4 minute read
What’s Happening......................... 3List, Schedules, Calendars
by The Times
• Approved hiring new lifestyle director, Maggie Shay, appointing David Shaffer as a board director.
• Approved replacement of stolen park bench with provision Cresswind Community Fund (CCF) will assume securing and replacement costs in the future.
• Approved Reserve Study noting we now have just under $1 million in our reserves.
• Approved new light poles and paint for the underpass at Browns Bridge & Cresswind Pkwy. (Awaiting DOT authorization to paint over the graffiti.) • Approved replacing waterfall cistern, not to exceed $900.
• Approved recommended FirstService Residential (FSR) staff salary increases.
• Approved revised language on Use and Maintenance Covenant to prohibit fencing on common property.
• Approved Marina slip transfer proceed allocations as recommended by BOD Treasurer

Cresswind volunteers Thomas and Diane Jaseckas, Mark Nestle, James and Paula Burzotta, Ron Grimm, Mike Dyer, Natalie Watts, Wilson Golden, and Stan Goldman
By Paula Burzotta and Stan Goldman
The number of Cresswind volunteers grew with several new faces this year. Hopefully, the next sweep will be even larger with more hikers and kayakers. We all appreciated the tools, gloves, and t-shirts we received. We will use the extra t-shirts and gloves for the next “Sweep”. We filled most of the bags and that is a good thing. With all the bags, many not seem in the pics, we gathered tarps, tents, clothing, sleeping bags, etc. This made for a long hefty haul when on the trails.
The Cresswind Kayakers did an amazing amount of collecting. They went down to many of the coves and came back with pretty crazy... junk. Ron Grimm, Mark Nestle, and Stan Goldman were able to hit the spots hikers could not possibly reach. Some items which will be removed for the health of our lake were just too heavy for us to move or carry but will be picked up later.
With all of that said, guesstimating only the trash, we transported to our dumpster, we agreed on 12001400lbs total collected. Now, if we had included the huge blocks of foam and more, which the Kayakers contained within the cove, and the 9+ tires and other heavy debris, we might be looking at 3000-4000lbs or more.
It was a great day for the lake and the volunteers!

Our Cresswind Heritage
by Bruce Leibrecht and Sue Garcia
Journey back in time to notable moments in our early history …
➢ May 2005 – Levitt and Sons buys 410 acres on Lake Lanier for about $21.5 million ➢ July 2005 – Newspaper reports Levitt and Sons’ plan to build Seasons on Lake Lanier ➢ Jan 2006 – Levitt obtains $100 million line of credit to fund residential construction ➢ Spring 2006 – Crews construct and landscape entrance features, including waterfall – Temporary sales office opens at Browns Bridge Road and Ivey Road ➢ Jun 2006 – Sales team holds lottery to allocate initial group of lots for Phase I ➢ Fall 2006 – Construction begins on model home park, including sales/design centers – Crews construct and landscape community marina, with initial boat dock ➢ Jan 2007 – Crews begin constructing homes under contract on five streets of Phase I ➢ Mar 2007 – Levitt’s open house features model homes plus sales and design centers ➢ May 2007 – The first residents begin closing and moving into new homes in Phase I – Levitt records governing documents for Seasons on Lake Lanier ➢ Jun 2007 – Crews begin clearing trees and preparing ground for two hiking trails ➢ Jul 2007 – Residents begin using the Design Center as a community/activities center ➢ Sep 2007 – The number of homes closed in Seasons on Lake Lanier reaches 54 ➢ Oct 2007 – Levitt fails to pay $2.6 million of loan interest, halts construction work – Levitt employees and construction workers disappear from the community – Residents learn of Levitt and Sons’ decision to file for bankruptcy ➢ Nov 2007 – Levitt and Sons lawyers file paperwork for Chapter 11 bankruptcy – Residents form new Board of Directors to govern without a developer ➢ Dec 2007 – Community organizes Christmas activities amid daunting uncertainty
Stay tuned for another round of notable moments in the next Waterfall. Want more information? Got memories, stories, photos, or other items to share? Please contact Bruce Leibrecht (bleibrecht@windstream.net) or Sue Garcia (suegarcia9@gmail.com).
A Request from The Library Staff
By Eleanor Whalen
Where are all the James Patterson novels? If you borrowed a book from the Library and have finished reading it, please return it to the Library Cart! The library shelves were full of books and now they are rather sparse.

Donations are always welcome, but remember to check the copyright date first, we are accepting books that are 2015 and newer.
Welcome new neighbors Julie and Dorothy!

Rose Micuch 925-366-7467
rm@sweetasarose.com GA #394336 CA #01456996 Search for homes on www.rosemrealty.com or by texting “ROSE” to 770-790-4222 Time for a Change?
Thinking of moving? It is a seller’s market with low inventory in Cresswind! I have buyers waiting for homes in Cresswind. I will help you every step of the way to sell your home and find your new dream home. Let’s get it SOLD!