WWW.STRADBROKE.ORG.UK £1 where sold.
May 2008 No. 336
The Stradbroke Monthly Stradbroke ‘On the buses’! Inside this issue: Local Churches
3, 4
Parish Pump!
Organisation News
9, 10, 12
Forthcoming Events
14, 17, 18
Letters to the Editor
Sports RoundUp
20, 23
Gardeners Notes
Village Diary
In November 2006, when I was Secretary of Stradbroke WI, I wrote to just about everybody, including Sir Michael Lord and Suffolk County Council, as some ladies in the village had asked me if I could get back the bus which used to go to Ipswich. A bus went to Norwich once a week, but unfortunately not to our © Colin Humphrey 08 County Town. I was pleased to learn from one of the ladies very recently, that after nearly 18 months of trying, a bus service will now go to Ipswich daily from Monday to Saturday. I requested one bus a week, and it looks as if we will now have one on 5 days! There are a few bus timetables in our local Estate Agents Partridge and Lucas, but given below are the times, as I understand them. The bus company running this is Far East Travel (don’t think it goes via Japan!), and the bus number is 118 (although there is one school bus which is No. 119). Going to Ipswich, they leave Stradbroke Church at 10.11 hours, 12.11 hours, and 14.11 hours, arriving in Ipswich Old Cattle Market Bus Station at 11.24 hours, 13.24 hours and 15.24 hours. Some of the return times are 12.45 hours, 15.30 hours (School days only), and 17.15 hours. I hope I have read the timetables correctly, so I suggest you check before you use this Service! Dorothy Readman
Free & Discounted Bus Travel!
From 1st April 2008 if you’re over 60 or disabled you can have a bus pass that entitles you to free off-peak travel on local buses (including the Borda Hoppa) anywhere in England. Contact Mid Suffolk District Council for more information and an application form Tel: 0845 606 6067 or e-mail: bus.passes@midsuffolk.gov.uk Also, if you are aged 5 to 19 years olds you can get 50% discount off normal adult single and return fares on local bus services in Suffolk by getting an Explore Card. Go to the website http://explore.suffolkonboard.com/ to find out more! Ann Kerr, Chairman Parish Council
Give it a go! Download the Stradbroke Bus Timetables NOW from stradbroke.org.uk! Your Editor Speaks... I would like to congratulate Don Darling on his Marathon run, for a) finishing it in such a good time, b) still being able to walk afterwards and c) for raising as much money as he did for charity. Read his final update on page 23. I would also like to congratulate Dorothy Readman and everyone involved in getting a bus to Ipswich to run through Stradbroke on a regularbasis, but as the saying goes “If you don’t use you lose it” Tony Ambler
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Local Churches
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Stradbroke Baptist Church Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards. We do not have a pastor, however Eric will be pleased to talk with you. Services for May 4th Eric Havers 11th Eric Havers 18th Sue Sealey 25th David Willson All Age Service
Come and join us!
Youth Group T.C+ meet TUESDAY evenings during term time at 6.15.pm. for High School Students. Contact Steve; 388398. Cameo Lunch is held on the second WEDNESDAY of the month at 12.30am. Between 30-40 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment and welcome anyone who would like to join with us. To book a lunch or find out more contact 384112. Connect meets at 10.30am on the fourth THURSDAY of each month for a short service followed by coffee and time to chat, contact 384112. Please note the change of day. The storms rage After the wind rain and snow that we experienced over the month of March, we still are very unsure of what the weather may bring us in the next couple of months and are beginning to accept that the weather is far more unpredictable than before. The weather is mentioned many times in the gospels. We read that a great storm hit the Sea of Galilee after the disciples got into a boat with Jesus to cross over the lake. (Mark chapter 4 v 35-41). The disciples were terrified, and amazed that Jesus was sleeping. And of course you probably know the story of how He stilled the waves, and that they arrived safely at their destination. Life is very stormy for all of us, we suffer from bereavement, loneliness, we worry about our families, and many other issues, but, as in the story above, we have someone who can calm the storms that rage within and around us during our lives. Jesus can give us the peace and calmness that each of us need in our lives. He is the One who can enter into our situation and help us through the traumas and disappointments of life. We only have to ask, believing in the fact that we do have a God who cares for us who loves us and wants to enfold us in His loving care. But we have to trust that God is really there - it is called faith, and that means believing in what is unseen. The disciples were astounded that even the winds and the waves obeyed Jesus. They trusted Him. Can you ask Jesus to bring peace into your circumstances? Dare you believe that there is a God who can calm your storms? I pray that we will all have the courage to ask Him into our lives and trust Him to give us His peace. God bless you, Jackie
Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Secretary; Mrs J. Hughes 384112
Treasurer; Mrs C. Gionis 388486
Elder; Mr E. Havers 388173
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Local Churches All Saints, Stradbroke 27th April 1st May (Thursday) 30th April 1st – 5th May 4th May
11th May
18th May 25th May 1st June
Holy Communion Morning Prayer Deanery Communion at Mendham Church for Ascension Day Art Exhibition Preview Art Exhibition and Sale of Pictures Holy Communion Holy Communion at Horham Holy Communion, with hymns & a sermon at Redlingfield Holy Communion Concert of Gospel Music in All Saints Evensong at Horham, with the Friends of the 95th B.G. Benefice Communion at Athelington Holy Communion Morning Prayer at Redlingfield Family Service and Holy Baptism Family Communion
8.00 am 11.15 am 7.00 pm 7.00 – 9.00 pm 10.00 am – 6.00 pm 8.00 am 9.00 am 10.00 am 8.00 am 11.00 am 6.30 pm 10.00 am 8.00 am 10.00 am 2.30 pm 10.00 am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee Our cake stall on April 5th was again well supported both donating and buying and £124.20 was raised in extra quick time. Over 300-framed pictures have been entered for the Art Exhibition with the preview, including Wine & Nibbles, taking place on April 30th. Tickets are on sale from the Post Office at £5.00 each. The exhibition will then be open from the 1st to the 5th May 10.00 am until 6.00 pm. Come along and preview the art and perhaps choose a favourite to purchase on the night. We will be holding a function on Thursday 22nd May which will probably be a St Trinians for boys and girls evening with food provided. Look out for more details later (it should be fun). The committee would like to wish a speedy recovery to Barbara Moore, who until recently, was a committee member. Hurry up and get better Barbara. Mary Ellis
The Rectory - Tel: 384363 Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net Dear Friends, The Annual Art Exhibition and Sale of Pictures (Preview on Wednesday, 30th April, 7.00 – 9.00 pm, Tickets on sale at the Post Office) from Thursday 1st – Monday 5th May, 10.00 am – 6.00 pm is a magnificent use the great size of the building to display the pictures, over 330 framed ones and more than 100 unframed, all of which are for sale. The best way to make sure that you get the picture you want is to attend the Preview where the refreshments make the art all the more appetising for the eye, but you are most welcome all the days that the exhibition is open, and do please tell others about it. A week later, the marquee at The Queen’s Head will be quiet between 11.00 and 11.40 am on Sunday morning, 11th May, when Rosie Val and her band, the Cambridge Jazz Company present a New Orleans- style Concert of Gospel Music in All Saints Church. Feast your eyes with their splendid sounds. 11th – 17th May is Christian Aid Week. One of my 50 verses is on that theme: “Which is the greater need/That global warming’s made?/ Power, or the world to feed?/ Travel or development aid?/ From biomass make biofuel - / That look’s wicked, yeah! That sounds cool!” I have asked some questions there which are being answered all over the world, by politicians, industry & business leaders and farmers with decisions and plans, and by millions of hungry people who have little or no choice. You can play your part, and respond to these twenty-first century enquiries, by coming to the Quiz Evening in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm on Friday, 16th May. Please make teams of four @ £3.00 a head. Telephone or email me, or book in on the night. It would be most helpful if you can let me know in advance. There’ll also be a Raffle, and prizes including delicious Divine Freetrade chocolate. Details of services given above are at All Saints, Stradbroke, and in various nearby churches. Please ask me if you would like directions, or a lift to the other places of worship in our Hoxne Deanery. With all good wishes, David Streeter. All Saints Church Cleaning will be on Thursday, 8th. May 10.00 am onwards. This is the second Thursday in May to fit in with the Annual Art Exhibition. Margaret Streeter
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Dirty Oven??
www.mooh.co.uk We make websites! ESTATE AGENTS
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NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 14th April 2008 7.30pm At the Community Centre
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on1st May 2008 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Reports from village organisations will be warmly received!
Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump! Parish Council Meeting 14 April 2008 Planning: The following applications were considered: 0900/08 erection of conservatory Hill Cottage, Rattlerow Hill 1000/08 erection of single storey extension to rear of property Tinkers Cottage, 1 Queen St 1002/08 erection of single story extension LBC Tinkers Cottage 1 Queen St 0636/08 use of land for siting portakabin office/rest room to replace existing Transam Trucking Old, Station Yard, Wilby Road 1095/08 reserved Matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, layout & Scale) application pursuant to OL/0311/) for conversion of barn into 2 dwellings White House Farm, Queen Street Approval recommended unanimously for all the above 0560/08 erection of 3 bedroomed bungalow and garage Land behind Rosemead, Wilby Road Approval proposed and seconded. Carried with 6 for the proposal, 2 against, 3 abstained 0870/08 erection of greenhouse Avondale, Wilby Road The Council was surprised at the submission of a request for a domestic greenhouse. Clerk to ask advice from MSDC Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: 0764/08 erection of single storey rear extension 2 Meadow Way Permission has been granted for the above 0579/08 erection of 2 single storey dwellings accessed from Bishops Way Land to the rear of 5 & 7 Woodfields Permission has been refused for the above Other Planning Matters: A report had been received from the Planning Officer on the Stradbroke Garage site meeting The Local Development Framework Update/Core Strategy document is now available for examination at the Council Offices or on the website. Parish councillors will be attending planning training sessions throughout the year. Other Business: The Council was pleased to receive a letter from the Primary School Council requesting that Councillors visit the school to discuss its Travel Plan. The Chairman and Mike Readman would arrange to meet the School Council. Work has been undertaken by Mike Readman to bring Parish owned land into Village Greens status. The council thanked him for undertaking this major piece of work. The Boundary Committee’s deliberations about Unitary plans for Suffolk were discussed by Cllr McGregor. The public and Councils are at liberty to submit views to the Committee during the Consultation Phase from July to September. This revision of local government will have an impact on all parts of Suffolk and residents are urged to look at the ‘concepts’ and contribute. The Parish Council will take a view following discussion at the next meeting and will be submitting its comments. MSDC and SCC have proposed a single Unitary Authority for the whole of Suffolk (including Ipswich). Do check the website for this important item -www.boundarycommittee.org.uk Once again, dog fouling has been mentioned to Councillors…this time along Queen Street, ON THE PAVEMENT. This is anti social behaviour, which has an impact on everyone. The Parish Council would ask all dog owners to CLEAN UP after their pets. It only takes a moment and there are plenty of dog bins around for the waste. It is both unpleasant and a safety hazard for all who use the pavements. Please be considerate to others.
The Parish Council would ask all dog owners to CLEAN UP after their pets. It only takes a moment and there are plenty of dog bins around for the waste.
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 10 May 2008 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. All are very welcome to attend. Diary Note: the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING will be held on Thursday 1st May 2008 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy
01379 384 679 clerkspc@thesmys.com
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Farm Shop for Cut Flowers, Fruit & Vegetables, Peat, Sundries Compact Tractor and Rotovator for hire Bouquets & Wreaths made to order Large selection of fruit trees and hedging
Plants Seeds, Potatoes, Shallots and Onion sets All available now!
Large se bedding lection of plan tables & ts, vegeplants – tomato and Hanging shrubs. plants & basket made to baskets custome r order!
Page 8
A C Boiler Services Ltd, Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 740957 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.
Drawing for all… Learning…improving…enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact
Dave Sumner on 01379 388238…
Indulgence Beauty Therapy By Victoria Wednesday’s 10am – 7.30pm Friday’s 9.30am – 5pm Aromatherapy Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tinting, Nail Extensions and Slimming Wraps Manicures & Pedicures Using ‘Jessica’ products ‘Get Fresh’ Back &, Body Treatments Exquisite Bridal Hair Design and flawless Airbrush Make-up
Also Available…
Tel 07776 343 153 No 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke
Life in the Legion
Page 9
The speaker at The April Branch Meeting was our Branch Padre The Rev’d David Streeter. Ho told the 19 members present his life story from attending Harrow School to Pembroke College Cambridge and finally to Stradbroke in 1982. Member Heather Bushnell gave him the usual vote of thanks for a most interesting talk. Branch Secretary Jeremy Higgins was thanked by me for all the work he did regarding the recent branch dinner together with the other officers and members. Branch Treasurer Roger Gwyn gave his usual monthly report, and The RBL County report was given by Nick Eade from The Fressingfield Branch, who is the local H Group representative on The Suffolk County Committee. The next Branch Meeting is on May 1st when the guest speaker will be Richard Pymer from Halesworth about Air Museums. The meeting will be at The King’s Head, Laxfield starting at 11.30am. Members please attend if you can. The June Branch Meeting is another visit to Alan Smith’s garden in Hoxne on Thursday June 5th followed by a meal at The Hoxne Swan. Further details will be given in my notes next month. The Branch needs another Standard Bearer to carry The Small Branch Efficiency and Progress Standard. Any person male or female that is interested please contact either myself on 01379 870509, or Branch Secretary Jeremy Higgins on 01379 384300. Finally John Graham our branch warden for the villages to the south of Stradbroke attended a 2 days ‘Caseworker’ Course at Woodbridge RBL Club. This will enable him together with our treasurer Roger Gwyn to do service work within our branch area. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.
League of Friends Hartismere Hospital Annual general meeting: This will be held on the 7th May in the Hartismere Hospital Boardroom at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome. Summer fete. This will be held on the 14th June at the hospital between 2-4pm Information from Beverley Goddard Tel 01379388682 Offers of help please Tel 01379388682
The Diss, Thetford & District CAB ALERT! Firms offering debt advice have been sending bogus text messages to people's mobile phones, claiming to be from Citizens Advice Bureau. These messages have NOT been sent by Citizens Advice Bureau. For more information please look at the CAB web site or contact your local CAB. OPENING HOURS DURING REBUILDING WORK From 11th February 2008 Telephone 01379 651333 Monday to Friday 1000 -1500 For drop in service Diss: The Denny Centre, Thomas Manning Road 1000 - 1400 on Monday and Thursday Harleston: Information Centre, 8 Exchange Street 1000-1300 on Wednesday and 1000-1200 on Friday Eye: Customer Service Direct, Cross Street 1000-1200 on Thursday Loddon: The Library 1000-1200 on Monday Write to us at Shelfanger Road, Diss. IP22 4EH or email advice@disscab.cabnet.ora.uk www.disscitizensadvice.info Charity registration no 1089052 Registered in England and Wales no 04212031
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“The authors had retreated into the world of Children’s Books and, relived parts of their own lives in their writing”
Organisations Stradbroke Women’s Institute We were almost a `full house’ to hear Mark Mitchell talk to us on Classic Children’s Authors, at our April meeting. Mr Mitchell is a great speaker and we were able to understand how Treasure Island, The Railway Children, Wind in the Willows and The Secret Garden came to be written. The authors had retreated into the world of Children’s Books and, relived parts of their own lives in their writing. He held us spell bound by reading parts from these books – you could hear a pin drop. Irene Rogers gave the vote of thanks on our behalf, appropriate coming from a member of the book club. Thank you Irene. Rosemary Howard won the competition with her children’s book – well done Rosemary! Dorothy Readman gave us a glimpse into Denman College; she went there in January on a course with the bursary she had won, and obviously had enjoyed it. Thanks Dorothy. Angela Ling has now become a member so we now total 46 in all – great! Our next meeting will be on Thursday 8th May at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Iris Badcock, Press Secretary
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Are holding their Annual General Meeting on the Tuesday 6th May at 2.30pm in the small room at the Community Centre. Please join them to hear about their work over the past year and to elect some new officers to the committee. Tea and biscuits will be available. Iris Badcock
Stradbroke Wine Society On the 12th of April, Richard Berrill of “Wines For The Times” gave an informative description of South American Wines. As expected we tasted 9 wines from the area including Chile, Argentine and Brazil but he also told us about the newer growing production areas in Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Paraguay. We all resolved to keep an eye out for these unusual wine sources. Our next event is on Saturday 14th June when we will be holding a “Hog Roast Evening” with Californian wines. Claudene Merritt. Hog Roast and Californian Wines on 14th June 2008.
PC Tim Green will be in the library on Thursday 15th May , 1100 to 1130 to meet anyone who wishes to speak to him.
Neighbourhood Watch We have a new Police Community Support Officer, Steven Long, who you may have seen patrolling Stradbroke recently. P.C. Tim Green will be in the Library on Thursday 15th May between 11.00 and 11.30 am to meet anyone who wishes to discuss concerns with him. There have been several thefts of Heating Oil from homes in Norfolk recently. To help prevent theft, oil tanks can be screened with a hedge or a fence, and locked with external pipe work/fuel lines covered. Oil tanks should be positioned out of sight from the road and/or as far away from the road as possible and don’t forget that Heating Oil can be covered on your insurance policy. Any security measures that directly affect the tank or pipe work should be carried out in consultation with an oil supplier. There continues to be a considerable number of thefts of metal (particularly, Lead, Aluminium and Copper) as well as farm equipment and machinery with even British telecom underground cable being taken in the region. Please use the following numbers to contact Police: Crime and suspicious activity should be reported to the following telephone numbers: Emergencies: 999 Non-urgent calls charged at a local rate to the following police switchboards: 01473 613500 (first choice) or 01986 835300. I am your point of contact if you wish to discuss crime issues with me: 01379 388977 Nick Thompson
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Debbie’s Cake Art Bespoke Wedding & Celebration Cakes Chocolate Cakes a Speciality 8 Farriers Close, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 388268 www.debbiescakeart.co.uk Email: deb@debbiescakeart.co.uk
Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709
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Stradbroke Primary School I am pleased to introduce myself as the new Headteacher of Stradbroke CEVC Primary School. I have been made to feel very welcome by the whole school community and I know I am going to enjoy this post for many years to come. Over the Summer term the School Council and I will be working to make our school more environmentally friendly. We will be continuing work on the three R’s (Recycling, Reusing and Reducing waste)! We aim to be accredited with Eco-school status. I am always pleased to welcome new parents- if you have recently moved to the area or have a child starting school in the future please feel able to make an appointment to meet me. I am happy to give guided tours of our school so you can see how much Stradbroke Primary has to offer! I am proud to be associated with such a special school with wonderful children and staff. I aim to celebrate our successes and achievement, so look out for further news! Melanie Barrow Headteacher of Stradbroke CEVC Primary.
Stradbroke & District Pre-School with Stradbroke Bumps, Babies & Toddler During this term the children have been learning about ‘Colours and Numbers’, so far they have looked at ‘Red’, which included making Fire Engines and wearing a real fireman’s outfit. They also read Postman Pat and made invitations to a tea party and then posted them at the real Post Office. They have also begun learning about Space through the colour ‘Yellow’. In the coming half term, the children will be looking at ‘Jungles’, ‘Sea Creatures’, and much more. Stradbroke & District Pre-School is held every weekday from 9am – 11:30am during term time in the grounds of the primary school. Children can attend up to 5 free Pre-School sessions a week from the term after they are 3 years old. Spaces for 2½ year olds are limited and charged at £5.50 per session. Lunch Club is held weekdays from 11:30am – 1:00pm at £3.00 per session for Pre-School children and £2.50 per child attending the reception class at Stradbroke Primary School. For more information please contact Denise Coduri (07958733111) or visit www.stradbrokepreschool.cfsites.org Stradbroke Bumps, Babies and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 during term time at the Community Centre. We have a wide range of toys suitable from birth to Pre-School with a craft activity and healthy snack provided for each child. We also have termly visits from the Early Years Family Advisor for weigh-ins and general questions or concerns. Recently, we have purchased a number of new toys for the group; these have proven to be very popular with everyone! This is a great way to meet people in the village and prepare your child for Pre-School in a friendly safe environment. Please contact Zoe on 388398 for more details. Louise Wilkinson, Committee Member.
Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website; www.suffolk-carers.co.uk
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Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321
A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.
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Stradbroke News and Views
Letters to the Editor Sir... “I should like to thank all the people who came to help me and, everyone who supported the `Coffee Morning’ along with those who brought things for the `bring and buy’ on Saturday 12th April at my home. Together with the raffle we have raised £250 towards the cost of funding two of the committee from `The Harleston Flower Club’ to exhibit this year. It was a very successful morning.” June Hampson. Sir... “The seventh Annual Quiz evening in memory of Margaret was held on Friday 4th April 2008. The event was well attended with a total of 21 tables taking part. The title, after a closely fought contest went to “Worligigs” for the third year in succession. We would like to offer our congratulations to them and thank them for their continued support. We would also like to thank Peter and Roy for manning the bar and Ali for her help with the washing up. Thanks also to Sue for helping with the raffle, and to all the people that donated prizes. Our evening would not be complete without the help and guidance of our question master Michael, who as always kept the proceedings running along smoothly, so thanks Mike. Finally we would like to thank everyone who came along for their support which enabled us to donate £375.00 to the St Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich this year. We hope to see you all again in2009!” Julie, Christine and Ange.
Forthcoming Events Home collection boxes & Tea @ 3 Why not help St Elizabeth Hospice by collecting your loose change in a home collection box? Last year the Hospice received over £10,000 from home collection boxes so your loose change really can make a difference. Every penny that you collect will go towards helping to make each day count for the Hospice’s patients and their families. For example, £5 pays for a specially prepared meal for one, £30 pays for a counselling session and £64 pays for one music therapy session. A donation of £8 will pay for the running costs of the Hospice for one minute. Once your home collection box gets full, simply fill in the contact details on the back, deposit your money into your bank account and send us a cheque or postal order for the amount you have raised. Alternatively, you can bring your full box into the Hospice or one of the ten Hospice shops across East Suffolk. We also have collection pots, which can be placed at work, in shops, pubs, clubs or societies. Your pot will be delivered to you and then collected when it is full. Tea @ 3 Throughout the summer months we are inviting people to hold fundraising tea parties or simply make a donation to have a cup of tea. Tea @ 3 is a simple and fun way you can raise money for the Hospice. Did you know that as a nation we get through 165 million cups of tea a day? Therefore why not gather your work colleagues for a tea break, invite your friends round for tea and cakes. You could even give your tea party a theme – a mad hatters tea party, cream tea or teddy bears picnic. Maybe you could have a cake stall as well and ask for a donation for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. You can hold the event at home, in the garden, at work, in a local café or teashop, at school or in your local community or village hall. By taking part in Tea @ 3 you will be supporting St Elizabeth Hospice to provide care and support to patients in East Suffolk who have a life-limiting illness. The focus of the Hospice is quality of life - aiming to meet patient’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs whilst giving support and help to family, friends and carers. St Elizabeth Hospice is an independent charity and all of the wide-ranging services are provided free of charge. It costs £8 per minute to run the Hospice, with annual running costs of £4.2 million. For more information regarding St Elizabeth Hospice’s home collection boxes and about holding your own Tea @ 3, please contact the fundraising office on 01473 723600, email fundraising@stelizabethhospice.org.uk or visit www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk
Stradbroke Local History Group The May meeting will be on 7th May at 7.00pm and is a group visit to Laxfield Museum. Meet at Stradbroke Community Centre at 6.45pm (Non Members welcome £1.50 each)
Lottery Bonus Winners 37 Janet Chambers, 39 Mary Dann, 2 Iris Cattermole, 26 Joan Sparrow. £48 Donated to the Tennis Club and £48 Donated to the Community Centre Mary Ellis
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Tel: 01379 384384 Mon-Friday Daily Specials are £3.50 from Noon to 3pm Sunday Roast £10.00 for two or £5.95p. Children £3.25 Every Thursday 7pm/9pm Hot Buffett all you can eat for £5.00 Teas & Coffee Severed All Day Do book to avoid disappointment We have an outside covered smoking hut We have live music on Tuesday, 1pm – 7pm (local folk music), PLUS on the last Friday of the month 8.30pm-11.30pm various types of music Quiz Night on First Sunday of each month (all profits to The Air Ambulance) Every Year within the second weekend of the month of May we host a Jazz & Real Ale Festival You can hire our function room with its own bar for any event We cater for outside functions be it bar or catering
WROUGHT IRON CURTAIN POLES & FINIALS Select from Black & Gunmetal Finish also Medieval Candle Holders Wrought Iron Towel Rails - Clothes Hooks Foot Scrapers Door Grids- Sundials- Candle Lanterns etc. Tel-01379 388908 Email- suzanhales@btinternet.com
Beauty Therapy By Nikki Mills Waxing, Manicures, Pedicures Nail Extensions, Swedish & Aromatherapy Massage & More! @ Hair Logic, Street farm, Laxfield Rd, Stradbroke Tuesdays & Fridays 9am-8pm
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Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
Coffee Morning
Forthcoming Events
Page 17
The Stradbroke & District Bowls Club are holding a “Coffee Morning” at Pump Cottage from 10.00 am until 11.30 am on the 17th May. Mary Ellis
Over 60’s We seem to be thriving at the moment, with good numbers of people attending the meetings. Our AGM will be on the 1st May and a trip to Woodbridge on the 22nd leaving at 10.00 am. We will be stopping at “Wyvale Garden Centre” on the way home for a “Cream Tea” so any one wishing to join us will be welcome. Ticket prices are £6.00 including the Cream Tea. Stradbroke Over 60’s Club are seeking a Treasurer; is there anyone in the village who would be kind enough to help us? It wouldn’t be necessary for you to attend the meetings if you didn’t want to. The Club has been operating for well over 50 years with a current membership of 26 who look forward to their meetings and trips out. It would be such a shame if we are unable to continue. If you can help then please contact either; Eileen Leftley on 01379 384955 or Joan Grimes on 01379 388723 You would have our heart felt gratitude!
Could you help the Over 60’s club by being their new treasurer?
Plant Sale There is to be a sale of plants at 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke on the 17th May from 9.00 am until 4.00 pm. There will be a good selection on sale including Bedding Plants, Vegetables, Tomato Plants, Courgettes and Busy Lizzies. This event is in aid of the All Saints Church Flower Show. R Copping.
Inter Village Games 2008 The Inter Village games 2008 are at Weybread on Sunday, 13th July. If you, or a member of your family, are strong, athletic or agile, and enjoy taking part in races, please let me know. During the week before, 7th – 12th July, we need players at Archery, Pool, Rounders, Darts & Hockey. I look forward to hearing from you at The Rectory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 384363. Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net. David Streeter, Stradbroke Team Manager, Inter Village Games 2008.
Suffolk Walking Festival 2008
All Saints Church Flower Show fundraiser Plant Sale on 17th May 2008
Sunday May 25th A 12 mile walk around Stradbroke. Picnic lunch at Wilby Green During the period of May 10th to May 26th a Festival Programme of 46 walks throughout Suffolk has been organised at what many people believe to be the most attractive time of year to see our area on foot. This is when Suffolk is at its most luxuriantly green and fertile best. One of the walks starts from Stradbroke Community Centre at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday May 25th. Do join us! Bring a picnic lunch to have in a sheltered spot near Wilby Green. We expect to be back at the Community Centre a little before 4.00 pm. There is no need to book and there is no charge although a voluntary donation of £1 towards the Friends of Stradbroke Church would be welcome. No dogs please. Do join us, and ramblers from all over East Anglia! Gerald Jenkins 384 825
Stradbroke Country Fair Stradbroke Country Fair 19th July 2008, 2.00pm at Street Farm Make a note of this date in your diary for a fun, local event. There will be a barbeque, refreshments and a licensed bar plus many attractions, side shows, including Punch and Judy, and stalls. If any organisation, club or group hasn’t booked a table yet please ring Maria on 01379 384311 to reserve a table. We have already received many bookings so be sure to take this opportunity to raise funds for your group or club as soon as possible - space is limited. Maureen John, Chairman Country Fair Committee
Get the date in your diary now! The Stradbroke Country Fair is back!
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema We have now shown the last film until September. I hope everyone who came enjoyed them as much as I did. I would like to express many thanks to all the people of Stradbroke Community Centre Committee and their spouses who helped to make the cinemas a success. Many thanks to everybody who organized the films, advertising, choc-ices and helped behind the bar and to David Merritt for tidying everything away afterwards. Thank you also to Pam Wolfe for producing the excellent banners, and the person who shall remain nameless for donating the bottom half of their tartan pyjamas that spelled out the letters of Last King of Scotland. (Hope next winter isn’t too cold!) . Most importantly though, I would like to offer a big thank you to everybody who came along and supported the performances. Hopefully you enjoyed them enough to come along next autumn when we plan to start again. They will normally be shown on the third Thursday of each month, commencing on 18th September, followed by 16th October and 20th November. As December is normally a busy month we will not be showing a film then, but if they continue to attract good audiences we will carry on next year until April. We do not have any titles yet, but if there is a film you would like to see, please let the committee know, if we get several requests for a particular one we will try to obtain it. You may like to know that the money raised from these events has gone towards the cost of heating the community centre throughout the winter months. Eileen Shelford, Treasurer,Stradbroke Community Centre.
A date for your diary Saturday 7th June there will be an Early Summer Walk & Brunch leaving the Community Centre at 9am. Gerald Jenkins will take us on a walk of about one hour. Afterwards enjoy a Brunch. Tickets for the brunch will be on sale at the PO in mid-May. All proceeds to the Vestry Roof Fund. Wendy Reeves
Horham Bygones Country Rally Saturday 14th June 2008 Originally started in 2002, as a one-off event to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, the Horham Bygones Country Rally has now become a fixture in the East Anglian rally enthusiast’s calendar, and an annual feature in the small Suffolk village of Horham. Not only does the event generate much needed funds for the Horham and Athelington Community Council, it also offers all types of charities, including the Royal British Legion and East Anglian Children’s Hospice, the opportunity to attend, free of charge, in order to promote their organizations and raise funds. The rally includes displays of bygone tractors, classic cars, commercial vehicles, military vehicles, stationary engines, cycles, auto-cycles, motorcycles and various scale models. There are also numerous trade stands and a car boot sale should you feel the need to ‘grab’ a bargain or two. Displays of tractor ploughing, on a dedicated ‘working’ field, with Robbie, the Shire horse providing his own one horse power display, are always popular. This year sees the removal of the funfair, being replaced by rides, etc. for smaller children. The Fire Service Preservation Group provides displays of fire fighting and rescue techniques during the day. At last year’s rally, when the chimney of the fish and chip catering unit caught fire, they managed to extinguish the blaze before the Stradbroke Fire Tender arrived. Although we can’t promise to provide similar excitement this year! Ample and varied catering outlets including hog roast, rolls and sandwiches, burgers, hotdogs, jacket potatoes, fish and chips and, of course, ice-cream, sweets and candy floss are available. There is also be a licensed bar in the community centre. The entrance fee for the rally is reasonably priced at £4.00 for adults, £2.00 for concessions, £10.00 for a family ticket with accompanied under fives being free. Free car parking is provided in an adjacent field and there is limited disabled car parking on site. On Sunday there is a tractor and auto-cycle road run organised on behalf of East Anglian Children’s Hospice. Starting at 10.00am from the community centre and travelling through the local countryside. Sponsorship and donations for E.A.C.H. are always welcomed. Full details of the rally, including details and photographs of the 2007 rally, can be found on the website www.horhambygones.co.uk Martin
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in t our Ma Check ou cials d our Spe n a , u n e M e ut if you’r Board, b ot ish, why n k c e p ly n o : ar Meals try our B Portions, r e ll a m S “ rices!” Smaller P
Pool Table Beer Garden Quiz Machines
Take some ‘Time Out’ at the White Hart!
Stradbroke News & Views Sports Roundup
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Stradbroke Football Club Results this month for the 1st Team are: Lost 3 – 2 to Hoxne, Lost 3 – 2 Wickham Market, lost 3 – 2 to Sizewell Ajs. Beat Needham Market “A”, 8 – 1 in the second round of the Peel Cup. With 4 more games to play, Stradbroke need 1 more victory to make 2nd Division Football safe for next season. Results this month for the reserves are: Lost to East Bergholt “A” 5 – 3, beat Bacton 2 – 1 and beat Somersham 3 – 0 The Cash Bingo in April raised £97.60 and the next Cash Bingo will be on 9th May in the Community Centre; remember the more who play the bigger the Cash Prizes! Finally, Stradbroke Football Club are holding a Jumble Sale in the Community Centre on the 24th May at 10.00 am until 11.30 am. Hope to see you there! Mary Ellis
Stradbroke Cricket Club Just like the sudden change in the weather, preseason turns into the cricket season like a flick of a switch. All those cold winter evenings, dreaming of summer, and those seemingly endless fitness & net sessions, meet head on with the realisation that it is the first game of the summer(!) Stradbroke CC is no different, and almost as a distraction the last month saw three diverse social functions, each serving a valuable purpose. Firstly the Easter Music Marathon, designed to raise money for the Club as well as the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Both worthy organisations benefited to the tune of £245 each, raised over the Easter weekend. Thanks are due to Marty & Wally for their numerous hours as DJ’s, James Hargrave for his technical know how on the computer, and providing evidence in catching the bike ‘thief’, the many and various volunteers who found the correct record in a box containing 4000, and the Queen’s Head Inn for hosting the minefield that is nostalgia, plus of course everyone who requested songs, without whom there would have been 4 days of silence. Next, in conjunction with Nat West, the Club took part in ‘Cricket Force’. Twenty members & volunteers braved the snow to paint the score box, erect the practice nets, lay turf around the artificial pitch, cut & roll the square, and sort out the kit in readiness for the new season. All vital jobs undertaken with enthusiasm. Our thanks are due to Nat West in Bury for sponsoring the day. The picture shows some of the survivors. Lastly, as a team building exercise, 13 members took part in what will probably become a regular event, the inaugural Ten Pin Bowling Cup. The winning team were Scott, Jo, Dick, & Sal. That’s the fun over with, now comes the cricket. Be part of it. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Table Tennis Club The Stradbroke Table Tennis Club would like to take the opportunity of thanking the Rev David Streeter for his kind donation of a much-needed new table. With another two weeks to run, we look forward to seeing everyone again in September 2008. Tony Potts
Stradbroke Tennis Club We will be holding a Cheese and Wine Evening on Saturday 24th May at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre. Tickets are priced at £6.00 each person and can be obtained from John Bedwell, Mary Ellis or any member of the committee.
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road Telephone: 01379 384560
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Sports Roundup
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My London Marathon Challenge – This WasThe Day My 24hrs began the day before, when Carol and I went to officially register for the race in London’s Docklands. I went to my assigned check-in desk and signed away any liability claim, the assistant joked “A ha! a virgin” and then looked at my age and said “No, an Old Virgin” – Not an auspicious start. The Race Begins! And so there I stood at the back of a half mile queue, 20 to 30 people deep, along with 35,000 others. I turned round and looked up, and then up again, to see a man climbing into a 10ft giant robot! – this guy was going to walk 26.2 miles in this enormous kids transformer toy. It epitomised for me the whole spectacle; thousands of people for all kinds of different personal reasons, challenging themselves to raise over £50m for good causes the world over. The Klaxon went off at 09.45 on the dot, and nothing happened! 15 minutes later I walked across the starting line – I was now in ‘Go’ mode and off! No sooner had I started jogging I noticed people nipping off the road, "Are they skiving off, or do they know a short cut?" No they were ‘caught short’ with excitement and were squatting in the bushes, or standing behind trees – not something you would see on TV. Meanwhile my support team were planning their first meet-up. Given there were 35,000 of us all looking rather similar (except for the odd fairy or banana) the idea seemed a little ‘pie in the sky’. At around the 7 mile mark I was supposed to look for a small person in the crowd! Amazingly at 11:00, right on schedule, two little hands started waving frantically and Carol’s big beaming face appeared in the throng. Having met once, I now had something to look forward to during the race. Elli and Adeline joined the team for the next meetings and took some great pictures, cheered, clapped and generally made a lot of noise. In all we met up 4 times – Not bad considering. Running and Running The first 5 miles was spent avoiding treading on other runner's toes, or from being knocked over by the odd gorilla. After that the field started to open up a little and I could appreciate ‘the scenery’. The crowds were phenomenal; shouts like Oggy! Oggy! Oggy! and "give me 5" hand-slaps with the kids made my MP3 player redundant. There were Brass Bands, cheer leaders, even a sprinkling of holy water by a priest as we ran past his church. It was just a truly great experience. The running was going according to plan, until about the 18-mile mark. Then I started passing a few “drop outs” - people who couldn’t run any further. I got to thinking about my own state of health and then it happened. A sudden sharp stabbing pain in my left knee, exactly what had occurred in one of my practice runs. Panic! I stopped, re-adjusted and tightened my knee support, and as quickly as possible started again. I knew that if I walked now that would be it; the legs would seize up. Gradually I got back into a rhythm - what a relief! Then came the hard slog! 8 miles still to go and the legs were begging me "enough is enough". I put my head down and concentrated on just putting one foot after the other. Tower Bridge went by (4miles to go) then London Bridge (3 to go) then the tunnel at Blackfriars (2 to go) and suddenly I emerged on the Thames Embankment - and the crowds started shouting and clapping and cheering, it was absolutely amazing. I knew now I would finish, there was no way anyone could give up with all these people willing you on. Even those that had started walking under the bridge suddenly lifted their legs a bit higher and started to jog. The next support team meet was to be about 1 mile from the finish, although I wasn't sure if I would see them because of the size of the crowd. This was an added incentive now to get to the finish. In the event the crowds were so overwhelming that I didn't see my support team at the planned 25m mark, but what the heck I didn't need them anymore. And in the End And so, exhausted and elated I crossed the finishing line smiling for the camera. I received my medal (not gold!) had my celebratory photo taken, got changed and rang Carol. "Where are you?" she said. "What do you mean where am I? I'm getting changed!” I said. "What!" she exclaimed. "We're still at Westminster Bridge waiting for you". I smiled feeling rather pleased that running was in fact faster than the London Underground. With my legs now totally dysfunctional we took the tube back to our friend’s house where I had a glorious hot bath and sat down with my first glass of wine in 7 weeks - I have always said that the best part of running is when you stop, this just confirmed it. My Time 3hr 53min 21sec My position 8106th I would like to give a very big ‘thank you’ to all my sponsors, too many to list here, who made this race possible for me. In total you helped me to raise over £3,400 of which over £600 came from the Village. (list to be put up in the Post Office) Don Darling
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Tel/Fax: 01379 388174
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Local Gardeners Notes May is one of the most exciting months of the year when there is plenty to see, everything is fresh and new and yet there is still time to start growing things for the summer. It’s not too late to mulch the beds to prevent weed growth and keep moisture in, one of the best mulches is last year’s compost. I have two large compost bins and alternate them each year, this gives me more than enough compost. Bulbs are still looking good especially late flowering narcissus and tulips, don’t forget to dead head after they have flowered and feed big clumps with something like bone meal or grow more. Bluebells will probably be out by the time you read this, anything like bluebells, snowdrops or muscari (grape hyacinth), should not be dead headed as they will seed around. My parents have a farm in Sussex and bluebells cover a lot of their woodland, we always try and go back to walk in the woods as this heralds the beginning of summer almost as much as hearing the first cuckoo at the end of April. Talking of birds, this year I seem to have heard a lot more skylarks than normal, particularly on the Doggetts walk around Stradbroke, I have even heard them whilst working at the Hopkins Homes development. There is still time to split late flowering perennials such as rudbeckia, asters and helianthus. Don’t forget to start staking tall herbaceous plants as they grow rather than waiting until wind and rain bash them. Once trees have come into leaf it is important to keep any newly planted ones Bluebells watered during dry spells. A good mulch around the base will also help. For fruit trees you can also give them a feed with a bone meal or something similar, the area to sprinkle the feed is just in from the widest point of the canopy as this is where the roots that take up food are underground. Once stone fruit trees (plums, cherries, etc) have come into leaf they can be pruned using the same principles as apples and pears, removing dead, damaged and diseased wood first then opening up the centre of the crown to improve air flow. Depending on the temperature it should be alright to plant out dahlias and cannas making sure you improve soil with plenty of organic matter to get the best out of them in late summer. In the vegetable garden you can start sowing almost Muscari anything outside including lettuce, radish, sprouting broccoli, carrots, peas, french and runner beans, rocket, parsley and sweet corn. Things like cucumbers, marrows and tomatoes should be started off under cover and removed later. Keep an eye on slugs and snails and also watch out for your neighbour’s cat scratching up your seedlings (this is no comment on our own neighbours cats, of course, who I am sure are much better behaved than our own!). If you don’t have much room or time choose salads like rocket, cut and come again mixed leaf lettuce and radishes as they taste great and are easy to grow. Luke The Wheelwrights, Church Street, Stradbroke. Luke Heydon
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Page 30
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Page 31
Page 32
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Page 33
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Page 34
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Page 35
Joining Individuals Groups Social Activities Wellbeing
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Village Diary for Late April 29th 30th
Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am until 1.30pm Art Exhibition and Sale preview in All Saints Church 7.00 to 9.00pm
Village Diary for May 1st - 5th 1st 1st 1st 3rd 6th 6th 7th 7th 7th 8th 8th 9th 10th 11th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 15th 16th 17th 20th 22nd 22nd 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 27th 27th 30th
Art Exhibition in All Saints Church 10.00am until 6.00pm Annual Parish Meeting, 7.30pm in the Community Centre Over 60’s Club AGM meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00pm RBL meeting at The King’s Head, Laxfield starting at 11.30am Plant Sale in All Saints Church Yard 10.00am until noon Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Stradbroke Good Neighbours AGM in the Community Centre at 2.30pm Chess Club meets every Wednesday at 7.30pm in the Diss Cue Club Hartismere Hospital League of Friends AGM (see inside for info) Local History Group visit to Laxfield Museum at 7pm. Meet at Community Centre for 6.45pm All Saints Church Cleaning at 10.00 am Women’s Institute Meeting at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Cash Bingo in the Community Centre starting at 7.30 pm Parish council Meeting at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre Concert of Gospel Music at All saints Church 11.00 am Evensong at Horham Church with Friends of the 95th Bomb Group Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Cameo Lunch in the Baptist Church Hall at 12.30pm Over 60’s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00pm Tim Green in the Library 11.00 am until 11.30 am “Quizaid”, A Quiz Evening for Christian Aid. Community Centre at 7.30 pm Plant Sale at 21 Woodfields 9.00 am until 4.00 pm Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Over 60’s Club Trip to Woodbridge leaving the Community Centre at 10.00 am Connect at 10.30am in the Baptist Church Church Fund Raising Committee’s St Trinian’s Evening. *****Articles in strictly by this date please!***** Cheese and Wine Evening for the Tennis Club. 7.30 pm in the Community Centre Walk around Stradbroke from the Community Centre at 10.30am (see inside for info) Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am “The English Civil War”, by Clive Paine (a short AGM following) 7.30pm in the C.C. Collate magazine in the Community Centre at 10.00 am
Village Diary for Early June 5th 7th 14th 14th
RBL meeting is a visit to Alan Smith’s garden in Hoxne (see inside for info) Early Summer Walk and Brunch leaves the Community Centre at 9.00 am Bygones Country Rally starting at 10.00 am (see inside for info) Stradbroke Wine Society Hog Roast (see inside for details)
Get In Touch! We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Email on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk or contact Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and clearly marked ‘For Publication’.
Email on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. Advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 The distribution is organised by Wendy Reeves, Tel 388779