Business Link July 2018

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Business Link G r e a t e r H a l l C h a m b e r . c o m Chamber Chair's Column page 2 Silver Shovel Award Recipients page 4 Economic Development Review page 4 Meetings & Events page 6 Member Announcements page 10 Small Business of the Month page 11 Ribbon Cuttings page 14 Welcome New Members page 15

Greater Hall Chamber 2018-2019 Leadership Team teams within the company includGreater Hall Chamber Chair ing Development Consulting, Due Carol Burrell, is the president and Diligence, Planning and Master CEO of Northeast Georgia Health Infrastructure Design. He is responSystem (NGHS). She has been a sible for client development and copart of the senior management team ordination of highly visible projects at NGHS for almost two decades, of the firm, including infrastructure serving as executive vice president for large master planned communiand chief operating officer before ties and municipal projects, such as being named president and CEO the new Lanier Technical College in 2011. Under Carol’s leadership, campus, State Route 365 Sewer Northeast Georgia Medical Center Brian Rochester Kit Dunlap expansion, Margaritaville at Lanier (NGMC) continues to rank among Carol Burrell NEGA Health System Rochester & Associates President & CEO Islands, Road Atlanta, Sterling the nation’s top hospitals. Carol led Chair, Greater Hall Chair-Elect, Greater Hall Greater Hall Chamber on the Lake, and the new Kubota the System’s construction of North- Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce of Commerce Manufacturing of America campus. east Georgia Medical Center BraBrian served for three consecutive years as Chairman of the Greater Hall selton, Georgia’s first new hospital in almost 20 years, and the system Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Council. acquired Barrow Regional Medical Center in December 2016. Carol’s achievements have been recognized statewide: Georgia Trend magazine consistently places her on their list of the 100 Most Influential Georgians Kit Dunlap, President & CEO of the Greater Hall Chamber since 1998, has spearheaded several multi-million dollar initiatives such as the and in 2017, named her Georgia’s Most Respected Business Leader. HALLmark initiative, that have funded successful economic developLocally, the Greater Hall Chamber presented her with the Distinguished ment, education and community programs as well as VISION 2030. Citizen Award in 2017, and she received the Gainesville Rotary Club’s Kit's leadership has guided the Chamber to solid ground with a memGuardian of Ethics Award in 2015. Carol is active with United Way bership base of 2,500 individuals and a staff of 12 people. A Brenau of Hall County, and she is Past Board Chair for the Northeast Georgia College graduate, Kit served on the Board of the Georgia Department Chapter of the American Red Cross. She also serves on the board of the of Economic Development for 10 years and as chairman for two years. Georgia Hospital Association, Vizient MidSouth and the University of She is a founding member of the Gainesville-Hall County Economic North Georgia Foundation and is a member of the American College of Development Council and served as the council's first chairman in 1992. Healthcare Executives. She is currently serving on the board of the Metro North Georgia Water Chamber Chair-Elect Brian Rochester is Principal and Executive Vice Planning District and is a past chair of the organization. President for Rochester & Associates, Inc. Brian coordinates multiple

Save the Date Tuesday, July 10 Small Business Seminar Tuesday, July 17 Business After Hours Thursday, August 2 Business After Hours

J U LY 2018

A Publication of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

From the Chair

Be better tomorrow than you are today We have been fortunate to have a long legacy of leadership at the Greater Hall Chamber, and I thank immediate past chairman Perry Barnett for his part in keeping the tradition. A common trait among successful leaders is the ability to inspire others and encourage both personal and professional growth. During my term as chair, I hope to inspire others, as Perry has, and I am excited to view our community through a new lens as Greater Hall Chamber Chair.

Carol Burrell

There’s a mantra I’m prone to repeat: “Be better tomorrow than you are today.” This philosophy serves us well at Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS). I became a part of the community in 1999 and have seen both NGHS and Gainesville-Hall County experience tremendous growth, and I know there's more growth to come.

President & CEO, Northeast Georgia Health System; Chair, Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce As Hall County’s largest employer, the Health System has a close bond

with the Greater Hall Chamber, and NGHS’s success is largely due to support for and from our community – and vice versa. This is made evident as our local economy continues to grow 2% year-overyear, and Northeast Georgia Health System is proud to help fuel that growth. Down in South Hall, the area around Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton is booming, with new business and housing popping up at an astounding rate. The Georgia Hospital Association recently announced that NGHS surpassed the $1.75 billion mark in local and state economic impact. Which means residents throughout Northeast Georgia rely on NGHS for not only their healthcare needs but also their livelihood, an honor and responsibility we take very seriously. The Health System is also building another program that will have a tremendous impact on both the health of the local community and the economy – Graduate Medical Education (GME). Our first class of resident physicians will arrive in July 2019, and their impact will extend beyond caring for people in the hospital. These resident physicians will buy homes, shop locally, and raise families. They may become your neighbor! Our goal is to keep the best and brightest right here in Gainesville-Hall County. According to research from the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute, the GME program will create some 300 jobs and generate a local economic impact of $66 million by 2023, with an additional $18 million in local economic impact each year after.

July 3, 2018 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Northeast Georgia Health System has been a pillar for the community since 1951, and that will never change. We continue to fulfill our mission of improving the health of our community in all we do. We’re all in this together, and we’re building something special.


I’m excited about so many quality initiatives the Chamber has in motion. More than 100 volunteers are working hard to implement the big ideas this community established through the Vision 2030 program. We’re seeing more and more public art popping up for all to enjoy, the expansion of our trail system, exciting development in downtown and midtown, the connecting and growing of vital green spaces and opportunities for retirees and millennials alike to find ways to plug in and contribute. I also look forward to continuing the Chamber's legacy of attracting new business to the area, assisting existing industry with expansions and workforce development, strengthening international business and supporting small business growth. We’re fortunate to have such strong higher education institutions, which are key to supplying a quality workforce. Through innovative workforce development collaborations, the Chamber is working to ensure that the students of today are poised to become the strong workforce of tomorrow. We also can’t forget the power of Lake Lanier, and all of the tourism and event opportunities it provides. There is no place better positioned for continuous improvement than Gainesville-Hall County. I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to serve side-by-side with the Chamber and this community as we all work to ensure Gainesville and Hall County is even better tomorrow than it is today!

Kat B usiness Link VOLUME 24 ISSUE 1 McKemie West, Editor • Email: Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

2018-2019 Executive Committee Chair Carol Burrell, Northeast Georgia Health System

Vice Chair, Education Andi Farmer Milton Martin Honda

Chair Elect Brian Rochester Rochester & Associates

Vice Chair, Marketing Tate O'Rouke Jackson EMC

Treasurer Glennis Barnes Georgia Power

Vice Chair, Government Philip Wilheit, Jr. Wilheit Packaging

Vice Chair, Economic Development David Lee Jackson EMC

Vice Chair, Membership Brett Fowler Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance

Vice Chair, Community Development Caroline Lewallen Jaemor Farms

Vice Chair, South Hall Council Geoff Lee Road Atlanta

Chair, VISION 2030 Phillippa Lewis Moss Community Service Center Elizabeth Higgins Executive Director Co-Chairs, HALLmark Paul Chambers, AT&T Mimi Collins, Longstreet Clinic Randall Frost, Stewart, Melvin & Frost Senior Advisor Dixie Truelove, Truelove Family Farms Immediate Past Chairman Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap

Board of Directors 2018-2019 Norman Baggs, The Times Nick Bruner, Rushton Missy Burgess, Lanier Islands Caitlin Collins, Mincey Marble Manufacturing Namon Collins, Allstate Insurance Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB Danny Dunagan, Mayor, City of Gainesville Dr. Suzanne Erickson, Brenau University Terry Evans, Pinnacle Bank Jim Grier, Mayor, City of Lula Joy Griffin, United Way of Hall County Richard Higgins, Chair, Hall Co. Commission Logan Jones, Jacobs Media Corporation Dr. John Kennedy, Lakeview Academy Jennifer Landers, Newland Communities David Lloyd, Liberty Utilities Mike McGraw, PrideStaff / Ranger Mfg J.D. Mealor, Regions Bank Terry Merck, American Yazaki Mike Miller, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Sheri Millwood, Oakwood City Council Terry Morrisey, Cadwell Electrical Contractors James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont

Nancy Norton, The Norton Agency Dr. Richard Oates, University of North Georgia Bill Orr, Mayor, Town of Braselton Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Michele Piucci, Peach State Bank Josh Schlieman, Sullivan & Schlieman Will Schofield, Hall County School System Dr. Ed Schrader, Brenau University Alan Schuetze, Carroll Daniel Construction Mulham Shbeib, Mar-Jac Poultry Sarita Madera Smith, Homestar Financial Corp Terry Spicer, King's Hawaiian LTC James Spivey, Riverside Military Academy Ahna Still, Halski Systems Kevin Strada, The Atlanta Falcons John Turner, Northeast Georgia Health System Roy Turpin, Mayor, City of Gillsville Philip Wilheit, Wilheit Packaging Arrik Williams, Tatsumi Intermodal USA Dr. Jeremy Williams, Gainesville City Schools Darryl Workman, BrandBank Mike Zeiler, Bitzer US, Inc.

Associate Directors 2018-2019 Christa Andrews, Corporate Storage, LLC Carin Booth, Hall County Extension Service Haley Bower, Clipper Petroleum Chris Brown, Delta Community Credit Union Jonathan Collins, Capstone Properties Group Regina Dyer, Gainesville CVB Renee Ginn, Chick-fil-A Gainesville

Dianne Hicks, Keller Williams Lanier Partners Jay Kilroy, Willis Investment Counsel Robyn Lynch, Lake Lanier Olympic Park Andrew May, Atlanta Rehab & Performance Casey Ryals, Hall County Farm Bureau Sheila Sanchez, State Farm Insurance Alison Smith, Bagwell Insurance Group

Greater Hall Chamber Staff Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Shelley Davis, Vice President Existing Industry Amanda Lewis, Project Manager Madison Hickey, Project Manager Finance & Operations David Umberson, Vice President, Finance and Human Resources Membership Development Mandy Lathem, Vice President, Events Christen Wilbanks, Vice President, Sales Education & Leadership Andi Harmon, Vice President

Government Affairs Kit Dunlap, President & CEO South Hall Council Mandy Lathem, Vice President, Events Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West, Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager Intern Carli Echols, University North Georgia

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E c o no m ic D e ve lo pme n t


2017-2018 Silver Shovel Award Recipients

The Gainesville-Hall County Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is among the top 50 fastest growing metros in the nation. Businesses make long-term investments in our community because of its stability, skilled workforce, visionary leadership and quality of life. • Fiscal year end (7/1/17-6/30/18) summary includes 16 new and expanded businesses, 400 new jobs and $200 million in capital investment. • Now in its fourth year, the Greater Hall Workforce Development Task Force is proactive in keeping our community on the leading edge of providing skill ready employees for businesses in our community. • Site Selection ranked Gainesville #2 in its 2017 Project Ratings by Population for metros with a population less than 200,000 in the March 2018 issue.

The Chamber's 2017-2018 Silver Shovel Award Recipients were recognized at the Greater Hall Chamber Board of Directors Meeting in June. The awards are presented annually to outstanding Chamber volunteers for dedication and service. (Seated, L-R): Kathline Collins, Collins Property Group; Sues Alexander, Regions Bank; Bernie Mastracchio, The Times; Tread Syfan, Stewart, Melvin & Frost; Deb Bailey, Northeast Georgia Health System; Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo. (Standing, L-R): Logan Jones, AccessWDUN/Jacobs Media; Lt. Bonner Burton, Hall County Sheriff’s Office; Dr. Gale Starich, Brenau University; Julie Ferguson, VISION 2030; Christy Moore, Northeast Georgia Health System; Chris Brown, Delta Community Credit Union; Rob Fowler, Turner, Wood & Smith Insurance; Dr. Richard Oates, University of North Georgia.

July 3, 2018 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Manufacturer to create over 100 jobs


Economic Review

• There are 51 international company locations from 16 countries in Gainesville-Hall County, employing 8,700 workers. One-third of goods producing employees work locally for foreign owned firms. • The January 2018 Milken Institute Report named the Gainesville-Hall County Metro area as the Top Small Metro Area in Georgia and ranked #3 in the U.S. for Best Performing Small Metros. • Firms expanding their North American business included VDL Groep, Elastron USA, Mars Wrigley, Viking Range, Carroll Daniel Construction, Auto Metal Direct and ZF.

Governor Nathan Deal announced in June that VDL Groep, an international industrial and manufacturing company, will create 110 jobs and invest $17 million in Hall County. New jobs will include positions in engineering, manufacturing and general sales administration. VDL Groep will locate in the Oakwood South Business Park. The facility is expected to be operational by August 2018.

• Gainesville-Hall County continues to reign as Northeast Georgia’s primary trade area serving over 500,000 residents with significant retail growth in all sections of the community.

“VDL Groep’s decision to locate in Hall County speaks to Georgia’s ability to attract dynamic manufacturing companies from around the world with our business-friendly environment and highly skilled workforce,” said Deal.

• Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC) surpassed the $1.75 billion mark in local and state economic impact according to a June 2018 report by the Georgia Hospital Association. In 2016, NGMC had 18,000 full-time jobs throughout the region and state in addition to over 8,000 employees directly employed by Northeast Georgia Health System.

Founded in 1953 and headquartered in Eindhoven, Netherlands, VDL Groep is a family-owned company that operates 98 companies in 20 countries and employs more than 17,000. “VDL Groep sees the state of Georgia as an attractive starting point based on geography and availability of resources,” said VDL Groep President and CEO Willem van der Leegte. “We are a specialist in providing the supply chain for our customers and we think there is a demand for our products and services in the surroundings of Georgia.” “VDL is a welcome addition to the growing business community of family-owned and European-based subsidiaries with their North American manufacturing operations in the Gainesville-Hall County,” said Tim Evans, Vice President of Economic Development at the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce. “This new location will benefit many existing manufacturing industries, as well as the citizens of our community.” The project team included Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) Director of International Investment Nico Wijnberg in partnership with the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Power and Georgia & Lanier Tech Quick Start program representatives.

• NGMC begins a residency program for medical school graduates in 2019 with an initial 29 residents, and the program is expected to grow to 170 residents within a few years. The new residency program is a pipeline for the best and brightest medical talent to relocate for their residencies and potentially stay for their careers. • Lake Lanier Olympic Park will host the ICF Dragon Boat World Championships on September 13-16. Some 20 countries and 1,000 athletes will be participating in the event.

Meetings & Events

VISION 2030 Leadership

Tuesday, July 10 Small Business Seminar "How to Build a Reputable Online Presence" presented by Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. | Chamber

Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System

Davis White DataWise Communications

Phillippa Lewis Moss Gainesville Community Service Center

July 3, 2018 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, July 10 Ambassador Council 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. 2 Dog Cafe | Gainesville

VISION 2030 leaders continue to work for a stronger workforce, exceptional quality of life and a thriving economy through the implementation of strategic Big Ideas. Leaders in our community have helped make incredible strides towards the vision, including outgoing Vision 2030 Board Members/Chairs Melissa Tymchuk, Northeast Georgia Health System, and Davis White, DataWise Communications. Phillippa Lewis Moss, Director, Gainesville Community Service Center, is the incoming Vision 2030 Board Chair and will work with Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director, and dozens of dedicated volunteers to continue the legacy.

Wednesday, July 11 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. -9:30 a.m. Longstreet Cafe | Gainesville

ICF Dragon Boat World Championships

Tuesday, July 17 Business After Hours Purple House Gallery 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 226 W Academy Street | Gainesville

Fundraiser is July 21 at Brenau University

Bill Fields, 1952 Olympic Gold medalist in rowing, voiced a vision for Lake Lanier when he pitched the site to be home to the rowing events in the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta. During the Olympics, rowers gathered from around the globe to compete here for the Gold; for the dream of being an Olympic Champion. Today, that legacy continues as teams continue to train and compete on the best water in the world.


July 2018

Lake Lanier Olympic Park (LLOP) will host the largest international sporting event in the area since the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games with the ICF Dragon Boat World Championships (September 13-16) including 20 countries and 1,000 athletes. Team USA will be selected after over 800 athletes participate in five regional trials held across the United States and will gather at Lake Lanier Olympic Park in July for the only training camp prior to the world championships. As a show of support for Team USA and a fundraiser for the ICF Dragon Boat World Championships, a concert will be held on Saturday, July 21 featuring the Fly Betty Band at Brenau University’s Amphitheater in Gainesville. Help support Team USA and prepare for the World Dragon Boat Championships by attending this concert. The organizing committee for the 2018 ICF Dragon Boat World Championship invites you to explore the sport of dragon boat racing, which dates back more than 2,000 years. With ancient Chinese origins, the first participants were Chinese villagers who held races in the belief it would show worship to the dragon, a traditional symbol of water. Today, the sport is fast and exciting with crews of either 10 or 20 paddling to the beat of a drum over a set distance. For more information on the exciting fundraising event, tickets or sponsorships or for volunteer opportunities for the Dragon Boat Championships: Robyn Lynch, Director, LLOP, 770-535-0397. Email:

Wednesday, July 11 Human Resource Council 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Luna's | Downtown Gainesville

Wednesday, July 18 Issues Committee 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. | Chamber Thursday, July 19 Chamber Executive Committee 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Chamber NOTE: No Chamber Board of Directors Meeting in July

AUGUST 2018 Thursday, August 2 Business After Hours Georgia Mountain Food Bank 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 1642 Calvary Industrial Drive SW Gainesville

Tuesday, August 14 Small Business Seminar "Economic and Political Forecast" Panel: Carol Burrell, Northeast Georgia Health System; Senator Butch Miller; Brett Fowler, Turner, Wood & Smith; Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. | Featherbone Communiversity | Gainesville Wednesday, August 15 Lunch 'n Learn Edward Jones-Michael Lancaster 5506 Main Street | Flowery Branch Thursday, August 16 South Hall Business Coalition "Economic Development Review" presented by Tim Evans, Chamber Breakfast sponsored by Funari Realty 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Houndstooth Grill 6323 Grand Hickory Drive | Braselton

SEPTEMBER 2018 Tuesday, September 11 Business Resource Fair Keynote Speaker: Howard Flint, Ghost Partner and Expert for Constant Contact 7:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Featherbone Communiversity | 999 Chestnut Street | Gainesville Tuesday, September 18 Business After Hours Chattahoochee Country Club 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3000 Club Drive | Gainesville Wednesday, September 19 Lunch 'n Learn The Venue at Friendship Springs 7340 Friendship Springs Blvd Flowery Branch Online:

Thank You Chamber Sponsors! We appreciate these organizations that support Chamber Events: AccessWDUN Caldwell Electrical Georgia Mnt Food Bank Jaemor Farms

Milton Martin Honda Purple House Gallery Red Clay Interactive Signs by Tomorrow

Store More Self Storage The Times WSI Digital Rainmakers

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July 3, 2018 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Member Announcements



• For the second consecutive year, Norton Agency Insurance has been recognized by Auto-Owners Insurance as a Top 10 Agency for property and casualty written premium growth in Georgia for 2017. Celebrating its 90th Anniversary this year, Norton Agency Insurance is one of the State's premier insurance agencies, licensed in 50 states with 220 carriers, 50 agents and over 30,000 clients. • Hall County UGA Extension and Jaemor Farms present food preservation classes this summer including canning of peach salsa, strawberry preserves and vegetable soup! Classes are held at the Barn at Jaemor and include canning instruction and a hands-on make and take workshop using Jaemor produce. Reserve your spot at or contact Carin Booth at • Northeast Georgia Health System named Lynn Mackes, an acute care physical therapist at Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, its 2018 Employee of the Year. A 20-year employee, Mackes was recognized for her work ethic and the ability to build trust with patients through her humor and imagination. • The Arts Council's Summer MusicFest continues with the Back In Time Band on Saturday, August 4 with classic rock-n-roll, soul, and East Coast Beach Music, reminiscing with hits from the 60’s-80’s. The Swingin’ Medallions, known as The Party Band of the South, perform on Saturday, August 18. Both concerts begin at 8:00 pm on the lawn of The Arts Council Smithgall Arts Center. Tickets: • Ace Hardware’s 24th Annual Charity Golf Outing on Thursday, August 23 at Royal Lakes Golf & Country Club will benefit Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta hospitals. To register, contact Lea Tavani at 770-531-9977, ext. 6327 or email: Ace Hardware’s 500,000 sq. ft. distribution center on Palmour Drive in Gainesville opened in October 1989. Currently, Ace has 200+ employees at this location and services 350 Ace retail store locations throughout a seven state territory in the Southeast. • Lake Lanier Olympic Park will host the largest international sporting event in the area since the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games with the ICF Dragon Boat World Championships (September 13-16) including 20 countries and

1,000 athletes. A concert will be held on Saturday, July 21 featuring the Fly Betty Band at Brenau University’s Amphitheater in Gainesville. Help support Team USA and prepare for the World Dragon Boat Championships by attending this concert. For tickets or sponsorship opportunities, visit LLOP online: • Michael Lancaster of the financial services firm Edward Jones in Flowery Branch recently won the firm's exclusive Spirit of Partnership Award for outstanding performance during 2017 for demonstrated unyielding dedication and enthusiasm for his business of serving individual investors. Edward Jones, a Fortune 500 company, serves more than 7 million clients. • Gainesville has been named the Top City for Paramedics and EMTs in America for 2018 by for reviewed data from 645 cities nationwide. Gainesville was ranked #1 in the U.S. after analyzing data that included salary figures, crime data, cost of living, EMS location quotient, and projected job growth. • The Medical Center Foundation announces new President and Chief Development Officer, Chris Bray. Previously, Chris served as Associate Vice President of Development at his alma mater, University of South Florida’s Foundation and managed the major gifts development programs, leading a team of 22 staff. He replaces Nancy Colston, who has led successful the Foundation since 1998 and has retired. • USDA Rural Development is committed to increasing access to capital to elevate the quality of life in rural communities and announces “Rural Strong - Georgia” on July 25, 1:00-4:00pm at Jaemor Farms, 5340 Cornelia Highway in Alto. Held in partnership, with the US Small Business Administration (SBA), the event was designed for Northeast Georgia entrepreneurs, lenders and chamber members and will feature how to use the programs and services available through the USDA and SBA to help start and grow businesses. Details: Deborah Callahan, Public Affairs Officer, 706-552-2595,

GOT NEWS? Email:

Family Networking on the Farm

Thank you Mountain Fresh Creamery & Glo-Crest Dairy for hosting a family funfilled Business After Hours in June. (L-R): Jon Lee, Jennifer and Scott Glover, Mindy Pitchford.

Upcoming Business After Hours Don't miss Business After Hours on Tuesday, July 17 at Purple House Gallery from 5-7pm at 226 W Academy Street in Gainesville. Founded in 1993, Purple House Gallery is Gainesville’s resource for museum quality picture framing, corporate artwork design, printing, restoration and art consulting. Malia Bolt took over in 2001and to celebrate their 25th Anniversary, Purple House will be presenting discount coupons to everyone attending along with door prizes, food and beverages! Georgia Mountain Food Bank will host Business After Hours on Thursday, August 2 from 5-7pm at their facility at 1642 Calvary Industrial Drive in Gainesville. Celebrating 10 years of service, GMFB addresses hunger by partnering with over 75 agencies via their distribution sites throughout a five county service area. Business After Hours: $5 Chamber members; $15 non-members and includes food and networking along with door prizes and the Cash Prize Drawing. For more information: Mandy Lathem, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:

Madison Hickey joins Chamber Staff Madison Hickey, a Toccoa native, has joined the Greater Hall Chamber staff as a Project Manager with the Economic Development Division. She will assist the Economic Development team with business expansion, business retention, government affairs, retail development and small business initiatives. Madison graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Georgia (Class of 2018) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural communication. She has a Personal and Organizational Leadership Certificate from the Terry College of Business Institute for Madison Hickey Project Manager, Greater Leadership Advancement and was a four-year recipient Hall Chamber of Commerce of the Zell Miller Scholarship. She also received the Presidential Award of Excellence and the Nesbitt-Flatt Outstanding Senior Award. Madison most recently served as a Georgia Legislative Intern with Senator John Wilkinson, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee, and also as a student worker for the Georgia FFA Association. She also worked in the marketing division of Jaemor Farms. Contact Madison Hickey at the Chamber at 770-532-6206 or email:


may be far off,

After serving as a volunteer gift buyer for over 10 years at Northeast Georgia Medical Center's Window Shop and working several years part-time at a local retail store, Tracy Waggoner opened The Iron Rose in 2015 on Dawsonville Highway, seeking to provide a quaint and cozy atmosphere with employees that care. She searches for gifts and home decor for reasonable prices with service that you can only receive from a hometown store. In March, the store relocated to 210 West Academy Street. "Customers often ask about the store name," said Tracy. "I am a part of a group of women that gathers for birthdays, and when a friend in the club was diagnosed with cancer, we all rallied Tracy Waggoner, Owner of The Iron Rose, around her. She named our birthChamber Small Business of the Month. day group The Iron Roses, which embodies our strength, faith, friendship and love. Since I am one of the Iron Roses, I decided to call my store The Iron Rose." The Iron Rose, 210 West Academy Street, Gainesville, GA 30501. 678-617-2003.

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"How To Build a Reputable Online Presence" is Tuesday, July 10 from 7:45 am -9:30 am at the Greater Hall Chamber. Reputation is key to the sustainability and health of any organization. Speed of communication and limited internal resources can be a challenge for small businesses trying to manage their reputation as they build an online presence. Join Al Trembley of WSI Digital Rainmakers as he shares a proven road map to grow a trustworthy, dependable business in the digital world. No charge for Chamber Members; $15 Non-members. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. 2Gainesville, columns GA 30501 Member 770-534-1220 3630 Thompson Bridge Rd Ste 4.4167 x10" 22

Financial Advisor Member SIPC

July 3,, 2018 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

(L-R): Tony Paramore, Lanier Tech; Dave Simpson, Simpson Custom Photography; Howard Flint, Ghost Partner; Dr. Carroll Turner, Lanier Tech MDC; Jay Kelly, Signs By Tomorrow. The June program was presented by Howard Flint, a Constant Contact™ Authorized Local Expert, on how to make the most of the combination of email and social media. Attend six of the monthly seminars and become a Chamber Certified Small Business Partner. Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111 or

Small Business

Small Business of the Month The Iron Rose


July 3, 2018 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Community Development

Upcoming Chamber Events


Sponsorships Available!

October 17

EXPO/SCREENINGS – 7:30 am-1:30 pm BREAKFAST – 7:30 am-9:00 am

Gainesville Civic Center The Greater Hall Chamber’s 12th Annual HealthSmart Expo on October 17 will feature over 60 wellness exhibitors and FREE Community Health Screenings for men and women 18 years and older. Screenings include: Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglycerides Testing, Blood Pressure Checks, Body Mass Index Calculation, and many more. The HealthSmart Expo is free and open to the public, and a shuttle service will be provided. No Charge! No Fees! No Appointment Needed! The event kicks off with the HealthSmart Breakfast on Wednesday, October 17 at 7:30 a.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. Presentation of the Most Fit Company Awards will take place during the breakfast program. Many sponsorship opportunities are available and range from Title Sponsor to Silver Level Sponsorships with booths in prime location at the HealthSmart Expo, tickets to the HealthSmart Breakfast, promotion including logo placements on advertisements, banners, and marketing materials. For HealthSmart Information or Sponsorships, contact Mandy Lathem, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email:

From the Business Expo to Hackers Holiday, the Greater Hall Chamber has a calendar packed with events to benefit members and grow business. Consider promoting your organization by sponsoring one of the upcoming events. Great exposure and bang for the buck! Mandy Lathem: 770-532-6206 x 115 or For more on these and other events, visit the Chamber Online. Wednesday, October 17, 2018: HealthSmart Wellness Expo 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Gainesville Civic Center Tuesday, November 13, 2018: Industry Appreciation Luncheon 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Chattahoochee Country Club Thursday, December 13, 2018: Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. | Lanier Technical College NEW CAMPUS Thursday, February 21, 2019: Business Expo 2019 11:30am – 6:00pm | Gainesville Civic Center Wednesday, February 27, 2019: Healthy Hall Awards Luncheon 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Brenau Downtown Center Thursday, March 14: Annual Transportation Forum 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | University of North Georgia Gainesville Wednesday, March 20, 2019: 2019 Job Fair & Career Expo 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. | Gainesville Civic Center Thursday, March 28, 2019: Chamber Chase 5K & Wellness Walk 6:00 p.m. | Riverside Military Academy Friday, April 26, 2019: Hackers Holiday Golf Tournament 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start | Legacy on Lanier at Lanier Islands Thursday, May 16, 2019: 111th Annual Chamber Meeting & Gala 6:00 p.m. | Chattahoochee Country Club

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Save the Date

Eggs & Issues Breakfast Thursday, December 13

7:30 - 9:30 am New Lanier Technical College Campus The Greater Hall Chamber continues to assist local businesses and citizens in communicating their concerns and discussing issues with our legislative delegation at the Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast. The event is open to the public and will feature the Gainesville-Hall County Legislative Delegation for the Georgia House of Representatives and State Senate. For information on the Annual Eggs & Issues Breakfast, contact Gerri Collins, 770-532-6206 x 106. Email:

Small Business Seminar Series

South Hall Business Coalition

Tuesday, July 10 How to Build a Reputable Online Presence Presented by Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers 7:45 am - 9:00 am at the Chamber No Charge for Chamber Members Tuesday, August 14 Small Business Economic and Political Forecast Panel: Carol Burrell, President & CEO, Northeast Georgia Health System; Senator Butch Miller, President Pro Tempore, Georgia Senate; Brett Fowler, VP & Partner, Turner, Wood & Smith; Perry Barnett, CPA, Business Services Partner, Rushton 7:45 am - 9:00 am No Charge for Chamber Members; Non-Members Featherbone Communiversity, 999 Chestnut Street in Gainesville. Tuesday, September 11 Business Resource Fair: Local, free resources to help your business thrive & grow Networking & Registration (7:45am-8am). Breakfast and Keynote Speaker (8am-8:45am) Howard Flint, Ghost Partner and Authorized Local Expert for Constant Contact. Exhibitor Fair and Networking (8:45am-10am). Open to the Public. Door Prizes! $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Registration required. Featherbone Communiversity, 999 Chestnut Street in Gainesville. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email:

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1/4 Page Ad

Riverside Pharmacy NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) Prism (Professional Records & Information Services Management) A Division of Total Information Protection Group

770-287-9605 •


Serving Gainesville Since 1954

July 3, 2018 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Serving1/4 Northeast Georgia Page Ad Since 1993 2 columns

The South Hall Business Coalition recently met at Chicopee Woods Golf Course. (L-R): Lennie Holland, General Manager, Chicopee Woods; Chamber South Hall Council Chair Geoff Lee, Road Atlanta; Kit Dunlap, President & CEO, Greater Hall Chamber; Al Morrison, Head Golf Professional, Chicopee Woods. The Coalition will meet on Thursday, August 16 at Houndstooth Grill (6323 Grand Hickory Drive in Braselton) for a complete Gainesville-Hall County Economic Development Review presented by Tim Evans, Greater Hall Chamber Vice President of Economic Development. Breakfast is sponsored by Funari Realty. $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Reservations required. Mandy Lathem, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: Online:

Economic Development

Become a Greater Hall Chamber CERTIFIED Small Business Partner! It's easy – just attend six FREE seminars during the 2018-19 calendar year. Partners receive many benefits including: Certificate of Completion; Certified Small Business Door Decal; Recognition at a Chamber Board Meeting and in Business Link.

935 Green St., Gainesville, GA



Ribbon Cuttings

Nick Pruner | Edward Jones

Tenacea Consulting

Nick Pruner and Katie Pierce cut ribbon at Edward Jones Investments in Braselton. Nick works with investors to understand what is important to them, and offers many choices to work together to build personalized strategies using an established process. He partners with clients throughout their life to help them stay on track and achieve their goals.7378 Friendship Springs Blvd, Suite D, Braselton, GA 30542.

Cammie BellGarrison, Jordan Evans and Rebecca Ratz cut ribbon at Tenacea Consulting, a woman owned technical services organization headquartered in Athens, Georgia. Tenacea specialize in engineering, information systems, supply chain, process and operations management. They support clients’ quests to improve, whether the target is financial improvement, process improvement, employee growth, or another area for growth – they are committed to seeing results for our clients. Through experience and technical expertise, Tenacea provides clients with sustainable solutions to meet or exceed their business objectives and defines its success through their clients’ success. 337 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, GA 30605. 706-540-2316.

Southern Nest Ben and Laurie Mason, Taylor and Ashley Skinner cut a ribbon at Southern Nest, one of Gainesville's newest shops featuring a collection of unique home décor and eclectic gifts. From elegant to rustic, from contemporary to traditional, you can find it at the Nest. They offer gifts for the wine enthusiast, the casual hostess and the new grandparent. Stop by and let Laurie help you find pieces that reflect your style and taste. Check them out on Facebook and Instagram. Southern Nest, 3296 Thompson Bridge Road, Gainesville, GA 30506. 678-696-5406.

iLash Studio 42 in Gainesville

July 3, 2018 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Enota Elementary School


Jackie Yang, Chandler Redding, Rachel Watkins, Debbie Massey, Ali Redding and Carly Carter cut ribbon at iLash Studio 42 in Gainesville. The salon offers Xtreme Eyelash extensions, the highest quality individual lashes on the market, as well as microdermabrasion facials, electrolysis, microblading for eyebrows, permanent make up for eyeliner and lips, eyelash and eyebrow tinting, waxing, airbrush tanning, massage and more! Serving Hall County for over 20 years, iLash Studio 42 recently moved to a beautiful, historic building on Green Street from their previous location on Washington Street. 204 Green Street NE, Gainesville, GA 30501. 770-287-8687.


Biz Card Ad

984 Thompson Bridge Rd • Gainesville, GA

770-532-1217 • Serving

Parents, community members and education officials, Principal Wesley A. Roach and Assistant Principal DeAnn Sams cut a ribbon to celebrate the completion of Gainesville City School System's new Enota Elementary School on May 31. The new campus replaces the 63-year-old school and includes state-of-the-art technology and safety features, as well as a Smartville Garden II in the design stage for the campus as well. Enrollment is expected to be about 700 for the 2018-19 school year. A community open house will be announced in July.

Northeast 2 columns Georgia Since 1967 4.4167 x2"

Dr. Denise Funk • Dr. Chris Potter

Ambassadors of the Year

Welcome New Members Croft & Associates Jennifer Venson 3400 Blue Springs Road Kennesaw GA 30144 -Architect|Engineer 770-529-7714

Precision Planning, Inc Bill Cornell 400 Pike Blvd Lawrenceville GA 30046 -Architect|Engineer 770-338-8000

BGW Dental Braselton Dr. Richard Bennett 1205 Friendship Road Braselton GA 30517 -Dentist Group 770-532-4555

Farmers Home Furniture Angel Mitchell 2275 Browns Br. Rd, Suite A Gainesville GA 30501 -Retail 770-534-9757

Stat Delivery Scott Black 430 Broad Street Gainesville GA 30501 -Transportation Services 770-536-3747

CFO Works, P.C. Debra Hendrix P.O. Box 907630 Gainesville GA 30503 -Business Services 678-943-5645

GeoWerks Engineering Michael Caverzasi 1370 Union Hill Industrial Court, Suite H Alpharetta GA 30004 -Architect|Engineer 888-423-4194

Summer & Summer Joseph Summer 101 Bradford Street NE Gainesville GA 30501 -Attorney at Law 770-535-1700

Join the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce and get all the benefits offered to members. The potential dividends from investment are unlimited! For details, contact Christen Wilbanks, Vice President of Membership Sales, 770-532-6206 x 115 or email: or Join Online:

New Community Magazine

Valuable contact information is included for those new to the community, as well as lifelong residents. Pick up your copy at the Chamber (230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Gainesville), or read online at Details: Robin Halstead, Chamber Welcome Center, 770-532-6206. Email:

Chamber Marketing Opportunities How can your business reach thousands of prospects? Consider advertising in the Chamber's monthly Business Link Newsletter. A partnership with The Times, Business Link is circulated to newspaper subscribers the first Tuesday of each month. Additionally, the newsletter is mailed to each Chamber representative. For Business Link advertising information, contact Bernie Mastracchio at The Times, 770-535-6337. Email: Want to promote your company with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony? This is a free service if you're a member of the Greater Hall Chamber. Not a member? Join now and receive numerous benefits. For membership information or to schedule your event, contact Christen Wilbanks, Chamber Vice President of Membership Sales, 770-532-6206 x 116 or email The Greater Hall Chamber offers its members a reasonably priced marketing opportunity by including business promotional pieces in a Monthly General Mailing. Chamber members provide a promotional piece and mailing/insert fee, and the piece is mailed to approximately 1650 member representatives. For details, contact Gerri Collins, 770-532-6206 x 106. Email: For Greater Hall Chamber membership information and benefits, contact Christen Wilbanks, Vice President of Membership Sales, 770-532-6206 x 116 or email: – Join the Chamber online at

July 3, 2018 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Look for the Greater Hall Chamber’s new community magazine, published with The Times, and now available! Covering all that is happening in Gainesville-Hall County, the publication has over 100 pages of information and is distributed to prospective new businesses, newcomers, visitors and business clients with content on Economic Development, Healthcare, Housing, Education, Tourism, Art & Culture, Churches, History and Facts about Cities in Hall County.

Greater Hall Chamber Ambassadors of the Year (L-R): Darryl Workman, BrandBank; Christen Wilbanks, Chamber Vice President of Membership Sales; Ahna Still, Halski Systems; Logan Jones, AccessWDUN/Jacobs Media. Darryl, Ahna and Logan were recognized for volunteer service at the Chamber's June Board of Directors meeting. The Ambassador Program seeks to promote member commitment and retention by raising awareness of Chamber activities and encouraging members' participation in the Chamber's programs. The Ambassador Program consists of volunteers from the Chamber membership who donate their time to assist the Chamber in various activities and are active in ribbon cuttings, Business After Hours and various other Chamber projects. To learn more about the Ambassador Program or how you can get involved, contact Christen Wilbanks, 770-532-6206 x 116 or email:

Membership Development

Adventures in Missions Christina Barnes 6000 Wellspring Trail Gainesville GA 30506 -Non-Profit 770-983-1060


Business Resource Fair Tuesday, September 11

Why Join the Chamber? “For me, the Greater Hall Chamber has always been a place of connection and growth. It has connected me with the community both with my business and personally, and it has been an organization through which we community members have striven to grow and improve the world around us."

7:45 am - 10:00 am Featherbone Communiversity 999 Chestnut Street in Gainesville

Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo VP, Relationship Manager Greater Georgia Middle Market Banking

NETWORKING • DOOR PRIZES • RESOURCES Make reservations to attend the Chamber's 2nd Annual Business Resource Fair! We've assembled the best local (FREE) resources to help your business thrive and grow. Keynote Speaker is Howard Flint, Ghost Partner and Constant Contact™ Authorized Local Expert. Howard works with companies to create content and strategy for Email, Social, and Search Marketing.

"Whether you are a native of Hall County or now call it home, the Chamber is the best resource to join and utilize to network for both friendships and business relationships. Our county has grown several state leaders and has businesses from a variety of industries – and the Chamber is a connecting point to them all."

Thank You Small Business Series Sponsors

Caroline B. Lewallen, Jaemor Farms Agritourism & Marketing Coordinator

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non Member Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111 • Email: Register Online:

Business After Hours Tuesday, July 17 Purple House Gallery

226 W Academy Street | Gainesville Purple House Gallery is Gainesville’s resource for quality picture framing, corporate artwork design, restoration and art consulting. Join Owner Malia Bolt and celebrate their 25th Anniversary! Coupons, door prizes, food, drink and networking! $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-members; Cash Prize Drawing!

Take advantage of all the Chamber has to offer. If you're a member, get involved. If you're not, JOIN now. Contact Christen Wilbanks, VP Membership Sales, at 770-532-6206 or JOIN online at

Business After Hours: $5 Members $15 Non-Members • Networking • Food & Drink • Door Prizes • Cash Prize Drawing

Business After Hours Thursday, August 2

Georgia Mountain Food Bank 1642 Calvary Industrial Drive SW | Gainesville The Georgia Mountain Food Bank addresses hunger by serving those in need throughout North Georgia by partnering with over 75 agencies in Dawson, Forsyth, Hall, Lumpkin and Union counties.

Upcoming Chamber Events Tuesday, July 10 Small Business Seminar 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Chamber Wednesday, July 11 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. -9:30 a.m. Longstreet Cafe | Gainesville Tuesday, July 17 Business After Hours Purple House Gallery 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 226 W Academy St. | Gainesville

Thursday, August 2 Business After Hours Georgia Mountain Food Bank 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 1642 Calvary Industrial Dr | Gville


Tuesday, September 11 Business Resource Fair 7:45 am - 10:00 am Featherbone Communiversity 999 Chestnut St | Gainesville


Tuesday, August 14 Small Business Seminar 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Featherbone Communiversity Wednesday, August 15 Lunch 'n Learn Edward Jones-Michael Lancaster 5506 Main St. | Flowery Branch

Details & Register Online for these events and more This publication is printed on partially recycled paper.

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