italian style, ecological luxury
“东方蓝色海湾”项目 中国舟山朱家尖
Baia Blu d’Oriente is an example of how excellence, authenticity, accuracy, and the Exclusive Italian Dolce Vita are recognized and world wide appreciated. Is the wish to design, build and manage the first “Italian Style Centre of Ecological Luxury ‘.It is a unique oasis of its kind, where water flows from the gentle hills of the island of Zhujiajian, down to the bay playing a leading role in the architectural concept. Sea and Earth elements are central in the philosophy of the project developing into a well balanced system aimed at ensuring maximum environmental sustainability.
项目背景资料 舟山座落在我国东南沿海和长江出海口的交汇处,是中国唯一由群岛(1390个)组成的海上城 市,背靠沪、杭、甬,面向太平洋。总人口达一百万,年旅游人次达两千三百万,三小时经济 圈内人口超过四千万。位居中国经济最发达的长三角中心。 2011年3月1日国务院正式批复《浙江海洋经济发展示范区规划》,浙江海洋经济发展示范区建 设上升为国家战略。浙江将打造“一合两翼三圈九区多岛”为空间布局的海洋经济大平台,其 中宁波- 舟山港海域、海岛及其依托城市是核心区。国务院的批复要求《规划》实施要突出科 学发展主题和加快转变经济发展方式主线,着力优化海洋经济结构,加强海洋生态文明建设, 统筹海陆联动发展,推进海洋综合管理,建设综合实力较强,核心竞争力突出,空间配置合 理,生态环境良好,体质机制灵活的海洋经济发展示范区,形成我国东部沿海地区重要的经济 增长极,并要求有序推进重点项目建设,探索建立有利于海洋经济科学发展的机制体制,加强 对规划实施的支持和指导,在资金安排、项目布局、体质创新等方面给及积极支持,为促进浙 江海洋经济发展示范区的建设和发展创造良好的政策环境。
ZHOUSHAN, located at the mouth of the Yangtze River on the southeast coast of Asia, is the only city in China that consists of an archipelago of 1,390 islands and is one of the areas with the highest rate of economic growth. It is about 220 km from Shanghai and 180 km from Hangzhou and Ningbo. It has a resident population of about one million inhabitants and, in 2010, has seen 23milioni outside travel of tourists. The surrounding areas are economically well developed, they can be reached with less than three hours by car and has a population of more than 40 milion. On March 1, 2011 the Chinese State Council ratified the “multi-year Plan for Economic Development of the Maritime Province of Zhejiang in this area, recognizing the status of National District IV after those of Pudong in Shanghai, Binhai in Tianjin and Chongqing in Liangjiang. The new area will therefore be a great platform for maritime economy, whose centerpiece will be the land areas of Zhoushan, Ningbo and the surrounding cities. With the completion of this project, Chinese state wants to promote and support, respecting the principles of environmental sustainability, marine resources, maritime, commercial and tourist area with the specific goal to make one of the poles of the most important integrated economic, in the east coast of China.
2011年7月7日国务院批复设立浙江舟山群岛新区。 拉斯佩齐亚省(La Spezia)是意大利西北部港口城市,位于意大利利古里亚大区东南端,工业以造 船(游艇、邮轮、舰艇制造)、炼油与机械为主,煤、石油和天然气的进口港,是意大利主要海军基 地。拉斯佩齐亚省游艇制造业在世界享有盛名,该省汇聚了世界主要的顶级品牌游艇制造公司,汇聚 了世界最先进的游艇设计、制造技术和文化。 自2005年起,舟山市与LA SPEZIA省政府与企业界经过多次沟通和互访,于2010年11月正式签署了两 省市缔结为友好合作城市的协议,并针对有关的投资合作项目进行了计划和实施。
On July 7, 2011 the specific area of Zhoushan has been officially classified as “Fourth Special Zone” of China’s economic development. La Spezia is a city of ancient marine origin, on the north-west Italy, on the border between Liguria and Tuscany. It ‘s always been the ideal place for the development of shipbuilding and marine activities and with the realization of the Royal Military Arsenal that productive sector of the area were converted into induced of it. After a long historical period which saw the ship break the productive sector to focus on military and commercial productions, demolition and repair of ships, a real turning point in the connotation of the district is recorded in the late 90’s to early 2000 with the ‘purchase of several shipyards from La Spezia in the major production of pleasure boats and with the opening of new production sites (Ferretti, Perini, Rodriquez, San Lorenzo), while some of them were already existing (Fincantieri and Baglietto ). In this way the district of La Spezia has become one of the main Italian production sites for pleasure boats. The history of relations between the La Spezia municipality and the territory of Zhoushan dates back to 2005, when the first reports of an economic nature between the two municipalities began. It took with the participation of some local Chinese companies at the international workshop on marine and shipbuilding “SMART” held at Spezia on 23 and 24 June. Over the years continued exchanges and reciprocal visits that led, on 11 November, to the signing of an AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION AND FRIENDSHIP between the Province, Chamber of Commerce and Port Authority of La Spezia with the same Zhoushan Municipality.
项目策划及整体设想 舟山“东方蓝色海湾”项目的设计,是一个海湾的整体功 能设计,是一个现代化海湾行政村镇的设计,从外到内, 泊满各式游艇的游艇码头,码头一侧是美丽诱人的海族 馆;海堤大道上,现代化的文化广场周围,遍布各种服务设 施:众多的意大利顶级奢侈品品牌商店、意大利著名的手 工工艺作坊,意大利餐馆、酒吧、体育馆、大剧院、文化 娱乐中心、会展中心、七星和五星级宾馆、海景公寓,游 艇生产和维修服务中心...... 海湾正中心,规模宏大的阶 梯式瀑布从山坡分级而下,气质非凡;而之周围,个性化 品牌化的意大利顶级别墅星布于两山丘。这将是中国国土 上一个最高尚品质的纯意大利文化海湾,独一无二的高尚 设计,全环保高科技理念,由意大利人直接经营,包括商 业、餐饮、码头、娱乐..... 打造纯粹意大利式的高尚人 士之富贵而平和的生活文化,这将是“东方蓝色海湾”的 品牌,亦将成为舟山海洋经济发展的一个新的示范区。
“Baia Blu d’Oriente” was born from the idea to value Zhujiajian islands with an unic project, highly innovative both in the concept and in the shapes, that fit in the natural environment. Will be built a modern marina with an exclusive clubhouse, luxury villas and resorts, a 7 stars and a 5 stars hotel, parks, pools, artificials rivers and waterfalls, walkways for shopping, a theater with multimedia entertainment center, an aquarium and a shipyard.
Baia Blu d’Oriente will be the place where to live luxury in an Echofriendly way. It will be characterized by authenticity, accuracy, and exclusivity of Italian style which will accompany and support all levels of implementation of project management. Architectural and technological solutions aimed at saving energy and using alternative energy resources fully respecting the surroundings environment.
1.游艇泊位码头:设计容量为1200个泊 位,规格从10米至70米,为中国至今最大容 量和最大规格的游艇泊位码头;设计安装大 功能海水过滤设备,保证海湾内海水品质为 全天候清澈蔚蓝色。这也是本海湾项目命名 的着眼点;设计要求码头具备机动车和人行 双道,所有码头铺面材料为接受太阳能的 功能板,码头的桩柱将安装海水潮汐发电设 备,以此来提供所有泊位码头所需电能。泊 位码头中心为25000平米建筑面积的豪华游 艇俱乐部会所,内部拥有专业商业中心,意 大利高级餐厅,美容SPA,天然海水游泳池 及其它娱乐服务设施;该码头与海湾游艇生 产维修中心和海湾商业、住宅、旅游服务联 成一体将造就成中国乃至世界最大和最高层 次的全功能游艇码头。
该会所的底层将设计一个水下餐 厅,可环顾四周的海洋生态美景。
La Clubhouse would have a submerged livel in witch will be place an exclusive reataurant
Marina will host 1200 berths for boats from 10 to 70 meters, now the largest in China; A modern filter system will ensure the quality and clarity of the water in the gulf. Yachting Club extends over 25,000 square meters, located in the middle of the sea and within which are made of high quality Italian restaurants, spas, swimming pools and other services dedicated to the well-being.
Docks, walkways, paths and driveways and will involve the use of solar panels and power generators that produce energy. The design of the marina, of the shipyard, of the commercial areas and of services will make this port one of the most important and most famous in the world
2.商业、服务、文化设施的设计:设计建立由意大利著名奢侈品牌冠名和经营 的七星级豪华国际宾馆,拥有1200间环保客房,直升飞机停机坪及可接待70米游 艇的泊位;同时设计建立一座建筑面积为27,000平米的五星级宾馆和建筑面积为 196,000平米的高档海景公寓,以满足不同层次的旅游服务需求;设计建筑面积共 130,000平方米的商业设施,引进至少400家意大利顶级奢侈品牌,包括直升飞 机、汽车、家俱、服装、鞋包、钟表、首饰、美容化妆品、葡萄酒、食品、餐饮 等行业,并在舟山政府支持下,争取在该区域内设置离岛免税区;设计建立高水 平的文化大剧院,与世界顶级大剧院建立常年固定的文化交流合作;设计60,000 平方米的会展中心,与世界著名的奢侈品会展公司建立合作关系,成为中国最著 名的世界奢侈品牌常年会展中心;设计巨型的露天文化广场,举办世界级的夏季 旅游文化狂欢晚会;设计建立建筑面积为80000平方米的海族馆;设计世界首次投 入使用蜗管型风力发电设施,该设施的建立将保证整个海湾的所有电力供应。
Commercial area is set on a 130.000 sm surface and it will host around 400 commercial activities, italian famous brands like helicopters, cars, furnishings, fashion, watches, cosmetics, food, bars and restaurants
The 7 stars hotel will host 1000 rooms, a dock for helicopters and a dock for yoachts up to 70 meters, and 60.000 sm of an exphosition center
5 stars Hotel
Gran Teatro D’Opera of Zhoushan
Theater of Zhoushan, with more than 5000 sits will be the biggest in the world,and multimedia center
Shipyard, for yacht making and maintenance
3.游艇生产维修中心:设计建立占地70,000平方米的游艇生产维修中心,引进排名世界前4位的意大利著名游艇品牌制造集团公司 并投资生产该集团旗下的系列品牌游艇,并集其品牌及技术优势,成为中国最大的豪华游 艇的维修服务中心,其厂房设计为全环保理念,与该海湾的整体文化氛围完美融为一体。该游艇生产维修中心的建立,将完全改变 中国游艇生产业的历史格局,标志着中国游艇生产将达到世界尖端水品。
4、坡体别墅:设计充分利用海湾后部所分布的山坡坡体位置,全方位意大利设计,意大利材料,意大利建筑工艺,意大利建筑技术标准,进行个性化、品牌化的意大利豪华别 墅的建设生产;设计共建设365幢豪华别墅,单元建筑面积为750平方米至1500平方米;设计其商业销售方式为捆绑式销售即一幢别墅+一艘游艇+一个泊位=一个销售单元,以达 到该海湾项目建设的最重要的设计要求:海湾项目工程竣工之时,亦将同时诞生中国第一游艇海湾,365艘意大利著名品牌游艇将停泊于蔚蓝色的东方海湾之中,傲然于世界。 同时设计引进世界著名品牌经营的旅游别墅项目(hotel and resorts),为中国和世界提供最高档的旅游文化服务。计划设计建立3幢风格绮丽的高层公寓楼,以满足海湾游 艇客户各层次的需求。
Villas: 365 luxury villas custom built both for exterior and interior design. From 500 to 1500 sm
Italian shops, restaurants, wine shops. Everything around the finest and most famous cuisine in the world. High level italian brands and italian products such as Olive oil, Parmesan Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, Pasta, Parma Ham, Pizza, Wine.
意大利商店,餐馆,葡萄酒商店。最好的和最有名的菜肴。意大利奢侈品牌和产品,如意大利的莫扎里拉奶 酪,帕尔玛 奶酪,橄榄油,面食,帕尔玛火腿,比萨,酒类产品。
A Polo competition is always a very exclusive event, and a great call for rich people. The competition is the pivotal point of a wider series of events, such as the team parade, parties, merchandising. Polo is a well known sport discipline, very famous all around the world, a Polo competition will attract a very large audience, national and international media and press.
A polo match is usually played outdoors. A polo field is 300 yards long and 160 yards wide, the largest field in organized sport. A polo match lasts about one and one-half hours and is divided into timed periods called chukkers. Each chukker is seven minutes long. Play begins with a throw-in of the ball by the umpire at the opening of each chukker and after each goal. Players must change horses after each chukker due to the extreme demands placed on the polo pony. During half time, spectators go onto the field to participate in a tradition called “divot stomping� to help replace the divots created by the horse’s hooves. Polo players are ranked yearly by their peers and the USPA on a scale of -2 to 10 goals. Team play is handicapped on the basis of ability. Most of the rules of polo are for the safety of the polo players and their ponies. The basic concept is the line of the ball, a right-of-way established by the path of a traveling ball. Two mounted Umpires do most of the officiating, with a Referee at midfield having the final say in any dispute between the umpires.
Polo is also closely related with fashion world, fashion dresses, jewelry, watches, shoes, parfums ...
WINDBOOST GENERATOR 舟山东方蓝色海湾项目非常注重于环境保护,每一个建筑外形设计都特别注重与周围环境相融合,每一幢建筑都会运用天然与环保 材料建造。除此之外,还注重强化了节能减碳的设计:蜗管形风能,最新型载车太阳能板和潮汐能源。
In “Baia Blu d’Oriente” every architectural intervention has been studied with particular attention to the environment, each building will be built with environmentally sustainable and natural materials. Every architectural intervention will also be designed to conserve energy, using natural ventilation, light and solar heating and water management. Everything is designed to draw energy from renewable sources, through innovative wind turbines and last generation solar panels.
土地使用计划 设计规划土地:3 500 000 平方米,其中陆域面积1 720 000平方米,海域面积为1 780 000平方米。 一期工程用地:2 650 000平方米,其中陆域面积870 000平方米,海域面积为1 780 000平方米。 具体分类: - 海域游艇泊位码头面积:1 780 000 平方米,设计泊位1200个, 泊位长10米至70米; - 游艇生产工业用地:78 000 平方米; - 商业、服务业、公共文化娱乐体育设施用地:51 600平方米; - 高尚旅游、环保型星级酒店用地: 56 000 平方米; - 住宅用地:1 043 000平方米。 四、成本预算及初步投资计划: 成本预算:初步估计为1,000 000 000 美元 初步投资计划: 1.2011年5月,东方蓝色海湾控股有限公司 与舟山朱家尖政府签属“朱家尖东方蓝色海湾项目开发意向协议”; 2.2011年7月,成立项目公司“BAIA BLU D’ORIENTE SRL”; 3.2011年10月,“BAIA BLU D’ORIENTE SRL”将与舟山朱家尖政府正式签署“朱家尖东方蓝色海湾项目开发协议书”; 4.2011年12月,计划完成项目控制性详规和项目立项报告; 5.签订土地出让合同:计划要求2012年4月签署; 6.投资建设年限为5年,计划要求于2012年5月动工:第一年游艇工厂和泊位码头动工建设;第二年所有商业服务设施动工建设; 第三年住宅区动工建设;第五年项目完成。
use of the areas: Total area: 3.500.000 square meter, (ground areas, 1.720.000 square meters; marine area: 1.780.000 square meters) First batch: 2.650.000 square meters (ground areas, 870.000 square meters; marine area, 1.780.000 square meters) - Marine Areas: pier with 1,200 berths for yachts from 10 to 70 meters; - Industrial areas for the production of yacht: 78,000 square meters; - All commercial services, and cultural areas: 51,600 square feet; - All hotel: 56,000 square feet; - Residential areas: 1,043,000 square feet; Cost estimate and work plan: Cost estimate: USD 1,000,000,000 Investment Plan: 1. May 2011, the companies of the Baia Blu d’Oriente S.r.l. signed “agreement for the development of the baia Blu d’Oriente Zhujiajian“with the municipality of Zhujiajian (Zhoushan); 2. July 2011, established company in the baia Blu d’Oriente S.r.l. 3. October 2011, the Baia Blu d’Oriente S.r.l. sign “a contract for development of the Baia Blu d’Oriente Zhujiajian “With the municipality of Zhujiajian (Zhoushan); 4. December 2011 the project will be included in the plan of the city of Zhoushan; 5. April 2012 purchase land; 6. Term of completion of work: 5 years. 7. Construction scheduled to begin in May 2012, the first year: Marine construction and shipyard, second year work begins the realization of commercial services, third year residential construction start; fourth and fifth years: completion project BAIA BLU D’ORIENTE SRL
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