Welcome to 2023! The polar vortex over the Christmas holidays brought some of the lowest temperatures on record for North Georgia. Let’s hope when spring arrives, we find the damage to plants in our community was minimal. After the HOA Annual meeting in January, your HOA volunteer Board of Directors elected officers for 2023. I am pleased to announce your HOA Board Members for this year:
• David Shaffer, President
• Louis McClure, Vice President
• Linda Furgerson, Secretary
• Sid Jacobs, Treasurer
• Brian Olson, Member at Large
• Tim Roth, Member at Large
• Cheryl Thompson, Member at Large
All Board members except for Louis McClure were Directors in 2022. The continuity of Directors will benefit the HOA Board’s ability to perform its responsibilities. Since Louis was the ARC Chairman for last two years and has 14 years of experience as an officer on an HOA Board, he will bring useful insights to the HOA Board. The HOA Board is charged with the management of your HOA. General responsibilities of your HOA Board members include 1) establishing the budget, 2) establishing the collection policy for fees, 3) establishing and enforcing rules, 4) administering contracts, and 5) employing a management company to administer the day-to-day operations of the HOA.
Last year, the HOA Board continued to establish
the framework for managing the HOA in compliance with the governing documents. The HOA Board also executed three-year contracts to confirm fees for about 46% of HOA expenses, initiated renovating the clubhouse, and arranged for the paving of the oldest portion of Cresswind Parkway.
As we move into 2023, here are three projects that HOA members should monitor:
• Reserve Study Update – Price levels and inflation will impact the 2020 information in the last study. Reserve fund requirements are one component used to determine the HOA dues.
• Requests for Proposals from Community Management Companies – The current contract expires in July 2024. The day-today management of the community affects members’ quality of life.
• Surface Water Drainage – The HOA and homeowners each have separate defined responsibilities. Information sessions will be provided to residents to explain our governing documents.
Your Board will continue to hold monthly open meetings for members to observe and quarterly town hall meetings where members can pose questions to the HOA Board. Your HOA Board appreciates your attendance at these meetings and is looking forward to continuing to serve this wonderful community.
A call for speedy emergency assistance that is usually made when emotions are running high. It is understandable that residents panic and become frustrated or even angry when it appears that emergency responders cannot get past the gates of our community. But is that really what is going on?
The HOA Management values residents’ safety and well being above all else. And as such, the following systems are in place to ensure access to the community to any emergency vehicle responding to 911 dispatch.
1. 911 dispatch has a code that opens the gates at Cresswind. This code does not change. Responders simply need to get that code from dispatch and enter it upon arrival.
2. The fire department has installed their own Knox Box at each gate. They have a key to open the box which will allow them to open the gate.
3. In the past 6 months we have installed sensors on each gate that will open the gate when the emergency vehicle sounds its “yelp”. There are decals at the gate indicating this option is available. This is the newest technology and is used by many gated communities in the area. Occasionally I will receive a report from a resident that a first responder could not get in the gate, and the resident had to let them in. With the three options that are in place, chances are the responder was trying one of them and the resident assumed they were unable to get in the gate. Keep in mind that any level of security comes with a degree of inconvenience. I have never received a report from a first responder that they had difficulty getting into our community. I want residents to know that accommodations have been put in place to allow entry for emergency vehicles. I often wonder if it is an assumption that they are struggling or unable to do so. So, whenever you have the urge to intervene by entering a gate code, just tell them to sound their “yelp” at the gate. Hopefully they will remember that easy trick next time they are here to respond to a call.
Attention Captain and First Mates! Saturday, April 22nd at 9:00 am the Marina Committee is hosting a Coast Guard Boater Safety Course again this year. Handouts will be provided, and a certificate will be issued to each attendee.
Thank you for your support promoting Boating Safety. We were able to open the course to all Cresswind residents, not just slip owners. Three certified instructors are lined up to teach the Safe Boating Class and three certified Vessel Examiners to perform the Vessel Safety Checks the following day. Kayak owners also qualify for a Vessel Safety Check and a Decal. As the season progresses, the Coast Guard offers a class called “Suddenly in Command” which is excellent for teaching first response and handling of a vessel in the event the skipper is unable to remain at the helm!
We have many individuals here in Cresswind that are willing to assist you in your time of need. If you need assistance, we are here for you. The CARE Committee maintains support for any of our resident’s needing assistance during a time of crisis. We can set up a Meal Train, come and visit, take and retrieve trash & recycle bins, pick up mail (especially for those in Phase III). We have a list of medical equipment which residents have and are willing to loan on a shortterm basis for your recovery period (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.) We have a list of various facilities in the greater Gainesville area that may be needed for recovery (rehab, memory care, assisted living, long term nursing care). We also have a list of organizations that provide skilled in-home care. This information is available and comes with no recommendations by the Committee.
We have many individuals here in Cresswind that are willing to assist you you need assistance, we are here for you. The CARE Committee maintains our resident’s needing assistance during a time of crisis. We can set up visit, take and retrieve trash & recycle bins, pick up mail (especially for have a list of medical equipment which residents have and are willing basis for your recovery period (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.) We facilities in the greater Gainesville area that may be needed for recovery assisted living, long term nursing care). We also have a list of organizations in-home care. This information is available and comes with no recommendations Committee.
If you need assistance volunteer to be part of assist our neighbors, Quisenberry.
If you need assistance or if you would like to volunteer to be part of the CARE Committee to assist our neighbors, please contact Mary Quisenberry.
We would like to welcome our new neighbors below to Cresswind! Our Cresswind Welcome Committee is still reaching out to new residents with all of them being resales. Our members are sending cards, calling, and offering their support. We let the residents know they can call us, and we will help them in any way we can. We also find that neighbors on their street are reaching out to make them feel welcome. The Welcome
Committee has taken over doing tours for new residents, in the clubhouse as well as outside of the clubhouse. We handle the tours by requests. A New Resident Orientation was held on January 31, 2023 for all new residents since September, 2022. If you do not hear from a Welcome Committee Member within four to six weeks of closing, please contact me at sjoninas@ gmail.com. We do not want to miss any new residents. Welcome to Cresswind!
The Cresswind Education Committee is looking forward to continuing to bring various local professionals, leaders, and/ or educators from the surrounding area to Cresswind for your enjoyment, convenience, and continued learning. It is a very fun committee and a pleasure to go outside our community and meet all sorts of local educators and professionals. If we feel there is an interest and benefit to our Cresswind community, we will invite them to talk in our Ballroom about specific topics that benefit our demographics. Currently on the books we have Concierge Medicine, the Wisdom Project, various mentoring programs, cruise ship tips and tricks, stroke educators from the North Georgia Health Care System, pros and cons of boat ownership and costs, sleep disorder specialist, etc.…
Although there are a wide range of professional speakers that are willing to educate us about their programs or crafts, I am needing a little help from our residents to hone in on
our “hot topics” that you want to hear about. I am hoping to develop a survey, and then send out to our residents and find these “hot topics”. Some residents have suggested we have speakers from the city-sponsored “WeGo” ride share for seniors, Gainesville Mayor, Rangers from the National Park and Recreation programs, and even having our own committees like the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and the Landscape Committee to speak about do’s and don’ts on their home improvements and landscaping proposals. So, you see there is a lot of opportunities here to learn, grow, and share ideas.
We meet on the 3rd Friday of the month in the Savannah Room at 11:00 am, and we would love to hear your ideas. If you enjoy meeting interesting people and expanding your social connections outside our community, this committee might be the right committee for you.
Submitted By: John Stevens
Submitted By:
John StevensThe 2023 ARC team received 24 new External Improvement Requests (EIR) between 01 January and 31 January; 16 of which were reviewed, voted on, and approved within an average of 4.5 days. Since homeowners CANNOT begin their exterior improvement project until after they receive an official ARC APPROVAL Letter from First Service Residential (FSR), the speed by which these 16 EIRs were moved through the ARC APPROVAL process enabled 6 of the 16 projects to be started, completed, reviewed, and closed within the month of January. Three (3) of the 24 EIRs received in January remain on ‘hold’ pending further Cresswind Rules & Regulations (R&R) policy interpretation, while 5 remain under active review. With permission from the homeowners, here are a few photos of several ARC APPROVED projects.
The 2023 ARC team received 24 new External Improvement Requests (EIR) between and 31 January; 16 of which were reviewed, voted on, and approved within days Since homeowners CANNOT begin their exterior improvement project receive an official ARC APPROVAL Letter from First Service Residential (FSR) which these 16 EIRs were moved through the ARC APPROVAL process enabled projects to be started, completed, reviewed, and closed within the month of of the 24 EIRs received in January remain on ‘hold’ pending further Cresswind Regulations (R&R) policy interpretation, while 5 remain under active review. from the homeowners, here are a few photos of several ARC APPROVED projects.
The 2023 ARC team received 24 new External Improvement Requests (EIR) between and 31 January; 16 of which were reviewed, voted on, and approved within days. Since homeowners CANNOT begin their exterior improvement project receive an official ARC APPROVAL Letter from First Service Residential (FSR) which these 16 EIRs were moved through the ARC APPROVAL process enabled projects to be started, completed, reviewed, and closed within the month of of the 24 EIRs received in January remain on ‘hold’ pending further Cresswind Regulations (R&R) policy interpretation, while 5 remain under active review. from the homeowners, here are a few photos of several ARC APPROVED projects.
Submitted by: Lynne Hayden
The newly created Trails and Pathways Committee continues to improve, manage, and maintain our community’s Trails. With Fall leaves and Winter storms, there has been plenty to do! Newly designated as a Committee, the Trails and Pathways Committee has primary responsibilities to assist the Board of Directors with 1) the maintenance of existing trails, trail heads, and pathways, and 2) planning the construction of future trails.
Maintenance and Improvements: Many thanks to the Trail Leaders, who have stepped up leaf blowing and cold weather maintenance for the busy Fall and Winter seasons! Look for new/refreshed blazes to show the way on the Cardinal and Robin trails. Our trail leaders are Marica/Ralf Holm (Bluebird), Mike Thurmon (Cardinal), Bruce Cattanach (Goldfinch), Paula Burzotta (Hummingbird), Whit Adams (Robin), and Rosemarie Bower/Debbie Fox (Swallow).
And, to the Lumberjacks, our dedicated volunteers who manage major maintenance items. Three such projects have been completed over the Fall/Winter:
• Bluebird Bridge Step Project
• Bluebird Trailhead at Dog Park Step Project (see picture)
• Cardinal Trailhead at Marina Drive Step Project
If you have not been on one of our trails for a while, Spring is a beautiful time to explore. The woods are awakening, as flowers and creeks await you – new growth every week! This “curvy” (and steep) trail is one of our most interesting. Though just about 1/2 mile long, it boasts lake views and a bridge crossing, plus some moderate hiking challenges. And it connects three key features: ends of Robin and Goldfinch Trails, and Marina Drive. Grab a walking stick, some solid shoes (no sandals, please) and enjoy the different foliage and terrain that “near to water” hiking brings.
We suggest you join Cardinal on Marina Drive below the Clubhouse. Head down the new trail steps and follow the path and signs. At the first trail fork, you’ll see a sign for the Robin Trail, which will take you toward Bluebird and the Dog Park. Follow Cardinal to the right and you’ll discover views of Lake Lanier and a nice climb up the trail to the West, and access to the other Cardinal trailhead at the end of Noble Fir Drive. Continue on and follow the blazes down the hill and back to where you started.
Tip: Parking is limited, so please consider walking to the Trails, or parking at the Clubhouse. Please contact David Rames at david.rames@charter.net to report maintenance issues or to volunteer to join the team.
Small but definitive steps have been taken to implement several recommendations from the CLL Traffic Safety & Road Use Work Group (TSRU). Two unmarked cross walks have now been lined with standard white zebra-stripping to mark road crossings where residents have the right-of-way to cross Cresswind Parkway near Locust Cove Road and to cross Indian Hawthorne Ridge at the Community Garden Roundabout. Several other unmarked crossing walks, including the remaining two at the Community Garden roundabout will be painted similarly as soon as the weather warms up enough.
Last year, via a grant from the Cresswind Community Fund, with the recommendation of the TSRU Work Group, the HOA Board purchased a radar speed sign (a.k.a Driver Feedback Sign) to help vehicle drivers using our CLL roads remain attentive to the posted speed limit of 25 mph. The Driver Feedback sign is currently located on Cresswind Parkway near the Montgomery Gate. The sign is solar-powered and capable of recording vehicle speeds by time of date, among other data to help ensure that safe speeds are adhered to on our roads. This Driver Feedback sign is moveable and will be relocated periodically to other CLL roads where excess driving speeds are a noted concern. HOA Board members Brian Olson (liaison to the TSRU Work Group) and Tim Roth have been instrumental in supporting this recommendation from the TSRU.
A number of other traffic and road use safety concerns have been identified by members of the TSRU Work Group and recommendations have been presented to the HOA Board with the anticipation of implementing many of them this coming year.
The TSRU project is entirely CLL-volunteer driven. Be on the lookout for ‘call-outs’ for volunteers to help with the future implementation of TSRU’s recommendations.
If you thought you had trouble keeping up with your social calendar in January and February, fasten your seat belts and check out what the Social Committee has planned for you in March and April! We typically think of March as the beginning of spring and warmer weather. Whereas that’s true, the Social Committee also wants you to think of March as the month of the yummy National Pie Day (March 14th), our very own St Patrick’s Day Event (March 16th) and check this out - the Everly Brothers Experience (March 31st – Ballroom event).
Calendar full? We hope not because we still have April’s events to share with you. Let’s start off the
month with a much anticipated Speak Easy Night with April Rooks and Band (April 7th). Not done yet though - we’ll end the month with a Spring Fling (April 22nd). Stay tuned for details by checking out Maggie’s daily updates for more information on all of these awesome events.
Time to get out those calendars and pencil these dates in. March and April are just a warm-up for what the Social Committee has coming your way for the summer months! Come join us – friends, neighbors, and new residents – have fun and enjoy all our community has to offer!
Wait and see. That’s what many of us have been told as we bemoan the apparent demise of shrubs and plants after the recent hard freeze. My own yard looks as if someone took a blow torch to it. But there is hope. Karen Hicks, Master Gardener Coordinator for the Hall County Extension Office, offers valuable advice for us as we plan our landscape needs for the spring. Although the air temperature reached single digits, the ground temperature remained 35°, so the roots of your plants did not freeze. However, don’t be tempted to prune or fertilize unsightly plants because doing so will stimulate new growth that will die with the next freeze. Wait until other plants start to leaf out. To check the extent of damage to shrubs, scrape one branch with a blade. If it’s green underneath, the plant is alive. For camellias and other shrubs with buds, remove a few buds and cut them crosswise. If they are discolored inside, they may not produce a spring flowering.
If the freeze damage has caused you to consider changes to your landscape, remember that we live in Zone 7B, which means that you should select plants that are both cold hardy and heat tolerant. Most herbs that we plant to repel deer will not survive a freeze. And speaking of deer, there is no such thing as a deer resistant plant. They will eat anything if they are hungry enough. Karen recommends planting in layers, not rows, so the deer can’t walk through to delicacies, such as your hydrangeas. Deer don’t like to be poked by the branches.
Also, remember that changes to your landscape may require submission of an External Improvement Request (EIR-1) to the Landscape Committee for approval before you start. The Landscape Committee has oversight of the proposed design and choice of plants with the goal of assuring a harmonious and neighbor-friendly environment. You will find helpful information about submitting the form in the Landscape Chapter 5-4 (pages 75-79) of the Rules and Regulations Manual under Resources on the Cresswind website. The EIR-1 form is in the Appendix.
If you are submitting a landscape request form, pay special attention to the list of Do Not Plant plants on page 78-79 and the list of Georgia exotic pest plants on the gaeppc.org/list website. These plants either are invasive or have other undesirable habits. Make sure that your request form is complete. Applications that are missing information will be tabled until that information has been received by the committee, at which time the review process will begin. Applications must include the following:
• Signed application.
• List of plants, including the varietal name.
• Schematic drawing showing property lines and indicating location of home in relation to plantings.
• Plat of property showing property boundaries and easements.
For help with landscape design and plant selection for our zone, the following books may be helpful:
• Month-by-Month Gardening in Georgia by Walter Reeves and Erica Glasener
• The Peachtree Garden Book by The Peachtree Garden Club
• The Perennial Garden by Jeff and Marilyn Cox
• Landscaping Illustrated by Sunset Books
Homeowners whose homes abut either the corps or stream buffer properties may have specific erosion or vegetation restrictions. The following are helpful resources:
• US Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District. Go to sam.usace.army.mil then Lake Sidney Lanier then Shoreline Management then 2004SMP.
• Gainesville City Unified Land Development Code, Article 9-16-3 Stream Protection Buffers.
• Hall County Unified Land Development Code, Chapter 8.40.040.
This gloomy downtime of the year is a great time for planning, and nothing inspires hope and optimism like planning a garden.
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 11/29/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bankissued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).
We would like to thank all of the vendors and residents who participated in our Health Fair in January. We are fortunate to live in a positive active adult community where we have access to a multitude of activities that foster physical health and mental well being.
As of this writing we are awaiting the arrival of a Pec Fly/Rear Delt machine for the Fitness Center. This machine exercises upper and lower chest as well as shoulders, back, and deltoids. In addition to versatility the machine is safer than hoisting dumbbells over your face while on a bench. The Committee would like to thank our member George Roughton for overseeing the gym equipment.
Susan Longley has joined our personal trainers Vicky and Kim to guide residents in their fitness journey. She is a certified health coach since 2000 and her specialty is teaching seniors to make changes in their nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle. You can access her website at susanlongely.com. A sign-up sheet for a consultation with Susan is available in the Fitness Center.
Many residents are discovering they may require some assistance with their fitness program and goals for achieving
healthier lifestyle. Working out incorrectly can be worse than not working out at all because of the injury factor. The safety aspect is the number one benefit of working with a personal trainer. Having the structure of an appointment will make you much less likely to put working out at the bottom of your to do list. All of us have different bodies, histories, injuries and medical issues. The personalized attention of a professional takes this into consideration when setting up an appropriate program.
Even if you have been exercising consistently on your own you may not see the results you desire. Many times, an exercise program needs a change because the body adapts to doing the same thing all the time. A trainer can offer educated advice and may see areas of your program that could be adjusted. Having a trainer help you figure out how hard you should be working, how to monitor your intensity and not get injured can make a big difference in reaching your goal.
Personal trainers offer knowledge, creativity, motivation, and positive reinforcement. The objective is to propel you toward your personal fitness goals so you can become the healthiest version of yourself. They will make your workout more interesting, challenging, appropriate and you may even have fun.
Most investors that I meet with unfortunately do not have a plan when it comes to the tax implications when investing their money. From what I can tell, the main reason is that most investors are not working with a Fiduciary licensed individual who not only makes recommendations that are in their best interest, but can also advise on the tax implications when making investment decisions. We want to provide our investors with a checklist or guide to follow to make sure all critical information is discussed to clear up any missing facts or misinformation. When misinformation or critical missing facts are not discussed then often times, we start to see money falling through the cracks. Many times, I see investors making incorrect decisions when it comes to their investment account allocations by holding their riskiest assets in the wrong areas from a tax standpoint. Let me share with you an example of this when investors do not consider their investment choices from a tax standpoint.
Let’s say you have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) that you bought $50,000 worth of stock in and let’s assume this was a few years back. That company you bought this stock in at the time was a well-known blue-chip company called Kodak. We all remember Kodak, right? We know that
Kodak filed for bankruptcy back in January 2012, therefore the $50,000 we invested is not worth anything assuming we held it until bankruptcy. Knowing this, and using the current tax laws, investors cannot deduct losses in an Individual Retirement Account so not only did we lose our money, we cannot write any of the losses off from a tax standpoint. Now let’s assume you bought the same stock in an after-tax brokerage account (non-IRA) instead and you incurred the same loss of $50,000, but because we bought this stock in a brokerage account, we can now deduct our losses. Based on current tax law, individuals can deduct up to $3,000 each year while carrying forward the balance until the entire loss is exhausted. Individuals also deduct the loss by selling positions they own in a brokerage account at a capital gain up to the entire loss of $50,000 in one year and save you money on your tax bill, but regardless losses can be deducted in the brokerage account whereas they cannot in an IRA. This is all based on the current tax laws, but the point here is that when discussing losses on our money we feel that it makes more sense holding our riskier assets in the brokerage account as opposed to the Individual Retirement Account. We want investors to be able to utilizing the tax code to their advantage by structuring their investment accounts correctly.
Let’s now discuss this from the standpoint of capital appreciation or growth on our investments. Hypothetically, let’s say you bought a stock several years ago at its Initial Public Offering with $50,000 in your Individual Retirement Account. For the sake of this article and discussion let’s assume that you have seen tremendous growth over the years and its now worth over one million dollars. We know that an Individual Retirement Account is a tax deferred vehicle, and therefore we have accumulated all the growth from the stock without having to pay taxes on the gains, but at some point, we will have to start pulling money out of this account. We may have to pull money out for retirement income, we may have to pull some out to cover a major expense, or we may have to start pulling money out to satisfy the mandated Required Minimum Distribution that occurs at age 70-1/2 and beyond, but regardless of the need, all distributions coming
out of an individual retirement account are taxable at ordinary income tax rates. For most individuals this does not allow much control because at some point money will be distributed from the IRA and it’s taxed as ordinary income.
Now let’s discuss the same scenario but instead, bought the same stock in an after-tax brokerage account. We have this stock worth one million dollars inside our brokerage account with a $50,000 cost basis. If we need to pull money out for any reason, then we know that our distributions are now taxed at a Capital Gaines tax rate, provided they were held over one year, instead of the ordinary income tax rate in the individual retirement account. For most investors, this is a lower tax rate than their ordinary income tax rate and therefore now able to pay less tax and have more control over their investments. Not only that, but investors do not need to satisfy Required Minimum Distributions from a brokerage account, so if money is not needed then you do not have to worry about taking a distribution. Again, the point here is that even when discussing gains or growth on our money we feel that it makes more sense holding our riskier assets in the brokerage account as opposed to the IRA by leveraging a lower tax rate on distribution and growth. We want investors to be able to utilize the tax code to their advantage by structuring their accounts to allocate risk in the right areas.
Simply put, we feel that individual retirement accounts should be structured in a more conservative or low risk investment strategy while holding riskier assets in an after-tax brokerage account as discussed. This helps eliminate money falling through the cracks by taking advantage of losses when they occur and having to pay a lower tax rate on distributions and growth. Consider working with someone who specializes in forward tax planning techniques but also someone who can help identify all the critical facts and misinformation in order to make sound financial decisions that are in your best interest. Make sure to consider the tax implications when investing in risk assets and holding them in the right areas.
Moore’s Wealth Management
Brian Moore advisor, Moore’s Wealth Management llc, gainesville, ga Independent Fiduciary Advisor 2013 - Present • Life/Health Insurance Professional 2008 - Present source: iRs.gOv
Advisory services offered through Moore’s Wealth Advisory, A Member of Advisory Services Network, LLC. Insurance products and services offered through Moore’s Wealth Management. Advisory Services Network, LLC and Moore’s Wealth Management are not affiliated.
Advisory Services Network, LLC does not provide tax advice. The tax information contained herein is general and is not exhaustive by nature. Federal and state laws are complex and constantly changing. You should always consult your own legal or tax professional for information concerning your individual situation. The information contained herein is derived from sources deemed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. As with any investment or strategy, the outcome depends upon many factors, including investment objectives, income, net worth, tax bracket and risk tolerance. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate and may be worth more or less than their original cost. Individuals should consult with their tax accountant and/or legal representative before implementing any tax or legal strategy.
Joining a club is the best way to learn more about an interest you already have or to make friends in the spirit of a common interest. Please visit the Cresswind website at https://www.cresswindatll.com/clubs/ for additional information.
Arts & Crafts Clubs
Artist’s Corner
Make & Take Crafts
Writers in the Wind
Adv. Pottery
Book Clubs
Tuesday Club
Monday Clubs
Book Babes
Book Buds
Book Worms
Cover to Cover Book Club
In the Stacks
Reading between the Wines
Theatre Goers Book Club
ABC Men’s
Card Game Clubs
Hand & Foot Canasta
Mah Jongg
Mexican Train
Pokeno Poker
Rubber Bridge
Samba Club
Texas Hold ‘em - Ladies
Dance Clubs
Ballroom Dance
Clogging – Beginner, Intermediate Line Dance
Wendy’s Choreography
Performing Arts Clubs
Cresswind Community Chorus
Cresswind Neighborhood Theater
The Variety Show
Liars Club
Storytelling Club
Neighborhood Bands
Karaoke Club
Art in Motion: Dance & More
Performing Arts Technical Team
Jazz Band
Sports & Games Clubs
Billiards – Ladies & Men
Bowling League
Fishing Club
Golf: Ladies & Men
Kayak Club
Pickleball Club
Ping Pong Club
Sports & Games
Tennis Club
Trail Club
Travel Clubs
RV Club
Travel Club
Religious & Bible Study Clubs
Ladies Men’s
Shalom Club
The Way
Special Interest Clubs
Bourbon Cabinet Club
Bourbon Tasting Club
CIC Investment Club
Community Flag Club
Cooking Club
Cresswind LL Community Fund
Dinner Club
Garden Club
Genealogy Club
Investment Club: The Falls
Ladies Luncheon Club
Living Stylishly
Martini Clubs
Model Railroad Club
Scotch Lovers At Cresswind
Social Singles
Spanish Club
Tequila Club
Veterans Club
Volunteer Connection
Wine Tasting
See Cresswind Website for details.
The Artists Corner Club meets each Tuesday morning from 9:00 am until Noon in the Arts & Crafts Room. Our focus is creativity using paints, pencils, inks, collage. . .whatever. YOU are welcome to join us and try your hand also. All levels welcome to participate. Initial supplies are on hand so you can start without a large investment. You only need a painting surface. Call Diana Thurmon for more information 678-481-7644.
Why Study the Bible?
There are dozens of reasons of why we should study the Bible. Reading and studying the Bible on a regular and consistent basis has several benefits. First, the Bible shows us God’s character and provides us God’s revelation of Himself to His people. In each section of the Bible, we see God’s holy, unchanging, faithful, gracious, and loving character.
Second, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, when discussing the topic of Scripture, says that it is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.” The next verse goes on to say that this leads to the completeness and equipping “for every good work.”
Third, regularly reading and studying God’s Word reorients our thinking so that we can grow in maturity, which is part of the Christian calling.
If you feel led to study the Bible on a regular basis, there are many opportunities here in Cresswind. If you are interested in joining one of these groups, the points of contact are:
Meets Thursdays from 4-5pm in the Savannah Room. The first Thursday of the month is devoted to Intercessory Prayer.
Diane Denniston DianeDenniston222@gmail.com and/or Jami Dittmeier SJDittmeier@gmail.com
Meets Fridays from 10-11 in the Georgia Room. They begin with a time of prayer from 9:30-10:00. Dave Dittmeier DaDittmeier@gmail.com
Meets in the Savannah Room in 6-week increments. Meg Bohn megbohn57@gmail.com
Couples Bible studies meet in private home throughout the community.
Joanne Randall joran1088@gmail.com
The In-Home Women’s Bible Study meets in a resident’s home.
Jacquie Waldron rejoice2@yahoo.com
“For the word of God is alive and active…” (Heb 4:12 NIV)
Julie Cottingham
Joyce Allen jallen8734@gmail.com
Lynne Tryon lynnetryon@gmail.com
Zona Buchen zbuchen51@charter.net
Dave Dittmeier at DaDittmeier@gmail.com
Pat Hilger patricia.hilger@outlook.com
Cathy Koenig kckl110@gmail.com
Donna Brown donnabrownga@comcast.net
Carol Malarney carolmalarney@gmail.com
Janet Nelson jnotesto87@gmail.com
Marilyn Young mayoung517@gmail.com
Submitted by Dave Dittmeier
The ABC Men’s Book Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm in the clubhouse library. We only read and discuss non-fiction books. Recently we read “Path Between the Seas” by David McCullough, the story of the building of the Panama Canel. Our club is open to any Cresswind male who may be interested in reading and discussing non-fiction books. More info? Contact Dave Dittmeier DaDittmeier@gmail. com (PS > ABC stands for Annuitants, Bibliophiles and Curmudgeons)
by Paul CapalThe Cresswind Bowling League completed the 202223 Season on December 14, 2022. The first half winners, The Pin Pals, Jim and Pat Cook, Cheri Morton and Joe Dennis will roll off against the second half winners on April 12, 2023 to determine the overall season champion. On April 12th all other team members can compete in an 8/9 Ball Tournament. We will have our 2022-23 Season wrap up meeting in the Clubhouse Ballroom at 10:00am on Wednesday, April 19th. At this meeting we will hand out prize money and discuss the season as well as the 2023 Summer Season. We encourage anyone who would like to join the Cresswind Bowling League for this summer league or next year 2023-24 season, as either a fulltime bowler on a team or as a substitute bowler to attend the meeting on the April 19th. If there are any questions, please contact any of the Club Board members. We are a handicap league, no need to worry about having not bowled for many years or having a low average. Information can be found on the Cresswindatll.com web page, under Clubs. Click on the Cresswind Bowling League and in the upper left-hand corner scroll down for detailed information.
Twenty twenty-three is a year that portends much change and many surprises! Although inflation has tempered a bit, there continues to be much uncertainty about the economy and geopolitical pressures. We are starting to see the effects of inflation on stocks and earnings. Predictions about the economy abound, however, predictions are based on historical data. To what extent do we trust these predictions?
While we struggle with questions about our personal finances, CIC Investment Club members share their expertise and experiences through monthly presentations. There are several long-term members as well as newer members. All CIC members take part in offering suggestions for stocks and in voting on stocks for the club. Club membership is limited to 30 members and interested residents can be put on a wait list if there are no openings.
As a service to the entire community, the Club also hosts guest financial presentations during the year which are open to all Cresswind residents. Chris Moore of Moore’s Wealth Management provided a presentation on questions that women face in retirement. He addressed questions about increases in taxes, optimizing social security income, and managing the economic environment.
We invite you to join us as a guest to learn more about the Cresswind Investment Club. Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the clubhouse kitchen. Please contact Len Greco at lengreco1104@aol. com or Cathy Hoskinson at cathy.hoskinson@gmail.com if you would like to attend.
Submitted by: Robin Foster
Cooking Club kicked off 2023 with Soup Night. Fourteen of our fabulous residents prepared their favorite soup to share with the member guests along with a delicious spread of breads and desserts that complimented the soups. Thank you to all who volunteered with this event. Volunteers for this event were invited to a “Thank You” pizza social to show our appreciation.
Officers for the 2023 Board have been selected, they are: Karen Rames, President; Tim Roth, Vice-President; Anne Van Schellenbeck, Secretary; Robin Foster, Treasurer and Playbook; Karen Geganto, Membership: Pam Mauldin, Socials; and Lynne Hayden, Cooking School. Jill Loftus and Joe Tellus round out the board as Members at Large.
Membership dues for 2023 were due by January 31, 2023. Annual dues run from January 31st to the following January 31st. Residents who are new to the community in 2023 may join by placing a $5 check, per person, in the Cooking Club mailbox that is located in the clubhouse.
Our first quarter Club Social was held January 24th in the ballroom and the turnout was fantastic. Cookies, popcorn, and punch were served. Karen Rames updated members on upcoming events, club business was discussed, and volunteer sheets were available for members to signup to help with upcoming events. Our club would not function without volunteers and there are so many opportunities, so please consider volunteering to help with an event. All skill sets are needed.
Mardi Gras event was held on February 25th with food, music, dancing, great costumes, and decorations.
Cooking School hosted two (2) events, be on the lookout for upcoming Cooking School classes.
• On January 26th, Voodoo Shrimp and Scallops
Lunch demonstration by resident chef Rob Demchak. Rob is a former Savannah restaurant owner. Guests were in for a treat.
• On February 15th, Chef Lori Ruzek, owner of Cucina Milano, demonstrated the preparation (and sampling, of course) of Elegant Hors d’Oeuvres. Lori has been our chef for many of the Cooking School classes and residents have enjoyed her food and cooking tips.
Cooking Club is partnering with Lifestyle for the Cinco De Mayo event on May 5th; therefore, Cooking Club will not have a Kentucky Derby event this year, as the Kentucky Derby falls the day after the Cinco De Mayo event. Information on this event will be upcoming, so watch for details from Cooking Club emails and the Daily Updates.
Upcoming Events for Cooking Club:
Cinco De Mayo (with Lifestyle) Friday, May 5
Fish Fry Saturday, June 10
Chili Cook Off September (TBA)
Oktoberfest Saturday, October 7
Friendsgiving Thursday, November 23
The Cresswind Performing Arts Club has started off 2023 with a BANG! We had our inaugural DANCE SHOWCASE bringing together all the dance and movement classes within Cresswind for an evening of performance and FUN! Thanks to all that participated.
We immediately moved into the ever-popular LIAR’S CLUB for three sold-out performances. The laughs were a-plenty as everyone tried to guess who was telling the truth. (HINT: Most tables could not!) Thanks to all those that participated and to the community for supporting this event every year!
Next up is the Spring Chorus production in April followed by the theatre performance in May of THE ALTOS: LIKE THE SOPRANO’S ONLY LOWER.
Remember that we have periodic meetings that you can take advantage of AND THEY ARE FREE!
• Monthly Storytellers meetings on the third Thursdays or every month at 3PM (You can tell a story or just listen to the tales they weave…some of which might actually be true!)
• Karaoke is the third Monday of every month. (You can sing or just listen! It is lots of fun!)
• Theatre-Goers Book Club meets every other month to read and review a play AND to go see a production of that same play. The February show was Pygmalion.
LOTS HAPPENING in CPAC WORLD. Keep an eye on your Daily Email Update for more information. You can always be in the know by being added to our mailing list. Send your request to performingartscresswind@ gmail.com. If you have any questions, you can direct them to the same email address.
On Monday afternoons if you stroll by the ballroom, you will hear beautiful melodies and harmonies streaming
from the rehearsals of our own Cresswind Community Chorus. The Chorus is preparing their annual SPRING MUSIC SPECTACULAR which will take place in three performances, April 13-15.
Songs this concert will include both new songs and old favorites such as: Blue Moon, Forever Young, Hey Look Me Over, Can’t Buy Me Love, I Only Have Eyes for You, What the World Needs Now is Love, I Enjoy Being a Girl by the Women’s Chorus, Seventy-Six Trombones by the Men’s Chorus and many others. Of course, the crazy UpChucks will chime in with May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose.
Tickets are $10 and will go one sale mid-March. But mark April 13-15 on your calendar now. You won’t want to miss this fun and inspirational experience.
The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre is in the middle of rehearsals for their SPRING production which is a murder mystery dinner theatre called THE ALTOS: LIKE THE SOPRANOS ONLY LOWER. It is a comedy mystery taking place at Tony’s funeral…or is it? His wife Toffee has invited you to the wake. Chris wants you “should check your weapons at the door” and if you don’t have any, he’s got extras. Uncle Senior has a rigged dice game going on and Tony’s Ma is dealing blackjack. Dr. Malaise is giving free analysis and the Father isn’t sure WHAT he is going. Be prepared to eat Italian food, dodge bullets, and laugh all night as you try to figure out who put a contract out on Tony.
Keep an eye on your Daily Email update for ticket sales information to this community favorite OR you can sign up for the CPAC email list to be in the know. Send us a request at performingartscresswind@gmail.com and request to be added. The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre can always be contacted at cresswindtheatre@ gmail.com. You can also visit our website at www. cresswindpa.com
In January 2023, we celebrated the 5th Anniversary of the Cresswind Storytelling Club! 30 people attended our January session and there were stories of “Rebirth”, Gratitude, “Special Glasses”, Survival, and a Gourd Rap Story! Where else can you come to a meeting, listen to a Rap story (that you can understand), tell a story or just listen to a wide variety of stories and receive a “Special” (albeit cheap) priceless pair of glasses to wear whenever the need arises?
THANKS to all who attend our monthly meetings - your support is greatly appreciated. Our monthly Storytelling sessions are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm in the Ballroom and usually include 8 stories and as many or more members just listening. These sessions are mini storytelling events. We would love for you to join our sessions to listen or tell a story, (there are no dues). Our stories unite us in our life’s journey. Please come to our next meetings of the Cresswind Storytellers on April 20th. You will have FUN!
The Karaoke Club had a great start to 2023 with a great crowd. Join us to sing or just listen to your favorite songs sung by your friends and neighbors. We had over 81 tunes sung in January, and everyone enjoyed a great evening. Karaoke night is the 3rd Monday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Always a fun evening full of surprises and no cost. Bring your favorite beverage and come join us for what is always a fun evening of music! You need only to show up!
Your Karaoke Team – Heidi, Kelly & Tim, Kevin & Lisa
Art in Motion, Dance & More presented their very first Dance Showcase Extravaganza on January 26th and 27th to two (2) sold out crowds. The Lanier Room was transformed with overhead and backdrop stage effects and the audience was seated on both sides and in front by the pillars. The one-hour Dance Showcase, highlighting Ballet, Ballroom, Bounce Boots, Cardio Line Dance, Choreography, Clogging, Hula and Tai Chi did not disappoint. Guests and Cresswind residents commented how impressed they were with the level of talent in our community. Our pro Ballet/ Tai Chi instructor danced a beautiful Ballet solo and performed with her two groups. Wayne Zwick, our Ballroom pro instructor, finished the show dancing a Foxtrot with the show’s producer, Wendy O’Hanlon. We look forward to another opportunity to bring the joy of dance to our Cresswind Lake Lanier community. Our gratitude to all the performers and volunteers that made this show a success!
Submitted by Abby Saccomanno
After a very successful and fun partnership with
Cresswind Living Stylishly for the fall fashion show your CLLC is looking forward to an eventful 2023. Current plans include an April event. Keep an eye on Maggie’s Daily Update for event announcements and additional information.
Submitted by: Karen Silverthorn - Coordinator
After a couple of years on hold due to Covid, Cresswind’s Dinner Club is returning! Previously known as “Adventures in Dining”, this group is now officially a “Club” and will be in our 9th year of functioning. Do you like to cook, try different ingredients, make regional and international dishes, and especially meet new neighbors? Read on!!
Our first dinner is planned for Saturday, April 15th (not March 4th as previously announced). If you are on the Dinner Club member list, you will receive an evite in early March for the April 15th dinner.
Members gather four times a year in different Cresswind homes to enjoy great multi-course meals. The menu and recipes are predetermined and sent to participants in advance of each dinner. There are always a total of 4 couples/pairs at each host home all using the same recipes and making the same courses. Singles are welcomed provided they find another single to pair with. Each couple/pair is assigned part of the meal to shop for and prepare. All food and beverage costs (average $45 - $65 per pair/couple) are shared equally among participants at each house.
If you are interested in joining or getting more info, email the Dinner Club Coordinator directly - Karen Silverthorn, silk3349@charter.net. Our mission is a simple one - to enjoy a delicious gourmet meal while meeting new neighbors around an elegant dinner table. Every meal is an adventure!
Winners of the 2022 Cresswind Fantasy Football League were announced at the annual season end party in February. League champion
Dave Siewert is on the left, along with division winners Rich Carter, Bob Smyth, and John Saccomanno.
Submitted by: Lance Haney
March and April will be a time for NEW GROWTH… all around us and especially at the Community Garden! Spring is always an exciting time of anticipation and promise in the garden. Now is the time to start visiting our Community Garden often, as change will happen fast. Daffodils, Crocuses, Tulips and Alliums should lead the way—and not too far behind will be the amazing Peonies! The garden boxes will once again be on
full display with an amazing variety of vegetables, fruits, berries, and flowers—just sprouting and getting established. The Monarch butterflies are often stealthmasters, this time of year, as they migrate north--but they still find time to sneak into our garden, unobserved, and lay eggs on the tiny sprouts of milkweed that have emerged. Come witness the miracle of spring—early and often!
Look for changes at the garden, as we experiment with different ground covers for walkways and garden box materials—in anticipating future replacement. Be on the lookout for our annual Spring Plant Sale—dates to be announced soon. Be patient with your plants at home that were affected by our December freeze. Give them time to sprout new growth before removing them (perhaps prematurely) or pruning them back too far. Many will surprise you!
Get Cresswind Community Garden Club news and helpful tips for home gardening also. Become a Friendof-the-Garden. You can volunteer, donate, and be invited to take part in all Garden Club activities and events. Just email Lance Haney at lancehaney1@gmail.com to be added to the contact list. Want to rent a garden box at the Community Garden? Contact Susan Dodd at susan8405@comcast.net to get on the waiting list. Join us on Facebook at Cresswind at LL Community Garden.
Do you have a desire to know who your ancestors were? Ever wonder what their lives may have been like with no electricity, no running water, no cell phones, or internet? Come join us and let us help you in your search. Club members have a wealth of knowledge and are more than willing to help you get started.
The Genealogy Club now gives live demonstrations due to excellent internet connectivity. Building family trees on Ancestry, searching sites such as Fold3, Find-AGrave, Newspapers.com, and Wiki on Family Search are just a few examples.
The Genealogy Club meets the 4th Wednesday of every other month February – October at 7:00 pm in the Georgia Room. Want more information? Contact one of the facilitators: Howie Mueller accudart556@yahoo.com or Dave Dittmeier DaDittmeier@gmail.com.
You might be a genealogist if……......you can remember obscure information about your greatgreat-great grandfather, but not what you had for lunch.
The Living Stylishly Club is up and running for 2023 with both new and returning members to the Board which include:
President: Jackie Edginton
Vice President: Flo Swartz
Treasurer: Carol Marlarney
Secretary: Sue Joninas
WebMaster: Deena Demchak
Members at Large: Abby Saccamanno, Arlene Teare, Debbie Cox, Diane Jaseckas, Mary Jo Smith, Sandra Nelson, and Susan Nix
The Club opened the year at Cork It in Gainesville Square on February 28th by hosting a fun ‘Meet and Greet’. Members had a blast socializing over savory pizza and perfectly paired wine. A most delicious and auspicious start to the new year of exciting events for the Club.
Other notable events to be hosted by Living Stylishly span a wide array of interests. At the Pavilion on April 8th, the Club invites Nathan Wilson from Lanier Nursery to demonstrate and showcase how to decorate with plants in containers as well as provide ground cover recommendations and much more. The Nursery will then host a hands-on workshop the following week for you to create your own container masterpiece. It will be a BYOC (Bring Your Own Container) event at Lanier Nursery so bring a pot, some plants and get expert advice on your personal arrangements.
The big one – our annual Fashion Show - is coming in May. This year’s show will feature a travel-related theme. Come learn how to put together a travel capsule, choose the right luggage and get information about travel services to make your trip smoother and getting through the airport a breeze! Our Cresswind travel agent Mimi Stzutz has graciously agreed to share her wealth of knowledge with us about how to have the trips of a lifetime with a minimum of angst.
If either of these events sound like your brand of fun, then we’d love for you to join our Club so you may attend them with us. Joining is as easy as placing a check for $5 in the lobby mailbox and payment covers your membership through December 2023. Dues renewal for 2024 will be collected in January 2024.
Hurry – the fun is only beginning!
Our club got off to a good start in January with planning meeting at one of our member’s homes. Jake Master hosted our general meeting in his train
room so we could learn a great deal about his layout, construction, and design there-of, and we were able to operate trains and locomotives that we brought to the meeting. Attached are several photos taken, and Brian Olson captured a video of operations and placed that on our You-Tube video channel he made for the club. You can view at this link on YouTube… YouTube/Z-ZcA40GCzs.
We have some very exciting plans for 2023, including bi-monthly general meetings where we will observe and operate at various member homes, learn the more important technical issues pertaining to loco operation, computer controls, and scenic application for realism. We also have two events where we will exhibit our module layout in the clubhouse and operate for Cresswind residents and their children/grandchildren…see schedule below:
• March 21, 2:00 pm at the home of Brian Olson…studying his home layout and operation; Brian will also provide education on how any of us could easily produce videos of our layout operations.
• May 16, 2:00 pm at the home of Bob Edmond… here we will review his construction detail and layout operation and scenery details; we will add other technical training as desired.
• July 21-23, a weekend operation of our modular layout during the “Grandparents Weekend” will inclure lots of activities for your kids/grandkids planned, and we will set-up just inside the clubhouse downstairs in the Lanier Room to exhibit our modular layout.
• December 1-3, another weekend exhibit of our modular layout during the “Christmas” event. We also have some meeting dates where planning is still underway…please check the Daily Updates for latest news or changes. And we are also researching for ‘field trip’ opportunities in the metro Atlanta/North Georgia areas later this year… keep watching for updates. Photos of Jake Master’s layout.
Submitted by: Cassie Caton
It is no surprise that despite the below normal cold temps and constant wind this winter, our pickleball members have withstood the cold and taken to the courts on any reasonably good day to get out and play. By the time this WATERFALL issue arrives, we are all hoping for warmer temps in which to enjoy all the pickleball events and activities this club has planned.
We started our year off with the club’s annual meeting on January 18th followed by a fun night of “White Elephant Bingo”. Members donated everything from “redneck wind chimes” to a brand new pendant chandelier. Gary Crawford and Howie Mueller entertained us as bingo hosts and made sure most of the 100+ attendees went home with a
prize of some kind. The Grand prize fishing kayak donated by Faith & Ken Goodman was won by Barbara Kalina, and the second grand prize of $50 in gift cards was won by Carol Taylor. This event sets the tone for what expects to be a very busy year for club events you won’t want to miss. On February 4th the annual Polar Express was played in a morning and afternoon scramble format.
If you are interested in learning to play pickleball, novice/low intermediate classes are led by Jim Snell. There has been a big interest in drilling. Sep Khameneh is leading intermediate/advanced drills on Thursdays at 11:00 am following open play. Weather has not been real cooperative on the days set for “learn to play” but we will keep trying. Anticipate more training and drilling opportunities through spring and in the fall.
Some of the upcoming events/tournaments the club board is planning include the annual Clay Myers Tournament (April 15); NGHS Scrambles (June 3rd); A Tri-Cresswind Club Tournament (at CWTL May 20th); the Reed Financial Tournament (September 9th); and the Cresswind Cup (October). If that isn’t enough, a 55+ inter-community league is under consideration as well as internal flex leagues. Your board welcomes volunteers for all of these events, and there will be many opportunities to sign up to help.
Visit the Pickleball Club website ( www. cresswindpickleball.com) to join the club (dues are $10), keep informed, shop for logo items, view instructional videos, get updates on upcoming events, and more. Also join the Cresswind at LL Pickleball Club Facebook page to connect with players, see links to YouTube lessons, and more. Mark your calendars for these 2023 upcoming activities and in the meantime come out to open play and pickle with your friends and neighbors. See you on the courts.
The Pinochle Club is always looking for more people to play Double Deck Pinochle with us. If you don’t know how to play the game, we will teach you. If you haven’t played in a long time, we will refresh your memory. If you are a seasoned player, jump right on in with us. We meet every Saturday at 1:00 pm in the Card Room on the second floor of the Clubhouse. You can stop by any time. If you have any questions, feel free to call or text Alex Ford at 908-938-0662.
Pictured are our Pinochle Players. Seated left to right: Eddie and Linda Burgess, Kathy Remsen, Renee Rizzo, and George Sampson. Standing left to right: Bob Tynan, Judy and Gary Lowen, Steve Remsen, and Alex Ford.
Our Group leader refers to us as the “Material Ladies” in all her communications. It’s a fun way to be addressed as we are all fabric fanatics. Our current project is the “Quilt of Valor” which will be donated to a Veteran who has served our country. A recipient who recently passed away had his donated Quilt with him when he went to his final resting place. This was quite an honor to us. He did not know us, but we will remember him. Come join us on Thursdays at 1:00 pm to see what we do in the Arts and Crafts room. You might become a fanatic too.
and caring can bring.
Conceived and initiated during our COVID YEARS, our Random Acts of Kindness team (RAOK) anonymously (and often under the cover of darkness) randomly place these solar-powered butterflies, flowers and statuettes around our community as a way to give ‘Blessings’ to all who live here. The RAOK volunteers believe that even simple gestures such as randomly relocating a solar-powered butterfly among our neighbors can help remind people that we are ‘in community’ with each other.
Submitted by: Laura Martin
All residents are invited to play Rummikub every Friday at 12:30 in the Crow’s Nest. Rummikub is an easy tile game based on the card game Rummy. Just like in Rummy, the goal is to create sets of numbers and sequences of numbers but there are also two wild tiles that throw a twist in the game. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play because we are happy to teach you. So come play every Friday!
Have you recently moved here and would like to learn to play cards? What a great way to make new friends! Whether you are new to Cresswind or have lived here a long time, we’d like to invite you to join in the fun we’re having playing Samba. If you’ve ever played Canasta or especially Hand and Foot, you will catch onto Samba fairly easily. However, even if you are new to cards, come join us. I can email you a sheet explaining the game, then you can sit in with us, and we’ll teach you to play. No commitments, just show up in the Billiards Room on Fridays before 12:30 to meet everyone. We play three games and are usually through by around 3:00. Friendly competition done with laughter and conversation. We draw cards to see who plays with who, so we can play with different people each week. Questions? Email Mary Ann Hoyle mam44p@yahoo.com.
Have you ever seen these around our neighborhood? Have they ever ‘magically appeared’ in your own front yard?
Did they ‘magically disappear’ after several days, only to ‘magically reappear’ in another neighbor’s front yard? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, you have witnessed and experienced the ‘magic’ that random acts of kindness
welcomed all of our Cresswind neighbors to enjoy a Hanukah party after the candle lighting on Tuesday, December 20th. Thanks to all the Shalom Club members who cooked the 150 latkes we served, all who attended and the wonderful set up and cleanup crew and of course the committee who organized this great event! As Rabbi Gurevitz shared, it only takes one candle to light a room, and we can all be that candle in the lives of others. **Annual dues are $10/ person. Thank you to those who paid. Please contact Miriam Rosenberg or bring dues to the next gathering in March.
For the upcoming holiday of Purim in early March, we will be having our second annual hamantaschen bake. Hamantaschen are three cornered fruitfilled cookies that are eaten on this holiday. Purim commemorates the defeat of Haman, the advisor to the Persian king, and his plot to massacre the Jewish people, 2,500 years ago, as recorded in the biblical book of Esther. We hope to see everyone on Sunday, March 5th at 11:00 am in the Cresswind Kitchen.
If you would like to join the Shalom Club or want more information about the Club, please reach out to Miriam Rosenberg (grammycooks716@gmail.com) 954-501-9249 or Karen Walters (karsuew@gmail. com) 301-461-1900.
Submitted by: Barbara Hillick
Are you ready to forget about the bad weather and have some fun? Cresswind Social Singles activities are a great way to meet new people and see old friends. A Chili Cook off with the proceeds going to the Good Samaritan Food Ministries was recently held. There have already been several successful game nights with more events in the works. Social Singles has hiking/walking/kayaking groups, bowling, theatre/movie going, day trips, luncheon groups and
much more. Although we like to have fun, we try to give back to the community. Many dedicated club members volunteer with charities like My Sister’s Place, the Good Samaritan Food Ministries, and others. If you are single, are ready to be involved with this fun group or just want more information, please access the link on the Cresswind website and share your contact information. You will be called by a member who will answer any questions you may have. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Submitted by Dan Skeels
Sports and Games will hold their next Bingo night on March 7th at 7:00PM. As always it will be a fun filled evening with fabulous prizes and snacks. There
will be restaurant gift cards for Bingo winners and raffle drawings for the fabulous prizes. Also, we will have a Grand Prize drawing for a restaurant gift card. Tickets will go on sale the February 24th and 27th at 2:00 pm in the lobby.
Submitted by: Danny Brown
The new Tennis Club Board will have their first meeting in early February to get our plans for 2023 in order. Thank you to the 2022 Tennis Club Board for leaving the new board in such good shape. Many things will be the same, if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. However, we are looking for new ideas, so feel free to contact someone on the Board if you have an idea to improve the club or a social or tennis event or activity you think may be fun or competitive. We have two new Social Committee members, Ed and Jane Erkes have volunteered but we could use additional help with the important social activities.
2023 Board members: President: Danny Brown, Vice President: Nancy Stockwell, Secretary: Gerry Cieply, Treasurer: Shirley Osterioh, At Large: Judy Cox, Donna Fillmon, Roger Otto and Martha Roberts, Past President: Sandy Barmak, Social Committee: Ed Erkes and Jane Erkes, Skill Development: Bill Papciak.
Spring is around the corner and that means our spring leagues will be getting under way. Look out for email or posting on the website soon for the latest information. For the Silverball league that starts in March you can contact Dan Skeels at dan.skeels@ hotmail.com. These men’s teams play doubles against nearby clubs in away and home matches for the season bragging rights. Bill Papciak the captain of the Men’s USTA 55+ team and member of the Northeast Georgia Tennis Association (NEGTA / USTA Board of Directors) will be putting his team together soon. The rest of the competitive play such as our resident mixed doubles and others will be announced soon. So, stay on the lookout for great tennis playing opportunities.
Keep an eye out for Bill Papciak announcements
on time and dates for the tennis clinics that he and his skilled instructors provide. These clinics are for all skill levels and will improve your strokes and make playing tennis more enjoyable. They usually complete drills with instruction and then some doubles play. After you participate in a clinic, look for an opportunity to play in the open play. Open play times are Monday, ladies; Wednesday, men; and Friday, mixed doubles all at 9:30am. We will also have the Men’s Evening Challenge back this spring but waiting on the USTA team schedule, so we don’t conflict. For more tennis club happenings and information, please visit our website at https://cresswindll.wixsite.com/ cwtennis, or contact our President Danny Brown at dannybrown58@comcast.net. Tennis anyone?
Submitted by: Debbie Aery
As we head into 2023, our Board Members are: President – Debbie Aery; Vice President – Laurie Homa; Secretary –Sheran Connelly; Treasurer –Deena Demchak; Members at Large – Robin Dickson; Cathy Stout; Rosemary Shaffer; Rosemary Smith; and Janis Power. We will continue working with Mark and Cheri at A Plus Tours again this year.
Our January 17th trip was to the “College Football Hall of Fame and Chick-fil-A- Backstage Tour”. Laurie and A Plus showed us travelers a great day of fun.
In February, we traveled to the Holly Theatre after a great lunch at the Smith House with good Southern Food. Thank you to Robin Dickson for hosting a fabulous sold-out trip.
March 21st is “The Taste of Gainesville”. This trip hosted by yours truly will be lots of fun and great venues to visit. We can share more info about this trip at the next publication of the Waterfall.
Please go to the Travel Club Website to see a listing of trips for 2023. Should anything change, we will update the Website. So, check in periodically.
We are still accepting dues of $5.00 to join the Community Travel Club Membership. Make your checks payable to CTC and put in the Travel Club mailbox in the Clubhouse. If you decided to join us after January 31st, we gladly welcome you as a member on the Cresswind Travel Team.
Our General Meetings are held at 4:00 pm on the first Thursday of each month in the Ballroom. At each meeting we draw 4 lucky winners for a $50.00 Gift Certificate which can be used on either Day Trips or Overnight Trips. Come travel with us!!!
We are NOT just a Club; we are an Adventure! Check us out at www.cresswindveterans.org. Another little-known fact, you do not have to be a Veteran to be a member. If you are a supporter of Veterans, and desire to help & support our cause of giving back to Veterans in need in Hall County, and many other charitable activities, please join our Ranks, it is that easy.
2023 has begun with an even greater caseload of vetting Veterans in need, and we have no plans to slow down in our other activities – scholarships to University of North Georgia, Hospice, Vets Court, Habitat for Humanity, temporary housing, groceries, transportation, clothing & coat Drive, and supporting local shelters & food pantries - just to name a few. Our first General Meeting of 2023 included a changing of the guard (so to speak). Before we introduce you to our newest Board Members, we need to thank our “Old Guard” who have volunteered much more than their precious time over the years, but their hearts. These folks still plan to be very active members so when you see them, tap them on the shoulder and say thank you to: Kim Koenig, Fred Bowman, Bill Edmondson and Paul Beiger. Welcoming our newest Board Members: Rosemarie Bower, Denise Samples, Paul Erickson, and Henry Jackson. Also, a huge welcome to our new “club” members! Without you, your efforts and generosity, we certainly could not accomplish our mission. Thank you!
Garett at Gainesville Auto Fitness has been a great friend and supporter of the Cresswind LL Veterans charity for years. He recently came through again, helping us support a Gainesville homeless Veteran! We have been trying to help this Veteran since late December, by paying to fix her barely
working car, so she can continue to drive to work. For whatever reason, maybe pride, she has been reluctant to accept our help. So surprisingly she called right at the end of January, to ask again for our assistance. We then called Garett to see if he could help. He immediately offered to repair her car, charging nothing for the labor and only the wholesale cost of the parts! She was an hour late for her appointment when we called her again, telling her we could no longer help her if she wouldn’t help herself! Tough love… It worked – she was at Auto Fitness within 20 minutes. Garett called to let us know that her car needed so much work and it is a safety concern - the doors would not even open, the driver window could not be rolled up or down; she had to crawl out the passenger window to enter and exit her car. Switches and wires would have to be replaced. The running lights didn’t work. Garett agreed to fix everything required, to include replacing the door, so she could keep her job. What a most generous thing to do! It’s great friends like Garett who allow us to accomplish our mission – helping deserving Hall County Veterans and their families live a better life, and to thank them for what they sacrificed for all of us.
Sometimes kindness and a little help is all we can do for a person. We found out this 73-year-old male Veteran has been homeless for a little over a year and half. He was married for 40+ years, then things changed in the worst way for him. His marriage ended in a divorce almost two years ago, then his health started to decline soon after. He had multiple surgeries, and then he became homeless. Around Christmas time of 2022, he had another surgery to remove part of his large intestine, and he needed a place to stay for recovery and to heal properly. His sister could only help him with a temporary stay at a motel, so we stepped in to help. With your support & donations we were able to extend his stay for seven more days at the same motel. We also provided him with a bicycle, so he can go to his follow-up doctor appointments. As seen in the picture, Robin Dickson (pictured left, one of our board members), delivered the bicycle to him at the local motel he was staying.
Make a Difference in Someone’s Life…and Yours!
St Patrick’s Day Spring Celebration!
All Members and Cresswind Residents Welcome!
1st Quarter Meeting & Social
Friday, March 17th, Clubhouse Ballroom
00 – 4:30 Refreshments, Entertainment, Social, Business Meeting – 2023 is off to a successful start!
Entertainment: A variety of Saint Patrick’s Day Performers and Music!
7th Annual Meeting was held January 25, 2023
Our 7th Annual Meeting featured Leadership Team Volunteers as speakers. Thank You Russ Williams, John Ulam, Wilton Rooks, Ron Stowe, Bill Papciak.
Recognition and Thanks were given to Diane McIntee who finished her term as Chair of the Grant Committee, and Margie Rosen for her long-term volunteer service as she continues leading the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Team.
Longtime 7 Year Member, Board Director/Advisor, and major contributor Robert Horne was recognized. Robert and Ann Horne recently moved from Cresswind to Lanier Village and were honored guests. Gene Evans was recognized as he continues 7+ years of volunteering as Treasurer, Board Advisor/Director, Bench Program Director, and Help Me Please volunteer.
Members e-voted a week prior to the meeting for five new Board Directors to serve two-year terms. The election results were announced, and they are: Bud Baker, Lois Ehlers, Cathy Jeffrey, Bill Papciak, John Ulam. Also approved by members were By-Laws changes recently reviewed by membership.
The eight 2023 Board of Directors are the above mentioned five and Russ Williams, Carol Hanlon, Mark Nestle.
The nine 2023 Board Advisors are Wilton Rooks, Elaine Wood, Arnie McCleese, Wilson Golden, Sue Garcia, Dave Rader, Tim Roth, Ron Stowe, Susie Holbrook.
Cresswind LL Community Fund Mission Statement
To enhance the lives of adults, primarily 55 and older, through charitable, educational, medical health, & cultural opportunities in Gainesville & Hall County.
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement is the world’s largest peer-to-peer fundraising event dedicated to saving lives from cancer. For over 35 years, communities across the world have come together to honor and remember loved ones and take action for lifesaving change. Our mission is to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer. Our Hall County Relay For Life Event is scheduled for April 21, 2023, 6 PM-Midnight at University of North Georgia, 3820 Mundy Mill Rd, Oakwood, GA 30566. If you would like to know how to get involved, please contact Pavica Brajinovic at pavica. brajinovic@cancer.org or 678-528-1998. Thank you for your support!
In July of last year an exploratory meeting was held to determine if there was sufficient interest to form a Parkinson’s Support Group at Cresswind. It turned out the interest to form a support group was much greater than anticipated. The first meeting held in the Crow’s Nest had over 30 attendees and clearly showed the desire by all to have a Parkinson’s Support Group here at Cresswind. Based the interest, the first formal group meeting was held in July. Since that first meeting officers have been elected and meetings have been scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month with a guest speaker every other month.
Please bear in mind the Parkinson’s Support Group is not a club but rather a resource learning opportunity. The purpose of the Parkinson’s Group is to establish a resource group which will provide a place for learning, exchange of information and as needed, to be a support mechanism for other group members dealing with Parkinson’s issues. While the group was formed to provide support for Parkinson’s issues, all Cresswind homeowners are welcome. Please check the daily update for our next meeting date/time and scheduled agenda.
The red tulip has been associated with Parkinson’s awareness since 1980 when a Dutch horticulturalist who had Parkinson’s disease developed a red and white tulip and named it “Dr. James Parkinson.” In April 2005, the red tulip was launched as the Worldwide Symbol of Parkinson’s Disease at the 9th World PD Day Conference in Luxembourg. This stylized red tulip, with leaves shaped like the letters “P” and “D”, was designed by Karen Painter, who has early-onset PD. Karen and Jean Burns, were behind the movement for it to become the nationally recognized symbol for Parkinson’s Disease Awareness.