“Being a part of Kappa Alpha Theta has changed my life. I would not have the support system I do without it. My sisters are encouraging, honest, and loyal. They are women I look up to and can only hope to become more like. This scholarship helps me continue to be a part of this community and grow academically.”

In the following pages, you will learn more about the profound impact Theta Foundation was able to make on the lives of over 350 members through our scholarship and grant programs.
Our recipients include future artists, doctors, educators, therapists, scientists, and more. Their accomplishments and interests are as varied as the chapters they represent. While they are each uniquely different, their common bond in Kappa Alpha Theta unites them and serves as a guiding light in everything they do.
Theta Foundation dreams of a day when we are able to give every Theta every opportunity to make a difference. Alongside our donors and supporters, this year, we came closer to making that dream a reality.
We hope this report serves as a window into the future of Kappa Alpha Theta. These women are change makers and we have no doubt that they will leave their mark on the campuses and communities they serve. They make it abundantly clear that our future is in good hands.
We awarded an unprecedented amount of scholarship funding –nearly $900,000 – and continued to raise the bar amongst our fraternal foundation peers. As the world began to open back up, our chapter and individual grants program thrived, helping Thetas make a difference both at home and abroad.
Theta Foundation is proud to announce that, this year, we awarded the largest amount of scholarship funding in our organization’s history. Even more impressive than the dollars awarded are the bright, deserving women who will utilize this funding to make the world a better place. Our scholarships are established by Thetas and their loved ones who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Because of this generosity, members of all ages and stages of life are on their way to obtaining degrees that will help them achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals. This would not be possible without your steadfast belief in the potential of Thetas everywhere.


Alice Neal Clarkson Alpha Mu $1,000
DeFrance Alpha Xi/Oregon $2,100 Ann McIlrath Drake $64,875 Jazmine Arocha Beta Nu/Florida State $5,000 Andrea Cerar Avey Beta Zeta/Oklahoma State $5,000 Cheyanne Brunner Delta Eta/Kansas State $7,000 Lia Dopp Epsilon Nu/Virginia Tech $5,000 Syreen Goulmamine Epsilon Omicron/Randolph-Macon $5,000 Haley Johnson Gamma Tau/Tulsa $5,000 Alicia Lee Zeta Omicron/Wake Forest $5,000 Margaret Mercante Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt $7,875 Caroline Miller Beta Xi/UCLA $5,000 Ellory Oleen Delta Epsilon/Arizona State $5,000 Ann McIlrath Drake (continued) Kendre Parker Gamma Phi/Texas Tech $5,000 Shannon Smith Eta Pi/Case Western $5,000 Ann Terwilliger McLaren $1,425 Meghan Quinn Beta Phi/Penn State $1,425 Ann Wright Hart/Nashville Alumnae Chapter $2,875 Lindsey Edwards Eta Phi/Belmont $1,200 Caroline Lingle Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt $1,675 Anne Collins Mackey Memorial $2,600 Catherine Thomas Epsilon Zeta/Mississippi $2,600 Anne Ehrenhardt Nolting $1,500 Katie Cottingham Alpha/DePauw $1,500 Anne Sadler Budill $1,100 Evita Fazliu Beta Omicron/Iowa $1,100 Artye Beosemeyer Welch $1,625 Isabelle Bolotin Beta Xi/UCLA $1,625 Avadana Millett Cochran $1,200 Liz Harrington Doyle Alpha Lambda/Washington $1,200 Barbara Hackman Franklin $1,900 Mireya Reyes Zeta Omicron/Wake Forest $1,900 Barbara Lemert Thompson $1,200 Savannah Farrar Kappa/Kansas $1,200 Beta Chapter Most Noble Woman $1,300 Neha Srinivasan Beta/Indiana $1,300 Beta Delta Chapter $1,375 Brittany Grantham Beta Delta/Arizona $1,375 Beta Eta Chapter $1,825 Bella Ozomaro Beta Eta/Pennsylvania $1,825 Beta Iota Chapter $3,175 Emily Hipp Beta Iota/Colorado $2,000 Kaitlyn Sudowsky Beta Iota/Colorado $1,175 Beta Phi Baer-Buell $1,400 Haley Minnear Beta Phi/Penn State $1,400 Betty B. and James B. Lambert $109,775 Katie Breen Epsilon Mu/Princeton $5,000 Marina Efstathiu Beta Iota/Colorado $4,500 Anna Fritz Gamma Psi/TCU $9,250 Madeline Hamborg Beta Lambda/William & Mary $3,250 Caitlin Hubbard Psi/Wisconsin $4,500 Cambria Kasten Delta Iota/Puget Sound $4,500 Soraiya Lalani Beta Upsilon/British Columbia $7,500 Alicia Lee Zeta Omicron/Wake Forest $5,125 Alexandria Marx Omega/UC Berkeley $4,500 Maggie Miller Beta Xi/UCLA $5,000 Maggie Morrison Alpha Gamma/Ohio State $3,500 Liz Mueller Psi/Wisconsin $3,500 Laura Noteware Beta Rho/Duke $4,500 Kendre Parker Gamma Phi/Texas Tech $3,250 Jade Rosenberger Beta Chi/Alberta $5,600 Ashlyn Schiers Beta Theta/Idaho $5,000 scholarship recipients RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT 6 REPORTIMPACTGRANT&SCHOLARSHIP
Ann Fenwick $2,100
Julia Everson Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $12,000
Sydney Hummel Alpha Chi/Purdue $1,075
Alice Neal Clarkson Kappa $1,000
Olivia Hartel Gamma/Butler $1,125
Alli Soelter Alpha Nu/Montana $1,050
Hannah Fitch Shaw
Ellie Romantz Alpha Phi/Tulane $12,000
Madison Glatz Delta Omicron/Alabama $12,000
Alice Allen Brant
Savannah Farrar Kappa/Kansas $1,000
The Founders Memorial Scholarships are Theta Foundation’s most prestigious awards, valued at $12,000 each. Awarded to the top four junior applicants every year, the recipients are intentionally matched with a specific founder based on their shared accomplishments and characteristics. FOUNDERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS $48,000
Breanna Robinson Alpha Mu/Missouri $1,000
Alice Wilkey Poynter $1,125
Alpha Chi Chapter $1,075
Alpha Gamma Chapter/Catharine Frear $1,050
Rhiannon Lupton Alpha Gamma/Ohio State $1,050
Alpha Gamma Golden Thetas $2,200
Rhiannon Lupton Alpha Gamma/Ohio State $2,200
Alpha Mu College Chapter $1,075
Alice Lee Lund $1,050
Elizabeth Yasa Beta Psi/McGill $12,000
Bettie Tipton Lindsey
Bettie Locke Hamilton
Bree Minger Alpha Mu/Missouri $1,075
Taylor Banks Eta Sigma/Chapman $1,125
Maddie Maselko Eta Kappa/John Carroll $5,425
Cell and Molecular Biology & Public Health
Elizabeth (Bessie) Ferguson McNair $1,375 Elizabeth Wyckoff Delta Delta/Whitman $1,375 Elizabeth Nagel Marcin $1,200 Maddi Roth Epsilon Pi/Bucknell $1,200
Betty B. and James B. Lambert (continued)
Elise Monroe Alpha/DePauw $1,275
Betty Black Hatchett $2,150
Rachel Stefaniuk Beta Chi/Alberta $1,425
Mandy Lee Womack Gamma Sigma/San Diego State $7,600
Jazmine Arocha Beta Nu/Florida State $4,000
Madison Wong Zeta Mu/MIT $1,200
Dorothy Whitehurst Heard $4,075
Alexandra Merrill Delta Theta/Florida $1,400
Carol Green Wilson $1,525
Cathie Waters Cardelucci Gamma Kappa/George Washington $1,750
Cardelucci Family $1,125
Beverly F. Worden $5,125
Ana Giampa Epsilon Omega/Washington & Jefferson $1,525
Rachel Stefaniuk Beta Chi/Alberta $7,200 Sarah Sutton Beta Lambda/William & Mary $4,500
Carol Stevens Doyle $1,225
Catherine Tillotson McCord $1,275
Leigh Newton Alvarez Zeta Kappa/South Carolina $1,000
Brittany Grantham Beta Delta/Arizona $1,125
Betty Baur Lambert/Fairfield County, CT Alumnae Chapter $1,425
Faith Sullivan Alpha Nu/Montana $1,350
Sarah Stagg Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma $5,250
Abbey Reinholt Ojeda Gamma Tau/Tulsa $1,150
$1,175 Caroline Miller Beta Xi/UCLA $1,175 Cecil Ruth King Eidson and Robert Ansel Eidson $1,025 Emma Bishop Kappa/Kansas $1,025 Chad & Cari Peets Family $3,175 Christina Dolle Beta Sigma/SMU $3,175 Christa McCluggage $1,575 Ashton Benn Omicron/USC $1,575 Colleen Byrne $3,050 Natasha Anders Beta Xi/UCLA $1,550 Kaleena Jezycki Beta Xi/UCLA $1,500 Dallas Alumnae Chapter $2,675 Celese Gierhart Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt $2,675 Deborah Bornmann Allen $1,675 Alyssa Martinez Epsilon Theta/Stetson $1,675 Denver Alumnae Chapter $2,325 Lindsay Herz Beta Delta/Arizona $1,325 Lauren Preston Alpha Xi/Oregon $1,000 Diane Forst Stephens $1,775 Anna Baig Alpha/DePauw $1,775 Dinah Hampton McClymonds $1,350 Gemma Smith Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma $1,350 Dorothy Barbieri Memorial $1,750 Alex Brandis
Edith Whitney/Spokane Alumnae Chapter $1,350
Dakota Brown Beta Theta/Idaho $1,350
Scarlet O'Hara Eta Phi/Belmont $1,875
Katie Smith Alpha Tau/Cincinnati $3,250
Naomi Tsai Beta Omega/Colorado College $3,500
Rhiannon Lupton Alpha Gamma/Ohio State $1,225
Sophia Lamb Delta Phi/Clemson $1,025
Ellen Bowers Hofstead $11,175
Nicole Virgin Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $1,000 Betty MacDonough Memorial $1,025
Maddie Marrero Epsilon Iota/Westminster $3,000
Ellie spends much of her time volunteering for the Tulane EMS organization, a student-run EMS agency that provides medical care on campus. She has worked her way up to the position of Crew Chief, the highest level of accomplishment within the organization. While on shift, she is responsible for making final judgement calls and all services rendered during a tour of duty. She initially joined to gain valuable hands-on experience, but has gained so much more, including a passion for equal access to quality healthcare.

on campus speaks
Cameron Madison joy involvement to goal. peer she syntax Madison
hopes to become a Speech Language Pathologist to improve literacy amongst children so that she can spread the
As a
advisor, she helps students revamp their resumes. As an undergraduate research assistant,
studies the impact of
on reading comprehension in individuals with Down syndrome. And as vice president education, she plans and presents programming to benefit her chapter.
her commitment to this
Furbeck Alpha Mu/Missouri $1,950 Ellory Oleen Delta Epsilon/Arizona State $2,000 Harriett D. and C. Hollis Hull $1,825 Celia Melillo Eta Kappa/John Carroll $1,825 Hazel Baird Lease $1,000 Copelyn Kelly Eta Rho/James Madison $1,000 LearnerThe ALICE ALLEN BRANT MADISON GLATZ, DELTA ALABAMAOMICRON/ Psychology & Spanish
Esther and Charles Mlynek $24,900 Bryn deVita Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $3,750 Avery Dozier Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $4,500 Hailey Heath Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $3,250 Rachael Johnson Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $5,000 Ila Komasa Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $1,500 Michelle Leonard Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $3,900 Zoë Navarro Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $2,000 Julia Riggs Gamma Rho/UC Santa Barbara $1,000 Eta Iota Chapter $1,150 Carina Leveroni Eta Iota/San Diego $1,150 Eta Phi Chapter $1,150 Angela Goodearl Eta Phi/Belmont $1,150 Eta Sigma Chapter $1,500 Ashley Kloch Eta Sigma/Chapman $1,500 Eta Tau Chapter $1,225 Brianna Melillo Eta Tau/Tampa $1,225 Evan Thoennes Memorial $1,375 Sydney Hummel Alpha Chi/Purdue $1,375 Fight Family $1,150 Kimmy Bajarias Omega/UC Berkeley $1,150 Florence Abernathy Waldrop $1,850 Audrey Knoll Delta Omega/Texas A&M $1,850 Florence Benner Wylie $1,325 Lauryn Lintner Gamma/Butler $1,325 Frances Strickland/Agnes Wright Strickland $1,400 Bailyn Dupont Eta Phi/Belmont $1,400 Gamma Chapter $1,000 Sydney Plautz Gamma/Butler $1,000 Gamma Mu Sisters Legacy $1,075 Elana Mutnick Gamma Mu/Maryland $1,075 Gamma Omega Chapter $1,950 Audrey Gray Gamma Omega/Auburn $1,950 Gamma Phi Chapter $2,025 Kylie Graf Gamma Phi/Texas Tech $2,025 Gamma Psi Chapter/Tracy Clark Memorial $1,500 Madelene Riche Gamma Psi/TCU $1,500 Gamma Sigma Chapter $1,075 Madison Rogers Gamma Sigma/San Diego State $1,075 Gamma Upsilon Chapter $1,700 Caroline Smith Gamma Upsilon/Miami $1,700 Gayden Family $5,700 Brooke Henry Delta Omega/Texas A&M $2,200 Anna Park Theta Iota/~ $3,500 Genevieve Butz Adsit $1,225 Olivia Mills Gamma Omega/Auburn $1,225 Gloria McVay Cochran and Richard K. Cochran $1,150 Juliana Kissinger Beta Xi/UCLA $1,150 Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter $2,175 Breanna Robinson Alpha Mu/Missouri $1,175 Ilana Vernovsky Alpha Mu/Missouri $1,000 Harriet Darley Damisch $1,600 Chantalle Vincent Delta Delta/Whitman $1,600 Harriet Fowler Brown/Kansas City Alumnae Chapter $3,950
of reading. Her

Houston Alumnae Chapter 100th Anniversary $2,200
Jane Brokaw Gallup $1,050
Addison Browne Beta Zeta/Oklahoma State $1,000
Faith Sullivan Alpha Nu/Montana $1,650
Helen Edwards Woodward $1,650
Houston Theta Charity Antiques Show $2,675
Christina Dolle Beta Sigma/SMU $1,100
Jane Cooksey Cassel $1,425
Katie Rorem Alpha Lambda/Washington $1,300
Brossard Stansfield Memorial $2,225
Audra Gerty Eta Kappa/John Carroll $1,425
Vanessa Campbell Gamma/Butler $1,075
Angela Goodearl Eta Phi/Belmont $2,675
Allison Frisella Epsilon Iota/Westminster $2,000
Marissa Petri Theta Theta/NC State $1,400
Adams Crain $1,900 Maggie Conyngham Alpha Theta/Texas $1,900
Isabel McKenney Gates $3,400
Morrison Memorial $1,000
Lucille Hu Eta Pi/Case Western $2,875
Andrea Kugler Delta Omicron/Alabama $1,225
Taylor Heckenliable Gamma Chi/Fresno State $1,000
Isabel Hanford Olmstead $2,875
Jane Kent Hedges $1,100
Jane Richardt Christie $1,075
Johnson Alpha Rho/South Dakota $2,225 Joyce Anne Vitelli Memorial $7,625
Ines Abbott McCrary $1,000
Brooke Pugh Gamma Phi/Texas Tech $1,200
$2,175 Mia Hernandez Eta Mu/Occidental $2,175 Jeanne Ross Miller $3,050
Girod Beta Epsilon/Oregon State $3,050
Irma Frazier Jagger $1,300
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter $1,350
Veronica Smith Gamma/Butler $1,350
Averill Aubrey Epsilon Phi/Chicago $1,050
Janet Paine Peters
Burket Alpha Rho/South Dakota $5,000 Ashley Kloch Eta Sigma/Chapman $2,625 Joyce Ault Cordon $1,400 Zoe Fargnoli Brown Beta Psi/McGill $1,400 Joyce Drew Toombs Memorial $1,000 Caitlin Hubbard Psi/Wisconsin $1,000 Joyce Harrison Honeyman/Seattle Alumnae $2,600 Catí Gutierrez Phi/Pacific $2,600 Judith Camp Sauer $2,250 Angela Goodearl Eta Phi/Belmont $2,250 Judith Elaine Lappin Coleman $2,575 Michaela Rice Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan $2,575 Julia Gilbert/Alpha Omicron $1,250 Sarah Stagg Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma $1,250 Julie Itin Hawlik Memorial $1,100 Megan O'Neal Gamma Tau/Tulsa $1,100 June Longworth Hardy $2,475 Mary Evankovich Eta Kappa/John Carroll $2,475 Kahla Roberts Latta/St. Louis Alumnae Chapter $3,400 Jenna Frisella Epsilon Iota/Westminster $2,000 Riley Heiliger Epsilon Iota/Westminster $1,400 Karen Clark Tinsley $1,225 Molly Weaver Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $1,225 Kate Rittner Graduate $1,000 Katie von Schaumburg Gamma Kappa/George Washington $1,000 Kate Rittner Undergraduate $1,000 Lidia Vitoc Beta Phi/Penn State $1,000 Katherine Kilbride Memorial $1,150 Katie Hanson Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt $1,150 Katherine Sharpless Coyle Graduate $7,675 Chelsea Guevara Gamma Sigma/San Diego State $1,175 Ashley Stack Johnston Gamma Omega/Auburn $3,250 Katie Thompson Gamma Kappa/George Washington $3,250 Kathleen Bennett Tonkel Family $1,425 Alyssa Martinez Epsilon Theta/Stetson $1,425 Kathleen Markey and Kenneth Niejadlik, MD $3,125 Pondi Carrero Chi/Syracuse $3,125 Kelly T. Lawrence $1,150 Jessica Ehret Beta Xi/UCLA $1,150 Kendall Cusick-Rindone and Gregory Rindone $1,025 Eliza Gilburt Eta Sigma/Chapman $1,025 Kimberly Orlin/Omega Chapter $1,500 Kimmy Bajarias Omega/UC Berkeley $1,500 Kyle Hartvickson Handegard $1,500 Hannah Wiebold Gamma Nu/North Dakota State $1,500 L. Pearle Green $1,575 Maddie Maselko Eta Kappa/John Carroll $1,575 Laurie McGregor Connor $1,150 Eva Birk-Petri Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan $1,150 Leslie M. Wilson $1,425 Molly Keller Alpha Nu/Montana $1,425 REPORTIMPACTGRANT&SCHOLARSHIP 9 RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT
Stacy Kelsey Epsilon Zeta/Mississippi $1,000
Heather Anne Steen $1,225
Emily Thomas
Margaret Killen
Sam MacLean $1,050
Audrey Nelson Beta $1,000
Kappa/Kansas $1,850
Mikayla Jeneske
Lyn Stewart
Olivia Hoekstra
Rinker Eta Phi/Belmont
Waltner $4,750 Mariah Block Alpha Rho/South Dakota $2,375
Omega/Colorado College
Simensen $1,175
Sarah Ayers
Margery Dick
Miller Memorial $4,450
Liz Becker
Marilynn Mitchell
Louise Johnson Miller/Jean Johnson
Gabriela Merino Xi/Quinnipiac
Emily Hensley
Madison Streb $1,025
Margaret Killen Banta
Gamma Epsilon/Western
Smith Graduate $8,200
Emily Matula
Reynolds Adams and Family $1,000 Kay
Fitz $1,025
Graduate $1,825
Upsilon/UT Dallas
Divya Patel
Zeta Nu/UC Davis $1,450
Gemma Smith $2,150
Lisa Davis Olney $1,325
Morrison/Delta Sigma
Marie Anderson
Sadie $1,000
Madeline Shao
Beta Rho/Duke $3,250
Banta Undergraduate $2,250
and Beta Nus of the Fifties $1,600 Maddie Mullins Beta Nu/Florida State $1,600 Marion Norville $1,275 Marissa Price Pi/Albion $1,275 Marjorie Crane Schnacke Memorial $1,300 Maggie Ziegler Kappa/Kansas $1,300 Martha DuMars Davis $1,175 Julia Hammes Delta Eta/Kansas State $1,175 Martha Wilson Clotworthy $1,100 Paige Fontes Zeta Phi/Pepperdine $1,100 Martin and Roslyn Cooper $1,950 Bridget Lawler Delta/Illinois $1,950 Marty Smith White/Portland Alumnae Chapter $2,725 Maddie Smith Beta Epsilon/Oregon State $2,725 Mary Alice Horn Memorial $2,200 Alexandra Davis Upsilon/Minnesota $1,100 Allison Winterhalter Alpha Tau/Cincinnati $1,100 Mary and John Dengler $2,025 Grace Euler Delta Eta/Kansas State $1,000 Hattie Polson Delta Eta/Kansas State $1,025 Mary Catherine Miller $1,050 Scarlet O'Hara Eta Phi/Belmont $1,050 Mary Frances Bowles Couper $2,150 Nat Larsen Epsilon Phi/Chicago $1,000 Shivani Radhakrishnan Zeta Upsilon/UT Dallas $1,150 Mary Jane Parker Beach $1,425 Carly Finley Theta Iota/~ $1,425 Mary Katherine Patterson Memorial/ Epsilon Epsilon Chapter $1,525 Brooke Frank Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $1,525 Mary L. Hinkle $1,975 Melissa Daniel Phi deuteron/Stanford $1,975 Mary Margaret Perry McDonald $2,375 Peyton Davis Beta Nu/Florida State $2,375 Mary Rees Gilliatt $3,100 Julie Berenblum Epsilon Tau/Yale $3,100 Melissa (Lissa) Luton Bradford/ Nashville Alumnae Chapter $4,175 Ashley Allums Zeta Rho/UC San Diego $1,300 Addie Smith Eta Phi/Belmont $2,875 Meta Alice Keith Bratten $1,050 Grace Morison Gamma Psi/TCU $1,050 Molly Kerrigan Six/Des Moines Alumnae Chapter $1,400 Anya Zarembski Beta Kappa/Drake $1,400 Molly Muntzel Smith $1,200 Aly Koba Epsilon Sigma/UC Irvine $1,200 Monisa Cox Cline $4,575 Ariel Diperi Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $3,575 Rachel Taylor Delta Theta/Florida $1,000 Morna Elizabeth Dusenbury Memorial $2,925 Jenna Katlin Alpha Phi/Tulane $1,000 Rebecca Kinzly Alpha Phi/Tulane $1,925 Muriel Anderson Steed $1,250 Margaret Ann Bolick Eta Chi/Boston $1,250 Nancy Cochran Abbey $1,875 Victoria Garcia Zeta Upsilon/UT Dallas $1,875 10 REPORTIMPACTGRANT&SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT
Eta Omega/Saint Louis $1,825
Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt $1,000
Eta Pi/Case Western $2,500
Gamma Omega/Auburn $1,175
Linda Moran Schmidt $4,150
Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma
Rachel Leiter
Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma
Alpha Psi/Lawrence $1,000
Alpha Rho/South Dakota $2,375
Epsilon Iota/Westminster $2,450
Mariam M. $1,050
Eta Omega/Saint Louis
Marilyn Chesher $2,850
Logan Krivanek $1,850
Desiree Eslami Zeta $1,000
Kylie Graf
Margaret (Margie) Schickel
Gamma Phi/Texas Tech $2,625
Moore Garrett $2,625
Alpha Psi/Lawrence $1,250
Eta Theta/Central Florida $3,000
Mills Ruckert $1,850 Marley
Shannon Smith
Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter $1,700
Layla Kousari Zeta Xi/~ $1,625
Megan Lawlor Delta/Illinois $2,300
Norma Anderson Jorgensen Fellowship $1,025
Patricia Johnson Theil $1,200
Sophia Lamb Delta Phi/Clemson $2,400
Bailey Trinkino Beta/Indiana $1,000
Rose Fraser Jacobson $1,075
Sallie Bidez Memorial $2,400
Shelbie Baker Epsilon Omega/Washington & Jefferson $1,175
Nancy Neville Adams $1,175
Rose McManaman Delta/Illinois $2,300
Madison Loeser Beta/Indiana $1,100
Gillian Bowman Delta/Illinois $7,000
Aubrie Robel Beta Omicron/Iowa $1,200
Bailey Trinkino Beta/Indiana $1,200
Stephanie Patterson Eta Sigma/Chapman $2,100
Rose McManaman Delta/Illinois $6,475
Anna Baig Alpha/DePauw $8,000
Alicia Cotsoradis Alpha/DePauw $9,000 Katie Cottingham Alpha/DePauw $3,500 Lillian Elliott Alpha/DePauw $9,775 Karyn Keenan Alpha/DePauw $5,500 Elise Monroe Alpha/DePauw $2,000 Ruth Hill Wilber $1,675 Andrea Cerar Avey Beta Zeta/Oklahoma State $1,675 Ruth Rabbe Hager $1,150 Kiana Bronder Zeta Chi/Johns Hopkins $1,150
Reece $13,475
Isabella Gomez Delta Theta/Florida $2,350
Melissa Daniel Phi deuteron/Stanford $1,025
Ruth Longino $2,350
Katherine Yacopucci Beta Omicron/Iowa $1,200
Malia Aurigemma Gamma Tau/Tulsa $1,700
Ruth Shoemaker/Betty Shoemaker Hage $1,425
Pasadena Alumnae Chapter $2,100
Sara English Crook & Cynthia Pike Wilby $1,075
Nancy France Alumna $2,300
Kimberly Petroll McLeod Eta Phi/Belmont $1,725
Bailey Priest Beta/Indiana $1,000
Olivia Hara Beta Delta/Arizona $1,075
Maggie Drake Beta/Indiana $1,050
Lillian Griggs Alpha Theta/Texas $1,900
Sally Cowan Reinhold $1,600
Ruth Elizabeth Southworth $37,775
Jes Mandel Eta Chi/Boston $1,200 Psi Chapter $1,850
Finance Elizabeth is invested in finance inside and outside of the classroom. She works on the trading floor of one of the largest Canadian banks and was chosen to speak on a Women in Capital Markets panel as a result. She has been heavily involved in the McGill Students’ Trading Society and Economic Students’ Association. As vice president finance during the pandemic, she committed to significant budget restructuring to decrease chapter dues. She aims to ensure that women of all generations and walks of life are prepared to support themselves financially. CHAPTER/SCHOOL
Robie Lacy/Rosemary
Caitlyn Ward Beta Omicron/Iowa $2,500
Ashton Benn Omicron/USC $1,600
Maddie Mullins Beta Nu/Florida State $1,425
Opal Marshall McCelvey $1,900
Katie Kilzer Beta Gamma/Colorado State $1,075
Nancy France Undergraduate $2,300
Nancynell Swaffield Bogdanovich Graduate $1,725
Omicron Chapter $1,600
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter Memorial $2,825
Nancy Ross Perry $4,900
Mia Rhodes Beta Tau/Denison $1,600
Hannah Beck Psi/Wisconsin $1,850
Pauline Snoke Jackson Memorial $4,150

Cailyn Farley Eta Chi/Boston $1,000
Margaret Ann Bolick Eta Chi/Boston $1,100
Victoria Garcia Zeta Upsilon/UT Dallas $1,000 Hernandez Beta Delta/Arizona $1,000
Katie von Schaumburg Gamma Kappa/George Washington $1,000 Sisterhood $36,900
Emely Melendez-Munguia Eta Rho/James Madison $1,000 Brianna Melillo Eta Tau/Tampa $1,000 Bella Ozomaro Beta Eta/Pennsylvania $1,000
Jones Zeta Xi/~ $2,150 Susan Byers Patrick $1,000 Olivia Miceli Beta Omicron/Iowa $1,000 Susan Lynn Beyerle $1,000 Lidia Vitoc Beta Phi/Penn State $1,000 Susie Adams Smith $1,175 Naomi Nguyen Phi/Pacific $1,175 Suzanne Nichols Lynn/Atlanta Alumnae Chapter $1,750 Wendy Aviles Delta Zeta/Emory $1,750 Suzanne Sterling King $1,175 Tristan Finn Gamma Phi/Texas Tech $1,175 Tau Chapter $1,550 Riana Afshar
Olivia Karson Beta Pi/Michigan State $1,000 Rylee Lehmkuhl Alpha Rho/South Dakota $1,000 Saige Lyall Theta Omicron/UNC Charlotte $1,000
Communication Julia learned that her mother had been diagnosed with ALS in December 2021. Shortly thereafter, her family and friends signed up for a 5K to raise money and awareness for the disease. To date, their team has raised over $100,000. Julia’s Theta reference described her as thoughtful. She has served her chapter as vice president external affairs and service director. Knowing she will eventually lose her mom has shaped who Julia wants to be: someone who thinks of others themselves.
Shirley Shields Smith $3,175
Ella Crawford Theta Pi/Sacred Heart $1,000 Keikei De Maqua Iota/Cornell $1,000
Jennifer Smith Zeta Theta/Cal Poly $1,175
Theta Link $17,600
Cami Martinez Gamma Theta/Carnegie Mellon $1,000
Symphony $1,000
Jacqueline DePetro Eta Tau/Tampa $1,000 Haleigh Drees Eta Sigma/Chapman $1,000
Zoe Brewer Zeta Xi/~ $1,000
Sue Farrell $2,300
Chelsea Guevara Gamma Sigma/San Diego State $2,300
Jordan Bowles Eta Sigma/Chapman $1,000
Taylor Witcher Memorial $1,475 Giulia Palti Bastianelli Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma $1,475
Victoria Tau/Northwestern $1,550
Gamma Kappa/George Washington $1,000 Taylor Heckenliable Gamma Chi/Fresno State $1,000 Mia Hernandez Eta Mu/Occidental $1,150 Annalise Hinkle Epsilon Phi/Chicago $1,000 Victoria Jones Zeta Xi/~ $1,100 Claire Meagher Chi/Syracuse $1,000 Teni Odugbesan Epsilon Phi/Chicago $1,000 DoerThe BETTIE
Danyelle Burke North Eta Sigma/Chapman $1,000 Davis Upsilon/Minnesota $2,250
Ashlyn McIntosh Gamma/Butler $2,000
Macy Reynolds Eta Phi/Belmont $1,000
Annalise Hinkle Epsilon Phi/Chicago $1,000 Jenkins Zeta Lambda/Charleston $1,000
Hannah Beck Psi/Wisconsin $1,000
Simmons Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma
Madison Rogers Gamma Sigma/San Diego State $1,000
Sharon Cirese Gassett Memorial $2,000 Petri Theta Theta/NC State $1,000 Abbie Stasior Epsilon Lambda/Dickinson $1,000
Darby Charest Beta Delta/Arizona $1,300
Kyndal Baker Gamma Tau/Tulsa $1,000
Seattle Alumnae Chapter $1,300
Skylar Stock Kappa/Drake $1,000 Zagarri Zeta Omega/Loyola $3,400
Janae Karr Gamma Psi/TCU $3,500
Cassidy Rubio Epsilon Rho/Lehigh $2,250 Kassidy Saba Beta Nu/Florida State $1,000 Madisyn Selva Beta Mu/Nevada $1,000
Kay Shao Alpha $1,500
Sue Shane Sautermeister $2,150
Sophia Scholar, Lipscomb $1,875 Dupont Phi/Belmont $1,875
Mackenzie Chase Cole Eta Theta/Central Florida $1,050

Bri Mathews Delta Kappa/LSU $1,000
Emily Carson Gamma Psi/TCU $1,425
Ashley Solomon Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $1,000
Eta Kappa/John Carroll $1,500
Lauren Crouch
Alpha Rho/South Dakota $2,600
Theta Link (continued)
Kathryn Guan Delta Omega/Texas A&M $1,000
Bot Theta Xi/UC Santa Cruz $1,000 Kiana Bronder Zeta Chi/Johns Hopkins $1,850
McKenna Helder $1,500
Addie Smith Eta Phi/Belmont $2,125
Virginia Hindman Freeman $6,425
Allie Freund Gamma Phi/Texas Tech $1,000
Jenna Frisella
Epsilon Iota/Westminster $4,000 Ana Giampa Epsilon Omega/Washington & Jefferson $1,575
Epsilon Nu/Virginia Tech
Haley Johnson Gamma Tau/Tulsa $3,050 Kezia Levy Epsilon Tau/Yale $4,000 Sam MacLean Gamma Epsilon/Western $6,050 Abby McCue Theta Theta/NC State $2,500 Olivia Miceli Beta Omicron/Iowa $2,000 Caroline Miller Beta Xi/UCLA $3,925 Abbey Poulin Epsilon Rho/Lehigh $1,000 Emily Qiu Eta Chi/Boston $1,500 Ashley Rempert Zeta Chi/Johns Hopkins $1,500 Maddi Roth Epsilon Pi/Bucknell $2,000 Maddie Smith Beta Epsilon/Oregon State $6,375 Virginia M. Sorenson (continued) Torrie Smith Zeta Sigma/Ohio Northern $1,000 Emily Smulewitz Zeta Tau/Delaware $1,500 Emily Spitz Mu/Allegheny $2,500 Hayley Steffes Gamma Nu/North Dakota State $1,600 Sarah Tata Eta Psi/Tufts $2,000 Anna Claire White Gamma Tau/Tulsa $3,100 Savannah Willis Mu/Allegheny $1,150 Virginia Martin McCune Memorial $1,475 Ally Zylstra Eta Phi/Belmont $1,475 Virginia Speidel Edwards $1,525 Audra Gerty Eta Kappa/John Carroll $1,525 Vivian Stevenson Delbrook $43,875 Isabel Ali Gamma/Butler $4,000 Suchi Bandaru Gamma/Butler $2,500 Abby Beckman Gamma/Butler $2,500 Haley Cera Gamma/Butler $1,250 Margaret Conlon Gamma/Butler $1,250 Kate Denault Gamma/Butler $1,275 Ella Kappler Gamma/Butler $3,250 Emily Lawson Gamma/Butler $2,250 Lauren Lee Gamma/Butler $1,250 Lauryn Lintner Gamma/Butler $5,675 Ashlyn McIntosh Gamma/Butler $1,250 Sophie Michal Gamma/Butler $3,250 Allie Gritzman Petschke Gamma/Butler $4,850 Sydney Plautz Gamma/Butler $3,000 Hanna Purdy Gamma/Butler $1,250 Isa Sanchez Gamma/Butler $1,300 Natalie Slauter Gamma/Butler $1,275 Lily Thompson Gamma/Butler $1,250 Sara Wilson Gamma/Butler $1,250 Willa Haverstick Dial $1,575 Charlotte Lange Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt $1,575 Wright Family Fund $1,150 Nicole Burrus Alpha Xi/Oregon $1,150 Zeta Nu Chapter $1,150 Rivka Keith Zeta Nu/UC Davis $1,150 Zeta Rho Chapter $1,150 Ashley Allums Zeta Rho/UC San Diego $1,150 Zeta Zeta Chapter Class of 1989 $9,050 Jemma Curtin Iota/Cornell $2,800 Terika Harrell Theta Lambda/Rochester $1,000 Kalila Shapiro Theta Lambda/Rochester $2,250 Ryannon Starkey Theta Lambda/Rochester $3,000 13 REPORTIMPACTGRANT&SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT
Park Theta Iota/~ $1,000 Kassidy Saba Beta Nu/Florida State $1,000 Victoria Ufholz Gamma Epsilon/Western $1,000 Hope Zupfer Beta Gamma/Colorado State $1,200 Theta Volunteer $1,675 Paige Lauri Eta Phi/Belmont $1,675 Virginia Bryant Shilstone $2,250 Malia Aurigemma Gamma Tau/Tulsa $2,250 Virginia Burns Boynton $17,200 Lauren Dreisch Delta Theta/Florida $1,000 Desiree Eslami Zeta Upsilon/UT Dallas $1,000 Nicole Frey Epsilon Eta/Centre $3,000 Cooper Gollier Gamma Psi/TCU $1,000 Syreen Goulmamine Epsilon Omicron/Randolph-Macon $1,825 Emily Hipp Beta Iota/Colorado $1,000 Celia Melillo Eta Kappa/John Carroll $2,875 Bree Minger Alpha Mu/Missouri $1,000 Madison Streb Eta Omega/Saint Louis $1,000 Alex Tutwiler Theta Xi/UC Santa Cruz $1,500 Nicole Virgin Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $1,000 Maggie Ziegler Kappa/Kansas $1,000 Virginia Chain Schmid $1,575 Kaidence Brodersen Rho/Nebraska $1,575 Virginia Ford Hood $2,175 Kenzie Oliver Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma $1,000
Ainsley Nunneley Delta Kappa/LSU $1,000
Virginia M. Sorenson
Claire Parker Painter Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma $1,175
Balstad Gamma Nu/North Dakota State $3,000 Meghan Bolt Zeta Tau/Delaware $1,500
Sydney Burger
Virginia Lauderdale Grimm $2,125
more than
With your help, Theta
Theta Foundation’s Chapter & Individual Grants program is dynamic and unique, providing support for members and chapters in pursuit of a wide variety of non-degree educational, leadership development, and service-learning programs. Outside of institutions of higher education and professional membership organizations, few other entities offer financial support for these types of pursuits. Foundation grants fill this gap provide much-needed funding to help women address issues and solve problems on their campuses, in their communities, and around the world. Foundation awarded individual members three with $36,000 grant


WSET Level 3 Wines Course Online Education grant to uplevel her sommelier training through WSET, an international organization that is designed to provide education for hospitality professionals and promote diversity and inclusion within the field.
Abby Moore Cannon Women's Functional & Integrative Medicine Professional Training Program Online Education grant to learn the fundamentals of functional and integrative nutrition in order to identify the root causes of chronic health issues, treat those causes, and help her clients thrive.
ALPHA XI/OREGON Emma Silvers Business Management Certificate Online Education grant to pursue a certificate to enhance her management skills and serve the Theta members and volunteers she supports in a more effective, strategic, and impactful way.
ALPHA RHO/SOUTH DAKOTA Lizabeth Delfs Alternative Week of Off-Campus Learning Puerto Rico Service-learning grant to lead a group of fellow collegians in community service projects while learning about disaster relief and sustainability.
Kate Vermilyea W&M Winter Geneva Geneva, Switzerland Education grant to participate in a study abroad program focused on infectious disease management, allowing her to learn about global public health while growing her confidence and independence.
ALPHA PHI/TULANE Erika Chelales Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting Boston, Massachusetts Education grant to present her research on the development of a novel, minimally invasive ablative cancer therapy and work toward clinical translation of this effective, low-cost treatment.
BETA TAU/DENISON Paige Robnett Georgetown Leadership Coaching Executive Certificate Washington, DC Education grant to enhance her work as a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant, allowing her to foster inclusion and belonging in companies and employees.
ALPHA RebeccaEPSILON/BROWNWhang Intensive Korean Course Seoul, South Korea Education grant to build on her Korean language skills, business proficiency, and cultural knowledge as she works toward becoming an international lawyer with a focus on immigration and women’s rights.
ALPHA MU/MISSOURI Bree Minger Trauma Certificate Wheaton, Illinois Education grant to work with individuals who have faced traumatic experiences, deepening her perspective of trauma-informed care and giving her a wider breadth of tools to work with clients.
Jeryl Rose Phillips Keeping History Above Water 2022 Norfolk, Virginia Education grant to stay at the forefront of the historic preservation field in order to ensure the longevity of our country’s historic landmarks as sea levels continue to rise.

EPSILON SIGMA/UC IRVINE Elizabeth Soewondo Plan My Gap Year Cusco, Peru Service-learning grant to gain hands-on experience with the healthcare system in an underserved community, which will help prepare her for a future career as a physician assistant.
DELTA SIGMA/BALL STATE Angie Covey Keister Lectica Live Online Education grant to aid in her understanding of adult development for leaders in the biosciences industry, helping build positive, productive workplaces through organizational science.
EPSILON OMICRON/RANDOLPH-MACON Kaeleigh Olsen Pacifichem 2021: A Creative Vision for the Future Online Education grant to present her research on natural gas flaring, which could lead to the discovery of a safe and economically viable way to utilize this resource and upgrade it to useful chemicals.
BETA DevinPSI/MCGILLWalker SimGHOSTS USA 2022 Dallas, Texas Education grant to learn about emerging simulation technologies and best practices, creating more effective training tools for the healthcare professionals of tomorrow.
GAMMA THETA/CARNEGIE MELLON Lindsay Zhang University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Research Training Program Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Education grant to gain hands-on experience in clinical research data collection and analysis, furthering an ongoing study aimed at pain prevention during anesthetic procedures.
Emilie Viens Animal Assisted Therapy Interventionist Certificate North Carolina Education grant to incorporate animal-assisted therapeutic interventions into her practice as a social worker, positively impacting the clients and staff she interacts with on a daily basis.
HannahDELTA/ILLINOISSkelton Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Certification Online Education grant to pursue National Academy of Sports Medicine certifications to complement her special education degree and enable her to provide fitness programs for individuals with special needs.
DELTA UPSILON/EASTERN KENTUCKY Mary Howard Leppo Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certificate Online Education grant to obtain her integrative nutrition health coach certificate to improve the lives of her clients by helping them create individualized healthy habits through a holistic approach.
EPSILON NU/VIRGINIA TECH Dallece Curley Postgraduate Medical Education Foundations of Clinical Research Certificate Program Online Education grant to participate in a Harvard Medical School certificate program to complement her current clinical research work as a neuroscience PhD candidate.
EPSILON EPSILON/BAYLOR Sydney Johns Joffrey Ballet School New York City Pre-Professional Jazz and Contemporary Summer Dance Intensive New York City, New York Education grant to improve and strengthen her dance technique, preparing her to become a better dancer and instructor with a focus on making dance more accessible to low-income children.

ZETA XI/~ Nell Derick Debevoise EQUUS Experience Certified Facilitator Program Santa Fe, New Mexico Leadership development grant to enable her to better coach and develop leaders through her self-founded leadership coaching company by harnessing the ancient wisdom of horses.
ZETA CHI/JOHNS HOPKINS Evelyn Shiang 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health & Medicine Online Education grant to present her research on the negative impact of COVID-19 social restrictions on adolescent mental health and raise awareness of the need for effective intervention development.
ZETA UPSILON/UT DALLAS Kelsey Haroldson Mills Basic Accelerated Resolution Therapy Training Dallas, Texas Education grant to expand upon her training as a mental health practitioner and learn more effective ways to treat trauma using a new evidence-based form of therapy.
ETA PI/CASE WESTERN Lucille Hu International Society of Heart & Lung Transplantation Annual Meeting Boston, Massachusetts Education grant to present her research on factors impacting patient survival after lung transplantation, through which she hopes to improve postoperative outcomes.
THETA KAPPA/LOUISVILLE Ashley Hettinger Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading & Spelling Online Education grant that will enable her to become a leader at her school by learning about the science of reading and new ways to engage her students in literacy education.
My Sister, My Brother, My Keeper St. Louis, Missouri Education grant to bring a speaker to campus for a mental freecreatetoolscommunityprovidepresentationhealthtotheGreekthetheyneedtoastigma-environment.
ZETA NU/UC DAVIS Kingsley Grafft Frazier Clear Administrative Credential Program Pleasant Hill, California Leadership development grant to pursue a credential to support her work as a school administrator through individualized coaching, professional growth, and collaborative opportunities.
ZETA RHO/UC SAN DIEGO Ashley Jeon Paralegal Certificate Program San Diego, California Education grant to enhance her legal knowledge and skills with aspirations of becoming a public defender to help those most victimized by the criminal legal system.
ETA PSI/TUFTS Eta Psi Chapter MyTERN: The Power of Education Post-Incarceration Medford, Massachusetts Education grant to host a presentation in partnership with the Tufts University Prison Initiative of Tisch College to hear from individuals who have experienced incarceration and the impact higher education has had on their lives.

ElyseKAPPA/KANSASHoward Self-Engineering Leadership Fellows & Business Leadership Program in Slovenia Education grant to study abroad and visit different companies to get a better understanding of the business and engineering practices of eastern Europe.
Dakar, Senegal Education grant to live and work abroad as a complement to her International Studies major with a West African regional focus and French minor.
Denver, Colorado Education grant to present her research at a conference that brings together professionals to help create policy change related to public health in response to the health needs of diverse communities.
Riley Sawyer CIEE Teach English Abroad Madrid, Spain Education grant to work as a language and culture assistant at a local school to teach English, facilitate conversations, and develop intercultural understanding.
Birmingham, MI Alumnae Chapter Self-Defense/Self-Protection Workshop Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Education grant to learn about self-dependency, decision making, and the power of physical manipulation as part of the chapter’s healthy living program offerings.
MSID International Development
Alumnae Chapter Founders Award $1,000 Birmingham, MI Alumnae Chapter $1,000 Carryl Wischmeyer Krohne $1,875 Erika Chelales Alpha Phi/Tulane $325 Kingsley Grafft Frazier Zeta Nu/UC Davis $1,050 Elizabeth Soewondo Epsilon Sigma/UC Irvine $500 Chapter & Individual Grants $2,074 Nell Derick Debevoise Zeta Xi/~ $1,475 Ashley Jeon Zeta Rho/UC San Diego $400 Evelyn Shiang Zeta Chi/Johns Hopkins $199 Houston Alumnae Chapter $3,400 Lucille Hu Eta Pi/Case Western $510 Sydney Johns Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $390 Paige Robnett Beta Tau/Denison $2,500 Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter $1,625 Devin Walker Beta Psi/McGill $425 Eta Psi/Tufts Chapter $1,200 Jeanne Ross Miller $23,542 Arleah Aguilar Theta Xi/UC Santa Cruz $282 Abby Moore Cannon Beta Eta/Pennsylvania $900 Erika Chelales Alpha Phi/Tulane $1,150 Dallece Curley Epsilon Nu/Virginia Tech $1,650 Lizabeth Delfs Alpha Rho/South Dakota $600 Ashley Hettinger Theta Kappa/Louisville $900 Ashley Jeon Zeta Rho/UC San Diego $1,425 Sydney Johns Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor $1,010 Angie Covey Keister Delta Sigma/Ball State $1,200 Mary Howard Leppo Delta Upsilon/Eastern Kentucky $1,500 Kelsey Haroldson Mills Zeta Upsilon/UT Dallas $1,000 Bree Minger Alpha Mu/Missouri $500 Jeryl Rose Phillips Beta Lambda/William & Mary $250 Riley Sawyer Mu/Allegheny $700 Emma Silvers Alpha Xi/Oregon $2,000 Kate Vermilyea Beta Lambda/William & Mary $500 Emilie Viens Beta Psi/McGill $700 Devin Walker Beta Psi/McGill $475 Sydney Werry Beta Delta/Arizona $500 Rebecca Whang Alpha Epsilon/Brown $900 Molly Wojcik Mu/Allegheny $1,000 Lindsay Zhang Gamma Theta/Carnegie Mellon $1,900 Eta Omega/Saint Louis Chapter $2,500 Nancy France $1,500 Hannah Skelton Delta/Illinois $1,500 Suzanne Luton Woodruff $1,479 Elyse Howard Kappa/Kansas $1,350 Kaeleigh Olsen Epsilon Omicron/Randolph-Macon $129 TOTAL $36,495 RECIPIENT CHAPTER/SCHOOL AMOUNT chapter recipientsindividualandgrant
THETA XI/UC SANTA CRUZ Arleah Aguilar American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo

Theta Foundation helps our members set themselves apart as leaders on their campuses, in their communities, and around the world. We are committed to supporting them as they resolve to face challenges and break down barriers in the pursuit of the widest influence for good. Do you know a Theta who could benefit from a scholarship or grant? Would you like to give back or get involved? If so, please visit our website for more information: www.kappaalphatheta.org/foundation