Reunion April 2025

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If you’d like your art/photos considered for the cover of The Patriot, please email the Activities Director at


To advertise in the Reunion Patriot, contact

Committee CONTACTS

Advisory Committee

Contact the Social Committee ................

Covenants Committee

Landscape Committee ................................

Meeting House Committee ........................

Modifications Committee

Neighborhood Watch Committee

Pickleball Committee…

Pool Committee

Swim Team .....................................................

Tennis Committee


Real Estate Signs:

We hope these friendly reminders from the Covenant’s Committee will be helpful to residents. Thank you to all for adhering to the Covenant and recognizing that these regulations are necessary to keep our community a visually attractive and safe place to live.

When selling your home please remind your agent that they need to use the proper signs for the neighborhood. Also, if they put signs in our fellow neighbor’s yard they must have permission to do so.

House Painting:

When considering repainting your house – you must have approval for a color change. You do not have to have approval if you are simply repainting the same color.

Pressure washing & gutters:

Spring is a great time to clean out those gutters of all leaves/debris from fall and winter. This also may mean the need to clean “tiger stripes” off those gutters from a winter of overflow. Pressure washing of the property is also a great spring activity for good property management. This includes both the house itself, as well as driveways and sidewalks.


All mulch landscape beds must be covered with natural pine straw, chopped pine bark, or wood shavings. (Rubber mulch is not allowed.) Please make sure that the mulch has been spread out and unopened bags and pallets are not in view from the road.


What a great time to repaint your mailbox. All mailboxes must be functional with no broken or removed parts and be freshly painted using the approved black color (satin), and the red flag (emergency red) and gold embellishments must also be freshly painted if they show signs of fading. Remember to use the approved 2” mailbox numbers.

Modification Request

Mailbox Requireme

Rules & Regulations


2025 Market Schedule

Weekly Markets

The summer farmers market is held every Friday, May-September from 4-7 p.m., rain or shine. *No market on July 4

Monthly Markets

February 14, 3–6 p.m.

March 14, 4–7 p.m.

April 18, 4–7 p.m.

October 17, 4-7 p.m.


Braselton Town Green 9924 Davis St., Braselton, GA 30517

November 7, 3-6 p.m. Parking

Downtown Parking Deck, 40 E Lake Drive




*Egg Scramble

* Petting ZOO

*Trackless Train

*Donut Truck

Easter Egg Hunt starts at 10:15am.

0-2 years old

3-5 years old

6-8 years old

9+ years old

Happy Birthday Chanda! Love -The SB
Happy Birthday Teri!
Happy Birthday Crystal!!
Happy Birthday Anna! Love, Cory, Kitt, Wren & Conrad
Happy Birthday Elizabeth!
Happy Birthday Ashley!!
Happy Birthday Layne!!!
Happiest of Birthdays to my amazing husband Scott! Love you to the moon and back!
Happy Birthday Katie! Thank you for being an awesome wife and mom to our girls. We love you. Love, Allie, Harper, and Craig
Happy 6th Birthday Izzy!! We love you! Love, Daddy, Mommy, Carson, Wyatt, and Harley

$100 per sessions:

SwimFor more information please contact Brett Radosta 678-558-2424 or Faith Radosta 770-815-8111

9:30- 9:55 am Preschool Aquatics 1 (Ages 3-5)

No water experience necessary. Child will become familiar with the water without the parent. Skills include introduction to front kicks, blowing bubbles, breath control, underwater exploration, front/back glide, coordinated arm strokes, kicks and arm strokes on back, short breaths of air, introduction to lifejackets and pool rules.

10:00- 10:25 am Preschool Aquatics 2 (Ages 4-5)

Advanced preschool class skills include front/back kicks, under water exploration, front/back glide, coordinated arm strokes and kicks on front/back, rotary breathing and elementary backstroke.

10:30-10:55 am Level 1/2 Introduction to Water Skills and Fundamental Aquatic Skills (Ages 6 & up)

Learn basics of swimming including entering/exiting the water, holding your breath underwater, supported and unsupported front/back float, flutter kicking, alternating arm strokes front/ back, submerging in chest deep water, coordinated arm stroke, explore deep water.

Level 3 Stroke Development (Must pass Level 2 skills)

Please contact us to schedule private individual/group lessons. We have over a decade of combined swim team coaching experience as well as over 20+ years combined experience teaching swim lessons. We would love to help your swimmer train & be prepared for upcoming swim team or any other swimming event.


26 8 A M - 2 P M

If you are planning on selling please reigister her so we can place proper signage



Our February social event and auction was led by the always funny, Jack Ofsharick. The bids began at the bargain price of $1 and went as high as $45. Some of the wonderful treasures, included a sheet of 32, $2 bills, a new in the box, Calphalon Roaster, pottery, pillows, and of course yummy baked goodies. Christy provided the perfect meal for a cold night, chili and baked potatoes. Sarah, our awesome bookkeeper, announced that we raised $381, to be put into the Empty Nester treasury. Thank you again to Jack and Gerri for a fun evening. Side note, the last item that was auctioned was a table lamp, but Jack realized at the last minute, it was part of the meeting house decor so we left it there


M o n d a y , M a y 1 9 t h - T h u


(Will close on April 19th)

d a y , M a y 2 9 t h ( E v e r y M / T / W / T h )

5 p m - 5 : 4 5 P M B e g i n n i n g / N o v i c e S w i m m e r s ( T i n y T i d e s a n d W h i t e T e a m )

5 : 4 5 p m - 6 : 3 0 P M I n t e r m e d i a t e / A d v a n c e d S w i m m e r s ( B l u e & S i l v e r T e a m s )

M o r n i n g p r a c t i c e s w i l l b e g i n

M o n d a y , J u n e 2 n d - T h u r s d a y , J u l y 1 0 t h ( E v e r y M / T / W / T h )

8 - 9 A M B e g i n n i n g / N o v i c e S w i m m e r s ( T i n y T i d e s a n d W h i t e T e a m )

9 - 1 0 A M I n t e r m e d i a t e / A d v a n c e d S w i m m e r s ( B l u e a n d S i l v e r T e a m s )

R e u n i o n s

iickleball ckleball P P


Kicking off on WITH A ROUND ROBIN GAME 25


A f l e x l e a g u e a s s i g n s w e e k l y

b u t a l l o w s y o u t o p l a y t h e m

y o u r s c h e d u l e . Y o u c a n s i g n

p a r t n e r . N o p a r t n e r ? W e w i l l

y o u u p w i t h s o m e o n e w h o m a

s k i l l l e v e l a n d a g e g r o u

T h i s l e a g u e i s f o r R e u n i o n R

I f y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n p l a y i n g

q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e r e p l y

R e u n i o n P i c k l e b a l l @ g m a i l .

U s e t h e l i s t b e l o w t o i n d i c a t e y

l e v e l a n d a g e g r o u p . T h i s i n f o

w i l l h e l p u s o r g a n i z e t h e s e

1 . B e g i n n e r l e v e l :

W o m e n ’ s d o u b l e s , 1 8 - 4 4

2 . B e g i n n e r l e v e l :

W o m e n ’ s d o u b l e s , 4 5 y / o

3 . B e g i n n e r l e v e l :

M e n ’ s d o u b l e s , 1 8 - 4 4 y / o

4 . B e g i n n e r l e v e l :

M e n ’ s d o u b l e s , 4 5 y / o o r

5 . I n t e r m e d i a t e l e v e l :


W o m e n ’ s d o u b l e s 1 8 - 4 4 y / o

6 . I n t e r m e d i a t e l e v e l :

W o m e n ’ s d o u b l e s , 4 5 y / o o r o l d e r

7 . I n t e r m e d i a t e l e v e l :

M e n ’ s d o u b l e s , 1 8 - 4 4 y / o

8 . I n t e r m e d i a t e l e v e l :

M e n ’ s d o u b l e s , 4 5 y / o o r o l d e r

S A V E T H E D A T E S T H E 4 T H F R I D A Y S T H I S S U M M E R

T H T H M A Y 2 3

J U N E 2 7 & J U L Y 2 5


M u s i c o n t h e L a w n i s c o m i n g

b a c k f o r t h r e e m o n t h s t h i s

s u m m e r ! E a c h m o n t h w i l l

f e a t u r e a n e w L I V E b a n d a n d

f o o d t r u c k s .

S t a y t u n e d f o r m o r e d e t a i l s !



4th Tuesday Every Month

3 0 G a m

Lettuce, Cheese, Pico, Tortillas Chips & Salsa Chicken Fingers & Tots

April 22nd

Scan here to make an appointment with Red Cross & save time!










Ana Castro, feel free to reach me at (706) 380-3307

Dog walking and pet sitting

The Dog Walkers of Braselton Beri Adams770-286-8795

Thirty-One Gifts

Personal shopping experience with Senior Executive Director, Amanda Henson. or email at giftswithamanda@gmail. com

Auto Detailing by Bradley Hand wash, polish and interior vacuum. Right here in Reunion. 803-431-0797

All credit/debit cards and cash accepted.

Beau Millwood Racquet Stringing Reliable with great prices Overnight stringing. Beau Millwood 770-5612755 or

Piano Teacher Adults & Children

Becky Channell 404-226-7039,

Bagpipe Lessons

$25/hr., Performances $100/hr.

Pipe Major M. L. Loudermilk 404-313-2803 or bagpiperml@gmail. com

Experienced Piano Teacher

Reunion Area - children & adults -call Jennifer 912-245-0922

Vinyl Designs

Personalized adhesive monograms, designs, and t-shirts. Email Amanda Henson at vinylgiftswithamanda@

Mailbox Numbers

HOA approved mailbox numbers. Two sets of 4 numbers $16Order at

Amanda and Tim Henson at

Lawn Care Service and Pet Sitting Stephen Kercher 678-677-6096

Dream Clean

Pressure Washing, Surface Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning, Awning Cleaning, Deck/Fence Staining Services

Rick @404-574-9890

Onsite Hair and Makeup

Award winning updos and airbrush makeup services. Homecoming/ Prom/ Bridal/ Special Event/ Halloween. Discount Available for our neighbors. Call Jessa Davis @ 404-723-0657


Maria Turk 770-653-8089 20+ years’ experience addressing envelopes. Weddings, Graduations, Special Events, Certificates, Announcements, Chalkboards.

Neurologic Music Therapy, Lessons, Audition Prep Music therapy designs interventions using musical motivation. Lauren Viljamaa, 770.881.6908

New Church Seeks Members

Nearby traditional-worship Lutheran church wants you! Contact Ted Miller for info at or 517-392-2731

Surprise Signs

Celebrate the special people in your life in a memorable way with SURPRISE SIGNS (478)747-0312

Lady Lawn & Landscape

Contract-free full yard servicing and landscaping

Contact: Laurel Meadows 470-210-8485

Two K Photography

Family portraits, Engagement sessions and Weddings. 20% Discount for Neighbors. Benjamin 678-793-7008 / twokphoto1@gmail

Golf Balls

Quality used golf balls, all brands & quantities. Email for pricelist & ordering info

D TERRA Essential Oils

Need a boost in immunity? Better sleep? Mood and discomfort help? Non-toxic cleaning solutions? Live your healthiest life through the power of nature. Alex Moore: 678-910-4465

Speech and Feeding Therapist

Jennifer Brown, MCD CCC-SLP

In-home and private school sessions 404-401-0267

Notary Services

In-home and remote notary services After-hours services available Discount for Reunion residents Call/text Amanda at 404993-0957

Baked Goods – Euro Delights

Baked to order & delivered to you. Christy: 404-966-1422

Kate Seymour- 770.545.3888

Baby Sitter. Graduate of CBHS and CPR certified. Afternoon instructor/coach for The DOJO. 12 Stone Church preschool childcare provider for several years. References available.

#1 Skincare!

If you’re looking for the #1 skincare products in North America R and F… msg me… treat yourself Reunion discount Jan 478-279-1228

Crafting, sewing, & embroidery Clothes hemmed or repaired. Need help? Call me. Fair prices. Reunion neighbor references. Joanne Giel 678.895.4404


Gentle, Deep Stretch, Chair Yoga, Holistic Health Coaching, Reiki, Corporate yoga, & Wellness workshops. Lovie Neu at 404-736-3937

Wedding Coordinator - Shanda Millwood - 770-538-5504 - Leave the details to me and enjoy every minute of your special occasion.

Interested in Owning Your Own Business? Call me to learn about my no-cost career coaching. Joe Wenig 678-951-0024

Becca’s Bagels

6 -$8.50, 12-$16, 18 -$22 Pease place orders at least 48 hours in advance. Will deliver in Reunion. Contact me with any questions! Call/text 678-754-9313

Tutoring Authority – Christine Gillespie 30 yr current educator w Masters/ Specialist Degrees. Home/online tutoring, enrichment/mentoring services. PreK-8th, gifted, ESOL & Leadership Certified. 678.438.9145

Bleu Fox Bakery

Fresh bread and baked goods made to order and delivered to your door. text 770-504-6617

Tennis Racquet Restringing 470-262-4780

Chinese government backed carts are being hit with huge tariffs and pricing is going up. EZGO and Star pricing is going down. Buy American with the most trusted and reliable carts in the industry since 1955.

Remaining 2024 units with huge discounts & 2025 units already have price reductions!

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