Business Link May-June 2023

Page 13



Chairman’s Column

page 2

New Youth Leadership Hall

page 6

Meetings & Events

page 7

Member News

pages 8-9

Chamber Chase 5K Highlights

page 12

Small Business Spotlight

page 13

Healthy Hall Awards

page 16

New Members

page 17

Ribbon Cuttings

page 18-19

save the date

Thursday, May 11

Annual Meeting & Gala

Chattahoochee Country Club

Tuesday, May 16

Business After Hours

SGL Wealth Management

Tuesday, June 27

Business After Hours

Five Thirty Nine Office Building

115th Annual Meeting & Gala

Thursday, May 11

6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Chattahoochee Country Club

HALL Youth Leadership

featured member
the new Youth Leadership Hall Class on page 6. Founded in 2005, Youth Leadership now has 1,200 student graduates and is grooming our next generation of community leaders.

from the chairman

Celebrating a year of success


VOLUME 28 ISS UE 11-12

McKemie West, Editor • Email:

230 E.E. Butler Pkwy Gainesville GA 30501 770-532-6206

Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce 2023-2024 Executive Committee

and Hall County. Since 2015, 149 new and expanding businesses have announced 8,400 jobs and $2.4 billion in new capital investment.

Chairman William Bagwell

Homestead Investments


Brett Fowler Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance

William Bagwell

Homestead Investments

2022-23 Chairman, Greater Hall Chamber

As I wind up my term as chairman of the Greater Hall Chamber, I reflect upon my mission statement for the year – The life we live today is the legacy of tomorrow. It's been important to me that, as a community and as individuals, we build upon the successes of others. All the while, not forgetting who we are or where we come from. I believe this year has been a success on many fronts. We've built on our legacy of success and forged some new paths as well.

The Greater Hall Workforce Development Task Force is providing skill ready employees for area businesses. Youth Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning opportunities for students are at an all-time high. Over 2,700 7th graders from area schools recently participated in Career Path Fairs, and the recent Spring Job Fair saw over 500 job seekers in attendance.

For 2022, 15 new and expanding firms added 1,400 new jobs and $700 million in capital investment to Gainesville

We continue to reign as Northeast Georgia’s primary trade and healthcare area serving over 500,000 residents with significant retail growth in all parts of Gainesville -Hall County. Downtown Gainesville is experiencing tremendous revitalization with the addition of high-end residential, retail and commercial developments. Other communities are booming as well – Braselton, Flowery Branch, Lula and Oakwood. Gainesville-Hall County is home to some 500 healthcare service providers employing 16,000 people, or approximately 15% of the Hall County workforce.

Participation in the Chamber’s Small Business programs continues to grow with 900+ total seminar participants and 30 small businesses earning “Certified Small Business Partner” designation in 2022.

As we continue on our legacy journey, I would like to thank Kit Dunlap and the Chamber staff for their hard work and dedication and Chamber Officers for volunteering their time and talents to make our Chamber and community the most outstanding in the state.

Brenau University at Chamber Board of Directors


Perry Barnett Rushton

Vice Chair

Economic Development

Glennis Barnes

Georgia Power

Vice Chair Marketing

Missy Burgess

Lanier Islands

Vice Chair Government Affairs

Drew Echols

Jaemor Farms

Vice Chairs, Education

Andi Farmer

Milton Martin Honda

Lauren Armour Talley

Lanier Technical College

Vice Chair

South Hall Council

Mike Zeiler Marel

Vice Chair Community Development

Margaret Spratlin

Longstreet Clinic

Chair Vision 2030

Tate O’Rouke

Jackson EMC

Anna Hester Executive Director

Vice Chairs Membership

Tammy Caudell Carroll

Daniel Construction

Casey Ryals, Hall County

Farm Bureau Insurance

Co-Chairs HALLmark

Phil Bonelli

Regions Bank

Philip Wilheit, Jr

Wilheit Packaging

2023-2024 Board of Directors

Christa Andrews, Corporate Storage

Edward Asbridge, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch

Brian Barfield, AT&T

Neal Booth, Pinnacle Bank

Chris Braswell The Norton Agency

Chris Brown Delta Community Credit Union

Whitney Brown Stewart, Melvin & Frost

Dan Carey, TRUIST

Kit Charest Marel

Mitch Clarke, AccessWDUN

Kay Cochran Cochran Brothers Electric

Sean Couch Northeast Georgia Health System

Sam Couvillon, Mayor, City of Gainesville

Shanna Cronic, Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic

S. Wade Dale Mayor, City of Gillsville

Andrew Davenport, A New Veteran

Stacey Dickson Lake Lanier CVB

Beth Downs Northeast Georgia Health System

Jessica Dudley, United Way of Hall County

Cody Elder Coca-Cola Bottling Gainesville/United

Michelle Moore Ellis, Moore's Wealth Management

Joy Griffin, Gainesville City Schools

Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota

Richard Higgins Chair, Hall County Commission

Sam Hulsey United Community Bank

Rick Humphrey, Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

Jordan Hussey, J's Place Recovery Center

Carli Jones, Jaemor Farms

Jay Kelly Signs by Tomorrow

Jay Kilroy, Willis Investment Counsel

Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Investments

David Lee, Jackson EMC

Dr. Kate Maine University of North Georgia

Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO

Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant

Economic Development

Tim Evans, Vice President

Senior Advisor

Brian Daniel

Carroll Daniel Construction

Immediate Past Chair

Phil Sutton

Kubota Manufacturing of America

President & CEO Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Kit Dunlap

Megan Martin, North GA Community Foundation

Ward McCamy, Bank of America

Tim McDonald, Lanier Technical College

Mike McGraw, Ranger Manufacturing

Terry Merck American Yazaki Corporation

Sheri Millwood Oakwood City Council

Steve Naughton Enterprise Solutions

Chris Nish Cottrell

James Nix Mayor, City of Clermont

Matt Nix Duplicating Products

Ryan Owen, Kubota Manufacturing of America

Dr. Jeff Payne Capstone Property Group

Michele Piucci, Peach State Bank & Trust

Stacey Poole McDonald's NEGA

Col. Stas Preczewski, Riverside Preparatory Academy

Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy

Vanesa Sarazua Hispanic Alliance Georgia

Britt Sawyer, Sawyer Media Group

Will Schofield Hall County School System

Mulham Shbeib, Mar-Jac Poultry

John Simpson, Lakeview Academy

Dr. Anne Skleder Brenau University

Jackie Walters Slaughter Walters Management Co

Terry Spicer King’s Hawaiian Bakery

Kevin Strada, The Atlanta Falcons

Joe Thomas Mayor, City of Lula

Kurt Ward Mayor, Town of Braselton

Layna Weldon, State Farm Insurance

Lila Westmoreland Brenau University

Philip Wilheit, Sr., Wilheit Packaging

Jeff Williams Gee Heating & Air

Dr. Jeremy Williams Gainesville City Schools

John Wright Fieldale Farms

Greater Hall Chamber Staff

Government Affairs

Kit Dunlap President & CEO

Anna Hester

Membership Development

Nikki Chandler, VP Existing Industry

Savannah Garrick, Project Manager

Abby Greenwood, Intern

Finance & Administration

Mark VanTassel VP

Education & Leadership

Jason Pruitt VP

Brenau University President Dr. Anne Skleder, staff and trustees attended the Chamber's recent Board of Directors Meeting. (Front Row, L-R) Kit Dunlap, Dixie Truelove, Amy Whitley, Dr. Anne Skleder, Jody Wall, Sissy Lawson

(Back Row, L-R) Pete Miller, Mike Smith, Matt Thomas, Anna Jacobs, Rob Fowler, Jeff Payne

Christen Wilbanks VP Sales

Ellie Parker, VP Events

Marissa Maynor Sales & Events

South Hall Council

Ellie Parker, VP Membership Events

Community Development

Robin Halstead VP


Anna Hester Executive Director

Marketing & Communications

Kemie West Business Link Editor/ Consultant

Chamber Welcome Center

Robin Halstead Manager Intern

Sarah Nolan Brenau University

The mission of the Greater Hall Chamber is to improve the overall business climate for member growth, promote community development, facilitate political action, and enhance the quality of life.

May • June 2023 | 2

economic development

Hundreds seek employment at Job Fair

The TD Automotive Compressor GA (TACG) Team at the Chamber's Spring Job Fair on April 13. The event drew hundreds of job seekers. The Job Fair was presented by Northeast Georgia Health System and sponsored by Express Employment Professionals, TD Automotive Compressor GA (TACG), Northside Hospital, Spherion Staffing, Acts Retirement Life Communities, King's Hawaiian, Mars Wrigley, Resilux America and Societal CDMO Job Fairs are a partnership of the Greater Hall Chamber, Georgia Department of Labor and Lanier Technical College. The Fall Job Fair is Thursday, September 14 (10am-2pm) at the Gainesville Civic Center. Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206. Email:

Annual AgriBusiness Awards

South Hall Business Coalition

AgriBusiness Recognition Awards were presented on April 18 at Jaemor Farms. Awards are given annually to recognize and show appreciation of the agribusiness and agricultural community in Hall County. 2023 Recipients (L-R) Friend of Agriculture Dianne Westmoreland, USDA Farm Service Agency for Georgia; Abit Massey for the Georgia Poultry Federation, AgriBusiness of the Year; Farmers of the Year Paige & Chris Little, owners, Circle L Farms in Lula; Drew Echols, Jaemor Farms (event sponsor); Senator Shelly Echols The Agriculture Hall of Fame Award was presented to William McKinny, posthumous. McKinney was a resident of Hall County who was involved in the building of the first gas-powered plow.

(L-R) Tim Evans, VP Economic Development, Greater Hall Chamber; South Hall Council Chair Mike Zeiler, Marel; Anthony Williamson, President, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton; Lane Walberg, Georgia Mountains YMCA, at the recent South Hall Business Coalition program at the Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton where the group heard from Anthony Williams, President. The South Hall Business Coalition meets monthly on topics of importance to the South Hall community and is sponsored by AccessWDUN, Milton Martin Honda, Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton, Signs by Tomorrow, South Hall Rotary and Store More Self Storage

The South Hall Business Coalition recently met at the King's Hawaiian Bakery and heard about the plant's expansion from Plant Director Rob Hathy and participated in a tour of the bakery. (Right) Terry Spicer offers freshly baked King's Hawaiian rolls to the group. The South Hall Business Coalition will meet on Tuesday, June 6 (9-10am) at the Hall County Sheriff's Office South Precinct and hear an update from Sheriff Gerald Couch. Get meeting details and register online at

May • June 2023 | 4

economic development

Career Path Fairs host 2,700 students

Transportation Forum

The 7th Grade Career Path Fairs held in March hosted some 2,700 7th graders from Gainesville-Hall County Schools. The program, a collaboration of the Greater Hall Chamber, Vision 2030, University of North Georgia Gainesville, Lanier Technical College, and Brenau University, provided middle school students with an overview of the many career opportunities in our community. Some 90 business, industry and professional speakers led career overviews to help students learn about various jobs and careers.

Marketing seminar for small business

The Chamber's Transportation Forum on April 11 featured Russell McMurry, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). (L-R) Neal Booth, Pinnacle Bank; Richard Higgins, Chair, Hall County Commission; Commissioner Russell McMurry, GDOT; Sam Couvillon, Mayor, City of Gainesville; Kit Dunlap, Greater Hall Chamber; Brian Rochester, Rochester|DCCM . This important forum was open to the public and included discussion on area GDOT projects with Chamber members, businesses and community leaders. The event was presented by Pinnacle Bank and Rochester|DCCM

ZF Showcases Prototype Technologies

Greater Hall Chamber Members at the recent Small Business Success Seminar, (L-R) Mike McGraw, Ranger MFG; Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones; Marsha Hopkins, Hopkins Associates; Elaine Hortman, Center Point; Seminar Presenters Katie Dubnik and Nick Kastner, Forum Communications. Members heard an outstanding program from Forum Communications –How Modern Marketers Focus on Business Goals to Drive Results – with marketing experts Katie Dubnik and Nick Kastner.

Chamber representatives at ZF Group's eXPO in March. (L-R) Tim Evans, Greater Hall Chamber; Brian Daniel, Carroll Daniel Construction; Brandon Loftus, ZF Gainesville; Tate O’Rouke, Jackson EMC; Chris Berryman, Carroll Daniel Construction. ZF Gainesville hosted the ZF Group eXPO at the industry's Palmour Drive facility in Gainesville to showcase ZF prototype technologies for future hybrid and all-electric vehicle drive-train systems. ZF employees, area high school students and business leaders were invited to tour ZF’s eXPO and learn about the future technologies of mobility.

May • June 2023 | 5

Cherokee Bluff High School

Caleb Davis

Madison Huckleberry

Addison Kemp

Tanaka Mukono

Ethan Muyres

James Rivenbark

Emma Sundermeyer

Kate Williams

Chestatee High School

Abby Allgood

Payton Cable

Sara Everett

Carter Forrester

Jesus Hernandez

Summer Jones

Jack Tucker

East Hall High School

Edgar Cruz-Martinez

Megan Faulkner

Joshua Gonzalez

Shyna Hernandez-Sanchez

Haley Jarrard

Peyton Llewallyn

Maya Teisier

Johnson High School

Geraldine Amaya

Lucy Bagwell

Pedro Camacho

Clarissa Carrillo

Isobel McCain

Nancy Nguyen

Flowery Branch High School

Jack Breakfield

Olivia Heck

Ella Lemon

Landon Mealor

Ava Nardone

Richney Nguyen

Lydia O'Neill

Anna Turpin

Darius Walters

Gainesville High School

Josie Brosky

Stuart Daniel

Adriana Delgado

Madilyn Dye

Chloe Edwards

Caro Garlich

Jacob Griffin

Kailey Owens

Brigham Ralston

Kinsleigh Teasley

Lillie Evan Young

Lakeview Academy

Hank Brock

William Harrison

Madison Loggins

Kathryn McWhorter

Annie Nivens

Pavani Reddy

Lanier Christian Academy

Gracie Cooper

Annabelle Foster

Quintin Winfrey

For more on Youth Leadership Hall, contact Jason Pruitt, 770-532-6206 or, or visit

2023 |

Lanier College & Career Academy

Bailey Ganulin

Brooklyn Guitrau

Janiah Hayes

Aaron Mateos

North Hall High School

Hudson Everett

Sarah Gibson

Rebekah Halstead

Charlie House

MaKayla Jones

Jacquelyn Owens

Ansley Smith

Mary Eloise Tymchuk

Riverside Preparatory Academy

Brady Kriegel

Emiliano Navarro-Miguel

Kolaiah Newkirk

Leo Zeng

West Hall High School

Diana Bonilla

Ashley Castillo

Amy Nguyen

Cayla Radich

Alexis Smith

Logahn Smith

Grace Yancey

HALL Youth Leadership

Founded in 2005

May • June
NOW OPEN in Gainesville M – F | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 1498 Jesse Jewell Parkway SE, Suite D | Gainesville, GA 30501 | 770-685-6347

meetings events

Small Business Seminar "Outsourcing Success"

Tuesday, May 9

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber or via Zoom

Join Angela Banks, Client Solutions Executive at Notary Pros, for tips on implementing a successful outsourcing strategy. Notary Pros is a nationwide document handing service, and trusted national partner of major companies that provides a mobile delivery of time-critical documents to clients and associates across Georgia and the USA. No Charge for Chamber Members. Register at Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206.

Business After Hours

SGL Wealth Management

Tuesday, May 16 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. | 605 Green Street

Join the SGL Wealth Management team as they celebrate 15 years of serving Gainesville -Hall County and helping clients achieve their financial goals. They invite you to the front lawn of their Historic Green Street home for food and fun. Enjoy tacos from the Super Tacos Food Truck, drinks, lawn games, music, prizes and more! $5 Chamber Member; $15 Non-Member. Register at Christen Wilbanks, 770-532-6206.

Small Business Seminar

"Building a Drug Free Workplace"

Tuesday, June 13

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber or via Zoom

Learn about the benefits and best practices of drug free workplaces. The Council on Alcohol and Drugs' Drug Free Workplace Director Karen Tinker will focus on small and medium sized businesses and provide awareness around specific drugs and discuss suicide prevention. No Charge for Chamber Members. Register at Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206.

Business After Hours Five Thirty Nine Office Building

Tuesday, June 27 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. | 539 Green Street

Join us on the front lawn for food, drinks, and networking to celebrate the reopening of Five Thirty Nine, brokered and managed by The Norton Agency and owned by The John and Cori Davenport Family. Located on historical Green Street, the property offers executive office suites with state-of-the-art technology and amenities. $5 Chamber Member; $15 Non-Member. Register at Christen Wilbanks, 770-532-6206.

calendar of events


Wednesday, May 3

Healthcare Committee

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber

Friday, May 5

Vision 2030 ART in the PARK

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Laurel Park

Tuesday, May 9 Small Business Seminar

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

In person at the Chamber or via Zoom

Tuesday, May 9

Ambassadors Council

3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Scott's Downtown | Gainesville

Wednesday, May 10

Human Resource Council

11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 11

115th Annual Meeting & Gala

6:00 p.m. Outdoor Reception

7:00 p.m. Dinner & Program

Chattahoochee Country Club

Friday, May 12

Economic Development Council

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Jackson EMC | Gainesville

Tuesday, May 16

Vision 2030 Board Meeting

11:30 a.m. | Longstreet Clinic

Tuesday, May 16

Business After Hours

SGL Wealth Management

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 605 Green Street | Gainesville

Wednesday, May 17

Issues Committee

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber

Thursday, May 18

Chamber Executive Committee

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber

Stay Up-to-Date:

Thursday, May 25

Chamber Board of Directors

Sponsored by Georgia Power

12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Lanier Technical College

Ramsey Conference Center


Tuesday, June 6

South Hall Business Coalition

Hall County Sheriff's Office

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

South Precinct | Flowery Branch

Wednesday, June 7

Healthcare Committee

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber

Friday, June 9

Economic Development Council

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Flowery Branch Depot

Tuesday, June 13

Small Business Seminar

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

In person at the Chamber or via Zoom

Wednesday, June 14

Human Resource Council

11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, June 15

Chamber Executive Committee

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber

Tuesday, June 20

Vision 2030 Board Meeting

11:30 a.m | Chamber

Wednesday, June 21

Issues Committee

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | Chamber

Thursday, June 22

Chamber Board of Directors

12:00 - 1:30 p.m. | Gainesville Civic Center

Tuesday, June 27

Business After Hours

Five Thirty Nine Office Building

Hosted by The Norton Agency

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

539 Green Street NW | Gainesville

May • June 2023

member news

New leadership at Habitat for Humanity of Hall County

Lila Weaver is Habitat for Humanity of Hall County's new executive director. A longtime Chamber supporter, experienced realtor and former director of operations and executive programs at Brenau University, Lila stepped into the new position earlier this year. Founded in 1989, Habitat for Humanity of Hall County helps hard-working, low income families purchase their own home. This self-sufficiency builds self-reliance that spreads to work, family and community life. With insight into the area’s housing market, Lila Weaver is committed to strengthening community partnerships and efforts to alleviate the region’s ongoing affordable housing crisis.

Schlieman named to national financial advisor club

Josh Schlieman, an independent LPL Financial advisor and partner at Sullivan & Schlieman Wealth Management in Gainesville, announced his inclusion in LPL’s Chairman’s Club. LPL Financial is one of the leading financial services companies and largest independent broker/dealer in the nation. This elite award is presented to less than 4% of the firm’s more than 21,000 financial advisors nationwide and showcases Schlieman as a top performer dedicated to his clients. Based in Gainesville, Sullivan & Schlieman provides a full range of financial services, including comprehensive financial and investment planning, wealth management, estate and tax planning and risk management and insurance planning.

• Kayla Hill, a GED graduate from Lanier Technical College, recently received the Technical College System of Georgia's (TCSG) 2023 Dinah Culbreath Wayne Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education Award and was named the system's adult education student of the year. The award is named after longtime Chamber supporter Dinah Culbreath Wayne, who served on the State Board of Directors for the TCSG for over a decade. Kayla will travel the state over the coming year as an ambassador for adult education, speaking to students, civic groups, legislators and others about literacy and lifelong learning.

• Andrew Oxley, president of The Oxley Group, announces that Joe Yeager has joined the team as a leadership coach. Yeager has some 20 years of executive leadership experience in leading and managing large organizations. The Oxley Group specializes in high impact executive and leadership coaching for business performance and bridging the gap between strategy and execution.

• Hall County Administrator Zach Propes announced that for the 7th consecutive year, the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada awarded Hall County Government the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its Fiscal Year 2023 budget. For the award, Hall County had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation, assessing how well the budget serves as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide and communications device.

• Hall County’s Planning and Development department and Public Works and Utilities department have been integrated to create the Community Development and Infrastructure (CDI) department with Srikanth Yamala, most recent Director of Public Works and Utilities, as the new CDI director. The integration brings divisions, such as building inspections, engineering, and planning and zoning together providing a single department for the most efficient service delivery model.

• John Delzell, Jr., MD, VP of Medical Education for Northeast Georgia Health System, announced the newest class of resident physicians. The fifth residency class spans seven specialties: General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Transitional Year, Primary Care. NGMC also has 12 Cardiovascular Disease fellows and two Hospice and Palliative Medicine fellows, bringing the total number of physician learners to 192. All new residents and fellows begin work on July 1.

• Food Truck Friday returns on the third Friday of every month at Lake Lanier Olympic Park’s Northeast Georgia Health System Plaza. Enjoy live music, food trucks, beer and wine tents, along with retail vendors and fun activities for the entire family. Entry and concert is free and open to the public. Join the fun on Fridays, May 19, June 16, July 14 (with the Annual Beach Bash), and August 18. Free parking, and courtesy dock available. Pets allowed (leashed). Details:

Stewart Melvin & Frost partners Whitney

Syfan Brown and Anna Adams Orkins are now leading the firm’s residential real estate practice. The experienced, women-led legal team is taking a fresh approach to residential real estate while continuing to build on the firm’s longstanding relationships and its strong reputation with local real estate brokers, lenders, investors, business owners, and homeowners looking to buy, sell, or lease. A Gainesville native, Brown serves on the Chamber Board and is chair of the Vision 2030 Public Art Committee. Orkins, a Dahlonega native, is a Chamber member and has been named a Rising Star by Super Lawyers magazine for three years in a row. Founded in 1936, Gainesville-based Stewart Melvin & Frost specializes in a broad range of legal services.

• Brian Daniel, president & CEO of Carroll Daniel Construction Company (CDCC) announces the acquisition of WMD Engineering Consultants of Bethlehem, Georgia. The structural design firm remains committed to actively serving its current clients and projects, while growing its portfolio under new ownership. WMD specializes in the design and analysis of concrete and steel structures with expertise in the automotive, industrial, distribution and movie studio markets. CDCC is a nationally recognized commercial construction services firm focused in the Southeastern United States.

• Plan to attend a series of outstanding concerts coming to The Arts Council Smithgall Arts Center in Downtown Gainesville: May 6/The Fly Betty Band (8pm); May 13/North GA Chamber Symphony Orchestra (4pm); May 20/The Venue Jazz Orchestra (8pm); June 3/Tribute: A Celebration of the Allman Brothers Band (8pm); June 17/Riverstreet (8pm).

Information & Tickets:

May • June 2023 | 8
Got news? Email:
Josh Schlieman Sullivan & Schlieman Wealth Management Lila Weaver Habitat for Humanity of Hall County Stewart Melvin & Frost Residential Real Estate Team

Kilwins opens on the Gainesville Downtown Square

New Chamber members Jeff and Genia Reid, owners of Kilwins Gainesville, invite you to stop in and sample some freshly-made fudge, and try some of their favorite products, like Dark Chocolate Sea-Salt Caramel Apples, or any flavor of Kilwins’ super-premium Original Recipe Ice Cream in a freshly-made waffle cone. Genia is a lifetime resident of Hall County, has been in the education field for the past 28 years, and for the last 8 years has coached the West Hall Middle School boys’ cross country team. Jeff has worked for Ricoh USA for the past 28 years, most recently as the Vice President & Managing Director. Kilwins Gainesville is located in the Gainesville Renaissance. Opening a business on The Square comes full-circle for Genia. Her first job when she was 16 was selling shoes at Millner’s Department Store, and Kilwins Gainesville is just around the corner from that site. “For me, it’s like coming home,” said Genia, “with all the hometown vibes!”

United Community Bank has new logo

United Community Bank recently reveal its updated corporate logo, emphasizing the bank's purpose to build communities and help customers achieve their financial goals. The new logo represents the bank's 70-year history of customer service and its culture of caring. While the logo is being refreshed, the commitment to investing in its people, technology, and customers' needs, remains the same. As part of the logo refresh, United is continuing to invest in markets across its six-state footprint through the United Community Bank Foundation and other initiatives that reinforce the bank's purpose of building communities.

Corporate Storage earns national recognition

Jimmy Adams, president of Gainesville-based Corporate Storage, announced that the company received SQF (Safe Quality Food) certification for the third consecutive year under the Global Food Safety Initiative for its food storage and distribution services. Corporate Storage earned an Excellent rating for its two facilities in Hall County for 2023. Globally recognized in the food industry, SQF Certification is a food quality and safety program designation awarded after a thorough and extensive auditing process. With multiple facilities offering 900,000 square feet of warehouse space, Corporate Storage is North Georgia's and Dallas-Fort Worth’s choice for flexible warehousing solutions.

May • June 2023 | 9 member news


Heart surgeries that used to require long incisions and months of recovery can now be performed in Gainesville through tiny 8-millimeter incisions – about the diameter of an ink pen – with much faster recovery times. Georgia Heart Institute’s surgeons at Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (NGPG) Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery are now offering minimally-invasive, robotic heart surgery, giving patients in the area more access to much-needed, state-of-the-art procedures.

“I’m excited to announce that we performed our first robotic heart surgery last week at Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) in Gainesville,” said T. Sloane Guy, MD, a robotic heart surgeon and the director of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Heart Surgery at NGPG.

“The surgery went so well that Bill was able to leave the hospital just two days after the surgery, and he’ll be able to fly home to Minnesota after his follow-up appointment this week.”

Bill Mayfield and his wife originally traveled to Georgia last month to visit their son, but Bill started to feel ill. He stopped by NGPG Urgent Care in Dahlonega, where the care team discovered a heart murmur. They quickly referred him to Dr. Guy at NGPG Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery.

Dr. Guy explained Bill needed heart surgery, there was a less invasive robotic surgery option and he was an excellent candidate. Bill and his wife were optimistic, but wanted to go back home to Minnesota to do a little research.

“I read that Dr. Guy was one of the best robotic heart surgeons in the country,” recalled Bill. “It made the most sense for us to make the trip back down from Minnesota, and it was definitely worth it. Just two days after the surgery, I was leaving the hospital and feeling great. I can’t believe what the team was able to do through these tiny incisions. I remember when my brother had open heart surgery, and this is a totally different experience.”

“Robotic surgery patients can have a significantly shorter recovery period,” said Dr. Guy. “This means they can get back to their normal activities sooner than open heart surgery patients.”

NGPG Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery is an integral part of Georgia Heart Institute, Northeast Georgia Health System’s (NGHS) comprehensive heart and vascular service line.

“Whether the surgery is done using a minimally invasive approach or an open approach, our primary goal is providing the best possible treatment plan and outcome for each individual patient,” said Clifton Hastings, MD, medical director of NGPG Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery. “We’re collaborating with the cardiologists of Georgia Heart Institute to coordinate care across specialties, providing patients a more seamless patient experience.”

To schedule an appointment with NGPG Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, call 770-219-7099. To schedule an appointment with one of Georgia Heart Institute’s cardiologists, visit or call 770-534-2020.


At Georgia Heart Institute, we’re offering breakthroughs to keep your heart healthy and repair it if needed. Our world-renowned surgeons specialize in minimally invasive robotic heart surgery with the smallest possible scars and shorter recovery times, so you can get back to your everyday life faster than ever.

The future of heart care. We’re leading Georgia there.


community development

Chamber Chase promotes team fitness

Over 1,100 participated in the 15th Annual Chamber Chase on March 23 at Riverside Preparatory Academy. Group Most Creative Award in the T-Shirt Design Contest. Best Use of the Chamber Chase Logo went to Cargill of Company Logo went to Candler Real Estate Head Charcoal highlights on page 20.


1/2 Page Ad

The Syfan Logistics team (above) won the Most Spirit Award with dozens of employees participating in the 5K run and 2 mile walk, (Right) Robin Halstead, Chamber, and Northeast Georgia Health System's John Delzell Jr., MD, get the race started. Thank you Northeast Georgia Health System, presenting sponsor of the 2023 Chamber Chase. See more on page 20!

4 columns x 4.75" – Forum Communications –GADDY

Led by Whitney Syfan Brown and Anna Adams Orkins, Stewart Melvin & Frost’s experienced legal team is taking a fresh approach to residential real estate. Both natives of Northeast Georgia, Whitney and Anna are partners in the firm and are actively involved in our community. Whitney joined Stewart Melvin & Frost in 2017, and Anna joined the firm in 2019 after years of practicing law.

Stewart Melvin & Frost has formed longstanding relationships and a strong reputation with local real estate brokers, lenders, investors, business owners, and homeowners looking to buy, sell, or lease. Whitney and Anna bring new energy and expertise to build on that tradition.

May • June 2023 | 12
Lanier Color Company won the Peoples Choice Award in the T-Shirt Design Contest.

small business development

Small Business Spotlight: Notary Pros

Small Business Seminars

Tuesday, May 9

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber or via Zoom

Outsourcing Success

Angela Banks

Notary Pros

Outsourcing is the process of hiring an external party to take care of something for you. Join Angela Banks, Client Solutions Executive at Notary Pros for tips on implementing a successful outsourcing strategy. Notary Pros is a nationwide document handling service, and trusted national partner of major companies that provide a mobile delivery of time-critical documents to clients and associates across Georgia, and the USA. Learn how you can gain a competitive advantage, expand your business territory, and increase revenue. Don't ignore this valuable outsourcing tool.

Tuesday, June 13

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber or via Zoom

(L-R) Chamber Vice Chair of Membership Casey Ryals, Hall County Farm Bureau Insurance, Angela Banks and Renee Sweeney of Notary Pros – Chamber Small Business of the Month, and Vice Chair Membership Tammy Caudell, Carroll Daniel Construction. Notary Pros is a nationwide document handling service that provides a mobile delivery of time-critical documents to clients across Georgia, and the U.S. They assist clients in the comfort of their homes, businesses, hospital rooms, while on vacation or any other preferred location. The business community has made a substantial leap, foregoing antiquated, ritual-driven practices, for technology-driven efficiency. Savvy competitors have implemented successful processes in order to dominate their industry, and they're not slowing down. Notary Pros' innovative outsourcing model has led to big changes and is a successful scaling model for companies who want to access more clients, territory and revenue. They are a proud members of the ABA and have a nationwide mobile team of over 65,000 people that consists of experienced attorneys and notary professionals. 678.904.6770.

Building a Drug Free Workplace

Karen Tinker

Drug Free Workplace Director

The Council on Alcohol & Drugs

Learn about the benefits and best practices of drug free workplaces. Drug Free Workplace Director Karen Tinker will focus on small/medium sized businesses and provide awareness around specific drugs and discuss suicide prevention. The Council on Alcohol and Drugs is a 50 year-old substance abuse prevention and education agency that develops programs based on the most current research on drug use and its impact on community.

No charge for Chamber Members. Register to attend IN PERSON or via ZOOM online at Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206.

May • June 2023 | 13
Become a Chamber CERTIFIED Small Business Partner by participating in six (6) Small Business Seminars in a year. CERTIFIED Partners Receive • Certificate of Completion • Certified Small Business Door Decal • Recognition at a Chamber Board Meeting • Announcement in the Business Link newsletter Call Savannah Garrick, 770-532-6206 or to learn more.

education leadership

Youth Leadership Hall

Youth Leadership Hall's Dawson Deal (left), North Hall High School, and Tyson Hill, Johnson High School, conduct a patient evaluation on an adult simulator at the University of North Georgia (UNG). Youth Leadership's Healthcare program included a visit to the UNG’s Nursing Simulation Lab as well as tours of Northeast Georgia Medical Center's Pharmacy, Lab and Emergency Department. The Youth Leadership Hall Class of 2023 graduation was held in April.

Leadership Hall County

Payne Wright, Carroll Daniel Construction (left), is assisted by Mark Pettitt, Hall County School Board, in setting an arm cast at Longstreet Clinic as part of Leadership Hall's healthcare program. The class also visited J’s Place Recovery Center, Northeast Georgia Health System’s Graduate Medical Education Program, Lanier Foot & Ankle and Good News Clinics. Thank you program sponsors – Longstreet Clinic and Northeast Georgia Health System.

Jennifer Herring, University of North Georgia; Maranda McGaha, Elachee Nature Science Center; Hillary Neff, Northeast Georgia Health System; John Baxter, Deep Roots Landscaping; and Meghan Fernandez, United Way of Hall County, spend some quality time with “Josie” at the Hall County Schools Farm during Leadership Hall’s Agriculture Day. The class also visited Glo-Crest Dairy, Mountain Fresh Creamery and Jaemor Farms to learn more about agriculture in Hall County. The class ended the day hearing from UGA Extension Agent Garrett Hibbs about Hall County’s prominence in agriculture commodity production within the State of Georgia. Thank you program sponsors – Hall County Schools Career, Technical & Agricultural Education (CTAE), Glo-Crest Dairy and Jaemor Farms.

May • June 2023 | 14
Serving Northeast Georgia Since 1993 770

The Greater Hall Chamber's Annual Membership Campaign concluded March 31st with 74 New Members joining. The Campaign's top recruiters were Heather Strickland, Candler Real Estate, Jose Romero, Keller Williams, and Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions. These top recruiters were rewarded with an overnight stay at Lanier Islands!

Top Membership Recruiters

Heather Strickland Candler Real Estate

Jose Romero Keller Williams Steve Naughton Enterprising Solutions

Top Recruiting Team

Amy Bradford, Elachee Nature Science Center

Chris Craddock, Craddock Insurance

Terry Merck, American Yazaki Corporation

Angie Kennedy, Carroll Daniel Construction

Many THANKS to the dozens of volunteers that made the 2023 Membership Campaign a success.

Jon Burkett Farm Bureau Insurance

Thank You Chamber Sponsors!

membership development Signs by Tomorrow South Hall Rotary Club Small Business Access Partners Store More Self Storage The Norton Agency The Times Wilheit Packaging

Georgia Power King's Hawaiian Milton Martin Honda Northeast Georgia Health System NEGA Medical Center Braselton Northside Hospital Sawyer Media Group SGL Wealth Management

Highlights: Membership Campaign AccessWDUN AT&T Caldwell Electrical Contractors Carroll Daniel Construction Clipper Petroleum Delta Community Credit Union Elachee Nature Science Center Gainesville Mechanical
See page 19 for listing of New Chamber Members! The winning Membership Recruitment Team was led by Jon Burkett, Farm Bureau Insurance. Jon's team brought in 13 new members. Team Volunteers included:

Dr. Dave Westfall (left) presents Philip Wilheit with the Healthy Hall Visionary Award. Philip has served in board governance at Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) for over three decades, helping to set the vision and trajectory for NGHS, which led to the success it enjoys today.

2023 Healthy Hall Awards

Annual Healthy Hall Awards were presented at a luncheon on March 15 at Lanier Technical College. The awards honored those in the healthcare industry making a significant impact on our quality of life through excellence in health and wellness. (Seated, L-R) Tracy Vardeman, retired, Northeast Georgia Health System; Monica Newton, DO, One Hall/NGHS; Anjana Freeman, Gainesville Police Department; Paige Owens, NP-C, Longstreet Clinic; Keshma Saujani, MD, Longstreet Clinic; Missy Lochstampfor, Foothills AHEC. (Standing, L-R) Philip Wilheit, Wilheit Packaging; Mimi Collins, Longstreet Clinic; Dr. Anne Skleder, Brenau University; Ron Wilson, DMD, Wilson Orthodontics; Ashley Simpson, AGACNP, Georgia Heart Institute; Andre Kallab, MD, Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic; Alan Satterfield, RN, District 2 Public Health; Dave Westfall, MD, Chair, Chamber Healthcare Committee. Not pictured: Stephanie Kirby Ayers, Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic.

(L-R) Dr. Dave Westfall, Tracy Vardeman and Mimi Collins. Tracy was recognized with the Healthy Hall Lifetime Achievement Award for a 30 year career at Northeast Georgia Health System where she served in several roles – most recently as Chief Strategy Executive.

Healthcare Education

Foothills AHEC

Community Impact

Monica Newton, DO One Hall Mental Behavioral Health Committee, NGHS

Visionary Leader

Philip Wilheit

Wilheit Packaging

NGHS Board of Trustees

Achievement in Behavioral Health

Anjana Freeman

Gainesville Police Department

Healthcare Worker of the Year

Stephanie Kirby Ayers

Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic

Nurse of the Year

Alan Satterfield, RN District 2 Public Health Department

Dentist of the Year

Ron Wilson, DMD Wilson Orthodontics

Physician of the Year

Andre M. Kallab, MD, FACP

Northeast Georgia Diagnostic Clinic

Physician of the Year

Keshma Saujani, MD, FACOG Longstreet Clinic OBGYN

Advanced Practice Provider of the Year

Ashley Simpson, AGACNP Georgia Heart Institute

Advanced Practice Provider of the Year

Paige Owens, NP-C Longstreet Clinic

Lifetime Achievement

Tracy Vardeman

Northeast Georgia Health System

Corporate Achievement/Innovation

Brenau Lynn J. Darby School of Psychology & Adolescent Counseling

Aw ards of Excellenc e

May • June 2023 | 16
community development
Healthy Hall

Acute Spine & Joint

Anthony Human

800 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, Suite 200 Gainesville, GA 30501 - Medical 877.442.2883

ALDI Store #127 - Braselton

Shayna Berry

7505 Spout Springs Road Braselton, GA 30519 - Retail 706.387.7700

Amped Kids Foundation

April Rooks

3030 McEver Road, Suite 220 Gainesville, GA 30504 -Non-Profit 678.851.4992

Bella's Iris

Iris Lawson

250 John Morrow Pkwy, #121 Gainesville, GA 30501

- Retail / Specialty Gifts

Boarding Pass Coffee

Christine Santos

106 Spring Street, #140 Gainesville, GA 30501

- Coffee Shop


Branch Properties

Limestone / Lakeshore Mall

Sarabeth Bauer

3340 Peachtree Road, Suite 2775 Atlanta, GA 30326

- Real Estate


Brio Med Spa

Corina Bryant

7419 Spout Springs Road, S102 Flowery Branch, GA 30542

- Spa / Salon


Caffeine and Octane Raceway

Bruce Piefke

5301 Winder Highway Braselton, GA 30517

- Recreation


Candler Real Estate

Jonathan Elliott

135 Maple Street, NW Gainesville, GA 30501

- Real Estate


welcome new members

Candler Real Estate

Stephanie McNair

135 Maple Street, NW Gainesville, GA 30501

- Real Estate


Clear View Optical

Stephanie Marsh

119 Main Street, NW Gainesville, GA 30501

- Optical / Retail 470.623.2020

Coastá Tanning Resort

Sana Makkani

854 Dawsonville Highway Gainesville, GA 30501

- Tanning Salon 770.531.5555

Croft & Associates

Amanda Groover 370 W Crogan Street Lawrenceville, GA 30046

- Architects & Engineers 770.895.5984

Dickey's Barbecue Pit

Terell Joseph

4005 Winder Highway Flowery Branch, GA 30542

- Restaurant


El Carreton #2

Angel Retana 400 Pearl Nix Parkway Gainesville, GA 30501 - Restaurant 678.595.9160

Fyzical Therapy and Balan

Jonathan Baker

250 John W. Morrow Jr. Pkwy #115 Gainesville, GA 30501

- Physical Therapist 678.862.0007

Gainesville Motorsports

Amanda Swanson 2750 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30504

- Motor Sports 770.532.7083

Gainesville Renaissance Fred Roddy

106 Spring Street Gainesville, GA 30501

- Retail


Georgia Select Roofing

Christopher Earls

Auburn, GA

- Roofing Contractor 678.316.6899

Georgia Smile Team

Sandy Collins

578 S Enota Drive, NE Gainesville, GA 30501

- Dentist 770.536.3254

HadjPadj Technologies

Viral Chhadua

5201 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30504 - Industrial 678.622.3112

Impact Home Services II

Grady Johnston 6550 McDonough Drive Norcross, GA 30093 - Contractors 404.432.8223


Genia Reid

106 Spring Street, Suite 120 Gainesville, GA 30501 - Restaurant 770.539.0274

Lanier Boat Tours

Katie Copeland 377 Walnut Grove Way Gainesville, GA 30506 - Recreation 770.353.9757

Love Your Story Co

Abigail Burle Gainesville, GA Non-Profit 770.547.9713

Mediterranean Breeze Bar & Grill

Omar Shanis 130 John W Morrow Jr Pkwy Gainesville, GA 30501 Restaurant & Catering 404.644.8368

NAI Brannen Goddard

Zach Hogue

6 Concourse Pkwy, Suite 1900 Atlanta, GA 30328

Commercial Real Estate


Nathan Martin Insurance Agency / Nate Martin 7378 Friendship Springs Blvd Suite E Flowery Branch, GA 30542 - Insurance 678.888.5818

NoFo Brewing

Heather Triscik 434 High Street SW Gainesville, GA 30501 - Brewery 678.771.8116

Norton Aerial Media Ryan Norton Flowery Branch, GA - Media 770.540.9210


Lance Compton 303 W. Shadburn Avenue Buford, GA 30518 - Marketing 678.730.4770

Onward Reserve

Penny Crow 106 Spring Street Suite 150 Gainesville, GA 30501 - Retail 678.696.5124

Palliative Pharmacy Solutions

Jon Carr 2338 Main Street Tucker, GA 30084 - Medical / Wellness 770.934.2976

Peyton's Pie Company Arquimides Pacheco 118 Main Street, SW Gainesville, GA 30501

- Restaurant 470.535.9276

Right Hand Cleaning Services

Rosa Juengel Gainesville, GA

- Janitorial & Cleaning 678.769.2703

Roll on In & Buzzed Bull Creamery Carey Hollman 130 Bradford Street, NE Gainesville, GA 30501 - Restaurant 678.936.1163

Schlotzky's Nirav Shah 302 A Broad Street, SE Gainesville, GA 30501

- Restaurant


Scooter's Coffee

Justin Stout

2010 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30501

- Bakery & Coffee Shop 678.696.5141


Marisela Brito 504 Atlanta Highway Gainesville, GA 30501

- Staffing Agency 678.933.9963

SkillForm Instructional Design

Scott Miles Clermont, GA - Workforce Development 770.530.7379

Smith Gambrell & Russell

Matthew Van Dyke 1105 W Peachtree Street Gainesville, GA 30506

- Attorney 404.815.3500

Source Outdoor Group Stacey McCaleb 322 Oak Street, Suite 2 Gainesville, GA 30501

- Advertising & Marketing 678.617.2615

Southernwood Homes

Nathan Whitmire 4595 Winder Highway Flowery Branch, GA 30542

- Real Estate 470.290.8661

Steve Barker Flowery Branch, GA - Individual Member 770.235.3337

Storify Self Storage Noah Wade 1924 Old Cornelia Highway Gainesville, GA 30501 - Storage Facility 770.525.5698

Structor Group Brittany Luke 840 Oak Street Gainesville, GA 30501 - Architects & Engineers 404.414.1330

Taylor & Mathis, Inc

Walker Welford 400 Interstate N Pkwy Atlanta, GA 30339 - Real Estate 770.795.1330

The Oakley Angela Zubar 2475 Pemmican Run Gainesville, GA 30504 - Venue 404.271.1781

The Phillips Team Realty Jessica Chambers 4470 Shoreline Drive Gainesville, GA 30506 - Real Estate 678.997.5821 Scott Griggs 2740 Faith Industrial Drive Buford, GA 30518 - Retail 770.271.1701

Tyler Thurmond 50 Glenlake Parkway, Suite 600 Atlanta GA, 30328 - Individual Member 404.803.7400

USDA Forest Service Matthew Rushton 1755 Cleveland Hwy Gainesville, GA 30501 - Government Agency 770.297.3000

Willow & Bloom Monica Guimond 475 Dawsonville Highway Suite A Gainesville, GA 30501 - Retail / Floral 770.534.3626

Windsor Wealth Planners & Strategists Deven Patel 620 Spring Street, SE Gainesville, GA 30501 - Financial Advisor 678.684.8520

Young at Heart Design Christy Young 5618 Stonehaven Ct. Clermont, GA 30527 - Design 770.289.1548

May • June 2023 | 17

ribbon cuttings

Scooter's Coffee

ACG Solutions

Scooter's Coffee is owned by

Coffee, LLC. Scooter’s Coffee is a drive-thru franchise that has been serving world-class coffee for more than 20 years with over 500 locations in 28 states across the nation. The business' success is simple: stay committed to the original business principles and the company’s four core values –Integrity, Love, Humility and Courage. The Scooter’s Coffee Brand Promise, often recited to franchisees, customers and employees, is: “Amazing People, Amazing Drinks… Amazingly Fast!®” 2010 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30501.

Coastá Tanning Resort

has been in business for over 24 years with two locations in North Georgia. 210 Washington Street NW, Suite 102, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-869-9703.

Mediterranean Breeze Bar & Grill

30501. 770-531-5555.


Antonio, Abby


Valerie Fowler, Kyle Hinnant, Nicole Pleasant, Nicole Parham and Dujuana Stringer. Mediterranean Breeze Bar & Grill is proud to offer – by people’s vote – the healthiest cuisine in the U.S. for the last three years. The relaxed bar and grill is run by a tight-knit group of hard workers with a goal to make everyone full, welcome, and appreciated. The team came to Gainesville to introduce different tastes and fun for everyone in the area and have enjoyed every customer since opening. 130 John W. Morrow Jr. Parkway, Gainesville, GA 30501. 404-644-8368.

May • June 2023 | 18
Don Ansley, James Johnston, Charles Ansley, Francisco Vazquez and Toney Hughey cut a ribbon at ACG Solutions, a full services technology solutions company specializing in IT support services, Internet connectivity, and telecommunications services. They also have divisions supporting physical security solutions. ACG Solutions is a longtime Chamber supporter and Chamber Ambassadors joined the team at Breeze Bar & Grill for a ribbon cutting. (L-R) Chris Craddock, Roger Shanis, Shanis, Store Manager Delaney Claycomb cuts a ribbon at the new Scooter's Coffee on Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville. Best known for its amazingly fast drive-thru, specialty coffee, and baked-from-scratch pastries, Culinary Sonja Cooper, McKenzie McCollum, David Collins, Sana Makkani, Mo Makkani, Rachel Makkani, John Dilorento and Haley Brooks cut a ribbon at Coastá Tanning Resort, a 5-star resort tanning and spa experience located in Gainesville. They offer various top of the line tanning beds and spray tan services designed to achieve the desired look for your skin. 854 Dawsonville Highway, Gainesville, GA

Business After Hours ribbon cuttings

El Carreton 2.0

Angel Retana is passionate about conceptualizing, building and growing businesses from scratch. He opened El Carreton Gainesville in 1994 with the stamp of traditional Mexican food and the best tacos and tortillas in the universe! Now, 29 years later, he's opened a new concept – El Carreton 2.0 at 400 Pearl Nix Parkway in Gainesville. The new restaurant offers spacious rooms, an expanded menu and play area for children. Discover delicious handmade tortillas, create your own taco or burrito and experience exclusive dishes. The new Carreton has the same quality that characterize all of Angel’s businesses and offers the convenience of a quick drive through.

You're Unique

Many thanks to the Humane Society of Northeast Georgia for hosting the April Business After Hours. (L-R) Deanne Collins, Lanier Technical College; Cindy Campbell, Rushton; Jennifer Herring, University of North Georgia; Allen Jernigan, Southern Companions; Grant Lasseter, Turner Wood & Smith Insurance. Chamber members celebrated the Humane Society of Northeast Georgia's 110 year anniversary with behind-the scene tours and amazing animal stories, food, drink and door prizes. Don't miss Business After Hours hosted by The Norton Agency on June 27 (5-7pm) at Five Thirty Nine (office building) on Green Street in Gainesville. Details: Christen Wilbanks, 770-532-6206, or

Flourish Ultrasound Studio

Susane Brendel, Stephen Brendel and Jeff Randall cut a ribbon at You’re Unique in Gainesville. You're Unique is a design, furniture and remodeling business that was started to provide a customer exactly what they wanted. They provide beautiful, custom-made furniture and incredible customer service. The team incorporates residential and business custom builds that blend with the original flow of the project's interior design. All jobs are completed start to finish by an in-house team so the process is seamless! 1730 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Suite A8, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770.654.9532.

Dujuana Stringer, Nicole Parham, Lori Peterson, Yolande Norwood, Renee Sweeney, Sybil Norwood, Barbara Oess, Candace Brown, Anna Luke and Meredith Pierce cut a ribbon at Flourish Ultrasound Studio. Flourish Ultrasound Studio offers 3D/4D/HD prenatal ultrasounds in a family friendly environment. The team of professionals combine cutting-edge 3D ultrasound and HD ultrasound technology bringing you incredible images of your unborn baby to life. 200 Main St. SW Suite 302, Gainesville GA 30501. 678-943-2192.

May • June 2023 | 19

The Board of Directors of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Chairman William Bagwell • Chair-Elect Brett Fowler • President & CEO Kit Dunlap invite you to celebrate Gainesville-Hall County’s success over the past year

Chamber Chase 5K Highlights

Over 1,100 runners, walkers, cheerleaders, friends and co-workers participated in the Chamber Chase 5K & 2 Mile Wellness Walk on March 23 at Riverside Preparatory Academy. The event was presented by Northeast Georgia Health System. 2023 Award Recipients:

Fastest CEO – Haruyuki Ito, Toyota Industries Group

Overall Male Winner – Witt Nix, Duplicating Products

Mealor Chairman's Award | Ambassador of the Year

Community Service Award | Distinguished Citizen Award

Overall Female Winner – Beckie Dominick, Lanier Running Club

Team Spirit Award – Syfan Logistics

Fastest Corporate Team – Runners Fit

Fastest Community Team – Lanier Running Club

– T-Shirt Contest Winners –

Most Creative: Sawyer Media Group

Best Use of the Chamber Chase Logo: Cargill

Best Use of Company Logo: Candler Real Estate / Meat Head Charcoal

People’s Choice: Lanier Color Company

Black Tie Optional • Space Limited • Reservations Required

Outdoor Reception 6pm • Dinner & Program 7pm

Reservations: 770-532-6206 •

BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Tuesday, May 16 SGL Wealth Management Tuesday, June 27 Five Thirty Nine | Norton Agency Networking • Food • Drawings Tuesday, May 9 Small Business Seminar "Outsourcing Success" Angela Banks of Notary Pros 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. In Person/Chamber or via Zoom Thursday, May 11 115th Annual Meeting & Gala 6:00 p.m. - Outdoor Reception 7:00 p.m. - Dinner & Program Chattahoochee Country Club 3000 Club Drive | Gainesville Thursday, May 16 Business After Hours SGL Wealth Management 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 605 Green Street | Gainesville Tuesday, June 6 South Hall Business Coalition Hall County Sheriff's Office South Precinct 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7345 Cody Drive in Flowery Branch Tuesday, June 13 Small Business Seminar "Building a Drug Free Workplace" Karen Tinker of The Council on Alcohol & Drugs 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Chamber Tuesday, June 27 Business After Hours Hosted by The Norton Agency Five Thirty Nine Office Building 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 539 Green Street | Gainesville MARK YOUR CALENDAR
Thursday, May 11, 2023 6:00 p.m. at the Chattahoochee Country Club Small Business of the Year | Family Business of the Year W.G.
115th Annual Meeting & Gala
The Chamber Chase 5K "Fastest CEO" Award went to Haruyuki Ito, Toyota Industries Group. The 5k Overall Female Winner was Beckie Dominick of the Lanier Running Club with a time of 22:11. The 5K Overall Male Winner was Witt Nix of Duplicating Products with a time of 17:00. Witt was also the 2022 winner.
See all individual results and times at U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #92 GAINESVILLE, GA CAR-RT SORT This publication is printed on partially recycled paper.

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