It is said that people with sleep apnea are found more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than those who do not have it. It is also said that it happens because sleep apnea causes low testosterone. Well… before talking about how they are both linked, it is rather good to know what they really are. Like, obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder when one experiences disrupting sleep because of airways blockage at night. On the other hand, there is erectile dysfunction. It is a male sexual dysfunction that makes a man incapable to get or keep an erection enough to have sex. Now the question is… when both disorders differ this much, is there really a link between them? Hmm, let’s find out.
WHAT IS THE LINK? However both the disorders differ in terms of symptoms, causes, and treatments, they still remain connected with their effect. Research suggests that around 70% of people who have had sleep apnea also experienced erectile dysfunction, which was rather common in aged and higher body mass men. If we talk about the link between both the disorders, it is low testosterone levels. Testosterone is a male sexual hormone, and people with sleep apnea tend to have low testosterone levels. Conclusively, the chances of erectile dysfunction increase with sleep apnea as it causes low testosterone.
WHAT ARE THE CAUSES? Sleep apnea has two types, one is obstructive sleep apnea and another one is central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles are unable to keep airways open during sleep. On the other hand, central sleep apnea occurs when the brain is not able to control breathing correctly while sleep.Here are some causes of sleep apnea that include; Having obesity Smoking Drinking alcohol Sleeping on the backHaving large tonsils Having a large neck, and so on‌ On the other hand, there is erectile dysfunction that occurs due to inadequate blood flow to the penis causing penile tissues also known as corpus cavernosa not to harden enough to develop a decent erection to have sex.
The common causes of erectile dysfunction include; Heart disease Clogged blood vessels High cholesterol Diabetes Obesity Sleep disorders Low testosterone Metabolic syndrome Prescription medications, and so on‌ These were some common causes of both sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction. However, both the disorders have different treatment options, here are few that could help‌
WHAT ARE SOME GOOD TREATMENTS? Treatment usually depends on its causes like sleep apnea, all lifestyle changes, losing weight and avoiding smoking, and alcohol could help. But‌ it depends on the cause and way of fixing blocked airways. On the other hand, if we talk about erectile dysfunction, there are several treatment options available for it including oral medications like Kamagra oral jelly 100 mg. These treatments include;
ORAL MEDICATIONS FDA has approved several medications that contain such drugs that improve blood circulation to penile tissues and help attain an erection. These medications are over the counter and last for a specific period. Viagra 100 mg containing Sildenafil citrate is the first approved medication that lasts up to 4-6 hours ensuring satisfying sex. Well, it takes some 30-45 minutes to kick off in the system. On the other hand, there is Cialis 40 mg containing Tadalafil. It can last up to 36 hours in one dose and has a similar working mechanism. Lastly, there is Levitra containing vardenafil. However Levitra has the same working mechanism, effect, and lasting duration like Viagra, it is a more effective drug than other erectile dysfunction medications.
LIFESTYLE CHANGES Common lifestyle changes like regular exercising, a healthy diet, yoga, meditation, and avoiding smoking and alcohol could help fix erection issues by boost sexual stamina and libido.
TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY Testosterone supplementation is often used to fix erectile dysfunction caused by low testosterone levels. As said, low testosterone can affect sexual libido and lead to potential sexual dysfunctions which include impotence, testosterone replacement is always a good pick.