WWW.STRADBROKE.ORG.UK £1 where sold.
October 2008 No. 341
The Stradbroke Monthly Parish Magazine: Help Needed!
Inside this issue: Local Churches
3, 4
Parish Pump!
Organisation News
9, 10, 12, 14
Forthcoming Events
17, 18
Sports RoundUp
20, 23
Gardeners Notes
Village Diary
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Sadly, Wendy Reeves who has been organising the collation and distribution of the magazine has decided to step down. I would like to thank Wendy on behalf of the Parish Council and all residents for all her hard work and efficiency. This is a ‗behind the scenes‘ job but absolutely vital in order for us all to receive our monthly edition of the magazine. We are looking for a replacement for Wendy. So if you can spare a few hours on a Friday morning towards the end of each month we would be very pleased to hear from you. Please contact me or the Parish Clerk as soon as possible. We would also be pleased to hear from anyone who would be willing to help with either collation or distribution. Ann Kerr Chairman Stradbroke Parish Council 01379 384975 or annkerr@suffolkonline.net Carol Smy 01379 384 679 bsca@thesmys.com
Your Editor Speaks... Michael and Mary Ellis have been awarded Football Association awards for over 100 years combined dedicated service to their local football club at the Suffolk FA Awards Evening. Michael Ellis received the 50 year long service award and Mary received the Suffolk FA Volunteer Workforce award from David Sheepshank, the Ipswich Town chairman, at an event held in the Sir Bobby Robson suite in the Portman Road stadium. The Ellis family‘s involvement with Stradbroke Football Club doesn‘t finish there as last season their sons, twins Kevin and David Ellis, along with younger brother Micky, were still playing for the club making it a truly family affair. Well done ……Editor.
Michael and Mary Ellis have won FA awards for their loyal service to Stradbroke United. Photo: Diss Express
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Local Churches
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Stradbroke Baptist Church Laxfield Road Stradbroke Suffolk Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference to you and to others Treasurer; Mrs B Ward 586731
Contacts Malcolm Ramm 388797 Zoe Shears 388398
Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards. Services in October 5th Angela Ling 12th Steve Ranson 19th Eric Havers 26th David Willson Youth Group T.C+ meet TUESDAY evenings during term time at 6.15.pm. for High School Students. Contact Steve; 388398. Cameo Lunch is held on the 2nd WEDNESDAY of the month at 12.30am. Between 35-40 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment and welcome anyone who would like to join with us. Contact 384112. Drop in for Coffee. Something new for you and your friends 4th WEDNESDAY of each month. 10.00 11.30am. Contact Daphne 384175 or Angela 388751
Read all about it! News… Notices… Information… Dear friends, I have for many years now held various positions at the Baptist Church including being an elder all of which I have enjoyed doing. However the time has now come for me to retire from these tasks mainly due to my health and also feeling its time to encourage others to hold office. I will along with my wife continue to have an input into the monthly luncheon club and of course will continue to attend the church and trust that with some extra rest my health will improve. Eric Havers. We, as a church family, offer our thanks to Eric for all he has done for the Baptist Church over the years and pray that he will soon be restored to good health. Our new contact numbers are Zoe Shears 388398 and Malcolm Ramm 388797. We now have a Hall Booking Secretary who is Angela Ling, so if any one would like to use the hall, her phone number is 388751 We are starting a ―Drop in for Coffee, Bring and Buy, Swap Shop‖ which will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month beginning on 22nd October. The money collected will be sent to the advertised charity. The proceedings over the next 3 months will go to Tear Fund ( floods in India) Please see the leaflets that will be around the village this month. Jackie
Drop in for Coffee, Bring and Buy, Swap Shop‖ which will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month beginning on 22nd October.
Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk
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Local Churches All Saints, Stradbroke 28th September 5th October 12th October 13th October 19th October 26th October 2nd November
Holy Communion Morning Prayer Family Communion Harvest Festival Holy Communion Festival Evensong Primary School Harvest Service Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Family Service
8.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am 8.00 am 6.30 pm 9.30 am 8.00 am 1.15 am 8.00 am 11.15 am 8.00 am 10.00 am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Village Show was once again well supported and a happy event and all thanks must go to Angela and Roly Copping who did most of the organising. A profit of £405.86 was made. Next year we are hoping to have a competition to find out who can grow the biggest potato in a pail with more details nearer the time. The cake stall on the 1st September raised £100.00 so thanks to all who supplied Janet and my self with cakes to sell. The next cake stall is on the 18th October 8.30 am onwards. On the 24th October at 7.30 pm we are holding our annual Quiz Evening in the Community Centre for teams of 4 at £3.00 per person and you can enter, after 6th October, by contacting Mary Ellis on 01379 384642 or just come on the night. Michael Hugman has agreed to be the Question Master and a good entertaining evening is expected. November the 13th is our Xmas coffee morning at the Chantry from 10.00 to 11.30 am by kind permission of Anne and Jeremy Higgins. Any saleable items are welcome especially with an Xmas theme. There will also be produce for sale. Once again thanks for all your support and thanks also to the 5 ladies who make everything happen. Once Again, thanks to Betty & Dougie Chiltock for holding a dance at Wilby for our church. Mary Ellis
The Rectory - Tel: 384363 Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net Dear Friends, 28th September is ―Back to Church Sunday‖ when we remind ourselves of the need to support the church and to come inside throughout the year, and not only on special and festive occasions! Please come to All Saints at 8.00 and 10.00 am that morning. Sunday October 12th is Harvest Festival. The Benefice Choir will lead our song of thanksgiving, and Dave Cooper will be there to tell us about the Diocese of Kagera in Tanzania to which we are making donations this year, including The Harvest Festival collection; please give your generous support. There is information about Kagera in the church now; do go in and take a look, so as to be better informed for your giving. The Primary School are coming early on Monday morning, 9.30 am, for their service, and there will be Tea and Cake, and a Sale of Harvest Produce, in the church that afternoon, between 3.15 and 5.00 pm for Christian Aid, on Monday 13th October. Early on the previous Saturday morning, 11th October, the ropes and harness will be taken to the top of the tower for a morning‘s abseiling, from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm. Please let me know if you would like to take part in this exciting experience of coming down the 100ft of the tower, to impress your family and friends, and to have an amazing opportunity, not only to see the view from the top, but to reach the ground again, thrilled and amazed at what you have done. Cost? £10.00! Sponsorship forms, for church funds, are available; do ask for one. As I write this, the church is filling with colour for our festival weekend, at the hands of our flower arrangers. Do you want to join them? As you will have seen this weekend, there is room for many people to exercise this skill and talent, some for the first time in our church. At Harvest Festival, it could be you, please! We also need more bell ringers in the parish. If you enjoyed the peal on Saturday, 20th September, let me have your name to join those learning to ring our bells, so that we can ring our own peals at our church. With all good wishes, David Streeter
Church Cleaning on Thursday, 2nd October, 10.00 am onwards. Margaret Streeter
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Dirty Oven??
Vehicle Body and Mechanical Repairs, Agricultural and Electrical Engineers Proprietor Adam Taylor Corner Gn Fm, Wingfield Tel 384909 or 384733
Figa & Co. Ltd.
flowers . interiors . gardens . art Come and join us and see our range of Summer Home & Garden Wares, Gifts and Flowers. We offer Interior and Garden Design , Home Accessories, Original Art Work and Floral Design Call us anytime to order Fresh flowers. - Free local Delivery! Summer Floral Design Courses running through June Call for details: Hempsheaf Studio . Queen Street . Stradbroke . 01379 384 073
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NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 13th October 2008 7.30pm At the Community Centre
“A visit had been made to the editor of the Ufford Punch magazine to investigate the relative merits of leasing or purchasing a more up to date printer for the magazine.”
Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump! PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 08 SEPTEMBER 2008 Public Forum No items were brought to the attention of the Parish Council this month. Planning The following items were considered by the Parish Council: 2407/08 variation of condition 5 of PP2680/06 to include the wording ‗above ground level‘ so that the condition only restricts the insertion of windows above ground floor level garden land formerly attached to Sunnymede, New Street 3026/08 to remove a variety of poplar tree + three offshoot trees the roots of which may be affecting the foundations of a neighbouring house, no 8 Willow Close 10 Willow Close Both the above had approval recommended. Mike Readman and Nick Stones abstained from voting on 2407/08 Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: The following had planning permission refused: 3679/07 erection of 3x new dwellings + garages Street Farm, Laxfield Road 1950/08 erection of new dwelling Silver Glade, Doctors Lane 2376/08 erection of one 1.5 storey dwelling attached to the south of 4 Westhall with use of existing vehicular access 4 Westhall The following had planning permission granted: 2413/08 erection of detached garage (following demolition of existing) Yew Tree Cottage, New St No other Planning Matters were discussed. Other Business The Working Party formed under the chairmanship of Nick Stones had met to discuss the viability of drainage of the Playing Field. The Council discussed this at great length and it was agreed that grants should be applied for to fund the cost, which was likely to be quite substantial. Further legal advice was to be sought concerning possible leases for the cricket club and football club. A visit had been made to the editor of the Ufford Punch magazine to investigate the relative merits of leasing/purchasing a more up to date printer for the magazine. This had been a very productive visit and more costings would now be made to help determine a way forward. Cllr Guy McGregor gave further information to the Council on the projected savings to be made should the Boundary Committee recommend the One Suffolk model. He also brought the Council up to date on various grants he had provided and a visit to Endeavour House organised for the youth clubs of Stradbroke and Debenham so they could gain some insight into the workings of local government. As mentioned on this page last month a difficulty has arisen with some graves in the cemetery: some of the kerbs have sunk and are causing problems with the grass cutting and there is a risk of damaging equipment. The Council hopes that if any residents know of relatives‘ graves, which have sunken kerbs, they might get in touch with the Clerk to discuss any remedial action that could be taken. A further reminder! Please note…the non-emergency Police telephone number was
omitted from the Directory. If you wish to contact PC Tim Green or PCSO Steven Long please dial 01284 774100 and ask for them by name. Do not hesitate to dial 999 in a genuine emergency. The next meeting of the Parish Council: Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy Can you help solve the graveyard grass cutting issue?
13 October 2008 at 7.30pm tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com
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SPUDS R US Potatoesi Locally Grown Free Local Delivery Call Ralph on 668622
01379 388521
Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Farm Shop for
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A C Boiler Services Ltd, Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.
Drawing for all… Learning…improving…enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact
Dave Sumner on 01379 388238…
Indulgence Beauty Therapy By Victoria Wednesday‟s 10am – 7.30pm Friday‟s 9.30am – 5pm Aromatherapy Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tinting, Nail Extensions and Slimming Wraps Manicures & Pedicures Using „Jessica‟ products „Get Fresh‟ Back &, Body Treatments Exquisite Bridal Hair Design and flawless Airbrush Make-up
Also Available…
Tel 07776 343 153 No 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke
Life in the Legion
Page 9
Eighteen members including guests attended the September Monthly Meeting. The guest Speaker was Roger Plant from Harleston his subject being The Prison Service. The talk was most interesting with the main point of interest being that we have 135 Prisons in this Country with a Prison Population of 83,000. Our Chairman Michael Burton presided and gave the Vote of thanks. The main topic of the business part of the meeting was that Roger Gwyn, our treasurer, has resigned largely as a result of The New Financial Arrangements being instructed by our Headquarters in London. John Graham on behalf of the members thanked him for his outstanding contribution to The Branch during his period in Office. Nick Eade the local H Group Representative gave a very detailed report which included the date now fixed for The H group AGM which is Thursday November 13th to be held at Brome Community Centre, and hosted by The Hoxne Branch. The next Branch Meeting is on Thursday October 2nd at The Laxfield King‘s Head before which a committee meeting will be held commencing at 10.30am. The main meeting will commence at 11.30am as usual. The Guest Speaker is being arranged. As a result of the Wortham Branch closing their Standard will be laid up in Wortham Church at a service commencing at 09.15am on Sunday 19th October. Members are requested to attend if possible. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.
Poppy Appeal Launch Coffee Morning Friday 24th October 10am to 12 noon he Chantry, Queen Street.
A Coffee Morning as above to which everybody is invited will be held to launch The 2008 Poppy Appeal. The entrance will be 50p and this will include Refreshments. There will be a Draw, and a Bring and Buy Sales Table, with Cakes and produce so please come along. Jeremy Higgins - Poppy Organiser.
The Diss, Thetford & District CAB Shelfanger Rd, Diss:
01379 651333
www.adviceguide.org.uk Email: bureau@disscab.cabnet.org.uk Registered in England & Wales no 04212031 Charity reg no.1089052
There are changes and alerts happening all the time which effect the decisions we all make. This month, highlighted on the advice website are the following: Help for flood victims Personal tax allowance increase Travel companies cease trading Help with energy bills Help for homeowners Coming soon New benefit for people unable to work Increases in the National Minimum Wage If you want to know more about these and/or any other issues our advisers in Diss will be happy to help you in confidence and without prejudice.
Organisations Page 10
Stradbroke Women’s Institute Jennifer Gibbs entertained us at our September meeting with her talk on Turkish Cuisine. She made a striking figure in the traditional dress of the village she lives in, complete with shocking pink baggy pantaloons. She gave us a fascinating insight into life in a Turkish village high in the mountains where snow sprinkled with sugar is a delicacy. A hard life, especially for the women, but a contented one. We were able to taste real Turkish delight, lovely Couscous and drool over beautiful silk pashimas, gorgeous cotton tablecloths and pure silk scarves everyone hand made. The women of the village spun the actual cotton used in the making of the items We all enjoyed a great evening and Jane Gemmill spoke on behalf of all of us with her vote of thanks. Irene Rogers – well done Irene, won the competition, for a Turkish souvenir. Our next meeting is on Thursday 9th October at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre and I hope to see you there. Iris Badcock, Press Secretary
“Jennifer Gibbs entertained us at our September meeting with her talk on Turkish Cuisine. “
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our phone number is 07749445531 :- Can we help you? Do you: Need your smoke alarm checked? Need a return journey to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done? The only small charge we make is for petrol - £1.50 to Stradbroke and £2.50 to Fressingfield with a charge of 35p per mile for longer journeys. All other help is given free of charge We would appreciate at least 24 hours‘ notice and look forward to being of service.
Neighbourhood Watch
The Police are asking the public to report immediately or as soon as possible, anybody suspicious going from door to door offering to do gardening or buying scrap metal/old vehicles etc.
PC Tim Green will be in the library on Thursday 30 October 1100 to 1130 to meet any members of the public who wish to discuss concerns with him. The Police are asking the public to report immediately or as soon as possible, anybody suspicious going from door to door offering to do gardening or buying scrap metal/old vehicles etc. As much detail as possible should be reported, including what the individuals look like and any vehicle registration numbers. Irrespective of the above, there remains a high risk of thefts of agricultural and gardening machinery and vehicles. A lawnmower and strimmer have been stolen from a shed in Stradbroke. Thirty piglets have been stolen from a farm in Weybread. Please use the following numbers to contact Police: Crime and suspicious activity should be reported on the following numbers, preferably as it is happening: Emergencies: 999 Non-urgent calls charged at a local rate to the following police switchboards: 01473 613500 (first choice) or 01986 835300. I am your point of contact if you have any suggestions or concerns: 01379 388977 - Nick Thompson
Suffolk Family Carers “Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232or visit our website; suffolkcarers.co.uk.
We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers‘ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website; www.suffolk-carers.co.uk
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Debbie’s Cake Art Bespoke Wedding & Celebration Cakes Chocolate Cakes a Speciality 8 Farriers Close, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 388268 www.debbiescakeart.co.uk Email: deb@debbiescakeart.co.uk
Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709
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Stradbroke Primary School
Welcome to the Autumn term from Stradbroke CEVC Primary. I like to think of all the things I‘m looking forward to this term. My first priority is to meet our new Reception children and try to remember all their names! We have a new Deputy joining us this term, Mrs Poole, who will be taking over the Special Needs co-ordinator role and I welcome working with her. The ―Mini-monsters‖ road show I have organised promises to be great fun and I can‘t wait to see the pupils faces as they are offered the chance to handle giant snails and millipedes. I have booked Dr Ken a very talented Scientist to deliver workshops to every class and an ―Entertaining Circus Skills Science Show‖. Our youngest pupils will also have the chance to meet Jane Hissey author of the ―Old Bear‖ stories at Stradbroke Library this term. I feel lucky to do the job that I do. Every Summer I begin the six weeks holiday completely exhausted, but by Autumn that is all forgotten as the new term offers great possibility and excitement. Again I offer any new parents in the area or those of you considering where to send your children an invitation to look around Stradbroke Primary. You will receive a warm welcome and a personal guided tour from me! I have had the chance to deliver this quite a few times now and we welcome two new pupils this term to Year Five and Year Four. We have now drafted our Disability Equality Duty. This document aims to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and other people who use the school or may wish to. We have a duty to prepare and publish a disability equality scheme to show how they will meet these duties and offer the local community a chance to read this. If you are interested in obtaining a copy please contact the school. We are also looking to appoint a new Mid-day Supervisory Assistant following the promotion of a member of staff. If you have time each day to spare between 11.45am and 1.00pm this could be the perfect vacancy for you! Please contact Mrs. Read our school secretary (01379) 384415 for further information. Melanie Barrow, Headteacher.
Stradbroke & District Pre-School with Stradbroke Bumps, Babies & Toddler Group. This term we welcome back several children: Molly Lord, Gemma Smith, Morgan Flounders, Shelby Thompson, Marcus Carter, Amber Bryson, Harrison Beale, Oliver Keeble, Mia Perry, Emily Goddard, Ty Goodswen, Elliot Adams and Thomas Smyth. We hope you all have as much fun in this term as you did in the last and help the new children to settle in. A big thank you to Ruth Ryan for donating a fantastic log cabin, and to John Meadows for donating a huge gazebo so that the children can play outside in sunshine and in rain. Don’t forget the 70’s & 80’s Disco on 18th October at The Community Centre at 8pm – tickets on sale now for £7.50 (including a finger buffet) at The Post Office. There will be a ‘Tuck Shop’ with all your favourite 70’s & 80’s sweets on the night! The Christmas Bingo Night is on 21st November at 7:30pm – more details to follow, remember to buy your raffle tickets in advance for some amazing prizes donated by local businesses. Stradbroke & District Pre-School is held every weekday from 9am – 11:30am during term time in the grounds of the primary school. Children can attend up to 5 free Pre-School sessions a week from the term after they are 3 years old. Spaces for 2½ year olds are limited and charged at £6.00 per session. Lunch Club is held weekdays from 11:30am – 1:00pm at £3.00 per session for Pre-School children and £2.50 per child attending the reception class at Stradbroke Primary School. For more information please contact Denise Coduri (07958733111) or visit www.stradbrokepreschool.cfsites.org Stradbroke Bumps, Babies and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 during term time at the Community Centre. We have a wide range of toys suitable from birth to Pre-School with a craft activity and healthy snack provided for each child. We also have termly visits from the Early Years Family Advisor for weigh-ins and general questions or concerns. We have welcomed a lot of new faces recently so this really is a great way to meet people in the village and prepare your child for Pre-School in a friendly safe environment. Please contact Zoe on 388398 for more details. Louise Wilkinson, Committee Member. STOP PRESS: We would be very grateful for any volunteers to make the refreshments at the Toddler Group, if you would like to help out, please contact Zoe.
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Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321
A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.
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Stradbroke Local History Group If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. By email to slhg@stradbroke.org.uk or tel. 01379 388341
Stradbroke Local History Group
An afternoon out in the rare sunshine as we visited the churches at Wilby, Brundish and Dennington. Roy Tricker provided an entertaining and very informative talk on the history and evolution of these three churches. Thoroughly enjoyed by all.
This Month’s Meeting: Wednesday, 1st October 2008 at 7.00 p.m.
Future Events
“It happened here in Suffolk”
The next
We are back at the Community Centre for this month‘s meeting where we shall hear from well known speaker Pip Wright about strange and wonderful things from Suffolk‘s history.
Village Archive Slideshow (No3 in the series) will be held in November. Details in next month‘s magazine
Non members (£2.00) always welcome Mike Readman
SBEC Year 11 pupils at Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College have achieved excellent results again this year with many individuals gaining outstanding grades. 94% of pupils achieved A* - G grades, well above the schools target. 56% of pupils achieved five or more A* - C grades. The results for pupils achieving five or more A* - C grades including Maths and English is 51%, again well above the schools target. There are numerous success stories with several pupils exceeding their individual targets based upon prior attainment. Our Head Boy and Head Girl both gained outstanding results with 10 A* and 6 A grades between them. Results for pupils passing GCSE at A* - C in many subjects are outstanding including: Graphics 89%, Art 89%, French 80%, Food Technology 78%, Science 68%, Geography 67% and Maths 64%. Michelle Saunders
Inter Village Games 2008 Thank you to all those who joined the Stradbroke team, and took part during the week with energy and enthusiasm, and to those who supported them. We did not come first or last, but we hope to do better next year at Metfield. Rev David Streeter, Team
Friends Of All Saints Church The Friends of All Saints were very grateful to all the kind people who donated plants and seedlings to our Plant Sale last May. As it was such a great success, we will repeat the performance on Sat May 2nd next year to coincide with the Art Exhibition. So if any of you keen gardeners are splitting plants or sowing seeds in preparation for next year, we would be very pleased if you bore us in mind. The date to remember is Sat 2nd May 2009. Forthcoming Event—Saturday 15 November - Tastes of Europe, an evening of food, wine and music. F.O.A.S.S. More details next month. Margaret Buckland
Lottery Bonus Winners 44 M. Ellis 48 A. Naulls 46 M. Jenkins 35 J. Ward £48.00 donated to Stradbroke Football Club £48.00 donated to Stradbroke and District Bowls Club There will be no lottery draws on 27th September and 4th October.
Mary Ellis
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Tel: 01379 384384 Mon-Friday Daily Specials are £3.50 from Noon to 3pm Sunday Roast £10.00 for two or £5.95p. Children £3.25 Every Thursday 7pm/9pm Hot Buffet all you can eat for £5.00 Teas & Coffee Served All Day Do book to avoid disappointment We have an outside covered smoking hut We have live music on Tuesday, 1pm – 7pm (local folk music), PLUS on the last Friday of the month 8.30pm-11.30pm various types of music Quiz Night on First Sunday of each month (all profits to The Air Ambulance) Every Year within the second weekend of the month of May we host a Jazz & Real Ale Festival You can hire our function room with its own bar for any event We cater for outside functions be it bar or catering
WROUGHT IRON CURTAIN POLES & FINIALS Select from Black & Gunmetal Finish also Medieval Candle Holders Wrought Iron Towel Rails - Clothes Hooks Foot Scrapers Door Grids- Sundials- Candle Lanterns etc. Tel-01379 388908 Email- suzanhales@btinternet.com
Beauty Therapy By Nikki Mills Waxing, Manicures, Pedicures Nail Extensions, Swedish & Aromatherapy Massage & More! @ Hair Logic, Street farm, Laxfield Rd, Stradbroke Fridays 9am-8pm
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Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
Forthcoming Events
Page 17
Farmers Market at SBEC
4th October 2008 "Chris the Fish" will once again be with us, with a huge range of fish and shellfish plus some speciality meats (last month venison, ostrich, bison and kangaroo!). We should have the full compliment of food stalls plus other stalls of interest such as jewellery and cosmetics. There will also be a large Raffle available specifically raising funds to help with our forthcoming Year 11 Business trip. Advance information. November market (1st November) by popular demand, Paul Yaxley will be back to cook in front of an audience using ingredients from the stalls. Michelle Saunders
Stradbroke Cinema—―Gone Baby Gone‖ (15) Thursday, 16th October, Community Centre, 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open - and ice creams in the interval! For entrance of £5.50 It is a 2007 American crime drama/mystery film directed by Ben Affleck. Dennis Lehane bases the screenplay by Affleck and Aaron Stockard on the novel of the same name. The plot centers on two private investigators hunting for an abducted four-year -old girl from the Boston neighbourhood of Dorchester. Starring - Casey Affleck , Michelle Monaghan and Morgan Freeman, the film was withdrawn from UK release last year because the distributor considered it uncomfortably close to the McCann case. Anyone likely to feel pained by the topic should know that Gone Baby Gone is no more comfortable to watch in 2008 than it would have been when Madeleine McCann stared out from every front page. The film uses the missing-child theme to get under our skins in no uncertain ways, but it's in no way exploitative. Instead, Gone Baby Gone uses the detective format to ask some prickly questions about responsibility and the perils of attempting to do good. But this is also an extremely gripping and ingenious mystery. A tough tale with a cast of both well-known and unknown actors, and walk-ons from the streets of the Boston area where the grisly story takes place. The result is a film well tuned and realistic, with a perfect sense of pacing and character development. Mamma Mia On November 20th, we will be showing Mamma Mia. My apologies for the error in last month‘s magazine. Margaret Streeter.
Prize Bingo
SBEC Farmers Market showcasing local produce on 4th October.
Entrance Fee £5.50
There will be ―Prize Bingo‖ in aid of Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club on Friday October 3rd at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Centre. There will be many excellent prizes, a raffle and refreshments, plus a flyer to win a hamper Please join us for a fun evening. Julie Ward, Secretary of the White Hart Bowls Club
Stradbroke Over 60’s Club We had two ―get togethers‖ this month, both enjoyed by a good number of members! Our next meetings will be on the 2nd and the 16th October 2.00 pm till 4.00 pm in the Community Centre where all will be made welcome. Our final trip of the year will be to Lowestoft on the 9th October leaving the Community Centre at 10.00 am and the fare will be £6.00 per person. If anyone wishes to come along just ring John on 388723 or Eileen on 384955. Joan Grimes
Craft Fair & Mini Market There will be a Craft Fair & Mini Market in aid of St Andrews Church Wingfield on Saturday 18th October in Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. The price of admission is 40p with children entering free. Refreshments available. Dawn Smith
Stradbroke LOVES Prize Bingo! IAO White Hart Bowls Club this month!
O at to R co
Forthcoming Events
Page 18
Walk in Flu Clinics in Fressingfield and Stradbroke
You are eligible for a ―Flu Jab‖ if: You have chronic Respiratory disease, You have chronic Heart disease, You have chronic Kidney disease, You have chronic Liver disease, You are Diabetic, You have a weak immune system, You have a history of stroke, TIA , Multiple Sclerosis or a disease of the central nervous system, You are over 65 years of age.
Please note: Due to the costs involved we will not be sending out letters to invite patients - if you are eligible for a flu jab please turn up to one of the walk-in clinics below. It is *not* necessary to make an appointment.
Stradbroke Medical Centre Wednesday 1st October
9 am to 11 am
Friday 3rd October
9 am to 11 am
Friday 3rd October
4 pm to 5:30 pm
Monday 6th October
9 am to 11 am
Monday 6th October
4 pm to 5:30 pm
Wednesday 8th October
9 am to 11 am
Fressingfield Medical Centre Tuesday 7th October
9 am to 11 am
Tuesday 7th October
2 pm to 3:30 pm
Friday 10th October
9 am to 11 am
Friday 10th October
2 pm to 3:30 pm
Tuesday 14th October
9 am to 11 am
Tuesday 14th October
2 pm to 3:30 pm
Friday 17th October
9 am to 11 am
Friday 17th October
2 pm to 3:30 pm
Letters to the Editor “Sir Who‟s moved into the old Partridge & Lucas office? Our Company is Food Safety Services (UK) Limited. We are an administration office, organising food hygiene audits at factories all over the world, for blue chip supermarket chains. All our staff are local to Stradbroke. Kind regards, Alison Hood, Administrator” “Sir, I would like to thank everyone in Wilby Road who gave to the Marie Curie Cancer Care collection. The total collected was £41.85.” Sir, On behalf of the Friends of All Saints Stradbroke, I would like to thank the retiring committee members Moyra Gibling, June Hampson and Wendy Reeves for all their years of hard work. As Treasurer, Secretary and Publicity Secretary respectively, with hard work, time and enthusiasm, they contributed greatly to the fundraising efforts of the group. Over £25,000 has been raised for repairs and maintenance of our lovely church since the committee was formed. Carol Darling (Treasurer)”
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Stradbroke News & Views
Churchyard Maintenance—Your Views Needed! Dear Residents, Churchyard Maintenance The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of the Churchyard. It has been noted that two of the conifers that sit either side of the path leading to the west door of the Church have become very large and rather unwieldy. They block most of the view of the Church from Queen Street, make this entrance very dark and they are likely to need on-going maintenance. The Parish Council is considering their removal and re-planting with a more suitable species such as yew trees. It has also been suggested that a small part of the Churchyard could be managed to encourage wildlife. This would mean that it would look less tidy but would attract and encourage our native flowers, birds, insects etc. The area to the north-east of the Church may be the appropriate place for such a scheme. To remove the trees we would require planning permission as this is part of the conservation area but we would like to know your views about these proposals. You can speak to any Parish Councillor or write to the Clerk at 1 Felix Cottage, Athelington Road, Horham, IP21 5EG. Tel: 384679, Email: clerkspc@thesmys.com or leave a message on the web site at www.stradbroke.org.uk We look forward to hearing from you. Ann Kerr,Chairman Stradbroke Parish Council
Is Your Electric Blanket Safe? Age Concern Suffolk and the Electrical Safety Council are, together, organising events across our region to check Electric Blankets and these are the dates: Newmarket on the 30th September, Martlesham on the 1st October, Stowmarket on the 2nd October Ipswich on the 3rd October Sudbury on the 6th October Hadleigh on the 7th October Bury St Edmunds on the 8th October Lowestoft on the 9th October Bramford on the 10th October But, if you cannot get to any of these, Stradbroke Good Neighbours are hoping to take blankets to be tested to Stowmarket on the 2nd October so, if you want yours tested, please phone 07749445531 and they will try to help Jane Gemmill
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 interior design service -please call for details Bespoke curtains and blinds I’ll help you with the choice of fabric and style of window dressing then arrange for your choice to be made up
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Beauty Therapy
call Wendy on
01379 388847 to see how I can help make your house a welcoming home.
Friday, 9am - 8pm We also have a Salon in Eye! “Sarah‟s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560
6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
Sports Roundup
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Stradbroke Football Club Mr Don Darling has resigned as manager and the 1st team is now run jointly between G. Wharton and K. Ellis. Results. 1st Team v‘s Sizewell Ass draw 3 - 3 ― v‘s Salvation Army lost 5-4 ― v‘s Bacton lost 2-0 Reserves v‘s Salvation Army lost 4–1 ― v‘s Bacton lost 5–1 The club is still looking for a first team Goal Keeper after D. Ellis retired so if anyone is interested please call M. Ellis on the number below. Mary and Michael Ellis would like to thank all the people who congratulated them on their F.A. awards, which came as quite a shock but duly deserved. The September Cash Bingo raised £135.16 and the next Cash Bingo will be on October 10th at 7.30 in the Community Centre and remember, the more people that play, the bigger the prizes! Mary Ellis 01379 384642
Stradbroke Cricket Club As predicted/hoped Stradbroke‘s A Team not only won Section B of the Suffolk Alliance, but also won the John Bright Memorial Plate, their first win in a final in five attempts. In recent weeks they have been unstoppable, starting with a win over Worlingworth. The visitors scored 161(Lee Bedwell 4 for 24, Billy Freeman 3 for 39), then knocked off the runs easily, (Alan Barker 76, Alex Fitchett 35, David Allum 23). Caribbeans were next. Their 203(James ling 4 for 41, Bedwell 3 for 29) looked enough until Joe Pearson(74) built on Barkers 30 & Steve Warner‘s 32 to win in the last over. Southwold were swept aside by Warner‘s 6 for 16, and Barkers 40 & Allums 38, and following a great comeback at Ipswich & East Suffolk, the title was theirs. Warner(4 for 35) restricted I&ES to 190, Stradbroke were indebted to Stuart Taylor(90) with support from Ling(30) to get them home, and achieve back to back promotions, and a place in Section A, the division the 1st XI left in 2000, showing how much the club has progressed in the last few years. An early Cup defeat left the A Team in the Plate Competition. First they beat Section A Saxmundham. Warner, Bedwell & Josh Franklin-Mann each took 3 wickets, Simon Higgins(56) & Scott Turner(58) then knocked off the 180 runs. Turner, with a career best 79 & Higgins 34, then Franklin-Mann(35) knocked the stuffing out of Caribbeans in the semi-final, Warner(3 for 9) & Ling(3 for 27) completing the demolition. Old rivals Waldringfield were their opponents in the Final. Stradbroke did well to restrict them to 152, but after a solid start from Barker(24) & Allum(21) it became a struggle. It needed 29 from Joe Pearson & a fine 37 from Franklin-Mann to win the game with 2 balls to spare. Off the field, the Club are awaiting confirmation that Essex & England wicket keeper James Foster will be the guest speaker at the Annual Presentation Evening on Saturday 25th October. For further details, please contact anyone from the Cricket Club. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Stradbroke ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―
41 96 71 54 72 74 67 97 87 77 86
v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s v‘s
Diss&District Woodbridge Saxmundham Laxfield Otley Stradbroke WH Kessingland Bedingfield LTAA Friston Bredfield
99 60 68 93 76 76 93 52 67 63 52
W.T.L. W.L. WL Sax Knock-out Cup W.L. Ellis Cup Marie Curie S.L. S.L. S.L. W.L. Iris Cattermole
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Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
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See our menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
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Tel/Fax: 01379 388174
Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
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Local Gardeners Notes October is a great time of year with plenty to do in the garden before the weather turns too cold. Your vegetable garden will still be producing plenty and if you are lucky enough to have fruit trees in your garden, don't leave it too late to collect the fruit, as it's such a waste. In our small garden we have 5 apple trees, a fantastic plum tree, which I always make jam from, a very sad pear and a fig tree. In my experience you have to be careful when siting a pear tree and varieties like Conference and Concorde do very well but other varieties can struggle in East Anglia. As far as figs go, Brown Turkey is by far the best in this part of England, if you want reliable fruit each year. It's best planted up against a wall or by the house with the root growth restricted with paving slabs in the hole otherwise you will be getting lots of leaf growth and not much fruit. On the back of our house we have a couple of grape vines which always produce lots of grapes and this year, with all the rain, the Grapes have swelled up nicely and aren't as pippy as usual. When going around cutting back plants and tidying around the garden, try and leave the seed heads of plants like phlomis and echinacea intact because, as I have mentioned before, they not only look good but the seeds are food for birds. More important than this is ivy, which is just starting to bud up. If possible don't cut Ivy back until spring as it is one of a very few winter flowering plants that insects can feed on, particularly moths. Lots of people have mentioned to me how few moths and butterflies there are this year with bees and wasps also not being so much in evidence. The wet weather has certainly made a massive difference but you can help by planting nectar rich plants such as buddlejas, sunflowers, salvias and sedums (ice plants). In a garden I planted up last year, I put in a small group of sedum spectablis which, when I visited the garden recently, was in full flower and attracting a wide variety of insects and, if my brassicas are anything to go by, there will be lots of cabbage white butterflies around. Areas of stinging nettles are also good for butterflies and moths as they also make good catterpillar food. Things to be thinking of in your garden for October are to spike the lawn with a fork particularly where people walk a lot and, if possible, brush in some sand or compost. It's a perfect time for seeding areas of grass or repairing holes in the lawn. Start collecting leaves up especially off the lawn as it stops it growing and use the leaves mixed in with the compost. If you want to move herbaceous plants or split them up you can do this now as you can see where everything is in the border and if you have any holes or problem areas. (Don't split ornamental grasses until the spring.) Tidy roses by continuing to dead head and cut back any long whippy growth. Any that have nice hips leave for winter interest. Dahlias are still looking great but it will only take one frost to blacken them. This won't harm the root but if you lift your dahlia, now is the time to do it, otherwise just give them a good branchy mulch that allows some air through. I never lift them and as long as the ground has good drainage and they're mulched they should be fine. It is bulb-planting time with plenty to choose from. I still try to always use alliums, particularly 'Christophii', the orchard flowering narcissi ‗Thalia‘ which is a beautiful white one with mulitple heads, Cyclamineus Narcissi like 'Jenny' and 'Jack Snipe' are pretty early flowering small ones and for tulips 'White Triumphator' takes some beating with one called 'Blue Aimable' being an interesting lavender mauve colour. There is so much going on in the garden that I could go on for much longer but that will have to wait until next month, except to say that there are plenty of blackberries to pick off the hedgerows along some of the footpaths around the village. Any questions to Luke Heydon at The Wheelwrights.
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Free estimates and written quotations. Excellent rates, local & reliable. Call 01379 588032 or 07810196863
Page 35
Diary for Late September 30th Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Diary for October 1st SLHG ―It Happened Here in Suffolk‖ Community Centre, 7pm (see inside) 1st 17th Flu Jabs from the Medical Centres of Stradbroke and Fressingfield (see inside) 1st Table Tennis each Wednesday in the Community Centre starting at 7.30 pm 1st Chess Club every Wednesday at 7.30 pm in the Diss Cue Club. 2nd Stradbroke Good Neighbours taking Electric Blankets for Safety Checks (see inside) 2nd All Saints Church Cleaning 10.00 am onwards 2nd Over 60‘s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00 pm 2nd RBL meetings at the Laxfield Kings Head. Committee @ 10.30 am, main @ 11.30 am 3rd Prize Bingo iao White Hart Bowls Club. 7.30 pm in the Community Centre 4th SBEC Farmers Market, (see inside) 7th Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00 am until 1.30 pm 7th Badminton Club meets each Tuesday in the SBEC Sports Hall from 8.00 -10.00 pm 8th Cameo Lunch in the Baptist Church Hall at 12.30 pm 9th Over 60‘s Club Outing to Lowestoft. (see inside) 9th W.I. meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm 10th Cash Bingo iao Stradbroke Football Club, 7.30 pm in the Community Centre 11th Abseiling down the Church Tower 9.30 till 1.00 pm 13th Parish Council meeting at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre 14th Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00 am until 1.30 pm 16th Over 60‘s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00 pm 16th Stradbroke Cinema presents ―Gone Baby Gone‖ (see inside) 17th *****Magazine Articles strictly by this date please***** 18th Pre School 70‘s & 80‘s Disco in the Community Centre, (see inside) 18th Craft Fair & Mini Market iao St Andrews Church Wingfield (see inside) 18th All Saints Church Fund Raising Cake Stall 8.30 am onwards. 21st Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00 am until 1.30 pm 22nd Drop in for Coffee at the Baptist Church Hall 10 – 11.30 am 24th Collate Magazine in the Community Centre starting at 10.00 am 24th Poppy Appeal Coffee Morning at the Chantry, Queen Street 10.00 am till 12.00 noon 24th All Saints Church Fund Raising Quiz Evening in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm 25th Stradbroke Cricket Club Annual Presentation evening (see inside) 28th Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00 am until 1.30 pm 28th Family History Group ―The Prisons of Suffolk‖ with Anthony Breen 7.30 in Community Centre 30th P.C. Tim Green will be in the Library from 11.00 am until 11.30 am Diary for Early November 1st SBEC Farmers Market (see inside) 13th All Saints Fund Raising Committee Coffee Morning at the Chantry 10 – 11.30 am 15th Tastes of Europe, an evening of food, wine & music. F.O.A.S.S. Details next month. 21st Christmas Bingo Night, Details next month.
Get In Touch! We‘d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Email on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk or contact Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and clearly marked „For Publication‟.
Email on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. Advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 The distribution is organised by …. Could it be you? See front page!