where reflecting on your impact

To our Foundation Family and Friends, Thank you! Year after year, you make our work possible. Your steadfast commitment has supported our vision—to give every Theta every opportunity to make a difference—for more than 60 years. And this past year, you contributed in a generous way to ensure the Theta experience remains for generations to come.
With heartfelt gratitude, we offer this report as a window into the future of Kappa Alpha Theta, one where we turn members’ dreams into reality.
Thetas are change makers—artists, doctors, educators, therapists, scientists, and more—inspired to leave their mark on the communities they serve. Our grant and scholarship programs lead the way among our fraternal peers, directly benefitting 360 recipients and totaling over $900,000
in the past year alone. And our steady growth makes education, leadership, and charitable programming possible for each and every member.
Reflecting on the momentous impact of the past year, we are humbled and grateful for the opportunities you made possible for Theta and its members. With your support, it's clear our future is in good hands.
Theta Forever Fund Restricted for Current Scholarships & Grants Unrestricted Bequests Endowed Scholarship & Grant Fund Gifts
Net Investment Income Total Contributions & Revenues*
$798,598 $148,918 $42,356 $684,191 $3,004,965 $4,679,028
Administration $429,562 Fundraising $423,879 Programs General Program $174,597 Scholarships $853,514 Fraternity Grant $213,833 National CASA/GAL Grant $80,945 Other Educational & Charitable Grants $46,814 Theta For Good Program Grants $32,928 Educational Area Facility Grants $17,044 Heartspring Grant $13,025
Total Expenses $2,286,141
Theta Foundation is proud to announce that we awarded the largest amount of scholarship funding in our organization's history this year. Even more impressive than the dollars awarded are the bright, deserving women who will utilize this funding to make the world a better place.
Our scholarships are established by Thetas and their loved ones who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Because of this generosity, members of all ages and stages of life are on their way to obtaining degrees that will help them achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals. This would not be possible without your steadfast belief in the potential of Thetas everywhere.
Ellie spends much of her time volunteering for the Tulane EMS organization, a student-run EMS agency that provides medical care on campus. She has worked her way up to the position of Crew Chief, the highest level of accomplishment within the organization.
While on shift, she is responsible for making final judgement calls and all services rendered during a tour of duty. She initially joined to gain valuable hands-on experience, but has gained so much more, including a passion for equal access to quality healthcare.
Madison hopes to become a Speech Language Pathologist to improve literacy amongst children so that she can spread the joy of reading. Her involvement on campus speaks to her commitment to this goal. As a peer advisor, she helps students revamp their resumes. As an undergraduate research assistant, she studies the impact of syntax on reading comprehension in individuals with Down syndrome. And as vice president education, she plans and presents program ming to benefit her chapter. Madison is in the process of publishing a children’s book alongside her father.
Elizabeth is invested in finance inside and outside of the classroom. She works on the trading floor of one of the largest Canadian banks and was chosen to speak on a Women in Capital Markets panel as a result. She has been heavily involved in the McGill Students’ Trading Society and Economic Students’ Association. As vice president finance during the pandemic, she committed to significant budget restructuring to decrease chapter dues. She aims to ensure that women of all generations and walks of life are prepared to support themselves financially.
Julia learned that her mother had been diagnosed with ALS in December 2021. Shortly thereafter, her family and friends signed up for a 5K to raise money and awareness for the disease. To date, their team has raised over $100,000.
Julia’s Theta reference described her as thoughtful. She has served her chapter as vice president external affairs and service director. Knowing she will eventually lose her mom has shaped who Julia wants to be: someone who thinks of others before themselves.
Theta Foundation’s Chapter & Individual Grants program is dynamic and unique, providing support for members and chapters in pursuit of a wide variety of non-degree educational, leadership development, and servicelearning programs. Outside of institutions of higher education and professional membership organizations, few other entities offer financial support for these types of pursuits. Theta Foundation grants fill this gap and provide muchneeded funding to help women address issues and solve problems on their campuses, in their communities, and around the world.
With your help, Theta Foundation awarded 31 individual members and three chapters with more than $36,000 in grant funding.
My Sister, My Brother, My Keeper St. Louis, Missouri
Education grant to bring a speaker to campus for a mental health presentation to provide the Greek community the tools they need to create a stigmafree environment.
Service-learning grant to gain hands-on experience with the healthcare system in an underserved community, which will help prepare her for a future career as a physician assistant.
BETA ETA/PENNSYLVANIA Abby Moore CannonWomen's Functional & Integrative Medicine Professional Training Program Online
Education grant to learn the fundamentals of functional and integrative nutrition in order to identify the root causes of chronic health issues, treat those causes, and help her clients thrive.
Theta Foundation’s mission is to give every Theta every opportunity to make a difference. One of the ways we do that is through our annual grant to the Fraternity for educational, leadership, and philanthropic programs. These programs, including those outlined on the following pages, not only have the potential to reach every member of the Fraternity, but they also have the potential to reach well beyond Theta. We hope you enjoy learning more about how these programs impart invaluable knowledge and skills for members to use in their lives now and into the future.
ELC Endowment Fund $119,738 Theta Forever Fund $36,708 Jane Chadwell Delony/Nashville Alumnae Chapter $22,350 Fraternity Educational Projects $13,575 Tunnicliffe Leadership $5,675 Ellen Bowers Hofstead $3,650 Presidential Legacy Leadership $3,250 Helen Bogicevic Terry $2,325 Eleanor C. and Frederick D. Hunt $2,125 Ruth Burr Puryear $1,300 Florence Ashby and Laird Anderson $1,300 Lila Milligan Boyden $1,200 Seattle Alumnae Chapter Heritage $637
TOTAL $213,833
ADVISOR LEADERSHIP / Kappa Alpha Theta is committed to developing prepared college chapter advisors, alumnae chapter officers, and future leaders through this programming, which includes the Young Alumnae Leadership Program, Advisor Leadership Summit, and opportunity to participate in LeaderShape’s Courageous Dialogue program.
ALCOHOL EDUCATION / Theta offers two alcohol education opportunities for collegians: participation in an in-person Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) presentation at their chapter and participation in an online personalized normative feedback survey, which aims to correct perceived norms of alcohol overconsumption amongst their peers.
FRATERNITY ARCHIVES / Theta Foundation grant funding helps support the staff archivist’s efforts to bring awareness to the general public about the Fraternity’s collection through membership in professional associations and attendance at industry conferences.
COLLEGE OFFICER LEADERSHIP / This programming for college chapter officers provides leadership education and development to current and newly elected officers, with the hope of reaching as many members in leadership positions as possible.
LEADERSHIP COHORTS / Theta hosted leadership workshops for two cohorts: one for juniors and one for graduating seniors Participants had the opportunity to learn and practice leadership concepts, engage with other students, and access facilitators to support, challenge, and aid in their reflection.
GENERAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMMING / This virtual programming is meant to provide opportunities to engage in leadership education and development to all members, college and alumnae. CliftonStrengths sessions were offered periodically throughout the year to various college chapters and alumnae.
MENTAL HEALTH / Theta Foundation partners with the Fraternity to provide an online screening site as well as Question, Persuade, Refer training to our members, giving them the tools to advocate for themselves and their Theta sisters who may be experiencing mental health struggles.
”I loved this program! CliftonStrengths was a great way for us to get to know one another's leadership styles and how we can use that to work well together. I think it was very important for us to go over our strengths and weaknesses as it opened our eyes to ways we can use those to help the chapter as a whole.”
”The chapter was well-prepared and engaged. The smallgroup format created a casual, honest, and productive conversation. Members were open to discussion and transparently sharing experiences with alcohol.”
”The most impactful part of the ASTP workshop was listening to proven facts about the adverse effects from alcohol and having meaningful discussions regarding the topic.”
ONLINE MEETING PLATFORM / With so much programming occurring virtually, Theta Foundation helps support a portion of the cost of Zoom for Education so the Fraternity can continue to offer programs online.
UNDERGRADUATE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM / Theta Foundation supports a portion of the cost of the annual Dyad survey distributed to undergraduate members. The data gathered from this survey helps the Fraternity continuously improve upon its program offerings.
The Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) program is the single largest Fraternity program funded by Theta Foundation each year. Historically, ELCs have visited our college chapters to provide guidance and resources to chapter officers and their advisors to help ensure chapter operations are running smoothly. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of visits came to a halt.
With restrictions beginning to lift, in-person and virtual ELC visits resumed in 2021, but they looked different than they did pre-pandemic. ELC visits now address educational and leadership topics; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); career planning; and wellness. When planning a visit, an ELC will survey the college chapter in advance to determine topics that might be of interest to officers and members and can plan activities and meetings accordingly.
Theta Foundation is committed to supporting the Fraternity’s efforts to provide universal knowledge and skills to our undergraduate members that can be used during college and beyond, increasing the value of today’s Theta experience.
“I really enjoyed the workshop on Root Cause Discovery. A lot of the time, people tend to brush over the root cause and only address surface level problems because it may be easier. However, that doesn't mean that it is the right thing to do. Additionally, discussing our social identity traits in regard to creating culturally responsive communities as a cabinet was really beneficial. I got to hear more about the identities of my sisters and how these identities can shape us as sorority and college women.”
Theta Foundation widens Kappa Alpha Theta's influence for good by awarding annual grants to these organizations and causes that have captured Theta's hearts.
For over three decades, Kappa Alpha Theta has shared the belief of National CASA/GAL that every abused or neglected child deserves the opportunity to have a safe home, establish permanence, and be provided with the opportunity to thrive.
Theta Foundation partners with our college chapters to spread the widest influence for good in their local communities through the Theta for Good program.
Heartspring’s mission is to be a leader and innovator in providing clinically supported services through education and therapies for children with special needs to empower them to learn and grow on a path to a more independent life.
The Foundation for Fraternal Excellence exists to support organizations and individ uals invested in developing the next gener ation of fraternity and sorority leaders.
The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Foundation supports initiatives and priorities to enhance the sorority experience through collaboration and visibility.
In 1953, Kappa Alpha Theta awarded a grant to DePauw to grow a book collection honoring Theta’s founding in 1870. Theta Foundation continues this tradition today.
Our generous donors are the heart of Theta Foundation. Thanks to annual support from these donors, Thetas everywhere are empowered to embrace their ambition, reach their fullest potential, and make a difference in the world. We are grateful to the following college and alumnae members, families, and friends of Theta for making this impact possible.
Listings reflect member status and gifts received January 1–December 31, 2021.
Sue Farrell Supple 15, 47
Megan McAuliffe Boschini 1, 23
Becky Brewer 17, 18 Pat Boynton Frey 2, 39 Nancy Milligan Frick 6, 35 Phyl Gilbert Smith 2, 40
Toni Alles 21, 33
Jeanne Mason Ratzer 36, 36
Karyn Emison Uptain 15, 24
Denise Hart Alfeld 1, 10
Anne Cockfield Alschuler 12, 17
Liz Roys Beiser 3, 40 Kristen McMahon Blattler 12, 12
Lil Smith Cashman 1, 20
Melinda McMahan Conner 1, 12 Jane Willander Danis 5, 11 Jaclyn Sehrt Doty 21, 21
Marilyn Holtman Fetters 15, 37 Ginny Milbacher Johnson 2, 18 Kristen Magnes Kaiser 1, 16 Karyn Keenan 1, 6 Lynn Hunt Kosup 1, 1 Becky Watts Lortz 1, 33
Anne Hartshorn Luber 35, 35
Isabella Markovski-Dickey 4, 6 Kris Roehr McClure 4, 6
Gaylena Merritt 1, 9
Marjorie Davis Morehead 2, 38
Kristi Koffel Nevin 1, 15
Chris Van Nada Riggle 1, 10 Molly Salatich 8, 20
Marian Albaugh Short 9, 40 (d) Pam Philbrook Shultz 1, 13 Jo Ann Misselhorn Usher 14, 21 Debbie Schmidt West 6, 17
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Emily Weirich Bandera 37, 38 Gloria McVay Cochran 11, 24 Anne Brafford Fritz 3, 37 Amber Steele 15, 16
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Eleanor Buzuvis Chabraja 20, 27 Kathy Richardson Eggleston 8, 17
Mart O'Rourke McPike 1, 4 Annie Steinkamp Meeks 5, 29 Sue Shane Sautermeister 30, 40 Cindy Heine Stellhorn 3, 14
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Elizabeth Evans 4, 30 Laura Herron 5, 11 Ann Switzer Thompson 2, 7 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Anonymous (1) Jane Carlson Bowen 1, 31 George Ann Gerlach Dennis 4, 15 Liz Sinnock Drake 11, 23 Kathy Schumann Kok 11, 14 Anne McCabe 1, 1 JoAnn Hanna Minshall 17, 20 Sarah Decker Ning 25, 26
DONORS Anonymous (1) Jennifer Arvin 1, 18 Linda Keehn Bolton 14, 14 Sarah Copher Claymon 1, 3 Karen Inman Cox 3, 32 Julie Fleming Crowe 1, 4 Marilynn Schumann Cullison 1, 34 Jane Nelson Debolt 12, 33 Diane Druck 2, 9 Andrea Fekkes Dynes 3, 19 Barb Elcock 8, 29 De De Esque 1, 2 Ellen Fisher 2, 4 Nancy Gandelot 1, 9 Katie Kaschak Harrison 1, 13 Sandra Herron 21, 29
Amanda Watts Hirko 17, 25 Julie Wells Klein 12, 19 Carolyn Kraft 20, 38 Lynn Lohre Larson 11, 25 Judy Tough Lawson 17, 24 Nancy Achleman Leef 2, 8 Barb Dutton Lewis 10, 31 Linda Chang Mathews 16, 18 Julie Ryan McGue 1, 18 Beth Bloomstrom Mizelle 6, 24 Susan Crisler Morton 1, 32 Pat Martin Nordbrock 6, 36
Jennie Oliver 1, 1
Lauren McCarty Palmer 10, 10 Gwen Hull Quackenbush 3, 16 L.J. Lyon Russell 1, 8 Carole Litherland Schmidt 2, 2 (d) Cindy Wearly Slavin 2, 6
Christie Myers Snyder 5, 13 Lynn Eschenbacher Stockwell 1, 4 Patti Johnson Theil 1, 34 Susan Spahr Thomas 3, 8 Mary Fackler Weber 5, 38 Aimee Wheatley 6, 6 Sally Renth Wood 1, 16 Pat Redens Wrege 7, 38 Jamie Wilkins Yemm 1, 18
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Wendy Sears Goshert 42, 42 PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Shannon Alexander Farrar 8, 22
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Ann Thompson Cornell 4, 28 Gracia Johnson Floyd 15, 25 Mindy Young Marshall 24, 25 Dotty Stalker Reehling 29, 48
Lori Wilds Churchill 2, 10 Allie Isaac 3, 3 Gail Raymond Miller 3, 32 Liz Appel Rinck 28, 28 Jenni Broughton Schmaltz 17, 17
DONORS Anonymous (1) Karen Schultz Alter 7, 14 Alice Appel 3, 30
Patti Ferrucci Auron 2, 29 Ann Zintel Brown 1, 17 Molly Tupper Chelovich 8, 13
Jean Chouquette 1, 4 Karen Dietz Colglazier 5, 7 Sarah Kittle Cunningham 15, 15 Julie Hudson Cutter 2, 2 Jessica Siegel Dial 12, 12 Karen O'Brien Fanning 3, 11 Diane Deckard Finley 1, 5 Mary Musselman Hanna 42, 43 Pamela Bernet Hazelett 15, 34 Sara Norbury Keller 2, 31 Stephanie Russell Krebs 1, 8 Jennifer Reis Kugar 1, 7 Mary Young Marsh 1, 28 Ali Matta 1, 2
Barbara Britton Matta 27, 29
Angela Chamness Merk 16, 20 Jamie Markland Miller 1, 19
Michelle Ekern Morgenstern 8, 12
Sandi Baker Parker 11, 24
Presidents Circle-Gold: $2,500 or more annually
Presidents Circle-Silver: $1,000 to $2,499 annually
Founders Society-Gold: $500 to $999 annually
Founders Society-Silver: $250 to $499 annually
Jamie Phillippe 7, 35 Jessica Kiefer Redden 2, 4 Perri Carrington Roberts 1, 6 Elise Connor Rowan 5, 12 Sue Faulkner Sheridan 2, 13 (d) Mary Kate Kronzer Smith 7, 7 Mary Kay Handy Snyder 1, 19 Jean Porteous Steele 11, 38 Laura Kassenbrock Stelsel 7, 13 Christine Sturm 3, 21 Becky Boatman Volk 3, 3 Olivia Grace Wolfe 1, 1
Judy Adamson Knight 33, 38 Anne Larson 15, 28 Pat Roe Morton 1, 13 Kathy Olmstead 16, 35 Sue Olmstead Wold 4, 29
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Helen Chase 9, 9 Cherie Schofield Cline 12, 30
Patricia Cox Cookson 1, 2 Mary Cronin 21, 32 Jolene Lowry 2, 2 Gail Boldt Macdonald 3, 37 Sigrid Pearson Moranz 4, 4
Tina Correnti Badciong 8, 18 Hallie Bezner 2, 5 Sheila Johnson Cottle 28, 36 Lynne Ausnehmer Danon 6, 26 Betty Thompson Felte 15, 25 Linda Kleppinger Gallimore 13, 24 Nancy Plocar Gerrish 2, 28 Emily Vance Gillespie 1, 34 Lauren Lewis Hearne 12, 12 Martha Huey Johnson 11, 36 Mary Swiderski Markert 2, 21 Melissa Hickey Nuttall 2, 18 Deborah Smith Olien 1, 29 Gail Pierce Perkins 1, 15 Marcia Hager Thalhimer 28, 38 Gail Vokaty Werner 10, 25
Janet Lockrow Richards 9, 28
DONORS Betsy Turrell Farrar 11, 25 Dolly Garrett Johnson 1, 37 Kim Rabidoux McInerney 2, 19 Katy Nadal 2, 5 Ann Naylor Orwig 3, 10 Susan Dannis Smith 1, 1 Kathy Bennett Tonkel 33, 37 Sandy Sarnes Wallen 1, 8
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Linda Chase Jenkins 1, 4 Elizabeth Sager Metz 4, 21 Traci Nagle 21, 21
DONORS Laura Treman Almquist 2, 21 Beth Sowers Chirico 1, 8 Karren Fink 2, 2 Meg Loftus Fowler 1, 3 Erica Broennle Nelson 2, 15 Judy Tischler Rogers 3, 13 Catherine Silvestri 1, 1 Christine Miller Whaley 3, 20
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Merilyn Berryman Johnston 8, 30
Barbi Mills Byers 1, 22 Cindy Houtman Meeker 5, 37 Neva Murphy 10, 18
DONORS Judy Boyer Addis 4, 32 Cristina Brito Angles 1, 18 Laurie Macdonald Baker 30, 31 Gayle Gerritz Boyd 14, 16 Laura Smith Brown 1, 5 Nicole Hall Brown 1, 14 Kathy Bruning Bussing 2, 16 Janet Buttery 39, 40 Alison Hart Cirenza 1, 9 Ann Wilkin Crow 1, 31 Carolyn Ontjes Falletta 1, 16 Sherry Harrell Fix 1, 15 Mary Brown Garver 3, 4 Ingrid Olson Gill 26, 26 Constance White Glenn 18, 18
Mary Barber Hamm 1, 3
Tracey O'Keefe Hopper 1, 5
Carol Kennedy Johnson 1, 27
Julie Barr Jones 19, 19
Jenny King 1, 1
Sarah Campbell McKee 2, 17
Susan Smith Moeser 8, 29
Virginia Thompson Neave 38, 40
Polly Shive Pagliai 11, 30
Tammy Mauck Peterman 17, 19
Carol Kindred Rivas 21, 31
Phyllis Robertson 11, 22
Patsy Tomlinson Roth 3, 24
Marietta Meigs Schreiber 10, 20
Barbara Pike Shellito 1, 25
Mary Jane Schism Short 1, 10
Diane Larson Smith 2, 12
Sara Mallatt Stahl 15, 23
Barbara Lemert Thompson 2, 27
Mary Isenberg Wheeler 1, 4
Ann Himmelberg Zimmerman 1, 14
Pat Reville Ling 3, 31
Carol Stenberg McPadden 8, 31
Margot Bellin Breckbill 27, 40
Kathe Brother Allen 3, 12
Brittany Scancarella Ela 12, 12
Sophie Koff 9, 9
Gracie Long 1, 1
Sandi Pederzini 15, 17
Mardi Buckley Steppacher 1, 26
Kristin Ryan Stockton 7, 16
Patty Dunham Vaughn 5, 31
Laurie McGregor Connor 34, 36
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Dawn Geronimo Terkla 2, 36
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Betsy Dey Gerlach 1, 4
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Mary Steele Holm 16, 31 Kay Zollar Miller 2, 17 Rebecca Monroe Wick 1, 6
Dana Farmen Cilluffo 10, 20
Ros Seabury Collins 6, 28
Ann Gregor Fleming 1, 1
Shelby Larson Gajos 3, 3
Kathleen Orr Guzowski 4, 10
Janey Janson 1, 28
Suzanne Spangler Kendrick 10, 36
Linda Detrick Leibole 12, 25
Karol Kerr McCarthy 8, 19 Rachel Spetrino McCoy 8, 8 Jane Paryzek Messersmith 12, 21 Ann Muenster-Nuiry 7, 11 Carol Hodge Poe 24, 32
Carol Young Poling 2, 26
Jo Reiff Pollock 4, 29 Elaine Rand 1, 16 Mary Beth Sommer 2, 13
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Ann Simakas Degenhart 19, 36
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Maggie Crill Means 10, 27 Ginna Taft 1, 21
DONORS Anonymous (1)
Debby Wood Appleyard 1, 28 Debbie Darbee 11, 29
Denise Habjan 6, 33
Robin Menge Hoffman 23, 36
Karen Stollenmeyer Klomp 28, 32 Julia Bolton Odenbach 22, 38
Elsie Marten Scheetz 35, 41
Marcia Miller Webb 10, 20 Robin Williams 1, 3
Carryl Wischmeyer Krohne 18, 34
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Jill Olcott Parker 9, 29
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Helen Weyerbacher Christian 20, 21
Barbara Kiser Bayer 9, 33 Ann Butz Dean 15, 27 Jennifer Clark Evins 2, 16 Ann Scott Farkas 5, 20
Aimee Billow Forsythe 6, 7 Susan Negley Harlan 2, 10 Judy McClamroch Leith 4, 20 Pam Cochran Phillippe 1, 20
Janet Schnurr 1, 7 Rachel Slade Sharpe 1, 1 Kimberly Stewart 11, 25 Jay Whitmer 30, 39 Michele Stephani Wojtowicz 4, 5
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Kathleen Leavey McCarthy 15, 43 Vicki Laughlin McCluggage 37, 38
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Laura Anderson Freedman 2, 22 Lynn Baran McCarthy 16, 22
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Jacqueline Legorreta Erdman 17, 21 Pamela Meichtry Horton 25, 31 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Susan Watson Ash 1, 17 Kathy Donahue Baaden 12, 23 Maribeth Armstrong Borthwick 1, 21 Margie Linden Smith 2, 32
DONORS Anonymous (1) Nancy Foster Bear 1, 11 Janice Birdsall Boswell 1, 27
Joslin Snyder Crowe 1, 8
Patricia Suhr Dawson 12, 22
Charlene Strother Ebright 1, 24
Marilyn Keenan Fead-Minor 15, 37
Bonnie Foley 30, 37
Christina Cotton Gannon 2, 12
Betty Goodman Giles 28, 35 Cynthia Ralphs Hazard 4, 6
Patricia Woodruff Jaffe 17, 20 Danielle Keehn 1, 4
Cinty Howes Kepner 1, 4
Danielle Dietrich Kilpatrick 7, 24
Carol Soucek King 3, 7 Sue Bartlit Morrison 1, 6 Carol Thomas Pantages 1, 1 Paige Parker 2, 2 Jennifer Polhemus 1, 17 Pat Schell Price 4, 30 Ellie Mabee Reed 3, 27
Becca Caldwell Sharp 1, 9 Camille Cross Strader 4, 11 Barbara Goode Ward 1, 10 Elena Martinho Wiechmann 30, 36
Janna Bryant Wright 17, 34 Mary Kay Wilson Zolezzi 1, 9
Linda Patten Nelson 2, 11
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Rebecca Russell Thompson 2, 10
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Betsy Ford Maine 13, 24 Allie Sturtridge 7, 7
Jane McVicker Adamczyk 24, 31 Karen Rueger Bodenmiller 1, 23 Brittany Booth 8, 9 Catherine Gronski Bosse 2, 5 Mary Agles Carley 1, 4 Emily Johnston Dube 1, 10 Lucine Folgueras 4, 16 Sarah Hogberg Forster 4, 4 Kristin Korth Gandy 2, 3 Gail Snyder Hetler 2, 35
Janyce Grostic Huff 2, 28 Mugs Touborg Klapperich 1, 36 Katha Butler Machalleck 5, 17 Victoria Butler McCarthy 18, 27 Erin Mead-Lauderbach 1, 1 Tanya Kurinij Murphy 1, 2
Amber Myers 1, 6
Pam Metals Nagle 10, 30
Rebecca Robson 1, 4 Sue Sadler 1, 21 Kim Rose Sambor 1, 1 Kristin Smallwood 1, 2
Joelle Drader Wilcox 1, 1
Sherri Rieger Williams 1, 21 Ann Yarmain-Murray 1, 1
Kendy Cusick-Rindone 35, 35
Jen Dolphin Rottkamp 2, 25
Teresa Duryea 1, 13
Susie Cunningham Moreland 4, 21 Lois Gearhart Wohlner 2, 36
Lisa Brakke Carlson 1, 1
Merry Ann Whinery Coe 14, 42
Susie Jackson Costanzo 3, 9 Jane Crabill 2, 17
Lori Nelson Dewhirst 2, 24
Susan Brown Ferrarini 18, 28
Bethany Victoria Bowen Flynn 1, 2 Pam Hill Frerichs 18, 32
Charissa Hauge Hansen 10, 11
Stacy Decker Hayes 7, 31
Jane Palmer Horlings 8, 14
Jane Miller Kotsiopulos 5, 34 Stephanie Lauerman 1, 3
Kimberly Mongar Lodes 1, 1
Pat Mullen MacLean 2, 31
Beth Moutrie Mikosh 2, 18
Alyssa Trumbull Morris 10, 11
Maren Larsen Palmer 1, 27
Sue Wirth Pawlowski 1, 5 Pat Savage Russell 27, 32 Nikki Nutt Scott 2, 24
Kim Knutson Sorensen 1, 2 Dawn Wadlow 1, 18
Jennifer Manson White 1, 1
Glo-Bo Borglum 9, 38 (d)
Gayle Snavely Medill 21, 41 Peggy Huyler Rees 7, 35
Margaret Beckley Herrmann 15, 35
Sharon Coggan McBride 9, 27 Linda Zwack Munger 3, 13 Marcia Motley Patterson 1, 30 Gretchen Wolfram 2, 18
DONORS Judith Briell Aldridge 4, 20 Karen Bissonnette 17, 25
Brownell Clikeman Cochran 8, 26 Jean Hodge Colley 1, 17
Anne Weesner Eagleton 11, 32 Jane Gaines 3, 11 Jill Thompson Hansen 7, 28
Susanna Ryman Knodt 5, 14 Barb Kramer 1, 13
Anita Kraus Lane 2, 4
Donna Magwood 1, 20
Lydia Griffith Morrissey 1, 6 Lydia Fiesselmann Moul 3, 15 Ann Schumacher Renkert 30, 32 Ann Ellen Jones Rogers 2, 39 Peggy Patterson Sands 16, 24
Patricia Shapiro Schatt 4, 25 Sara Schroeder 5, 5
Lynda Mead Shourds 1, 37 Sheelagh McCaughey Thomson 1, 2 Karen O'Kieffe Woolard 1, 1
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Patricia Brown 28, 33
Brittany Hayes Mathews 8, 8 DawnRenee Meyers Noll 1, 14 Carolina Pettus 7, 7 Paula Bergin Soholt 33, 33
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Linda Stang Donaldson 2, 23 Kelly Erskine 8, 17 Kory Linde-Ellefsen 15, 17 Diane Sterner Stoddard 14, 19
Sally McBratnie Ahlcrona 1, 23 Miriam Reay Bell 2, 31 Betty Weis Culligan 12, 18 Rennae Sletten Daneshvary 20, 29 Anne Deardorff 4, 28
Nancy Berner Dickson 1, 22 Allison Kiolbassa 1, 2 Jill McNutt Lindsey 2, 34 Tammy Sisk McCanna 6, 9 Marilyn Burton Megargel 1, 22 Audrey McMeekin Mills 1, 24 (d) Kelly Nellis 6, 6 Lisa Nussbaum 4, 6 Audrey Ferguson Palmer 24, 35 Nikki Reeck 2, 8
Suzie Snipes Schradle 6, 17 Gracie Stockton 1, 2 Mary Jordan Warren 37, 42
Adrianne Stewart Potwora 1, 1 Teresa Silva Smith 20, 20
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Sue Lytle Gilmore 4, 28 Jennie Unger Skelton 12, 26
Tracy Carter 2, 21
Lauren MacDonald Cassatt 1, 18 Alana Pennington Garrett 1, 1 Lana Hofman Hart 1, 1 Mary Parsons Irwin 1, 20 Amanda Knudtzon 6, 7 Diane Lawler 11, 30 Kathleen Hood Ratto 2, 17 Karen MacDonald Rosenthal 3, 30 Samantha Smith 2, 2 Karen Smits 1, 31 Nancy Meigs Truszkowski 1, 9
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Kathleen Casper Militello 2, 8
Roberta Zeldow Abendroth 21, 30 Nancy Nadel Adler 1, 1 Kari Store Bretschger 1, 24 Christina Borgerding Crow 41, 43 Mary Ann Jensen Curley 19, 26 Grace Gallagher Fritzinger 3, 36
Suzanne Tooke Hirst-Plucker 1, 22
Mary Jane Kennelly 21, 27 Amy Walter Kivimaki 1, 8 Joan Hastings Kreiger 15, 18 Deborah Gould Marcus 1, 1 Elaine Rogers Mitcham 27, 27 Ginnie Allen Russo 1, 29 Betty Hazard Scott 2, 13 Dale Jewett Sullivan 8, 28
Christine Klofanda McDonald 1, 10 Mary Kay Fordney Wysham 10, 27 Lisa R. Youngers 4, 10
Jane Klewin Grimm 4, 33 Heidi Locker-Scheer 18, 31 Jane Madden Marks 1, 28 Annette Madsen White 21, 26
Susan Gielow Bakken 10, 28 Morgan Brickley 1, 2 Jane Goodrich Christensen 20, 27 Lori Tatsuguchi D'Antonio 3, 24 Sheri DeCoste 2, 8 Susan Bernhardt Dyon 1, 19 Sherry Chimis Hilger 18, 34 Caitlin Hubbard 2, 8
Gretchen Teckam Jennings 3, 12 Anne Lawrence 1, 11 Lisa Zerneke Maza 1, 5 Judy Miller McNett 1, 1 Toni Millan 1, 2 Sue Miller 38, 40
Jenny Randall Nichols 15, 17 Marcia Olen 23, 34 Lisa daCosta Price 5, 12 Jessica Rannow 10, 11 Jennifer Six-Reul 1, 1 Sandy Smith 1, 27 Jennifer Hirschey Stabenow 17, 21 Nancy Ahrbeck Suria 12, 17 Mary Ridley Tracy 1, 1 Mary Wagner Wright 26, 29
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Heidi McHugh Pendleton 22, 34
Jean Scully Bordon 14, 14 Heather Brien 7, 13 Nancy Terry Brown 2, 21 Betsey Innes Doyle 2, 35 Rebecca Elias 2, 5
Suzan Hagstrom 6, 23 Karla Winkenhofer Knapp 1, 16 Victoria Korniush Mackinnon 2, 7 Nancy Ross Ragan 16, 36 Betsy Sellman Redman 2, 7 Martha McBride Shaver 15, 32 Marilyn Straub Walz 10, 37
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Melany Stinson Newby 16, 31 (d)
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Kay Ingalls Buckham 1, 8 Nancy Devroude Eibling 20, 33 Barbara Bash Nicklaus 2, 25
Gloria Lombardi 1, 8 Elizabeth Davis Wetherholt 6, 26
Anonymous (1) Tia Gold Athens 2, 5 Karen Kraushar Barnes 10, 31 Doris Bergen 2, 31 Ann Bish 2, 43 (d)
Susie Jones Brooks 13, 26 Bonnie Bearss Coyle 1, 32 Sue Curphey 1, 15 Pam Harman Daugavietis 1, 1 Debra DeLong 2, 5 Linda Robbins Filer 1, 23 Lynnette Barnes Hinch 2, 26 Lisa Purvis Hinson 1, 8 Sandra Reed Huntington 4, 18 Patricia Frederick Kilbury 4, 10 Pat Allen McKnight 19, 33 Dinah Davis Miller 3, 4 Sue Blose Minor 1, 32 Stephanie Reiber Morris 1, 3 Linda Nelson Mrukowski 18, 37 Sue Gambs Newman 2, 33 Diane Dombey Niermeyer 9, 19 Sally Wallace Ocasek 9, 30 Barbara Miller Pike 10, 22 Janet Cook Ramsey 2, 19 Jan Baker Rogers 1, 24 Debbie Craft Schulz 11, 37 Jane Conklin Setterlin 4, 36 Susan Smith Shockey 21, 30 Becky Dountz Stewart 39, 42 Lisa Hart Sulek 3, 28 Susan McVay Vanderver 8, 25 Mallory Butts Wehage 1, 6 Betsy Holtzmuller Wilson 8, 27
Marydel Miller Burton 13, 31 (d)
Madeline Reynolds Adams 2, 31 (d) Lissa Luton Bradford 31, 44
Joanne Fleming Hayes 1, 12 Anne Meckstroth Menter 3, 19
Marianna Brown Barber 5, 37 (d) Maud Riggs Clemmons 21, 32 Jane Buchanan Corcoran 1, 4 Floy Oliver Daugherty 2, 28 Mary Adamson Edwards 5, 26
Elizabeth O'Neill Hamlin 15, 26 Miriam May Hundley 1, 8 Ciel Pingon Iler 9, 31 Ginny Dallas Jones 3, 10 Jean Ward Oldfield 2, 16 Debbie Beck Owens 3, 20 Ellen Graf Reister 11, 33
Michaela Marston Robinson 16, 24 Martha Rose Vickers 18, 30 Ruthie Rand Waldrop 1, 30 Betsy Pantzer Wilder 8, 22 Sarah Graf Woods 4, 19
Cynthia Newton Gayden 8, 28
Katherine Gayden Keenan 7, 18
Beth Gayden Williams 7, 12
Leighton Johnson Donnell 5, 20 Nancy Dean Egan 1, 25
Kara Baldwin Bolwell 7, 7 Shelley Lenz Gustafson 1, 14 Candice Koederitz 21, 33 Cynthia Gulley Wiedemann 1, 2
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Martha Taylor Jones 37, 41 Fran Terry Urquhart 16, 36
Anonymous (1) Betty Conrad Adam 1, 12 Carol Cullum Allred 2, 28 Judy Tisdale Canon 1, 10 Kitty Sappington Chalfant 1, 24 Virginia Meyers Chandler 4, 25 Anne Garwood Conner 1, 10 Pam Crain 1, 23 Liz Barrett Crosswell 2, 9 Tyrrell Flawn 1, 27 Carolyn Burton Hamilton 1, 15 Marion Conn Heldenfels 1, 2 Janis Frank Henry 2, 19 Debbie Vaughan Hicks 1, 24 Helen Holman 1, 3 Bo Owen McCall 4, 21 Tricia Jowell Michie 1, 5 Mary Johnson Morgan 2, 25 Susan Morgan 1, 7 Kathleen Tyler Nitschke 41, 42 Laura Batz Townsend 1, 1
Michelle Crowell Coburn 5, 24 Jane Bridges Evans 1, 8 Kimberly Green 21, 27
Meryl Schmidt Chapin 1, 14 Judy Hood McKelvey 7, 13 Kristen Mitchell 29, 29 Molly Riley Towns 9, 19
Peggy Gage Von Pentz 1, 30
Dee Carlo Fery 15, 28
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Libba Milligan Anderson 4, 18 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Nancy Wilson Greeley 10, 26 Jolly Sachs Seyster 4, 17 Molly Middleton Tuohy 13, 32
Bartley Mahan Aanenson 14, 14 Marilyn Paton Baker 13, 29 Rosie Craig Barnes 1, 16 Pamela Wood Donoghue 1, 12 Victoria Sutcliffe Engel 4, 16 Karen Copple Hart 1, 30
Mary Joy Sullivan Hilmo 19, 29
B.G. Leamy 2, 3 Judith Kennedy Lovelace 2, 2 Natalie Muecke Massarotti 4, 27 Brooke Kelly McCurdy 1, 28 Sharon Frissell Meurer 14, 39 Kathy Beil Robinson 2, 14
Carole Johnson Shaver 1, 6 Barbara Butler Tate 7, 17 Pamela Hubbard Thomas 1, 18 Joyce Tye Turner 5, 25
Lillian Clarkson Edwards 3, 25 Anne Lamkin Kinder 1, 17
Torri Corcoran 5, 17 Sara Scholes Morgan 6, 11 Angel Stewart 16, 21 Lynda Malugen Wiley 18, 23
Mary Edith Estes Arnold 8, 36 Nicole Fritz 1, 11
Aimee Williams Hilliard 1, 24 Tory Freese Verkamp 15, 15
DONORS Anonymous (1) Nancy Hatley Browne 27, 29 Barb Edwards Bunker 8, 20 Roselyn Rogers Caldwell 2, 19 Libby Neal Callaway 5, 38 Pat Middleton Covington 4, 20 Missy Kaiser Cromley 2, 24 Sue Shelton Dauner 1, 37 Cathy Yoder Doyal 2, 4 Denise Padgitt Easley 2, 2 Kathleen Thiel Gould 1, 15 Sally Raines Henderson 21, 30 Laure Bauer Hullverson 1, 16 Bebe Stripp Kemper 1, 15 Natalie Cobaugh Lewis 1, 34
Jen Weith Loyd 6, 17
Stacey Jarrett Martin 12, 12 Blair Mobley 2, 2 Donna Pascoe Pohl 3, 9
Phyllis McDandel Reesman 13, 31
Jane Gilmer Reichert 1, 14
Mimi Davis Reid 31, 39
Rose Douglas Roweton 19, 19
Pat Wachter Russell 1, 15
Cindy Lewis Sitomer 21, 35
Ellen Denning Smith 2, 21
Lisa Sombart Street 15, 19
Glenda Cain Todd 4, 31
Robin Wenneker 7, 12
Sue Ann Vest Wright 21, 35
Tamara Sternoff Amala 1, 1
Becky Cloninger Byrne 1, 19 Judith Tait Madden 2, 22 DONORS Anonymous (1) Cathy Ryan Bower 1, 25 Sheri Morin Broudy 1, 22
Marsha Austin Fairbanks 16, 29 Gwen Calvin Letson 1, 31 Timberly Marek 2, 15 Jodi Fleming Oberweiser 3, 11 Willie Gough Rose 7, 32 Norma Beatty Smith 7, 24 Caitlin Soltesz 3, 3
Jessica Trindle Carbullido 2, 22 Suzanne Silverthorne Carlbom 14, 31 Lou Preston Echanis 2, 40 Kelly Woodman Esterberg 30, 30 Patricia Silliman Gowen 2, 26 Jennifer Lauinger 1, 1 Penny Pettit Martin 2, 9 Lois Kronquist Moll 1, 7 Ginny Tapfer Noll 3, 22 Sue Plumley Piche 36, 39 Lisa Schwarz Rausch 2, 7 Sara Gay Shannon 26, 32 Janice Gale Silva 2, 4 Emma Silvers 6, 6 Karen Steinbock 2, 28 Kimberly Nienas Suse 1, 2 Chris Henson Woodard 8, 20
Linda Pipe Landers 2, 12
Dinah Hampton McClymonds 19, 24
Kimi Morris Martin 13, 21 Helen Edwards Woodward 18, 34
Shelley Campbell Beall 2, 17
Tamara Ferguson Hermen 1, 10 Mary Angus Sherman 25, 38
Sharon Tankersley Barnett 11, 24
Deanna Humphreville Beer 7, 10 Deborah Johnson Bieritz 7, 16 Savannah Johnson Boehmer 1, 6 Arlene Pitmon Burba 8, 16 Shannon Sadler Crites 1, 7
Marlene Evans DeBois 9, 22
Lari Durnil -Moazami 1, 1 Betty McCormick Dysart 1, 9 Ceci Allen Gosting 1, 20 Jane Huston Humphreys 1, 15 Cathy Campbell Hurtle 11, 19 Linda Daugherty Jennings 41, 41 Krista Jones 8, 13
Mary Kathleen McClure 1, 18 Caitlin Rother Montgomery 6, 7 Angie Nelson Telfer 2, 5 Carol Saulsberry Rose 1, 10 Kathy Newman Schweer 10, 20 Carol Galt Smith 14, 33
Polly Allen Stark 1, 11 Gayle Gerlach Stewart 3, 19 Barbara Stoldt 2, 17 Mary Thomas Trotter 4, 8 Ann Grisso VanBuskirk 2, 7 Casey Coffey Vinyard 5, 15 Kathy Walbert Walker 1, 8 Mary Lynn Ledbetter West 1, 15 Lea Wolfe-Lewis 1, 2 Catherine Bond Wootten 1, 26
Alpha Pi/North Dakota
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Gail Duerre 9, 31 Nikki Selander Heyd 12, 12
Alyssa Walker Bernhardt 1, 8 Michelle Torno Fundingsland 4, 8 Mary Solberg Galloway 1, 32 Kari Gustafson 2, 11 Mary Rossi Halseth 1, 27 Darcy Hamre 1, 5 Martha Bredesen Hoza 28, 34 Diane Lochner 22, 22 Julie Pedersen 1, 4 Karol Loveland Potter 2, 13 Jennifer Sette Rova 1, 6 Rebecca Fischbach Scalio 1, 24 Marnie Hankel Wood 11, 40
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Lynette Waltner 1, 19
Meaghan Anderson Neuberger 20, 20 Kay Salem Widdis 11, 12
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Debra Olson Sowell 11, 26
Dawn Agar 21, 31 Cynthia Johnson Appelt 4, 25 Meg Gellerman Bellefeuille 7, 14 Charlys Millstead Dice 10, 28 Amber Anderson Edelen 1, 3
Mary Murphy Gillette 2, 4
Harriet Rosen Gulbranson 2, 14 Maggie Hildebrandt Harris 8, 8 Katie Johnson Howe 1, 14 Phyl Leikvold Iszard 33, 35 Sharon Smebakken Jenkins 2, 12 Doreen Lounsbery 1, 23 Elizabeth Meylor 13, 23 Jane Nickolisen Olson 2, 8 Donna Szczurek Robinson 1, 32 Sarah Anton Thoms 1, 21 Debbi Sagness Van Vooren 1, 24 Nancy Johnson Wirsing 14, 16
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Barbara Henry Baugh 9, 23
Annabelle Dizmang Jones 19, 19 Melissa Shaub 20, 20 Chrissy Tam Shelton 1, 13 Sandy Brown Tucker 16, 27
Doreen Tilson Farrar 1, 22 Anne Pilkey Hansen 4, 21 Jessica Stafford Harper 3, 15 Karen Hegtvedt 7, 7 Susan McFaul Henderson 4, 24 Kathleen Gerlach Kulper 3, 31 Victoria Brown Onstad 6, 21 Linda O'Neal Parlette 4, 24 Karen Cargill Rasmussen 6, 17 Pauline McNabb Soehren 2, 14 Constance Thayer 40, 40 Jane Henry Trunkey 13, 22 Christine Hamacher Tubbs 1, 7 Amy Banks Tull 1, 13 Joy Young Ulrey 1, 33 Suzanne Savitz Whitacre 21, 26
Deborah Toll Bohn 1, 15 Stephanie Sudbrack Busam 4, 29 Anne Mitchell Cobb 2, 27
Sondra Hodgson Copanas 11, 33
The Theta Foundation scholarship I have received will make it possible for me to attend law school next year. I cannot express enough gratitude or appreciation to those who have given me this gift. Thank you so much.
Bev Hall Dahlman 20, 24 Cynthia Hodell Dyer 11, 28
Marianne Scott Emmert 1, 4 Suzi Lesh Gerstl 1, 22 Emily Fray Hagemeier 19, 30 Karen Gregg Holtman 1, 8 Sue Schlanser Koenig 3, 22 Anita Stith Marks 1, 1 Lynn Perry McCollum 9, 15
Connie VonDielingen McCoy 2, 23 Mary Melville 1, 13
Joyce Gregg Moore 25, 30 Linda Groeger Newton 2, 8 Mary Lou Deucker Oliver 2, 14 Anita Kearsey Palazzolo 15, 17 Lynn Jansen Ryker 8, 25 Debbie Gehrum Schnelle 17, 26 Wanda Woodyard Shreiner 6, 15 Beverly Benton Stegman 1, 25 Judie Baker Thomas 17, 31 Ann Southard Wierwille 2, 31
Robyn Reimer Aeschliman 3, 16 Myrna Frazer Davis 6, 29 Lynn Barnett England 1, 5 Marilyn Senne Gault 16, 28 Verna Frazer Granger 2, 15 Jeanne Hoferer 4, 7 Janet Wiant Northcraft 8, 9 Mary Lynn Kluge Walker 4, 20
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Kelly Burke Jacobs 4, 5
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Julie Brown 8, 22 Emily Hamilton Pillars 5, 13
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Denise Bartizal Malone 5, 10
DONORS Sara Barnard 2, 11 Beverly Bush 27, 27 Kimberly Neideffer Clarke 1, 1 Gretchen Amrhein Cloud 1, 21 Mary Ann Bivens Couch 11, 31 Marina Elliott Gregorio 2, 34 Leigh Verbois Gryziak 2, 7 Meaghan Hartney 8, 8 Kay Finocchiaro Lawton 1, 24 Sara Lytle 10, 10 Marilynn Jones Robinson 4, 12 Margaret Jo Smith 4, 15 Stefan Streeter Strickland 3, 3 Elizabeth "Liz" Wetzel 1, 10
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Sarah Johnson Dobek 6, 6 Kellie Applegate Prusiecki 5, 22
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Carrie Trout Johnson 32, 33 Cindy Shaffer Thoennes 20, 23
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Dody Ward Mertz 14, 37
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Jane Gorham Clark 21, 31 (d) Francie Grannan Hinds 31, 32 Deb Seidel 6, 30 Martha Dittrich Smith 6, 28 Noraleen DuVall Young 14, 16
DONORS Anonymous (1)
“The Theta Foundation scholarship I have received will make it possible for me to attend law school next year. I cannot express enough gratitude or appreciation to those who have given me this gift. Thank you so much.”
Julie Krebsbach Allman 4, 11
Phyllis Barnaby 1, 19
Crystal Ruskin Benbow 2, 24
Carolyn Ashbaucher Bigler 2, 8
Fran Frick Bitzer 1, 8
Ruth Charles-Myers 19, 19
Pamela Beck Danner 22, 41
Nan Kenady Denneny 1, 9
Janet Dinsmore 21, 41
Barb Busch Faude 11, 29
Chris Finley 16, 16
Marilyn Edmier Huseby 2, 30
Judy Life Ikenberry 2, 29
Mary Jane Bird Johnson 14, 15 (d)
Beth Bayley Kuczkowski 2, 34
Lorie Larson Land 20, 27
Marty Phillips Mead 2, 28
Kathy Schommer Neuenschwander 1, 4
Linda Morton Pratt 12, 27
Julie Siegel Redman 1, 5
Linda Weaver Roberts 2, 27
Chris Evans Robinson 15, 36
Gail Beckman Rudolph 2, 45
Carol Hutchings Tincher 4, 4
Louise Cummins Volpp 33, 33
Suzanne Powell Wang 1, 9
Jane Fitzgerald Wastl 1, 7
Ruth Pence White 7, 30
Julie Carlson Wright 1, 10
Gene Redding Clark 27, 34
Pat Hamar Boldt 14, 44
Jacquelyne Nixon DenUyl 12, 22
Elizabeth Nerland Anderson 1, 2 Tracy Bos Buck 7, 7
Alex Damisch 6, 6
Anne Spaulding Draeger 15, 23
Tamika Watson Franklin 1, 1 Elizabeth McIntyre Gibson 1, 12 Anita Hansen Horton 17, 25
Ingrid Metzler Nitzsche 1, 8 Patricia Quentel 5, 5
Betty Sperry Schneider 1, 32
Alissa Melczer Trumbull 10, 12
Anonymous (1)
Debra Ivaldi Carlson 1, 15 Marilyn Blair Jack 1, 35 Sylvia Veselinovich Mabunay 3, 17 Sandy Masters 1, 6
Catherine Weil Taylor 1, 8 Gloria Stephens Williams 2, 19
Peggy Payne Bennett 2, 27 Margot Holt Gill 26, 27 Mary Lib Schmitz Skerkoske 2, 38 Mary Jane Kolp Smith 12, 21
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Sara English Crook 3, 6 Jill Pedicord Peterson 2, 20 Cindy Pike Wilby 3, 14
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Sheri Connell Welch 10, 16
Audrey Albrecht Kiszla 1, 16
Susan Duncan Albright 2, 11 Melanie Albano Brown 8, 13 Pat Anderson Wickstrom 1, 13
Tracy Kopplin Stull 1, 5 Nonie Savage Taylor 1, 1
Maureen Bagley Doughty 5, 30 Gordie Smith Holloway 10, 20 DONORS Anonymous (1) Sharon Sabey Bossidy 1, 15 Judy Forster Brecheisen 1, 16 Trina Camilletti Callie 1, 18 Cathy Lammers Fickas 1, 15 Barbara Wall Friedrich 19, 27 Courtney Sierk Gaintner 9, 14 Stuart Thomas Garner 1, 10 Ceci Klep Gatlin 1, 25 Lara Zaharchuk Grossman 1, 7 Roberta Carpenter Kropp 17, 27 Dale Levinsky Labenz 1, 19 Sue Fuller Lange 9, 13 Susan Ankeny Little 3, 38 Martha Fitzpatrick Phillips 9, 18 Linda Bixler Regan 1, 20 Tracy Stangl Schleck 2, 4 Wendee Werder Smith 2, 30 Carol Altorfer Vance 8, 37 Anne Miller Verfurth 13, 37 (d) Tory Witt 4, 6
Sue Gallo Coleman 5, 41
Willi Anderson Hasle 6, 26
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Kay Clarno Fischer 2, 19 Peggy Colton Wood 17, 36 DONORS Anonymous (1)
Monica Flynn Beyer 10, 16 Susan O'Rourke Cain 13, 34 Sally Severance Edmiston 1, 25 Sabey Pingree Grange 24, 35 Alice Hartness-Reichle 2, 29 Sonnie Hayes-Kirtley 8, 26
Jan Anderson Johnson 1, 21 Julie Fergusson Lance 1, 5 Barbara Bremer LaSalle 17, 29 Patti McQuaid Petersen 1, 22 Kris Rydman Smith 2, 13 Beth Kleen Taylor 34, 39 Nancy Van Artsdale Wilcox 2, 7
Lisa Peerson 16, 34
Ann Coryell Vining 14, 34
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Leigh Gosney Bowler 7, 16
Margaret Patzer Holdridge 16, 28
Marta Kelle Henderson 8, 32 Monica Matheson McGraw 1, 12
Cathleen Blackburn Moore 6, 9
Jackie Pralle Nishi 5, 17
Heather Mathers Norris 1, 1
DONORS Anonymous (1)
Stacy McCalla Allen 1, 6 Joan Johnson Bake 2, 13 Donna Peery Chrislip 5, 14 Debbie Payne Craine 10, 20 Lynn Powell Davis 8, 22
Jannis Hayton Dykeman 1, 10
Elizabeth Semtner Edwards 13, 39
Susan Black Golliver 4, 28
Bari Catherwood Hatheway 1, 21 Emily Hill 1, 4
Arleen Ledbetter Jacobson 8, 9 Stacey Reed James 18, 31 Lexie Stadler Jones 2, 15 Cheryl Key 1, 16
Suzanne Renschler Lyles 11, 18 Celena Baker McCord 20, 20 Patty McCrary 22, 28 Sandra Bowen Moriarty 3, 5 Judy Pinion Morrison 6, 23 Nancy Wright Powell 1, 25
Terri Allen Schmidt 1, 26
Jeanie Tolle Smith 1, 6 B.J. Haigler Webb 6, 19 Jane Hitch Willingham 5, 31
Jean Nicholas Alsentzer 15, 32 Margot McDowell Cutting 12, 34 Diane Thompson Heckler 5, 12 Shirley Bailey Huntington 11, 28 Marjorie Wilson Opdyke 2, 27
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Jane Johnson Luke 7, 27 (d) FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Dawn Little Wittman 13, 19 DONORS
Heather Boni 6, 7 Nicole Frank 16, 16 Cindy Houck Haagenson 15, 20 Jamie Hill 1, 1
Robin McMicken Krieger 3, 15 Julie Deobald Lind 14, 27 Charissa Croft McCulloch 1, 10 Janet Reagan 22, 37 Rita Schroeder Strobel 4, 23 Suzanne Mattson Zabriskie 1, 14
Louise Lev Geil 22, 36
Kelley Galbreath Hurst 31, 32
Jane Theotokatos Purser 11, 16
Kay Oman Golitz 1, 28
Dustin Jones 12, 23 Katie Wheeler Mathews 9, 29 Melissa Nielson 8, 31 Martha Johnson Schram 2, 16
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Anonymous (2) Adrienne Babb 2, 2 Jane McNall Maier 4, 4 Jennifer Markey 2, 30 Mary Little Tyler 1, 38 DONORS Anonymous (2)
Bonnie Kenney Casey 1, 1
Nancy Brown Davidonis 8, 21
Lucy Friedman 2, 2 Lisa Treadwell Gelroth 2, 5 Janet Church Harrison 11, 22
Nancy Dodd Hindman 25, 32
Sue Sehring Hutchison 9, 29 Kathy Adamson Jordan 13, 23 Luci Whiting Lindwall 2, 7 Mary Chandler Lippitt 17, 20 Shelley Braxton Malachowski 1, 10
Suzanne Garrison Mayo 1, 25 Francine Hafer McCrea 4, 18 Mindy Trotter Montano 1, 33 Sheridan Cravens Morris 5, 12 Luigi Horne Mumford 21, 22 Beth Anderson O'Brien 1, 7
Donna Hall Patek 11, 41
Mary Jo Flynn Quinby 1, 26 Kirsten Johnson Rindal 1, 16 Stacy Chestnut Rini 14, 16 Beth Besch Schoemann 1, 7 Mary Lou Aufderheide Seeliger 3, 8 Susie Purves Skelly 1, 8 Romi Skolnik 2, 6 Teresa Clarkson Sorlie 1, 2 Ena Sroat 1, 3 Cheryl Christensen Sullivan 4, 8 Valerie Jarvi Tracy 1, 7 Kathy Bowden Troost 3, 7 Rhody Lamb Vallejo 1, 15 Marcia Ferguson Velde 2, 18 Mary Morck Williams 1, 7 Barbara Adams Woodhull 9, 39
“Theta Foundation is just another example of how Kappa Alpha Theta has impacted my life. Beyond offering me a home away from home and a sisterhood for life, Theta pushes me to be my best self in all areas of my life. Knowing that Theta supports me academically, motivates me to become the leading woman that I know I am meant to be.”
Mary Ellen Kutsenda Fitzsimonds 33, 33
Anne Slatterly 28, 35
Nancy Westphal Neuer 17, 23
Nicole Karch Beaman 24, 24
Jenny Goforth Hock 16, 23
Liane Lipsey Cooper 2, 18
Jessica Leggott Covi 1, 6
Kristin Hellquist Cunningham 28, 28
Colleen Dermody 4, 7
Cynthia Hood Dugan 17, 27
Barbara Ballou Dvergsten 21, 27
Joleen Wolf Fairbank 15, 27
Nancy Taylor Fried 38, 43
Tina Anstedt Gunderson 1, 29
Peg Spitznas Harmon 2, 14
Michelle Godar Harris 2, 2
Angela Boardman Hauert 2, 13
Joan Eklund Hazell 12, 21
Suzanne Wessel Hazelton 7, 22
Phyllis Thompson Koch 19, 38
Jen Kovar 2, 8
Christine Milligan LeFort 2, 14
Phyllis North Lewis 7, 18
Julia Swayngim Martinez 1, 13
Maggie McGill 1, 16
Judy Rahn McLeran 2, 19
Karen Maxwell Merrill 2, 22
Carol McVey Murphy 2, 30
Kate Sternowski Nurre 1, 2
Kelly Johnson Oles 4, 13
Kathy Stuart Ostergaard 1, 4
Maureen Meehan Penzenik 8, 10
Rue Vail Sams 18, 22
Peggy Swanson Troy 18, 22
Lisa Aulgur Viehweg 1, 2 Kim White 5, 23
Louise McPheeters Zimmerman 2, 17
Beta Lambda/ William & Mary PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER
Deb Roughton Krava 16, 28
Becky Reddick 1, 32
Terry Thompson 28, 34
Nancy Kucan Reed 7, 10
Susan Shoaf Barton 4, 33
Linda Castellon Debrovner 17, 29 DONORS
Ann Lyon Ackiss 16, 25
Leigh Ashley 15, 19
Susan Griggs Braman 30, 34
Grace Turbiville Colwell 12, 18
Virginia Laird Cutchin 15, 19
Bette Christoffersen Daniele 33, 38 Trish Davis Graves 2, 11
Fran Pollock Grochmal 1, 17 Sally Little Hodges 13, 29
Amy Taylor Houser 27, 38
Janet Jorgensen 20, 37
Susan Logue Koster 1, 8
Bj Breen Lide 29, 37
Helen Claybrook Loman 8, 26
Laurie Grant Nichols 1, 12
Lou Cooper Noon 9, 40
Joanna Allen Simonsen 1, 22 Nancy Singer Smith 10, 16
Michelle Trahan 3, 20
Dava Hansen Unglesbee 4, 9 Carol Kendrick Vargo 3, 24 Meg Weeks 26, 31
Sandra Hall Ramet 1, 21 Sara Bodensteiner Ricciardi 2, 22
Stacy Carlson Barry 16, 21
Jody Fettic Copenhaver 14, 27 Jay Powell Hammond 12, 29 Christine Keylian 1, 1 Dianne Sturm Kunkel 9, 15 Debbie Parke LaChew 5, 39
Sandi Haworth Milton 2, 5 Elaine Mong 8, 8 Diane Spina Thornhill 1, 15 Anne Marie Lesperance Utter 2, 30
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Mary Jane Parker Beach 30, 39 Pat Doomar Mierse 14, 28
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Florence Ashby 30, 51 Karen Rodeheaver Brannan 5, 25 Heather O'Dell Kennedy 17, 17 Michele Maseda Murphy 18, 26 Judy Donahue Stow 1, 6
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Ann Greenman Blakeslee 18, 18 Christina Bacon Krebs 4, 8
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Bebe Bisbee Geib 15, 42 Barbara Burke Marlin 1, 13 Leslie Schmidt Williams 20, 26 Kristine Larson Wix 8, 17
Sue Dicus Achtemeier 1, 23 Nancy Lefebvre Allee 4, 34 Kirstie Suflas Bray 1, 19 Chris Michelsen Corry 2, 18 Nancy Muller Currey 8, 33 Cathy Alvarez Foster 2, 29 Mary Jo Webb Fox 2, 10 Michelle King Gallagher 4, 24 Susie Gibson Glagola 9, 24 Sam Golden 1, 6 Nancy Vostitsanos Grady 2, 2 Trish Mierse Hazlehurst 1, 3 Amy Dye Kanning 1, 19 Cathey Langpaul Lane 1, 7 Diana Falsetta Martin 5, 17 Christie Scalera 2, 23 Susan Fincher Schleif 1, 9 Jessica Kirby Schroeder 4, 22 Lynne Darby Scruggs 1, 18 Bobbi Beals Shapiro 5, 19 Kelly Haldane Taylor 1, 1 Cynthia Vance Titus 1, 24 Wanda Wade 4, 39
Cathie Waters Cardelucci 14, 21 Cherie Wright Harris 9, 13 Tracy Breuner Jaquier 1, 4
Marilyn Fyke von KleinSmid-Randolph 1, 43
Kitty Colligan Chambers 1, 31 Kathy Loss Donovan 36, 39 Pat Williams Finley 31, 40 Dana Grenier Holcomb 2, 11
DONORS Anonymous (1)
Darrell Chulay Banta 2, 9
Gretchen Haas Cannon 13, 36 Jackie Caplan 1, 1
Nancy Ross Cooper 21, 37
Addie Dunbar Everett 16, 19
Juli Taormina Halopoff 5, 16
Marilyn Lovett Handy 28, 42
Cat Cardelucci Jara 9, 9
Lori Schindel Klass 1, 3
Marcia Gravette Littler 8, 15
Terry Palmquist Martin 2, 26 Kathleen McCaffrey Moore 1, 14 Kristin Norby Moseman 3, 10 Marty Zamloch Ochoa 1, 9 Pam Clark Ramsing 3, 38 Janet Rhodes Randolph 3, 21
Vicki Cunningham Riherd 2, 7
Anne-Marie Murray Schaffer 1, 7 Deborah Shumka Shepherd 2, 2 Dale Manolakas Shults 3, 25 Jill Soled Silverman 1, 5 Kim Barron Stillwell 5, 26 Winnie Rafferty Todd 2, 24 Suzanne Peterson Woods 10, 18
Beta Omicron/Iowa
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Susan Byers Patrick 11, 18
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Betsy Sierk Corridan 31, 32
Mickie Berg Daisley 1, 34 Bonnie Bell Sierk 22, 22
Colet Conkling Abramovich 4, 23 Allison Springer Ambrose 2, 16 Christine Ott Barra 1, 12 Susan Ivie Boling 23, 28 Robyn Sierk Canfield 9, 12 Vicki Froyd Crawford 2, 23 Wendy Clark Gibson 3, 27 Dorothy Perkins Grissom 3, 28 Jayne Clausen Hansen 4, 19 Barbara Wilson Hennessey 1, 21 Jan Stodola Kazimour 13, 27 Karen Sloan Keane 2, 26 Laura Finne Miller 5, 24 Aldeane Ries 27, 32 Maris Collins Schad 2, 31 Patricia Miller Schebler 1, 28 Karmen Skjerven Serbinski 6, 17 Marci Eccleston Sesker 2, 4 Karen Conkling Stewart 1, 4 Julie Lundeen Vernetti 2, 4 Mary Vande Steeg Wagner 1, 36
Beta Pi/Michigan State
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Sue Kloap Wahrhaftig 2, 25
Genny Butz Adsit 2, 28 Jeannine Warrington James 7, 27 Heather MacPhail 30, 36 Maxine Neely Moseley 42, 44
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Sherla Jennings Alberola 8, 40 Sue Hurd Dutmers 2, 34
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Barbara Najar Ennis 18, 26 Sheila Tadych Mullen 2, 14
Tina Marakas Battle 8, 25 Margaret Leverich Blum 2, 12 Suzanne Masuret Collins 2, 22 Gretchen Duerr Forsyth 6, 26 Kathy Arnold Frakes 32, 38 Carrie Nitz Fromm 2, 3 Donna Reuling Gainer 29, 40 Marilyn Todd Hazelrigs 2, 28
Joan Heininger 2, 26
Marcia Kierland Henry 4, 27
Jane Lau 5, 38
Barbara Schumacher Richardson 5, 19 Amy Silberstein 3, 3 Judy Church Swanson 2, 8 Mamie Marron Wakefield 1, 36
Linda Hanson Wilson 11, 40
Stacey Knowles Wykoski 2, 11
Ashley Atkins 10, 21 Caryl Bate 7, 22 Carol Cleave 38, 39 Tracy Moldin Mitchell 14, 18 Sue Gorfain Opdyke 5, 37
Suzanne Bernes Almas 16, 29 Sally Sethness Anderson 2, 23 Carol Robert Armstrong 2, 11 Nancy Nieman Conover 27, 39 Mary Emmel Cooper 4, 25 Dawne Drayton Fountain 1, 18 Mary Lynn Kirkpatrick Jacobson 1, 15 Claire Rickard Palmer 7, 30 Wendy Lamp Potter 6, 22 Sung Park Reynolds 2, 32 Helene Millar Saunders 9, 16 Lauren Levy Wertheim 1, 25
Jane Kent Hedges 11, 28 (d)
Amy Bujnoch McKnight 1, 1 Paulette Mueller - Frazee 6, 9
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Jane Campbell 6, 17 Dianne Fain Garrett 8, 19 Sharon McCally 1, 3 Meredith Brown Wrighton 26, 26
Olyve Hallmark Abbott 1, 17 Penny Pickens Brooks 11, 29 Ann Snell Bumstead 1, 9 Karen Anderson Campbell 6, 23 M.K. Alger Carlson 4, 24 Allison Rainey Connally 1, 14 Nancy Linn Goodman 6, 9 Nancy Lamb Kirby 1, 26 Janet Schoeller Knight 9, 26 Sue James Lloyd 1, 7 Dee Anderson Payne 1, 3 Betsy Hardin Rayle 5, 19 Ann Robert 1, 18 Martha Hartman Schutte 1, 25 Laura Walthall Smith 1, 24 Kay Smith Strother 1, 15
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Helen Boggis Burdg 6, 32 (d) Chelsea Lee 2, 2
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Laura Richardson Bright 10, 10 Sheryl Cohen 2, 10 Carol Schuele Robinson 8, 42
Shan Heyman Burchenal 2, 13 Jean Loewenthal Burnstine 30, 36 Pam Puerner Campbell 14, 29 Kim Cochran 2, 2
Barbara Ruhl Deyoung 11, 12 Donna Foote Erismann 13, 37 Brooke Felts 8, 8 Suzanne Wenger Helfrich 1, 4 Betty Schultz Knox 42, 49 Judy English Longacre 28, 31 Lynn Wilkie Murray 24, 26 Jayne Renner Nicholson 1, 19 Judy Roehm Pace 28, 40 Katie Reynolds Passen 2, 3 Diane Richards 1, 21 Anne Powell Riley 1, 34 Lindsay Robin Saffer 6, 10 Susie Danielson Sams 2, 31
Ellie Walz Svenson 5, 18 Barb Shouvlin Walters 1, 1 Elizabeth Fenner Yassenoff 13, 13
Kelsey Horning 8, 8
Barbara Hackman Franklin 8, 14 Kate Rittner 4, 34
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Jill Reed Lagatta 1, 9 Annetta Tiley Potts 17, 33 DONORS
Eleanor Crowers Baker 2, 4 Susy Smith Beck 11, 32 Gail Schultz Beere 3, 17 Sandy Lumnitzer Bossler 9, 30 Mary Alfano Boucher 1, 1 Pat Lenhardt Byers 4, 9 Robin Brooks Carson 9, 31 Kate Convery 2, 29 Betty Westrick Cummins 3, 29 Susanne Andresen Delahunty 11, 29 Joan Bissey Field 26, 28 Myrna Paynter Fridy 5, 13 Nancy Sones Funk 1, 11 Marilyn Doan Jenkins 1, 13 Barbara Newman Junkin 7, 10 Kim Laubaugh 1, 3 Jan Hurlbert McKay 2, 37 Rachel Milligan Miller 4, 38 Susan Reen Paulin 3, 14 Gretchen VanKirk Petri 43, 48 Raven Wray Rudnitsky 4, 38 Nancy Barnhart Sage 1, 9 Carole Kersh Sheviakov 5, 40 Carol Wilson Smith 3, 24 Paula Steinle 2, 4 Barbara Watchorn Stross 7, 34 (d) Sybil Kersh Sutka 22, 39 Marcia Michalski Wharton 1, 29 Lisa Zavada-Rizzo 1, 2
Cynthea Strube Yestal 10, 11
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Shirley Smith Gifford 3, 36
Lianne Papp 1, 8
Linda Gifford Brinkmann 4, 4 Julia Cline 6, 8 Shannon Doyle 3, 4 Andrea Wallace Ives 2, 4 Ruth Wong Miller 4, 6
Janet Paine Peters 42, 42
Barbee Futrell Riehl 7, 24
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Jane Oldfather Light 1, 25 Pamela Beck Pluss 1, 1
Anonymous (1) Martha Carlson 1, 27 Betty Bungener Chomeau 4, 41 Jane Ann Rowntree Dowding 1, 24 Beverly Carrington Howell 1, 27
Sherry Ives Kirchheimer 2, 12 Shannon Dillard Mitchell 2, 30 Carol Orvis Olsen 1, 19 (d) Maris Gatchet Riegel 1, 14 Lynne Elliott Shaver 25, 32
Marian Reynolds Singer 14, 30
Linda Crout Spevacek 1, 17
Cynthia Wahle 3, 36 Beth Hodder Whitcomb 1, 3
Gamma Gamma/Rollins
Lyn Stewart Simensen 29, 35
Amanda Miner Davison 1, 19
Bonne Brooks Gurzenda 11, 33
Catherine Lloyd 2, 7
Martha Gaither Martin 1, 17 Ruth Makemson McCullough 3, 30 Joan Brand Snider 1, 21
Gamma Delta/Georgia
Martha Stanton Van Der Mallie 10, 19
Mariellen Johnson Bateman 1, 15
Jo Anne Gunby Conner 1, 1
Harriett Murphey Durkee 2, 24
Sarah Carr Evans 1, 16 Paige Pendergrass Hill 6, 23
Dawn McClain Hutchinson 10, 27
Ansley Paulsen Jentz 1, 10
Patricia Hodges Kerr 1, 23
Taliaferro Thomas Murphy 1, 1 Nan Nicklaus O'Leary 15, 26
Susan Pierce Owings 1, 2
Johnette Young Padgett 2, 7
Patricia Kennedy Riddle 13, 26
Mary Black Robinson 1, 23
Deanna Dooley Rogers 1, 14
Claire Rosemond 11, 22
Robin Clark Sanders 3, 16 Katie Hattrich Schaeffer 1, 2
Jill Laubacher Schwartz 1, 14
Devon Mishkin Shealy 4, 6 Lane Rabb Tharp 17, 34
Gamma Epsilon/ Western Ontario
Carolyn Chesney 1, 1
Ann Mercer Varey 27, 32
Anonymous (1)
Laura Osborne Arena 7, 9
Barb Hansen Domski 2, 19
Constantina Farfaras Evans 13, 32
Lisa Burger Foster 33, 33
Jane Backman Fox 3, 28
Joell Pacelli Gray 1, 1
Rosemary Tarantino Holmes 1, 22
Claire Henighan Mather 18, 28
Joy Heavens Molloy 2, 22
Katharine Murphy 12, 13
Nancy Canby Sunshine 1, 21
Jo Riggio Sweet 21, 28
Roberta Goodwin Willenkin 8, 27
Paula Cox Collins 13, 31
Margot Bushey Habel 3, 19 Michele Potvin Piecuch 15, 15 Donna Salemi Podolsky 11, 22
Lynn Fales Strobeck 1, 28
Bonnie Hunter Wilkes 10, 17
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Victoria Loritz Acker 3, 8
MaryJo O'Connell Smith 10, 27 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Kara Tellerman Garecht 1, 5
Greta Aul 21, 28 Sue Ann Webb Austin 1, 22 Amy Timko Barnes 2, 9 Diann Deal 1, 14 Dottie Acklin Leete 33, 37 Phyllis Johns Lempert 2, 24 Nancie Sutherland Merlino 3, 7 Susanne Menger Motter 5, 40 Elektra Petrakis 2, 2 Lois Wolf Riske 1, 15 Joanne Lacey Ritchie 9, 39
DeeDee Peege Lee 13, 16 Sue Kidder Marshall 3, 11 Pat Graham Palmer 3, 7 Nancy Lee Windley 1, 9 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Lisa Nelson Asplundh 15, 27 Vickie Ambrose Cole 1, 25 Ann Rickert Kloeppel 4, 18 Karen Choate Robbins 13, 19
B.J. Carter Arnsparger 1, 27 Julie Johnson Benton 1, 6 Linda Burkholder 38, 40 Mary Ann Cate 1, 3 Carol Anderson DeBord 1, 22 Liz Shearer Harper 6, 35 Kay Polites Harris 1, 6 Lisa Crouch Jackson 10, 13 Cheryl Klein Keel 1, 22 Anne Ames Kennon 1, 3 Joanna O'Dell Kolson 2, 2 Karen Dempewolf Nix 30, 37 Jane Fowley O'Roark 1, 14 Paula Crafton Swartz 1, 26 Kelly Wesley Taylor 8, 23 Sally Brown Walton 4, 32 Phyllis Jones Whitney 1, 20 Nancy Barrickman Yelton 1, 15
Sally Pyne Kennedy 21, 25 Susan Lorenz 11, 25 Susan Smirnoff 4, 23 Barbara Reedy West 19, 25
Donna Reinecke Elliott 3, 21
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Barbara Staegemann Dawson 1, 18 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Sidney Bohlen Spahr 42, 42
Jody Parson Thiell 2, 16
Karen Postelle Bowman 2, 3 Su Benson Robotti 2, 22
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Evonne Courtney Connolly 1, 2 Sue Laffan Thompson 29, 29
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Peggy Maughlin Brock 6, 13 Barbara Becker Wold 9, 16 DONORS Anonymous (1) Mary Ann Allison Elliott 2, 14 Dawn Daudelin Ellis 2, 27 Eileen Mullins Haley 19, 30 Margaret Menton Lynch 4, 36 Becca McAlexander 6, 6 Stephanie Panich Meury 1, 2 Eileen Kiely Orscheln 13, 30 Trish Nusser Povlitz 2, 5 Becky Kimball Richardson 1, 5 Sheila Kapur Roche 1, 22 Nancy Herring Rodgers 5, 30 Sue Romano 12, 32 Anne Reed Senterfit 17, 27 Leanne Smith Titcomb 5, 24 Donna Thomas Tydings 1, 5 Janice Wright Waitkus 2, 14 Patty Geene White 27, 34 Carolyn Swanson Wilson 2, 18 Betsy Dismer Yancey 14, 21
Gamma Nu/ North Dakota State
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Kyle Hartvickson Handegard 20, 41
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Jill Hasse Sundheim 5, 7
DONORS Anonymous (1) Roxanne Trieglaff Ebnet 16, 27 Linda Hansen Falkman 13, 23 Janet Long Feist 1, 21 Jill Godman Keating 13, 13 Sherri Shepel Koshiol 5, 24 Bonita Bohnsack Laske 2, 23 Karen Loberg Morse 5, 14 Kristin Solberg 2, 9 Mariell Stennes 1, 5 Laura Wilner Wahl 1, 26
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Nancy Gregg 3, 23 (d)
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Lorie Herbert Merrill 17, 45
Charleen Cirese Boyl 17, 34 Barbara Longinotti Brennan 6, 38 Shirley Allen Douglas 3, 26 Elizabeth Green Gavigan 1, 31 Karen Winslow Loeser 11, 23 Sharon Seely Losee 5, 28 Barbara Taylor Morgan 1, 28 Phyllis Meyer Mueller 1, 5 Kathleen McKay Quigley 18, 32 Ann Carlson Stone 2, 21 Ruth Monnier Walsh 7, 27
Gamma Omicron/ New Mexico
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Cydney Stewart 36, 36
Bev Frost Worden 1, 7 (d)
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Suzanne Jones Verardo 1, 10
Holly Adler Arvanites 23, 27 Monica Anderson Bowlin 4, 24 Carolyn Jones Minton 38, 39 Barbara Wykes Plampin 21, 27 Barbara Pearson Sargeant 1, 1
Gamma Pi/Iowa State
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Nancy Haefele 1, 11 (d) Suzanne Kane Withers 7, 20
Julie Anderson Gilbert 2, 26 Celia Wilson Stretmater 1, 23
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Sherrie DeJong DeBruyn 4, 12 Digi Hitt Schueler 1, 2
Mary Johnson Adams 4, 9 Shirley Weaver Blaul 1, 39 Laura Nordyke Boland 6, 6 Mary Agnes Laub Boni 14, 38 Georgia Gaskill Crockett 10, 18 LaVonne Kidney Farner 1, 22 Kelli Rasmussen Folkerts 2, 17 Sara McKamy Forsman 1, 7 Clare Williams Frevert 7, 30 Judie Wright Hanson 22, 35 Karen Hanson 2, 5 Kaitlyn Wiener Johnson 6, 8 Sue Chambliss Kamm 19, 33 Peggy O'Connell Luth 21, 34 Joyce Power Pattschull 13, 13 Patty Tripses Raftis 28, 34 Kathy Torno Roat 1, 21 Anne Burr Saliers 36, 39 Jane Graves Simmons 16, 23 Nancy Atwood Steege 1, 16 Sue LaBarre Surges 15, 40 Marty Whitcombe Taylor 28, 40 Julie Broshar Tuttle 1, 21 Delores McClelland VanHorn 27, 28 Natalie Schmid Vaughan 12, 27 Jan Polson Walkup 12, 38 Georgia Hafner Windhorst 33, 35
Gamma Rho/ UC Santa Barbara
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Deborah Marks Dillon 2, 25 Carla Herzog Schnell 29, 29
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Connie Black Martin 12, 24
DONORS Anonymous (1) Emily Brent Belote 10, 12 Laurie Ferguson Caya 1, 25 Elaine Ellman Douglas 13, 27 Shelby Williams Hladon 9, 13 Suzanne Hardy Keavney 2, 9 Diane Sheerer Robertson 1, 13 Valerie French Ryder 1, 1 Susan Beazell Schmidt 14, 23 Jean Sivertsen Scott 8, 36 Lynne Hohman Sedlacek 14, 42 Tracy Mosh Shaffer 1, 1 Cyndi Hansen Talbert 1, 2 Nina Vergari 30, 38
Gamma Sigma/ San Diego State
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Kathy Stebleton Schultz 8, 17
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Nancy Winters Mullins 13, 25 Carol Plumb Sutorius 7, 31 Mandy Lee Womack 8, 13
DONORS Mara Armenta 4, 4 Ginger Irvine Barnard 2, 27 Suzy Monninger Clem 1, 5 Christina Richman Evans 5, 38 Marty Ferris 1, 18 Bonnie Fletcher 1, 3 Muriel Grenfell Hanna 3, 21 Ann Dawson Knoche 2, 27 Vall Schofield Light 9, 23 Daphne Schafer Peace 2, 2 Janie Newberry Smith 11, 34 Terry Ackerman Smith 8, 35 Marilyn Sosna 1, 3
Pauline Stamatopoulos Theodore 2, 20 Joellen Meinhart Yundt 1, 24
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Karen Albrecht Ledbetter 27, 32 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Sue Ginn Clover 1, 16 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Pamela Remsberg Pool 1, 4
Linda MacConnell Bridges 1, 3 Jill Sisler Cleverdon 2, 2 Elizabeth Echols 2, 2 Terre Stafford Frank 1, 5 Kelly Lane Gates 2, 3 Linda Trimm Karcher 2, 2 Sunny Paul Langdon 1, 3 Melanie Maddux 27, 29 Betsy Miller Pettit 8, 19 Carol Spivey Pierce 4, 19 Maureen Healy Pranske 2, 5 Susie Knipshild Quick 36, 36 Cathy Colwell Ruprecht 2, 10 Stacey Steffan Wehrle 2, 2 Lisa Wilson 11, 31 Diane Tomlinson Wood 6, 11 Carolyn Catron Woodard 2, 5
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Marcia Wolff Thompson 33, 39
Susan Blankenbaker Noyes 2, 17
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Susan Wright Brennan 4, 36 Maury Johanning Cunningham 26, 34 Lynn Piper Haywood 1, 22 Sarah Welch McNaught 1, 22 Susan Putman Moran 3, 32
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Kassie Dobbs O'Malley 6, 6
Marianne Flee Bailey 13, 20 Lynn Bodfish 2, 21 Ann Weatherton Brown 29, 30 Caroline Hurst Bruen 4, 4 Ellie Howard Coffman 13, 25 Joyce Bowling Demitt 5, 21 Amy Edwards 8, 29 Pam Pederson Hall 6, 41 Betsy Hoza Harootyan 22, 23 Ann Loudon Hodge 2, 27
Carolyn Potter Hoyt 4, 31
Erin Jennings 1, 9
Liz Smith Lawrence 7, 13
Liz Pogue Marshall 1, 12
Joan Walton Moore 5, 13
Elizabeth Herrmann Mynhier 6, 21
Lee McAskill Remers 11, 41
Marilyn Roehm Richardson 11, 30
Gail Kieffer Riggs 15, 38
Jean Ehmann Serafin 2, 10
Gayle Campbell Sundt 1, 29
Margo Mapes Toth 8, 25
Carol Sites Turner 1, 18
Carlyn Grau Poole 21, 31
Cate Lock Bibb 10, 11
Suzette Arnold Hofman 3, 15
Carol Walsh Leito 8, 34
Laura Locke 17, 19 Jill Nelson 32, 41
Shirley Shields Smith 45, 45 (d)
Renee Bergenheier Underwood 17, 23 Lisa Ford Wentzel 2, 20
Carol Smith Baker 1, 13
Suzanne Alderson Baker 2, 4
Nancy Best 1, 23
Rachelle Douglas Collins 1, 8
Tamsen Duke 3, 20
Lea Swanson Eiland 12, 14
Zita Enloe 18, 23
Kathryn Ann Baker Farris 2, 15
Patti Flowers 1, 7
Martha West Griffith 41, 41
Beth Howard Hittle 1, 7
Kara Larvin Hughes 2, 4
Jean Shaw Legg 13, 30
Lee Ann Coulson Liebst 14, 25
Tori Irlbeck Marnell 1, 19
Puddin Hermann Nix 1, 13
Macy Bonniwell Norman 2, 5
Keeley Orman-Adcox 3, 15
Cheryl Phillips 8, 18
Jamey Laney Phillips 3, 20 Robin Poston 1, 13
Stephanie Cooksey Pruitt 8, 9
Jana Petty Rearick 2, 17
Kathy Mitcham Tucker 19, 26
Kayla Crimm Vardell 1, 9
Alex Chavez 1, 1
Kathy Anderson Edwards 1, 14
Cortney Garabedian 5, 5
Lynda Fairman Gordon 8, 15
Jackie Chooljian Grazier 1, 13
Alondra Martinez Belmontes 1, 2 Kathy Safer Miller 2, 21 Stacy Cunningham Miller 21, 29
Ursula Boulton Regenos 33, 38 Eugenie Madden Watson 2, 14
Kelly McGuire Diehl 12, 12 Kay Woodward Olson 4, 26 Kathleen Martin Phillips 1, 16
Debbie Jacobs English 2, 23
Eugenie Klotz Juve 6, 18
Kate Haeg Boschi 4, 17 Susan Wolfe Burney 2, 23 Marion Gaines Cole 19, 24
Michelle Wilson Cyrus 4, 13
Liz Fitzsimonds Edger 10, 11 Kay Crosby Ellis 21, 26
Sandra Donahoe Gardner 1, 20
Barbara Claire Schmidt Heinen 29, 40 Susan Swain Hotard 4, 30
Judith Roberts Hughes 13, 17 Mary Walters Husband 2, 9 Sherri Parker Lee 17, 34 Jane Knutson Marty 1, 23 Katy Mott Redwine 2, 22
Susan Butler Ritts 6, 20 Susan Tribble 1, 7 (d) Suzanne Luton Woodruff 18, 30
Fran Cooper Sale 18, 25
Mary Beth Westmoreland 11, 30
Anonymous (1) Elyse Jugs Burton 1, 16 Carol Wilson Fischer 1, 4 Marguerite Hackney 1, 2 Tracy Lambert Jack 3, 15 Barbara Porter Knox 2, 15 Suzanne Reneau Larson 1, 28 Laura Linkinhoker 2, 2 Katherine Conyers Manush 1, 1 Anna Lambert Mitchell 12, 16 Jennifer Wright Nabors 1, 5 Sandy Mayfield Newton 1, 5 Tricia Holloway Norris 18, 32 Leta Stepp Reeves 29, 37 Bebe Sanchez 1, 8 Beth Gregory St. Jean 4, 28 Beth Bowers Vaughan 8, 12 Karen Nall Waldheim 13, 17
Jessica Allen 11, 20
Anne Marie Shields Charnholm 16, 20 Ann Berner Counsell 1, 21 Joan Valaas Ferguson 4, 28 Sally Wood Galt 9, 20 Liz Robinson Hammer 4, 29 Kristen Bogen Harvey 2, 30 Liz Smith Hight 2, 9 Ginny Barton Hoerger 11, 32 Sue Mays Holmes 20, 38 Mary Parsell Walker 17, 23
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Lisa Davis Olney 15, 15
Melanie McLendon Dowell 8, 33
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Ann Bullington Hermens 4, 23
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Jackie Vollmer Orcutt 1, 14 Natalie Sirois 1, 3
Barbara Rupley Ziolko 5, 24
Donna Cravener Bruhn 1, 19
Merrilee Bean Buchanan 16, 25 Melinda Carroll Church 1, 6 Gail Fisher 1, 17
Lisa Soper Galea 24, 26
Laura Humphries Gibson 16, 17
Jennifer Hinfey 12, 14 Debbie Ilchak 2, 11
Cindy Westhafer Leonard 7, 16 Carolyn Kimura Nakamura 21, 26 Betsy Boardman Reid 1, 9
“Being a part of Kappa Alpha Theta has changed my life. I would not have the support system I do without it. My sisters are encouraging, honest, and loyal. They are women I look up to and can only hope to become more like. This scholarship helps me continue to be a part of this community and grow relationally and academically.”
Kay Holmgren Runke 6, 19
Amanda Vickerman Spellman 1, 7 Nicci Pannier Trovinger 15, 15 Lynn Winsor 4, 31
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Christa Dell Sobon 28, 28 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Samantha Hunter Padgett 1, 11 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Sarah Harrison 7, 12 Jennifer Bonanno Mann 2, 5
Margaret Kawula Allen 18, 28 Marge Hart Anderson 1, 7 Susan Stetler Bauknight 3, 34 Kelley O'Neal Berman 3, 25 Lynn Goodroe Callahan 25, 38 Lauren Guliasi 2, 3 Libby Matthews Myers 1, 19 Susie Padgett 2, 28 Patricia Franklin Rauch 4, 34 Sarah Candler Schilling 2, 51 Patti Westermann Slade 5, 24 Sarah Osier Smith 2, 6 Sherry Fitzgerald Wade 29, 29 Ellen Warthen 3, 11
Delta Eta/Kansas State
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Greta Ganske 12, 17 Mary Lee Barley Graham 1, 2
DONORS Jennifer Allen 2, 2 Shelly Laubhan Blake 19, 19 Barbara Bodecker Cox 4, 16 Molly Shannon Crowe 4, 11 Arlene Fair Drach 16, 35 Frances Clemons Foster 2, 24 Fran Mullinix Gerritz 2, 12 Carrie Helmke Haner 10, 18 Susie Angwin Heflin 1, 4
Mary Fields Hildebrandt 2, 9
Krista Holliman 1, 3
Anita Brady Kaiser 1, 28
Jami Nelson Leahy 1, 13 Amy Bartel Lingenfelser 10, 17 Kylie Sturgis Massman 1, 3 Erin Hueftle Morgan 1, 13 Pat Fellows Parker 12, 15 Heidi Bielenberg Pollmann 7, 20
Janiece Fair Rowland 8, 31 Gia Stalcup Scott 18, 31 Dianne Danford Treadwell 19, 38 Sharon Tryon Watkins 2, 16 Madelyn Keller Yeo 1, 24
Louise Root Bearss 5, 9
Ceci Culpepper Berman 1, 1 Anne Taylor 1, 7
Anonymous (1) Debbie Bornmann Allen 30, 33 Donna Sheppard Barbar 10, 28 Sue Blair 1, 27
Debra Tilbury Bowdoin 1, 4 Monisa Cox Cline 1, 12 Sally Hoenshel Curran 12, 23 Janice Williams Davis 1, 1 Beth Spransy Dickinson 17, 17 Jerri Barnes Hanna 12, 24 Barbara Walls Hanson 15, 18
Deborah Maxwell Hodges 1, 3 Caryl Hippler Johnson 4, 9 Lori Salsburg Leiter 1, 6 Claire Miller 2, 16 Leslie Neely 1, 15
Gretchen Mulholland Pastore 1, 19 Joann Ferguson Purdie 8, 9 Kate Roberts 1, 18
Cari Swertfager Simmons 5, 5 Gail Hill Smith 1, 17 Janet Magnum Smith 1, 8 Suzanne Mott Todd 1, 12
Nancy Laxson Highton 22, 31 Jen Bossard Pelletier 18, 18
Kyla Dierking 6, 6 Judy Porter Lindley 5, 21 Ann Thomson Mann 9, 22
Anonymous (1) Meredithe Moore Mainquist 8, 27 Melissa Marlin 1, 2 Kristen Bernes Rich 1, 14 Judy Rowe Smith 3, 23
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Michelle Mouton Geiger 18, 18 Stephanie Machen 7, 20
Chace Thomas Carpenter 21, 29 Laura Ann Dailey Edwards 7, 15
Lyn Faust Ballay 20, 37 Jane Coulter Bassett 15, 27 Lorinda deVries 16, 32 Alli Lemoine Ferguson 1, 1 Mary Faulkinberry Helenius 31, 34 Erin Tucker Howle 10, 12 Lori Harding Johnson 21, 33 Stacey King 1, 19 Gay LaNasa 6, 41 Laura Fletcher Lindsay 1, 9 Lisa Fortier Louis 1, 1 Susan Sutton McFarland 13, 15 Karen O'Connor 2, 6 Jennifer Payne 1, 1 Catherine Rigby 10, 10 Catie Santos 1, 1 Gloria Egbert Stratton 13, 19
Patricia Nebenzahl Frish 1, 7
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Linda Duffin Jones 5, 29
Diane Debevetz Anderson 1, 17 Erin Basta 1, 19 Betsy Halvorsen Colborn 1, 33 Jamie Ford Craft 1, 21 Kathryn Fife Damon 25, 39 Joan Richards Techet 1, 3 Jill Richards Weed 2, 3
Heather Steen 8, 13
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Monte Stephens Frankenfield 12, 16 Linda Richardson Jones 2, 14 Judy Combs Smith 30, 39
Shannon Featherston 6, 15 Lynne Fitzgerald 14, 14 Tracy Henderson 19, 33
Deborah Bradley Bailey 6, 31 Julie McDonald Cabe 19, 23 Rebecca Howell 9, 20 Kathryn Deane Irby 3, 7 Paula Carver Obermark 2, 11 Cissie Burford Pendergrass 4, 28
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Laura Ware Doerre 20, 25
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Alice Martin Wilson 12, 33
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Elizabeth Farrington 10, 20 Catherine Cate Sullivan 7, 22
DONORS Anonymous (1) Gracia Bobbitt 13, 33 Lisa Callen 22, 26 Gigi Nayfeh Crane 1, 1 Liane Crowe Davenport 1, 5 Sharon DeMuth 5, 29 Lea Dunbar Garcia 1, 4 Jamie Schug Hatmaker 1, 14 Susan Frye Knutson 13, 26
Ann AuBuchon Raker 11, 41 Betsy Moate Robinson 1, 19 Marian Crane Sharpe 2, 22 Jennifer Sherman 21, 33
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Chris Thompson Briede 8, 24
DONORS Anonymous (1) Marileta Dobbins Bloodworth 4, 9 Lissa Bradford 11, 23 Martha Griffith 14, 14 Jennifer Farley Harris 10, 12 Leigh Watters Heidtman 2, 8 Linda Lamb 2, 11 Terri Dickey Landwehr 1, 7 Robin Rodriguez Prestridge 1, 2 Terry Whitson Scott 2, 5 Tricia Hood Thomas 8, 18
Delta Pi/Tennessee
Carole Touzet Allen 16, 23 Ellen Watson James 1, 26 Brenda Thomas Todd 2, 9 Jennie Isaac Williams 8, 21
Mary Jane Ferguson 1, 7 Karen Partridge Gallagher 3, 11 Susan Davis Kelley 24, 30 Domenica (Minnie) Marchese 1, 3 Gail Gibbons Mosher 4, 34
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Monica Pimmler Boldt 1, 7 Beth Nagel Marcin 11, 39
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Karen Rogers McKinney 10, 30 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Kristin Jones Barr 1, 11 Beth Snyder 2, 25
DONORS Anonymous (1)
Ann Selke Berebitsky 26, 32 Ellen Wellmeier Bickel 1, 19 Bonnie Batrich Brown 1, 25 Kathy Hinkle Cande 15, 18 Lu Brookie Hesler 30, 36 Debbie Hull Hood 29, 43 Johanna Lawrence Kissel 2, 5
Kathleen McClanahan-Gruhl 3, 10 Susan Papai Wolff 8, 13 Melissa Jones Wuellner 7, 12
DONORS Anonymous (1) Linda Kolar Majerus 13, 22 Diane Visocan Spranget 27, 27
Debra Wellman 1, 5
Jodi Fox Clark 30, 39
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Barbara Spahn Apostle 12, 20 Kim Harmon 16, 27 Mary Howard Leppo 17, 17 Sheri Armacost Lucas 4, 16
Ellen Moeller Grimme 13, 32 Kelly Kuethe Hugenberg 1, 7 Amy Luyster Kidd 20, 25 Marybeth Price Knight 1, 15 Taryn Wells Nance 24, 32 Debra Mobley Pearse 2, 25
Leigh Lomax Crain 17, 21
Yianna Kappas 8, 13 Hannah Hopkins Pittman 1, 14 Laurie Poyer 1, 5 Cheryl Rowley 8, 9 Jennifer Saylors 3, 4 Caroline Redmond Weghorn 15, 16
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD Edie Hofstead Cabaniss 29, 30
Pam Feinour Edmonds 1, 4 Nancy Quillen Haggart 9, 9 Delta Psi/UC Riverside FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Holly Bailey Evans 8, 15 Carla Jurukov Walker 4, 31 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Cheryl Witt 29, 29 Laura Anderson Workman 1, 29
“Through the grant and this experience, I have felt the support of Theta as a whole as well as received the financial support to become a leading woman in pursuit of my dreams in dance. I am so blessed and grateful to feel Theta's investment in me in support of my dreams for the future. Kappa Alpha Theta truly is a sisterhood that supports one another to pursue and achieve greater things in the world, and I am so humbled to be a part of it.”
Trista Sholes Barton 1, 3
Marie Choi 1, 5
Heather Dennis 10, 14
Teresa O'Neill Healy 9, 15
Debbie Brady Morford 5, 22
Lorraine Torres Richards 1, 14
Mary Pat Vaughn Stetkevich 8, 32 Judy Tuttle 4, 13 Kelly Meyers Wagner 2, 24
Dinah Harriger Cummings 1, 3
Elizabeth Kent Levy 1, 2
Jenny Knapp Berridge 1, 1
Rita Marsh Birch 2, 15
Wendy Cobb 11, 23
Ashley Henderson 1, 11
Amy Grant Homeyer 1, 25
Eleanor Manson Keare 1, 12
LeeAnn Moore 2, 2
Casey Conklin Rowland 19, 20
Susan Sparkman 1, 4
Carol Solomon Foster 4, 24 Karen Clark Tinsley 3, 26
Caryl Roberts Cochrum 4, 14
Carole Coleman George 1, 25 Becky Parker Lewis 1, 30 (d) Dorothy Bishop Moffett 1, 12
Jane Johnston Riddlesperger 1, 22 Donna Heinen Sanders 2, 29
Barbara Lowe Schaffer 11, 19
Cheryl Gantt Waughtal 6, 16
Kristin Daggett Williams 2, 2
Katie Vogel Barber 4, 23 Sheila Lindsay 2, 29
Cheryl Parnell 1, 1 Kathryn Olson Rakow 1, 3
Katie Busby 16, 25
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Donna Levens Schmidt 16, 23 Erin Smith 6, 6
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Leigh Frisbee Lenz 14, 18 Ardith Morrison Morgan 27, 28
Tammy Brands Bass 2, 6 Hillary Goodfellow Harvey 10, 10 Marianne Schmidt 6, 6
Cassie Smith Shearon 7, 15
DONORS Anonymous (1)
Michelle Rutledge Costel 1, 21
Deb Massey Eyre 4, 24 Karin Kimberlin Jackson 2, 14 Chelsea Klein 8, 8 Cheryl Smith 2, 25
Maria Figueiras Ford 1, 10 Claudia Palmer Martinez 1, 11
Betsy Schultz Humphreys 8, 10
Amelia Ayers 1, 5 Lee Goatley 10, 10
Anne McIntosh Schneider 5, 23 Lisa Gebken Thibault 15, 20 DONORS
Hannah Domino 1, 2 Samantha Mathieson-Yarnell 5, 5 Nickie Brown Norton 3, 17 Tiffany Norris Schwartz 1, 2 Lauren Spizzirri 1, 1 Susie Gerhart Stuerman 13, 27 Brenda Switzer 11, 23
Karen Wicke Boyle 1, 4 DONOR
Lucia Kubiatowski Glunz 3, 19
TJ Flynn Condon 16,17
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Olivia Lewis Arscott 9, 10 Anne Rocco Countouris 11, 30
Lindsay Bowman 4, 11 Sarah Kinsley Choi 1, 20 Glynnis Morgan Dwelly 24, 27 Becky Fassio 14, 14 Charlotte Fredericks 1, 1 Emily Goodfellow 1, 1 Elizabeth Haggart 1, 2 Grace McCrocklin 4, 6 Jenny Dotts Miller 1, 11 Jessica Shellock Minter 4, 4 Eliza Chase Morton 1, 8 Laura Smith 1, 3 Molly Banks Talley 4, 5 Maria Villotti 1, 1
Jane Shepherd Dick 14, 26 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Liz Prus Myers 2, 5
Elizabeth Gutierrez 1, 1 Wendy Lin King 1, 2 Jen Rottenberg 3, 23
Jennifer Miller Nelson 9, 25
Virginia Bue 1, 1 Ashley Burt 1, 1 Tina Mills Cadden 4, 4 Angelika Giavis 1, 1 Claire Hieronymus 1, 1 Holly Morgan Mackey 11, 15 Emma Pausley 1, 1 Lori Cammie Rice 7, 14 Laura Wegman Schultz 9, 15 Katie Teare 1, 1
Christine Casullo Cockerill 14, 14
Kristin Shevis 1, 6
Diane Kitzmiller 29, 30
Whitney Edwards Beck 4, 7
Kristin Reppenhagen Jiroudek 1, 5 Tricia Wayland 2, 6
Epsilon Pi/Bucknell
Heather McBride Leef 3, 23
Amy-Beth Hird Martin 14, 14 Lisa Leppo Nisly 16, 16 Amy Medell Poe 1, 7 Valerie Rummo 10, 14
Epsilon Rho/Lehigh
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Melissa Whitman Dvorocsik 4, 13 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Victoria Caruso 1, 1 DONORS
Kari Saylor Gras 1, 20 Lucy Neusch Kramer 32, 33
Epsilon Sigma/UC Irvine FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Diane Gosney 34, 34 Justine Rosenberg Thomas 12, 12 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Pam Shelley Kessler 4, 16 DONORS Nina Huynh Doyle 2, 20 Jess Raphael Ross 2, 24 Stacey King Shackleford 2, 11
Epsilon Tau/Yale FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Peggy Mann Berenblum 33, 33 DONORS
Lucy Carone Elliott 1, 18 Marla Grossman 4, 21 Susan Scofield Martin 2, 5
Epsilon Upsilon/Columbia DONORS
Amy Reneker Buckley 2, 20 Stephanie Spencer 2, 23 Katie Stricker 9, 9
Epsilon Phi/Chicago PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Mary Ann Kalina Travers 14, 16 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Lesley Kim Grossblatt 6, 20 DONORS Liz Handlin 1, 6 Ellen Reap Merwin 1, 19
Epsilon Chi/Guelph DONOR Alycia Glenn Olesen 7, 12
Epsilon Psi/Richmond PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Heather Breuninger Granato 12, 21 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Liz Bush Weiss 14, 16 DONORS
Britt Nielsen Anderson 2, 7 Amy Kristof-Brown 5, 10 Robin Hampton Smith 2, 7
Epsilon Omega/ Washington & Jefferson FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER April Cunningham Kline 2, 16 DONORS
Linda Burstynowicz 26, 29 Lynn Wallace Dodd 6, 30 Sara Drischler 8, 10
Maia Hawk 1, 1 Alaina Houser 1, 1
Zeta Eta/Wofford
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Rachel Sheridan Cole 1, 11 Jessica Willis Patterson 21, 26 DONORS
Rachael Bowman Bradbury 2, 11 Ashlee Moody Davis 4, 7 Jennie Blackledge Porth 2, 13 Lauren Dempsey West 17, 17
Zeta Theta/Cal Poly
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Elizabeth Andrews Tracy 2, 4 DONORS
Jill Meadows Andersen 6, 16 Dana Hemenez Bruning 20, 24 Katharine Carr Green 2, 5 Paula Dahlgren Newberg 10, 12 Rachel Coulter Ocampo 8, 8 Amy Lutz Payne 11, 20 Becky Levikow Sarazy 1, 2 Savannah Smith 4, 4 Tiffany Patterson Wilson 2, 12
Zeta Iota/ Washington & Lee FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Kelli Austin Clarkson 14, 16 DONOR Anne Lachiewicz 1, 14
Zeta Kappa/South Carolina FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Christy Tinnes 16, 23 DONORS Anonymous (1) Catrina Pope Plyler 6, 10
Zeta Lambda/Charleston PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Kellie Dickerson 16, 18 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Anna Rushing 4, 6 DONORS Anonymous Marci Andrews 1, 19 Ni-cole Mullinax Bernier 1, 1 April Pinkston DuPree 2, 16 Beth Brewer Hilton 2, 2 Liz Gover Preston 1, 9
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Susan Lucas Kamat 8, 8 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Shally Bansal Stanley 2, 19 Marisa Culmone Zuzga 1, 21 DONORS Anonymous (1) Katy Oldham 1, 27 Stephanie Shaw 2, 3
Zeta Nu/UC Davis
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Jennifer Payne Strimaitis 10, 23 DONORS Liz Becker 8, 8 Julie Rodier 4, 11 Tina Villarete Tran 12, 15
Zeta Omicron/Wake Forest PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Julie Clark 6, 6
Kara Prestage Van Duzee 19, 22 FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Lee Ellen Skelton Harmer 9, 18 Alicia Lee 16, 16 DONOR
Emily Parks 14, 15
Katy Fong Hanson 9, 14 DONORS
Kaitlyn Dobbins 3, 7 Kristi Hein Gill 3, 5 Sarah Henson 15, 15 Stephanie Mitchener 1, 1 Robyn Powell 1, 7
Mandy Burgett Wushinske 13, 16 DONORS
Jenna Twiggs Schmidt 3, 13 Jessica Sladek Troike 1, 5 Julie Aleksiewicz Whalen 1, 15
Christina Archipolo 1, 1 Lynn Burtner Isaman 1, 1 Marybeth Lilly 1, 3 Madison Cannon McGregor 9, 9 Jess Pace 1, 3 Brie Sakitis 1, 5 Jesse Siegel 4, 5 Jessica Sugarman 1, 3
Zeta Upsilon/UT Dallas FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Cassie Thompson 8, 8 DONORS Eunice Doehring 23, 23 Claire Kao 6, 6
Amanda Goodman 3, 3 Jamie Rokus 1, 1
Zeta Chi/John Hopkins DONOR Monica Moons 4, 4
Maddy Campbell 14, 14 Delyth Murphy 1, 2
Christiane Hoffman Frank 17, 19 DONORS
Kateri Broussard 8, 17 Jeanine Holguin 7, 8 Mahina Cumpston Sayin 1, 2 Sharon Thorpe Tiraschi 1, 5 Danita Turner 1, 2
Eta Theta/Central Florida PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER April Brown 10, 10 DONOR
Amanda Gaglio Rodriguez 8, 9
Eta Iota/San Diego
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Jillian Mathias Kyde 8, 13 Frannie Ray-Earle 9, 10 DONORS
Jennah Jones 8, 12 Sam Keil 12, 12 Kristin Quartuccio Schopac 4, 7
Eta Mu/Occidental
Eta Nu/Lake Forest
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Erica D’Angelo Ochs 12, 12 DONOR Jenn Aguirre 1, 2
Eta Xi/Quinnipiac DONORS
Marissa Bogris 8, 9 Alexandra Capotorto 1, 2 Carmela Caratozzolo 6, 7
Eta Omicron/North Florida DONOR Elizabeth Rasmussen 1, 7
Eta Pi/Case Western DONORS Marlo Robinson 2, 2 Amber Abbott Waid 8, 8
Eta Rho/James Madison
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Christa Samaha 12, 12 DONORS Emma Freeman 4, 4 Christina Vandenbergh Palo 14, 14 Sydney Rose 6, 6
Eta Sigma/Chapman DONORS
Taryn Smith Gray 8, 8 Kelli Dobbins Jacobson 10, 11 Jacquelyn Laughlin 8, 8 Jessica Cardelucci Nugent 14,14 Rachel Tilghman 1, 11
Eta Phi/Belmont DONORS
Ansley Howze 6, 7 Ava Mowery 1, 1
Eta Psi/Tufts
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Cathy Matera Scancarella 4, 8
Eta Omega/St. Louis
Tanya Joseph 1, 1 Rachel Radmacher 3, 6 Sophie Thibault 2, 2
Theta Iota/~ DONOR Heather Thomas Darring 14, 14
Theta Kappa/Louisville
DONOR Ashley Hettinger 1, 1
Theta Xi/UC Santa Cruz DONOR Raina Scherer 2, 2
Theta Omicron/ UNC Charlotte DONORS
Eleanor Boyd 3, 3 Malak Ternanni 1, 1
Friends of Kappa Alpha Theta
PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-GOLD David Cummings 1, 3 John Damisch 8, 8 Robert Latta 5, 5 W. Lawrence Patrick 1, 1 Morrell Shoemaker 1, 2 (d) Betsy Sweeney 1, 1 Brian Thompson 3, 3 PRESIDENTS CIRCLE-SILVER Lisa Butura 1, 1 Nancy Fillion 4, 4 Gary Friedman 1, 1 Donna Kersey Heinekamp 13, 14 Mary Riche 1, 1 Jeff Rinck 1, 8 Jeff Risser 15, 26 Christina Savar 1, 1 Lisa Troutt 3, 3
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-GOLD Anonymous (1) Robin Ashford-Agpoon 1, 1 John Barnes 1, 1 Julianne Butler 7, 7 Ruth Ann Churchman 3, 3 Delores D'arcy 1, 1 Rhonda Felker 1, 1 Renee Harbers 1, 1 Ann Hudson 1, 1 Heather James 1, 1 Melissa Li 1, 1 Cindy Minken 1, 1 Doug Mitchell 1, 2 Kevin and Patty O'Neill 2, 5 Ralph Pernice 9, 9 Bernadette Prakash 1, 1 Mary Jo and Stephen Schuler 1, 2 W. Curtis & Jacqueline Siewert-Schade 1, 1
FOUNDERS SOCIETY-SILVER Rachel Adkins 3, 3 Lisa Bauserman 9, 9 Russell Cross 1, 1 TIm Farney 1, 1 John and Laura Hunter 1, 1 Anthony Huser 1, 1 Aaron Johansen 1, 1 Karen Johnson DDS 2, 2 Lydia Kennedy 1, 1 Cindy Kirkpatrick 1, 1 Jana McBurney-Lin 1, 1 Dan & Lydia Novakov 1, 1 William & Veronica Nutting 1, 1 Katherine Shah 1, 1 Wynn Smiley 1, 1 Mark Timmes 1, 1 Jeff & Michele Wheeler 1, 1 DONORS Anonymous (8) George Abatjoglou 1, 1 Julie Abbe 1, 1 Daphne Ackaway 1, 1 Angel Adair 1, 1 Scott Adams 1, 1 Diana Aixala 1, 1
April Akers 1, 2 Peggy Akey 1, 1 Cheryl Akoury 1, 1 Shelby Allen 1, 1 Jamie Anderson 1, 1 Julie Anderson 1, 1 Laura Anderson 1, 1 Venus Anderson 1, 1 Laura and Gerald Angelo 1, 2 Tara Arcomano 1, 1 Lisa Armstrong 1, 1 Kristen Arneson 1, 1 Phyllis Arnold 1, 1 Andy Aronson 1, 1 Bill Auch 1, 1 Teri Austin 1, 1 Terri Bailoni 1, 1 Janine Baker 1, 1 Laurie Baker 1, 1 Coletta Ball 1, 1 Adam Bantz 1, 1 Kerri Barber 1, 1 Michelle Barbour 1, 1 Arnold Barnes 1, 1 Roderick Barnes 1, 1 Lori Baron 1, 1 Christopher Barton 1, 1 Jennifer Battat 1, 1 Laura Beil 1, 1 Ann Marie Bell 1, 1 Jami Benson 1, 1 Sara Bentley 1, 1 Tracey Berger-Davis 1, 1 Sandra Beyerle 4, 4 Todd and Lori Bianchine 1, 1 Cathleen Biondi 1, 1 Sabrina Birge 1, 1 Linda Blake 1, 1 Robin Bodin 1, 1 Sarah Boeckmann 4, 4 Betsy Bonno 1, 1 Andrea Borch 1, 1 Cristina Bower 1, 1 Amy Bowers 1, 1 Julie Boyer 1, 1 Angela Bradwell 1, 1 Janelle Bray 1, 1 Karen Breazeale 1, 1 Rick Breedlove 14, 14 Nina Brister 1, 1 Renata Britto-Pereira 1, 1 Claire Brogdon 1, 1 Angie Brown 1, 1 Dana Brown 1, 1 Diana Brown 1, 1 Gretchen Halbin Brown 1, 21 Heather Brown 1, 1 Kathy Brown 1, 1 Stacy Brown 1, 1 Gloria Browy 1, 1 Tory Brubaker 1, 1 Carolyn Brunkenhoefer 1, 2 Jen Bryant 1, 1 Leticia Bucio 1, 1 Kim Buckheit 1, 1 Carrie Buente 1, 1 Holly Burford 1, 1 Kim Burke 1, 1 Denise Burmeister 1, 1 Billie Burnett 1, 1 Leigh Byrne 1, 1 Lori Byrne 1, 1 Jill Caffarelli 1, 1 Janey Callais 1, 1 Richard Calnon 1, 1 KC Campbell 1, 1 Sierra Campbell 1, 1
Maggie Cantrelle 1, 3 Roisin Capparelli 1, 1 Robin Carey 1, 1 Jean Carroll 2, 2 Kevin Carson 1, 1 Brad Carter 1, 1 Debbie Carter 1, 1 Linda Carthrae 1, 1 Virginia Carver 2, 2 Angela Castellino 1, 1 Celia Cayless 1, 1 David and Kathy Cemate 17, 17 Lijun Chadima 1, 2 Janette Chall 1, 1 Bert & Harriet Chamberlain 1, 1 Sherri Champion 1, 1 Michelle Chandler 1, 1 Robbye Chandler 1, 1 Rachael Chehade 1, 1 Gordon Chester 1, 1 Carla and David Church 1, 1 Rhonda Cinello 1, 1 Jennifer Clark 1, 1 Barb Clarke 1, 1 Allison Clark-Niles 1, 1 Elysia Claudio 1, 1 Donna Coffey 1, 1 Jayne Coffing 1, 1 Lynne Coker 1, 1 Nicole Collins 1, 1 Christina Comparato 1, 1 Janeen Cooke 1, 1 Mark & Kelly Cooper 1, 1 Ed & Susan Correia 1, 1 Kimberly Coster 1, 1 Jeff Cox 1, 1 Sarah Crandall 1, 1 Kathryn Crank 1, 1 Mike & Holly Crawford 1, 1 Rob and Nancy Crews 1, 1 Stacey Cruz 1, 1 Christy Culver 1, 1 Paul and Susan Curry 1, 1 LaDeane Richel Cutter 4, 4 Brandy Czar 1, 1 Erin Daigle 1, 1 Amy Daly 1, 1 David Dame 1, 1 Christine Damgaard 1, 1 Shelly Damore 1, 1 Barbara Daniels 1, 1 Jennifer Davis 1, 1 Jenifer De Figueiredo 1, 1 Catherine Deasy 1, 1 Johanna Debrecht 1, 1 Kristie Decker 1, 1 Evangelina Del Toro Chandel 1, 1 Donald DeMarie 1, 1 Renata DeMoes 1, 1 Missy and Deric DeMoss 1, 1 Andrea DeSantis 1, 1 Colleen DeSimone 1, 1 Jennifer DeSimone 1, 1 Lisa Dezell 1, 1 Patricia DiBiase 1, 1 Linda Diehl 1, 1 Carrie DiLeva 1, 1 Teneen Dobbs 3, 3 Tracey Doebling Wiliams 1, 1 Carter Donohoe 1, 1 Michelle Doran 1, 1 Kris Dostal 1, 1 Kathy Dotson 1, 1 Leslie Duncan 1, 1 Ava Eag;e Eagle 1, 1 Mary Echevarria 1, 1 Julie Edwards 1, 1
Alicia Eischens 1, 1 Peter Eng 1, 1 Julie Erich 1, 1 Mia Erickson 1, 1 Margaret Erskine 1, 2 Julie Esterman 1, 1 Megan Evans 1, 1 Catherine Everson 1, 1 Cristina Ezequiel 1, 1 Deborah Falletta 1, 1 Tricia Faltinsky 1, 1 Suzanne Farrell 1, 1 Tammy Fateley 1, 1 Rachel Feigenbaum 1, 1 Annemarie Feldman 1, 1 Cathie Feldman 1, 1 Scott Feldman 1, 1 Earl Feng 1, 1 April Filer 1, 1 Paige Finley 1, 1 Cynthia Fiore 1, 1 Jennifer Fischer 1, 1 Stephanie Fisher 1, 1 Toni Fisher 1, 1 Brandi Wheeler Fitzpatrick 4, 4 Tracy Fleck 5, 5 Angelica Flores 1, 1 Beth Florin 1, 1 James and Carol Flynn 1, 7 Jodi Flynn 1, 1 Kathryn Folts 1, 1 Lynn Forbush 1, 1 Beth Ford 1, 1 Cynthia Forehead 1, 1 Charles Fornara 1, 1 Laura Forster 1, 1 Marsha Forsythe 1, 2 Anne Foster 1, 1 Andi Fourlis 1, 1 Mary Fowler 1, 1 Greg Frank 1, 4 Holly Fuller 1, 1 Carol-Ann Galban 1, 1 Abigail Garrett 1, 1 Ilene Garrett 3, 4 Sandra Garzon 1, 1 Ken Gee 1, 1 Diane Gern 1, 1 Julie Giannotta 1, 1 Tonya Gill 1, 1 Lance & Jennifer Gilliam 1, 1 Carol Gilmore 1, 3 Mary Gingrass 1, 1 Randi Gioe 1, 1 Denisse Giusti 1, 1 Lori Glennon 1, 1 Amy Gonzales 1, 1 George and Patsy Gonzalez 1, 1 Sue Gove 1, 1 Cameron Graber 1, 1 Lisa Granata 1, 1 Catalina Grau 1, 1 Lorie Gray 1, 1 Rayna Gregurich 1, 1 Karen Grewal 1, 1 Alice Anne Griffiths 1, 1 Liz Grothaus 1, 1 Kathleen Gunderson 1, 7 Jodi Hackett 1, 1 Lorraine Hackney 1, 1 Carolyn Haggard Ruth 1, 1 Kenneth & Alicia Haggart 1, 1 David Haley 2, 2 Tracy Hali 1, 1 Megan Hall 1, 1 Sayareh Hallegua 1, 1 Genevieve Hamby 1, 1
Danielle Hamer 1, 1 Barbara Hannah 1, 1 Judy Hannawa 1, 1 Patrice Harmon 1, 1 Griselda Haro-Nunez 1, 1
Jennifer Harris 1, 1 Vernay Harris 1, 1 Sarah Hart 1, 1 Karen Hartwig 1, 1 Wendy Hasselman 1, 1
“The generous support of Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation reaffirmed to me Theta's commitment to lifelong excellence. I am so appreciative that the Theta legacy begins during undergraduate and extends far beyond. I would not have been able to accomplish this experience without the generous financial support provided to me. Knowing that others believe in me and support my ambitions and goals has helped me to gain self-confidence in my own abilities and dreams.”
Sheri and John Hastings 1, 1 Karen Hayes 1, 1 Tracy Healy 1, 1 Clint & Tracy Heiden 1, 1 Laura Heinekamp 4, 4 Doug Heller 1, 2 Jennifer Hellman 1, 1 Sandra Hentges 1, 1 Richard Hergenrader 1, 1 Leslie Herington 1, 1 Laura Hermann 1, 1 Heidi Herter 1, 1 Randy Hertog 1, 1 Hunter & Brecht Heuchan 1, 1 Teresa Heygi 1, 1 Verna Heyne 4, 4 Analine Hicks 1, 1 Joan Hill 1, 1 Mindy Hill 1, 1 Constance Hoffman Stoyakovich 1, 2 Anne Hoffman 3, 4 Todd Hoffman 1, 1 Andrea Hofmann-Miller 1, 1 Lisa Honeyman 1, 1 Doug & Diane Hook 1, 1 Anjie Hoppe 1, 1 Sara Horak 1, 1 Kristen House 1, 1 Virginia Huffman 1, 1 Ethan Hughes 1, 1 Michele Hughes 1, 1 Renee Hughes 1, 1 Carolanne Hunt 1, 1 Cindy Hurley 1, 1 Anne Hussey 1, 1 Kathleen Huston 1, 1 Preston Irby 1, 1 Donna Isaacs 1, 1 Kerry Jackson 1, 1 Rob Jacobs 5, 5 Audrey Janosik 1, 1 Chuck and Laurie Jarrett 14, 14 Kerrily Jednorowicz 1, 1 Gina Jensen 1, 1 Jessica Johnson 1, 1 Lauren and Michael Jones 1, 1 Karon Jordan 1, 1 Paula Jordan 1, 1 Wendy Jordheim 1, 1 Melissa Jose 1, 1 Tanya Jovanovic 1, 1 Lori Joy 1, 1 Catherine Kaderavek 1, 1 Suzy Kahl 1, 1 Alona Kavinoky 1, 1 Debbie Kavousi 1, 1 Patricia Kearnan 1, 1 Kendra Keating 1, 1 Jessica Keele 3, 3 Kelly Kelley 1, 1 Susan Kelley 1, 1 Kathleen Kemps 1, 1 Amy Kerst 1, 1 Jonna Kettler 1, 1 Mary Khachatourian 1, 1 Elizabeth King 1, 1 Melissa King 1, 1 Debbie Kivett 1, 1 Traci Klatsky 1, 1 Kim Klingelhofer 1, 1 Shelley Kourtis 1, 1 Erica Krodman 1, 1 Todd Krohne 1, 1 Theresa Kulp 1, 1 David Kunz 1, 1 Suong Ladd 1, 1 Stacey Lakritz 1, 1 Colleen Lancaster 1, 1 Gabrielle LaPorta 1, 1 Emily Larkin 1, 1 Julie Larro 1, 1
Lorna Larson-Paugh 1, 1 Lisa LaSalle 1, 1 Julie Laskin 1, 2 Phillip & Tracy Lattanzio 1, 1 Roland LeBlanc 1, 1 Maryann Lee 1, 1 Clarissa Lefkowitz 1, 1 Heather Legeza 1, 1 Linda Leitenbauer 1, 1 Jordan Leroux 1, 1 Leslie LeVan 1, 1 Janet Levinski 1, 1 Caroline Southey Levy 1, 2 Gretchen Levy 1, 1 John & Sally Levy 1, 1 Jennifer Lewis 1, 1 Madeleine Lewis 1, 1 John Ley 1, 1 Sarah Lindsay 2, 3 Becky Lindsey 1, 1 Christa Livermon 1, 1 Carrie Lochausen 1, 1 Lisa Lontai 1, 1 Michelle Loretto 1, 1 Christine Lorkowski 8, 8 Fadoua Loudiy 1, 1 Tamara Love 1, 1 Caroline Low 1, 1 Sally Lugar 2, 6 Julianne Mabey 1, 1 Lisa Macciocchi 1, 2 Donald Mackay 1, 1 Lisa Madion 1, 1 Jeff Maher 1, 1 Amy Malcomb 1, 1 Yvette Mallet 1, 1 Susan and Al Manshum 1, 1 Gina Maras 1, 1 Paulette Marck 1, 1 David & Donna Mard 1, 1 Michele Marker 1, 1 Jeffery Markes 1, 1 Nancy Markle 1, 1 Leslie Maro 1, 1 Manish Marolia 1, 1 Cathy Martin 1, 1 Sharon Martin 1, 1 Elizabeth Martinez 1, 1 Diane Maruszewski 1, 1 Jennifer Massimo 1, 1 Lynette Masterson 1, 1 Laura Mastrianni 3, 3 Kiera Helm Matel 1, 2 Bonni Matza 1, 1 Corene Mavigliano 1, 1 Isabella May 1, 1 Katie May 1, 1 Michelle Mayer 1, 1 Catherine Mazurek 1, 1 Jenny McClure 4, 4 Holly McGivern 1, 1 Monica Monica McGowan 1, 1 Mary McIntyre 1, 1 Polly McKeon 1, 1 John & Christine McNamara 1, 1 Tracy McRoberts 1, 1 Catherine McSwain 1, 1 Page Melton 1, 1 Jane Meltzer 1, 1 Beth Mercante 1, 1 Carolyn Meske 1, 1 Tracy Meyler 1, 1 Grace Miller 1, 1 Gregory Miller 1, 1 Jill Miller 1, 1 Kimberly Miller 1, 2 Troy & Sharon Miller 1, 1 Todd Milner 1, 1 Jean Mitchell 1, 1 Caroline Mock 1, 1 Wendy Mock 1, 1
Jennifer Mohamed 1, 1 Christopher Molke 1, 1 Lorraine Montalbano 1, 1 Lisa Moore 1, 1 Julie Moorhead 1, 1 Elisabeth Morando 1, 1 Jose morell Morell 1, 1 Lisa Morella 1, 1 David Morgan 7, 7 Kim Morgan 1, 1 Stacy Morisoli 1, 1 Jill Morison 1, 1 Steven Moro 1, 1 Michael Morrow 1, 1 Christine Morton 1, 1 Rebecca Murphy 1, 1 Jennifer Myers 1, 1 Liz Imphong Myers 1, 3 Lynne Nace 1, 1 Melissa Nace-Perez 1, 1 Ann Nash 1, 1 David Need 8, 8 Malisa Nell 1, 5 Christina Nelson 1, 1 Rosalie Nester 1, 1 Amanda Nevins 1, 1 Merri Lee Newby 1, 1 Erica Newsom 1, 1 Melissa Newton 1, 2 Lisa Nicholson 1, 1 Dianne Nolin 1, 1 Cristina Noriega 1, 1 Melanie Norton 1, 3 Thomas Nowicki 1, 1 Tammie Ogogho Ojogho 1, 1 Lisa Oliverio 1, 1 John Olsen 2, 2 Anne O'Malley 1, 1 Jack O'Malley 2, 2 Kimberly OReilly 1, 1 JoAnn Ori 1, 1 Janine Orr 1, 1 Julia Osburn 10, 10 Timothy & Susan O'Shea 1, 1 Diana Otero 1, 1 Paris Otremba 1, 1 Stephanie Ott 1, 1 Sandy Padula 1, 1 Scott Pajor 1, 1 Barbara Palmer 1, 1 Laura Paredes 1, 1 Misty Park 1, 1 Laura Parker 1, 1 Sharon Parker 1, 1 Breena Parkinson 1, 2 Greta Parr 1, 1 Meghan Patton 1, 1 Tricia Patton 1, 1 Lisa paul Paul 1, 2 William Pearl 1, 1 Micheline Pelletier 1, 1 Kathleen Pennington 1, 1 Michelle Perez 1, 1 Karen Perlman 1, 1 Laura Pernice 1, 1 Melissa Perry 1, 1 George & Jeannine Persyn 1, 1 Cynthia Peterson 1, 1 Scott Peterson 1, 1 Christine Petti 1, 1 Don Petz 1, 1 Connie Philips 1, 1 Tara Picinich 1, 1 Regina Pietrzak 1, 1 Sherri Pinder 1, 1 Rhonda and Joe Piwowarski 1, 1 Barbara Plansky 1, 1 Beth Plum 1, 1 Shameen Poplaw 1, 1 Sari Poremba 1, 1 Trina Poretta 1, 1
Kimberly Portner 1, 1 Matthew Power 21, 21 Jane Price 1, 1 Karen Price 1, 1 Stephanie Puljak 1, 1 Leisa Pulliam 1, 1 Madaiah Puttaraju 1, 1 Karen Pyburn 1, 1 Joni Rader 1, 1 Scott Raifsnider 1, 1 Sandra Ramirez 1, 1 Edrie Ramsey 1, 1 Tricia Randall 1, 1 Krista Randolph 1, 1 Melissa Rasplicka 1, 1 Dorrie Raymond 1, 1 Yea Real 1, 1 Jerry & Beth Redmond 1, 4 David Reed 1, 1 James Reed 1, 2 Penny Reid 1, 1 Melissa Renkert 1, 1 Laura Reynolds 1, 1 Kim Rice Wilson 1, 1 Joanne Rignola 1, 1 Alisa Robakowski 1, 1 James Rogers 1, 2 Lynn Rondinelli 1, 1 Karen Rosales 1, 1 Jane Rose 1, 1 Tara Rose 1, 1 Jean Rosenberg 4, 5 Lee Rosenberg 1, 1 James Rucker 1, 1 Avery Rudman 1, 1 Don Rushing 1, 1 Elizabeth Rushing 1, 1 James Russell 2, 2 Tracy Ryan 1, 1 Jonathan Sacks 1, 1 Grant Saidiner 1, 1 Christopher Salcido 1, 1 Aura-Lee Salmeron 1, 1 Jorge Salvat 1, 1
Dan & Michelle Sanders 1, 1 Tina Sarin 1, 1 Lisa Sasaki 1, 1 Janet Sawyer 1, 1 Gina Scalfari-Wegman 1, 1 Kim Schall 1, 1
Dave and Debbie Schmitt 1, 1 Tina Schnair 1, 1 AJ Schnebbe 1, 1 Cecile Schoenheider 1, 2 Rita Schrager 1, 1 James Schworn 1, 1 Lisa Scibird 1, 1 Lori Scott 1, 1 Rachel Seagrave 1, 1 David & Nancy Seklir 1, 1 Anna Seo 1, 1 Christina Seshiah 1, 1 Jason Setterberg 1, 1 Sharon Shahnazarian 1, 1 Jamie Shannon 1, 1 Marilyn Sheldon 1, 1 Todd Sherwin 1, 1 Kim Shifflett 1, 1 Morgan and David Shin 1, 1
James & Jane Shugart 1, 2 Jackie Shumard 1, 2 Kelley Shylanski 1, 1 Carlainya Sickinger 1, 1 Carolyn and Tony Sidari 1, 1 Kathleen Sievwright 1, 1 Jessica Silva 1, 1 Daniel Simmons 1, 1 Hiedi Simon 1, 1 Michele Simons 1, 1 Gretchen Sinha 1, 1 Bronwyn Sisul 1, 1 Carrie Skelton 1, 1 Steve & Lauren Sklenka 1, 1 Scott & Abby Slagle 1, 1 Jeremy & Krystal Slivinski 1, 1 Christine Slotta 1, 1 Jennifer Smesrud 1, 1 Ann Smith 1, 1 Carl and Kim Smith 1, 1 Kathy Smith 1, 1 Lisa Smith 1, 1 Melissa Smith 1, 1 Teresa Smith 1, 1 Thomas & Lisa Smith 1, 1 Kristin Smolek 2, 2 Jill Snyder 1, 1 Laura Snyder 1, 1 Lisa Soja 1, 1 Theresa Solomon 1, 1 Patrick & Sara Sonin 1, 1 Myla Sorensen 1, 1 Stephen Sorenson 1, 1 Kim Steinhagen 1, 1 Traci Stensland 1, 1 John & Lisa Stewart 1, 1 Alison Stilp 1, 1 Michele Stocker 1, 1 Dani Stockham 1, 1 Jay Stone 5, 6 Debbie Stout 1, 1 Richard Strauss 1, 1 Jamie Straza 1, 1 Amy Strong 1, 1 Nancy Su 1, 1 Caron Summers 1, 1 Jennie Supple 1, 1 Catherine Swanson 1, 1 Mike Swanson 1, 1 Janet Swierbut 1, 1 PJ Tarrant-Karl 1, 1 Carolyn Tate 1, 1 Stacey Tedeschi Grant 1, 1 Kerri Tenbrunsel 1, 1 Sarah Thailing 1, 1 Christina Thanstrom Wood 1, 2 Debi Thomas 1, 1 Zach Thomas 7, 7 Karen Thompson 1, 1 Scott and Penny Thompson 1, 1 LeAnne Thorne 1, 1 Ginger Thorpe 1, 1 Ken tilford Tilford 1, 1 April Tingle 1, 1 Kristan Torres 1, 1 Christa Tourault 1, 1 Hanna Tran 1, 1 Mary Travis 1, 1 David Trevena 1, 1
Christina Trevino 1, 1 Connie Trider 1, 1 Demetra Tsantes 1, 1 Denise Tucker 1, 1 Patti Paul Tyska 1, 2 Laura Udkoff 1, 1 Mikie Ulwick 1, 1 Anne Vanderbush 1, 1 TJ VanderHeiden 1, 1 Judith Vanderver 1, 1 Marilee Varner 1, 1 Vickye Vasser 1, 1 Kathi Vaughn 1, 1 Priscilla Vergura 2, 2 Kourtnee Vickrey 1, 1 Chris Villines 1, 1 Sharon Vinceri 1, 1 Leslie Vinton 14, 14 Amy Vogy Vogt 1, 1 Lauren Vogt 1, 1 John Voigt 16, 16 Shari Voigt 1, 2 Ann Vradenburg 1, 1 Gina Waco 1, 1 Bruce Wank 1, 1 Arthur Wasson 1, 1 MaDonna Waszak 1, 1 Shelly Waters 1, 1 Tami Watson 3, 3
Carrie Weaver 1, 1 Matthew Weghorn 1, 1 Elizabeth Wehlage 1, 1 Tom Weigel 1, 1 Eric Weinstein 1, 1 CoCo Whitaker 1, 1 Leslie Whitaker 1, 1 Claire Bowles White 1, 2 Stephanie Whiteman 1, 1 Tracy Wiklund 1, 1 Stacey Wilcox 1, 1 Dena Williams 1, 1 Dawn Wilson 1, 1 Debbie Wilson 1, 1 Nancy Winslow 1, 1 DeAnna Wold 1, 1 Sophia Wong-Louie 1, 1
Keely Woodall 1, 1 Sam Woolard 1, 1 Marcy Woyciehowsky 1, 1 Gloria and Wil Wright 1, 1 Teresa Wright 1, 1 Lori Wurgler 1, 1 John Yacopucci 1, 1 Isabella Yavorskiy 1, 1 Eman Younes 1, 1 Trang Young 1, 1 Carita Youngblood 1, 1 Maria Zematis 1, 1 Susan Zera 1, 2 Beth Zerilli 1, 1 Marc Zimet 1, 1
“Theta has been a sure thing since preference night and has proven to be a constant in my life. It has seen me grow in my career, in marriage, and now as a mom to my first child. It has never left my side, especially after I joined the alumnae chapter in Fairfield County Connecticut. No matter how much time goes by, I can always go back to giving back to Theta. Theta truly has been one of the best things to touch my life, that when I have a daughter of my own I hope to pass this as well to her.”
When Kappa Alpha Theta was founded 152 years ago, so began a tradition of academic excellence, widest influence for good, and love. That tradition continues when Thetas make a commitment to ensure the Theta experience exists for our members who will follow. In planning your future and considering your desired impact on Kappa Alpha Theta, both during your lifetime and after, we hope you will remember Kappa Alpha Theta.
“There is no greater reward for our wonderful gift of Theta friendship for a lifetime than saying ‘thank you’ with a gift of time or money to support and carry on the legacy that we have been privileged to be a part of and enjoy.”
BETTY BAUR LAMBERT ALPHA CHI/PURDUEThe Lambert Legacy Society is Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation’s planned giving society, named for Betty Baur Lambert, Alpha Chi/Purdue, and her husband, James. It recognizes members and friends who have thoughtfully included gifts to Theta Foundation in their estate plans. Their generous bequest became a leading source for Kappa Alpha Theta’s graduate scholarship program.
To become a member of the Lambert Legacy Society, or to learn more about leaving your legacy with Kappa Alpha Theta, please visit Theta Foundation planned giving or contact us.
“Kappa Alpha Theta has been a significant part of my adult life. I reflected on the opportunities I received from Theta and the women who are my sisters, friends, and mentors with great appreciation. A planned gift is one way I could ensure other women could benefit from the same experiences I had.”
Generous chapter contributions support Theta Foundation’s commitment to transform the hopes and dreams of Thetas into reality. We are proud to recognize the following college and alumnae chapters for their outstanding philanthropic commitment to Kappa Alpha Theta in 2021. Listings reflect gifts received January 1–December 31, 2021.
Beta Nu/Florida State
Gamma/Butler Beta Delta/Arizona Beta Iota/Colorado
Alpha Theta/Texas Alpha Mu/Missouri Gamma Phi/Texas Tech Delta Omega/Texas A&M
Kappa/Kansas Omicron/USC
Alpha Rho/South Dakota Beta Mu/Nevada Beta Upsilon/British Columbia Gamma Zeta/Connecticut
Gamma Kappa/George Washington Gamma Nu/North Dakota State Gamma Tau/Tulsa Gamma Chi/Fresno State Epsilon Rho/Lehigh Epsilon Phi/Chicago Epsilon Omega/Washington & Jefferson Zeta Phi/Pepperdine
Eta Theta/Central Florida
Eta Mu/Occidental Eta Omicron/North Florida Eta Sigma/Chapman
Eta Upsilon/San Francisco
Theta Omicron/UNC Charlotte Theta Pi/Sacred Heart
DONORS Lambda/Vermont Nu/Hanover
Upsilon/Minnesota Psi/Wisconsin Alpha Phi/Tulane
Beta Eta/Pennsylvania Beta Theta/Idaho Beta Xi/UCLA
Beta Tau/Denison Beta Phi/Penn State Beta Psi/McGill
Gamma Theta/Carnegie Mellon Gamma Sigma/San Diego State Gamma Omega/Auburn Delta Eta/Kansas State Delta Upsilon/Eastern Kentucky Epsilon Lambda/Dickinson Epsilon Nu/Virginia Tech Theta Mu/Mines
Bryan-College Station Columbia Area, SC Denver Greater Chicago Greater Kansas City Milwaukee
Naples-Marco Island-Bonita Springs Nashville San Antonio Sarasota Seattle Spokane St. Louis
DONORS Abilene Area Alaska Albuquerque Amarillo Annapolis-Severna Park Atlanta Austin Baton Rouge Birmingham, MI Bloomington Boise Boston Metro Calgary Central Florida Charlotte Area Coastal Empire Colorado Springs Columbus, OH Des Moines El Paso Fargo Flatirons Fort Bend Fort Collins Fort Smith Fort Worth Fox Cities Grand Rapids Greater Fort Myers Hattiesburg Indianapolis Iowa City-Cedar Rapids Jackson Jacksonville Katy-West Houston Kay County Knoxville Lafayette-Acadiana Lafayette Lincoln Los Angeles Louisville Lubbock Marin County Miami Mid-Cities Midland Minneapolis Monterey County Nature Coast NC Triangle New Orleans North Alabama
Northeastern Pennsylvania NW Arkansas Oklahoma City Olympia Omaha Orange County Oxford Palm Beach County Palo Alto Peoria Portland Providence Reno Rockford San Francisco San Jose-South Bay San Mateo County Sherman-Denison Southeastern Virginia South Orange County St. Paul St. Petersburg Tacoma Tampa The Woodlands Area Toronto Tucson Tyler Vancouver, BC Vero Beach Westchester, NY Western North Carolina Westfield Wichita Winston-Salem
Circle of Aspiration: $20,000+
Circle of Truth: $10,000 to $19,999
Circle of Light: $5,000 to $9,999
Circle of Loyalty: $1,000 to $4,999
Epsilon Lambda/Dickinson – President
Alpha/DePauw – Vice President
LISA R. YOUNGERS Psi/Wisconsin – Treasurer
AMY HAMILTON Delta/Illinois
KIM HARVEY LOONEY Delta Pi/Tennessee
Zeta Theta/Cal Poly
Eta Nu/Lake Forest – Fraternity President
Beta Chi/Alberta – Fraternity Vice President
RACHEL ADKINS Project Coordinator
DONNA HEINEKAMP Director of Finance
KELLEY GALBREATH HURST Beta Iota/Colorado Executive Director
KASSIE DOBBS O’MALLEY Gamma Upsilon/Miami Assistant Director of Advancement
MARY KATE KRONZER SMITH Gamma/Butler Programs Director
RACHEL SOLL Eta Xi/Quinnipiac Programs Manager
CINDY SHAFFER THOENNES Alpha Chi/Purdue Donor Relations Manager
Epsilon Sigma/UC Irvine Director of Advancement
With your support, Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation turns our members’ dreams into reality. Your generosity provides opportunities for Thetas to transform their communities and the world. By investing in the next generation of Thetas, you are ensuring the Theta experience will continue to inspire members for generations to come. Thank you for all you do to make our work possible!
Click here
listen to a thank you message from Foundation President TJ Flynn Condon!