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President’s View
The President’s View Looking Back - Remembering - Looking Ahead
As we now enter the last final months of 2021, it is timely to take stock and look back at this past year – recall our successes and challenges - learn from them and develop our plans for next year. Last month I discussed “Perseverance” and “Expectations” in recalling their respective definitions as “Perseverance being a continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition”, and “Expectations being what you believe, or hope will happen in the future”.
One cannot help but notice that this year we again continued to live in the shadow of COVID – 19 and its offspring Delta. It was beginning to look as if it was going to be a carbon copy of 2020. Fortunately for us, it appears that we have weathered this latest round of the pandemic with a renewed spirit and energy and should be well positioned to face the new challenges which 2022 will send our way.
The best part of this year is our community – our residents – our spirit and our energy. The many positive accomplishments of our community and our individual lifestyles will set the tone for next year.
Earlier this year we had the good fortune to welcome Maggie Shay to our First Service Residential Staff as our Lifestyle Director and what a difference she has made to our ongoing activities and events. We renewed our First Service Residential Contract. We were able to schedule and vaccinate a significant portion of our Community with the Moderna Vaccine. We have scheduled and provided Flu Vaccinations to our residents – Both thanks to Dr. Zachery Taylor, our Department of Public Health, and our resident Volunteers.
Many thanks to our Committees and Clubs for the revived activities and introduction of new ones. We are grateful for our Police, Firefighters, First Responders, and certainly our many resident volunteers.
We have moved towards new community and personal normalcy and have again been able to embrace our families, friends, and neighbors.
So – What lies ahead? Our dreams – our aspirations – our planned travels - our hobbies - our families.
Cresswind has evolved over the years though our courage – tenacity – motivation, and our diversity. We who come from a variety of backgrounds and upbringings, have come together to form our own engaging and supportive community. A constant theme within Cresswind is that we heavily rely upon our residents and resident volunteers to maintain our vision, focus, and spirit. We always need more community involvement and volunteers – please consider how you can contribute to make CWLL the best it can be in 2022.
We Cresswinders control our futures in our community – we set the direction, the spirit and vision for our respective futures.
Going forward, let us commit to be a bit more caring, sharing, and compassionate and committed to be the best we can be for ourselves, our community, and our neighbors