How to Deal With Erectile Dysfunction if You Have Heart Disease
Erectile dysfunction happens when blood flow to the heart is less than adequate. The blood flow in the penis is the first requirement to have a hard erection. The blood flow towards the sexual organ is a natural process, which happens when a man is sexually stimulated. Any medical or non-medical cause which disturbs the flow of blood to the sexual organ causes erectile difficulties. Since the heart has to pump blood throughout the body, any weakness in the heart causes the blood flow disturbance. A weak heart is one of the strongest medical issues behind erection problems. Though drugs like ​Viagra 200mg help a man to overcome the reduction in blood supply to the sexual part, the permanent solution is medical treatment.
Heart Patient Needs Guidance to Overcome the Erectile Dysfunction
Cardiovascular disease directly affects the sexual function of a man. The cardiovascular disease starts from the formation of plaque in the blood vessels. Its formation reduces the blood flow to the sexual organ. In fact, anyone without visible medical ailment facing erectile problems needs medical examination. It is possible that blockage in blood vessels reduces the blood flow to the sexual organ and gives rise to erectile dysfunction. The first step will be to go for a complete medical examination to identify the exact cause behind frequent erection problems. One off erectile issue is not considered erectile dysfunction. It is the consistent problem in getting the erection in more than half of sexual acts that is known as erectile dysfunction. After complete medical examination, assess the damage to the heart. The extent of the heart disease will determine the next course of action. The detection of blockage at initial stages will involve medication, lifestyle change and cholesterol free diet. It is possible that from the early stages, one can reverse the damage done to the blood vessels. With an active lifestyle, exercise regimen, medication and diet control, it is within the hands of a man to reverse the erectile dysfunction. It becomes easy to reverse the heart damage, once we know what
exactly we have to do. And the only way to know that is to know the causes behind heart disease. Generally smoking, unlimited drinking, heavy fatty meals, sedentary lifestyle, junk food, and aversion to any physical activity are responsible for poor heart health and diseases. Control over one or several of these lifestyle habits reverse the heart condition. But the extent of recovery will depend on the age of the patient, extent of the damage and the kind of disease. Along with lifestyle changes one can use drugs like Levitra 60mg or any dose recommended by the doctor for a satisfactory erection. It will be totally safe under guidance and within the dose limit to consume the erectile dysfunction drugs.
Surgery in Case of Serious Heart Issues Surgery is the only option for those with serious heart issues. After complete recovery from the surgery, there will be some chances of using the erectile drugs for an erection. Again the age of the patient, general health condition and type of surgery will determine the recovery period. After successful surgery, there will be total ban on sex for several weeks. Let doctor suggest the best time for sex after examination. Even then there will be several precautions; you have to take as heart patient. First, the medication you may be using even after recovery can react with the Cialis 40mg you take for erection. And also the dose will be decided by the doctor. A higher dose can increase the effect of fewer side effects. During the sexual act, the exertion takes place and a heart patient needs proper guidance to understand the impact of any exertion on the heart during sex. Generic medicines also come at a lower cost with the same effectiveness and function. Cenforce 200mg is one of the preferred generic medicines, as it contains the same active ingredient as Viagra.
Use of Vacuum Pumps, Injections and Implants
A senior and elder with severe heart issue can take the option of vacuum tubes to get the needed erection for sex. This option is without medicines. You put the penis in the hollow tubes and squeeze air out of them to dilate the blood vessels. The dilation of the blood vessels draws blood into the penis for erection. Injection is taken before the sexual act to get the erection. Implants are the two rods on both sides of the penis to make it erect firmly for a sexual act. But these are the last resorts, when drugs for erection do not work.