Is Prostate Issue Related to Erectile Dysfunction?

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Erectile dysfunction of a male is combination of mental, biological and emotional factors. Disturbance in any one of these could lead to erectile issue. A man, who has one off erectile issue, is not considered an erectile dysfunction sufferer. But a man who faces the erection difficulties in more than 50% of the cases is said to be suffering from the erection problem. Among the medical causes, behind the erection issue, prostate enlargement is one of the serious cases. It is associated with the age, and one of the common causes of erection issue among elders and seniors. Prostate cancer and prostate enlargement are the issues that are linked behind erection dysfunction in elders and seniors. The use of erectile dysfunction drugs Cenforce 100 mg among seniors is because of prostate gland issue.

PROSTATE ISSUE DIRECTLY AFFECTS THE ERECTION PROCESS Prostate is located between bladder and penis. It is a golf ball sized gland that secretes a fluid that is behind the health of our sperm. Prostate problem often is linked with age. And prostate problem often causes delay erection and in some cases severe erection problem. Any treatment to the prostate issue has some impact on the erection process. In some cases the male is able to get the erection normal, but in initial days after a surgery, the erection process is severely affected. Any treatment for prostate issue, from surgery to radiation affects the normal erection of the males. A man with prostate is more likely to get erection issue than a man without a prostate issue. It is the dominate cause of Erectile dysfunction in seniors and elders in America and increasingly in other countries as well. Any one facing the sudden onslaught of the erection issue has to get the medical examination to determine the cause for early treatment.

Any surgery for prostate cancer has an adverse impact on the erection process. The surgery can sever some of the nerves that are involved in the erection process. The removal of prostate gland also disturbs the erection process severely. Radiation therapy leads to restriction on the erection process during the recovery phase, and that can last up to two years. After a period of two years, the man can get back the normal erection process. Whether one can use Erection dysfunction drugs before the normal erection recovery needs to the confirmed from the medical experts. The location of the tumor, age of the patient, and surgery method involved all determine the possibility of the man to get back the normal erection. In some cases if the tumor is close to the nerve bundles, it can hit the erection process of a man. Even if the nerves are not permanently damaged, the erection will come back only after recovery period of 12-18 months. Certainly immediately after the treatment, when a patient is on medications, it will be risky to use the powerful Erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra 100 mg. the consultations are needed to understand the proper way to use the erection boosting drugs. There are many medicines which react with the chemical in the Viagra. To avoid such reaction, it is vital to seek the medical guidance before any such thought.

ERECTILE ISSUE IN CASE OF BENIGN PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT This is comparatively less severe case of prostate issue, but it can also impact to some extent the erection process of a man. The medicines used in the treatment have side effects. However, the impact is limited to small percentage of men as compared to the damage caused by the prostate cancer on man.

During the treatment, it is not practical to use the erection supporting drugs. But after the recovery, one can use the drugs like Cialis 60 mg to get back the erection for a sexual act. Without medical consultations, such drugs should never be used, as chances of reaction with other medicines are high. It is also necessary to understand the dose that aligns with the erection difficulty to keep side effects at minimum level.

Based on medical facts and observation, the erectile process of the man is affected by the any problem with the prostate gland. But recovery is possible, however, that will take time and the normal erection cannot be resorted in some cases. Depending on the age and general health condition, a man can use the medicines such as Levitra 40 mg for a sexual act. However whether free from any prostate issue or not, it is always safe to seek medical guidance before using any medicine to boost the erection process.

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