2022《故事擂台》巡回演出 Story Challenge — Performance

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《故事擂台》巡回演出 Story Challenge — Performance 网上演出/现场演出 | DIGITAL/PHYSICAL

“这个演出能让学生亲眼见证一个故事如何运用 他们所提供的不同元素创作而成,相当有趣且 深具吸引力。” ——蔡厝港中学

“It was fun and engaging for the students to watch how a story was created with different elements given by them.”
《故事擂台》巡回演出 Story Challenge — Performance
— Yio Chu Kang Secondary School





超乎想像的现场即兴演出,实践剧场要把最天马行空的故事带进您的校园! 在过去几年,《故事擂台》已经被我们带进 90多所学校、累计参与学生人数超过 6万名!作为演出参与 的一部分,学生们可以在现场提供新的故事元素和条件,让演员们在 五 分钟 的时限内完成故事即兴 创作,考验他们的即时反应和构思能力。



a bird! It’s a plane!

It’s Story Challenge!

No safety in scripts. No time to ponder.

Will your imagination take flight, or will it flounder?

Spin a tale, tell a story. If they’re not fast asleep, you’re halfway to glory.

The Theatre Practice has officially thrown the gauntlet… Are you game?

Faster than you can say on-the-spot improvisation, The Theatre Practice brings the mindbending, fast-talking madness of Story Challenge straight to your school.

In the last few years, we have brought the show to over 90 schools, and reached over 60,000 students. The audience participates by contributing themes and conditions for the stories to be told by our quick-thinking actors, who are given a mere five minutes to create each story.

Not your typical performance. Let your imagination and creativity run wild. We challenge you to think outside the norm!

宣传片 Trailer


《故事擂台》巡回演出 Story Challenge — Performance
“剧情有趣且接近学生生活,寓教于乐,用语浅白易懂, 能够鼓励学生学习华语。”
“The plot is interesting and is relatable for our students. The production is entertaining and the language used is simple and easy to understand, which helps encourage students to learn Mandarin!”
— Sembawang Secondary School



• 网上演出:30分钟 • 现场演出:45分钟




适合对象 小三至中五



• Digital: 30 mins • Physical: 45 mins

Language: English OR Mandarin

Audience Capacity: No limit

Price: $1,800 + prevailing GST (check website for full list of subsidies)

Suitable for Primary 3 to Secondary 5



演出将于 Zoom 平台举行。在每场演出当中,我们的演员都会通过 Zoom 的视讯、聊天室和投票功能, 与学生们进行即时互动。我们也会在演出前提供“技术故障排除指南”,以及详细的资讯协助老师进行 相关的准备工作。

如需在校内进行观赏,学生们可以待在各自的班级,由每班老师准备一台装有 Zoom 程序的笔记型 电脑,再连结至教室中的投影机,即可让全班同学观赏演出。

如果是在家中,则需要请同学们使用自己的装置登入观赏(一次最多可容纳 490台装置)。





Every show will be conducted on Zoom. Each show has live interactions between our actors and students, conducted via Zoom video, chatbox and polling. Teachers will be briefed prior to the show date if they are needed to help facilitate.

For school-based viewing, students can watch it in their respective classrooms. Teachers should prepare one laptop per class, with the Zoom app downloaded. The show can then be screened via the classroom’s projector.

For home-based viewing, students can log in using their own devices (up to 490 pax).


Performance space needs to be a school hall or auditorium. Sound equipment will be provided by The Theatre Practice team.



以幽默口吻,结合即兴表演和无限的创造力,《故事擂台》要让语言学习变得更加有趣!我们会在演出中邀请 学生们向演员提出不同的故事元素或条件,让演员们在现场挑战将这些内容融入他们的故事当中——向您 保证,每场演出都不一样!


没有。因为每场演出都是现场表演,无法即时加上字幕! 是否会提供任何演后教学资源?

本演出不会提供额外的教学资源。如果老师们希望将参与该演出的体验延伸进课堂教学,我们会建议老师 另外预约《故事擂台》校园工作坊。通过即兴表演、创意形体和声音探索,培养学生们的创造力和语言表达 能力。直接与我们的教育推广组联系,即可了解更多详情!


我们的校园演出全年都开放预约!但由于实际演出时间需要取决于演员档期和其他预订好的演出场次, 为方便预约流程,建议您先提供几个希望安排的日期和时间,以利后续洽谈。


第一步:发送电邮至实践剧场的教育推广组,询问有关校园演出的更多资讯,并查看贵校想预约的日期 与时间。





我们的教育推广组会在演出前一周发送电邮,提供 Zoom 会议室链接和有关演出的详细资讯。此外,我们 也会在演出前一天与负责老师分别建立群组聊天室,以便能在演出开始前和演出中进行相关的技术支援和沟 通。




如需更改或取消已预订的演出,最迟请于原订演出前30天告知。如于演出前30天内取消演出,将酌收50%的 演出费用;如于演出前24小时取消演出,将收取100%的演出费用。

如因任何冠病-19的法律/条规而无法于原订时间进行演出,我们会将您的预约延期办理,不会收取额外费 用。此外,为了保障自由业表演工作者和制作人员的权益,我们非常不鼓励学校取消已完成预订的演出。

《故事擂台》巡回演出 Story Challenge — Performance


What is the show about?

Story Challenge makes learning language fun, through humor, creativity and improvisation. No show is the same! Students are invited to contribute themes and conditions for our quick-thinking actors, who must incorporate them into their stories on the spot.

Are there subtitles for the performances?

No. Every show is performed live, so it is impossible for subtitles to be added!

Will post-show materials be provided?

No. If teachers would like to extend the show experience into classrooms, they can book the Story Challenge — Workshop, which cultivates students’ creativity and language skills using improvisation, movement and voice exercises inspired by the production. Please contact our Advocacy team to find out more!

When can I book a school show?

Our school shows are available all year round! However, bookings are subject to cast availability and prior engagements. To expedite the process, please provide us with a list of preferred dates and timings.

What’s the booking process like?

Step 1: Contact our Advocacy team via email to find out more about our shows and check availability.

Step 2: Once a suitable date and time has been set, fill in the booking form and return it to the team.

Step 3: A confirmation email will be sent to lock down the booking. That’s it!

After the booking is confirmed, what happens next?

Digital Show

The Zoom link and show details will be sent one week prior to the performance date, via email. Our Advocacy team will set up a group chat with the respective teachers-in-charge one day before the show, for communication and technical assistance before and during the performance.

Physical Show

Our Advocacy team will contact the teacher-in-charge to coordinate the set-up required for the performance, a few days prior to the performance date.

What happens if the school has to change the date or cancel the performance?

Changes in date/time or cancellations should be made at least 30 days before the performance date. Any changes after the specific period will be subject to a cancellation fee of 50% of the performance fee (within 30 days), or 100% of the performance fee (within 24 hours).

If the performance cannot proceed due to COVID-19 safe management measures, the booking will be postponed, with no additional charge. We strongly discourage cancellations in order to safeguard the livelihoods of our freelance performers and production crew.



电话:6337 2525




If you are interested in bringing Story Challenge — Performance to your school, please contact our Advocacy team!

Phone: 6337 2525

Email: TTPeducation@practice.org.sg

FREE consultation sessions to discuss your needs are also available.

《故事擂台》巡回演出 Story Challenge — Performance


“教育孩子要从人格做起, 让孩子从小定下做人的观念基调。 这就是实践教育工程的使命。”


作为新加坡艺术教育的领航者,实践剧场的教育推广部门长期通过“实践 教育工程”,积极推动并倡导艺术的价值。

实践教育工程精心编排的课程与节目,不但落实了实践剧场的艺术理念, 更贯彻了“以人为本”的核心价值。通过这些课程,让同学们在学习艺术的 过程之中,同时培养他们的个人发展,如:自律、同理心、热忱、自信和 创造力等。我们的主要课程包括周末儿童课程,以及广受欢迎的短期和 长期活动(演出、工作坊、讲座、教师培训等),让学生们建立起与表演艺术 更紧密的关系。


1 .提倡“游戏”的文化

作为新加坡艺术教育的先驱,实践教育工程别具匠心,结合“游戏”精神与 不同层面的表演艺术训练。

“当你在游戏时,你的思想是自由的;当你在游戏时,你的思维能 天马 行空,所有的不可能都变成有可能。游戏不是儿戏。”



实践剧场长期以来通过艺术不遗余力地推广华语及华文文化。实践教育工程 在为青少年设计节目时,也将这一点作为核心纳入考量。

“我们和语言之间的关系已经改变了许多。我指的不是哪个特定的语言, 在我看来,现在的孩子们只在‘功能性’或‘学术性’学习语言。剧场能 成为桥梁,让他们以更多元的方式接近语言,产生共鸣,从而开始累积 自己的文化意识。”


《故事擂台》巡回演出 Story Challenge — Performance


“Child Education begins with character development, we have to mould a child’s personality from young. This is the mission of TTPEP.”

The Theatre Practice is recognised as a pioneer in arts education in Singapore, with TTPEP as one of our Advocacy team’s key initiatives.

Programmes under TTPEP complement and extend the Practice philosophy that the human experience should always be the core of our work. With this exposure students learn to develop personal and social capabilities such as: self-discipline, empathy, passion, confidence, and creativity. Key programmes include weekend children’s courses, as well as well-received short-term and long-term initiatives (shows, workshops, talks, teachers’ training) that bridge a student’s relationship with the performing arts.

With TTPEP, our programmes:

1.Advocate a culture of “Play”

As a pioneer in providing arts education in Singapore, TTPEP’s unique approach combines training in various aspects of the performing arts with the spirit of “Play”.

“When you play, you free up the mind. When you play, your brain is stimulated and suddenly, even the impossible becomes possible. Play is serious business.”

— Kuo Jian Hong, Artistic Director of The Theatre Practice

2.Create multi-faceted opportunities for exposure to Chinese language and culture in Singapore

With Practice’s long-standing history in promoting Chinese language and culture through the arts, TTPEP is pivotal in creating child-oriented programmes to advocate for this cause.

“Our relationship with language has changed so much. I’m not referring to any specific language. Rather, it appears that our children can only access language on a very ‘functional’ or ‘academic’ level. Theatre becomes a bridge to allow for a much more accessible way for them to connect with language and hence, begin to accumulate their own sense of culture.”

— Kuo Jian Hong, Artistic Director of The Theatre Practice

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