The Stradbroke Monthly September 2008

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WWW.STRADBROKE.ORG.UK £1 where sold.

September 2008 No. 340

The Stradbroke Monthly Stradbroke’s volunteers: Thank you! Trevor Carrison, our community road cleaner has been given an award. Trevor has been awarded the Suffolk Acre Community Certificate in recognition of his service to cleaning up Stradbroke for the last 20 years plus. Mr and Mrs Nunn were also awarded the same certificate for their voluntary work looking after the war memorial where they keep it clean and tidy and plant flowers to ensure that it looks it’s best. Well done!

Inside this issue: Local Churches

3, 4

Parish Pump!


Organisation News

9, 10, 12, 14

Forthcoming Events

17, 18

Sports RoundUp

20, 23

Gardeners Notes


Village Diary


Norfolk County Council Adult Education Classes In Diss choose from Maths, BSL, Spanish, Stained Glass, Digital Photography, Children’s Care NVQ, ICT, Upholstery Starting September! For more details visit or ring 0844 800 8002. Alternatively visit adulteducation.

Early Retirement! After nearly 25 years of collating the Village Magazine Stella Bryant has handed in her ‘fingerstall’. In the early days of the magazine production Stella would collate by herself, usually running round the table at home. These days it takes seven of us nearly 3 hours to complete the task. It’s quite a strain on the back, shoulder and arms and understandably Stella now feels this is too much. She has been a reliable, regular member of the team and ‘collating day’ won’t be the same without her. Although its hard work we do manage to laugh and chat and she will be missed - therefore on behalf of the present team and those that came before us – and all the readers of Stradbroke Monthly a big…

Thank You Stella! Wendy Reeves, and the whole Stradbroke Monthly Team

Oop’s In last month’s edition of the magazine I wrote that, as from September, the new treasurer of the Stradbroke Wine Society was Gwyneth Jones when it should have been Gwyneth Harris. Christine Jones is standing down as treasurer after many years and Gwyneth Harris taking over the role. Editor.

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Local Churches

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Stradbroke Baptist Church Laxfield Road Stradbroke Suffolk Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference to you and to others Treasurer; Mrs B Ward 586731

Elder/Acting Secretary; Mr E. Havers 388173

Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service which gives folk time to chat afterwards. We do not have a pastor, however Eric our Elder will be pleased to talk with you. Services for September 7th Pauline Bailey 14th Steve Ranson 21st Malcolm Ryan 28th Eric Havers Harvest Youth Group T.C+ meet TUESDAY evenings during term time at for High School Students. Contact Steve; 388398. Cameo Lunch is held on the second WEDNESDAY of the month at 12.30am. Between 35-40 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment and welcome anyone who would like to join with us. Contact 384112. Let your conversation be……. How pleasant is our conversation? Is it pleasing to others as they catch snippets when passing by in the street? Is our conversation helpful to others who may need encouraging as they go through a difficult time? Do people judge us by our conversation? The Bible says, “let your conversation be full of grace”. That means saying kind things being pleasant and encouraging one another instead of using harsh or critical words. Our speech can reflect our character to those with whom we meet. How do our conversations reflect our lives? Our words should be a sweet aroma to one another, encouraging and uplifting. How easy it is to gossip, but how much more difficult to walk away and not get involved in it. Words can build us up or pull us down. Sticks and stones may break our bones, (they can heal) but words can wound us deeply, leaving scars and pain that may affect us for the rest of our life. Challenging? Tough stuff! Yes, in fact it is very tough stuff, but it is so important to everyone that we should always guard what we say and how we say it. Colossians 4 verse 6 says, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how to answer everyone” Wow, what a challenge Jackie

Come and join us!

Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Treasurer; Mrs B Ward 586731

Elder & Secretary; Mr E. Havers 388173

Local Churches

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Flower Festival

All Saints, Stradbroke

In Celebration of

31st Aug

Colour Of Mission &

7th Sept

Priesthood Saturday, Sunday & Monday September 20th, 21st & 22nd 10.00 am until 6.00pm Each day

14th Sept 20th to 22nd Sept 21st September 22nd September 28th September 5th October

Holy Communion Mattins Holy Communion Family Service Benefice Communion, Athelington Church Flower Festival Holy Communion Festival Service Holy Communion with hymns Holy Communion Morning Prayer Family Communion

8.00 am 11.15 am 8.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am to 6.00 pm 8.00 am 6.30 pm 7.30 pm 8.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee In all 19 Garages took part in the Village Garage Trail making the event very worthwhile for the visitors. Many thanks to all who took part and helped us raise £158.57 for the Church Funds. I hope it was as beneficial to you as it was to us! The next event, schedules for which can be found in the Post Office, is the Village Show, which will be held on the 30th August in the Community Centre. Please pick up a schedule and come along, between 2 pm and 4.30 pm, and join in as there is something for everyone both young and old. There will be Teas and various stalls to make it a happy afternoon! If you have any queries please contact Mr R. Copping on 01379 384839. Once again thank you for your support. Mary Ellis.

The Rectory - Tel: 384363 Email: Dear Friends, As we enjoyed cake and scones in The Rectory garden on the 21st August, we raised £50.00 for the Diocese of Kagera in East Africa, and we will learn more during September of the work of the Church in this part of Tanzania. 10% of the money raised at the Flower Festival will be sent there. Cycling has been successful for Team GB in Beijing; we can go out on our bikes on Saturday 13th September from 10.00 am until 6.00 pm, and both visit attractive churches and take exercise to raise funds for the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust which grant-aids our restoration work, and for our own churches. Please ask me for sponsorship forms and other details on how to have a very good day out. The theme of the Flower Festival is A Celebration of Colour, Of Ministry and Priesthood. The letters COMP will feature widely, beginning a great variety of words to accompany the flower arrangements, and to make important statements around the church. Do come and enter the competition, with £40.00 worth of prizes, taking part as you look round, to find the best 40 words in the church about it’s many activities, and its place in the centre of our village community from compact to computer. There will be on display the work of our own Diocese, and our need to pay for the full-time ministry that brings the living church to each parish, and the Diocese of Kangera, where our donations can bring so much benefit to Christians in Africa. On Sunday evening, we will give thanks for the completion of the restoration work, and re-dedicate ourselves to our life as members of the church, and on Monday evening at 7.30 pm, I will celebrate Holy Communion forty years after I was first able to do so after my ordination in Chelmsford Cathedral on 22nd September, 1968., and an exhibition in the church will illustrate forty years of my mission and ministry. 28th September is “Back to Church Sunday” when we remind ourselves of the need to support the church and to come inside throughout the year, and not only on special occasions! With all good wishes, David Streeter. Church Cleaning will take place on Thursday, 4th. September, 10.00 am onwards.

Margaret Streeter

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Dirty Oven??

We make websites!

Vehicle Body and Mechanical Repairs, Agricultural and Electrical Engineers Proprietor Adam Taylor Corner Gn Fm, Wingfield Tel 384909 or 384733

Figa & Co. Ltd. flowers . interiors . gardens . art

Come and join us and see our range of Summer Home & Garden Wares, Gifts and Flowers. We offer Interior and Garden Design , Home Accessories, Original Art Work and Floral Design Call us anytime to order Fresh flowers. - Free local Delivery! Summer Floral Design Courses running through June Call for details: Hempsheaf Studio . Queen Street . Stradbroke . 01379 384 073

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Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump! PARISH COUNCIL MEETING

NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 8th September 2008 7.30pm At the Community Centre

This will be the last opportunity you have to comment on the draft proposals, so do make your views known.

11 AUGUST 2008

Public Forum No items were brought to the attention of the Parish Council this month. Planning The following items were considered by the Parish Council: Refusal was recommended for the following: 2376/08 erection of one (1).5 storey dwelling attached to the south of 4 Westhall with use of existing vehicular access - 4 Westhall Approval was recommended for the following: 2545/08 erection of conservatory - 14 Woodfields 2413/08 erection of detached garage (following demolition of existing) - Yew Tree Cottage, New Street The following item had been advertised in MSDC’s weekly list but upon application for the plans the Clerk was informed that the Planning department awaited further documentation: 2521/08 erection of 4 x 4 bed houses c/w car parking & vehicular access following demolition of existing garage buildings & flat - Stradbroke Garage Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: The following had planning permission granted: 1098/08 conversion of barn into 2 dwellings including new openings and new first floor - Land South of White House Farm, Diss Rd 1917/08 erection of extension - Ashdown Lodge, Laxfield Road 1918/08 construction of timber 3 bay cart lodge & extension of existing drive area Manor Farmhouse, Fressingfield Rd 0544/06 erection of building for part domestic and part storage use - Land adjacent to White House Cottage, Laxfield Rd Any other Planning Matters: Gerald Jenkins and Ruth Seabrook had attended Planning Training 31 July 08 at MSDC and found it interesting, informative and worthwhile. Other Business County Councillor Guy McGregor attended the meeting and gave a brief update on the forthcoming reorganisation of local government. It was stressed that parish councils and individuals should take the opportunity to submit views to the Boundary Committee of England before the closing date of 26 September 2008. The Parish Council has submitted a response to the first phase but will likely respond to the draft proposals. This will be the last opportunity you have to comment on the draft proposals, so do make your views known. Cllr Stuart Gemmill advised that both MSDC & SCC were preparing a business case for their preferred model for Unitary Authority. A Working Party was to be formed, under the chairmanship of Nick Stones, to discuss the viability of drainage of the Playing Field. Councillors had received a training presentation on the Code of Conduct and the Declaration of Interests which had proved most informative. A difficulty has arisen with some graves in the cemetery: some of the kerbs have sunk and are causing problems with the grass cutting and there is a risk of damaging equipment. The Council hope that if any residents know of relatives’ graves which have sunken kerbs they might get in touch with the Clerk to discuss any remedial action that could be taken. Directory Addendum: Please note…the non-emergency Police telephone number was accidentally omitted from the Directory. If you wish to contact PC Tim Green or PCSO Steven Long please dial 01284 774100 and ask for them by name. Do not hesitate to dial 999 in a genuine emergency.

Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy Can you help solve the graveyard grass cutting issue?

tel: 01379 384679 email:

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Farm Shop for Wide variety of home produce and Local Vegetables and Fruit. Delivered to your door every week. Wide selection if cut flowers. For Bouquets , Baskets, Weddings and Churches. We have a large selection of hardy shrubs. Hedging Plants and roses. Peat and compost. We also have a compact tractor and rotavator for hire for Autumn seeding. Large Selection of : Bulbs Daffs, Tulips and Hyacinths. We have a large selection of winter bedding plants :- Wallflowers, Pansy's, Polyanthers and Sweet Williams.

Come an d see us at Strad broke Farmers Market every F irst Saturda y of the Month!

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A C Boiler Services Ltd, Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.

Drawing for all… Learning…improving…enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact

Dave Sumner on 01379 388238…

Indulgence Beauty Therapy By Victoria Wednesday’s 10am – 7.30pm Friday’s 9.30am – 5pm Aromatherapy Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tinting, Nail Extensions and Slimming Wraps Manicures & Pedicures Using ‘Jessica’ products ‘Get Fresh’ Back &, Body Treatments Exquisite Bridal Hair Design and flawless Airbrush Make-up

Also Available…

Tel 07776 343 153 No 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke

Life in the Legion


Page 9

Seventeen members attended our August mid day meeting at The Laxfield King’s Head when the Guest Speaker was Tony Harris from Harleston on ‘Bird Ringing. I gave him the usual Vote of Thanks. In the RBL Tribute at the start of the meeting we remembered Bert Lockwood from Wilby, who had recently died, and had been a former Branch Chairman and Standard Bearer. He was nearly 96 years old and The Branch’s Oldest Member. Branch Treasurer Roger Gwyn gave his monthly report and it was agreed that he would write as our Treasurer to The RBL’s Finance Director in reply to a letter about The COIF Investment. Roger had also attended this years County Rally at Aldeburgh on behalf of The Branch. Nick Eade the local H Group Representative gave a short report on the recent County Committee Meeting. The next Monthly Meeting is on Thursday 4th September at 11.30 am, and the speaker will be Roger Plant from Harleston on ‘The Prison Service’. The Branch hosted an H Group Meeting on the 14th August attended by 9 members from The Stradbroke Branch, and Peter Gipson, The County Chairman, and his wife Ann. Peter spoke about the Branch Centralisation Issue, and what was happening at National Level. He also told us about the progress of getting a new Respite Home in East Anglia. He also told us the The RBL Membership had now decreased to 395,644 a rate of decline that must be halted. Graham Neale ran a draw which raised £24. The next H Group Meeting will be hosted by Hoxne at The Brome CC on a date to be fixed. A number of members attended Bert Lockwood’s Funeral at St Mary’s Church Wilby on the 19th August. The lesson was read by Roger Gwyn, The Branch Treasurer. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.

Stradbroke Wine Society The Stradbroke Wine Society Barbecue, which was held on Saturday 16th August was a huge success despite the ever-present threat of bad weather. Member who attended the evening ate well-prepared barbecue fare and drank from a selection of Australian Wines. It really was a very good night! Alas, this event was the last before Mrs C. Jones stood down as the Treasurer of the society and on behalf of all the members I would like to thank her for all of her hard work in the past and hope to see her at the Society functions in the future. I would also like to welcome Mrs Gwyneth Harris who has volunteered to take her place as treasurer. Claudene Merritt

The Diss, Thetford & District CAB Shelfanger Rd, Diss:

01379 651333

There are changes and alerts happening all the time which effect the decisions we all make. This month, highlighted on the advice website are the following: •

A borrower's survival guide to the credit crunch • Wrapit • Passport Office strike • Tax return deadline changes Email: Registered in England & Wales no 04212031 Charity reg no.1089052

If you want to know more about these and/or any other issues our advisers in Diss will be happy to help you in confidence and without prejudice.

Organisations Page 10

Stradbroke Women’s Institute We welcomed our own Pat Fill as the speaker for the August Meeting who gave us a talk called “A W.I. Pot Pourri”. Pat, who was our President for 4 years, recalled lots of memories from years gone by. She kept us laughing with her Poetry and Monologues such as “3 Days at a Health Farm” and “ Never Again”, her account of supermarket shopping. Jennifer Chetwynd thanked Pat for entertaining us all so well and for giving us a great evening. June Hampson – well done June, won the competition for “A Favourite Scarf”! The Summer Fayre, held in July, was a great success with £160 being raised by the Women’s institute on their refreshments stall selling plenty of Tea, Coffee and Cakes! We have donated £100 to the Stradbroke Good Neighbours scheme. Our next meeting is on Thursday September 11th at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre and I hope to see you there. Iris Badcock, Press Secretary

Stradbroke Good Neighbours “The Summer Fayre, held in July, was a great success with £160 being raised by the Women’s institute on their refreshments stall selling plenty of Tea, Coffee and Cakes!”

Our phone number is 07749445531 :- Can we help you? Do you: Need your smoke alarm checked? Need a return journey to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done? The only small charge we make is for petrol - £1.50 to Stradbroke and £2.50 to Fressingfield with a charge of 35p per mile for longer journeys. All other help is given free of charge We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice and look forward to being of service.

Neighbourhood Watch

If in doubt about charity collections telephone our local authority licensing department on 01449 724691 or the Charity Commission help line on 0870 3330123.

PC Tim Green will be in the library on Thursday 18 September 1100 to 1130 to meet members of the public. Garden lights have been either vandalized or stolen from a property in Wilby Road. If you are concerned that doorstep collections of clothing etc are not from registered charities, please check the following are included on the paperwork and donation bag: the charity name and registered charity number, NOT limited company number. The collection agent’s name, address and telephone number. A financial statement indicating what proceeds the charity will receive. Collectors are required by law to carry identification. If in doubt telephone our local authority licensing department on 01449 724691 or the Charity Commission help line on 0870 3330123. Please use the following numbers to contact Police: Crime and suspicious activity should be reported to the following telephone numbers: Emergencies: 999 Non-urgent calls charged at a local rate to the following police switchboards: 01473 613500 (first choice) or 01986 835300. I am your point of contact if you wish to discuss crime issues with me: 01379 388977 Nick Thompson

Suffolk Family Carers “Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232or visit our website;

We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website;

Page 11

Debbie’s Cake Art Bespoke Wedding & Celebration Cakes Chocolate Cakes a Speciality 8 Farriers Close, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 388268 Email:

Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

Page 12


Stradbroke Primary School It seems appropriate to round off the Summer with a recap of recent events. The Summer term at school is always so frantically busy. So many trips and sporting events and visitors to the school and ice creams to eat. It is almost as busy as the Autumn term! Class Four delivered their end of year play superbly, with a matinee and evening performance. We have some very talented actors and actresses. We received great support from parents who provided many props, costumes and even helped choreograph dance routines! I was delighted to see so many people at our Summer Fete. Huge thanks must go to the Friends of the school for organising this (the FOSPs). We were very lucky with the weather and it was a very enjoyable day. I helped run up healthy sales at the cake stall whilst also overseeing the installation of our huge new shed. Casey now holds a new record for winning the most coconuts! Pupils had a very enjoyable day out at Banham Zoo and ice creams were eaten. We came back with all children though we did lose two hats. One of which blew off into the Seal enclosure! If anyone spots a Seal over the holidays sporting a Stradbroke Primary cap you will know why! The next day saw a “Wake and Shake” workshop at the High School for Classes One and Two, followed by Sports Day in the afternoon. This year’s victorious team were “Ash” who collected their shield and celebrated with a lap of honour. Again more ice cream was eaten but complimented this time with a healthy choice of fruit. Our new Reception children can look forward to a completely redecorated classroom in pastel colours this Autumn. The room looks bright and clean and will be perfect for September. We rounded off the term by saying goodbye to our Year Six pupils at their Leavers service. Our thoughts and best wishes go with them as they transfer to their new High Schools. So my first term at Stradbroke Primary comes to an end. All that remains for me to do is wish Pupils, Parents, Staff, Governors and of course readers of the Stradbroke Monthly a very happy and relaxing Summer and look forward to seeing you at the beginning of term! Melanie Barrow, Headteacher.

Stradbroke & District Pre-School with Stradbroke Bumps, Babies & Toddler Group. This term we welcome several new children, they are; Connor Melton, Harvey Foreman, Mya Clancy, Harrison Clancy, Kathleen (Kitty) Carter, Dylan Sadler, Lottie Lord, Brandon Snelling and Ava Wilkinson, also, a late welcome to Amber Bryson who joined us before the summer. This term the children will be looking at Nursery Rhymes and Fairytales and creating a beautiful display. A date for your diary – A 70’s & 80’s Disco on 18th October at The Community Centre for Pre-School funds, this is going to be a fantastic fancy dress night with tickets on sale soon. Again, if you wish to join the PreSchool & Toddler Group committee you are quite welcome to come along to a meeting, just speak to a committee member or ask Denise to point you in the direction of one! Stradbroke & District Pre-School is held every weekday from 9am – 11:30am during term time in the grounds of the primary school. Children can attend up to 5 free Pre-School sessions a week from the term after they are 3 years old. Spaces for 2½ year olds are limited and charged at £6.00 per session. Lunch Club is held weekdays from 11:30am – 1:00pm at £3.00 per session for Pre-School children and £2.50 per child attending the reception class at Stradbroke Primary School. For more information please contact Denise Coduri (07958733111) or visit Stradbroke Bumps, Babies and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 during term time at the Community Centre. We have a wide range of toys suitable from birth to Pre-School with a craft activity and healthy snack provided for each child. We also have termly visits from the Early Years Family Advisor for weigh-ins and general questions or concerns. We have welcomed a lot of new faces recently so this really is a great way to meet people in the village and prepare your child for Pre-School in a friendly safe environment. Please contact Zoe on 388398 for more details. Louise Wilkinson, Committee Member.

Stradbroke Over 60’s Thirty eight of us all enjoyed our August trip to Felixstowe along with our friends. Once again the sun shone for us and after a little shopping we were all able to sit and take in the sea air, lovely! Our next meetings will be held on September 4th & 18th, 2.00 pm till 4.00 pm, in the Community Centre where all will be made welcome. Our final trip of 2008 will be to Lowestoft on the 9th October with more details to come in the next magazine. Joan Grimes

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Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321

A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.

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Stradbroke Local History Group If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. By email to or tel. 01379 388341

Stradbroke Local History Group

A tour of Wilby, Brundish and Dennington churches has been arranged for the afternoon of Wednesday 10th September with Roy Tricker as the guide. Meet in the Community Centre car park at 1.45 pm. Mary Stone

St Elizabeth Hospice Why not team up with St Elizabeth Hospice and Get Active with our annual sports appeal? If you are running or organising a sporting event, why not do it in aid of St Elizabeth Hospice. This is a great opportunity to help raise vital funds for the hospice and Get Active at the same time. You can hold any kind of sporting event, whatever your interests and levels of fitness. How about organising a sponsored walk, holding an aerobics marathon or arranging a bowls competition? The Hospice’s community fundraising team will support you by providing posters tailored to your event, invitations, balloons, sponsorship forms or any help and advice you might need. St Elizabeth Hospice continually needs the support of the local community to enable us to care and support our patients and their families, friends and carers. The Hospice is an independent charity and all of the wide ranging services are provided free of charge. It costs £10 per minute to run the Hospice, with annual running costs of £5.2 million. Your support will enable us to continue to provide care for the people of East Suffolk. Open Event at Hospice The £1million building project at St Elizabeth Hospice will soon be completed, followed by an open event on Wednesday 17th September 2008. The Hospice was fortunate enough to be awarded a grant from the Department of Health last year to make alterations to the Hospice building to improve the physical environment for patient care. The Hospice Board agreed additional funding and embarked on a £1 million refurbishment project with the aim of making a difference to future services offered to patients. This project has transformed the day care services, dining room, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and also upgraded the nurse call system in the in-patient unit. The Open Event on Wednesday 17th September 13:30 – 16:30 and 17:30 – 20:00, will allow the local community to see the new facilities and find out more from Hospice staff about developments in the services provided by their local Hospice. There will also be an opportunity to see an exhibition of patients’ creative work, entitled “The Sharing Exhibition” and enjoy some refreshments. For more information on Get Active, please contact the fundraising team on 01473 723600 or email and for more information on the open event, please call Helen Causer, Marketing and Communications Manager, on 01473 707033 or email

Family History Group The Family History Group are holding a lecture by Clive Paine entitled: “From Cottage to Council House (1840s to 1890s)” on the 23rd September 2008 in the Community Centre starting at 7.30 pm. Ken Finch. Further details can be obtained from the Secretary on 01728 860551

Lottery Bonus Winners 43 C. Howes 34 J. Chambers 9 J. Rumsey 15 I. Bloss £48 donated to Tennis Club £48 donated to Community Centre £48 donated to Over 60’s

9 46

C. Howes J. Bedwell Mary Ellis

Page 15

Tel: 01379 384384 Mon-Friday Daily Specials are £3.50 from Noon to 3pm Sunday Roast £10.00 for two or £5.95p. Children £3.25 Every Thursday 7pm/9pm Hot Buffet all you can eat for £5.00 Teas & Coffee Served All Day Do book to avoid disappointment We have an outside covered smoking hut We have live music on Tuesday, 1pm – 7pm (local folk music), PLUS on the last Friday of the month 8.30pm-11.30pm various types of music Quiz Night on First Sunday of each month (all profits to The Air Ambulance) Every Year within the second weekend of the month of May we host a Jazz & Real Ale Festival You can hire our function room with its own bar for any event We cater for outside functions be it bar or catering

WROUGHT IRON CURTAIN POLES & FINIALS Select from Black & Gunmetal Finish also Medieval Candle Holders Wrought Iron Towel Rails - Clothes Hooks Foot Scrapers Door Grids- Sundials- Candle Lanterns etc. Tel-01379 388908 Email-

Beauty Therapy By Nikki Mills Waxing, Manicures, Pedicures Nail Extensions, Swedish & Aromatherapy Massage & More! @ Hair Logic, Street farm, Laxfield Rd, Stradbroke Fridays 9am-8pm

Page 16

Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Forthcoming Events

Page 17

W.E.A. Course The W.E.A. are to run a course on: 20th Century Architecture and Design – The Interwar Years Presented by Douglas Evans DesRCA. MCSD. The course will run each Wednesday for 10 weeks between 2.30 pm and 4.00 pm in Stradbroke Community Centre commencing on the 24th of September. For details of this course please phone “The Secretary” on 01728 724746 Jane Gemmill

Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, 18th. September, Stradbroke Community Centre, 7 for 7.30 pm. Bar will be open - and Ice-cream in the interval! Entrance £5.50 we are showing The Bucket List 2007 (12A) Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) is a corporate billionaire who is currently sharing a hospital room with blue-collar mechanic Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman). Though initially the pair seems to have nothing in common, conversation gradually reveals that both men have a long list of goals they wish to accomplish before they 'kick the bucket'. But one can't accomplish such lofty objectives from the confines of a hospital bed, so now in order to live their lives to the absolute fullest Edward and Carter will have to make a break for it! It's a shamelessly old-fashioned if somewhat creaky crowd pleaser from director Rob Reiner. Advance Notice - “Mama Mia” in October Dorothy Readman 388499

The course will run each Wednesday for 10 weeks

Stradbroke Library News

On Tuesday 23rd September at 11.15am, the ‘Gruffalo’ will be visiting Stradbroke library at our Bookstart session. Any under 5’s who want to meet the ‘Gruffalo’ are welcome to come along. On Wednesday September 24th at 4.00pm, we will be having our Team Read presentation party where children who have completed the Reading Game can come along and be presented with their certificates and medals. Maureen John, Library Manager

F.O.A.S.S for the Roof Fund The Friends are currently preparing a new Village Recipe Book and will welcome contributions from anyone willing to part with a favourite recipe, tip or idea. We'd love to know if there's a story attached to your recipe or if it has been handed down through the family. Cartoons or illustrations will be very acceptable too. Please hand your suggestions in at the Post Office marked with your name and phone number. Many thanks, Margaret Buckland

If you have an under 5, you will not want to miss the Gruffalo visit at Stradbroke Library!

St Lawrence Church- Flower Festival There will be a “Flower Festival” held in St Lawrence Church near Brundish on the 13th & 14th of September commencing at 10.00 am until 6.00 pm each day. Sheila Pipe

Prize Bingo In aid of Stradbroke White Hart bowls club on Friday September 5th at 7.30p.m in the Community Centre. There will be many excellent prizes, a raffle and refreshments. Please join us for a fun evening. Alison Ward

‘The Wonders of Wilby Church’ On Thursday 11th September at 7pm at St Mary’s Church, Wilby There is to be a talk by Roy Tricker on “The Wonders of Wilby Church”. Light refreshments will be served. Please come- everyone welcome there is no charge, but donations invited for Wilby Church funds. Mary Pipe

Tell us your culinary secrets to raise money for the roof fund!

Forthcoming Events

Page 18

Walk in Flu Clinics in Fressingfield and Stradbroke You are eligible for a “Flu Jab” if:

You have chronic Respiratory disease, You have chronic Heart disease, You have chronic Kidney disease, You have chronic Liver disease,

Please note: Due to the costs involved we will not be sending out letters to invite patients - if you are eligible for a flu jab please turn up to one of the walk-in clinics below. It is *not* necessary to make an appointment.

You are Diabetic, You have a weak immune system, You have a history of stroke, TIA , Multiple Sclerosis or a disease of the central nervous system, You are over 65 years of age.

Stradbroke Medical Centre Wednesday 1st October


9 am to 11 am

Friday 3rd October


9 am to 11 am

Friday 3rd October


4 pm to 5:30 pm

Monday 6th October


9 am to 11 am

Monday 6th October


4 pm to 5:30 pm

Wednesday 8th October


9 am to 11 am

Fressingfield Medical Centre Tuesday 7th October


9 am to 11 am

Tuesday 7th October


2 pm to 3:30 pm

Friday 10th October


9 am to 11 am

Friday 10th October


2 pm to 3:30 pm

Tuesday 14th October


9 am to 11 am

Tuesday 14th October


2 pm to 3:30 pm

Friday 17th October


9 am to 11 am

Friday 17th October


2 pm to 3:30 pm

Letters to the Editor Sir “"The Ice Cream Bonanza held on 5th July proved a great success, enjoyed by all who came along. The Friends were very pleased to raise just over £600, and would like especially to thank Don Darling, his family and friends for the exceptional amount of hard work they put in towards this end". Many thanks, Margaret.Buckland Sir “The F.O.A.S.S. Committee would like to thank Peter Smith and family for the use of their lovely garden on Saturday 19 July on the occasion of the Stradbroke Country Fair. We were pleased to be able to raise £62.90 towards the Roof Fund. Thanks also go to the Committee who organised the whole event, which was very much enjoyed by everyone. Margaret Buckland

Page 19

in t our Ma Check ou cials d our Spe n a , u n e M e ut if you’r Board, b ot ish, why n k c e p ly n o : ar Meals try our B Portions, r e ll a m S “ rices!” Smaller P

Pool Table Beer Garden Quiz Machines

Take some ‘Time Out’ at the White Hart!

Stradbroke News & Views Sports Roundup

Page 20

Stradbroke Football Club Stradbroke have started training under their new manager Mr D. Darling and, so far, have played two friendly matches, one against Mellis Cherry Tree Veterans, which they won, and one against Scole, which they lost. We need more players for the coming season so if you are interested please contact either Mr D. Darling on 01379 388098 or me, Mrs M. Ellis on 01379 384642. The club is once again indebted to their sponsor Transam Trucking for their generous donations to our funds. The last “Cash Bingo” evening raised £55 and the next one is on the 12th September in the Community Centre starting at 7.30pm and remember; the more people that attend the bigger the prizes! Mary Ellis

Stradbroke Cricket Club As reported in Augusts Monthly, the Cricket Club Charity Day was a great success. The Girls game, Dads v Lads, And Club Twenty/20 were enjoyed by a large crowd. On the day £570 was raised for the ‘Sir Ian Botham Leukaemia Research Charity’, the club has made a further donation to round the amount sent to £700. Thanks are due to Don Lummis & Steve Holman for the Barbecue, Marty Norris, Mike Readman & James Hargrave for setting up the ‘Radio Stradbroke’ internet broadcast, and DJ Wally for the music interludes, and al the club members and villagers who supported what hopefully will become an annual event. League cricket seems a million miles away from fund raising, but it is our bread & butter. The 1st XI, despite struggling to field a settled side have found a little late season form with consecutive victories, which will act as a great fillip before their Federation Cup semi-final at Bury St.Edmunds on Saturday 6th September against Earl Stonham. The A Team go from strength to strength, having virtually assured the Section B Championship already, with just one defeat all season. Add to that their appearance in the MSC Alliance Plate Final against BT/Waldringfield to come, things are really looking up. Add to that the Academy XI gaining their first win for two years at Copdock, and the Under 11’s missing a place in the final of the North Suffolk League only in their last match, the club is clearly moving in the right direction. As if playing cricket is not enough, the club are playing bowls against the District Bowls Club, and football against the Football Club, both in aid of the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Finally, congratulations to David Allum on reaching 8000 runs for the club, Steve Warner passing 5000 runs, and Michael Hugman on his 550th appearance. Age does not weary them. Michael Hugman

White Hart Bowls Club Results for this season so far: Waveney League: Wortham home Won Eye away Won Pulham home Lost Diss away Won Kenninghall home Won Gissing away Lost Dickleburgh home Lost Strad. & Dist. Home Lost Bedingfield away Lost Wortham away Won Eye home Won Pulham away Lost We lost the Waveney League cup game to Pulham, at Pulham. Mid Suffolk League: Hoxne away Lost Fressingfield away Lost Dennington home Lost We also lost to Dennington in the Catee Cup, which was played at home. In the absence of any news about the future of the White Hart, we intend to carry on as normal. Warren Last

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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

Page 22

Street Farm, Laxfield Road

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Sports Roundup

Page 23

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Stradbroke Cricketers failed to bowl out Stradbroke and District Bowls Club when a roll up was held in aid of the East Anglian Air Ambulance. This was a fun evening ending with refreshments donated by the Queens Head. The winner of the Spider was S. Coduri and £137 was raised for the Ambulance Fund. Results Stradbroke 69 v’s Gissingham 77 W.T.L. “ 87 v’s Thorpness 68 S.L. “ 101 v’s Yoxford 48 Sax Knock Cup “ 58 v’s Sweffling 60 Jubilee Cup “ 72 v’s B/Eye 75 W.T.L. “ 86 v’s St Audreys 76 W.L. “ 73 v’s Ipswich BC 83 Semi Final Junior Cup “ 75 v’s Dennington 79 S.L. “ 84 v’s Alderton 62 Marie Curie Cup “ 79 v’s Laxfield 85 S.L. “ 61 v’s Dickleburgh 79 W.T.L. “ 95 v’s Friston 53 Sax Knockout Cup “ 78 v’s Pulham M’ket 70 W.T.L. “ 60 v’s Sweffling 81 S.L. “ 61 v’s Leiston Town 87 W.L. “ 77 v’s Badingham 81 “ 59 v’s Wortwell 106 W.T.L. Plate “ 106 v’s Strad W H 41 Iris Cattermole

Stradbroke Badminton Club The new season starts on Tuesday the 2nd September and runs through to next May. We meet every Tuesday night in the Sports Hall at Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College from 8 – 10pm. New members are always welcome and the annual membership fees of £45 for adults and £22.50 for juniors covers approximately 28 club nights and affiliation to Badminton England and the Suffolk Association. Visitors’ fees are just £4 and £2 if you just want to try one or two nights before committing yourself. This year we will be running four teams as we did last season with a mixed and men’s team in the Aldebugh and District league and the same in the Ipswich league. The Ipswich mixed team did extraordinarily well winning their league and gaining promoption. The men’s team was less fortunate finishing bottom, but it was their first year so there’s only one way to go now. In the Aldeburgh leagues both teams enjoyed some highs and lows finishing mid table. With the declining fortunes of our national and former world champions Gail Emms and Nathan Robertson there is an urgent need for new talent to develop in time for 2012, wouldn’t it be great if their successors came from Stradbroke! If you want to find out more please give me a call or just turn up on any Tuesday night from the 2nd September. Roger Turkington

Stradbroke Table Tennis Table Tennis will start again on the 10th September at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre. For more information please phone Tony on 01379 384713.


Page 24

Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111

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Page 25

Tel/Fax: 01379 388174

Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.

Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc


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Page 26

Jane Everitt Pulham Pest Control & Garden Services Wasps, Mice, Rats, Moles & Rabbits For friendly and professional Service phone 01379 676245 Studio Landia Day Care Centre for the Elderly

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Page 27

Local Gardeners Notes Back in the late winter/early spring the weather people were predicting a particularly hot/dry summer, we have had some pretty wet Augusts in the 7 years we have lived here but I think this year is certainly the wettest. On the whole this has been good in the garden, particularly the grass and the trees and hedgerows look much fresher and greener than they would normally, pointing to late leaf drop and good autumn colour. Slugs and snails have been a real problem this year in our garden mainly due to the damp and my fondness of an overgrown messy garden. When thinking about the location of your vegetable garden try to place it in an open position, this way birds will help keep control of slugs and snails and there are less places for them to hide. I am a great one for using and making my own compost from garden and kitchen waste and I recently received some information from someone in the village that shows how important it is to know where your compost and manure have come from. Across the country people have been noticing distorted foliage on their tomatoes, with cupped leaves and fern like growth, it has also been reported that potatoes, legumes, delphiniums and roses may also suffer. This has been caused by contaminated compost, manure and straw that is used as mulch or soil improver. The source is a herbicide called aminopyralid which is used to control weeds on grassland, animals then eat the grass and the chemical passes through them with residues being present in composts etc containing their manure. Where this has affected plants outside the weather and soil should break down the weedkiller by next year, in greenhouses it is probably best to give it a really good digging over or even replace the soil if possible. It goes to show how important it is to know where your compost comes from and if you make it yourself you know exactly what has gone into it. Other things to think about this month; order bulbs such as narcissus, tulips, alliums for planting in September/October. Give your hedges a trim so that they have time to put on a little fresh growth and look good for winter particularly evergreen hedges like box and privet. Talking of hedges if you are looking to plant up any native trees or hedging this autumn/winter the council (Mid Suffolk) has an allocation of bareroot plants that you can apply for based on a first come, first served basis up to 100 plants. It's best to contact them as soon as possible as they always run out. Keep picking vegetables unless you want to save some seeds for next year on plants like beans or peas. You can do a final sowing of some salads such as winter lettuces and oriental leaves. When lifting potatoes make sure you get every last one out and if you are not planting something else in it's place cover the soil with a mulch to stop weeds and feed the soil. This goes for much of the vegetable garden as it will save you time when preparing the bed in early spring. Cut out fruited raspberry canes and tie in new ones. In the flower border keep deadheading plants such as dahlias and penstemons, leave the seed heads on things like echinaceas, echinops, cardoons and phlomis to look good for winter. Cut back geraniums and alchemilla to freshed up foliage. Late summer is the best time for ornamental grasses like miscanthus, deschampsia, and the tall stipa gigantea (ornamental oats), use them sparingly in a border and they look fantastic. Enjoy the last of the summer and I hope we get a late indian one as, after this August, we certainly deserve it. Remember, any questions to me, Luke Heydon, at The Wheelwrights, Church Street.

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All Requirements & Budgets Catered For Parties - Weddings - Special Events Corporate Hospitality Wholesale Prepared Foods We Use Only Premium Quality Produce Local & Organic Where Available To Discuss Your Requirements Call Marie Worlingworth Suffolk IP13 7HX

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Page 30

Painting and Decorating By Ron Rankin 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Highly Recommended Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226

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Page 31


Page 32

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Page 33

Page 34

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Page 35

Joining Individuals Groups Social Activities Wellbeing

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Diary for Late August 30th Stradbroke Village Show in the Community Centre at 2.00 pm Diary for September 2nd Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 2nd Badminton Club starts in the Sports Hall of the SBEC see inside for details 3rd Chess Club every Wednesday at 7.30 pm in the Diss Cue Club 4th All Saints Church cleaning 10.00 am onwards. 4th RBL meeting at 11.30 with a talk by Roger Plant on The Prison Service 4th Over 60’s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00pm 5th Prize Bingo IAO White Hart Bowles Club in the Community Centre at 7.30pm 6th Farmers Market at Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College 8th Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm in the Community Centre 9th Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 10th Cameo Lunch in the Baptist Church Hall at 12.30 pm 10th Tour of Wilby, Brundish and Dennington Churches (see inside for information) 10th Table Tennis starts in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm 11th W.I. meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm 11th The Wonders of Wilby Church, a talk by Roy Tricker 7.00 pm in the Church 12th Cash Bingo IAO Stradbroke Football Club 7.30 pm in the Community Centre 13th A cycle ride around local churches. Contact Rev. D. Streeter for information 13th 14th Flower Festival at St Lawrence Church nr Brundish 10.00 am – 6.00 pm 16th Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 17th The Open Event St Elizabeth Hospice 13:30 – 16:30 and 17:30 – 20:00, 18th P.C. Tim Green in the Library from 11.00 am until 11.30 am 18th Over 60’s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00pm 18th A Cinema in Stradbroke presents The Bucket List 7.00 pm In Community Centre 19th *****Magazine Articles strictly by this date please**** 20th to the 22nd Flowers & an Exhibition in All Saints church. See inside for information 23rd The Gruffalo will be visiting Stradbroke Library at 11.15 am for the Book Start 23rd Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 23rd From Cottage to Council House 1840 to 1890 by Clive Paine. Community Centre 24th Team Read presentations in the Library at 4.00 pm see inside for details 24th 20th Century Architecture and Design starts in the Community Centre at 2.30 pm 26th Collate Magazine in the Community Centre at 10.00 am 30th Contact Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Diary for Early October 1st 17th Flu Jabs from the Medical Centres of Stradbroke and Fressingfield inside for info 9th Over 60’s Club Outing to Lowestoft. More information in the October edition. 18th Pre School 70’s & 80’s Disco in the Community Centre

Get In Touch! We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Email on or contact Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and clearly marked ‘For Publication’.

Email on Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. Advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 The distribution is organised by Wendy Reeves, Tel 388779

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