17 minute read
New ResidentsCommittee News
by The Times
Committee Corner Architectural Review Committee (ARC) by Louis McClure
We need to be good neighbors and follow the approved Cresswind Rules & Regulations when developing our home projects. Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions of the ARC. Can I improve the Community Common Property around my home?
Cresswind Rules & Regulations Manual 5-3.1. General: (h) Under certain circumstances, improvements may be made to Community Common Property with approval of the Architectural Review Committee and/ or the Landscape Committee and the Association Board of Directors. It is the intent of the Association to allow residents to landscape and hardscape (excluding fences) berms and slopes which are adjacent to certain lots in the Community. Before any improvements can be made, homeowners must submit requests to the Architectural Review Committee and/or the Landscape Committee for review and approval.
I’m confused, do I submit my request to the Landscape Committee or Architectural Review Committee (ARC)?
If your project grows, the Landscape Committee is responsible for the approval. For all other items, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is responsible for the approval. Forms for both projects can be found online at the Cresswind Website/Info/Committees then select ARC Committee or Landscape Committee. Complete the form and submit the form to the Cresswind Front Office Desk. This form needs to be completed and approved prior to starting the project. The ARC Committee has been busy processing an increased number of requests in 2021. We have a great group of volunteers that visit each home to discuss the project and submit the project to the ARC Committee for approval. As you can see by the number or requests listed below, Cresswind has been busy beautifying our great neighborhood.
When do I need to request approval for something I want to do outside of my home? What is the general guidance on requesting approval from the ARC for a project?
Changes to the exterior of a home require ARC approval in advance of starting the work. In most cases, you should not start work until you receive approval from the Community Manager. The Cresswind at Lake Lanier Rules and Regulations Manual states, “Any modification, alteration, or addition of ornamentation of any type or size to a home in Cresswind, that is, anything that can be seen by you, a neighbor, or pedestrians requires advance approval from the ARC. This includes statues, metal or concrete sculptures, bird baths, flowerpots, wind chimes, swings, benches, arbors, trellises, etc.” This list is not all-inclusive, and to be on the safe side you should reach out to the ARC for clarification if you have any questions on whether or not approval is required.
How does the ARC process work, and what is the process for closing out an ARC request?
The ARC process starts when you submit your request for approval for a project to the Cresswind Community Manager by email or to the Cresswind Front Office Desk. The request is logged and emailed to our ARC Chairman, who distributes the requests out to one of the ARC members (there are 9 members total including the Chairman). Your assigned ARC member will contact you to discuss/review your request. The ARC makes every effort to do this within one week of the ARC receiving your request, although we have a goal of 30 days and a limit of 60 days to do so. Once this review is complete, the ARC member makes a recommendation to the ARC Chairman to approve or deny the request. The Chairman sets up an electronic vote (e-vote) on the request and a majority vote decides the result. The results of the e-vote are transmitted to the Cresswind Community Manager, who sends an official approval or denial letter to the resident. It is important for the resident to keep a copy of this letter in their home file to answer any potential future questions or in the event they sell their home. Once an approval letter is received the work can commence!
Finished Project: When the work is complete, the assigned ARC member will need to close the request. This may be especially important to a homeowner if a security deposit is being held by the front office. It is the responsibility of the assigned ARC member to drive by, schedule a visit, or request pictures of the completed project to determine if the work was completed in accordance with the submitted request and approval letter. Once this is done, the assigned ARC member can close out the ARC request in the ARC tracking system. The ARC does our best to do this in a timely manner.

My project will require the use of a dumpster or PODS, what do I need to know?
Dumpsters and PODS must be approved by the ARC and requires a $1,500 damage deposit (ARC-2). The homeowner is responsible for any damage caused by the delivery and pick up of the dumpster. The deposit is returned once the project has been completed and ARC has closed the request. Reminder: The dumpster or PODS must be placed in your driveway on plywood surface and must not block the sidewalk.
Do I need to ask for approval if I am painting my house exactly the same colors?
Yes, you do. The Cresswind
Community Manager uses your request for approval as a means of tracking when you last painted your house, so it is important for you to submit this request. However, once your request is submitted, you can immediately start painting. You will receive an approval letter from the Cresswind Community Manager, but you do not need to wait to receive the approval letter before you begin.
Do I need to ask for approval if I am painting my house the same colors, except for the door and/or shutters?
Yes, you do. Since you are requesting a new color for the door and/or shutters you must wait to receive approval before you begin. Remember, the options on changing the door or shutter colors from a prescribed Kolter color scheme are limited to a few select colors.

Do I need to ask for approval to install garden edging around my gardens and front beds?
Yes, you do. Garden edging is not specifically covered by Cresswind at Lake Lanier Rules and Regulations Manual, but in cases not specifically covered by the guidelines, the ARC will consider whether the request meets the general principles of the Cresswind aesthetics and make their decision based on that criteria.
Do you recommend discussing my request with an ARC member before I turn in my request?
The ARC is always willing to discuss a project with the homeowner. The ARC is developing a sampling of completed projects and pictures to be added to the ARC Webpage. This will be a great source of ideas to consider when developing your project. The ARC will not recommend contractors for projects. It is always a good idea to take advantage of an ARC member’s knowledge and experience for your new project. A quick discussion with an ARC member can save you time, disappointment, and sometimes, expense down the road.
Driveway Resurfacing
The ARC has drafted updated guidelines to the Rules and Regulations for driveway resurfacing. These will be reviewed by the HOA Board for inclusion in the next revisions to the Cresswind Rules & Regulations. If approved, this update will allow homeowners to select additional vendors to perform the resurfacing job. Two important points to remember: all work must be approved by the ARC before and after the resurfacing process, and sidewalks are common property and cannot be resurfaced or colored.
Project “2021 Connect” continues to progress as we work with CW committees/clubs with knowledge sharing and best practices as it applies to Rules & Regulations. We are currently working with Landscaping, Kayak, and Garden.
As always, if we can answer any questions about Rules & Regulations, please feel free to contact a committee member. Our member’s roster and mission statement can be found on the Cresswind website. Go to “INFO” tab, then “COMMITTEES”, select “Covenants and Rules and Regulations Committee.”
In this newsletter’s “Did You Know?” section:
Happy Spring 2021 - Brought to you by Clair Langmaid [page 75 in the Rules & Regulations Manual]
5-4.2. When a Landscape Change Request is Not Required
A Landscape Change Request is not required in the following instances. (a) Planting or replacement of either annual and/or perennial plants or shrubs that do not noticeably alter the current landscape design (b) Replacement of dead shrubs when they are replaced with identical or similar shrubs (c) Replacing previously approved pine bark nuggets or cypress mulch in any beds and/or other areas on the property
5-4.3. When a Landscape Change Request is Required
A Landscape Change Request CLC-1 Landscape Change Request (see “5-4.4. Submitting a Landscape Change Request” below) form is required in the following instances. (a) Removal of trees and/or shrubs currently existing on the property (b) Planting of trees and/or shrubs on the property that significantly alter the current landscape design. This includes placement of new beds and/or extension of existing beds. Note: Installation of structures, including water features, underground drainage, boulders, or raised landscape beds (considered hardscape) require approval of the Architecture Review Committee.
Education Committee by Lois Ehlers

The Cresswind Education Committee hosted a “Plan in a Can’’ presentation. Libby Dunahoo, Manager of the Advanced Care Planning Department at Northeast Georgia Health System, walked us through a structured way of communicating our final wishes to our loved ones and provided a helpful way to start those difficult conversations. Corporal Drew Reed, Gainesville Police Dept., presented a series of three training programs in April. Our presentations included the CRASE (active shooter), Self Defense, and Police Simulator. The CRASE program covered the “ADD” survival method of Avoid, Deny and Defend. The Self Defense class gave us the opportunity to participate in self-defense strategies, and the police simulator let us experience real life situations, and better understand how fast the police officers need to make decisions. Plans for May include: -Grief presented by Dave Gladson. Dave is a Bereavement Counselor with the Northeast Georgia Health System. Grief is something we all experience, whether from the loss of a loved one, the loss of skills and abilities or the loss of normalcy. Presentation will be in the Ballroom on May 5th from 2 - 4 pm. -Public Safety Appreciation event. We plan to host and say thank you to the police and firemen that serve Cresswind on May 25th from 9:30-11:30 am in the Ballroom. All residents are invited to stop by and meet our local Public Safety men and women.
The Health & Fitness Committee has returned to having our monthly meetings after a hiatus for the past year. Jackie Edginton is our new Chairman, and we appreciate her connection with Northeast Georgia Medical Center as well as Northside Hospital. We have plans to bring back our popular seminars given by physicians who come and speak on their area of expertise. We have Dr. Matthew Hazard from the NE Neurology group speaking on back health in May, date TBA. At the time of this writing, the seminars will be limited to 96 people in the ballroom with a sign-up sheet available in the Fitness Center. Future seminars will include a dermatologist who will speak on skin health. We are scheduling our amazing annual Health Fair for January 2022. It has proven to be quite a successful, informative event in health and wellness.
Over the past year many of us have grappled with our commitment to participate in exercise as well as stress eating from being home so much of the time. Acceptance of our physical being is an issue with which we all struggle. The continual rating of ourselves against some ideal standard cannot possibly create balance and harmony in our lives. The determination of body shape and size has a great deal to do with genetics and physiological mechanisms within the body. Genetics and health conditions can be a limiting factor in how far a body can be changed to suit a particular ideal. Severe caloric restriction and excessive exercise not only creates physical problems, but leads to a life filled with unhappiness and frustration. Being healthy has to do with self-acceptance and the ability to balance all aspects of your life.
Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
Portia Nelson
I walk down the street. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost . . . I am helpless It isn’t my fault It takes forever to find a way out.
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in the same place, But it isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in . . . It’s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.
I walk down another street.
Changing the road you have been traveling may be worth thinking about

Landscape Committee by Linda Furgerson
Spring is slowly turning into summer and Cresswind is once again awash with color from the beautiful trees, shrubs, and flowers. Unfortunately, there have been several recent incidents where trees have been removed without approval from the Landscape Committee and/ or the HOA. This includes trees from private/homeowner property, HOA/common property, and property managed by one of the three watershed enti- ties with locations within Cresswind. Not only is it potentially dangerous, but it can be very costly for the homeowner as well.
Here are some things to know:
Because we live in an HOA community, we all must live by the established covenants. There are three very specific items found in the current published Cresswind Rules and Regulations document that specifically address tree removal. (The document can be found on the Cresswind website)
● Residents cannot remove or plant any trees, shrubs, or flowers on/from Common Area property without the direct approval from the Landscape Committee and the HOA, including submission and completion of the Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant (5.4.1.- A) ● Under no circumstances can residents remove any trees other vegetation (living or dead) from property main- tained by the Corps of Engineers, Hall County Watershed, or City of Gainesville Watershed (5.4.1 B) ● Removal of trees from homeowner property requires review and approval by the Landscape Committee. (5.4.3 B)
HOA/Common Property – Any landscape alterations of common area property are prohibited unless they have been reviewed and approved by the Landscape Committee and the HOA, a Recorded Use and Maintenance Covenant has been filed with Hall County, and the filed covenant has been returned to the homeowner. If improvements are made without these approvals and the filing of the document, the HOA can demand that the property be returned to its pre-improvement state. The homeowner would held be responsible for all costs associated with returning the property to its original state.
Enforcement of this stipulation allows us to maintain a consistent and aesthetic look and feel in Cresswind. Additionally, it protects Cresswind from any liability associated with accidents or property damage made during the installation, or by the improvements themselves. In essence, this requirement protects all of us.
Homeowner/Private Property – While the removal of trees on homeowner property does not require HOA approval, it does require review and approval from the Landscape Committee. This review and approval basically are to ensure that proper and safe procedures are being followed for the removal and disposal of the tree, as well as preserving the overall aesthetics of our landscape.
Watershed Property - Plain and Simple Here are the Rules Any type of work or installation of facilities on watershed property must be approved by the Operations Project Manager. A permit must be issued prior to any work being done on public property. To protect and properly manage Lake Lanier’s land and water resources the following acts are PROHIBITED: ● Clearing of trees and understory vegetation Planting of non-native and ornamental vegetation Placement of unpermitted items (such as swings, picnic tables, benches, storage sheds, boat trailers, etc.) ● Grading/Land disturbing activities.
A violation of the Shoreline Management provisions or of the regulation shall subject the violator to revocation of permits or a fine of not more than $5,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than six (6) months or both.
Fines and Replanting
The penalty for removing trees from public lands can be a combination of fines and a requirement to replace trees as much as a two-to-one ratio, depending on the size of the trees that were removed. If there is a dock permit associated with the property, the permit will be tagged noting the encroachment and may also be voided.
If it is voided, all dock facilities will be required to be removed.
This is where it gets important to Cresswind. Although the fines are assigned to the individual homeowner who commits the act, the “demerit” actually goes against Cresswind as a whole. If enough “demerits” are attributed to Cresswind, th is could result in our dock and other boating facilities being REMOVED!

Our Cresswind Welcome Committee is still reaching out to new residents with all of them being resales. Our members are sending cards, calling, and offering support. We let the residents know they can call us and we will help them in any way. We also find that neighbors on neighborhood streets are reaching out to make newcomers feel welcome. We held a New Resident Orientation on April 29th with speakers on all aspects of living in Cresswind. We are also hoping that some new residents will accept a visit soon. If you do not hear from a Welcome Committee Member within four to six weeks of closing, please contact me at sjoninas@ gmail.com. We do not want to miss any new residents. Welcome to Cresswind!
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Resident News
WELCOME New Residents!
Donald and Beverly Johnson 3909 Bloomfield Way
Joan Sommers 3217 Black Gum Lane
Barbara Whitlow and David Chandler 3320 Indian Hawthorne
Jeff and Cassandra “Sandee” Gorham 3760 Golden Leaf
Julia Housley and Dorothy Clemente 3626 Cresswind Parkway
Bob and Pat Green 3772 Golden Leaf
James and Paula Burzotta 3565 Cresswind Parkway Elizabeth Gay 3820 Sweet Magnolia Lane
Bob and Barbara Kutchback 3475 Blue Spruce
Matthew and Anita Wilson 4009 Cranberry Lane
Marilyn West 3759 Golden Leaf
Joe and Delores Diaz 3817 Boxwood Court
Leslie “Gene” and Barbara Snow 4035 Great Pine
Virginia “Ginny” Huggins 4006 Lavender Lane



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