Teaching Assistant Training Courses

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The Teaching Assistant College offers a wide variety of training days to meet the needs of your school and your TAs, with a focus on making small changes to practice that have a big impact. You will be sent information on how to prepare your TAs for training, and the day will allow the delegates to develop personal action plans in order to ensure their learning is carried forward into practice. We will then follow up on these action plans at a later date. You can choose from the training options from within this brochure, or alternatively speak to your training facilitator to create a bespoke training day.

Making an Impact: Being an Amazing TA This day gives practitioners the opportunity to reflect on their current practice and to identify small changes to their practice that can make a big difference in the classroom. OVERVIEW The role of the TA and the value and impact of the role. Working alongside the Teacher. Planning with the Teacher. Understanding the planning cycle. Practical support strategies. Supporting the assessment for learning process. Understanding individual needs. Reflecting on practice. Positivity within the role.

SUITABLE FOR: Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other learning support staff who want to develop their practice in order to support learners to reach their potential.

Aiming High: Getting the Best out of your Learners This course takes a holistic approach to supporting learners, considering communication, interaction, practical support strategies and mindset. OVERVIEW Understanding the role of the TA in supporting learner achievements. Getting to know the learners. Adopting and promoting a growth mindset. Effective interaction during learning activities. Promoting peer collaboration. Effective differentiation. Developing independent thinking.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other staff who want to develop their practice in order to support learners to reach their potential.


Supporting Learning Activities: Maximising Participation and Progress Teaching Assistants are vital in supporting learning activities. This course explores theoretical aspects of learning, and when and how TAs should be supporting learners to enhance their participation and progress. OVERVIEW The importance of social organisation in learning activities. Vygotsky and the Zone of Proximal Development. Creating an inclusive environment. Learning styles. Micro-differentiation. Using questioning to support and extend learners. Observing learners and monitoring participation and progress. Providing meaningful feedback.

SUITABLE FOR: Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other learning support staff who want to develop their practice in supporting learning activities.

Raising Standards through Assessment for Learning This course will explore the role of the Teaching Assistant in assessment for learning, and the impact a thorough approach to AfL can have in the classroom. OVERVIEW The assessment and planning cycle, and the role of the TA. Setting expectations for learning. Engaging children in their own learning. Practical strategies to apply assessment for learning. Sharing objectives and criteria. Questioning as assessment for learning. Giving feedback and marking.


SUITABLE FOR: Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other learning support staff who want to develop their knowledge and skills relating to assessment for learning.

Promoting Positive Behaviour Effective behaviour management is the cornerstone of effective learning environments. This course explores the potential causes of negative behaviour, and practical strategies for practitioners to create a positive environment. OVERVIEW The causes of negative behaviour. Behaviour theories including social learning, self-fulfilling prophecy and behaviourism. Creating a positive environment—class rules, effective instructions, improving motivation, appropriate activities. Reacting to inappropriate behaviour. The TA as a Role Model. The importance of consistency.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other staff who want to develop their behaviour management skills.

The Inclusive Classroom: Supporting Children with Additional Needs This course explores identifying, supporting and monitoring children with a range of additional needs from SEN, emotional needs, developmental needs and short term needs. OVERVIEW What are additional needs? Understanding the rights of children and young people with additional needs. The dangers of labelling and using children’s strengths in planning. Identifying additional needs. Best practice in supporting additional needs. Promoting inclusion. Promoting independence. Working with personal learning plans. Working in partnership.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other staff who want to develop their understanding and practice in supporting additional needs.


Reaching Their Potential: Supporting Low Ability Learners Many Teaching Assistants and support staff work with low ability learners, and this course explores practical strategies we can use to effectively support these learners. OVERVIEW Identifying and using children’s strengths. Empowering low ability learners. Practical support strategies. Developing self-esteem and confidence. Tracking progress. Providing meaningful feedback.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff who support low ability learners.

Reaching Their Potential: Supporting Advanced Learners This course considers different strategies we can adopt to effectively support and extend advanced learners within an inclusive classroom. OVERVIEW Vygotsky and the Zone of Proximal Development. Bloom’s taxonomy. Higher order thinking skills. Encouraging children to be critical thinkers. Practical extension activities.


SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other staff who support advanced or high ability learners.

Raising Standards through Coaching and Mentoring Coaching and mentoring are essential for both staff and learners to achieve their potential. This course will explore different coaching and mentoring strategies and how we can apply these in practice. OVERVIEW Definitions of coaching and mentoring. Theoretical models of coaching. Being a good coach. Communication skills. Setting, monitoring and achieving goals. Questioning. Using feedback. The importance of reflection.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff who want to develop their coaching and mentoring skills.

Maximising Learning: Promoting Independent Thinking In this course we consider the life skills we want learners to carry forward into adult life, and how we can promote and develop these skills in the classroom. OVERVIEW Realising the value of independence as a skill. Independence as a life skill. Practical support strategies to develop independent learning in the classroom. Developing a love of learning. Encouraging children to be inquisitive and ask questions. Encouraging children to develop their ideas and deepen understanding.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff who want to develop their coaching and mentoring skills.


Teachers and TAs Working Together The Teacher/TA relationship is absolutely essential in developing outstanding classroom practice and in effectively supporting learners. This course explores the different roles of the Teacher and TA and gives the opportunity to develop strategies for use in the classroom. OVERVIEW Defining Teacher and TA roles. What makes an effective Teacher/TA relationship. Sharing information and communication. Consistency in the classroom. Effective use of the TA in learning activities. Best practice in the classroom.

SUITABLE FOR: Teaching teams who are looking to reflect on their current practice and develop new strategies to ensure communication and consistency in the classroom.

Collaboration in the Classroom Collaboration is crucial for learning, and this course considers the different collaborative relationships within the classroom and how we can promote these. OVERVIEW Exploring Teacher-TA-learner relationships and their value. Key skills for effective collaboration. Developing positive relationships with learners and staff. Effective communication. Supporting group and pair work. How to handle disagreements and misunderstandings.


SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff who want to promote a collaborative learning environment.

Supporting Learners with English as an Additional Language This course explores theoretical aspects of language acquisition and how to apply these in the classroom. We will consider how to make learning fun and how to adopt an individualised approach within an inclusive classroom. OVERVIEW Theories of language acquisition. Differentiating for stage of language acquisition. Making learning fun. Using resources effectively. Supporting bilingualism and valuing the home language. Considering the difficulties faced by EAL learners. Supporting newly arrived learners. Truths and myths of language learning.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other staff who want to develop their practice of supporting EAL learners.

Supporting The Unique Learner During this course we address how we balance the needs of the unique learner within a whole class environment, and develop practical strategies for adopting a learner-centred approach. OVERVIEW The importance of valuing the individual. Adopting a learner-centred approach. Pedagogy for Personalised Learning. Exploring learning activities. Adapting activities to suit the needs of the unique learner. Empowering learners in relation to their own learning.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff in order to promote the unique individual.


Raising Standards Through Metacognition and Active Learning This course explores strategies for advanced practitioners to maximise their impact through applying theories of metacognition and truly engaging children in their own learning. OVERVIEW Exploring what metacognition means. Applying metacognition techniques in the classroom. Effective interaction during learning activities to promote metacognition. Ensuring learners are actively engaged during activities and with their own learning. The Growth Mindset. Promoting independent learning.

SUITABLE FOR: Advanced Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff who want to take their practice a step further in the support they offer within the classroom.

Supporting Literacy Skills Literacy Skills are essential, both within education and throughout adult life. This course will support Teaching Assistants to develop a further understanding of literacy and how to support this in the classroom and beyond. OVERVIEW Developing speaking and listening, reading and writing skills. Literacy across the curriculum. Active learning and literacy. Using learners’ strengths and likes in providing literacy support. Practical teaching and learning strategies.


SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other staff who want to develop their skills and understanding in supporting literacy.

Supporting Numeracy Skills Numeracy Skills are essential, both within education and throughout adult life. This course will support Teaching Assistants to develop a further understanding of numeracy and how to support this in the classroom and beyond. OVERVIEW Understanding the importance of numeracy. Numeracy and the curriculum. Practical Teaching and learning strategies. Engaging learners in numeracy. Using learners’ strengths and likes in providing numeracy support.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff who want to develop their skills and understanding in supporting numeracy.

Whole Classroom Management There are many reasons why a Teaching Assistant or cover supervisor may need to teach a class, and this can be across a variety of year groups and subjects. This course will explore the skills we need to support whole class learning, including behaviour management, differentiation and engaging and motivating students. OVERVIEW Establishing expectations and goals. Whole class behaviour management. Effectively engaging the whole class. Supporting and extending learners where necessary. The importance of social organisation. Flexibility across subjects and year groups, including transferable skills.

SUITABLE FOR: Advanced Teaching Assistants and Cover Supervisors who want to develop their practice in leading and managing whole class learning.


Promoting Emotional Well-Being: The Pastoral Role of the TA This course will enable you to develop the skills to effectively support emotional well-being in the classroom and beyond. OVERVIEW What is emotional well-being? The importance of communication and interpersonal skills. Identifying factors which can impact emotional well-being. Developing confidence and self esteem. Empowering learners. Supporting learners through transition and trauma.

SUITABLE FOR: Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff involved in pastoral support.

Achieving Progress with ASC Learners ASC are one of the most common forms of special educational need, and an increasing number of Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants are now working with learners with ASC. This course will provide the foundation for working with ASC learners, including understanding the autistic spectrum, and considering practical strategies to apply in the classroom. OVERVIEW Understanding autistic spectrum conditions. The triad of impairments. Identifying individual needs. Practical support strategies for a range of needs. Including ASD learners.


SUITABLE FOR: Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff working with, or who have an interest in working with, children with autistic spectrum conditions.

Supporting Specific Learning Needs: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia It is important to have a thorough understanding of the needs you support. This course explores three of the most common learning needs as well as offering practical support strategies. OVERVIEW


What are Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia, and what do they feel like? Identifying these needs. Issues associated with these learning needs. Practical strategies to support learners with these needs. Resources to support these needs.

Teaching Assistants, Learning Support Assistants and other support staff working with, or who have an interest in working with, children with Dyslexia, Discalculia or Dyspraxia.

Our TAs are now more confident and proactive with stronger communication between Teachers and TAs. The TAs are using motivational strategies having a direct impact on teaching and learning. The difference is really impressive…

Wasim Butt, Head of Learning Support, Bishop Challoner Catholic Collegiate School.


Encouraging Independent Learning Together we will research the importance of independent learning and how it can be realised within your setting. We will research current theories to support this and offer practical advice on how choices can be introduced into daily routines. OVERVIEW Importance of independent learning. Current theories. How to encourage independent learning in your setting. Realising the value of independence as a life skill. Promoting curiosity and inquisitiveness.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners and Teaching Assistants who are looking at encouraging independent learning within the setting.

Communication Counts Together we will research the concept ‘What is communication?’. We will explore the many positive effects of quality adult/child interaction and how to promote it within your setting. OVERVIEW What is communication? Positive effects of communication. Promoting effective communication. Adapting communication. The practitioner as a Role Model. Alternative methods of communication.


SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants and people who are looking to improve communication in their setting.

Observing and Assessing Children This training day will encourage practitioners to consider the purpose of observations and how to implement useful observations. It will allow practitioners to evaluate a range of observation methods according to suitability for the children and setting in which they work. OVERVIEW Why we need to observe children. Understanding perception. Objectivity and bias. Working in partnership. Preparing for observation. Implementing observation. Recording information and drawing conclusions. Planning next steps.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants and people who are going to carry out observations within the early years setting.

Learning Through Play in a Holistic Environment The course will consider what ‘learning through play’ actually means, and what the role of the adult is in this. OVERVIEW How do children learn through play? What are the benefits of learning through play? How children can develop social and cognitive skills and gain the self confidence required to engage in new experiences and environments.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants and people who are looking to encourage learning through play in the setting.


Making the Most of Outdoor Learning Opportunities A child’s desire to be outside is often very strong. This course will provide practitioners with the skills and knowledge to cover all aspects of the EYFS within an outdoor environment. The use of natural resources, fresh air and the space and freedom for a child to develop nurtures their independence and natural curiosity about the natural world. OVERVIEW Different outdoor learning materials. Using natural resources to encourage learning. Linking the outdoor and indoor learning environments. Developing outdoor spaces.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants and people who are looking to encourage outdoor learning in the setting.

Mathematics Matters (Half day) This practical course will look at the opportunities that children have to develop their PSRN skills in all areas of your setting and how, through observation, the practitioner can build on these experiences. OVERVIEW Developing PRSN skills. Building on experiences to enhance learning. Maths through play. Shapes, space and measurement. Creating a maths-friendly environment. Developing a love of maths.


SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants and people who are looking to improve mathematics in the setting.

Effective Planning for the EYFS (Half day) Effective planning is key in providing worthwhile activities in which children will learn and thrive. Together we will research different ways of observing children, recording the findings and planning activities in order for them to gain knowledge and experience, to learn and most importantly to have fun! OVERVIEW Planning activities that will encourage children to learn and thrive. Observations, recording and planning cycle. Considering learning styles. Adapting plans, progress reviews and evaluating plans. Planning in partnership.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants and people involved in the planning cycle.

Mark-Making (Half day) This interactive course will give practical advice to practitioners who wish to offer more creative mark-making opportunities in order to enhance children’s learning and development. OVERVIEW Encouraging mark-making. Enabling environments. Different practical ideas for encouraging mark-making How this can enhance learning and development.

SUITABLE FOR: Early Years Practitioners, Teaching Assistants and people who are looking to improve mark-making in the setting.


Parents as Partners (Half day) Parents and Carers are the most important factor in a child’s life. In order to offer truly individual learning opportunities for all children positive relationships are key. This course will provide practitioners with many ideas that can be used within your setting to encourage active Parent/Carer involvement. OVERVIEW


Improving the relationships with parents. Providing information to parents. Respectful relationships. Factors affecting parent & child relationships. Encouraging parents to support at home. Involving parents in their children’s learning.

Early Years Practitioners and Teaching Assistants who have an interest in improving the relationship with parents in your setting.

The partnership that ISL has forged with the TA College over the last three years has led to a significant change for our 22 Teaching Assistants. They have been exposed to purposeful, focused, high quality and specific training to meet their needs.

David Walker, Lower School Deputy Principal. International School Luxembourg.


Pricing Structure REGION





£650 + VAT + Travel expenses

£500 + VAT + Travel Expenses

£375 + VAT + Travel expenses


£950 + VAT (If applicable) + Travel expenses + Accommodation

£700 + VAT (If applicable) + Travel expenses + Accommodation


Handouts Handouts to be printed will be emailed prior to the training. If you would prefer us to bring printed handouts with us, we can do so for a small additional fee. 19

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