Neurogenic And Psychogenic Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

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Neurogenic and psychogenic causes of the erectile dysfunction stem from the brain functions. Any injury or issue with the normal functioning of the brain can cause erectile dysfunction in men. Such a man finds it difficult to get and then maintain an erection. Â Erectile dysfunction is the weakness in the erection process of the man. It starts from weak erection, and then grows to the difficulty in sustaining an erection. The erectile process needs the involvement of brain to trigger process. The brain triggers the nervous system which releases the enzymes to begin the flow of blood to the sexual organ for erection.

ANY ISSUE THAT AFFECTS THE BRAIN LEADS TO NEUROGENIC CAUSE OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Some of the causes are injury to brain, stroke, Parkinson diseases, damage to the central or periphery neuro system, spinal injury, or any disease which interferes with the nervous system leads to the erection issue. Neurogenic issue is the one of the main issues affecting the erectile function of a man. It is because the deficiency of neurotransmitters is the common in many diseases and conditions. Â The chances of the erectile dysfunction also occur with the occurrence of the neurovascular injuries or problems. Pelvic fracture orinjury also contributes to the erectile dysfunction. The permanent solution of course is the treatment of the underlying cause of the erection dysfunction. With the treatment of the neurogenic causes, the man can reverse or check the progression of the erectile dysfunction.

PSYCHOGENIC CAUSES OF THE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Psychogenic causes along with other causes or as independent, can lead to the erectile dysfunction. Anxiety, low feeling, depression, low self esteem, and lack of sexual confidence, are some of the issues that lead to erectile dysfunction. These factors can be temporary or permanent, depending on the condition of the man or situation.  The traditional approach to these problems was counseling sessions with the psychologist. These sessions are normally talk therapy kind, where innermost thoughts and feelings of the man are discussed. The sessions also involve the partner of the man. These help the partner to understand the mental makeup of the man and help him in recreating the good old days. These days the therapy is also used along with recommendation of erectile dysfunction like Viagra. Viagra 200 mg is suggested when erectile dysfunction is really of higher degree.

There are many situations in both neurogenic and psychogenic causes of the erectile dysfunction, where therapy plus right dose of the erectile dysfunction is recommended. But the patient should never go and take the erectile dysfunction drug like Cenforce 100 mg without medical consultations. The medical intervention is sought when the man is also facing the issue of low sexual desire, low libido or some mental issues. It has been found that low testosterone is sometimes responsible for the low sex desire. The low sex desire leads to erectile dysfunction eventually. The use of medicines like Cialis 5 mg can help a man to get back the sexual confidence. The pill gives enough push to the blood circulation to give the man a hard erection. Â If low self-esteem or fear of premature ejaculation is behind the erectile issue, then a Cialis, tablet will be sufficient to deal with these issues. Â

However, some issues like many neurogenic causes cannot be treated with just using erectile dysfunction drugs. Of course, the drugs will help the man to overcome the erectile dysfunction, but the permanent solution is treatment of the underlying cause. Even when a man is using lower dose, like Viagra 100 mg, the consultations with the doctor ensure safety and secure use of the drug. Â Psychogenic reasons behind the erectile dysfunction do not need medical intervention. But other neurological causes are treated only through medical intervention supported by physiotherapy in some cases. Since a man is using medicines, he needs to consult a doctor before using erectile dysfunction drug like Levitra 40 mg.The medical support will enable a man to avoid reactions. The doctor must know the medicines a man is using along with erectile dysfunction drug. The medical intervention will ensure safe use of erectile dysfunction drugs.

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