17 minute read
Committee News
Did you know that we have combined Landscape & Architectural Changes into one request form?
The new form is EIR-1 - External Improvement Request (Landscape & Architectural Changes), available on the Cresswind website under RESOURCES / EFORMS.
The resulting External Improvement Request Form provides additional clarity and information regarding the Architectural and/or Landscape application process and its requirements. This additional clarification helps ensure that the initial request is more complete and includes all the required supporting documents and descriptions. The External Improvement Request Form can be used for, Architectural requests, Landscape requests, or “crossover” requests that include aspects of both. All changes to the exterior of a Cresswind residence requires ARC approval in advance of starting the work. We strongly encourage our homeowners to reach out to the ARC when they start planning changes to their homes and yards. The ARC tries to expedite all requests; however, there is a process that must be followed. The mission of the ARC is simply stated: “To preserve and enhance the aesthetic qualities of Cresswind at Lake Lanier for the enjoyment of all current and future homeowners, while protecting and growing the value of our homes.” How this mission is fulfilled is not so simple, and it relies on every Cresswind homeowner having a basic understanding of our Cresswind Rules and Regulations that apply to the ARC.
We are looking for four (4) new committee members for 2022 for a term of 3 years. What does the ARC do, you ask?
Step 1
The Homeowner submits the EIR-1 request to the HOA Front Office. In some cases, the Homeowner may request an ARC Member discuss the project with them prior to submitting the EIR-1 form. The HOA Front Office forwards the EIR-1 form to the ARC Chairperson. The ARC Chairperson assigns the request to one of the nine ARC Members. The ARC Member reviews and evaluates the request in accordance with the Rules & Regulations and the general principles of Cresswind’s aesthetics.
The ARC Member may contact the Homeowner to schedule a visit to discuss the request. The ARC Member forwards the requests to the ARC Chairperson with a recommendation for approval or denial. The ARC Chairperson forwards the EIR-1 form and the recommendation to all ARC members for their review and vote.
The ARC Chairperson forwards the final approval or denial to the HOA Front Office and the homeowner is notified accordingly. If the project were to be denied, the Homeowner may choose to modify their project plan or submit an appeal to have the project revisited. The appeal is handled by an independent Appeals Board.
Remember to notify the Front Office
when your project is complete, so (1) we can meet with you to inspect the improvement for compliance with the project approval notice, and (2) release the security deposit (if applicable). The ARC receives an average of 50 requests per month. It’s been a very busy year, but we’re happy to assist our neighbors with getting approvals for their home improvements.
So, are you interested in becoming a member of the ARC
Board? We would like to talk with you about our Mission and Committee. Please contact Louis McClure, ARC Chairperson, mcclurelc@charter.net.
Step 2
Step 3 Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Let’s be good neighbors and follow the approved Cresswind Rules & Regulations in developing our home projects.
Remember . . . Be Kind, We ’re Your Neighbor
Submit an EIR-1 request for ALL exterior changes to your home! Exterior painting Fencing Roof replacement Stone or paved walkways Installation of porches/awnings Deck staining
The first assignment of the newly formed Budget and Finance Committee consisting of Gene Evans, Tom Steinmetz, Jay Wolf, and David Shaffer was to review the 2022 Budget prior to submittal and final approval by the Board of Directors. The committee’s review consisted of the following: ● Comparing the 2022 revenue and expenses to prior years ● Analyzing if the percentage increases/decreases was justified and reasonable ● Researching existing contracts and ensuring contract pricing was correctly stated ● Looking at Board assumptions for 2022 and discuss the validity of the budget considerations ● Looking at not only the 2022 budget numbers, but see if they were integrated with future year’s growth considerations I can attest to our residents that this committee’s background, experience, and dedication to ensure the optimum results for this community was always at the forefront of the budget discussions.
I look forward to future projects that this committee will be called upon to support the Board.
CARE Committee By Judy Brannan
It is hard to believe that the year 2021 is coming to an end. Even during this year of the COVID pandemic, the CARE Committee has been busy providing meals, offering support and sympathy, and loaning physical resources such as walkers and shower chairs to residents of the Cresswind community.
Since there have been quite a few resales in our community, some residents may not be aware of the existence of the CARE Committee. This committee was created nearly four years ago. Our mission is to serve the community by providing assistance as needed or wanted in times of crisis with caring, compassion and empathy, respecting their need for privacy.
After nearly four years, it is my pleasure to turn the lead of the committee over into the capable hands of Mary Quisenberry who will serve as chairman for 2022.
Postcards have been created for each resident to explain the scope of the committee’s offerings, as well as providing the contact information of the Team Lead for each street. If you have not yet received this postcard, please contact the following representatives:
Phase I - Mary Quisenberry Phase 2A - Maura Williams and Rose Blum Phase 2B - Cathy Bissoondial, Diane Sheppard, and Lynne Tryon Phase 2C - Joanie Taylor and Jean Metzger Phase 3 - Dolores Richardson
AS I leave this position, I would like to give special recognition to Elaine Vetter who has been in charge of the physical resources available to residents. She has maintained a list of resources needed due to surgery or illness and distributes these resources as well as picking them up when people no longer need that help. Thank you, Elaine.
Happy Holidays from the CRRC! Three things for you to peruse as we close out the end of the year.
1. As we draw to the end of 2021, we will have member terms expiring. Please consider joining the CRRC supporting our community. Contact Mario Russo if you are interested or just want to know more about what is involved.
2. Hopefully you are aware the Board passed a handful of resolutions in September and October. These revisions were instituted to align our Rules & Regulations and Committee procedures to correctly follow the Charter. Something that was necessary. Please familiarize yourself with these revisions. They affect how some of the committees will operate going forward. At the time this Waterfall goes to print some additional changes may have been made as well. Either way, it’s imperative you have an awareness of changes applying to our community!
3. In case you missed it in the “Cresswind Daily Update” the Covenants, Rules & Regulations Committee has completed the mid-year revision to Rules & Regulations Manual. It is available via the Cresswind website - “Resources” tab, select “Community Rules & Regulations.” This latest version is dated 09/01/2021.
This has been a four-month project, working with seven different committees and clubs along with the
HOA. Page #7 in the manual has a recap, highlighting in blue, the specific changes that were made.
Thanks to all that contributed! Special thanks to the CRRC team and Maggie Shay. A Huge Shout Out to
Linda Potter for her digital publishing and editing skills we used endlessly! As always, you should delete any downloaded version you currently have and save this 09/01/2021 issue. If we can answer any questions, feel free to contact a committee member on the Cresswind website,
“Info” tab, then “Committees.”
In this newsletter’s “Did You Know” section:
[Rules from the Rules & Regs you may not be award of existing.] Brought to by Mark Yenny
(t) Golf Cart Parking [page 64 & 65] 1) Article 10 Section 2 of the Charter specifies all golf carts to be garaged and not stored within sight of any neighbor or street. 2) Please see specific Chapter 6-3 Golf Cart Rules. 3) Whenever possible, golf carts should be stored in the garage. 4) The ARC will consider requests to store a golf cart on a rear patio. Golf carts stored here are not to be covered with any type of tarp at any time. 5) If rear patio storage requires operating the golf cart between neighboring homes, the written permission of the adjacent neighbor on form CLL-8 License to Operate a Golf Cart on Neighboring Property is manda tory if there is any encroachment onto the neighbor’s property. 6) The golf cart owner is required to provide a natural privacy barrier using approved landscaping to minimize visibility of their golf cart by any immediately adjacent neighbor. 7) The homeowner making the request will be liable for any damage incurred to the property and landscaping between the two homes resulting from the operation of a golf cart. 8) The ARC will not approve concrete or other type paths between homes for golf carts. 9) When submitting a request to park a golf cart on a rear patio, please submit the following forms and items: (A) Form EIR-1 External Improvement Request signed and dated. (B) Form CLL-7 Golf Cart Residential Registration or a Golf Cart sticker issued by the Community Manager. (C) Form CLL-8 License to Operate a Golf Cart on Neighboring Property (if encroaching) signed by neigh bor and Golf Cart operator. (D) Survey showing location property line(s) shared with neighbor(s). (E) A drawing showing any plan to use hardscape to conceal a Golf Cart. (F) Landscaping Plan to conceal Golf Cart (for submission to the Landscape Committee).
By Betsy Robertson
Driver safety, Tech Help programs coming this fall
The Cresswind Education Committee is teaming up with the Georgia chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association to present a series of programs designed for dementia patients, caregivers, and others interested in mental health and aging. The presentations will provide tips on how to maintain a healthy brain and body; early detection and common warning signs of Alzheimer’s; and treatments for the disease, among other topics. Sessions are tentatively planned for November 2nd, November 16th, and November 30th at the Cresswind clubhouse. Watch for times and other details in the Daily Update. Other upcoming programs include “Lessons from History: COVID-19 and Other Communicable Diseases” by Cresswind resident Dr. Zach Taylor, state public health director for the North Georgia Health District (time/date TBA); a first-responders parade on December 7th: and ongoing clinics designed to teach tech users how to avoid online scams. All programs are free and open to Cresswind residents. Have an idea for a program topic? Contact committee co-chair Betsy Robertson at (334) 740-7926 or email betsyjrobertson@charter.net.
Moving into the winter months, the Health & Fitness Committee has recom- mended a few changes in the Fitness Center. As of this writing (October 2021) we have acquired a new bench and are considering the purchase of an addi- tional one. We have identified a desig- nated area for stretching located in the back lounge area. The furniture will be moved out. The stretching table will be relocated leaving enough space for individuals to stretch either standing or on the floor without being impeded by trainers and individuals working out. It will be more conducive to safer stretching.
Another lane rope will be added to the indoor pool for lap swimmers. We are also looking into purchasing a digital clock for the wall. The proper use of pool equipment is important, and we are setting up a demonstration which will be announced in the Daily Update.
On October 13, 2021, Dr. Michael Gottsman who specializes in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine gave a seminar on Arthritis. We are planning additional seminars in the future and they will be posted in the Daily Update. We will be holding our annual Health Fair on January 15, 2022 in the Clubhouse. Further information will be available as the time approaches. Save the date!
Health and Fitness Committee By Laurie Solomon
Now that we have a designated stretch- ing area there will be no excuses not to take the time to stretch. Healthy stretching sends your muscles a wake- up call. Stretching improves flexibility which allows you to do many sports and activities of daily living. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle your muscles and joints have a tendency to atrophy and lose their range of motion. The best medicine is movement to keep the muscles strong and the joints lubricated. The static stretch is the most common and safest form of stretching. It requires that you hold a specific position for a set period of time usually 10 to 30 seconds. You can stretch to the point where you feel tension in the muscle, but not pain. Consistency is the key. For an individualized stretching program it might be wise to consult a fitness professional, physical therapist, or do your own research. According to the Arthritis Foundation most physicians prescribe exercise and stretching to alleviate pain and keep your body flexible.
Beginning with this issue of the Waterfall, the Landscape Committee will provide a series of articles on landscape particulars here in North Georgia, specifically here at Cresswind. Many of us come from different areas of the country and are therefore unfamiliar with the peculiarities of growing things in this area. Hopefully this series of articles will help enlighten us all.
Since we all have it, and it’s the most prominent feature of our yards, let’s talk about grass. Plain and simple, only two types of sod are allowed in Cresswind at Lake Lanier
• Bermuda • Zoysia
Both were selected largely because of their durability and ease of maintenance. They are generally more disease tolerant than other grasses, as well as they tend to be more tolerant of temperature extremes and drought/rain conditions. Having consistent types of grass throughout the community allows for standardized treatments that includes: fertilization, weed treatments, spring and fall preparation practices, and mowing frequency and techniques.
Which to Choose Both Bermuda and Zoysia are very durable warm-season grasses. While Zoysia prefers sun just like Bermuda, it fares a bit better in shaded areas. Zoysia is also denser than Bermuda which could provide a lusher appearance and feel to the lawn.
What to expect with Bermuda or Zoysia
While both types of grass provide a good quality lawn, they do come with their “gotchas,” some of which can get pretty aggravating.
Thatch-like appearance Especially in the winter and early spring, Bermuda and Zoysia can become thatch-like. This can result in animals or humans tracking in straw-like pieces of grass. You may find yourself having to sweep or vacuum more frequently from January to March. Unfortunately, little can be done to prevent this from occurring as it is part of the normal lifecycle of both grasses. It is not a result of mowing or lack of mowing, it is just how these two grasses react in colder weather.
Infiltration of grass into flower beds Both Bermuda and Zoysia spread by underground rhizomes, basically underground runners. In other words, they both like to creep and spread. While Bermuda tends to spread a bit more aggressively than Zoysia, with our temperate climate and moist conditions, both grasses can spread quickly and rampantly. This is especially noticeable in flower beds that do not have some sort of edging. Although installation of edging does help reduce the amount of infiltration of grass into your flower beds, it will not totally prevent it. Please refer to the ARC section in the Rules and Regulations for information on the types of edging allowed. Installation must be approved by the ARC so please submit an External Improvement Request form to request approval from the ARC.
Maturing Landscapes and your lawn
Landscape conditions change as trees, shrubs, and even turf/sod matures and ages. As trees age and reach full canopy the sod/turf below is getting less and less exposure to the sun. This can cause the turf/sod to thin, or even die out depending on the amount sun exposure. There are several options that can be done in an effort to improve the grass. These include:
• Planting zoysia which is more shade tolerant than Bermuda • Prune or thin the branches in the tree to allow for more sunlight to reach the grassy area • Aerate your lawn at least once every 2-3 years, especially areas under large trees • Replace the sod with a large flower bed under the tree and plant shade-loving perennials
Bear in mind however, the resolution of aging lawn issues, including installation of new sod, is the responsibility of the homeowner. It will also require the submission of and External Improvements Form and approval by the Landscape Committee. The Landscape Committee looks forward to working with you on your requests in 2022!
The Cresswind Marina Committee (CMC) members for 2021 include: Warren Lange Chairperson Rod Quisenberry Vice Chairperson Vickie Gassman Secretary Andy Camp Member at Large Gene Evans Member at Large The CMC gets a lot of questions about availability of boat slips. As of early October, there are 15 homeowners on the slip resale waiting list. As of this same time, no slips have been turned over to the HOA for resale in 2021. Another common question regards access to internet service at the marina. As part of the security camera installation earlier this year, the clubhouse WIFI network was extended to serve the new marina cameras. The camera system has been up and running well; however, due to limitations of the currently existing clubhouse network, open access to the marina network cannot be allowed at this time without jeopardizing the clubhouse network security. CMC activities over the past few months focused mostly on routine maintenance items and the budget for 2021. All of the docks were pressure washed and oiled in August. This is an annual maintenance item which is needed to preserve the deck boards and keep them looking good. The Cresswind maintenance team has been trying hard to mitigate the spider issue at the marina with environmentally safe chemicals and web removal. It will be an ongoing battle as EPA regulations do not allow use of the most effective spider killing pesticides over the lake waters. A temporary solar powered light was added by the walkway to Dock D as this area was very dark after sunset. The long-term plan is to have a larger wired light but so far this year electrical contractors have been disinterested in providing quotes. A CMC meeting/social event with boat slip owners was held on October 14th. As the year comes to an end, the CMC will be in need of two new members for 2022 as the current chairperson and the secretary are at the end of their terms. Should anyone have questions or want to discuss subjects related to the marina, please contact any of the CMC members.
Welcome Committee News By Sue Joninas
The Cresswind Welcome Committee is still reaching out to new residents, Our members are sending cards, calling, and offering their support. We let the residents know they can call us and we will help them in any way we can. We also find that neighbors on their street are reaching out to make them feel welcome. The Welcome Committee has taken over doing tours for new residents in the Clubhouse as well as outside of the Clubhouse. We have given three of these as of this news article. If you would like a tour, please contact me. We will be holding a New Resident Orientation on November 10, 2021 for all new residents since April, 2021. If you do not hear from a Welcome Committee Member within four to six weeks of closing, please contact me at sjoninas@gmail.com. We do not want to miss any new residents. Welcome to Cresswind!
Welcome New Residents!
Danny and Linda Brown 3214 Indian Hawthorne Ridge
David and Carol Mason 3256 Indian Hawthorne Ridge SW Mike Ehlers 3136 Willow Creek Drive
Jeanne Vogt 3558 Black Cherry Bob and Jean Watts and Thad Baringer 3410 Cresswind Parkway