Erectile Dysfunction to a 40 Year Old Man

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Erectile Dysfunction 40 Year Old Man

The chances of the Erectile dysfunction increase in a man over 40 or around 40. This is primarily due to many lifestyles related diseases.The age is the biggest risk factor for the Erectile difficulties. However, a man with a healthy lifestyle and active life can beat erection difficulties till the advance stages of life. Erectile dysfunction in the mid age can be due to several psychological and lifestyle issues. Whatever may be the issue behind the erection difficulty, the use of drugs like Tadacip 20 mg to boost the erection can give a hard erection within 60 minutes.

Primary factors behind the Erection Difficulty in men of 40s

The combination of several lifestyles related issues and some individual problems can lead to erectile difficulties. It is interesting to note that sometimes it is normal to face the erectile issue. A tired and exhausted man at the end of the hard day cannot maintain the same energy at age 40. So take once a while erection issue as normal. Because any serious thought to the issue can consolidate the fear in your mind.But it is also right that man in this age, is the biggest market for Erectile dysfunction drug like Viagra 150 mg . some even use the drug to last longer than normal even with wife , as they fear that erection may get lost during the sexual activity . Viagra boosts the erection process by increasing blood supply to the narrow vessels of the penis. The lack of blood flow to the penis is the basic biological cause of the erectile dysfunction. This shows the psychological and stress issues behind the erection problem. The problem is compounded by diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle of males in this age bracket. All these factors add to the erectile issue. It has been observed by medical experts that a man with diabetes, high blood pressure or sedentary lifestyle issue increases his chances of facing Erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Issues in 40s could be sign of an Underlying Medical Problem A man in 40s should not take any sign of erectile issues as lightly. The erection problem comes from slow movement of the blood in the penis. It means that the blood vessels are blocked. The blood vessels in the penis area are narrower than the blood vessels in other part of the body. If a man is facing problem in the blood flow in the penis, it could be the sign of blockages of vessels in other parts of the body. In many cases, the erectile issue could be the first indication of the heart issue. So the first priority should be consultation with a medical expert to determine the exact cause of the erectile dysfunction. Then one has to create the underlying cause to reverse the Erectile dysfunction.

Then one has to create the underlying cause to reverse the erectile dysfunction. Along with the treatment, one can use medicines like Levitra 60 mg to get the instant erection before a sexual activity. The medicines for the instant erection only solve the blood flow problems in the penis. The core issue behind the erectile dysfunction remains as it is. So the comprehensive treatment should be the first step. It is possible in the early age to reverse the erectile difficulties. Once a man is aware of the basic issues affecting the erectile process, he can use instant erection medicines occasionally. The choice of medicines depends on the individual. It also depends to a certain extent on the degree of his erection problem. A higher dose is aligned to the higher degree of erectile dysfunction. .Every drug used to facilitate the erection process has a duration period, which is normally 4-5 hours in case of Viagra and levitra respectively. But the Cialis 60 mg has a long period of 36 hours. During this period, the user can have more than one sexual activity. At the same time, avoid any overdose or simultaneous use of any other medicine..

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