Medicines and erectile dysfunction have two kinds of relations. One is negative and second is positive. The positive role is that medicines known as PDE5 inhibitors overcome any cause to give an erection to the males with erectile dysfunction issue. The medicines also have a negative role that hastens the erectile issue in males. These are drugs that are used for various medical ailments. The drug abuse is also a fundamental cause behind erectile dysfunction in males. However, pills like Viagra 150 mg play the positive role to help a man recover lost erection. It has helped millions of men around the world to get back their sexual life. Let us study the role of medicines in relation to erectile dysfunction.
FIRST LET US SEE THE POSITIVE ROLE Ever since the launch of Viagra almost two decades ago, it has revolutionized the sexual life of males. The single pill has enabled millions of males from every region of the world to get back sexual life. The use of Viagra has restored sexual life of males without expensive treatment. The single pill of any dose increases the blood flow towards the sexual organ for a penile erection. Besides Viagra, there are several other medicines of the similar category. All these medicines are called PDE5 inhibitors. They restrict the role of PDE5 enzyme to allow nitrate oxide function smoothly for increased blood flow towards the penis. Cialis and Levitra are other medicines in this category. The basic function of all these three medicines is the same. They come in various doses of various quantities. The basic idea behind varied doses is to allow men to buy anyone to overcome his degree of erectile dysfunction.
The higher doses like Levitra 60 mg are for higher degree of erectile dysfunction. One should be careful to choose the right dose, as a higher dose for a moderate to mild erectile dysfunction will only enhance the side-effects. It is up to you to pick up any medicines to get a penile erection, but the dose selection should be left to the medical expert.
LET A MEDICAL EXPERT DECIDE YOUR MEDICINE DOSE FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION You can choose any medicines depending on your lifestyle and planned sexual session. The Cialis is the only erectile dysfunction medicine that has a longer half life of 17 hours. This means that after using it you can get a penile erection anytime in next 36 hours. For a younger male, it can be a good idea to use it. The long duration of the medicine can cause some back pain to seniors and elders. Also if you have to move within next few hours, you should avoid using Cialis. Anyone who has to take a medicine for any medical ailment in next 24 hours should also avoid this medicine. The chemical of the drug, tadalafil, remains in the body for longer duration. It interferes with other medicines.
 The dose has to be selected by the medical expert after careful examination of your erectile dysfunction degree. A higher or lower dose will never give you satisfactory results. In many cases, generic versions of the branded medicines are also offered. Kamagra 100 mg is an effective tablet with same ingredient as the Viagra. Its cost is also low, which helps males to use it regularly.
MEDICINES WHICH CAN INCREASE THE CHANCES OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Recreational drugs and party drugs are the top drugs that can lead to erectile dysfunction in younger males. It is also possible that long term use of medication for some medical ailment may eventually reduce the sexual life of a male. Some antidepressant medicines can hasten the erectile issue in males. Since the tendency among younger males is to use antidepressant on the slight mood swing, the long-term impact is often more severe than current mood swing.
 In seniors and elders, the excess use of medicines during prostate cancer treatment often makes erection impossible. After treatment, they can use erectile dysfunction Cialis 40 mg pills with the doctor’s consultation. Some of these medicines mentioned can decrease blood flow within the body. Some affect nerves, development of hormones and reduce the libido. The cumulative result is erectile dysfunction. So, medicines both cure and cause erectile dysfunction. It depends on the knowledge of the man, the user, and his understanding of the medicines to get the best result.