Theta Foundation Fall Publication 2012

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A publication for supporters of

FALL 2012

Theta Foundation.

Foundation Staff


Kathleen Bennett Tonkel (Eta/Michigan)


Jennifer Kendall Pendleton (Delta Sigma/Ball State)


Mary Ellen Kutsenda Fitzsimonds (Beta Kappa/Drake)


Kristen Magnes Kaiser (Alpha/DePauw)


Lyn Stewart Simensen (Gamma Gamma/Rollins)


TRUSTEES Catherine Waters Cardelucci (Beta Xi/UCLA) Zita Enloe (Gamma Phi/Texas Tech) Jennifer Hinfey (Delta Epsilon/Arizona State) Patricia Laven Kliphon (Epsilon Lambda/Dickinson) Victoria Laughlin McCluggage (Omicron/Southern California) Dinah Hampton McClymonds (Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma) Lisa Davis Olney (Delta Epsilon/Arizona State) Susan Byers Patrick (Beta Omicron/Iowa) FRATERNITY PRESIDENT Amy Hayner Kates (Alpha Phi/Tulane) FRATERNITY VICE PRESIDENT

Mandy Burgett Wushinske (Zeta Sigma/Ohio Northern University)

Members of the 2012-2014 Board of Trustees photographed with Fraternity Vice President Laura Doerre. Missing in the photo are trustees, Mandy Wushinske and Susan Patrick.

Manager of Development Tory Freese (Alpha Mu/University of Missouri) MANAGER OF PROGRAMS Gaylena Merritt ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR

Cindy Shaffer Thoennes (Alpha Chi/Purdue)


Phyllis Barnaby (Alpha Chi/Purdue)

Our Fraternity ideals in action. all brings with it an air of excitement. It is the return of college students to campus, cooler weather, football, the start of recruitment activities and a new group of women joining Kappa Alpha Theta. These women are young, enthusiastic, filled with so much promise and potential, and they are our future. They don’t yet realize the impact Theta will have on their lives and how much support they’ll receive, both from the sisters they know and those that they’ll never meet. Each day at Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation we have the privilege and opportunity to see the very best of our Fraternity, its ideals in action. Our program recipients represent our aim for highest scholarship and dedication to the widest influence for good, and our donors exhibit love with every gift that they place in our keeping. It is because of this commitment to Theta ideals that we are all able reach our fullest potential and make a difference in the world. In this issue, Theta Foundation is proud to share with you the impact of our combined efforts.

CONTENTS Highest Scholarship



One Woman’s Dream

Widest Influence for Good



A Grant with Continued Impact

Grand Convention Update 2012 Convention

6 8

Love 8 Theta Love is Contagious

Final Thoughts

2 9

From Kathleen Bennett Tonkel, President

Planned Giving


Remember Theta

Program Recipients 2011-12 Scholarship and Grant Recipients


Contact Information Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation 8740 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 p: 1.800.KAO.1870 f: 317.471.8758 e: Facebook: Twitter: @ThetaFoundation



Powering One Woman’s Dream and Impacting Nations By: Christine E. Heckman (Zeta Nu/UC Davis), Theta Foundation Scholarship Recipient

his summer I achieved something that has been a dream for just about as long as I can remember—I secured a job at the United Nations. As I reflect on the path that brought me to where I am, I recognize mine has involved the ingredients found in most professional trajectories: a lot of hard work; support from family, friends and mentors; courage to take risks and trust my gut feeling at crucial moments; and a few lucky breaks that seemed to appear at precisely the right moment. However, one other element—in fact, perhaps the decisive element—in my ending up where I am today was that I was willing to (and could afford to) work for free. This past year, while enrolled in a master’s degree program at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), I was offered a full-time, unpaid, summer internship with the Gender-Based Violence GBV team in the Humanitarian Response Branch of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). When I received the offer letter, I was thrilled! But I was also nervous. This was exactly the work I wanted to be doing. However, considering I was paying Ivy League tuition and living in one of the most expensive cities in the world, I had to weigh the potential long-term career benefits of the offer against the immediate financial implications it held. Christine outside the United Nations. Photo courtesy of Laura Jay. RIght: GBVIMS Training of Trainers held in Kampala, Uganda this past March.

As many media outlets have recently highlighted, the dilemma I experienced is not unique to international relations or the UN; getting your foot in the door in almost any highly-competitive field usually means devoting at least some time working as a volunteer or unpaid intern. Fortunately, my decision of whether or not to accept the internship was made a little easier when I was awarded two Theta Foundation scholarships—the Mary L. Hinkle Scholarship and the Betty B. and James B. Lambert Scholarship. The financial “bump” these scholarships provided were just enough to make me feel confident I could make ends meet. I accepted the internship with UNFPA and ended up staying involved with the organization for nearly a year.

My time with UNFPA proved to be not only an incredible learning experience, but also a watershed moment in my career.


Christine and her mom (also a Theta) on Columbia graduation day.

There’s no doubt in my mind that my decision to accept the initial summer internship offer was the right one. My time with UNFPA proved to be not only an incredible learning experience, but also a watershed moment in my career. Over the course of my internship, I played an active role in developing the Managing Gender-Based Violence Programmes in Emergencies training program, a multimedia capacity-development initiative for GBV practitioners working in emergency settings such as armed conflict or natural disasters. I also worked closely with the Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS), the first ever globally recognized system for safe and ethical collection, storage, analysis, and sharing of GBV data in humanitarian settings, helping to establish the system in countries such as Colombia, Iraq, Nepal, and Somalia. My work with the GBVIMS even took me to Kampala, Uganda this past March for a Training of Trainers for GBV professionals from around the world, where I became a member of the first cohort of 25 GBVIMS trainers officially certified by the GBVIMS Global Steering Committee. The experience and contacts I gained during my internship led to a UN job offer right after graduation. My current position is with UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict, an interagency network that unites the work of 13 UN entities working to end sexual violence in conflict-affected regions all over the world. At the moment, I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be professionally. I’ve always strived to pursue Theta’s goals of highest scholarship and widest influence for good, and the work that I do now allows me to take those goals to a new level. I’m grateful to Theta Foundation for supporting my endeavors and helping to make my dream a reality.




One Grant that Continues to have a Greater Impact By Stacey Jarrett (Alpha Mu/Missouri), Theta Foundation Chapter Grant Recipient and Former Educational Leadership Consultant

Stacey pictured with fellow ELC, Lindsey Kell Witt. Below: Stacey pictured with her sisters from Alpha Mu/Missouri.

was initiated at the Alpha Mu chapter at the University of Missouri. During my senior year of college I suffered from an eating disorder. It was encompassing, tiring, and extremely lonely. Whether it was a sort of divine intervention or the most ironic of timings, Theta Foundation’s support of my chapter played an integral role in my long recovery. Like many Theta chapters do, Alpha Mu recognized a need in our Greek community and applied for a chapter grant to bring two speakers to campus: Kari Schneiders and Dr. Richard Fowler, both experts on eating disorders. Last year, chapter grants from Theta Foundation supported more than $14,000 worth of speakers, workshops and leadership programs for our college chapters. Soon thereafter I applied to be an Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) with the Fraternity, starting a two-year long adventure to more than 30 states and into Canada. Theta Foundation currently supports 50% of the ELC program, ultimately giving it the means to remain as one of the most important programs the Fraternity provides. As an ELC I visited 40 college chapters, meeting thousands of Theta women. As an ELC I was privileged to have the opportunity to make a direct impact on our college women, providing extensive leadership programming and development, delivering the message and values of our Fraternity, and giving support to those chapters who just need a cheerleader. I also had a great deal of fun, having the opportunity to attend a football game with the women of Psi chapter at the University of Wisconsin, visit the infamous San Francisco sea lions with the women of Omega at Cal-Berkeley, and pay tribute to Bettie Locke at her grave with the women of Alpha at DePauw. But my proudest moment was helping initiate 80 women into our blessed sisterhood as I re-established the Alpha Xi chapter at the University of Oregon last winter. Above all, I gained confidence, poise, professionalism and the strength to share my own story with the many Theta women I encountered on a daily basis. I can thank Theta Foundation for many things, but I am certain these attributes are my greatest gain.

Theta Foundation’s impact is vast, immeasurable, and a direct reflection of our values as Thetas.


Stacey’s ELC travels took her to many campuses including (pictured clockwise from top) Alpha/DePauw, Gamma Omega/Auburn, and Psi/Wisconsin.

I’d like to put Theta Foundation’s impact on my own life in the simplest terms. Theta Foundation sponsored a speaker on my campus. That speaker inspired me to seek help for a crippling disorder, which undoubtedly would have had a negative impact on my future. Because of my recovery, I was able to apply for the ELC program and serve the Fraternity in a way I never imagined before. These travels allowed me to share my story, of which I am slowly seeing the greater impact. I recently received this message from a Theta woman I met on one of my many chapter visits. She wrote: “This past semester I ended up leaving school to spend my time recovering from my eating disorder and depression. But today, it’s official, I’m breaking up with my disorder and I wanted the first person I ever shared with to be the first to know. Talking to you that night during recruitment was my first real step into getting over this—you are an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for helping me get back my life; you’ll never know how much it means.” Theta Foundation’s impact is vast, immeasurable, and a direct reflection of our values as Thetas. Although my gifts are small, I give to Theta Foundation however I can: for one never knows the influence of a five-dollar pansy. My hope is that for many years to come my gifts, and those of all who support Theta Foundation, will continue to change the lives of our members. Thank you for your support.


2012 GRAND CONVENTION UPDATE Every two years Grand Convention provides an opportunity to celebrate our sisterhood in Kappa Alpha Theta and our tremendous accomplishments achieving the highest scholarship and widening our influence for good. This year was no different! Theta Foundation’s Pansy Patch returned for its third and most successful Grand Convention yet. Thetas and friends could participate whether they were at Convention or not—and so many did. Pansy Patch surpassed all goals, exceeding $150,000 raised in support of scholarships and grants to collegian and alumna members and chapters, and the Fraternity’s educational and leadership programs.

The Top 10 College and Alumnae Chapter Donors from the 2010-2012 biennium were honored during Theta Foundation’s Luncheon. The combined contributions of these chapters totaled $444,000! Top Alumnae Chapter Donors of the Biennium: Dallas Alumnae Chapter Nashville Alumnae Chapter Houston Alumnae Chapter Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter Denver Alumnae Chapter Westchester, New York Alumnae Chapter Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter Pasadena Alumnae Chapter San Antonio Alumnae Chapter Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter Top College Chapter Donors of the Biennium: Alpha Mu/University Missouri Eta Iota/University of San Diego Beta Xi/UCLA Alpha Lambda/University of Washington Omicron/USC Zeta Nu/UC-Davis Eta Sigma/Chapman University Beta Iota/University of Colorado Alpha Eta/Vanderbilt University Zeta Eta/Wofford College

Retired trustee and loyal Theta Foundation supporter, Florence Ashby (Beta Nu/ Florida State) recognized retiring trustees and installed the newly elected 2012–2014 Foundation Board of Trustees. Retiring trustees included Jill Pedicord Peterson (Beta Gamma/Colorado State), Elizabeth Prosser (Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma), and Kim Harvey Looney (Delta Pi/Tennessee).


76 recipients of Theta Foundation scholarships and grants were in attendance at Grand Convention. Combined, these women have received more than $275,000 in support from Theta Foundation.

Foundation President Kathy Tonkel and Fraternity President Amy Kates kept Convention attendees excited about the blooming success of Pansy Patch.

Theta Foundation staff were on hand to “plant� thousands of pansies. Pictured left to right: Tory Freese, Jen Pendleton, Tina Thompson and Gaylena Merritt.

Honor a Sister Today Although Pansy Patch only blooms in Convention years, gifts can be made honoring, thanking, celebrating, or memorializing a sister or friend of Theta any time. Visit www.KappaAlphaThetaFoundation/donate-online or make a gift to Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation, by mailing your donation to 8740 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Honorees receive a card from Theta Foundation commemorating every gift made in their honor. 7


Theta Love is Contagious ften when we speak of love in the context of Theta we think of our sisters and the love we have for one another. What we don’t often realize is how that love can transcend the bonds of our fraternity and touch our families and friends. For the families of Laurie Connor and Dinah McClymonds, two women who have remained actively involved with Theta during their alumnae years, Theta love has been most contagious.

Terrence Connor, husband of Laurie McGregor Connor, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan I certainly would not have guessed 25 years ago that when I met the beautiful blond who would become my wife that I would be marrying into a family with only one brother and over 200,000 sisters. Several things became apparent to me very quickly: First, that every woman Laurie knows comes with at least three names, and many times they have four. It has been a challenge but with repetition I have come to know many of them by heart. Secondly, that when the word “Theta” is attached to a sentence, an event, or a person, that objecting, complaining or deferring will do me absolutely no good. Acquiescing immediately is usually the least painful course of action. Third, that as our youngest son Ryan loves to say, “Do you HAVE to know so many people?” As we have traveled around the globe it is inevitable that Laurie will run into a Theta she knows at least once on every trip. We never bet against it. Lastly, that after her love for her family, Laurie is a true Theta and that as long as she can she will support, contribute and enrich the life of the Fraternity to the best of her ability. So, in keeping with her affections for Kappa Alpha Theta, and of our love for her, her family is proud to establish an educational scholarship in the name of Laurie McGregor Connor with Theta Foundation.

Dinah Hampton McClymonds, Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma What gift do most women expect to receive for their 60th Birthday? Beautiful flowers? Perhaps a special meal at an expensive restaurant? When my husband asked me what I wanted, my response was “a facial.” He then put me on a plane to Dallas, where I attended a Theta Officer’s Conference, in my capacity as a Theta Foundation Trustee. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, he had conspired with our two children to fund a Theta scholarship, which was announced with great fanfare at the conference. Surprised? I was overcome with emotion. I had been working hard as a Trustee, and my family knew how much I enjoyed my work, but this gift sent a powerful message. It said, “We get it. You love this organization, you admire the women you work with, you believe in the values that you all hold dear. And because you understand how important it is to get an education, we are happy to support your work by establishing this scholarship in your honor.” To this day, the best gifts I receive are donations to my named scholarship fund. But the most delightful reward is that now I will get to meet a new scholarship recipient every year!


Final Thoughts

By: Kathleen Bennett Tonkel (Eta/Michigan), Foundation President

have 10 grandchildren, five boys and five girls, ages six to 16. As I watched them prepare for the start of a new school year, I couldn’t help but think of how fast they’ve grown, how exciting this time of life is, and the wonderful opportunities that are before them. I’ve lived and traveled all around the country. I’ve been a member of 10 alumnae chapters in as many cities and also been an international volunteer for Kappa Alpha Theta since 1988, nearly 24 years. Like my grandchildren, I’ve been able to watch Theta Foundation grow and evolve before my eyes. As President, I have the opportunity to help prepare Theta Foundation for continued growth and most importantly, to have a wider impact for our sisters and our fraternity as a whole. On the heels of an exciting Grand Convention, where there were so many opportunities to celebrate our impact and interact with our sisters, I was reminded of why we must never stop explaining the role of Theta Foundation. It is not just because we can do more for our sisters, but because so many members of Kappa Alpha Theta are only vaguely aware of how Theta Foundation’s fundraising efforts are organized, why their support is needed and the impact we can have when we all participate. The gifts received by Theta Foundation are not the result of good luck, but rather the dedicated effort of our volunteers, staff and our supporters. These women, and men, give and raise funds that help support the educational and leadership efforts of the Fraternity, establish additional scholarships and grants for members and chapters, and enable the foundation operation that supports all these efforts. These individuals (you) are also our greatest advocates. We don’t have the resources to meet face to face with every Theta to let them know that only 5% of our membership supports our Foundation, and explain that if we don’t support Theta, no one will. We don’t have the capacity to personally reach each prospective donor to tell them that we invest in Thetas because we know what Thetas can achieve when given the resources to do it. While fundraising is the responsibility of our staff and volunteers, it can’t be done effectively without the assistance of individuals, chapters and leaders. We rely on others to help share our story. Kappa Alpha Theta ideals shape our fundraising priorities, but it is the vision and dedication of our sisters that help them become realities. The Pansy Patch is a perfect example of how collaborative efforts can be successful. While our staff and volunteers were instrumental in the initial success of the campaign, it has been the enthusiasm of our sisters that has helped the campaign grow from just $42,000 in 2008 to just over $150,000 in 2012! Building for the future—making our fraternity and communities better—by enabling our sisters to make a difference in their own unique ways—is what we do every day. I believe that someday, at least one of my own granddaughters will benefit from our combined efforts; but if not, I know that thousands of women—and in turn our world—most certainly will!


317.876.1870 phone 800.KAO.1870 toll-free 317.471.8758 fax


If You Remember Theta She’ll Always Remember You “There is no greater reward for our wonderful gift of Theta friendship for a lifetime than saying ‘thank you’ with a gift of time or money to support and carry on the legacy that we have been privileged to be a part of and enjoy.” — Betty Baur Lambert

The Lambert Legacy Society honors the generosity of James and Betty Baur Lambert (Alpha Chi/Purdue) whose $1.6 million gift transformed Theta Foundation’s graduate scholarships. The Lambert Legacy Society acknowledges all individuals or couples who have planned a gift of personal assets to Theta Foundation in their estate plans. We hope you’ll consider including Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation in your will or living trust. Your loyalty to Theta will leave a legacy for future generations of Theta women. To ensure that your exact intentions are carried out, wills, codicils and trusts should be prepared by or with the advice of your attorney, but for guidance on how your gift can be designated to have your desired impact for the women of Kappa Alpha Theta, please contact, Foundation Executive Director Jennifer Pendleton at 1-800-526-1870 ext. 108 or

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