Cycling and the Erectile Dysfunction - Impotence Connection

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There is no definite ED risk associated with the normal bike or cycling. However, if your seat is not comfortable and it presses against the nerves in the penis areas, the blood flow is restricted. And a restricted blood flow can cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is sexual weakness in which males are not getting a hard penis erection. At the micro level, erectile dysfunction is due to less than sufficient flow of blood in the penis. Any problem that reduces the flow of blood can lead to erectile dysfunction. The males taking Generic Viagra 200 mg to deal with the erection issue show the extent of the problem among males. Can cycling lead to erectile dysfunction, let us study here.

LINK BETWEEN CYCLING AND ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION The medical reports have confirmed that possibility that some cyclist who are riding for longer and longer duration could suffer from erectile dysfunction. The reason is that due to long sitting on the uncomfortable seats the blood vessels and nerves that supply blood to the penis gets pressed. The area between the anus and penis gets pressed with the prolonged sitting. With longer pressing against the seat, the blood vessels cannot support the normal flow of blood to the sexual organ. The chances of the reduction of the blood supply to the penis increases when the seat of the cycle is not wide enough. When the seat is not wide enough, the entire weight of the cyclist rests on the area where blood vessels enter the penis. Such direct pressing of this sensitive area can result in temporary erectile dysfunction.

Based on the erection process, it was postulated that prolonged cycling or riding on a bike could lead to erectile dysfunction. Since erection process needs sufficient amount of blood flow towards the sexual organ, the action that disturbs the smooth flow could cause erectile dysfunction. But, it is also mentioned that with the comfortable seat, where the disturbance to blood flow is minimum, the possibility is curbed. So, if you are a regular cycling fan, or like to have prolonged cycling hour, you must give some thought to this idea. However, it is also mentioned that those who experienced some numbness due to slow blood movement can get the normal flow once they disembark from a cycle or bike. So, even if there is some erectile dysfunction from cycling, it is not a permanent problem. Even without the use of drugs like Vardenafil 10 mg, one can get the normal flow after stopping cycling.

UNDERSTAND THE SAFETY MEASURES TO PREVENT SUCH A POSSIBILITY If you spend a lot of time cycling or riding and felt some numbness on the area close to the penis, you should ensure these safety measures. The first step is getting a wide comfortable seat. The seat should be wide enough to support your entire buttock weight. When you are sitting on buttocks, there is no chance of pressing the blood vessels entering the penis. Second is that the height of the handlebar should not be above your seat level. And it is not necessary to sit on cycle for hours without a break.

CYCLING IS ONE OF THE EFFECTIVE WAYS TO BURN FAT Cycling both indoor and outdoor is one of the effective ways to burn fat. In fact, the chances of developing erectile dysfunction without an active life are greater than developing ED from cycling. One just has to ensure that the seat of the cycle is good. Along with moderate use of erectile dysfunction medicines like Fildena 100 mg, you can improve your sexual life. There is no report that cycling can cause permanent erectile dysfunction issues.

You can use medicines like Cialis 60 mg, to overcome any erection issue. The chances of developing erectile dysfunction from cycling are not very high. Even professionals cyclists do not have to fear, as they must be doing other exercises along with cycling.

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