OPENion : IN QUARANTINE By Farouk Macalayo
As of March 21, 2020, there are a total of 570 PUIs recorded by the DOH that are being monitored for possible symptoms of Covid-19 infection. Currently, there are 307 confirmed cases of infection, 13 PUI recoveries and 19 PUI Mortality. Our government has already taken action to address the effects of this global pandemic to our beloved country. Furthermore, the MSU System themselves have conducted deliberate execution of their plans to help their fellow constituents resolve the issues they are now facing. On last Thursday March 12, the number of Covid-19 infection cases is continually spiking up, the Malacañang Palace issued Presidential Proclamation No. 992 nationwide inclined for the containment and prevention of the emerging virus. Thus, the university had to suspend its classes, but it was more than necessary. The suspension was utilized for sanitizing the campus which was important given the fact the probability of infection through touch of objects can be deceivingly high since the population is large
and the number of people roaming around the campus is often many. During that time, the students were tasked to have an alternate learning system which is academically beneficial to make up for the time they lost. As the number of Covid-19 infection cases still rises up, the university extended the suspension of its classes to April 14 and focused on strengthening their alternate learning activities to secure the academic concern of their classes, although another problem arose. Mostly all of the classes were held online as a means of an alternate medium for learning. Therefore, it was a matter of privilege, students had to access the Internet with a gadget and a stable signal or internet connection in order to catch up. But how about those who are unfortunate that access to these learning materials were in question? The University had to resolve this problem and sent surveys concerning their alternate learning activities, which was essential when needing to draw a conclusion. Three days after the extended suspension of the University, they have
concluded on revoking all alternative learning system activities on all classes and was the most appropriate call based on the situation of the dire students in demise of the lack of needed learning materials. The University had also confirmed the stranded students that are not home with their families and needed help with food and commodities since they are quarantined at their respective dorms or cottages, and continually surveys the necessities they need so they can provide it to them. The university had prioritized the welfare of their constituents which they held themselves responsible for, and they should be in this time where they need to consider helping us. The MSU stakeholders are using everything at their disposal whether it would be skill or intellect to provide assistance to their fellow constituents, in consideration of their welfare while minimizing the loss of academic benefits. The strategies they had formulized and the action they performed is what a great MSUan should possess in crafting these plans.