3 minute read
Helpful Numbers
Helpful Numbers Helpful Numbers
First Services Regional Director Gary Hulion: 770-536-3300 Gary.Hulion@fsresidential.com First Services Regional Director Gary Hulion: 770-536-3300 Gary.Hulion@fsresidential.com
Community Association Manager
Community Association ManagerCatherine (Kitti) Kleinedler: 770-536-3300 Catherine (Kitti) Kleinedler: 770-536-3300Catherine.Kleinedler@fsresidential.com Catherine.Kleinedler@fsresidential.com Lifestyle Director Maggie Shay 770-536-3300 Administrative AssistantMaggie.shay@fsresidential.com Darlene Carr: 770-536-3300 Darlene.Carr@fsresidential.com Administrative Assistant Darlene Carr: 770-536-3300 The ClubDarlene.Carr@fsresidential.com 770-536-3300 Patricia Elliot: Guest Services Heidi Anderson: Guest Services Peggy Siewert: Guest Services The Club 770-536-3300 Heidi Anderson: Guest Services Peggy Siewert: Guest Services Justin Smith: Maintenance Traci Broccoli : Guest Services Justin Smith: Compliance & Contracts Manager New Home Warranty Caleb Carr: Maintenance Support Kolter Homes, LLC Director of Customer Service, Ryan Carroll New Home Warranty Office: 770-287-5693, Cell: 770-503gacustomercare@kolter.com Kolter Homes, LLC Director of Customer Service, Ryan Carroll Office: 770-287-5693 Cell: 770-503-5418 5418 EMC Security Systemgacustomercare@kolter.com 24 Hour Alarm Cancel: 1-888-745EMC Security System -4733 Sales and Service: 770-963-0305 24 Hour Alarm Cancel: 1-888-745-4733 Sales and Service: 770-963-0305 Helpful Numbers: Emergency 911 City of Gainesville Water: 770-535-6878 Liberty Utilities: 855-216-6305 Helpful Numbers: Emergency: 911 City of Gainesville Water: 770-535-6878 Liberty Utilities: 855-216-6305 Spectrum: 1-888-345-7139Spectrum: 1-888-345-7139 First Service Residential: First Service: Residential (After Hours—1-877-411-1165)(After Hours: 1-877-411-1165)
Please visit our website at Please visit our website at www.cresswindatll.com www.cresswindatll.com
Helpful Numbers President’s View Lifestyle Director Helpful Numbers...............................3 Kitti’s Corner President’s View...............................6 Community News New ResidentsCommittee News...............................10 Committees at Cresswind Fitness Calendar............................17 List, Reports Scrapbook..................................... 18 Clubs at Cresswind Resident News.............................. 28 List, Schedules, CalendarsWhat’s Happening......................... 32 Activities: What’s Happening Scrapbook
As the offical newsletter of the Cresswind Community As the official newsletter of the Cresswind Community The Waterfall content is provided by residents of Cresswind The Waterfall content is provided by residents of Cress-at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the residents wind at Lake Lanier for no profit to ensure that the resireceive relevant and updated content about what is going on dents receive relevant and updated content about what is in their community. going on in their community. This newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from adverThis newsletter is provided at no cost to our community and is printed and mailed to each residence from advertising tising profits. Support the advertisers who make this profit. Support the advertisers who make this newsletter a newsletter a possibility for each resident every other possibility for each resident every other month. month.
If you would like to contribute to its contents, please contact: If you would like to contribute to its contents, please contact: Sue Garcia (suegarcia9@gmail.com) Sue Garcia (suegarcia9@gmail.com) Eleanor Whalen (efwhalen@gmail.com) Eleanor Whalen (efwhalen@gmail.com) Judy True (judyntrue@gmail.com)
Judy True (judyntrue@gmail.com) Compliments to Paul Brown for The Waterfall cover photo. Compliments to Paul Brown for The Waterfall cover photo.
To advertise in The Waterfall, contact Leah Nelson at The Times - 770.535-6330 - lnelson@gainesvilletimes.com. The Waterfall is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Cresswind at Lake Lanier Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
November/December 2021 The Waterfall Page 3