The Main Two Myths Regarding Erectile Dysfunction

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The two main myths associated with erectile dysfunction are baseless. The first myths is that it is an age related issue and second, that it incurable. Let us study both these myths in detail and come to some conclusion. Erectile dysfunction is difficult in getting a penile erection for sex. The first stage is difficulty in sustaining an erection for completion of sex. The second is getting an erection for a sex. Without care or cure, the problem assumes a worse face, when there is no movement in the penis. The choice for males is to use a dose of erectile dysfunction drug Viagra 200 mg. It ensures a hard erection and sustains the erection for the sex.

THE FIRST MAIN MYTH IS THAT ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION IS AGE-RELATED It is right that with age, the chances of erectile dysfunction increase. But it cannot be said that you will get an erection as you age. A healthy mid -aged man can have a normal hard erection much better than a younger male with stress and anxiety. The reality is that erectile dysfunction can happen in any male irrespective of age. A young man living a hectic life can also have erectile dysfunction. A midaged man with stress in business and personal life can also develop erectile dysfunction.

A teenager with under sexual confidence and anxiety can have a lower desire. And this can continue into 20s. The possibility of erectile dysfunction only increases in old age. But there is a guarantee that with a healthy diet, work life balance, and relaxed mind you can retain your ability to have a healthy sexual life. Even if erectile dysfunction develops, it will come well in advanced years. Again if you are free from any medical condition, you can use higher doses of erectile dysfunction medicines like Levitra 60 mg to overcome mild to moderate degree of erectile dysfunction.

MYTH TWO – ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION IS NOT CURABLE It is another myth that has persisted in spite of material and medical studies to the contrary. The reality is that in any age you can cure erectile dysfunction. Depending on the causes, you can take simple steps to reverse back erectile dysfunction. The fast recovery towards the normal erection depends on your health, age, causes of erectile dysfunction and medical status. The males with emotional and psychological issues behind erectile dysfunction can get back normal erection when basic issues are cured. The counseling sessions with a professional psychologist will be enough to deal with mental issues of any sort. Through cognitive behavior therapy, the male gets a complete cure.

Again, the male who has some lifestyle issues behind the erectile problem can cure the erection issue with lifestyle intervention. A healthy diet, active lifestyle, exercises, and check on weight will be enough to solve issues of diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. Very old males with medical issues such as prostate issue or other medical issue can check the further deterioration in erection by medical treatment of basic causes. Even patients after prostate surgery can use medicines like Cialis 60 mg to get a normal hard erection. In some rare cases, a male cannot use erectile dysfunction medicines.

Even then male has option of using vacuum tubes to get a hard erection for sex. Those who still like to have sex, but cannot use either medicines or tubes can get iron rods planted in penis through surgery. So, there is nothing which prevents a male with erectile dysfunction to have sex. Majority of males can reverse erectile dysfunction through lifestyle intervention and medicines. And those who cannot reverse can always get a normal sex through use of medicines like Fildena 100 mg. Just ensure that takes precautions for a safe use of dosages. The fact remains that you can enjoy sex without even with erectile dysfunction issue.


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