get St Edmund back as the Patron Saint of England. There are all kinds of ideas on how to achieve this, design a flag or name a train after him are just some of them and the local MP is championing this in Parliament and Downing Street. An announcement regarding this is expected on the 23rd April. In 2002, Mark won the Sony Radio Academy award and he truly feels that radio makes a difference to its listeners. The following year Radio Suffolk was again nominated for the UK Radio Station of the year with other nominations following. Mark, who gave us a very entertaining, amusing and enjoyable evening, has a motto, which is “Engage your brain before opening your mouth”. The winner of the competition for the Celebration Mug was Phyllis Cook. The next meeting on the 10th May at 7.30pm, as well being our Resolutions Evening has Victoria Leeder giving a talk entitled “Route to a Better Body” Hope you can come along. LL forIris Badcock , Press Secretary
Stradbroke Area Contact Club So sorry that all the news that I had for you is all history now as I missed the dead line for last month…OOPs!! However it is not too late to say thank you to Stan Bishop, a member of our local Fire brigade, who came along to our club to talk about fire and accident prevention etc. This was very much appreciated by us all, and if you need to have a smoke alarm fitted then this is the telephone number to ring 384658 and ask for Stan Bishop. On Tuesday the 17th April we all went by coach to Taverham Nursery in Norfolk. It was a glorious day and there was plenty to look at and buy, so a lot of money changed hands. However, we were all glad of a snack lunch and a rest after a very tiring walkabout, but it was a very good day out. On Tuesday 24th April, we should be having a visit from Polly, our Yoga instructor, when we will all be sitting down for some gentle exercise to music. All very relaxing: but I think that I will stay in the kitchen. Hope you are all well and making the best of this lovely sunny weather. Just right for recharging your batteries. I’ll be in touch. Ella Owen
The Lottery Bonus Winner It could be you! You’ve got to be in it to win it!
32 R Ward, 38 M Ellis, 41 M Jenkins, 20 J Ward, 14 D Davidson. £48 was donated to the Good Neighbours Scheme and to The Football Club, and £24 to the White Hart Bowls Club.
Page 11
Debbie’s Cake Art Bespoke Wedding & Celebration Cakes Chocolate Cakes a Speciality 8 Farriers Close, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 388268 www.debbiescakeart.co.uk Email: deb@debbiescakeart.co.uk
Page 12
Stradbroke Local History Group If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. It could be memories of life in the village, or events for example. It could be photographs or newspaper cuttings or old letter heading or invoices or bills from long gone Stradbroke businesses. In fact anything that relates to Stradbroke’s past has an important place in the Archive! Original documents, photographs, letters etc can be scanned and copied into the Archive… and the Archive also provides a back up in case you ever lost those precious items. email
Stradbroke Local History Group
slhg@stradbroke.org.uk or tel. 01379 388341
Do You Know Where This Was Taken? The building where this photograph was taken from has long gone. The space opposite has long been filled in. The roadway is not a muddy track today The place is very familiar to everyone ...but where was the photographer standing when he took the picture ? Answer in next month’s Magazine !
Our Next Outing An outing to St Mary’s Church, Mendlesham has been arranged for Wednesday 2nd of May to see the Parish Armoury which dates from 1470 to 1600 and the Church its self. The trip, which costs £5.00, includes a supper, which will be served afterwards. People going on the outing are asked to meet in the Community Centre Car Park at 5:30 pm. For further information please phone Mary Stones on 388100.
Stradbr oke Baby & Toddlers
Registered Charity Number: 1024587
Thank you to everyone who supported the `Bingo Night’ on the 30th of March; it was a great success. The pre-school have purchased a digital camera and printer with some great results already. At Easter a drop-in and chat session was enjoyed at pre-school. The children made some lovely Easter cakes and took some wonderful Easter gifts home. Thank you to the Breakdance Committee for the kind donation of a Hi-Fi and to Andrea Lord for a printer for pre-school. Baby & Toddler’s are looking forward to up-coming visits from Debbie, the Early Years Adviser. Feel free to join us. Pre-School are looking to up-date their computer.
Answers to Pre-School Quiz no 2: Question
1.Fun in the snow 2 Full alongside crypt 3 Trails 4 Sounds like a nice beach 5 0C,0C,0C
Cold Play Max Bygraves Shadows Sandi Shaw Three Degrees
14 The sole of a plough 15State of extreme distress 16 Young Women 17 Padded prison 18 Yellow haired letter
Slade Dire Straits Bydrs Soft cell Blondie
6 Gender guns
Sex Pistols
19 Grind a Scottish secluded valley
Glenn Miller
7 Lads might live on sandy shore
Beach Boys
20 Gridlock
The Jam
8 £28 Tumbling 9 Male Voice Vendors 10 I heard it’s bought on the stock market 11 And sour 12 Dirt
Rolling Stones Pet Shop Boys Cher
21 Season lasses 22 Sounds like an Owl 23 Twists and bends
Spice Girls The Who Kinks
Sweet Mud
24 Insect with half an Horse 25 Gem on one knee
Bee Gees Neil Diamond
13 Sorcerer
Page 13
Page 14
A huge thank you to all the swimmers who ‘splashed’ in to Stradbroke Swimming Pool over the weekend 22-25 March and joined over 2000 other swimmers nationally in helping to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care and The Swimathon Foundation. The event was a huge success and, thanks to the superb efforts of all the swimmers, we are hoping to raise £1.5 million for Marie Curie Cancer Care so that they can continue to provide high quality nursing, totally free, to give terminally ill people the choice of dying at home supported by their families. There are also ten Marie Curies Hospices throughout the UK and locally that actively promote quality of life for terminally ill cancer patients. Stradbroke Pool has once again ranked as one of the best among the 500 pools across the country. Over the weekend we had over 100 swimmers taking part in this fund raising event – either swimming 5000m (250 lengths) or 2500m (125 lengths) as an individual challenge or completing 5000m as part of a team, this in turn should raise between £6000 - £8000 for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Andy Keeble said: “I loved the swim although probably more so afterwards! It has been fantastic being able to take part in Swimathon 2007, raising money for such a worthwhile cause as Marie Curie Cancer Care. It’s remarkable how many people rose to the challenge and swam for such a great charity. It was wonderful to hear so many thousands of swimmers across the country joined in.” For all those of you who took part, you’ve done the hard bit so all that’s left to do is to make sure you collect that all important sponsorship money. For all those of you who weren’t able to make it down Stradbroke Swimming Pool, don’t worry, you too can still help! You might know someone who took part, so why not sponsor them. Many thanks, once again, and I hope you are proud of your achievement and already looking forward to Swimathon 2008 as much as my family and I are! Neil Cutting Swimathon Co-ordinator for Stradbroke Pool
Stradbroke Over 60’s Club The Over 60’s club meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.00 pm until 4.00. and has been running for over 50 years, something we want to ensure carries on. How ever our Chairman and Treasurer after many valued years of service have had to stand down owing to ill health and need to be replaced. If we are to continue we urgently need a Chairperson and Treasurer so we are appealing to the good folk of Stradbroke, old or newcomer, to come along and help us. We desperately need your help! We also need more new members to join us so don’t be shy come and join in and we will make you very welcome. The club has many activities such as playing Scrabble, Dominoes, Cards etc or you can just have a good old chin wag and make new friends. We have a number of outings throughout the year with the usual festivities at Christmas time. If you are interested in finding out more please contact the secretary on 01379 384 955. Eileen Leftly
Stradbroke Festival Committee: Country Fair There is to be a Stradbroke Country Fair held on 21st July 2007 at Street Farm, Laxfield Road. Do you need raise funds for your club or organisation? If you do then come and run an activity, a game or have a table top at the Country Fair. Contact Peter or Maria Smith on 384311 to book your space
Page 15
Food Served All Day. Children Welcome! Tel: 384384 We are a family run free house; we offer real ale and good food, with a family atmosphere. We open from midday, seven days a week. The 10th Real Ale and Jazz Festival at the Queen's Head, Stradbroke in 2007! 11th - 13th May 2007 A Festival of East Anglia's Finest Jazz Musicians! Featuring Kenny Ball plus an All Star Line Up, Dixie Jazz Bandits with Mary Lou Lambert, Rosie Val and the Cambridge Jazz Company, Spike Botterill on Jazz Piano, Downhome Jazz Band with Laura Blake, The Anglia All Star Jazz Band and much more! On Saturday Night... Celebrating 40 Years of Making Whoopee it's... Bob Kerr and his Whoopee Band! Don't forget - all weekend sample some great real ales from all over the country! For more info and tickets pop into The Queens Head Inn, Stradbroke, Suffolk IP21 5HG, or telephone 01379 384 384, eMail: stradfest@aol.com Ticket Prices: Fri £12 - Sat £15 - Sun £10 Weekender £30 (all shows) Camping is £5 per tent or camper van The Beer Festival is free (well entry is, the beer isn't!!)
Mon-Friday Daily Specials are £3.50, from 12noon until 3pm. Sunday Roast £10.00 for two or £5.95 per person. Children £3.25 Do book to avoid disappointment We have live music on Tuesday, 1 – 7pm (local folk music), and on Fridays 8.30 – 11.30pm (various types of music) We have also refurbished The Suffolk Room with own private bar can be booked for private functions, children’s parties, meetings, family meals, weddings, birthday parties, etc… We also cater for outside functions be it bar or catering.
Hoping to see you soon! Jim & Elaine May
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Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 7166219
Forthcoming Events
Page 17
Race for Life Louise Stevens who is 10 years old and lives in Stradbroke will be running 5 km to raise money for Cancer Research. She will be taking part in Race for Life at the Norfolk Showground in Norwich on Sunday 6th May 2007. If you would like to sponsor her you can do so at Stradbroke Post Office.
Art Exhibition & Sale of Pictures
Sponsor Louise in the ‘Race for Life’ at Stradbroke Post Office.
There is to be an Art Exhibition and Sale of Pictures in All Saints Church from Thursday 3rd to Monday 7th May at 10:00am to 6:00pm each day with an admission price of 50p for adults. On Wednesday 2nd May there is a preview evening from 7:00 to 9:00pm with refreshments. The tickets for this evening, priced at £5.00 each, are available from the Post Office. For further information and all enquiries please contact Mary Ellis on 384642.
Adult & Community Learning at Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College. The Summer Term 2007 looks to be a busy one with a number of courses on offer that include Print Making, Creative Writing, Woodwind, String and Piano, Indian Head Massage, Belly Dancing, Roller Skating and Archery. For more information about the above courses or for information about future courses please contact: Carol Wyatt on 01379 383988.
For information about Adult Education Courses in the Stradbroke Area, contact: Carol Wyatt on 01379 383988.
Blood Donor Sessions There is to be a Blood Donor session held at the Community Centre, The Town Moor, Magdalen Street, Eye on Thursday the 24th May between 1.00pm & 3.30pm in the afternoon and 4.30pm & 7.00pm in the evening. If you are a regular donator or want to help for the first time then please phone 0845 7711 711 to book your appointment.
Jumble Sale There is to be a Jumble Sale on Saturday, 28th. April 10.00am - 11.30am in the Community Centre.
Cheese & Wine Evening The Stradbroke Tennis Club are to hold a Cheese and Wine Evening on 26th May at 7.30 pm in the Sports Pavilion. Tickets for the event, which includes a buffet and 2 glasses of wine, are priced at £5.00.
Wilby Women’s Institute are presenting Charlie Haylock One of Suffolk’s top entertainers and author of the best-selling book “Sloightly on th’ huh” will be at Wilby Coronation Hall on Friday, 4th May at 7.00 pm. The Bar will be open. Tickets, £4, are available at Stradbroke Post Office. An Evening of Suffolk Humour in aid of W.I. funds. Enquiries: Mary Ellis, 384642.
Charlie Haylock will be at Wilby Coronation Hall on Friday 4th May.
Page 18
Forthcoming Events Stradbroke Reading Group The Stradbroke reading group meets at the Courthouse, Queen Street, from 10.15 am to 12.30 pm on Saturday, 19th May.
Driver Shortages
Stradbroke Reading Group will be meeting on Saturday 19th May.
Thousands of people in Suffolk rely on community transport schemes to get out and about but a shortage of volunteer drivers is threatening many of the services. It is estimated that a further 150 volunteer drivers are required in the country to enable the services to run smoothly. This figure does not take into consideration the dozens of individual charities who already run minibuses for their clients and who also need more volunteer drivers. There is to be a a mass convoy of minibuses weaving their way through Suffolk on the 1st& 2nd of June to raise awareness of the situation but, if you want to know more about how you can help then please contact Midsuffolk Action in Partnership on 01449 673947 or go to www.midsuffolkaction.co.uk. Daniel Harvey, Partnership Officer
Horham Bygones Country Rally “Amongst the many attractions will be, Tractors, Classic cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles, Working Stationary Engines, Working Tractor Area, Fun Fair, Trade Exhibitors, Refreshments and Bar and an Evening Barbecue. “
There is to be a Bygones Country Rally and Car boot sale held on the 9th June 2007 starting at 10:00am in Horham on the B1117 nr Eye. Amongst the many attractions will be, Tractors, Classic cars, Motor Cycles and Cycles, Working Stationary Engines, Working Tractor Area, Fun Fair, Trade Exhibitors, Refreshments and Bar and an Evening Barbecue. Admission is £3.00, concessions £2.00, Family Tickets are £10.00 with under 5’s admitted free. There is free parking with a disabled parking area. Any one entering any of the events must pre-book as there will be no additional entries on the day. The show directors are Dom Moyes on 07894 903829 and Gary Woodrow on 01379 740496. Rally Entries – Mr. Peter Fisk on 01379 384231. Car Boot – Ms. Margaret Streeter on 01379 384363
A Warm Welcome Awaits The Jigsaw Day Centre for adults and older people are holding an open day at Thorndon Village Hall on Thursday 17th May from 11:00am onwards. Come and talk to the organisers and see for yourselves what they can offer as a private day service. Refreshments, Tombola, and raffles are available throughout the day. Further information can be obtained from Gail on 01379 678944
Village Directory Do you want to be in the Stradbroke Village Directory? If so, get in touch!
We are currently putting together this year’s village directory. We would be grateful if all the clubs, societies and organisations could let us know the name and telephone number of the main contact person plus any further essential information that you consider is required. All the advertisers will have an automatic entry so, as long as your advert is correct, there is no need for further action. Please telephone Mike Readman on 388341or e-mail parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk Ann Kerr, Chairman Stradbroke Parish Council
Page 19
in t our Ma Check ou cials d our Spe n a , u n e M e ut if you’r Board, b ot ish, why n k c e p ly n o : ar Meals try our B Portions, “Smaller rices!” Smaller P
FISH NIGHT at the WHITE HART! Wed 23rd May 2007 Salmon, Smoked or Plain Haddock, Lemon Sole, Monkfish, Rainbow Trout, Tuna Steak, Sea Bass and King Tiger Prawns
Page 20
Forthcoming Events Sale of Bedding Plants There will be a good selection of bedding plants for sale in aid of the Stradbroke Church Flower Show on Saturday 19th May at 21 Woodfields from 10am to 12 pm. R. Copping
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee
Would you be able to open your garden to raise money for All Saints Church?
The Beetles, Bangers, Beans and Mash evening was a successful and happy evening raising £105.17 for funds. David Streeter won and Gordon Nunn had the lowest score. Over 300 pictures are entered for the Art Exhibition with the Preview on Wednesday, 2nd May, 7.00 - 9.00 pm. Tickets at £5.00, including wine and nibbles, are on sale at the Post Office. I am looking for “Garages” for Saturday, June 2nd for the village garage trail. Book now and sell all your unwanted items; more details from me. I also need Gardens, please, for the “Open Gardens” on Sunday, July 1st. Again, give me your names for this event, please. Thank you for your support. Mary Ellis, Tel: 384642.
A Visit to the Sir Henry Royce Memorial Foundation. There is to be visit to Hunt House, the home of the Sir Henry Royce Foundation, on Thursday 10th May where full days activities has be arranged. The activities include a visit around the workshops & library, a lunch and a talk about the great man and his achievements and lots more. This promises to be a really interesting and informative day with the cost of the ticket (including the lunch) priced at £30.00 depending on the numbers wishing to attend. To book a ticket or get more information please contact me on 384358. Marian Ward
Rough Cast - What the Butler Saw “Libidos run rampart in this breakneck farce written in the 1960s and set in a private psychiatric clinic. The cast includes Simon Evans and Yves Green, both well known for their comic and more serious roles in STRADA productions.”
What The Butler Saw, a farce by Joe Orton, will be performed by the RoughCast Theatre Company, which is based in the Stradbroke area, at St Edmunds Hall, Hoxne on Thurday, May 31 and Friday, June 1. Libidos run rampart in this breakneck farce written in the 1960s and set in a private psychiatric clinic. The cast includes Simon Evans and Yves Green, both well known for their comic and more serious roles in STRADA productions. Performances start at 7.30 pm and tickets, costing £7.50 and £5.50 (concessions) can be obtained from Hoxne Post Office or by phoning the RoughCast box office, 01379 855101. For those unable to make either of these dates, three performances will take place at the Fisher Theatre, Bungay, May 24, 25 and 26. Box office 01986 897130.
Words Of Thanks From... Michael Hugman Michael Hugman would like to pass on his sincere thanks to everyone in Stradbroke (and beyond) who sent cards, best wishes, offers of help, or visited him during and after his stay in hospital. It has certainly speeded up the recovery process, and is reassuring to know that many others have suffered similar ailments and made full recoveries. Thanks again.
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Egil & Sue invite you to rediscover... re See our menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm News! Latest
ice! ay Serv ake Aw T w e n r ay Try ou Take Aw Indian sa d y n a a d n Asia ailable 7 site enu av b M e w ry r r Cu to ou u ust go ay Men week, j ake Aw T t s ! e r t e la d r e o h w to f or t ils of ho a t e d d an
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
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Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
Stradbroke News
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Neighbourhood Watch You’re in good company when you’re with Neighbourhood Watch www.neighbourhoodwatch.net
Again a spate of insecure vehicles have been broken into in our area. Please lock your vehicle, taking out things of value, or put them out of sight (in boot) Lock it - or lose it! Neighbourhood Watch is, as it implies, looking out for neighbours. If you see strangers loitering, or acting suspiciously, please call the police straight away. If you keep front hedges to less than 3ft, intruders to your property are more likely to be seen. By using prickly/thorny shrubs you can make a pretty secure natural boundary. Gravel paths and drives can alert you to an intruder. Have you thought of security lighting? Don’t leave ladders available for entrance to yours or a neighbours house. Leaving keys under stones, flowerpots, ornaments, doormats, or inside the letterbox on string is not a good idea. Secure hanging baskets, portable planters etc. These are easily taken by thieves to sell on. Gardening equipment - security mark, even photograph. If they’re stolen, it can help to identify your property. Don’t leave gardening tools and equipment unattended, not even for the minutes it would take for you to go in for cup of tea. Make sure your garages/sheds can be made secure. Alarms are available through the police, N/Watch and DIY stores. Check that your insurance covers belongings kept in outside buildings - garages, sheds etc. Joan Hawkes, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator 388140
An Amazing Experience…. Thanks to all those who donated and sponsored me, especially the Trustees of Stradbroke Exhibition fund, that made this ambition a reality. My month spent in a remote village near the coastal town of Ukanda, Kenya flew by far too quickly, yet I will remember February 2007 for the rest of my life. After the immediate impact of the scorching heat, culture shock and being 5,400 miles away from home, we where soon sent off to work. In groups, we helped create a better school building for the pupils of Muhaka primary. This meant making cement for plastering walls, making a floor destroying and replacing roofs, making window supports and other manual labour tasks, which in the heat and with limited resources was truly exhausting. However everyday when we got back to our tents, it felt amazing to know that all our hard work was going to help the community. I also had an incredible opportunity to teach in the school, and standing in front of thirty-plus children with no experience was something I thought I would never do. However, even after the first ten minutes, I fell in love with the children, and from then on I taught a class everyday. A real highlight was the interactions with the local children, playing games and singing songs with the younger kids, and chatting to the older ones about their lives. When we visited the local towns and villages it was distressing to see how little they had and the poor conditions they live with and it was hard from me to comprehend how that through all this everyone was so happy. Everywhere we went, the children shouted ‘ Jambo’ (hello in Swahili) people where so friendly approaching you for a chat and it still amazes me now that these people have nothing yet apparently everything. Visiting Kenya has certainly taught me a few life lessons I would recommend it to anybody; it’s truly an amazing experience. By Sophie Pearse
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ase For more info ple ri on ring Denise Codu 384147
Reg Ch arity N o Ofsted
: 10245 87
Reg No
58520 3
9am - 11.30 am Weekd ays during term tim e. Situated in the grou nds of the Primary Sc ho ol. LUNCH CLUB 11.30am 1pm Weekdays We aim to provide chi ldren with the opportu nity to develop to the full, me ntally and physically , during the important pre-school years, thr ough a variety of play expe riences.
Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers
Ian Brown
Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Page 25
Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc
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Stradbroke News
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The Sixth Margaret Lockwood Memorial Quiz The sixth Margaret Lockwood memorial quiz evening was held on Friday 16th March. The event was very well supported with 16 tables taking part. The final scores on the night presented us with a tie, the first one in the history of this event and despite several attempts to separate the two teams with tie break questions we couldn’t. Both teams involved came from Worlingworth and surrounding area so it was decided that they would share the prize and both names would be engraved on the shield, making the joint winners for 2007 Worligigs and JVC’S, our congratulations to them both. We would like to thank David Streeter for stepping in at the last minute as question master, due to the sudden illness of our regular host Michael Hugman, who we understand is now making a good recovery. Also grateful thanks to Mike Cane for his help behind the bar, and finally a huge thank you to all the people who supported us once again with teams, donations and raffle prizes, this has enabled us to send a cheque to St. Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich for £318.00 Margarets’ family also wish to be remembered to everyone in Stradbroke and join us in thanking you all for your support, we hope to see you again in 2008!
Sports Roundup Stradbroke Cricket Club Six weeks ago if I had said ‘we need some rain’ I would have been taken away in the padded van, but now the length & breadth of the Parish a rain dance is being performed. Well good news, the cricket season is starting, a surefire precipitation magnet. By the time you read this (weather permitting), the newly formed B Team will have played its first match. It is nice to have some on field distractions. The past month has seen the laying of the new artificial pitch, thanks to a MSDC grant, two new practice nets have appeared, thanks to S.R.Lee the builder, and a tractor can be seen again, thanks to Peter Johnson. It is only fair that the cricket club give something back, as well as taking, and this is in the form of a £200 donation to the East Anglian Air Ambulance, half the proceeds of the Easter Music Marathon. The list of people to thank for this event read like an Oscar winning speech. Here goes: Marty Norris for keeping his 4000 records and disco equipment is such good order and being the voice of reason amongst the mayhem. Andrew ‘Wally’ Ward for being there whenever something needed doing, and making AC/DC the toast of the village. James Hargrave for somehow transmitting the whole thing over the internet to planet earth. Wes Kent, Dave Mann, John Garford, Andrew Hugman, Linda Woodward, Richard Pierce-Saunderson for spinning discs and finding requests, and finally to Elaine & Jim May, and their staff at the Queens Head for hosting the whole event. Junior coaching starts this week, Wednesdays 6.30-8.30pm, & Sundays 10.00-noon for boys up to 15yo, Mondays 6.30-8.30pm for girls of any age, and Thursdays 6.30-8.30pm for seniors, all at the Playing Field. Summer is here. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Football Club Results:
1st. Team
Beat Dennington 6 - 1,
Beat Needham Market 6 -1.
Beat Coddenham 3 - 0,
Lost to Bramford 7 -0,
Lost to Wenhaston 2 - 1,
Drew with Henley 4 - 4,
Lost to Wenhaston 4 - 2,
Lost to Claydon 1 - 0.
Lost to Bildeston 2 - 0, Lost to Peasenhall 3 - 1.
The 1st Team results have been poor due to too many games in a short space,and to the pitch, earlier on, being water-logged. The last Cash Bingo raised £101-80 and the next one is on Friday, 12th May. The Annual Jumble Sale is on Saturday, 28th April anyone with anything saleable please contact M.Ellis on 384642 The Presentation Evening is on Saturday 26th May at the Queen’s Head.
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All Requirements & Budgets Catered For Parties - Weddings - Special Events Corporate Hospitality Wholesale Prepared Foods We Use Only Premium Quality Produce Local & Organic Where Available To Discuss Your Requirements Call Marie Worlingworth Suffolk IP13 7HX
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Page 30
Painting and Decorating By Ron Rankin 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Highly Recommended Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226
Page 31
Page 32
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Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707 and The Therapy Studio Shelfhanger 01379 870147
The Oak Tree Press (Eye) Ltd Unit 14, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk P21 7HN http://www.oaktreepress.org.uk/
For a competitive quote for all your one colour to full colour work, contact Mark or Ceinwen Tel: 873057
Fax: 873058
Page 33
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interior design service -please call for details Bespoke curtains and blinds I’ll help you with the choice of fabric and style of window dressing then arrange for your choice to be made up
Vehicle Body and Mechanical Repairs, Agricultural and Electrical Engineers Proprietor Adam Taylor Corner Gn Fm, Wingfield Tel 384909 or 384733
Rackham’s Funeral Service
01379 388847 to see how
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I can help make your house a welcoming home.
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Page 34
Domestic Bliss Pixey Green Professional Cook, Chef/ House Sitter (Intermediate Food Hygiene) Experienced with Horses and Dogs Ring Eve 07906 105927 (mob) “No job too small” The Cottage, Pixey Green, Wingfield IP21 5NF
Mill House Gallery Marine & Aviation Paintings Private Viewing by Appointment P. McMillan Mill House Cottage Battlesea Green Stradbroke, Eye Suffilk IP21 5NE Mobile: 07990 517827 Web: www.millhouseaviationgallery.com
How to find us
Southview, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke For sales, spares, repairs of Landrovers
Telephone 384280
Page 35
Joining Individuals Groups Social Activities Wellbeing
JIGSAW Mill Stones Cottage Thorndon, Eye, Suffolk IP23 7JP Tel 01379 678944 Mobile 07757971717
“Jigsaw is a new privately run day centre providing a service to prevent adults and older people from becoming socially isolated so they can enjoy living in their own homes in their local community for as long as they can do so.�
Village Diary for Late April 28th Jumble Sale 10.00am until11.30 am in the Community Centre Village Diary for May 2nd All Saints Art Exhibition Preview Evening, 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm Tickets are £5.00. 2nd Visit to Mendlesham Church. Tickets £5.00 meet 5.30pm Comm Centre Car Park 3rd All Saints Art Exhibition & Sale of Pictures, 10 am - 6 pm. Runs until the 7th 3rd Over 60’s Club Meeting at the Community Centre 2.00pm 3rd British Legion Meeting at the Queens Head at 11.30 am 4th The WI present Charlie Haylock at Coronation Hall, Wilby at 7:00 pm tickets £4.00 6th All Saints Family Service, Community Centre, 10.00 am 6th Race for Life at the Norfolk Showground Norwich. 9th Cameo Lunch, 12:30pm at the Baptist Church Hall. 10th All Saints Church Cleaning, from 10.00 am 10th Visit to Hunt House (Sir Henry Royce’s Memorial Foundation) Tickets £30.00 10th Women’s Institute meeting at 7.30pm 11th Jazz Festival at the Queens Head Inn runs until the 13th. 12th 95th BGHA present their 200th Mission Dance at the Community Centre 13th All Saints Church Jazz Gospel Concert, 11.00 am 14th Council Meeting at 7.30 pm 17th Jigsaw Open Day at Thorndon Village Hall from 11:00am onwards 17th Over 60’s Club Meeting at the Community Centre at 2.00pm 17th All Saints, Ascension Day, Holy Communion 10.00 am 18th **Magazine articles in by this date please** 19th Stradbroke Reading Group. Court House Queens Street, at 10:15 am 19th Bedding Plants sale. 10 am to 12 pm at 21 Woodfields. 23rd Connect in the Baptist Church Hall at 10:30am 24th Blood Donors, Community Centre, The Town Moor, Magdalen Street, Eye 25th Collate Magazine in the Community Centre 26th Tennis Club Cheese and Wine Evening at the Sports Pavilion. Tickets £5.00 26th Presentation Evening at the Queens Head. 31st RoughCast’s `What the Butler Saw’ at Edmunds Hall Hoxne. Starts 7.30 pm Village Diary for Early June 1st RoughCast’s `What the Butler Saw’ at Edmunds Hall Hoxne. Starts 7.30 pm 2nd Village Garage Trail 3rd Suffolk County Walk at Sudbury 9th Horham Bygone Country Fair A big thank you from the Parish Council Magazine Team to all the Stradbroke Monthly Advertisers and Contributors for their continued support in getting adverts and articles to the team this month. The feedback has been great and we always welcome more! eMail on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk or get in touch with Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The distribution is organised by Wendy Reeves, Tel 388779 and for advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 See you next month!