2 minute read
Manager’s Message
which defines Cresswind. We held Vaccination Programs, realigned our Charter and Operating Procedures – improved and upgraded many of our amenities, embarked upon much needed road repair and repaving - we also took control of our marina, which had up to that point been exclusively owned by Kolter, but operated by the Cresswind HOA. Since that time, we have encountered the Covid-19 Pandemic and all it brought to our Country, our Region and our Community. Let’s quickly review where we have come from since the early part of 2020 – worked with Jackson EMC to improve the reliability of our local electrical feeders to minimize future power outage impacts – entered into a cost effective contract with Spectrum to the benefit of all of our residents – implemented a realignment of our Management Company, First Service Residential to be more proactive and responsive – entered into a long term improvement program with Spectrum to completely revamp other IT and Internet Services in our Clubhouse. There are numerous other examples of our forward progress, with thanks and gratitude to our tireless volunteers – it speaks to our Generosity – Fortitude - Care – Concern for our residents and Community and Public Service which is in our DNA.
Therefore, I find it easy to see that if we take time to take stock of our humble beginnings and look to our recent past, it is apparent where Cresswind Is headed in 2022 and beyond. I can see nothing less than the best of Cresswind in the future as it continues to be one of the Premier 55+ Active Adult Communities to live in.
We continue to have and exhibit a special bond amongst our residents and local community. It leads to our motto – CRESSWIND STRONG.
As we embrace 2022 and beyond, let us recommit to be a bit more caring, sharing, compassionate, and committed to be the best we can be for ourselves, our community, and our neighbors
Dan Gershkowitz
Manager, Kitti Kleindler Message
This time last year hopes were high that life was returning to “normal”- whatever that is. Well, it is 12 months later and Covid seems reluctant to release its hold on us. Masks, vaccines, and variants are now words that are found in our everyday conversations.
And yet . . . here we are. It’s a New Year and the clubhouse is open, there are more and more people using it every day. The Brew Ha Ha bunch is growing, events and the attendance at events is climbing. I am encouraged that, although cautious, Cresswinders are not going to be cowed any longer. Everyone has his own comfort level of protection and I see respect for those differences. What is important is that we re-energize the vibrant lifestyle that is Cresswind. We have some new clubs and are always willing to create more if there is an interest. Many new residents are just beginning to experience all that Cresswind has to offer. Boy are they in for a pleasant surprise!
In this new year of 2022, I encourage all of you to try something new and get involved. That is why most of you moved to an “active adult” community. Committees are always looking for new members. Clubs’ welcome new participants. And we have yet to reach our limit on ticket sales for events. The motto for lifestyle at Cresswind (maybe you have seen it at the bottom of the daily updates) is “Set Yourself Free!”.
Let’s do just that! We look forward to a great year at Cresswind!