Exercises are a great way to reduce or prevent the chances of erectile dysfunction in males. Only up 70 % or bit more males get result from medicines. But exercises can offer benefit to those who cannot and do not want to use medicines for erectile issue. Erectile dysfunction can be also due to several lifestyle issues. In younger and mid aged males, the majority of cases behind erectile issue are general physical fatigue, lack of blood circulation and obesity. With exercise, a male can not only cure the erectile dysfunction, but can prevent it to happen. the big difference is that with medicines like fildena 100 mg you get temporary relief , while with exercises, you cure erectile dysfunction permanently .
SPECIFIC EXERCISES TO CURE OR REDUCE DEGREE OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Kegel exercise is one of the best exercises meant to increases blood flow in the sexual area. The kegel involves use of muscles that support the erection of the penis. If you try to lift the penis during its flaccid state, the muscles that are involved in lifting are the kegel muscles. The exercise is done by contracting and relaxing the pelvic muscles. Contract for few seconds and then relax. You can do exercise whenever you want without any need for an isolated space.
AEROBIC EXERCISE Aerobic exercises ensure a healthy heart, which in turn ensures healthy sexual life .aerobic exercises shed extra weight, increase blood circulation in the body, and increase stamina. Aerobic exercises also improve overall health. With aerobic exercise, you reduce the possibility of obesity, cholesterol, heart issues and diabetes. Medical studies have confirmed that a male without obesity, waistline beyond 42 inches and diabetes and cholesterol issues under control can extend sexual life. It depends on your lifestyle to include type of aerobic exercises that you want. Swimming, jogging, or simple brisk walk can be the way to get into shape.
The fact is that any yoga pose will improve health and an improved health is always a great base for joyful sexual life. However, there are some specific yoga poses you can make a part of your lifestyle.
HALF LORD OF FISH Here you improve your digestive system and increase blood flow to spleen, liver, pancreas, and pelvic region. Put the right leg or left leg to other side and shifting the arms to opposite site of the leg. The pose puts some stretch on the stomach. Breathing normally. Watch video to get the clear idea of this pose.
PASCHIMOTTANASANA OR SEATED FORWARD BEND Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend enhances endurance and tones the perennial muscles. These muscles support the erectile rigidity. It not only cures the erectile dysfunction but also increases your time in bed. Sit straight and touch your toes while putting your head on your knees without putting strain on yourself.
Here you create a bow like pose with your legs and arms. It stretches your body, tummy, neck, spleen, and pushes blood to your pelvic muscles. Lie on your belly and place your arms alongside the belly. Exhale and try to lift the knees, so that you are hold them with your hands by lifting your upper body. Inhale the lift yourself in bow like shape.
The only difference between exercises and medicines like Levitra 60 mg is that latter gives an instant erection. But you need medicines whenever you need an erection. All erectile dysfunction medicines including generic Viagra 200 mg only offer relief for 4-5 hours. There is no permanent relief from erectile dysfunction. Also the causes which increase erection issue will continue to get worse. You only can increase duration of medicines with Cialis 60 mg tablets, but the permanent cure remains elusive. Any yoga pose and exercise will make your fitter and better to deal with lifestyle diseases. A fitter body and relaxed mind are the greatest sources for all joys of life.