Amidst an ever-increasing Muslim population, the Philippines is seen to have a strong opportunity develop halal foods.
Halal is a Quran word that defines clean, permissible, and lawful
During a capacity building training conducted by the Department of Agriculture Region 7 (DA7)-Halal Food Industry Development Program, along with the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) focal person for Visayas Fateen Aljounara Pangarungan both mentioned that there is an increasing demand for halal foods not only in the domestic markets but also in foreign markets.
“With the increase of Muslim population, halal foods are needed. Now halal foods have niches in both markets. This is a good opportunity for the development of the local halal industry,” Pangarungan said.
With this opportunity, the NCMF official capacitating both the public and private sectors, as well as those Halal livestock slaughterers, need to know the right process of producing halal foods.
Pangarungan said that having a recorded database of halal companies and manufacturers make things easy for ready references.
With the directive from President Marcos to increase food supply, DA-7 officer-in-charge regional executive director Joel Elumba said this would include the halal food and the halal industry as a whole, providing enough food supply for all, regardless of religious affiliation.
Currently the global Muslim population is expected to increase by 70 percent from 1.8 billion in 2015 to around three billion in 2060.
Last weekend, from 17th June 2022 – 19th June 2022, Night Market Toronto (NMTO) stopped at Ajax as they are touring the neighboring Greater Toronto Area (GTA) cities, with a new city every weekend.
As NMTO’s Halal Food Festival 2021 was a huge success, they went on to partner with organizations such as Knorr, Metalworks, Human Concern International, Tourism Mississauga, Islamic Relief, Halal Meals, Al-Ahad Foods, and recently the Town of Ajax and Metrolinx to take this festival to in and around the cities of GTA.
With over 12 different food stations, TOA residents, businesses and community groups were invited to come over and indulge in any
vendor they wished. Every stall served all-halal meat options including Donia’s Donair, Daddy Browns, The North Corner and many more.
Ajax mayor Shaun Collier has stated that, “Ajax is excited to partner with Night Market Toronto and Metrolinx to be able to bring the first ever all-halal food tour to our community. Ajax is one of only eight stops and is the only stop in Durham Region. We are proud to be committed to the inclusion and celebration of our diverse community and I encourage all to come out enjoy the summer weather with great food and music!”
Organized by the World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation, WIEF Round Table Penang is all set to be held on the 27th of September 2022 at the Setia SPICE Convention Center in Penang, Malaysia.
Maldives Halal Travel will be represented at this round table session by founder and Managing Director of MHT, Dr. Hussain Sunny Umar and will join session 4 scheduled to take place at 3:00 PM. The session is titled as Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality: Capturing Opportunities.
The session will discuss strategies to encourage growth of the industry and awareness among travel industry stakeholders as well as plans for the development of “Muslim-friendly” tourism alliances, policies to develop an environment for innovation and entrepreneurship on “Muslimfriendly” tourism related products and services as well as development of a unique “Muslimfriendly” tourism base destination positioning and marketing.
Dr. Sunny will be joined on this panel by Mr. Faeez Fadhlillah, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Tripfez and Salam Standard, Malaysia as well as Mr. Riyanto Sofyan, Chairman, Sofyan Corp and Chairman, Board of Directors, Halal Tourism Association of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia.
The round table comprises of a total of 5 sessions and will focus on economic rebound: transforming the future. Interested visitors can register to attend at RM 50 per person via this link: https://form. evenesis.com/WIEF
This WIEF Roundtable, Penang 2022 held during challenging times, brings together representatives of governments, organizations and private sector as well as prominent individuals to address relevant issues and strategies pertaining to sustainable recovery in order to transform the future.
The Saudi International Halal Expo of 2022 will finally take place from the 7th to the 9th of November. Originally to be held in 2021, the event was pushed back after discussion, to this year’s November due to the pandemic situation around the world. Registered businesses and visitors will have the chance to incorporate a series of B2B meetings, lectures, and the latest updates of the Halal Certification policies.
It is a platform that presents the latest trends of the global Halal market and highlights the challenges that the Halal industry faces, which include the Halal Regulations & standardization and how to comply with them. It offers up great opportunities to focus on the latest innovations, research, and development in the Halal industry.
The aim of this year’s ‘Saudi International Halal Expo’ is to increase awareness about the industry among the attendees by attracting major international bodies in this field and intends to attract both Muslims and non-Muslim professionals from around the world, for great
The Saudi International Halal Expo 2022 will also expect to promote a healthy, ethical, and fairway of life in all aspects including family, society, and business interactions and transactions where anyone could be attracted to these values that transcend religion.
The Saudi International Halal Expo of 2022 will finally take place from the 7th to the 9th of November. Originally to be held in 2021, the event was pushed back after discussion, to this year’s November due to the pandemic situation around the world. Registered businesses and visitors will have the chance to incorporate a series of B2B meetings, lectures, and the latest updates of the Halal Certification policies.
It is a platform that presents the latest trends of the global Halal market and highlights the challenges that the Halal industry faces, which include the Halal Regulations & standardization and how to comply with them. It offers up great opportunities
to focus on the latest innovations, research, and development in the Halal industry.
The aim of this year’s ‘Saudi International Halal Expo’ is to increase awareness about the industry among the attendees by attracting major international bodies in this field and intends to attract both Muslims and non-Muslim professionals from around the world, for great business opportunities. The Saudi International Halal Expo 2022 will also expect to promote a healthy, ethical, and fairway of life in all aspects including family, society, and business interactions and transactions where anyone could be attracted to these values that transcend religion.
With over 200 exhibitors from more than 35 countries and more than 10,000 visitors expected to arrive, this major event has various categories set for different business sections. These includes food beverage, lifestyle, cosmetics, media, educational services, and even Islamic finances. Along with medicine and pharmaceuticals, business solutions, logistics division international association and tourism. The large investments in halal products around the world exceeded $ 7 trillion in 2019.
He continued, “We are glad to have partnered with local governmental bodies including the Saudi Food & Drug Authority, Saudi Halal Center, Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization, Saudi Exports Development Authority, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Investment, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Industry & Mineral Resources, Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture, Ministry of Investment & Saudi Industrial Development Fund.
Mr. Bilal Al Barmawi – Founder & CEO of 1st Arabia Tradeshows & Conferences has quoted “We look forward to welcoming professionals from the Halal industry for an opportunity to meet, network & share experiences. This event gives the chance for international companies & organizations in the Halal industry to gain greater exposure in the Muslim hub & fast-growing consumer market –Saudi Arabia”.
He continued, “We are glad to have partnered with local governmental bodies including the Saudi Food & Drug Authority, Saudi Halal Center, Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization, Saudi Exports Development Authority, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Investment, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Industry & Mineral Resources, Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture, Ministry of Investment & Saudi Industrial Development Fund.
The Saudi International Halal Expo has been an annual event being continuously held, except for the postponed events past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Halal Expo Canada was a huge hit amongst the attendees, with the help from their potential sponsors, exhibitors, influential partners, and the support audience this year 2022.
Various outlets that produce halal meat products and other varieties took part, whereas a global IT service providing establishment which is situated out of Bangalore, India but have their outlets based in UAE and USA, Mastercom also participated in the Halal Expo Canada show. There were many interesting exhibitors that delivers different and convenient halal products and services present at the expo.
It was good to see attendees from around the globe coming together from different communities from all over the world at one place, it is safe to say that the Halal Expo Canada 2022 was a great success. We can’t wait to see what will be in store for the 2023 Halal Expo Canada, hopefully even better than this year!
Halal In Travel Global Summit 2022, will be inaugurated by CrescentRating and HalalTrip, a premier global event focused merely on the Halal tourism segment. The 2nd edition of the 2022 “Halal In Travel – Global Summit 2022” will take place for 3 days, overlooking important areas such as, how the industry needs to start to welcome back those Muslim travelers who are keen to travel.
During this event over 70 speakers will be speaking, where the main topic will be targeted to the recovery of Muslim traveling market. The keynote speakers include, Vice President of Indonesia, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Sports of Uzbekistan, Minister of Tourism of Maldives, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia, etc.
The Global Summit will commence from May 31st to June 02, 2022, bringing together professionals who have expertise knowledge in the travel industry with ranges of ideas and insights on how to help recover the Muslim travel market.
Shariah-compliant investments are governed by the requirements of Shariah law and the principles of Islam. They are often considered to be a specialist branch of ethical investing.
The rules and requirements of Shariah principles mean that companies involved in certain activities will be filtered out of a Shariah-compliant fund, notably:
Conventional finance (non-Islamic banking, finance and insurance, etc.)
• Alcohol
Pork-related products and non-halal food production, packaging and processing or connected activity
• Gambling
• Adult entertainment
• Tobacco
In addition, there are requirements surrounding the use of debt and interest-bearing assets. Islamic law prohibits the collection and payment of interest by lenders and investors. To earn money without charging interest, Islamic banks agree to participate in a certain amount of profit or loss the business generates.
There are also some generally accepted accounting restrictions in Shariah investing. Companies must maintain a debt to equity ratio less than 33%, which rules out businesses with high levels of borrowing and means a focus on more stable businesses. In addition, companies must generally have accounts receivable and cash of less than 50% of total assets.
The investment screening process is comparable to that of ‘negatively screened’ ethical funds using ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria. However, a Shariah-compliant fund will also have a Shariah board made up of Islamic scholars who decide or check which companies meet the rules. Different funds will have slightly different policies according to the beliefs and interpretations of their advisory board, so investors are advised to consult the fund’s prospectus to ensure it meets their own principles before investing.
As is the case with ethical investments, the extra layer of rules restricts fund managers from certain areas which could enhance or detract from returns over time. For instance, financials such as banks are mostly excluded but are often a large part of broader stock market indices. The outperformance or underperformance of this area would have implications for fund returns. Due to the outcomes of the screening process, there is often a sectoral bias toward healthcare and information technology.
Many funds operating in the area have high minimum investment sizes or are otherwise inaccessible to UK private investors. However, there are some that are easily accessible and have reasonably competitive charges, for instance:
While the options for Shariah-compliant investments remain somewhat limited at present, the movement towards broader responsible investing – whereby increasing numbers of people wish to see their values reflected in their investment portfolio – could see this niche area expand and evolve too. There are some clear parallels between Shariah investing and principles of sustainability that encompass strong corporate governance, environmental stewardship and societal good. In some cases, broader ethical or responsible funds might also meet an investor’s Shariah investing needs and principles due to the high degree of overlap, though care should be taken when selecting this type of fund. It is important to read fund literature carefully to check values are aligned with your own. Important resources in this regard are the fund’s Key Information Document, Prospectus and (if applicable) the Impact Report.
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indonesia and Azerbaijan agreed to increase cooperation in the trade and halal tourism industry in future, the Indonesian Foreign Ministry stated.
The ministry made the statement following a meeting between Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin and Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Indonesia Jalal Mriyazev here, Tuesday.
“I think one aspect that Ambassador Jalal and Mr. Vice President mutually agreed upon was an increase in trade as well as cooperation in the halal tourism industry, and, of course, halal products from Indonesia could enter Azerbaijan,” the ministry’s Director of South and Central Asia Jatmiko Prasetyo, who had accompanied Amin during the meeting, stated.
Prasetyo noted that discussions at the meeting also centered on bilateral relations between the two countries, which has been going smoothly so far.
Ambassador Mriyazev expressed gratitude to the vice president for Indonesia’s support in various international forums as well as in the framework of bilateral relations.
“Specifically, Ambassador Jalal also spoke about 30 years of diplomatic relations, which will be celebrated in 2022, and conveyed a request to be a momentum for the two countries to further enhance bilateral relations, especially through exchange of visits and improvement of bilateral mechanisms,” he stated.
The vice president expressed hope that Ambassador Mriyazev would fully cooperate to increase trade in non-oil and gas products between Indonesia and Azerbaijan in future, so that the national trade balance could be more balanced, and the trade system would be higher in the future, the statement noted.
In the meantime, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin recently expressed optimism about the halal tourism sector in Indonesia recovering and reinvigorating following a decline in cases of COVID-19.
“Residents and their families will travel again to visit halal tourism attractions after not having visited for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Amin stated in his opening remarks for the International Halal Congress in Bangka Belitung on June 15, 2022.
As Indonesia must optimize available opportunities to bolster tourism recovery, he cautioned that vigilance against an uptick in COVID-19 cases remains necessary.
Muslim consumers have special needs in medical treatment that differ from non-Muslim consumers hence leading to a growing demand for Halal medications among Muslim consumers. The term ‘Halal pharmaceutical’ defines pharmaceutical products which contains more than one active halal to consume ingredient and various types of excipients. Halal pharmaceutical products should not only be free from Haram constituents, but they should also be Tayyib, meaning goods and products should meet quality standards.
Heart disease is a major killer globally. Coronary Heart Diseases are responsible for higher mortality and morbidity rates in developed and developing countries, especially in younger people recently, with increasingly disproportionate rates. But unfortunately, the medicine available to treat heart diseases are mostly made from Haram ingredients.
One such medicine for heart diseases is the use of Bovine Heparin. It is an anticoagulant widely used for treating heart attacks. Although it was discovered in the early 1900s, it remains one of the most commonly used anticoagulants in clinical practice today. Heparin was first discovered in dog livers but later produced from bovine lungs, livers, and intestines in the 1930s. In the 1940s, porcine heparin from intestines was introduced to the market, where it remained alongside intestinal bovine heparin for the next 50 years. These sources make Heparin haram to consume.
Religious groups were left facing a difficult situation with using Heparin as a treatment. For instance, Jewish and Muslim patients who follow Kosher and Halal regulations are prohibited from eating pork or pork-derived products like porcine heparin. For the Muslim patients, the strict rules
were discussed in the Islamic Medical Association of North America’s ethics committee. They stated that the use of porcine heparin is permitted for Muslim patients based on the rules that “Necessity makes prohibited things lawful” and “the choosing of the lesser evil within two options” of which in this case would be not using the available heparin could lead to significant morbidity or mortality. They also mentioned as long as there’s some modification of the original porcine product, then it’s appropriate to use.
However, on a more positive note, heparin is a promising drug for halal certification. The USA’s FDA is encouraging the reintroduction of bovinesourced heparin. Furthermore, the Malaysian pharmaceutical company ‘Duopharma Biotech’ is currently in the process of joint venture with the South Korean company ‘PanGen Biotech’. They are investing in the world’s first halal biosimilar, commercialized under the brand name ERYSAA, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in anemic patients undergoing kidney dialysis.
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) also announced an innovative new procedure for treating blocked heart arteries, making the UAE the fifth in the world to have this mode of treatment. All in all, a multi-million-dollar halal treatments for heart diseases such as halal heparin can cater to 500 million patients in the near future.
It is important to note that the Halal status of the active ingredients. In the last decade, awareness of Muslims on the use of Halal medications has improved a lot. Recently, countries such as Malaysia, in collaboration with religious authorities and university researchers, produced a final draft of the Malaysian Standard related to Halal Pharmaceutical, that describes the general guidelines in the manufacturing and handling of Halal pharmaceuticals. Similarly, pharmaceutical companies in the UK and US, are also mandated to provide full information about their products by their governments.
In order to support the realization of the Sharia Economic Master Plan carried out by the National Sharia Economics and Finance Committee (KNEKS), as well as one of the strategic steps in realizing the government’s plan to make Indonesia the leading center of Islamic economics in the world in 2024, LinkAja officially launched LinkAja Syariah services as the first sharia electronic money in Indonesia which facilitates various types of payments according to sharia rules.
Ventje Rahardjo, Executive Director of the National Committee for Sharia Finance Economics said, “Sharia Digital Payment is very helpful in meeting the needs of sharia-compliant community transactions as technology develops and changes in lifestyle patterns so rapidly. Among them are the ease of halal product transactions in e-commerce, payment and distribution of Zakat, Infaq, Alms, Waqf (ZISWAF) as well as other religious social funds.”
The collaboration of LinkAja Syariah, as the only sharia-based digital financial service in Southeast Asia with Muslimat Nadhlatul Ulama, as a socioreligious community organization and one of the Autonomous Bodies of Jam’iyah Nadhlatul Ulama, shows good synergy between the three parties to support and realizing the government’s program to achieve financial inclusion in Indonesia.
Through this collaboration, LinkAja provides Nahdlatut Tujjar Digital Syariah financial services on the LinkAja Syariah platform and facilitates the general public and the Nahdliyin community
do not have access to banking: a complete digital financial service that follows sharia principles. This service is able to facilitate various needs of the Nahdliyin community, such as: essential needs, solutions for Friday alms and infaq for fellow members, and as a solution for distributing government funds and pre-employment incentives.
LinkAja Sharia Service is also the first and only that received a DSN MUI certificate after the issuance of the DSN MUI Fatwa No.116 / DSN-MUI / IX / 2017 concerning sharia e-money, as well as permission to develop server-based electronic money products from Bank Indonesia.
In its implementation, LinkAja Syariah Services prioritizes several basic principles, namely the placement of funds in cooperation with a number of Islamic banks, applying transaction procedures in accordance with sharia principles, and can be accepted at all LinkAja merchants. At present, LinkAja Syariah Services has collaborated with more than 242 institutions and ZISWAF distribution institutions, more than 1,000 mosques, Islamic boarding schools, as well as several e-commerce and offline merchants partners.
LinkAja is an interbank network in Indonesia. It connects four state owned banks and Telkomsel. The banks are Bank Mandiri, Bank Tabungan Negara, BNI 46, and Bank Rakyat Indonesia. This network is owned by State-owned Banks Association (HIMBARA, providing cash withdrawal and inquiry services in their network. On March 26, 2020, LinkAja partnered with Telcoin, an instant, low-cost blockchain powered remittance service. This partnership is set to explore cashless opportunities in LinkAjas area of operation.
The 17th Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum (KLIFF) will be held this year on 16, 17 & 18 of August. The theme for this year is ‘Resilient –Efficient – Sustainable – Inclusive’. KLIFF2022 will be organized by Centre for Research and Training (CERT) with the association of AIBIM, ASAS, AMANIE & HSK.
The main objective of the conference is to Promote the Development and Achievement of Islamic Financial Market Regionally and Globally, Update the Latest Issues and Challenges about the Global Islamic Finance, Driving Islamic Finance Products and Instruments for Resilience and Sustainable Financial Market, Exploring Acceleration of Digitalization in the Islamic Finance, and Positioning KLIFF2022 as the Learning and Networking Platform for the Global Islamic Financial Market Players
This conference aims to accelerate Islamic Finance development within all Financial Institutions (FI) in Malaysia and Global players as well as stakeholders in their value chain. The forum expects to host over 500 Islamic finance participants, including senior government members, regulators, board members, CEOs, senior management, practitioners, and other financial market players.
The conference will include speeches from over 40 distinguished international and regional speakers* who will present their views on what it really takes to run successful Islamic banking and finance. Some of the keynote speakers of this year include the CEO of the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation, Eng. Hani Salem Sonbol, the Executive Director of Islamic Capital Market Development Sharifatul Hanizah, Managing Director of DDCAP Group™️, Stella Cox and many more.
Mr. Hanisofian Alias, the Chief Industry Development Officer, will be speaking on the 2nd day of the KLIFF2022 on completing Halal Ecosystem Via Islamic Finance about Understanding the Structure and Benefits of Halal Eco-System towards Sustainable Economy, Identifying, Important New Opportunities for Halal EcoSystem Sectors, Restructuring and Refinancing Halal Market, Halal Eco-System for Sustainability in Islamic Financial Market, and Exploring the Potential for Financial Sector to Shape Halal Industry.
The Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum has been held continuously for the past 17 years, with the exception of a break in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Lamsa is an app created for early childhood learning with interactive and child friendly content available.
Lamsa’s content is designed based on research by experts in the ECD field, with the perspective of seeing children as naturally curious individuals who want to learn new things through exploration, play, repetition, and practice.
They offer Interactive activities and stories, memory and observation games, songs and videos that are all based on ECD research that aim to develop the child’s intelligence, learning skills, logic and problem-solving skills, as well as improve the child’s social and emotional skills and skills that will allow them to interact with their surroundings
Lamsa’s application takes the children on an educational adventure, starting from early childhood, to develop educational, linguistic, and creative thinking skills. This journey also includes focusing on self-confidence, providing the child with the necessary tools to prepare him/her for entering the school years.
Lamsa’s Learning Framework is developed with a focus on learners’ development in various domains which include physical, cognitive, social, and emotional, sensory, and speech. Lamsa continuously strives to identify and incorporate the most rigorous and up-to-date developmental research within its framework and methodology with the support of curriculum experts from different corners of the globe. Lamsa offers children an integrated learning journey that scaffolds them in different developmental and academic domains offering your child personalized interest and needbased experiences.
App uses a content tracking method to keep up with the child’s needs up to date. The more child learns on Lamsa, the more it caters to their educational needs and preferences. Regularly monitoring of the children’s learning through Lamsa’s Parent Report Feature. Lamsa provides an accessible guidance and tools for encouraging your children’s learning based on their developmental profile, interests, needs, and behavior.
Located in Bandung, West Java, Islamic Fashion Institute (IFI) is the first Muslim fashion school; in Indonesia that has referred to the Indonesian National work competency standards. IFI was founded and supervised by Irna Mutiara, Nuniek Mawardi, and Deden Siswanto in 2015.IFI’s curriculum is designed so that it could implement into the Muslim fashion design teachings, social skills, as well as business acumen aspects of Muslim fashion.
IFI’s mission is to cultivate new talents in the world of muslim fashion industry as the industry has garnered quite a few international partnerships and collaborations. This prompts IFI to keep on growing to be the center of Muslim fashion education that guides students on how to become competitive and creative Muslim fashion practitioners and designers.
Islamic Fashion Institute is expected to educate and prepare future talented Muslim fashion designers, fashionpreneurs, and fashion brand owners who have both the hard and soft competences such as emotional, intellectual, and moral intelligence (“akhlaqul kariman”) as mandated in the Islamic rules and principles. Over the years, the number of students who want to join IFI keeps increasing as the people’s interests in learning Muslim fashion skills and knowledge are getting bigger.
A good skincare routine can be a great form of self-care, providing a refreshing way to start the day, and a relaxing way to end it. The Serums, treatments, exfoliants, and moisturizers help us look and feel our best, but since these products are applied directly to our skin, we need to have an understanding of what they contain. For Muslim consumers, knowing that the ingredients are Halal, or Islamically pure and acceptable is essential, too. New Halal make-up options have received a lot of attention in the past few years, but skincare is just as important. Luckily, there are options out there that will help you care for your skin without any prohibited ingredients.
The basics of a skincare routine include gentle cleansing, exfoliation with salicylic, lactic, or glycolic acids; treatment with compounds such as retinol, peptides, or vitamin C, moisturizing with hyaluronic acids, squalene, light oils; and sun protection as needed.
When we speak of prohibited materials, there are
two main categories. The materials derived from impermissible animals, and contaminants more generally considered najis or filth. And animals impermissible for consumption or other use. These include pigs, dogs, carnivores, and animals not slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines. Most of these rules applies to food, but since many cosmetics also contain animal-derived fats, oils, enzymes, or acids, those ingredients would need to come from Halal sources as well to ensure the products are Halal.
The first thing to ensure is that the abovementioned filth is excluded from the products. This is an important consideration for products we use on our faces each day. In fact, this emphasis on the purity of ingredients is one of the things that makes Halal-certified products so attractive to many non-Muslim consumers as well.
To find products that meet these standards, try to purchase Halal-certified brands. One such brand is PHB Ethical Beauty, a UK-based company that
offers one of the widest ranges of Halal, vegan, and cruelty-free make-up and skin care products where a skin routine can be easily put together a using their products. Another brand to look out for is Anaaka Skincare, based in Slovakia, offering four products for a complete routine. The Australian-based Inika Organic is certified vegan, cruelty-free, and organic and offers luxury skincare products made with Halal values. And lastly, Farmasi, founded in Turkey, also has a wide range of products including cleansers, toners, serums, and moisturizers.
However, finding Halal-certified options that meet your needs can be troubling. If this is the case, reaching out to the companies and asking if they would consider obtaining Halal certification for their products is something that can be done. But as that is a difficult option, 100% vegan products are the next best step. They eliminate the potential of unacceptable animal products from trustworthy, highly rated companies, which helps in ensuring that any and all harmful and undesirable ingredients are avoided.
Many key skincare ingredients in these skincare products are plant-derived. For example, retinol, a common ingredient used to smooth skin and increase collagen production, is usually derived from animal sources. But a plant-derived compound called bakuchiol offers the same benefits – as is less irritating to the skin, too.
Finding 100% vegan products is much easier than the other two options. Big brands such as Sephora offer a vegan Skincare category with over 700 products, many of which also have a Clean at Sephora seal, meaning that they are “formulated without specific ingredients that are known or suspected to be potentially harmful to human health and/or the environment.”
With a little researching, finding something pure and Halal for any type of routine, is found to be easy. It is well worth the effort for something as important as one’s skin and not compromise faithbased actions.