Can men in their 20’s and 30’s have Erectile Dysfunction?
However erectile dysfunction is more common problem in men throughout ageing, it is seen that around 30-40% youth is also affected. There are certain reasons which contribute to erectile dysfunction in young men. These causes are not same as for aged men and may be more related to one’s psychological health than physical itself. In this post, we will be talking about how men in their 20’s and 30’s can have erectile dysfunction along with their treatment options available.
Before we talk about do men in their 20’s and 30’s have erectile dysfunction or not, it is rather good to know what this disorder is and how any treatment works on it. Erectile dysfunction is a male sexual dysfunction which occurs due to inadequate blood flow to penis. It makes one incapable to get or keep an erection. As said, erectile dysfunction is a common problem through ageing, but not a part of ageing at all. Your age may be one of the reasons that contribute to erectile dysfunction, but there are effective treatments, both mediational and natural available for it.Any treatment that can relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to penis will ultimately help with erectile dysfunction. Moreover, sexual desire is also an essential factor to achieve erection. Poor sexual drive may causes oft or dying erection.
Well, yes. There are certain psychological and physical reasons that might trigger erectile dysfunction in young men either.At most times, psychological causes are responsible for erection issues in young men. Day to day stress, depression and anxieties have made young men more prone to erectile dysfunction. As we know, sexual stimulation is essential to get erection, these psychological factors may make it tough to happen by creating mental imbalance.There are a number of causes that can lead a young men to erectile dysfunction, such as; Stress and depression Performance anxiety Guilt or low self-esteem, and Low testosterone level These are some main reasons why a young man in his 20’s and 30’s can be affected by erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation as well. Though, there are a couple of effective treatments that can help.
How to treat erectile dysfunction in young men? The reasons behind a young or aged man’s erectile dysfunction are different most times, so the treatments are too. However, there are several treatments for erectile dysfunction out there, there are a few that can efficiently work on a young man’s problem, such as; Lifestyle changes: There are several lifestyle changes that are found to uplift sexual desire and help one get and keep an erection for satisfying sex.Lifestyle changes such as regular exercising, following a healthy diet, practicing yoga and meditation, and avoiding smoking can help. These common changes basically help strength both sexual stamina and libido for a perfect sexual health. Medications: There are certain medications FDA has approved to help with erectile dysfunction over-the-counter. Some of them are Viagra 150 mg, Cialis 60 mg and Levitra 60 mg containing sildenafil citrate, tadalafil and vardenafil respectively.