31 minute read
Scrapbook List, Reports Clubs at Cresswind
by The Times
Cresswind Scrapbook

Bible Study Clubs
By Dave Dittmeier
Did You Know That: • Psalm 118 is the middle chapter of the entire Bible? • Psalm 117, before Psalm 118 is the shortest chapter in the Bible? • Psalm 119, after Psalm 118 is the longest chapter in the Bible? • The Bible has 594 chapters before Psalm 118 and 594 chapters after Psalm 118? • If you add up all the chapters except Psalm 118, you get a total of 1188 chapters • 1188 or Psalm 118 verse 8 is the middle verse of the entire Bible? Should the central verse not have an important message? “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
Bible studies are going on throughout Cresswind. For more information contact:
• Dave Dittmeier for Men’s Bible Study DaDittmeier@gmail.com • Diane Denniston for Women’s Bible Study DianeDenniston222@gmail.com • Meg Bohn for The Way Bible Study Megbohn57@gmail.com • Joanne Randall for Couples Bible Studies joran1088@gmail.com

By Chuck Bridwell
Cresswind Chorus is back in business after a 13-month Covid break. In January of 2020, we were rehearsing the music we would be singing in our annual Spring Music Spectacular that coming April. We had just finished our Holiday Music Celebration where we had 135 in the chorus that sang to four sold-out shows. Then in March, rehearsals were halted as the clubhouse closed due to this new coronavirus. I thought this stoppage would only be for a few months, but how wrong I was.
So, here we are. We just began rehearsals again April 19th, singing the music we had planned for April of 2020. We are going to present this music in a first ever Summer Music Celebration this coming July 8th through the 11th.
It is not too late to join Cresswind Chorus. We rehearse every Monday afternoon at 3:00pm in the clubhouse. We sing all kinds of great music: Oldies, Patriotic, Broadway, Pop and even a touch of Classical. No audition required. Just show up and you are in.
Quilting Club
By Sheran Connolly The Quilting Club meets every Thursday in the Arts and Crafts Room from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. This year, Quilting Club lead, Jonnie Grimm, is teaching the group how to Paper Piece to create a beautiful quilt. The club continues to make donation quilts for Legacy Link which are distributed to the senior and disabled clients. Donation quilts are also provided to the Northeast Georgia Quilts for Kids program. Come join this fun group even if you do not quilt, but would like to learn how!

A New Launch for the Cooking Club
By Lisa Giblin It has been a long time coming but on March 25th the Cooking Club launched our first Cooking School class. The response from the participants was enthusiastic, positive, and full of helpful feedback. The Chef’s knowledge and personality was well received. We offered a lunch and dinner menu preparation focused on the use of spices in Italian cooking. On April 8th we offered a lunch and dinner menu learning about the use of spices in Mexican cooking. Lori Ruzek, the Chef, provided many useful cooking tips geared to the novice as well as the more experienced cook. A side benefit to the class was the ability to socialize once again and taste great creations. We all agreed this was so much fun and a special way to spend time with friends. We will continue to offer these types of classes in the hopes to bring our members together to socialize and enjoy a new food experience. The Cooking Club is busy planning for the Kentucky Derby scheduled for May 1st. We can guarantee this will be an event to remember from Hat Decorating to a Kentucky Derby themed food menu including Mint Juleps. You will not want to miss it. Save the date for our June 19th Garden to Table event. More details to come. The Cooking Club has begun to gather Cookbooks donated by Cresswind residents. We have placed them in the Kitchen on the shelving beside the double ovens. If you are interested please help yourself and return them when you are done. If you find them helpful, let Lisa Giblin know at lgiblinj@gmail.com. We will then determine how to add more selections.

Crafty Creators by Diana Gash Crafty Creators By Diana Gash Crafty Creators started 2021 with Abstract Art called “paint pouring” but it has not stopped Crafty Creators started 2021 with Abstract Art there! Take a look at all the creative projects called “paint pouring” but it has not stopped that our talented Cresswind residents have there! Take a look at all the creative projects had that our talented Cresswind residents have an opportunity to complete. The cabinet across has an opportunity to complete. The cabinet the Arts & Craft Room cannot be missed. across the Arts & amp; Crafts Room cannot be Stop and take a look! Crafty Creators meet in missed. Stop and take a look! Crafts Room the Arts & Crafts Room every Monday from 1every Monday from 1-3pm and Wednesday from 10-12 noon. Our website has detailed 3pm and Wednesdays from 10-12noon. Our website has detailed information and provides information and provides status of availability/ projects and if you have questions, contact status of availability/ projects and if you have questions, contact Diana Gash or Diana Gash or https://dianagash.wixsite.com/websire-1 https://dianangash.wixsite.com/website-1.

Pickleball News
By Pat Burke
Pickleball royalty has returned to Cresswind! After a competitive, albeit windy, morning of pickleball, Clay Myers presented medals to the top three finishers in six divisions of his annual tournament. The top three in each group - Advanced Men: Gordon Watts, Dan Koletsos, Jim Warder; Advanced Women: Cheryl Satterfield, Nancy Gould, Candice Bolton; Intermediate Men 1: James Burzotta, Andy Camp, Don Johansen; Intermediate Women 1: Lynn Williams, Linda Brown, Brenda Newman; Intermediate Men 2: Pat Fagan, Ray Brown, Tom Shillock; Intermediate Women 2: Debbie Cox, Pam Timm, Mary Bruce. Congratulations to all.
Wendy Warder’s biweekly scrambles are a big hit. If you have not had the chance to play yet, you are missing out on some exciting play and lots of socialization. As the weather heats up and Covid takes a back seat, more events are being planned. A spring league with different divisions is being organized. Dates are being arranged for a pickleball pro to demonstrate and help attendees work on specific skills. Jim Snell has organized novice training sessions with over forty players signed up. We are again gauging interest from Reed Financial and North Georgia Medical Center in sponsoring fall tournaments.
Please keep those suggestions coming to your Pickleball Board members about ways to improve pickleball at Cresswind. One suggestion recently was to ask some of our 4.0 and 4.5 players to oversee a series of weekly sessions solely geared towards a specific skill: third shot drop, dinking, kitchen drop shots, strategy shots, etc.
Finally, keep playing! The more you play the more your skills improve!

Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre
By Rich St. George The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre will be presenting the stupendously popular game show SCENE IT: Part Deux. We produced it last year and everyone liked it so much we HAD to do it again...plus there is still that covid thing happening.
SCENE IT: Part Deux is where we act out famous scenes from movies and you need to guess the movie, actor, and character. There will be tables of SIX set up and for each correct guess, your table gets one point. The table with the most points at the end of the night wins a fabulous prize that will be talked about for ages!
Don’t know movies that well? Come out anyway and laugh with (at) your fellow neighbors that do not know movies either. We just guarantee that you will have fun! (Still no refunds if you do not though.)
Performances are May 20 th through 22 nd starting at 7pm. Tickets go on sale May 3rd. Keep an eye on the Daily Update for more information OR you can go to www.cresswindpa.com. Want to be on our mailing list? Need to contact us? Have a great recipe for green pea jello? Our email address is cresswindtheatre@gmail.com

The arrival of spring saw a burst of activity on our tennis courts. Leagues and competitive play have sprung into action. We have added two new Open Play times: Sunday afternoons, 2-4 pm and Wednesday evenings, 7 – 9 pm, to better accommodate our working members. Any resident is welcome to come out and play during any of our open play times and meet some new tennis players. It is an opportunity to meet players of your ability and enjoy some fun. Open play times are listed on the bulletin board outside of Court 1 and on our website.
Our Silverball league team, led by George Majesko, competes against 5 teams from local senior communities and plays on Mondays at 10 am. If you are interested in playing on the Silverball league in the fall, contact George at gmajesko@aol.com. Bill Papciak and John Ulam are cocaptains of a Men’s Senior B1 ALTA City Finalist team that plays on Wednesdays at 10 am. They are geared up to make another run for the ALTA City layoffs. Anyone interested in Men’s ALTA team play should contact Bill at billpapciak@gmail.com.
Many Cresswind residents are enjoying the friendly competition in our Resident Spring Tennis League that plays on Friday mornings at 9:30 am. The Hot Shots are captained by Donna Fillmon and Norman Slovis is the captain of the Tennis Nuts. We encourage you to come on out to watch any of our teams and cheer them on.
Now that so many of us have received the COVID vaccine and the pandemic is subsiding, we decided it was time to resume our socials, although still observing CDC protocols. A Round Robin social was planned for April 18th with a rain date of April 25th. Our next social, Breakfast at Wimbledon, is planned for July 11th to watch the men’s final of the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament.
Thank-you once again to Bill Papciak and his volunteers for some great tennis clinics. It was great to see some new residents participate and later decide to become members of the tennis club. Be sure to watch the Daily Update for information on upcoming clinics. All skill levels are welcome.
To stay up to date on tennis events check out our website, https://cresswindll. wixsite.com/ cwtennis. You can also contact our president, Sandy Barmak at sandybarmak@gmail.com.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday –open play at 9:00 am • Wednesday – mixed doubles 7:00 pm • Thursday Ladies round Robin –9 – 11 am • Saturday – Men’s competitive tennis, 9:00 am • Sunday – mixed doubles 2-4 pm
By Sandy Barmak

Lake Lanier Bouncers
By Diana Gash The 1st performance in 2021 for the Lake Lanier Bouncers was during the Community Fund Quarterly Meeting on St Patrick's Day, March 17th . Get with the beat as the Bouncers take on the Irish Step dance in bounce boots. If you missed the performance, click the link and scroll towards the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bvFyg45L88 We meet Saturdays, 9-10 am in Lanier room with Wendy O'Hanlon our website: https://dianangash.wixsite.com/website
Genealogy Club
Genealogy Trivia – Cemetery Symbols
All those symbols you see on headstones in cemeteries have meanings and can sometimes indicate information about a family member you might not have yet found. One particularly interesting symbol is the depiction of a rose or rosebud. While it can, of course, mean love, hope, beauty, and/or purity, a rose on a headstone— specifically its stage of bloom—can also indicate the general age of the person at their death. Here is a guide to the various versions you might see:
• Rosebud: the person was under the age of 12. • Rosebud with a Broken Stem: a young person’s life was cut short.
• Partial Bloom: the person was in their teens.
• Full Bloom: they passed away in the prime of their lives, usually meaning their twenties.
• Intertwined or Joined Rosebuds: a mother and child who both died during childbirth, or around the same time. Can also indicate two family members with a strong bond who passed away at the same time.
Want to learn more about your family? Join the Genealogy Club or contact one of the co-hosts. ~Happy Researching!
Storytelling Club
By Dave Rusk
“Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!” Well, so far no one has shouted that out at a Storytelling Club meeting, but that may have been due to courtesy to our neighbors telling the stories.

The Storytelling Club continues to feature fascinating stories by our Cresswind residents, from tall tales to folk stories, to personal events from past or present. Some are totally true, others are exaggerations of the truth, and occasionally outright lies! And only the storyteller knows for sure. ries told to share a similar story from their own life. While each month’s club meeting has a theme for the stories to be told, tellers are not limited to that theme.

Cresswind residents are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings of the Storytelling Club held each second Tuesday of the month beginning at 2:00 pm at the Clubhouse Ballroom. All are welcome to attend as listeners, as every storyteller needs listeners for their stories. And everyone who attends is welcome to share a story with the group. Often those that come to listen are prompted by the stoThe Storytelling Club also sponsors an annual Storytelling Showcase. This year’s Showcase is scheduled for October and will feature ten to twelve storytellers from the club. Look forward to more information regarding this Storytelling Showcase III.
So whether you are interested in sharing your story, or just prefer to hear others tell theirs, please plan to attend our monthly meetings. All are welcome: every second Tuesday, 2:00 pm in the Ballroom! No dues, no don’ts. Just fun and enjoyment!
By J.A. Swartz The Cresswind Veterans Club currently stands at over one hundred strong. We always welcome new members who can help us support our local veterans in need. Dues are only $10 per calendar year. Just place a check in the club mailbox. If you are inclined to help our local veterans, we have two vacant seats on our board. It is a very rewarding experience with no more than a few hours of your time each month. Please call J.A. Swartz at 706-781-4075 or talk with any of our board members.
We continue to support our local veterans in need with financial support as well as support with hospice and court mentoring. We also provide a $2000 scholarship to a deserving veteran attending University of North Georgia.
We just completed our only fundraiser of the year. It is a week's stay in a gorgeous Home in Hilton Head generously donated by John and Barbara Kalina of Cresswind. We thank all of you who graciously donated your money to help our veterans. And many thanks to the volunteers who helped sell tickets for this very successful event. Thanks to you all we raised over $6000 for our local veterans. The lucky winner was Sue Fraser of Cresswind. The pictures below are of Barb Kalina drawing the winning ticket and Sue Fraser holding the winning ticket next to a picture of the beautiful home. Of course, the real winners are our Veterans who will benefit from these funds. Stay safe and healthy.

Bocce Ball Club
By Steve Remsen
The weather is starting to get warmer so it is Bocce time! All Cresswind residents are invited to spend every Tuesday evening at 5 pm on the Bocce Ball courts. In case you have never played Bocce before, we will show you how it is played. It takes very little time to learn. See you on the courts behind the clubhouse! Social Singles

by Elaine Vetter Social Singles have taken advantage of the spring time weather and gathered outside for several events. The first was on March 14 th with a Sunday evening social at the Pavilion. It was great having 50+ members meet and enjoy a boxed meal from Atlanta Bread Company along with visiting and catching up with others. April 11 th was a ‘Picnic on the Lawn’ including grilled hot dogs and hamburgers followed by outdoor games. We also hosted a new get-to-know-us event in early March to welcome new members to the club. Based on a recent survey, we have formed small groups for those with similar interests. Among the choices are hiking, walks, lunches, card and board games, bowling, kayaking, dances and concerts to name a few. As our calendars fill up, we continue to encourage members to participate in both Cresswind and local events and contribute to the needs of our community and the city of Gainesville. If you are single and would like to get involved, have ideas on how we can connect and/or want more information please access our link on the Cresswind website and share your contact information. We would love to have you join us.

Ballroom Dance Club By Laurie Schussler
A new club has been formed to promote the enjoyment of ballroom dancing and support social activities with fellow dancers. The club will provide help for newcomers learning ballroom dancing as well as encouraging those with more experience to practice and polish their skills.
We will be meeting twice a month on the first and third Thursday at 6:30 pm starting on May 6th. In the future, meeting time may vary to allow for group instruction and will be announced in the Daily Update should that occur. In addition to social activities, the club hopes to offer beginner and advanced instruction using some combination of video lessons and/or professional instructors.
Dancing is a great form of exercise and frequent dancing can make us be smarter. Remembering steps and patterns helps keep your mind active. A recent major study added to the growing evidence that stimulating one’s mind can ward off Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, much as physical exercise can keep the body fit. Dancing also increases cognitive acuity at all ages.

Come join us for our initial meeting on May 6th and help us begin this adventure! If you have questions, please contact either Laurie Schussler at schusslers@ gmail.com or Wendy O’Hanlon at golf girl2011@att.net
Cresswind Community Garden By Sarah Galshack
Spring has sprung in the Common Ground Community Garden. The days have warmed, the rain has cooperated, and the garden has gone from shades of gray and brown to signs of green popping through; bulbs have bloomed in red and yellow and blue that welcome the change of seasons and catch our eye as we walk or drive by. Along with cleaning, planting, watering, and fertilizing their boxes, our box holders along with many Friends of the Garden have been working hard to make the garden look its best in anticipation of the planned June Garden Walk on Saturday, June 5th. This walk (or drive) around Cresswind will allow a peek into the backyards of some really beautiful personal gardens. The hope is to have twelve gardens to stroll through on a self-guided tour, always one of the best ways to get ideas for your own garden. If you would like more information on perhaps placing your garden on the walk, please contact Susan Dodd @ susan8405@comcast.net. Be sure and watch the Daily Update for more information about the walk. Please plan a visit to the Common Ground and to the Serenity garden next door. They too are great places to get ideas about what does well in our Georgia gardens. The many folks who dedicate their time and effort, and it is a big group effort, enjoy sharing with all Cresswind residents. So, visit the gardens, thank a gardener, and perhaps you will have a Monarch flutter by while you’re there.

Cresswind Investment Club
By Cathy Hoskinson Members of the Cresswind Investment Club were actively engaged through Zoom meetings during the pandemic. Through each member’s ongoing research and recommendations to buy, sell or hold, the Club’s investments continue to outperform the market for the first quarter of 2021.
Every month a specific team of members presents information about a particular category of stocks. The Up and Coming Research Team provided their recommendations for specific stocks at the April meeting. May’s meeting will feature Mega Stocks. After discussion, the club members vote on investment opportunities with funds available.
The group will continue to participate in Zoom meetings on the first Monday of the month at 1 pm. Visitors are welcome to join us. To receive the link for the next meeting on May 3rd, please contact Leo Cortjens, President, at leo.cortjens@gmail.com or Len Greco, Vice President, at lengreco1104@aol.com for an invitation.
Watch for announcements regarding upcoming programs with guest speakers for the entire Cresswind Community.
Cresswind Bowling League
By Jim Cook
Line Dance Cardio

By Debbie Coursey-Prah
Line Dance Cardio is an advanced line dance class with an emphasis on high energy, fastpaced dances that will raise your heart rate for a good cardiac work out. We meet on Tuesday and Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, as well as on Thursday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 pm in the Georgia Room. This class is only appropriate for those who can handle the dances in Eleanor’s Traditional Line Dance class without difficulty and who want to increase the difficulty level by several notches. Extensive dance background, allowing you to easily pick up choreography at full speed is required, unless you participate in one of the multiweek, pre-Cardio Line Dance class sessions that I teach occasionally (none are currently scheduled). Please send questions or requests to be added to the waiting list for the Pre-Cardio Line Dance class to Debbie Coursey-Prah at drdbe@aol.com. As of this writing, the Cresswind Bowling League will have completed the 2020-2021 bowling season. The winners of this season will be published in the July-August edition of the Waterfall. Meanwhile, the Cresswind Bowling League has formed a 10-week Summer bowling season beginning Wednesday, May 12, 2021 and ending on July 14, 2021 at the Station 300 Lanes in Gainesville. As of now, we have 12 teams committed for the Summer season. If the Summer League goes well, then the Cresswind Bowling League Board may recommend that we move the league back to Gainesville this fall for our 2021-2022 season. The Station 300 Center has recently been renovated, is under new management, and it is less than 10 minutes from the Cresswind community. Space may be limited at Gainesville as they only have 24 lanes. Regardless, look for an announcement about sign-ups for the Fall league sometime in June so we can give whichever bowling center we choose a head's up as to the number of teams we may have. Information about the Cresswind Bowling League can be had by clicking on the Cresswind Bowling Club website link on the Cresswind Daily Update email.
By Jake Master
Home model railroads usually tell a story. Brian Olson models Union Pacific, BNSF, and Amtrak in N scale. The layout is set in Wyoming where he started his career, met his wife, and enjoyed a series of books based in Saddlestring, the town featured on the layout.
The model railroad club will restart activities to set up and run our modular display in the Clubhouse, conduct "how to" clinics and visit member home layouts in the next few months.

If you want to get involved in the club's modular layout or are otherwise interested in model railroading, contact Jake Master at jwmsails@gmail.com
Community Travel Club
By Pam Papciak

The Community Travel Club (CTC) has a full schedule of trips to look forward to in 2021. The Taste of Gainesville outing in April saw many of your neighbors learning more about Gainesville and Hall County by visiting local venues for a day of discovery. Many of these sites will likely be revisited with family and friends.
Our Providence Canyon/Sam’s Shortline Railroad excursion is full and we are ready to venture to southwest Georgia to view our state’s own “Little Grand Canyon” then take a full day scenic train ride through Americus, Plains, and Cordele, Georgia.
On June 17th, we leave for South Carolina and the BMW Plant for a tour of their technologically advanced assembly plant and museum. Afterward we head to Greenville, just minutes away, to enjoy this picturesque town for lunch and touring.
On Thursday, May 6th at our General Meeting in the Ballroom at 4:00pm, we will present our July 24th soccer event. Members will be able to cheer on the Atlanta United Professional Soccer team. The day includes the Coca Cola tailgate package before the game. What a treat for us to see professional soccer at Mercedes Benz Stadium in downtown Atlanta!
If you are new to Cresswind or have never taken advantage of the trips the CTC has provided in the past, here is a brief sampling of the variety of trips we have offered. December holiday trips have been to Nashville (always a favorite with all the entertainment options) the beautiful Greenbrier Hotel in WVA tucked into the Allegheny Mountains, Asheville (mecca for the Arts) and North Myrtle Beach (who doesn’t enjoy walking the beach). A few of the day trips we have enjoyed are plays at Fox Theater, as well as other local playhouses, the Atlanta History Center/Swan Coach House, Shen Yun (Cobb Energy Center), Atlanta Braves games, and Harrah Cherokee Casino.
To participate in any CTC trip, you must be a CTC member. This is easily done by writing a check to CTC for $5.00 per person. So, please mark your calendar for our May 6th meeting. Hope to see you there.
by Jim Cook
The Ping Pong Club continues to have open play at our regularly scheduled times on Tuesdays at 3:00 pm and Thursdays at 3:00 pm. All players should familiarize themselves with the current guidelines required to enter and use the clubhouse facilities.
There are no fees to be a member of the Ping Pong Club, just show up and play. Contact any of the Board Members for information about the Ping Pong Club.
The current Ping Pong Club Board Members are as follows:
Jim Cook Kim Miller Russ Schussler
Randy Garcia Alex Ford

Seated (Left-Right) Bobbie Kopkin-Vice President, Charlotte Stuckey-President, MaryJo Smith-Secretary. Back row (Left-Right) Sue Joninas, Diane Jaseckas, Carol Kruskamp, Mimi Szutz, Arlene Teare. Not pictured Pam Mauldin Treasurer, Cindy Halperin, Flo Swartz. Writers in the Wind:

Cresswind Creative Writing Group
By Laurie Homa
Finally, our group met in person at the club the end of March. What fun it was to see everyone again and share the details of our writing experiences during the shut-down.
Ron Zaremba has published his book on-line. It is on Amazon Kindle. You can find it by searching the title The Mortician or by the Authors name, “Ronald Zaremba”. Here is a brief synopsis of the book: Detective Zachery Kovac is a no-nonsense guy with a wry sense of humor. He reads the obituaries like men read the sports pages. Kovac is faced with the challenge of his career and life when perfectly embalmed bodies, hidden in plain sight, are discovered at public locations all over the city. Each victim has, a cryptic poem, handwritten on a playing card, tucked away on them. Kovac and his partner are faced with a killer, dubbed the Mortician, who is targeting specific people. He is a diabolical killer who has a list and is checking the names off one by one. Lies and deception cannot protect them. The Mortician is coming for them and Kovac’s name is on the list.
Dalton Ruer, Katrena Jackson, and Laurie Homa are writing a collaborative story. Each person writes a chapter and passes it to the next person to continue. It has been an interesting endeavor, especially when the person writing before you kills off a character you had hoped to develop further.
We will continue to meet in the Savannah room the last Thursday of every month from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. We welcome all newcomers, that have a passion for writing, whether it is a book or your memoirs. So, come check us out. We would love to have you join us.
By Kathie Zeranski
It is so nice to see activity in the Arts & Crafts Room again. Looks like all the groups are once again meeting and creating! I have scheduled three dates to make hats for the upcoming Kentucky Derby Party. If you are planning on going to this event and would like some assistance in creating you own special hat, look for the information to come out in the Daily Update soon. I have two daytime classes and one in the evening. I am also scheduling a beginning Calligraphy class starting in a few weeks and will be happy to do an advanced class for those who have already taken the beginning class.
Has anyone heard of Zentangle? (I know some of you have because you have come to my class) I am going to have an introduction to Zentangle Inspired Art. This is art for anyone that likes to “doodle.” It is a lot of fun, can be very relaxing, and there are many applications for it. Come give it a try!

I hope some of the many talented neighbors will consider sharing their talents with the rest of us and teach a class. If you have a talent you would be interested in sharing, please contact me and I will set up a class for you. ZKathie54@gmail.com. And look for upcoming classes in the Daily Updates By the time this publication goes to print, a large group of Cresswind RVers will have made its way down the Natchez Trace from Nashville to Natchez, Mississippi. They will, no doubt, come home with many tales of adventures to share. A huge thank you goes out to Carol and Tom Pittet, who spent many hours planning this trip and making travel arrangements for the whole club. The Happy Together Tour at the Hiawassee Fairgrounds planned for June was canceled by its organizers and so most club members decided to forego the camping experience at that time as well. The September 26th through October 3rd Pandion Ridge (Orange Beach, AL) trip is moving forward as planned. In addition, the group is looking forward to a November trip to Rainbow Springs in Florida. A “pop up” trip to Townsend, TN is on the books for May 11th through the13th as well. Pop-up trips are personal trips that individual members go on. They inform the whole club of their plans and then any members who would like to join them may do so by making their own reservations, etc. This loosely planned format is just one more way that the club members can journey together and share their love of travel. If you live in Cresswind, you own an RV, you like to travel, and you would like to learn more about our duesfree club go to our website at https://sites.google.com/ site/cllrvclub/ or email us at cll.rvclub@gmail.com. We always welcome new members to the CLL RV Club. We have seasoned travelers and we have newbies. All are welcomed and encouraged to join us.
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Visit worldsbestadventures.com for trip dates and reservation deadlines as they become available. Limited space available on all vacations – reserve early to book your spot. All vacations are 21+ and will include walking tours. Alert your guide at the time of booking of any accessibility/mobility needs. Repeat customers receive a gift!
World’s Best Adventures continues to monitor the ongoing ramifications of the COVID-19 global pandemic. We are committed to responsibly traveling and ensuring the health and safety of our guests and associates. Guests will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccinations and will need to be fully vaccinated for two weeks prior to travel. Proceeds to Fund Community Journalism
for additional details and to reserve your spot, call 770-535-6323 or email info@worldsbestadventures.com.

2nd Quarter Meeting Wednesday, June 23rd On the Green, Patio, & Pavilion* Everyone Welcome!

All Community Fund Members and Cresswind Non‐Members Let’s Meet on The Green!
3:00 ‐ 5:00

Social, Entertainment, Business Meeting, Special Guests! Sponsor Provided Refreshments and Raffle And Always a Few Surprises!

*If Rain then event will be in the Clubhouse Ballroom
The Spirit of Cresswind* • Medical Workers & Health Organizations – Various sup-
The spirit of Cresswind* Cresswind Steps Up for Local Seniors in Need of Food! port to Good News Clinics, NGMS and Foundation, other Cresswind Steps Up for LocaHELP THE HUNGRY April Campaign Delivers! l Seniors in Need of Food! health-related • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren*- Financial assisHELP THE HUNGRY 20 Tons of Food to 8 Hall Food Banks! tance to Grandparent lead families. THANK YOU! • Help Me Please* Service Program – General funds go April Campaign Delivers! St Patrick’s Day Spring Celebration Was Enjoyed by all! directly to Hall County charities for projects done at Cresswind 20 Tons of Food to 8 Hall Food Banks! 100 residents celebrated the Fund’s successful 1st Quarter Meeting in The Ballroom while others participated watching it • COMMUNITY BENCH PROGRAM– Placement of benches in Cresswind, donations to Hall Charities (44 Benches in“live on ZOOM! THANK YOU! stalled. Program has ended) • Amazon Smile Program – Turn a % of your purchases into Thank you, Chuck Bridwell’s St Patrick’s Day Spring Celebration Was Enjoyed by all!Irish Singing Group, directed donations to our General Fund. Sign up on Amazon Please. by Wayne Blum, with Gerry Cieply, Donna Pendergast, Gale • Personal Care Program – Personal care items donated to 100 residents celebrated the Fund’s successful 1st Quarter Meeting in The Pendergast, Joe Tellus, Piano Ron Chiles, local Hall charity. Ballroom while others participatWendy O Hanlon’s High Energy Irish dancers, Celeste ed watching it “live on ZOOM! The spirit of Cresswind 3rd annual Golf Tournament – Rainey, Diana Gash, Mimi Szutz, Russ Schussler, Laurie Monday, October 18th - Donations to General Programs and Schussler, Mary Woulf to Fire-Police-Sheriff First Responders Golf Day And Storyteller Diane Rooks for a delightful Irish Tale to close Cresswind LL Community Fund Mission statement the meeting! To enhance the lives of adults, primarily 55 & older, through Refreshments and Raffle gifts provided by Sponsor Greene charitable, educational, health-related & cultural opportunities Ford! in the greater Gainesville area & Hall County. www.cwcfund.org
For Your Generous Support of our Programs to Help Local Seniors in Need!
• HELP THE HUNGRY* – 8 Hall County Food Banks
* The Spirit of Cresswind, HELP THE HUNGRY, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, are service marks of The Cresswind LL Community Fund, Inc.