Countless studies by medical and yoga experts in leading medical universities around the world have confirmed the yoga benefit for male health. Every yoga pose improves physical and mental function of practitioners, but there are specific yoga poses for directly benefit the sexual health of males. The basic function of yoga poses for sexual health is increasing blood flow throughout the body. Remove obstruction in path of blood flow and improve function of various internal organs involved in sexual health of males. Yoga also increases vitality, sperm quality, sperm count and stamina which further enhance the virility of a male.
YOGA AND ITS IMPACT ON PERFORMANCE IN BED Yoga increases blood flow in the sexual organ that makes it easy to get an erection. Second, yoga promotes relaxation throughout the body. The tense muscles become relaxed and flexible. Third, yoga tremendously improves stamina, endurance and lung capacity because of controlled breathing, which is part of each yoga pose. The yoga expert Lauren Zoeller, who is a certified yoga instructor in Tennessee, says that regular yoga practice focuses your attention on the present moment. This side of yoga benefit ensures that your mind and body are involved in the same task, which is very helpful in prolonging the sexual session. It must be mentioned that yoga does not demand totally boycott of ED drugs. In fact yoga followers get suggestion from doctors to use Cialis 5 mg on weekends to remove fear of loss of erection. Cialis has a long 36 hours duration, which ensures more than one erection per session.
SPECIFIC YOGA POSES FOR ENHANCING PERFORMANCE IN BED BRIDGE POSE OR SETU BANDHA SARVANGASANA Easy to do pose strengthens pelvic muscles and pushes blood flow towards the pelvic area including sexual organ. Lie on your back on the floor, keep knees bend at the right angle and feet flat. The arms should be on the sides without touching your body. Slowly lift the midsection of the body off the ground without lifting head or feet. Hang there for few seconds and come down.
COBRA POSE Cobra pose strengthens spinal cord and it is one of the best core strengthening exercise. Lie on the flat floor on your belly, put arms on sides and lift your chest off the ground while keeping legs straight. In initial stages, you can keep legs on ground and only lift the chest part. Later your entire weight on hands and toes while lifting chest. You need to inhale while pushing the chest forwards off the ground.
CAT AND COW POSE (MARJARYASANA AND BITILASANA) The basic aim of these two poses is to lower stress and anxiety level. The poses are done in one after another in continuation. Support yourself on hands and knees just like a four legged animal. The wrists should be underneath your shoulders. Now inhale while looking up lifting your neck only. Stretch neck, chest and chin to see the ceiling. Exhale while coming back to the same position. Tuck your chin and chest towards your navel and try to roll your spine towards inside.
ONE-LEGGED PIGEON (EKA PADA RAJAKAPOTASANA) Move your one leg front of your body, so that one leg is at the 90 degree angle from the body. Stretch your leg behind on the floor as much as you can do without discomfort. Exhale as you press forward and inhale when you come back to old position. Repeat with both the legs.
SUPPORT PERFORMANCE IN BED WITH ED DRUGS Aforementioned yoga poses improve your sexual life slowly. For a man who is facing erectile dysfunction, it will take a while to see improvement. For quick solution, doctors recommend Levitra 60 mg to overcome erectile issue within 30 minutes. Levitra is considered 10 times more powerful than viagra. A single dose overcomes any degree of erectile dysfunction. Swallow with water to get a 5 hour support in erection. Within 5 hours, you can get more than one penile erection with physical stimulation.
ED DRUGS DO NOT INTERFERE WITH YOGA Yoga practitioner can use FDA approved drug Viagra 150 mg to get faster relief from erectile dysfunction. Medical experts do not restrict use of ED drugs to yoga practitioners. In fact, yoga practitioners take more from ED drugs. Swallow the drug with water 60 minutes before your planned intimate session. The 5 hours support to your erection process boosts your confidence. After 24 hours all chemical traces of drug get eliminated from the body. ED drugs do not impact yoga session in any way.