Is Obesity one Cause of Erectile Dysfunction in men?

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Does Obesity Increase Erectile Dysfunction Chances?

Obesity is one of the risk factors for erectile dysfunction. Medically it has been proved that a male who is obese is likely to get erectile dysfunction in future than a normal male. Obesity is at the root of the many lifestyle diseases. And lifestyle risk increases the erectile dysfunction. Middle aged males are at greater risk of erectile dysfunction due to obesity. In many cases, obesity is the first step towards blood pressure, diabetes and then erectile issues. It also increases the chances of cardiovascular disease. The growing use of ​Viagra 120mg is evidence that middle aged males face the erection issue. However, the use of drugs for erection is the short term measure. The long term solution is lifestyle modification.

Obesity is Responsible for Erectile Dysfunction Obesity makes it difficult for the heart to pump the blood efficiently in the body. Obesity decreases the efficiency of the blood vessels. The blood flow decreases to the penis and leads to the erectile issues. Obesity is the lifestyle disease that enhances the onset of blood pressure, diabetes and inflammation. All the factors that increase the erectile issue chances emerge after obesity.

This single factor hastens the arrival of cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension issues. The medical experts believe that an obese man is two or three times more likely to get erection issue than a non obese man. So, there is a direct adverse impact of obesity on the erection process of a man. All factors that come up in the obese man cause erectile dysfunction.

Since the heart finds it difficult to pump the required blood to the penis, the erection process of a man is affected. Coupled with the fact that damaged blood vessels cannot dilate up to the level, that is necessary for proper blood flow to the penis. So, combination of all factors that emerged from obesity cause erection problems.

The first step of a man with an erectile issue is to buy an erectile dysfunction drug. The higher doses of Levitra 20mg​, for example, allow a man to overcome all factors for a hard erection. However, it must be mentioned that it is just a normal solution. In fact, relying on the erectile dysfunction drugs increases the degree of the erectile dysfunction.

Medical experts also testify that obesity lowers the testosterone level in the body. The appropriate level of the testosterone in the body is necessary to get the erection process started. The belly fat converts testosterone into estrogen. It interferes with the erection process.

Lifestyle Modification Improves Erectile Dysfunction Obesity is a lifestyle issue, which requires only lifestyle modifications. Health diet, exercises, leading an active life, avoiding sedentary life boosts the erection process. It also enables the body to absorb the nutrients in the food better. The risk factor of diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure comes down considerably with an active life. For younger males with erectile dysfunction due to obesity; it is possible to reverse the issue with simple steps.

There is no need to go for drastic weight loss measures. Control over diet, avoidance of junk food, moderate exercises to start with, are the simple and few steps to check weight. It has been observed that by reducing weight, a man directly increases the erection. Gradually increase the time in exercises and maintaining strict diet control, improves the erectile dysfunction. During the transition period, you can take lower doses of Cenforce 100mg to get the hard erection. It is necessary to maintain the intimacy level with the partner. Another strong reason to engage in intimacy is the role intercourse plays in health. It is regarded as one of the best exercises for the whole body.

However, avoid any drastic steps to reduce weight. It has been noted that drastic steps change the hormonal balance. It also requires the additional injections of testosterone. But a normal course is better to regain health and avoid erectile issues.

Along with lifestyle changes, you also have to cut smoking and drinking. Consult with the doctor to note the level of damage you obesity has caused to the body. Confirm if medical treatment is required. Take suggestions on the best lifestyle changes for desired results. Do not use any medicines for weight loss. There is no harm in use of drugs like ​Cialis 60mg​ during the transition period.

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