Turmeric for Erectile Dysfunction: A Treatment or a Remedy
Introduction Praised repeatedly for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, turmeric has found its place in medicines, home remedies, oils, and daily food recipes. It is an anti-oxidant known to slow the ageing process. And therefore, finding them in formulations of anti-ageing creams, lotions, mask is almost inevitable. And if we dwell into our daily lives, almost 60% of people like to drink turmeric milk daily due to its health and wellness inducing properties. It is being relied upon as the best healer and medical aid to promoting good sleeping habits. It was only natural for the researchers to go overboard with their researches and find potential relation between turmeric and erections, or any other health issues. Numerous studies have indeed revealed that turmeric can accelerate the treatment of erectile dysfunction and result in men experiencing a better sex life. But is it true?
Turmeric – The healing spice! Turmeric is a yellow flower plant from the ginger root family. Scientifically termed as Curcuma Longa, turmeric has an earthy and pungent smell which resembles mustard-like sweet and bitter flavor. The active ingredient of the turmeric root is Curcumin. It is one of the naturally occurring compounds found in turmeric which gives it the signature yellow color. Curcumin is known to have therapeutic and healing effects which work miracles in treating wounds, improving skin quality, ailments, diseases, blood flow and a lot of other diseases. It is a wellness inhibitor that shows its effect with prolonged use.
Turmeric for men – Can it help? Men have their own set of health issues that are very different from that of women. The primary concerns are the male reproductive system. A lot of diseases like cardiovascular diseases, lead to a disturbance in the male reproductive system which causes erectile dysfunction. Turmeric, specifically curcumin, is known to work at molecular level to improve blood flow throughout the body to aid better functioning. It has been known to provide for both physical and psychological treatment. Thus leading a complete medical assistance for treating a variety of health concerns in men.
Turmeric Benefits for Prostate Cancer Ever since there have been studies for the treatment of cancer, specifically prostate cancer. Studies have been conducted around turmeric to find a potent treatment. Curcumin, the active ingredient has been a key for scientific evidences that route for a strong relation between turmeric and prostate cancer. In recent studies, scientists found that when compounds of turmeric were injected into the prostate cancer cells, it resulted in the reduction of the number of prostate cancer tumors. Therefore, the benefit is quite noticeable!
Turmeric for Male Fertility! Turmeric is a therapeutic and medical aid to improving body function and health. In men, it has been known to induce fertility, sexual desire and boost the development of reproductive cells i.e. sperm. The general properties of Turmeric work effectively in increasing the blood flow. Due to its therapeutic effects also seem to calm the mind, it is also a great sleep inducer that relaxes the brain and causes about a relief from stress, anxiety, and depression. This in turn aids in their sexual performance and confidence on the bed! Curcumin holds a lot of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties which are great for removing the toxicity of the male fertile organs making them active and indulging during their sexual activities. Therefore, the experience and ability of men gets a major boost with a pinch of turmeric in their eating habits.
Is Turmeric Better than Viagra or Cialis? Numerous researches have been done on the potentiality of turmeric in replacing the PDE5 inhibitors i.e. Viagra and Cialis. Although, both of the aids help men in getting about an erection that almost feels natural, the process of treatment differs. ED Drugs like Viagra 50mg and Cialis 5mg bring about an erection in 30 minutes while turmeric is known to heal the body from erectile dysfunction and bring natural erection in due time. Viagra and Cialis cause a release of enzymes in the body which cause an erection. It can be very much said that ED drugs are short term treatments and treatment with Turmeric takes time.
Researcher’s Gap Between Theory and Practice! Numerous researches have been done on the potentiality of turmeric in replacing the PDE5 inhibitors i.e. Viagra and Cialis. Although, both of the aids help men in getting about an erection that almost feels natural, the process of treatment differs. ED Drugs like Viagra and Cialis bring about an erection in 30 minutes while turmeric is known to heal the body from erectile dysfunction and bring natural erection in due time. Viagra and Cialis cause a release of enzymes in the body which triggers the flow of blood to the erectile tissues and cause an erection. It can be very much said that ED drugs are short term treatments and treatment with Turmeric takes time.
How to Use Turmeric for ED? Turmeric can be used in a variety of ways to induce the benefits of it into your lifestyle. Natural remedies for ED allows of curcumin in regular activities. Here are some ways to add it to your diet. Turmeric supplements are reliable for the treatment of prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction. Mix turmeric with essential oils to apply it on the area around the lower abdomen for quick absorption of the nano-particles into the cells and heal the erectile zone.
Soothe the Pain! Memory boost, uplift of mood, healing injuries, reducing headaches and improving sexual desire – turmeric can be an answer to all your health queries. But when it comes to a sound treatment for erectile dysfunction, you might want to go an extra edge and use it for enhanced treatment. Turmeric has potential to cure prostate cancer, and other erectile dysfunctions but there is a need to give a steady boost in the quantity and quality that your body needs. It may take a while, but turmeric promises to bring back the natural sexual drive and action you have been longing for a while now.
Thank You Source: https://thesynergycompanies.com/turmeric-forerectile-dysfunction