Important Erectile Dysfunction Causes You Should Know

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Erectile dysfunction occurs due to several causes. It is a common sexual difficulty faces by males of every age now. The main issue in the problem is the lack of stiffness in the penis that is necessary for penetrative sex. The causes behind erectile dysfunction can vary from male to male, but often some cause an overlap in all males. There is also a difference in the causes of a younger male to an older male. The chances of erectile dysfunction increase as we age. The medical status, health status, and several other emotional and psychological issues determine the onset of erectile dysfunction. The growing sale of medicines like Viagra 50 mg indicates that problem is spreading in males. Let us study some prominent causes behind erectile dysfunction.

LIFESTYLE DISEASES Males after 30 or 40 suffer from one of two of the lifestyle diseases. The hectic working style, sedentary lifestyle, and fast pace of life has made it difficult to lead an active life. Diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol issues, obesity, and lack of time for normal family life contribute to the onset of erectile dysfunction. Personal habits of smoking and drinking play a significant role in erectile dysfunction in several males. These two habits damage blood vessels. The damaged blood vessels cannot take blood to the penis adequately. When an apparently healthy male uses a Vardenafil 10 mg for a hard erection, it is due to lifestyle issues rather than a medical problem.

EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL ISSUES The growing list of causes behind younger males facing erection issue is emotional and mental issues. These include stress, anxiety, performance anxiety, work-related issues, or personal issues. Relationship issues also are appearing on a higher level in the list. The relaxation that is needed for the body and mind is not available to several struggling youngsters. That relaxation ensures that participation of mind in the sexual arousal process. The sexual thoughts start in the mind and mind triggers the central nervous system which releases the nitrate oxide for the flow of blood towards the penis. Any thought that disturbs the smooth thought process leads to erectile dysfunction. The younger healthy males reporting sexual issues are symptoms of emotional and psychological issues.

PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT ISSUE IN SENIOR MALES Benign prostate enlargement is the single largest factor in erectile dysfunction in senior males. It is the enlargement of the prostate gland which affects the erection process. There are cases, where it is reported that even after surgery the problem of erection remains for several months. It does not mean that seniors cannot get the same erection as before for sex, but they need medical consultations before using any medicine for erection. The doctor has to check their health and recovery process before allowing them the use of any medicine including 40 mg Tadalafil. Some older males face the issue of low circulation of blood, which restricts their arousal process. They use erectile dysfunction medicines for smooth blood circulation. Again, they need medical consultations to avoid reaction with other medicines they may be taking for other medical issues.

PREMATURE EJACULATION It can also create conditions for erection problems later on. The premature ejaculation occurs when a male cannot have ejaculation after completion of a sex session. The ejaculation occurs immediately at the entry of the penis or before the start of the penetrative sex. If left untreated, premature ejaculation can lead to erectile dysfunction.

MEDICAL CONDITIONS The injury to the penis, medical problems like kidney dialysis, liver issue, or formation of plaque in the blood vessels also lead to erectile dysfunction. Arthritis in older males also causes erectile dysfunction, as males cannot get the proper relaxation in the body for smooth blood flow towards the penis. Nonmedical issues are easy to control with the help of medicines like 100 mg Fildena. but medical problems need proper treatment. The medicines help you to overcome the problem for some hours, but the problem remains. In fact in some cases, without medical treatment of underlying cause or causes, the need for higher and higher doses emerges to get the same kind of erection. Younger males should take any sign of erectile dysfunction seriously, as it is the symptom of an underlying health crisis. The proper diagnose of the issue and treatment is necessary to avoid dependence on medicines.

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