Summer 2012
Campaign Update Swedish Medical Center
Campaign for Swedish approaches initial $100 million goal As the new Chief Executive of Swedish, I am honored
In this issue of Campaign Update, you will have the
to be a part of the $100 million Campaign for Swedish
opportunity to learn about several new programs that are
and I look forward to building upon the momentum created
being launched by gifts to the Campaign. On June 5th, the
by my predecessor, Dr. Rod Hochman. During the past five and a half years, I am proud to report that the Campaign has received over $99 million in new gifts and pledges from the community.
“All of us at Swedish should feel for tunate that the impor tant work we do on a daily basis has been rewarded
new True Family Women’s Cancer Center opened its doors to patients. This $11 million project was supported entirely from philanthropy and was the single largest fundraising project of the Campaign. More importantly,
with an over whelming vote
we feel this exciting new Center will improve
right here at Swedish — continues to exper-
of confidence
outcomes of women facing a cancer diagno-
ience rapid change, one thing that has
from the community.”
nosis. In addition, you will also learn how
While health care nationally — and
remained constant is the community’s unwavering support of quality health care. All
Celebrate Swedish and several generous
Kevin Brown
donors helped create one of the nation’s
of us at Swedish should feel fortunate that the important
premier Multiple Sclerosis Centers on the Swedish/Cherry Hill
work we do on a daily basis has been rewarded with an
campus. And finally, I hope you’ll enjoy learning how one of our
overwhelming vote of confidence from the community. As
largest and most important clinical partners, CellNetix Pathology
humbled as I am by the $99 million raised to date, I am
& Laboratories, made a significant investment in the Campaign.
equally inspired by the fact that more than 47,000 donors
I hope you take great pride in knowing the community
have made gifts to support our work. When these two facts
values the important work you do to provide great care to
are taken together, there is no greater testament to how people
our patients.
feel about the important role that Swedish plays in the overall health of our community. Though we are confident we will reach our initial $100 million target this summer, there is still much we need to accomplish for our patients
and we will continue to raise gifts for the Campaign through the end of 2013. 1
Kevin Brown, Swedish Chief Executive