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Volume: 120 No.45, March 7, 2023
TWO men were shot dead last night in Fox Hill Park - including one man that police say was on bail for several murders.
Officer-in-charge of the Criminal Investigation Department Chief Superintendent Michael Johnson said the man on bail was being monitored at the time but the other victim was not known to police last night.
Chief Supt Johnson told reporters on the scene that sometime around 8.45pm police received information of gunshots being discharged in the area of the park in Fox Hill.
“When the officers arrived on the scene, they met the lifeless body of two individuals, two males that were just north of the park. EMS was called, examined the bodies and found no signs of life,” he said.
FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard yesterday accused Prime Minister Phillip Davis of misleading Parliament last week when he said the Minnis administration hired an unlicensed company to collect immigration-related fees on
behalf of the government. As he was contributing to debate on the mid-year budget in the House of Assembly yesterday, Mr Pintard spent much of his speech lashing out at Mr Davis for misrepresenting the facts in an attempt to make the public believe that he had “uncovered yet another major scandal”.
Mr Pintard was referring
PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis commended his administration’s fiscal performance compared to that of the former
administration’s pre-pandemic levels, telling the Opposition: “There is a reason why we are here and you there.”
Mr Davis, also the Minister of Finance, closed out
By LETRE SWEETING Tribune Staff Reporter lsweeting@tribunemedia.netMYLES Laroda, state minister with responsibility for the National Insurance Board, yesterday continued to advocate for increased
contributions for the agency’s fund to avoid an $98m loss this year.
In his contribution to Parliament yesterday Mr Laroda said he spoke to several former government
“may not” implement the new VAT treatment for medical insurance claims payouts by its April 1 target, it was revealed yesterday, with the decision hinging on a meeting with healthcare stakeholders later this week.
Simon Wilson, the Ministry of Finance’s financial
secretary, told Tribune Business the Government is hoping to “have a resolution” after it meets with multiple industry groups over a proposed change many fear will increase medicine and treatment costs for patients while reducing access to, and the affordability of, private medical care.
Confirming that the Davis administration is seeking to meet with doctors, dentists and pharmacists, and
not just health insurers and their representatives, he confirmed that the event is presently being scheduled for Thursday.
Asked by this newspaper whether the new VAT treatment’s implementation will be delayed beyond April 1, Mr Wilson replied: “It may be, but we’ll see after this meeting. We will have a discussion with a wider group.”
He added: “The basic information that we have thus far is that these two persons were in this area conversing when two males came from the rear of a trailer that is just north of the Jungle Club.
“One of these males was armed with a highpowered weapon. They approached these individuals and opened fire
- shooting them multiple times about the body.”
Asked to confirm if one or both of the victims were known to police, he replied: “One of the victims, we know is on bail for several murders. The other individual, he is not known to the police at this time.”
He added that the person who was being monitored was in his mid30s and the other appears
to be in his late-30s.
With regard to a motive, Chief Supt Johnson said it was too early to say but police are working some significant leads and he said the investigation is looking “pretty promising at this time”.
Anyone with information on these crimes is asked to contact CID at 502-9991/2 or Crime Stoppers at 328-(TIPS)-8477.’
WHILE the Church of England is continuing discussions on the subject of gender neutrality, Bishop Laish Boyd said whatever decision is made will have no bearing on the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
It was reported by the international media that the Church of England is considering using gender neutral terms to refer to God in prayers.
In a press release issued yesterday, Bishop Boyd explained that the Church of England is one of 46 separate and independent provinces in the worldwide Anglican Communion.
At its recent General Synod held in February 2023, it decided to have its Liturgical Commission, the body responsible for overseeing prayers and services, to look into the subject of gender neutrality over the next five years, the press
release said.
“The Commission had been considering the subject of gender neutrality in language since 2014, in the context of a wider discussion on gender identity, sexuality, human relationships and marriage. The bishops in the Church of England have authorised certain prayers to accompany this dialogue themed, ‘Living in love and faith’,” Bishop Boyd, bishop of the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas and The Turks and Caicos Islands, said.
“This basic discussion about gender neutrality has been going on globally for decades in the religious and secular world. It has yielded such basic changes as referring to firemen as firefighters, stewardesses as flight attendants, policemen as police officers, clergymen as clergy persons – to recognise the fact that these officers can be male or female.
“The English Church made a decision to continue a discussion. It has not decided to change immediately (or at all)
- the wording of the Lord’s Prayer or any other liturgical language – contrary to what some press reports suggest. It is unfortunate that the media have latched onto a few key words (coming out of a church gathering), associating gender with God, without reference to the wider dialogue mentioned above. The ongoing discussion is a discussion, but no conclusions have been arrived at.” He highlighted that the Church in the Province of the West Indies of which “we are a part” is a separate, independent member of the world Anglican Communion of which the Church of England is only one member.
“Decisions made by the Church of England have no bearing on us. We are not compelled to accept or to agree with any decision made by them. It is our hope that despite the challenges before us we will be able to maintain unity within the worldwide Anglican Communion.”
to what the prime minister had said last week about an unnamed payment provider that he accused of collecting $6.4m on behalf of the government in immigration fees and taxes and keeping it.
Mr Davis also claimed the company was not licensed to collect revenue or engage in the provision of financial services – something that was heavily refuted by Mr Pintard yesterday.
While the Prime Minister did not name the company last week, Mr Pintard called the company’s name in Parliament yesterday; however, those remarks were later withdrawn.
“So, one of the things he (the prime minister) talked about was the figures collected by … relative to immigration payments made that here’s a company, that one, that was not licensed,” the Marco City MP told the House of Assembly.
“He referenced a company that he said was not licensed and I want to put on the record that the company was licensed by the Central Bank, contrary to
the assertion by the Prime Minister who through their black ops had already put out the name.
“So, what they did Mr Deputy is they sought to mislead the country when they (said) that the FNM administration had a company collecting money that was not licensed to do so which is untrue. The company was licensed by the Central Bank.”
The FNM leader also claimed Mr Davis misled the House when he said the company was the only payment provider hired by the FNM government.
“The facts are there are at least three other service providers and I could go through the names of the additional service providers,” added Mr Pintard.
“There were at least three other service providers that are well known within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, but the Prime Minister refused to indicate who those service providers were and so that’s the second point that he misled the House on and misled the country on.
He said Mr Davis also
“sought to give the impression that the $7.2m or so that accumulated as arrears occurred under the former administration”. He said those arrears were actually accumulated under the Davis administration in 2022 and called on government MPs to lay in Parliament “the record to
show the arrears accumulated in 2021 prior to the general election to verify the assertion made by the member for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador”.
As Mr Pintard was making his case, Mr Davis arrived in the House of Assembly and minutes later rose on a point of order and
said he stood by his earlier comments. “I never called any company name. I intentionally didn’t call no names. He called it. I hold no brief for them. Perhaps he can help us get our money back,” the Prime Minister added.
“But I stand on what I said about the company that’s collected the money.”
But Mr Pintard did not let up and again took aim at Mr Davis for misleading Parliament and the country “in three material areas”.
Mr Davis, responding, accused the opposition leader of trying to cause mischief and said he knew nothing about the company named by Mr Pintard and questioned whether the two were talking about the same entity.
“You called this company,” the Prime Minister pointed out.
“I said that there’s a company that collected the money (that) had no licence. Are we talking about the same company? I don’t know. That’s the first thing you have to ask yourself. So, are we talking about the same company, so if you are
holding brief for them, ask them which company is collecting the money?
“And another thing he said is that I gave some impression as to why these funds were being held otherwise and that I gave some impression about why. I said why. They said why they ain’t pay the money over … and I said why if you were listening.
“They said they was keeping it to expand their business. That’s what I said they said.”
Mr Pintard said if the company in question was indeed holding government money, then the Davis administration had an obligation to collect that money. “Go and collect it by whatever means you need to, but do not give the impression that somebody else was derelict in their duty. Your administration did not collect the arrears. That’s one. Two, there were more than one company and thirdly, they were licenced so stop drip feeding wrong information to the public,” Mr Pintard continued.
Minister of Finance, closed out the mid-year budget debate yesterday at Parliament. He said that his administration has “successfully lowered the debt-to-GDP ratio from over 100 percent” as it was under the previous administration to just over 80 percent.
With a goal of getting debt-to-GDP ratio levels to 65 percent by the 2026/2027 fiscal year, Mr Davis said his administration has delivered on its promises.
“We expect to see increased revenues and disciplined expenditures as we work toward our goal of a 25 percent revenue-to-GDP ratio, fueled primarily by increased efficiency and fairness in tax collection and a booming economy,” he said.
“Already, we are seeing the fruits of our strategic approach to fiscal management come to bear, as we have successfully lowered the debt-to-GDP ratio from over 100 percent under the previous administration to just over 80 percent,” Mr Davis said.
“We expect continued decreases, as we seek to take it all the way down to 65 percent by the 2026/2027 fiscal year. The country’s fiscal performance is finally improving, after years of missed targets and broken promises,” he said.
Mr Davis added that the budget for the 2023/2024 fiscal year will be presented to Parliament in less than two
“On the 31st of May 2023, I will return to this House to present the 2023/2024 budget. It will be the country’s Jubilee budget, and will feature important and innovative policies that will lay the foundation for our next 50 years as a nation,” he said.
“This will be just our second full fiscal cycle to deliver on our promise of a new day for the Bahamian people and fulfil our mandate as the duly elected government of The Bahamas,” Mr Davis said.
“In that budget, as always, we will put the Bahamian people first, focusing on creating widespread and diverse opportunities at all levels, while creating a more equitable society and providing
more support for those who need it the most,” he said.
Mr Davis also spoke about the former administration’s inability to meet its budget projections for its four-and-a-half year term.
“If this current mid-year budget before us didn’t already happen, such that the numbers represent incontrovertible fact, they would be saying that the six month out-turn, which has been presented, is too optimistic,” Mr Davis said.
“Our optimism seems to be at the heart of their argument,” he said.
“When they increased VAT by 60 percent, they didn’t meet their own revenue projections — so they are struggling to comprehend how we lowered VAT
and lowered or eliminated customs duties on dozens of food items and essential goods, and not only met our revenue projections, but still be on track to have the highest recorded revenue as a percentage of GDP in the last ten years,” Mr Davis said.
“Do you know that during their four years in office, year after year they failed to meet their budget projections? Year after year, the deficit grew to alarming levels,” he said.
Mr Davis added: “They were forced to an early election, with a clear understanding that if by some slight chance they won, they had to increase taxes, including increasing VAT to 15 percent.
“Now they’re gonna say that ain’t so, but there are
only two possibilities. Either they had no plan to rescue the country from fiscal crisis, or they did have a plan – but were so sure it would lose them support that they kept it hidden before Bahamians voted,” Mr Davis said.
Mr Davis then addressed his remarks made in Parliament last week about the fiscal deficit where he blamed The Nassau Guardian, for a wrong headline, then later clarified that his speech had been inaccurate.
He apologised to The Nassau Guardian, seeking to “own” his mistake after calls to do so came from Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard in a recent interview.
“Last week, I spoke about a headline in The Nassau Guardian about the fiscal deficit. I said that the headline was wrong; but in fact, that headline accurately reflected what was said in my communication, but was inconsistent with the technical information we provided, that is, the mid-year budget performance report, which was tabled,” he said.
“I want to take responsibility and to apologise, to thank the (Nassau) Guardian for their follow-up reporting on the progress the government has indeed made on fiscal matters. When we get something wrong, we will say so,” Mr Davis said.
On February 22, Mr Davis told the House of Assembly that revenue collections were up but also noted that the
government experienced a net deficit of $285.7m, which represented an increase of $7.8m compared to the previous period.
He later corrected this.
According to Mr Davis, the fiscal deficit actually decreased by $5.3m in the first half of the fiscal year when compared to the same period in the previous year.
Mr Davis also addressed his comments made last week regarding companies and NGOs contracted by the former administration to handle public funds.
“It seems that every day new evidence is being unearthed about the peculiar practices of the former administration,” he said.
“Some of these practices go beyond bad governance: some border on criminality,” Mr Davis said.
“We are identifying and correcting as we go along, and many of these matters are being dealt with discreetly,” he said.
“However, once the information is fully gathered and analysed, the public must be briefed on what our investigations are revealing. (That is) the level of incompetence, lack of checks and balances, and the effects of a total abuse of power we met in place and what we are doing to correct these abuses and hold the people and organisations involved accountable,” Mr Davis said.
TOMORROW is International Woman Day and Bahamian women will join women around the world in celebrating the beauty of the feminine spirit.
This year’s observance will explore the impact of the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities and spotlight the importance of protecting the rights of women and girls in digital spaces and addressing online and ICT-facilitated gender-based violence.
There is also the International Women’s Day hashtag #EmbraceEquity and The Tribune has launched its own way to recognise the women who are the heroes in your life with the hashtag #WomensDayHeroes.
Tribune Woman spoke to several young women about why they feel International Woman’s Day is so
important. “I think that is such an important theme, that people just don’t really think about.
“I think it is crazy that in 2023, we still need to be having these conversations about equality and respecting the role that women play in the development of a healthy society” Raynette told Tribune Woman The 20-year-old student said that for her equality means women are given equal pay and equal opportunities in the workforce and, in her case, the classroom. Equity, she says, means that while she has the seat in the classroom, she is given the same respect as the male students in the classroom.
“I see the subtle deference that some of my male professors give to the male students. I don’t know if they are aware they are doing it, but its like they are listening more intently to them or taking their
questions more seriously. Sometimes I want to stand up and scream I am here too.”
Amanda says it is important to remember that while everyone comes from a different place, we all are equally valuable.
“I think that we like to paint people with the same cloth, we want everyone to be the same as us, based on our experiences and our values, but as we try to create equity and equality in this world we need to have the perspective that everyone has value and worth and even if they are “different” from us, they are still the same as us. People look down on people too much, if you didn’t go to college, if you did, if you work at this place or you don’t if you have kids or you don’t want kids or can’t have kids.
“The sad thing is that sometimes its women who discriminate against women. This is especially
true on social media. People love to hate on women for their posts and the judgment is very real. Women also use social media to be outright mean to women, you know criticising their relationships or their parenting style or even going so far to damage their reputation - and sadly it’s women doing it to women.
For Madison, equity means women are not penalised for things unique to women such as needing to take time off work for menustration symptoms or maternity leave.
“At the same time, if you are talking about equity than men need to have the same privileges. For example, men have the right to
paternity leave and the right to request time for childcare-related emergencies. If women want to be truly equal it has to run both ways. If women want to be respected and treated a certain way then they need to respect and treat persons the same way as well.”
• To mark Interational Women’s Day, The Tribune wants to hear about the women who are your heroes.
How to nominate
1 Visit www.tribune242. com and comment on our story there
2 Email your nominations to shunt@tribunemedia.net
3 Post your nomination to social media with the hashtag #WomensDayHeroes
The Tribune will publish a selection of submissionsso let us know your heroes and why they inspire you.
THE Bahamas government has spent $350,000 on repatriations so far this year, according to Immigration Minister Keith Bell.
“Last year the government spent $1.5m (on repatriations) so far we’ve spent an excess of $350,000 for the year,” Mr Bell said. He spoke to reporters at a meeting held at the House of Assembly where he revealed 145 undocumented Haitian migrants were found on Sunday somewhere between The Bahamas and the United States waters. He said officials are in discussions with the United States authorities to decide if the migrants can be repatriated directly back to Haiti rather than being brought to New Providence.
“Yesterday (Sunday), the Department of Immigration received notification by the US Coast Guard of 145 unlawful entrants from the Republic of Haiti that were found in waters somewhere between The Bahamas and the United States and Cuba of course.
“These persons, we are in preliminary discussions with the United States authorities to determine whether we can repatriate them directly back to Haiti, as opposed to bringing them here to the capital.”
The US Coast Guard reported in a Twitter post yesterday that when the Coast Guard crews approached the vessel on Sunday, some of the adult migrants threatened to harm a few young children if the
officials came any closer. “After the Coast Guard crews shadowed the vessel for several hours and employed a variety of techniques to de-escalate the situation, Coast Guard Cutter Tampa’s crew was able to gain compliance of the Haitian sailing vessel,” the US Coast Guard said.
When asked the specific location of the 145 undocumented migrants, Mr Bell said he could not reveal that information at the time.
He also noted a separate incident when 18 Dominicans were intercepted in waters near Bimini, adding it is believed they were seeking unlawful entry into the United States through Bahamian waters.
Mr Bell said further updates will be provided as investigations are ongoing.
During the interview he also gave an update on the 127 undocumented Haitian migrants that were apprehended on Sunday after their vessel was spotted off Andros on Friday.
Mr Bell said the migrants were expected to arrive in New Providence sometime yesterday. A total of 127 Haitian nationals were apprehended on this vessel which included 116 males, nine females, and two minors.
“And we are working quickly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure that they are repatriated as quickly as possible,” Mr Bell stressed.
Last week 200 migrants were repatriated.
On March 2, the Department of Immigration said that two groups of migrants were repatriated. The first group included 65 Haitians
and the second group consisted of three Peruvians, two Colombians and two Chinese nationals.
On March 1, 128 Cubans were repatriated to Cuba following a stay at the detention centre.
Asked about the impact of the repatriation exercises on the government’s purse, Mr Bell admitted it is a strain financially.
“Obviously it is putting a strain on the government’s purse but it’s something which must be done. I think that we have to be more innovative in terms of how we meet these repatriation costs.
“And that is in terms of what we know, particularly even though most of these persons come from Haiti. Haiti is in no position to provide the financial means.”
He suggested strengthening penalties, immigration laws, and other efforts to help in meeting the cost of the repatriation exercises.
Last month, during a national address, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis spoke about the issue of irregular migrants in the country and introduced “Operation Secure” to help tackle shanty towns.
The collaborative security operation is between the Royal Bahamas Police Force, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and the Department of Immigration.
“The operation is focused on identifying irregular migrants, documented migrants, and Bahamians living in these communities, and addressing their status in a comprehensive and coordinated manner,” Mr Davis explained.
A STUDENT was charged in a Freeport Magistrate’s Court yesterday in connection with threats against Bishop Michael Eldon School.
The boy, who was accompanied by his guardians, was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to put another in fear and threats of death by writing.
On Thursday, March 2, police received a report about graffiti death threats that were found on the inside of a male bathroom at the school. Police said there was a threat made to shoot up the school.
Officers from the Central Division and the Criminal Investigation Department conducted an investigation that led to the arrest of a boy and the recovery of two imitation firearms.
The charges were read over to the accused boy and he was not allowed to enter a plea. He was
remanded to Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre Adolescent Section for six weeks. The matter was adjourned to April 13 before the juvenile panel.
According to police, during the course of the investigation three boys were initially questioned, but two were later released.
When police arrived at the school last week, the principal directed them to a bathroom where there was graffiti written on the wall that read: “I will shoot up the school on the 3 of March.”
Supt Darold Weir, officer in charge of the Criminal Investigation Department in Freeport, said police took the threat seriously.
“We take this seriously even though it was an isolated situation, and we wish not for it to happen again. We continue to do our best to keep our schools as safe as possible,” Supt Weir said yesterday. He explained that
officers made a check of the school campus but found nothing on March 2 or March 3.
On Friday, Supt Alvarado Dames, officer in charge of the Central Division, led a team of officers at the BMES where a search was conducted of faculty and students entering the school. There was also a talk about conflict resolution and the consequences of crime.
Supt Weir said following their investigations police were able to recover two imitation firearms, which were not found at the school campus.
“They are fake guns, but as the law prescribes, as long as they are used in the commission of an offence, it is treated as if it is a real gun or firearm,” he explained.
The senior police official urged parents to know what is happening in their children’s personal life.
“Know what they are dealing with and who their friends are, and what they are into,” he said.
officials that had responsibility for NIB for advice on the way forward.
Mr Laroda’s concerns come one month after he assured the public that the government has made a decision on the NIB fund and whether contribution rates will be increased or not. At the time, he declined to say what specific course of action the government intends to take to ensure the fund’s sustainability.
Yesterday, Mr Laroda gave some updates as to the current state of the fund, in comparison to years past.
“For the year ended December 2022, contributions totaled around $280m, while benefits expenditures total $355m, a shortfall, some $78m,” Mr Laroda said.
“Our reality is the National Insurance Board is projected to lose $98m this year, if there is not an increase, that’s almost $100m. That is the reality,” he said.
“Up until 2016, there were mostly surpluses. And then the year 2016, there was an income of $261,191,000 and an expenditure of
$275,155,000. Since 2016, the National Insurance Board has not turned a profit,” Mr Laroda said.
“The NIB budget for
2023 has projected that benefits will exceed contributions by $86m and projects total income to be $358m, with total expenditures of $456m, resulting in a deficit of $98m. In a short time, the government will provide a way forward to benefit all Bahamians,” Mr Laroda said.
“In the interim, greater compliance among employers is the clarion call. For 2023, a goal to collect some $300m in contribution payments has been set with an expectation that the domestic economy will continue its reopening momentum, with the pandemic numbers and various restrictions seemingly in the rear view,” Mr Laroda said.
Mr Laroda added that Prime Minister Philip Davis charged him with finding innovative ways to increase the income for the agency, which cannot be subsidised by the government.
“(The) Prime Minister, the MP for Cat Island, Rum Cay and Salvador, charged myself and the board, being sensitive to an already tax
burdened society, that we should find innovative ways in which we can increase income,” he said.
“Some $16m was invested with a private Bahamian company in the space of three months would have revealed a profit of some $2m. By any count, that’s innovative. But we would notice that even if we replicate that four times, we’re looking at $8m. We are not going to make up that shortfall,” Mr Laroda said.
“The Prime Minister also would have charged me with speaking to individuals who would have had experience of National Insurance. He wanted bipartisan input from various individuals,” he said.
“Mr Anton Saunders, we all know that he’s a former employee and chairman, he’s in the insurance industry. And he has given me permission to go on the record to say that yes, there needs to be a unified approach to this but he also recognises that while he was chairman, that those discussions were being held,” Mr
NEARLY one million visitors arrived in The Bahamas in January, representing a 166 percent increase when compared to the same period last year, Tourism Minister Chester Cooper revealed in the House of Assembly yesterday.
Mr Cooper, who was contributing to the mid-year budget debate in Parliament, told parliamentarians that tourism was growing by leaps and bounds in The Bahamas, adding that his ministry was targeting a 20 percent growth in the sector this year.
“We have every reason to believe that we are going to meet and exceed that target,” added Mr Cooper, who also has responsibility for aviation and investments.
“Mr Deputy, as you know 2019 was a banner year in this country, with over 7.2m visitors to our shores and when we look at what is happening in 2023, we are shattering 2022 numbers and 2019 numbers and that’s great news.
“But what is even better news that I am able to reveal is that we saw nearly one million visitors come to The Bahamas in January, the first month of this year alone.”
To give context on the figures, Mr Cooper explained that last January, there were
some 300,000 visitors that came to our shores, but said that number grew to 846,000 in January this year.
This represented a 166 percent increase from January 2022 compared to January 2023, he added.
In terms of sea arrivals, the minister highlighted increased arrivals in several islands, including New Providence, Grand Bahama, Exuma, Abaco, Andros, and Cat Island among others.
The deputy prime minister said when compared to 2019, which was already considered a record-breaking year for tourism, sea arrivals in January 2023 were up by 33 percent.
“In January,” he added, “Grand Bahama saw a 400 percent rise in sea arrivals compared to the year before and I point that out to say the potential for Grand Bahama is there and the momentum is growing.
“We will also see a great deal more traffic when the Carnival cruise port is completed in 2024. My Deputy, If I had an hour, I would tell you more about Grand Bahama, but I’ll invite the public to tune into the Grand Bahama Business Outlook next week when we’ll talk more about the Grand Bahama International Airport and Grand Lucayan resort and the
growth of Grand Bahama tourism.”
But, Mr Cooper said that he alone could not take credit for the country’s improving tourism numbers and thanked his team for their hard work.
Shifting to departure tax collections, Mr Cooper said collections for the first six months of the fiscal year totaled $71.5m which, he said, represented an 85 per cent improvement over the year before.
“In the first half of the year, we collected 73.7 percent of the budget target for departure taxes and, as I told a recent forum, more visitors mean more tax income and more economic activity and more opportunities and jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for Bahamians.
“It means keeping on track with our fiscal plans to ultimately end deficit spending.”
Mr Cooper said the Davis administration had a strategy to take the nation’s leading industry to the next level and added “we are executing it.”
He said they had a similar strategy to attract more investments to the country and also for aviation.
With respect to aviation, he said the government has already put out requests for proposals for the
Laroda said. “I then spoke to Mr Patrick Ward, another former chairman, who has also given me permission to call his name with regards to the need for rate increase and other recommendations to better put NIB in a position to be that safety net for individuals who would have paid into the programme and at their retirement age to be able to receive their benefits,” Mr Laroda said.
Mr Laroda encouraged the Bahamian public to get to know their NIB status to fulfil their responsibilities as citizens and to be knowledgeable of contributions made for them.
In addition, Mr Laroda also mentioned that the National Emergency and Management Agency (NEMA) and the Disaster Reconstruction Authority (DRA) will be merging into one authority “to reduce the duplication of positions and also responsibilities”.
Mr Laroda said the newly merged agency should be open by July of this year.
development of some 14 Family Island airports. These include the New Bight International Airport in Cat Island, Exuma International Airport, Leonard M Thompson International Airport in Abaco, North Eleuthera
International Airport, Long Island International Airport, Congo Town airport in South Andros and San Salvador International Airport.
Following completion of these projects at the airports, the minister said the
nation’s family of
will be poised for even further economic growth.
“We’ve been working, Mr Deputy. “We’re strategising and we’re executing the strategy,” Mr Cooper continued.
AFTER a decade in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s shadow, Li Keqiang is taking his final bow as the country’s premier, marking a shift away from the skilled technocrats who have helped steer the world’s second-biggest economy in favor of officials known mainly for their unquestioned loyalty to China’s most powerful leader in recent history.
After exiting the ruling Communist Party’s all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee in October — despite being below retirement age — Li’s last major task was delivering the state of the nation address to the rubber-stamp parliament on Monday. The report sought to reassure citizens of the resiliency of the Chinese economy, but contained little that was new.
Once seen as a potential top leader, Li was increasingly sidelined as Xi accumulated ever-greater powers and elevated the military and security services in aid of the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”. Li’s lack of visibility sometimes made it difficult to remember he was technically ranked No 2 in party.
Li “was a premier largely kept out of the limelight by order of the boss”, said Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at the London University School of Oriental and African Studies and a longtime observer of Chinese politics.
In an era where personal loyalty trumps all, the fact that Li wasn’t seen purely as a Xi loyalist may end up being “the main reason why he will be remembered fondly”, Tsang said.
For most of his career, Li was known as a cautious, capable, and highly intelligent bureaucrat who rose through, and was bound by, a consensus-oriented Communist Party that reflexively stifles dissent.
As governor and then party secretary of the densely populated agricultural province of Henan in the 1990s, Li squelched reporting on an AIDS outbreak tied to illegal blood-buying rings that pooled plasma and reinjected it into donors after removing the blood products, allegedly with the collusion of local officials.
While Li was not in office when the scandal broke, his administration worked to quiet it up, prevented victims from seeking redress and harassed private citizens working on behalf of orphans and others affected.
But Li also cut a modestly different profile, an English speaker from a generation of politicians schooled during a time of greater openness to liberal Western ideas. Introduced to politics during the chaotic 1966-76 Cultural Revolution, he made it into prestigious Peking University, where he studied law and economics, on his own merits rather than through political connections.
After graduation, Li went to work at the Communist Youth League, an organization that grooms university students for party roles, then headed by future president and party leader Hu Jintao. Higher office soon followed.
Among the largely faceless ranks of Chinese bureaucrats, Li managed to show an unusually candid streak. In a US State Department cable released by WikiLeaks, Li is quoted telling diplomats that Chinese economic growth statistics were ‘’man-made”, and saying he looked instead to electricity demand, rail cargo traffic, and lending as more accurate indicators.
Though no populist, in his speeches and public appearances, Li was practically typhonic compared to the typically
languorous Xi.
Yet, he largely failed to make effective use of the platforms he was given, unlike his immediate predecessors. At his sole annual news conference on the closing day of each congressional annual session, Li used up most of his time repeating talks points and reciting statistics. Throughout the upheavals of China’s three-year battle against COVID-19, Li was practically invisible.
Li, who hailed from humble backgrounds, had been seen as Hu’s preferred successor as president. But the need to balance party factions prompted the leadership to choose Xi, the son of a former vice premier and party elder, as the consensus candidate.
The two never formed anything like the partnership that characterised Hu’s relationship with his premier, Wen Jiabao — or Mao Zedong’s with the redoubtable Zhou Enlai — although Li and Xi never openly disagreed over fundamentals.
“Xi is not the first among equals, but rather is way above equal,” said Cheng Li, an expert on the Chinese leadership at the Brookings Institute in Washington, DC. Ultimately, Li was a “team player” who put party unity foremost, he said.
Meanwhile, Li’s authority was being gradually shrunk, beginning with a reorganisation of offices in 2018. While some may have wished Li had been more “influential or decisive,” the ground was crumbling under his feet as Xi shifted more of the powers of the State Council, China’s Cabinet, to party institutions, Cheng Li said. That shift to expanded party control is expected to continue at the current congress meeting on an even greater scale.
At the same time, Xi appeared to favor trusted long-time brothers-in-arms such as economic adviser Liu He and head of the legislature Li Zhanshu, over Li, leaving him with little visibility or influence.
His departure leaves major questions about the future of the private sector that Xi has been reining in, along with wider economic reforms championed by Li and his cohort. His expected replacement, Li Qiang, is a crony of Xi’s from his days in provincial government, best known for his ruthless implementation of last spring’s monthslong COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai.
“Li Keqiang has been associated with a more economics-focused take on governance, which contrasts strongly with the ideological tone that Xi has brought to politics,” said Rana Mitter of Oxford University.
“Li may be the last premier of his type, at least for a while,” Mitter said. Li may be remembered less for what he achieved than for the fact that he was the last of the technocrats to serve at the top of the Chinese Communist Party, said Carl Minzner, an expert on Chinese law and governance at New York’s Fordham University and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Politically, Xi’s authoritarian tendencies risk a return to Mao-era practices where elite politics become “yet more byzantine, vicious, and unstable,” Minzner said.
Li’s departure “marks the end of an era in which expertise and performance, rather than political loyalty to Xi himself, was the primary career criterion for ambitious officials seeking to rise up to higher office,” he said.
By The Associated PressEDITOR, The Tribune.
THE Leader of the Opposition FNM Party Michael Pintard has no vision, idea or plan for the Bahamian people and the Bahamas. All he has to offer is criticism, but when he was a Cabinet Minister and Minister of Youth Sports and Community Affairs with then former Prime Minister Dr Minnis they failed the Bahamian people on crime, high unemployment and failing government corporations BPL, Bahamas, and Water and Sewage, but the greatest disservice to The Bahamas and Bahamian people in my opinion was the spending of over fivesix billions of dollars adding over 10 billions of dollars to the Bahamas national debt with nothing to show and no benefits to the Bahamian people and the Bahamas, so, in my opinion Michael Pintard, Leader of the Opposition FNM Party, was part of the problem and burdens that the Bahamian people are facing with hopelessness, doubts and frustrations in the Bahamas government fixing their problems to making the Bahamas better in reducing crime, removing illegal Haitian immigrants, and providing jobs.
The Leader of the Opposition FNM Party Michael Pintard has no political achievements and accomplishments in Bahamian politics, but I have political achievements and accomplishments first after having radio ads on Love 97FM Radio, More 97 FM Radio, Letter ads in The Tribune, The Punch and spoken to then Leader of the Opposition PLP Government Perry Christie about the need to oversight, audit and regulate private pension funds in The Bahamas. When Perry Christie became Prime Minister in 2012, he implemented
my vision idea and plan to protect pension funds for Bahamian workers by passing the Workers Pension Funds Act Bill, then in 2017 I wrote a Letter to the Editor expressing serious concern and the real need to stop government corruption in The Bahamas by passing into law the AntiCorruption Bill, in 2017 Dr Minnis Prime Minister of the FNM government implemented my vision idea and plan the AntiCorruption Bill and current Prime Minister Philip Davis of the Bahamas PLP government implemented my vision idea and plan to deter gangs and reduce crime and guns in 2022, by implementing the police gang task force and police gun task force to reduce crimes in The Bahamas and murders.
I look forward to having a debate with Michael Pintard, the Leader of the Opposition FNM, and the first question I would like him to answer… do you have a political record of visions ideas and plans that had been implemented by three Prime Ministers? As I had done and have the evidence published in The Tribune newspaper.
The second question I want to have the Bahamian people to ask themselves if you had been abused by your spouse and decided to get a divorce, then decided to try it again, but you got abused again by the same spouse that you allowed another chance in your life. Will you keep giving that spouse more chances or will you just end it for good?
So the bigger question is why are you thinking that after many disappointments, lies, unfilled promises and the same problems are
getting worse, the Bahamas national debt over 11 billion dollars, high crime robberies and murders, unperforming Government corporations and high unemployment that is the cause and result of both political parties, PLP and FNM, they keep abusing the Bahamian people with their bad, terrible and worse record on governing the affairs of the Bahamas and the Bahamian people. That re-electing them both over and over again it will get better? It is time for a real change, Bahamian people. I have been able to achieve and accomplish these things with three Prime Ministers of The Bahamas implementing my ideas, vision and plans that had already benefitted The Bahamas and the Bahamian people. There are over 190 nations in the world and 190 Prime Ministers and Presidents. I am the only one on God’s earth to have had three Prime Ministers of a nation, The Bahamas, to have implemented my vision idea and plan no other person in any other countries had achieved and accomplished this, not even in America. So this is why I walk by faith with God. God has allowed me to be His instrument and servant to the Bahamian people and The Bahamas and has given me the political record, evidence, legacy, history and story to now begin the journey of becoming the next Prime Minister of The Bahamas by being obedient to answering to His calling to Stand Tall and Lead the Bahamian and the Bahamas to a better future for the children, One Nation, One people, One Bahamas and One God, onward, forward and upward to a better Bahamas. Chosen One by God.
Nassau, March 5, 2023.
THE University of The Bahamas signed a memorandum of understanding with Global Culinaire Inc yesterday which involves the latter pledging $45,000 which will be used to create a scholarship to assist students in the culinary and tourism fields.
UB president Dr Erik Rolland expressed gratitude for the award and explained that students will be able to further enhance their skills.
“I’m very pleased today to welcome all of you to witness the signing of this memorandum of understanding between the University of the Bahamas and Global Culinaire Inc which has pledged this
direct scholarship award in the amount of $45,000 to the benefit of Bahamian students in the culinary arts and tourism studies.
“I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the team at GCI for their generosity. I am confident that Bahamian students at our College of Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts and Leisure Management will take advantage of this scholarship for their advancement and benefit,”
Dr Rolland said. He said that six UB students completed their internship at the Showman e-Bistro restaurant, GCI’s sister company.
He said this was a first in UB history for students to intern at a standalone restaurant outside of a resort environment, adding many of them received employment opportunities.
TWO men were remanded yesterday after being accused of the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old girl in the Kemp Road area last month.
Jean Cela, 23, and Yvon Carter, 21, stood before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on charges of murder, attempted murder and possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.
According to police reports, it is alleged that around 1am on February 4 the accused with a third male accomplice ambushed Harrinique McPhee and Owen Henderson on Coleman Lane. There it is said that the armed suspects emerged from the bushes and opened fire on the
Nissan March the 18-yearold McPhee and 22-year-old Henderson were occupying.
While both victims in this matter were taken to hospital for treatment, McPhee later died from her injuries.
Due to the gravity of the offence neither accused was required to enter a plea in court at that time. The chief magistrate informed them that their matter would proceed to the Supreme Court by way of a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).
The accused were further informed that as the chief magistrate lacked the jurisdiction to grant bail they had the right to apply for it through the higher court.
Until bail is granted, the accused will be remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.
Service of the VBIs in this matter is scheduled for June 28.
A MAN was sentenced to three years in prison yesterday after he admitted to having $40,000 worth of cocaine in his home last week as well as a loaded gun.
Kenneth Reckley, 51, represented by Ian Cargill, appeared before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on a charge of possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply. He was also charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.
On March 1 on Talbot Street, police acting on a search warrant found two kilos of cocaine worth $40,000 in Reckley’s residence. At the time of his
For his part, Chef Romero Dorsett, cofounder of GCI and a UB alumni, said he understands the importance of providing students with a foundation of training.
“So, being a student, being a chef, being in the industry, I also know the shortage of professional chefs that are needed. I know how far and how vast the culinary industry can be, and how the opportunities that chefs can have once they have the proper training.”
He added: “We want to definitely mentor them and be a part of their journey and help the university to succeed and retain students as I know how difficult it is. We did pledge $45,000, however, we are going to do some other things in the upcoming future that will far exceed that.”
Chef Dorsett also noted how the high cost of food prices has been challenging for many culinary students, saying he hopes the award will be a helping tool.
Chef Eldred Saunders, of College of Tourism and Culinary Arts at UB, explained for the average culinary student the expenses for the training can be taxing. He said culinary students need the extra support to aid in being able to participate in the classes.
Officials of the university said in the first iteration six students are expected to benefit from the award, adding it totaled at $15,000 a year.
The award will also aid in students’ supplies such as chef kits, knives, laptops, and other necessities.
NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe said his ministry is moving full steam ahead with its plans to increase manpower in the Royal Bahamas Police Force.
Mr Munroe, during his contribution to the midyear budget debate in Parliament, said when he assumed office in 2021, he found in place a deficit of some 900 officers. He said the former administration appeared to pay little attention to resourcing the police force.
However, he said, the Davis administration has been seeking to fill that gap.
“Recruitment during the last administration did not address the
attrition rate for officers retiring, being dismissed from the force and dying,” he said.
“In every year since
this minister has been in this seat and the current minister of finance has been in the seat, we have recruited more officers
than we have lost. Every single year and so the $2.5m additional for salaries just continues what is happening currently.
“We even have to recruit 58 additional firefighters because we didn’t have sufficient fire branch officers. That was addressed immediately. We now have 120 in now and when they come out, another squad will go in.
“We understand the need to properly man the police and to use a phrase that they keep saying: we find these problems, we’re fixing them and this figure in the supplementary budget just shows how we are fixing that.”
arrest, a further search of the premises uncovered a black and rose gold Kimber 9mm pistol, with the serial number PB0227832, along with five unfired rounds of 9mm ammunition.
In court, Reckley pleaded guilty to all charges.
During Mr Cargill’s plea of mitigation on the defendant’s behalf, he implored the court to be lenient in its sentencing as his client pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.
The chief magistrate then sentenced the accused to three years in prison for the drug charge. After citing the recent “proliferation” of guns on the streets, she also sentenced Reckley to two years in prison for the gun related charges, to be served concurrently to the drug charge.
A ROYAL Bahamas Defence Force officer was granted bail in court yesterday after being accused of trying to sell illicit drugs as well as having 14 live rounds of ammunition.
Aljuan Bullard, 28, faced Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on charges of possession of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply and possession of ammunition.
It is alleged that on March 2 in New Providence,
Bullard was arrested after he was found with two grams of cocaine, two grams of marijuana and two oz of methamphetamines.
It is further alleged that at the time of his arrest, the accused also had 14 unfired rounds of 9mm ammunition in his possession.
He was granted $4,500 bail with one or two sureties yesterday. Under the conditions of this bail, the accused is expected to sign in at Carmichael Police Station every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 7pm.
Bullard’s trial is set to begin on July 18.
CELEBRATING a Bahamian woman who is making international history, who is a leader in her industry, and who is giving back to the community is most fitting as we gear up to commemorate International Women’s Day. On the eve of this momentous day, we celebrate Lonise Carey.
Just weeks ago, Lonise made history when she became president of the Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI).
It is a membership association for Destination Management Companies (DMCs) and is the premier resource for education, standards, and practices within the Destination Management industry. ADMEI has a global presence and a respected reputation.
Tourism is the number one industry in The Bahamas; so it relies on organisations such as DMCs to continue to attract millions to the country each year. DMCs are professional service companies and strategic partners which provide creative local experiences in event management, tours/ activities, transportation, entertainment, and programme logistics.
Lonise is the cofounder of Island Destination Services (IDS), an awardwinning DMC that has previously been recognised by the World Travel Awards as the leading Bahamas Destination Management Company. The company’s services include destination marketing, conference management, and event production rentals via their extensive warehouse
of special event inventory.
IDS has executed national and internationally recognised events such as the Sigma Pi Phi Grand Boule; FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup; Miss Universe Cultural Village; The Best of Best International Sailing Regatta; the Grand Opening of the $400m Lynden Pindling International Airport expansion; and
The Bahamas and most recently, the company was awarded the “Best Overall Programme” during ADMEI’s February 2023 conference for hosting the Vision and Action Conference 2022.
It was during this conference, held February 2-4 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, Florida, USA that Lonise was elected as ADMEI’s president. She is the first black woman and first person in the Caribbean region to do so. Prior to taking on this responsibility of leading colleagues from around the world, Lonise served as ADMEI’s Director of Education and as a Board Member of the Society of Incentive Travel Excellence for Florida & The Caribbean.
Lonise is also beautifully exemplifying the United Nations’ International Women’s Day theme: “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”.
“In 2022, I started working on an app to give students easier access to job opportunities and I’m looking forward to its launch,” Lonise told me.
“With the use of technology, people from smaller communities like ours can have faster access to the right net works and careers.”
Lonise has a vision to aug ment her industry by broadening ADMEI’s reach and bringing in, through diver sity and inclusion, a wider spectrum of people who would come into the industry, bringing their passion and personal purpose.
“Globally, our industry is experiencing an acute labour shortage and we cannot grow without the human resources to do it,” she explained.
countless MICE events for Fortune 500 companies. Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions tourism (MICE) is a type of tourism in which large groups, usually planned well in advance, are brought together. IDS has done a stellar job in
Lonise is a founding Mmember of the DMC Network’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee and is currently an Equity task force member for the Events Industry Council. With this in mind, Lonise embodies the 2023 International Women’s Day theme: “#EmbraceEquity”. She also serves on the executive committee of the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality for Tourism and Related Services, which is currently focused on improving accessibility for people living with disabilities.
“ADMEI members represent more than thirty countries on four different continents. Conferences and training events are hosted in both the Americas and Europe. My platform as president is to build a sustainable recruitment strategy by expanding our reach in universities globally, to identify emerging professionals, while utilising technology to increase their accessibility to career paths in destination management.”
Lonise has what it takes to attract these young professionals, because she was one of them, and joining a DMC changed the trajectory of her career. In the early 2000s, she completed her Master’s Degree in Hotel Administration at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In Vegas, she worked at the Bellagio Hotel and was exposed to employee retention programmes and largescale events. After living and working in Washington, DC, Las Vegas, and New York, Lonise moved home and at that time, it was difficult to find career opportunities in hospitality that challenged her and offered competitive compensation packages.
“Although it was a frustrating time, I always try to find the opportunity in every challenge,” she shared.
“I was determined to start my own business. My thesis was based on improving service quality in small communities. I reviewed more than 5,000 guest responses at two major resorts to determine where the gaps were in service quality and how we could bridge those gaps. As a result, I was armed with a very clear understanding of what visitor expectations were and the areas in which organisations needed to improve if they wanted to exceed those expectations. My initial exposure to destination management was with a US based DMC and there were very few wholly owned Bahamian DMCs on the island at that time. This was a gap that I wanted to bridge, and as a result, I teamed up with my father in 2005 to launch Island Destination Services.”
Lonise’s parents are Mizpah Cargill-Carey and Levant Carey. With their support, Lonise has grown by leaps and bounds in her
professional career and civic endeavours. Mr. Carey is a veteran in the hospitality and casino industry. He started ventures such as the Caribe Cabaret show at the Rainforest Theatre in the 1990s. As one of three founders of Cable Bahamas, Lonise says he has taught her to be an innovator - one who generates action beyond words. This month marks the18th anniversary of Island Destination Services as a wholly owned Bahamian DMC. IDS is globally recognized as a leader in the industry and has won countless international awards.
“I love that what we do requires us to have a deeper understanding of the strengths of every element of our tourism product,” she explained.
“Essentially, each day, my career reminds me of why it’s a blessing to call The Bahamas home. Corporate clients look to us as experts on all things Bahamian and they rely on our team’s guidance when selecting their hotels, offsite venues and destination experiences for their employee incentive trips and conferences. On a daily basis, we empower local businesses and also non-profit organisations by designing unique ways for them to partner with our clients. This makes what we do feel like a mission, and this is what drives me each day.”
Lonise wants to be able to economically empower local businesses by exposing their brands to international corporations. Her ultimate goal is to ensure that tourism dollars reach beyond the hotels to help fuel the growth of local Bahamian businesses, while promoting the authentic culture of the Bahamas.
Nationally, Lonise has been recognised for her contributions to the hospitality industry as an award recipient of the “40 under 40” award on the 40th Independence Anniversary of The Bahamas and in 2015 she became the first certified destination management professional (DMCP) in the Bahamas.
Lonise is a passionate philanthropist and a member of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, and she consistently uses the influence of her company to connect international corporate clients with local nonprofit organisations. Her
client’s donations have included the regeneration of a community garden for Hands for Hunger; laptops and tablets needed to operate Project Limestone’s STEM programme; more than 2,000 hurricane disaster preparedness kits donated to the Bahamas Red Cross; and much more. Lonise’s personal mission is to deliver hope through hospitality by educating and economically empowering young people throughout the islands of The Bahamas.
While celebrating her for International Women’s Day, Lonise extended the courtesy to women she admires: “I would like to honour my grandmothers, Patricia Carey and the late Doris Cargill; my mother Mizpah Cargill Carey; my sister Tonika Carey; and cultural ambassador Arlene Nash Ferguson.
“Throughout my childhood, my grandmothers were the most nurturing beings. They were the definition of hospitality and had such an authentic warmth that made everyone feel like family. They had strong characters and faced every challenge with faith instead of fear. That is a lesson I try to take with me each day.
“I have to honour my mother who is an entrepreneur and fashion designer. She set a strong foundation for me with her grace, work ethic, and keen attention to detail. She is always the one that you look to for advice because her opinion is the gold seal. I honour my sister, who is not only my business partner but also a creative genius and world-class fashion designer. From Canada, to New York, to Italy and now home, she has honed her craft and I’m excited about the future impact she will make.
“At work, I honour educators and cultural ambassadors like Arlene Nash Ferguson whose enthusiasm and passion for our culture motivates me. All of these women have accomplished so much in their own right but what I admire most is the depth of their characters and I am inspired by them every day.”
TWO weeks ago in this column, I wrote about Britain and the European Union being on the brink of a fresh agreement to replace the existing Northern Ireland Protocol covering the province’s trading arrangements post-Brexit.
It is worth following this up today since a proposed agreement called the Windsor Framework has now been reached which has been described as a remarkable watershed and a big step towards a final Brexit accord. It could also be interesting to return to the issue because this new deal has potential consequences beyond the six counties of Northern Ireland (NI). It could open a new chapter in Britain’s relationship with the EU, and it may have a significant effect on the UK’s domestic politics as well.
After Britain left the EU in 2020, the status of NI became a focus of controversy. The NI Protocol was widely considered to be unsatisfactory and it was claimed that the trading arrangements under it were not working properly. Moreover, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) wanted the Protocol scrapped because it was treating NI differently from the rest of the UK and undermined the whole basis of the power-sharing
institutions under the Belfast Agreement of 1998, known colloquially as the Good Friday Agreement. Because of that, the DUP refused to take part in these powersharing arrangements in the NI Assembly - known as Stormont – which were the essence of that agreement.
So the Protocol needed to be changed or scrapped entirely and replaced.
On February 27, the Windsor Framework was agreed by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen to replace the old NI Protocol. This has provided
a new legal and UK constitutional framework. But the agreement still needs formal approval - in particular by the DUP but also by the PM’s own Conservative Party which includes many “eurosceptic” Brexiteers.
The general view of commentators seems to be that the Windsor Framework has been a significant achievement beyond expectations. By creating a system of separate “green” and “red” lanes it has ensured the avoidance of a hard border between the two parts of the island of Ireland. In a “green” lane for goods moving from Great Britain to NI and distributed only within the province there will be minimal checks and controls, thus delivering free-flowing trade for these goods that are staying within the UK (ie NI) by removing any sense of a
border in the Irish Sea. So there will be no material limits on the UK’s ability to operate outside the EU’s single market and customs union. This will bring stability and greater prosperity to NI while reinforcing its position within the UK. For all other goods a “red” lane will apply and NI will in effect retain the province’s special relationship with the EU single market by adhering to EU standards. This is considered to be the only way for the EU to protect its border while at the same time avoiding a hard one with the Republic of Ireland. Therefore, in practice NI will remain within the EU single market and customs union for such goods. But, reportedly, cumbersome checks that were disrupting trade and effectively creating an internal border within a sovereign
country will be rolled back.
From what I have read, some of these new arrangements may be unsatisfactory for the purists among the unionists on the grounds that they are inconsistent with full sovereignty. So it remains to be seen what the formal reaction of the DUP will be.
But, it is argued, the Windsor Framework provides a positive basis for moving forward and is the only way to address the complexity of the implications of Brexit for NI.
The other major area of concern is the continuing role of the European Court of Justice which, it seems, will retain jurisdiction by still being the ultimate arbiter of disputes. According to all reports, Britain was unhappy that the original Brexit deal allowed the ECJ to have jurisdiction over the application of the NI Protocol. In its view, no independent country could tolerate a part of its territory being subject to foreign laws and courts, with - in this case - EU laws superseding UK laws in British sovereign territory.
Under the Windsor Framework the ECJ would retain jurisdiction in relation to the EU single market and customs union. But it includes some protection in
the shape of a new mechanism called the “Stormont Brake” which will enable the NI Assembly to stop –or at least challenge - new EU single market rules from applying in the region. Mr Sunak has said that his immediate task now is to convince all concerned to endorse the Windsor Framework agreement. If this happens and the DUP come on board, he hopes they will then re-join the power-sharing Stormont administration in time for the 25th anniversary of the region’s peace treaty in April.
In summary, the Windsor Framework consolidates NI’s position within the UK while honouring the Good Friday Agreement – and it retains the province’s special relationship with the EU single market. Because of space limitations today, I shall leave it to next week to discuss what appears to be a changed and improved relationship between the UK and the EU. I hope also to look at the effect on UK domestic politics of the PM’s success in pulling off what he himself has described as a decisive breakthrough – something which was thought to be impossible and beyond the powers of his immediate predecessors.
PERHAPS it should come as no surprise that the ongoing dispute between Britain and Argentina about the Falkland Islands has come to the fore again at this time of year, just weeks before the forty-first anniversary of Argentina’s invasion of the Islands on April 2, 1982 when, unexpectedly, it mounted a seaborne and aerial attack on the islands it calls the Malvinas.
The conflict which followed was short but brutal. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s government sent a Task Force and UK troops landed on the Falklands on May 21. After fierce fighting, the Argentine forces surrendered on June 14. The cost of war was high, with 649 Argentine servicemen killed and 255 British dead, as well as the loss of five ships, while three Falkland Islanders also lost their lives.
According to UK press reports, at last week’s G20 meeting in Delhi, the Argentine foreign minister informed his British counterpart, James Cleverly, that his country was abandoning an agreement between the two countries in 2016
to co-operate on issues like energy, shipping and fishing - and on identifying the remains of Argentine soldiers killed in battle - after, in effect, agreeing to disagree about sovereignty over the islands.
In a formal note, the Argentine foreign minister said that his government “had sought to collaborate on concrete matters such as flights, scientific activity in Antarctica and conservation of fishing resources without the same willingness from the UK” and that the “British government has systematically refused to resume sovereignty negotiations”.
In response, the British foreign secretary said that “The Falklands are British.
The Islanders have the right to decide their own future –they have chosen to remain a self-governing UK Overseas Territory”.
So it looks as though a diplomatic row over sovereignty is starting to bubble again. Argentina has consistently claimed sovereignty over the Islands.
But, since the short 1982 war, Britain has declined to negotiate over the issue because, as it has made
HAVING recently received information about the UK’s new involvement with the Inter-American Development Bank Group, I hasten to share this news today as evidence of the country’s contribution to helping efforts to help tackle climate change in the Caribbean which, as everyone is now aware, is severely affecting the region.
The IDB is the largest development bank in Latin America and the Caribbean. The UK has joined IDB Invest, the private sector arm of the IDB Group that is focused on development through the private sector. Reportedly, this move by the UK is designed to boost its work in reducing poverty and tackling climate change across Latin America and the Caribbean through support for small and medium-sized businesses.
Britain’s Development Minister, Andrew Mitchell, was joined in London last week by the President of IDB to complete the UK’s membership of the group that provides some five billion pounds sterling of annual finance to businesses across the region. Mitchell was quoted as saying that
“unleashing private sector investment across the Caribbean and Latin America is vital to delivering the UK’s International Development Strategy” and that “joining IDB Invest will help us promote private sector investment, alleviate poverty and tackle climate change in a region experiencing its most serious effects”.
Interestingly, in the last decade IDB Invest has been partnering with the City of London as the leading hub globally for green finance. Last year, British International Investment, which is the UK’s own development finance institution, made its first investment in the Caribbean for over 20 years working alongside IDB Invest and local partners with the aim of delivering thousands of jobs and supporting productive, sustainable and inclusive economic growth across the region.
In the words again of Andrew Mitchell, all this clearly demonstrates the UK’s commitment to investment in green businesses in the region. It is good news for the Caribbean – and this will surely be welcomed locally by everyone concerned.
clear on numerous occasions, it “has no doubt about its sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands.”
The history of all this seems not to be in doubt. Records show that Britain has been in constant and effective occupation of the islands since 1833 after originally colonizing them in 1765 while Argentina had taken them over temporarily at some point after claiming to have acquired them earlier from Spain. As a British government spokesman said recently, “the Falkland Islands were not and are not Argentinian”. Of the two fundamental principles of international law in relation to claims of sovereignty – occupation of territory and the right to self-determination
– Argentina seems to base its claim partly on proximity since at the nearest point the Falklands are some 300 miles from the Argentine mainland. Britain, on the other hand, emphasises the rights of the islands’ inhabitants to self-determination which, as a principle, is underpinned in the UN Charter - Article 1 of which states that the fundamental purpose of the UN is respect for the “principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples”. There can be no doubt about the wishes of the Islanders themselves who are now British citizens. In a 2013 referendum, an overwhelming majority – 99.8 per cent of people in a high turnout of 92 per cent - voted to remain British, with only three voting against.
I had first-hand experience of this almost universal wish when visiting the Islands after the conflict during a stint at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London working on their reconstruction and redevelopment. Talking to a range of people, it was clear – and hardly surprising so soon after the war - that no one at that stage wanted Argentina to have any role at all in administering them, even though in the future it might make peaceful overtures in an attempt to win over hearts and minds. Even though the latest population has increased, the numbers are still very low - with the current figure about 3,750. It is therefore relatively easy to discover the wishes of the people which Britain has been determined to respect and defend.
I have no knowledge of current British policy on the issue, but Mr Cleverly’s latest statement looks to be unequivocal. Even though the Falklands conflict was more than 40 years ago, it is surely still very much in people’s minds in the UK – both among those servicemen who were wounded in the conflict and the families of those who lost their lives. Given the high price paid by Britain in ejecting the invaders and taking the Islands back, it seems almost unthinkable that in the foreseeable future any British government would be prepared to hand them over to Argentina. The Falklands may only have a tiny population. But it is clear beyond any doubt that a massive majority does not want that to happen – under any circumstances.
Associated Press
MORE than 20 people from around the country faced domestic terrorism charges Monday after dozens in black masks attacked the site of a police training centre under construction in a wooded area outside Atlanta where one protester was killed in January.
The area has become the flashpoint of ongoing conflict between authorities and left-leaning protesters.
Flaming bottles and rocks were thrown at officers during a protest Sunday at “Cop City,” where 26-year-old environmental activist Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, or “Tortuguita,” was shot to death by officers during a raid at a protest camp in January. Police have said that Tortuguita attacked them, a version that other activists have questioned.
Almost all of the 23 people arrested are from states across the US, while one is from Canada and another from France, police said Monday.
Like many protesters, Tortuguita was dedicated to preserving the environment, friends and family said, ideals that clashed with Atlanta’s hopes of
building a $90 million Atlanta Public Safety Training Centre meant to boost preparedness and morale after George Floyd’s death in 2020.
Now, authorities and young people are embroiled in a clash that appears to have little to do with other high-profile conflicts.
Protesters who oppose what detractors call “Cop City” run the gamut from more traditional environmental environmentalists to young, self-styled anarchists seeking clashes with what they see as an unjust society.
Defend the Atlanta
Forest, a social media site used by members of the movement, said Monday on Twitter that those arrested were not violent agitators “but peaceful concert-goers who were nowhere near the demonstration.” A representative of a public-relations firm involved in the group’s events said that it could not immediately comment.
After “Tortuguita” was killed, demonstrations spread to downtown Atlanta. A police cruiser was set ablaze, rocks were thrown and fireworks were launched at a skyscraper that houses the Atlanta Police Foundation.
Windows were shattered. The governor declared a state of emergency.
On Sunday, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said at a midnight news conference, pieces of construction equipment were set on fire in what he called “a coordinated attack” at the site for the Atlanta Public Safety Training Centre in DeKalb County. Surveillance video released by police shows a piece of heavy equipment in flames. It was among several destroyed pieces of construction gear, police said.
Protesters also threw
rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police, officials said. In addition, demonstrators tried to blind officers by shining green lasers into their eyes, and used tires and debris to block a road, the Georgia Department of Public Safety said Monday.
Officers used nonlethal enforcement methods to disperse the crowd and make arrests, Schierbaum said, causing “some minor discomfort.”
Along with classrooms and administrative buildings, the training centre would include a shooting range, a driving course to practice chases and a “burn building” for firefighters to work on putting out fires. A “mock village” featuring a fake home, convenience store and nightclub would also be built for rehearsing raids.
Opponents have said that the site would be to practice “urban warfare,” and the 85-acre training centre would require cutting so many trees that it would be environmentally damaging.
Many activists also oppose spending millions on a police facility that would be surrounded by poor neighbourhoods in a city with one of the nation’s highest degrees of
Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has said that the site was cleared decades ago for a former state prison farm. He has said that it is filled with rubble and overgrown with invasive species, not hardwood trees. The mayor also has said that while the facility would be built on 85 acres, about 300 others would be preserved as public green space.
Many of those already accused of violence in connection with the training site protests are being charged with domestic terrorism, a felony that carries up to 35 years in prison. Those charges have prompted criticism from some that the state is being heavy-handed.
Lawmakers are considering classifying domestic terrorism as a serious violent felony. That means anyone convicted must serve their entire sentence, can’t be sentenced to probation as a first offender and can’t be paroled unless they have served at least 30 years in prison.
Meanwhile, more protests are planned in coming days, police said Monday.
Associated Press
IRAN’S supreme leader said Monday that if a series of suspected poisonings at girls’ schools are proven to be deliberate the culprits should be sentenced to death for committing an “unforgivable crime.”
It was the first time Supreme Leader Ayatollah
Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all matters of state, has spoken publicly about the suspected poisonings, which began late last year and have sickened hundreds of children.
Iranian officials only acknowledged them in recent weeks and have provided no details on who may be behind the attacks or what chemicals — if any
— have been used. Unlike neighbouring Afghanistan, Iran has no history of religious extremists targeting women’s education.
“If the poisoning of students is proven, those behind this crime should be sentenced to capital punishment and there will be no amnesty for them,” Khamenei said, according to the state-run IRNA news
Authorities have acknowledged suspected attacks at more than 50 schools across 21 of Iran’s 30 provinces since November.
Iran’s Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said over the weekend that “suspicious samples” had been gathered by investigators, without elaborating. He called on the public to remain calm and accused unnamed enemies of inciting fear to undermine the Islamic Republic.
Vahidi said at least 52 schools had been affected by suspected poisonings, while Iranian media reports have put the number of schools at over 60. At least one boy’s school reportedly has been affected.
Videos of upset parents and schoolgirls in emergency rooms with IVs in their arms have flooded social media.
Iran has imposed stringent restrictions on independent media since the outbreak of nationwide protests in September, making it difficult to determine the nature and scope of the suspected poisonings.
On Monday, Iranian media reported that authorities arrested a Qom-based journalist, Ali Pourtabatabaei, who had been regularly reporting on the suspected poisonings. The hard-line Kayhan newspaper in an editorial had called for the arrests of newspaper publishers who printed articles on the crisis critical of Iran’s theocracy.
The protests were sparked by the death of a young woman who had been detained by morality police for allegedly violating the country’s strict dress code. Religious hard-liners
in Iran have been known to attack women they perceive as dressing immodestly in public. But even at the height of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, women and girls continued attending schools and universities.
The children affected in the poisonings have reportedly complained of headaches, heart palpitations, feeling lethargic or otherwise unable to move. Some described smelling tangerines, chlorine or cleaning agents. Reports suggest at least 400 schoolchildren have fallen ill since November.
Vahidi, the interior minister, said in his statement that two girls remain in hospital because of underlying
chronic conditions. There have been no reported fatalities.
As more attacks were reported Sunday, videos were posted on social media showing children complaining about pain in the legs, abdomen and dizziness. State media have mainly referred to these as “hysteric reactions.” The World Health Organization documented a similar phenomenon in Afghanistan from 2009 to 2012,
hundreds of girls
the country
plained of strange smells and poisoning.
evidence was found to support the suspicions, and the WHO said it appeared to be “mass psychogenic illnesses.”
UPLIFTING stories of women who have broken barriers in their respective fields, sound advice for navigating womanhood in this digital age, and a greater awareness of gender equality is what tomorrow’s International Women’s Day brunch will offer.
Hosted by BAF Financial & Insurance, the event seeks to bring women together in an “atmosphere like none other” with the aim of empowering each individual. It takes place at the Baha Mar Convention Centre from 10am-1pm. All women are encouraged to join the sisterhood for this second annual brunch event.
International Women’s Day has been observed for well over a century, with the first gathering taking place in 1911; it was supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organisation specific.’
The United Nation’s theme for this year’s IWD is “DigitALL:Innovation and Technology For Gender Equality.”
For the local brunch being held on this occasion, several dynamic speakers will be taking to the podium tomorrow, including Sidelaine Fouquet, the assistant manager of Business Development at BAF Global and and Cash N Go mobile tech champion; Aisha Bowe, aeronautical engineer; Jamie Petten, CEO of Kanata North Business Tech Park based in Canada, and Kim Welcome, an influential voice, motivational speaker and artist.
“This year’s global theme features women in technology and gender equality. The speakers feature a local mobile tech champion who led the move to the CNG digital app and mobile wallet which now boasting over 20,000 active users and counting; a woman who leads a large group of women in tech at a successful technology park in Canada; an areological engineer, who blazed trails at NASA and owns a STEM technology company, and an influential public speaker, newspaper
columnist, entrepreneur and vocal artist,” said Alliyah Lewis-Austin, BAF marketing coordinator.
Attendees will also hear from the two most senior female executives at BAF Group.
The event, Ms Austin, said will expose attendees to the trials and triumphs of womanhood in the workforce while also bringing awareness to gender equity issues faced by women in spheres all over the globe, but especially here in the Bahamas.
“Attendees will hear from the dynamic women making waves in their lives and in the lives of
others, sound advice for pressing ahead in fields that may not have been traditionally thought of for women,” she said.
“In addition to the hearing how these women have navigated their way to the top of their respective fields, we will hear both local and international perspectives. There will be chances for linkages and life-long relationships that will impact and change women’s lives.”
BAF started hosting seminars to enrich and develop the skills of women in the organisation over 15 years ago. Only recently has
As the world celebrates International Women’s Day tomorrow, life and wellness coach Katherine Coakley said she would like to share an importance message with Bahamians: that now is the time for the “emergence of women”.
“I feel this message so strong and I hope that even as you read it you are left empowered to become. The clock has struck now, and it is your time. This is your time to shine, to expand, to explore, to endure and to become,” she told Tribune Woman.
Ms Coakley said she honours women in every chapter of their story and she would like them to know that no matter where you are, and what you’re facing, your worth holds its integrity throughout the seasons.
“To celebrate the present and future, it is important to honour the journeys of the past. The past often mirrors the distance we have travelled forward. For a very long time, women before us didn’t have a voice, a seat, a pathway, a platform, or an opportunity to be seen, or heard. Today, a door stands before us to extend miles of walkway to another generation. Ladies, the Bible declares ‘Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept
my word and have not denied my name: Romans 3:8,” she said.
Ms Coakley said to emerge means to arise, arrive, or come into something, or in this case, oneself. She said the world is now in a time where it is evident that women are arising, becoming, and being revealed in their true form.
“The days of obscurity are over, and it’s appointed for you to be seen, heard, and felt in your identity, faith, purpose, genius, and aspirations. We are in an era where women are being, and others are about to be, catapulted into sectors, geographic locations, positions, and places as we have never seen - to lead, build and solve problems that have lingered for decades,” she said.
Ms Coakley believes decades of problems will be resolved through women in science, tech, and other crucial sectors.
“In recent years, we have seen this arising shown in the political and entrepreneurial arenas. Scores of millennial women globally started businesses and communities digitally through online services, courses, products, and boutiques due to the shift the pandemic caused,” she said.
This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “ DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.”
According to United Nations Women, from the earliest days of computing to the present age of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, women have made untold contributions to the digital world. Their accomplishments have been against all odds, in a field that has
historically neither welcomed nor appreciated them.
Ms Coakley believes the rise of new jobs and streams of income, especially facilitated through social media platforms, allowed women to live in their multifaceted-ness while expanding their influence.
“We saw New Zealand’s youngest female prime minister (Jacinda Ardern) navigate with strong leadership, grace, and information. Barbados’ prime minister, Mia Mottley, challenge the status quo, and our very own Leslia Brice stepped into the arena to be a voice for the Bahamian people. Women arising and this emergence is coming to solve cultural, societal, spiritual and global emergencies. Emerging women, this is your time to commit to your becoming holistically,” she said.
Ms Coakley said women should surround themselves with people who are invested in their growth. They should also seek coaching, mentorship, or healthy and safe communities that have the capacity to assist them along the journey.
“Seek knowledge and expand your bandwidth of information through learning opportunities. Learn new languages. Attend knowledge-based events that will reshape your perspectives and opinions. Knowledge will increase in the land and your feet will expand globally through education,” she said. She said it is also important for women to prioritise their mental,
the company recognized International Women’s Day and what it means in the life of every woman.
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.
“BAF Global Group has a staff complement of mostly women. Two senior female executives and thousands of clients who are women and girls. With the family as the most important part of what BAF represents, women play a pivotal role in the strides
that business and the country have and will make,” said Mrs Lewis-Austin.
“Many years ago, the BAF company saw the need to implement aftercare for all employees. There are female mixers at the office, group physical work-out sessions for wellness and also a positive atmosphere of upliftment and upward mobility. Supporting International Women’s Day lends itself to all the ideals and beliefs that make this company what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.”
emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
“Pay attention to the internally built-in alarms that signal it’s time for a change in your lifestyle. Improve your eating habits, movement and emotional
tolerance. Seek support through counselling, a nutritionist, health coaches, and fitness instructors to help to navigate and manage the pressures that arise as you emerge,” she said.
LIFE and wellness coach Katherine Coakley KIM Welcome JAMIE Petten AISHA BoweSince her early childhood, Dr Italia Sands has enjoyed nurturing animals. She also owned several pets while in elementary and secondary school.
However, she did not solidify her commitment to the veterinary profession until she started parttime work at the Palmdale Veterinary Clinic in Nassau during her Summer break in 2004. She enjoyed working with animals and decided to pursue this profession further.
Dr Sands completed a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. If she had to do it all over again, she said she wouldn’t change anything about her choices.
“I believe every experience prepares you for what’s ahead. The outcome would be the same despite the path. I’m one of many hard-working and dedicated veterinarians in this country,” she said.
Describing herself as “a proud Eleutheran”, Dr Sands said she recently returned home to open a small veterinary clinic, Noah’s Ark Animal Centre, in the growing community of Rock Sound.
“Like most of my colleagues, my days are spent seeing primarily small animals like dogs and cats, with the occasional farm animal or exotic pet,” she said.
Dr Sands enjoys seeing her clients happy when their pets are well. She especially enjoys educating clients on how to take care of their animals to
maintain quality of life. But what absolutely warms her heart is engaging in a conversation with her juvenile clients and educating them on the best pet practices, as they are always intrigued, fascinated, and eager to learn.
“My most memorable experience was the one night while
A Bahamian woman, Raylene Shelly Gardiner, has the honour and privilege of serving as president of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus Post Graduate Regional Guild. She represents hundreds of people from throughout the Caribbean who have had the opportunity of improving their education through UWI Open Campus.
As UWI celebrates its 75th year under the theme “Rooted. Ready. Rising”, activities are taking place throughout the Caribbean, everywhere where UWI is represented. Recently, February 22 - 24, 2023, an intercampus debate competition was held at the UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. There, Raylene successfully rallied her team to a third-place finish.
Debate topics covered issues such as the imperatives of e-governance; reducing a bloated public service; police approach to domestic violence; and the need to ameliorate economic circumstances as a tactic to fight crime.
Raylene organised her team, arranged their trip, and ensured their expenses were all paid in order to participate. The debate team included Carlene Perryman and Nicholas Worrell, with debate coach Dwayne Simon. They represented a good cross section of UWI Open Campus students from
throughout the region. Worrel is a post graduate from Barbados, and Perryman is from Grenada.
The Mona, Jamaica campus won the debate competition. Cave Hill campus, Barbados placed second, and UWI Open Campuses placed third.
“It was a great networking and collaborating experience with brilliant minds,” Raylene said of the event.
Meantime, locally, UWI Open Campus Bahamas (UWIOCB) prepares to celebrate the 75th anniversary with the second annual 5K Run, Walk, Push and Souse-Out on Saturday, April 15.
As a writer, author and lover of words and the nuances of language, I was shocked, as many have been in the last few days, to read that Puffin, the English publisher of Penguin Random House has made hundreds of changes to the text of Roald Dahl’s books: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Witches, James & The Giant Peach, and others, having deemed many of his words inappropriate.
It is well-known that he was anti-semitic, and while it is unacceptable to me and many people, it doesn’t change the fact that he held that opinion; nor that he used words in general usage then but which have become unacceptable today, particularly to the ‘woke’ thinkers - personally I think they need to go back to sleep!
So, as an example: his use of the word ‘fat’ has been replaced with ‘enormous’ - in whose world does that sound better? Not in mine.
Language changes in form and usage over time, history doesn’t. That was the language in use at that time. It is reflective of what was acceptable whether we now reject or accept it. It is what it is and it makes no sense to me to
attempt to re-write, re-interpret or attempt to sanitise it because we now have a different point of view. Who’s to say our thinking won’t change in the future and our current use of words may become outdated or unacceptable? Will we then do the same thing all over again? If we are to grow and learn as individuals, societies or countries, we need to understand that perceptions also change. If we can’t or won’t recognise the fact
Proceeds will be in aid of scholarships towards the high school summer programme and a multipurpose community outreach centre. The event will include free health checks and will end with a Junkanoo rush-out, in which everyone is invited to join the parade. The walk will begin at 6.30am at UWIOCB’s campus on Tedder and Madeira Streets.
UWI Open Campus comprises students attending online classes from all over the Caribbean. Postgraduate students are masters and doctoral degree students. Raylene explained her work as president of the Postgraduate
on-call for a clinic in Nassau I received a call regarding a patient that had ingested a fatal substance. I remember telling the owner that medically there was not much I or anyone else could do. I prayed for a miracle and the next morning the patient was still alive and continued to progress
over the next few days. I live for those ‘But God’ moments on the job,” she said.
Dr Sands said the Noah’s Ark Animal Centre came from a vision God showed her many years ago, back when she was a freshman in college.
Today, Noah’s Ark is expanding to accommodate more diagnostic services, and Dr Sands is extremely for the support and encouragement she has received from her family, friends and colleagues to make this happen. Noah’s Ark is considered a mixed veterinary clinic, offering annual and senior wellness exams, vaccinations, parasitic screening and preventative medicine, general surgery, pet travel consultations and after-hours emergency care. Dr Sands said the centre is a warm, friendly and clean environment where pets are treated like family.
When asked about some health tips she can offer pet owners, Dr Sands said to always seek a licenced veterinarian for professional advice and services for your pet. Yearly checks-up are not optional, especially as the animal gets older. Vaccinations and monthly preventatives are a must to maintain a healthy pet. Spaying and neutering improve the quality of life of your pet, while reducing the stray cat and dog population. And if your pet is unwell, seek professional advice early. Dr Sands said she sees too many animals that are beyond help, which can be emotionally taxing, not just for the owner but the veterinarian as well.
Regional Guild: “I advocate, liaise, and assist with policies and concerns for postgraduate students, masters and doctoral students online in the region. It involves attending all graduate studies board meetings with Heads of Department at the graduate level. We also assist with students in need of scholarships in the region, and we recently presented scholarships to four deserving students.”
She became president of the Guild in 2022 and her tenure ends in July, 2023. Raylene holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Professional Master’s degree in Hospitality and Tourism Industry. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at UWI Open Campus, specialising in Teaching and Learning. She holds a real estate licence from the Bahamas Real Estate Association, specialising in selling luxury real estate. Raylene resides in Grand Bahama.
As an active UWI Open Campus Guild member, Raylene wears several hats in the Bahamas Local Guild Chapter as the PG representative, Regional Guild Member as post-graduate representative, as well as the Open Campus regional president for the Doctor’s and Master’s degree students.
Her aims and objectives are to “direct, advocate, lead and empower young leaders in the Caribbean region”.
Raylene loves serving in her church, Freeport Bible Church, and she enjoys exercising, reading and travelling. Her motto is: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
that this kind of revisionism is counter-productive, how are we to develop as a mature society?
Much of history is ugly and every country on this planet has skeletons in their closets, things they would rather forget but at some point in their history whether through waging wars with related atrocities or those committed in the context of social injustices, discrimination or any malfeasance, illegal,
immoral or unethical act, they happened. Erasing it from the records because of shame or guilt or for any reason, is not a positive act, but detrimental and dangerous. Surely it makes more sense to reveal or keep that history intact, after all we can’t change it, the perpetrators or purveyors are long dead, but we can make a conscious decision with more intelligent thinking that history will not keep repeating itself (although sadly it seems to) and we as human beings can do better, be better, than previous generations or ancestors. In my mind, it is also incredibly disrespectful to the victims who suffered any injustices, because if we erase selective parts of history, we erase them and they become invisible or forgotten. But, to return to the specific subject of language, my imagination is taking me to another level: what if we just stopped using any descriptive words, removed all the adjectives, adverbs, nouns, pronouns and so on? We could eventually erase language altogether and stop talking to each other. Oh wait! Isn’t that happening already with so many people heads down, thumbs franticly twitching and switching on their cell phones? In sarcastic mode, I
wonder if we will soon stop talking to each other entirely and communicate only with electronic devices or with grunts and nods. Oh, wait again! Wasn’t that what the cavemen did? Perhaps we are not evolving at all but will soon be back in pre-historic mode! But to be serious; words have tremendous power - they can be beneficial, inspirational or deadly and dangerous. They can be healing and calming in dire circumstances; conversely, they can provoke hatred and incite riots and wars - let’s learn to wield words wisely, thoughtfully and judiciously. Context and clear communication for understanding where each generation is at in their evolvement is essential for continuing growth and understanding. Let history mean something. Let it speak for itself and let’s listen.
* The Associated Press reported that following the backlash, publisher Penguin Random House announced that 17 of Dahl’s books will be published in their original form later this year as “The Roald Dahl Classic Collection” so “readers will be free to choose which version of Dahl’s stories they prefer.”
Premature ejaculation afflicts an estimated one in three men in the Bahamas and throughout the world. Men in this country sadly often endlessly suffer in shame and despair from this very correctable medical problem.
For men, sex is not just an act, a goal, or a biological pattern; it is at the core of their well-being.
But those suffering need not despair; there are many ways to treat the problem.
This forms an integral part in the management strategy of this condition. It can address the negative emotions and thoughts that may pose a threat to the sexual relationship. The general principles of effective therapy would include:
Empowering the patient
Providing hope and establishing realistic expectations regarding outcomes
Creating a safe and conducive environment to explore the patients behavioural, psychological and relationship issues and address these issues for a better outcome.
The above options will be the mainstay for treatment for most patients.
Medical therapy
Erectile dysfunction – For those with secondary premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction may be the cause of premature ejaculation. Managing the erectile dysfunction may also alleviate the premature ejaculation.
Other conditions – Hyperthyroidism and low testosterone levels should be managed, and this may improve the premature ejaculation problem.
Specific therapies for premature ejaculation:
1. Selective Serotonin receptor inhibitors (SSRIs)- they are the first line in the management of premature ejaculation though in the United States this a off-label use.
Most SSRIs are taken daily for the desired effect, but this carries potential for side effects like
effects and was considered more tolerable.
Dapoxetine is a newer medication available in Europe that can be taken 1-3 hours before sex but approximately 90% discontinue the medication due to the side effect profile.
2. Tramadol is an opioid pain killer and is controlled medication. It has been used as second line treatment when the SSRIs have failed and has been shown to increase the IELT, ejaculatory function and sex satisfaction if taken 1-2 hours before sex. The downside is the potential serious side effects including addiction. This mode of therapy may work but it is not advised.
erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, and reduced desire to have sex. Sertraline was investigated by a group of Australian scientists in 1998, and a daily dose was found to significantly improve the mean ejaculatory interval from 1 minutes to 13.1 minutes at a dose of 50mg. Siroosbahkt et al. wrote an article in the Asian Journal of Medicine in 2021, showing that daily sertraline was as effective as sertraline taken 4 hours before sex. The on-demand dosing schedule was associated with fewer side
3. Alpha-adrenergic blockers. These medications are prescribed in patients with benign prostatic obstruction and even though they have been shown to reduce the intravaginal ejaculation latency time IELT, they tend to relax the bladder neck leading to reverse ejaculation into the bladder and no semen ejaculated at the climax of sex. This can potentially cause great distress in the sexual relationship of the partners.
In early February, the children of the Bahamas Association for the Physically Disabled were blessed with an outpouring of loving care and generosity from a team of volunteer professionals from West Palm Beach, Florida. The team. comprised of two paediatric physiotherapists, Mary Pengalley of Progressive Pediatric Therapy and Cynthia Kuntze of School District of Palm Beach County, who were instrumental in assessing all of the children for positional equipment to ensure that they were in good alignment and pain free. Justin Kuntze, an orthotist and prosthetist from Falk Prosthetics & Orthotics, adjusted and provided leg and foot braces for all the children, measured for body braces and even casted a small boy for a false leg so that one day he can walk.
Carey Britton, of National Seating & Mobility Services, a wheelchair and seating specialist, adjusted all the wheelchairs to fit each individual child. This was their second visit to assess all 22 children at the BAPD, ensuring they received the much-needed care and equipment that suited their needs.
Additionally to the free services provided, the team along with their community volunteers provided many essential equipment for physiotherapy from power chairs, shoes and braces, wheelchair trays and bath chairs and much more. Children who would never have the opportunity to walk were given hope and parents were filled with gratitude as their child’s life at home would even become easier.
Hannah Foster-Middleton, CEO of Genesis Physiotherapy and physiotherapist of BAPD, said: “I was happy to see them in such comfort. It was heartwarming.”
Charlotte Albury, president of BAPD, said the organisation was so grateful for the visit from Mary Pengelley and her team.
In two days, they assisted 17 children with wheelchairs, Rifton chairs, sleep systems, vests and orthotics. To see the children being made more comfortable and being relieved of some of their discomfort was priceless. There were smiles all around by both children and parents but without the wonderful donors that have supported BAPD this
There are no direct interventions listed for surgical management of premature ejaculation.
• Varicocelectomy: A varicocele is enlarged veins in the scrotum typically referred to as a bag of worms. The pooling of warm blood in these veins disrupts the intricate temperature setting for the manufacture of sperm and testosterone in the testicle itself. In patients who have varicocele with premature ejaculation- the treatment of the varicocele may kill two birds with one stone- as after varicocelectomy the testosterone production will improve thereby addressing the premature ejaculation.
• Medical circumcision: A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by a group of Chinese researchers led by Ye Tian published their findings in the Asian Journal of Andrology in 2013. A total of 9,317 circumcised and 9,423 uncircumcised men were evaluated for premature ejaculation. The team concluded that circumcision reduced the incidences of premature ejaculation.
• vPatch to the Rescue: Developed by Virility, the vPatch is a patch placed on the perineum at
any time convenient to the man. It delivers an electrical stimulus to the perineal muscles thereby disrupting the rhythmic perineal movements need for propulsion. It has been FDA-approved and may prove to be a useful mode of management with few side effects when compared to the use of medications or numbing agents.
Other investigational therapies:
Dorsal penile nerve cryoablation: The method is based on local freezing of the nerves on the penis resulting in slower conduction of messages through the nerves. The sensitivity is restored in 12-18 months but during this time a conditioned reflex for normal ejaculation time is formed.
Hyaluronic acid gel glans augmentation: needs large randomised prospective studies to be validated but research on the smaller scale is promising Botulinum toxin (Botox) injection into pelvic floor musculature
Premature ejaculation is a silent problem that afflicts so many couples in the Bahamas and throughout the world. It takes an enormous toll on the male selfesteem leading to serious marital problems, divorce, and depression. Sex health is of fundamental importance to adults and essential to the overall wellbeing of an individual. A urologist can confidentially, compassionately and comprehensively effectively treat any ejaculatory disorder and restore happiness and confidence to the male sufferer and his partner. Do not continue to suffer in silence, as sexual health problems should not be treated as a taboo subject.
• Dr Greggory Pinto is a board-certified Bahamian urologist and laparoscopic surgeon. He can be contacted at OakTree Medical Center #2 Fifth Terrace and Mount Royal Avenue, Nassau, Bahamas; Telephone – (242) 322-1145-7; email: welcome@urologycarebahamas.com
team for responding to the call. She stated that when each child was outfitted in their new equipment it made such a difference.
“We saw children who would normally be irritated after a short while due to discomfort in their chairs becoming relaxed and happy. This is truly an amazing experience for both us and the Progressive Therapy team. As we say, ‘team work makes the dream work’. I am just elated,” she said.
BAPD is a daycare facility for 22 children diagnosed mostly with spina bifida and cerebral palsy from age five to 19. Many of the children at BAPD are from vulnerable households. As a nonprofit that depends on donations, it has been an ongoing challenge to consistently find the necessary funding to meet the daily needs that arise from equipment, specialist doctors, caregivers, teaching, supplies and daily meals.
would have not been possible as we were not able to purchase the much-needed equipment. It takes a village is such a true saying and BAPD is very fortunate to have an amazing group in their village.
Linda Smith, facility manager, also expressed her thankfulness, firstly to Hannah Foster-Middleton of Genesis Physiotherapy, for making the search for a team of specialists to assist these children and to Mary and the rest of the
If you find yourself concerned about falling or are experiencing frequent falls, you are not alone.
In my work as a physical therapist with older adults, this concern is voiced frequently by my clients. Often, clients come to physical therapy as a result of a fall. An important part of my job is to help my clients recover after they’ve had a fall or better yet, prevent the fall in the first place, so that they can live a fulfilling life of independence and activities they enjoy while avoiding injuries and hospital trips.
Today, I’m going to share some of my tips to help you prevent falls while staying active.
1. Exercise often – Regular exercise is very important to keep your body and your mind healthy and agile. Doing a combination of balance, strengthening, and cardiovascular training will
give you the best results to prevent falls.
2 Understand your medications– Know the side effects of the medications you take. Antianxiety medications, Benadryl, prescriptions for overactive bladder, some antidepressants, prescription sleep drugs, narcotics, blood pressure medications, and medications to lower blood sugar can all have side effects of increased falls. In addition, taking four or more medications has been linked to an increased incidence of falls.
3. Stay hydrated– Dehydration can lead to mild symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, or muscle cramping. Even more extreme symptoms of dehydration can include difficulty walking and confusion. It’s best to talk to your doctor to determine
your ideal daily fluid intake based on your medical history.
4 Wear clothing and footwear that fits well– Clothing and footwear can become a tripping hazard if it is ill-fitting. Loose or long pants, or shoes that are too big, small or just uncomfortable can affect your gait and make you more prone to tripping.
5 Take care of your eyes – Vision is one of your three balance systems and if it’s impaired, your balance will be impaired too. Have your eyes examined and get new glasses as needed. Also, make sure to have good lighting at home. I recommend a nightlight on the path to your bathroom at night to help keep you safe.
6 Make your home work for you – Make sure your home is set up in a way that is safe and
Hannah FosterMiddleton BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, MCSP, SRPeasy for you to negotiate. There are some easy modifications that can help; putting grab bars in the bathroom, placing a raised toilet seat over your existing toilet, using a shower chair, organizing the kitchen to place high-use
The mission of BAPD is to be actively multi-functional, and as a non-profit offer all services free of charge. BAPD provides an environment dedicated to promoting self-esteem and improving social skills with the goal of functionally independent living being attained wherever possible.
Those interested in supporting BAPD can donate online at www. bapd242.com.
items within reach, and removing throw rugs and clutter on the floor can make you less likely to fall in your home.
7 Use assistive devices only as recommended by a physical therapist – See your physical therapist to determine if a cane, walker, or wheelchair is necessary for you. Making sure you have the right type of assistive device, if needed, can make a big difference in your safety and help you to stay active.
If you have fallen more than once within the past year, it’s recommended that you see a physical therapist to prevent future falls. Give us a call to schedule your balance evaluation!
• For questions and comments, call Hannah Foster-Middleton at 356 4806, e-mail genesisphysiotherapy@gmail.com, or visit www.physiotherapybahamas. com.
Successful relationships between men and women lead to a myriad of positive effects on society. For married couples and those intimately involved, a healthy relationship is critical and can impact those around them as well as future generations. While addressing the psychological and social aspects of relationships are important, there are other aspects that need nurturing as well. One of them is addressing health issues - specifically sexual health issues. For this reason, the Bahamas Pharmaceutical Association (BPA) provided an opportunity for members of the public to address this sensitive topic with professionals who could provide guidance and answer questions that could ultimately improve some aspects of their intimate relationships.
This is the BPA’s second public health seminar for 2023, and it was held under the theme: “Make Love. Let’s Do It Right”. The BPA has made a commitment to collaborate with the government to provide opportunities to educate Bahamians on diverse topics related to developing and maintaining health. The first of these public awareness seminars was held in January during Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. This second seminar was held on February 25 at Fusion Superplex. Presenters for the seminar were Dr. Robin Roberts and Dr Andrea Griffith-Bowe.
Dr Griffith Bowe spoke on female sexual disorders, going into detail about three types: sexual interest; orgasmic disorder, and disorders relating to pain. Female sexual dysfunction could be hormonal - such as in pregnancy or during menopause; illness related - such as diabetes, arthritis, endometriosis and fibroids; drug related - through the use of cancer medication, other medications or substance abuse; or psychosocial - related to personal, work or relationship stressors.
By managing one’s health situation, for example, Dr Griffith-Bowe said it could positively
affect sexual dysfunction issues. The same goes for work and family stressors, and the ability to limit alcohol and overcome substance abuse. Eating a healthy diet and exercising will also positively affect sexual health.
The issue is more relevant that is perceived, Dr Griffith-Bowe explained, as about 40 percent of
women experience sexual concerns. She shared a questionnaire with attendees, and provided advice on medical prescriptions, therapy treatments, and general relationship advice to help improve sexual health in women.
Dr Robin Roberts took the time to address men’s sexual health during his presentation. He explained the anatomy of the male reproductive system and
If you have kidney stones, you’ve more than likely left no stone unturned when it comes to finding ways to alleviate your pain.
That pain, and other symptoms, comes from the blockage a kidney stone can cause. And it’s typically when the stone is travelling through your ureter, the tube that drains your kidney into your bladder. When the stone causes a blockage, your urine backs up into your kidney and causes swelling and pain.
Whether it’s the size of a grain of sand or a quarter, your kidney stone can be painful.
So, can you get rid of kidney stones at home?
While there are home remedies that may help prevent stones, there isn’t a magic potion or athome treatment that can dissolve the most commonly seen stones.
Certified nurse practitioner Tiffany Loboda, CNP of Cleveland Clinic, talks about ways to prevent kidney stones, how to manage a stone at home and when you need to see your doctor.
How to tell if you have kidney stones
Kidney stones are solid, often jagged, or even smooth-shaped, masses or crystals made of minerals and salts that form in your urinary tract.
Kidney stones can be caused by several factors like dehydration, diet, medical conditions, medications or genetics. There are different types of stones, too, like calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid and struvite. Calcium oxalate is the most common kind, making up about 70 percent of stones.
“Those types of stones, along with others less common are not dissolvable,” said Nurse Loboda.
The most common symptom of kidney stones is pain in your back, abdomen or your side. Other symptoms include: • Nausea
• Pain with urination
• Unable to urinate
• The need to urinate more often
• Urine that smells bad or looks cloudy
• Fevers or chills
“These symptoms typically occur when the stone moves out of the kidney,” said Nurse Loboda. “Stones that are within the kidneys generally don’t cause pain. The pain occurs when they begin to migrate out of the kidney and cause blockage.”
So, if you can’t dissolve your kidney stones, what can you do?
Work on prevention, advises Nurse Loboda. A few lifestyle changes can help decrease the risk of forming more stones in the future.
Drink fluids
The No. 1 reason kidney stones form is that you aren’t drinking enough fluids.
“Dehydration is a big factor,” said Nurse Loboda. “Staying well-hydrated is one of the most important factors for prevention. We always want people to drink plenty of fluids, unless there is a medical reason they are restricted from doing so.”
You should focus on having about 2.5 to 3 litres of urine output a day for adequate stone prevention, which translates to drinking about 80 to 100 ounces a day for the average person.
The internet is full of information on other fluids that can help with kidney stones, but for the most part, sticking with water is ideal.
But a few ingredients show promise, though the research is limited:
• Apple cider vinegar
• Dandelion root juice.
• Banana stem juice.
“Water is obviously the best thing, but all fluids count,” said Nurse Loboda.
Consume citrus
Fruits and vegetables like lemon, limes, tomatoes, melons and oranges are great for keeping your levels of citrate high.
“Citrus is important because it binds calcium in the urine,” said Nurse Loboda. “Citrus can also dissolve some crystals before they have a chance to even turn into a stone.”
Whether you put a squeeze of lemon in your water or chop up tomatoes for your salad, it’s a good idea to incorporate these foods into your diet. You can even use a concentrated version of citrus juice. Nurse Loboda recommends about four ounces of concentrated juice to about 32 ounces of water.
“Think of citrus as a shield,” she said. “So the more citrus you
how each attribute works in order to have a healthy system. He also spoke on erection, intromission and ejaculation. Dr Roberts, a noted urologist, spoke about society’s perceptions of how males should perform, and how these perceptions affect their relationships. He admitted that most parents are ill equipped to talk to their kids about the ‘birds and the bees’ and without proper advice, there could be long-term effects, such as those related to self-image psychology and confidence. Too often, he added, pornographic material, and the computer or cellular phone are being used as vehicles to learn some of the most critical lessons in life about male sexual performance and health.
Dr Roberts delved into the science of sexual behaviour, as well as its history, which affects different perceptions from decade to decade. It’s important, he said, for men to know what is “normal” and “good” sexual relations. He went on to address specific men’s sexual health issues, such as premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction. He did not let the men leave without explaining to them what is happening with the woman at the same time that they are engaging in relations.
The BPA thanked these doctors for their wisdom and in-depth presentations that enlightened all in attendance. The seminar was a unique opportunity to collaborate and demonstrate to all that “Pharmacy Cares”. At this event, One on One Pharmacy, Hilltop Pharmacy and Life Medical Associates presented booths with a variety of medications and supplies that would assist with sexual as well as overall health.
The third event was a ‘Sip n’ Paint’ experience held on Saturday, March 4, under the theme: “The Art of Making Love”. Sensuality Coach NiQuee Love led the conversation and artist Genaye Sherman too part.
• To contact Dr Andrea Griffith-Bowe, registered OBGYN, visit her office at Life Medical Associates, where she practices along with Dr Dorita FrancisPhillips and Dr. Steven Rolle. It is located on Rusty Bethel Drive, opposite the Broadcasting Corporation of yhe Bahamas and the Cancer Society of the Bahamas (telephone 603-1801). Dr Robin Roberts, certified urologist, is located in the same plaza, in the office Urology Associates (telephone 603-1805).
and then come out in your urine, which is not what we want.”
You should aim for about 1,000 to 1,200 milligrammes of calcium per day. The goal isn’t to overconsume calcium, just get the recommended amounts.
Foods that contain a high amount of oxalates include spinach, beets, rhubarb and nuts. Black tea should only be consumed in moderation.
Watch your sodium intake
Following a low-sodium diet, about 2,000 to 2,300 milligrammes a day, can help prevent kidney stones. Having too much sodium in your diet can trigger kidney stones by increasing the amount of calcium in your urine.
Watch the types of food you eat. Pizza, pastas, breads, bacon, sausage — foods that are processed, preserved, cured, canned or pickled have high amounts of sodium.
One way to cut down on the amount of salt in your diet is to start reading labels and thinking about serving sizes.
consume, the stronger your shield is going to be to protect you from stones.”
You can also get citrate in other ways like drinking Crystal Light and clear-coloured soda like Sprite or Squirt.
“Those drinks have a good amount of citrate. Clear sodas don’t carry the high risk for stones like darker colored sodas,” said Nurse Loboda. “The syrup in the dark sodas like Pepsi and Coke contain a lot of phosphoric acid, which can acidify the urine. Soda, regardless of type, can contain a lot of sugar, so it’s best to only use these in moderation.”
Those with conditions like Crohn’s disease or those who’ve had bariatric surgery may have trouble absorbing citrate from diet alone. In these cases, your doctor may prescribe a medication to boost citrate levels.
Don’t be afraid of calcium
Since the most common stone is calcium oxalate, many people think that avoiding or limiting their calcium intake helps prevent kidney stones
“Calcium is not the enemy for stones,” assures Nurse Loboda.
“Calcium binds oxalates in the gut. If you restrict dietary calcium, then the oxalates you’re consuming aren’t going to leave through the digestive tract via stool. They’re going to get absorbed
“Pay attention to serving size on the labels, that’s something that can trip you up,” said Nurse Loboda. “If you don’t read the serving size, then you might look at the label and see 100 milligrammes of sodium but maybe there’s three or four servings in that package. It’s important to pay attention to both.”
If you think you have a kidney stone, it’s important to see your doctor. If you’re in immense pain, have uncontrollable nausea or vomiting, a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.33 Celsius), difficulties urinating or are passing thick bright red or clot-filled urine, head to the emergency room.
For non-urgent stone matters, talking to your doctor or a surgeon who specialises in treating and preventing stones like a urologist or nephrologist can help get you on the path to treatment and prevention.
The discussion on prevention often begins with conducting a 24-hour urine analysis.
It’s important to note that most people who have a kidney stone have a high chance of developing them again.
“If you don’t start focusing on prevention early on, stones can grow and turn from a very small problem into a potentially large problem,” said Nurse Loboda.
Buddy, Page 17
IN preparation for the hosting of the 50th Jubilee CARIFTA Games, athletes will not be able to utilise the old or new Thomas A Robinson stadiums before Wednesday, according to Bahamas Association of Athletic Associations’ president Drumeco Archer.
Archer revealed that immediately after the completion of the Bahamas Association of Independent Secondary Schools’ Track and Field Championships on Friday, Mondo began their restriping of the new Thomas A Robinson National Stadium.
He noted that Mondo is expected to have their work completed by Wednesday
when the Government Secondary Schools Sports Association (GSSSA) will be hosting their track and field championships through Friday.
However, Archer said the old stadium will not be in use until further notice as Beynon has commenced their resurfacing of the surface and so the athletes will not have access to train or compete there until further notice.
“In spite of our best efforts to coordinate a smooth transition of the stadium usage, with the repairs being done at both the old TAR and the new TAR, unfortunately, we still have found ourselves where neither facility will be available to use for the next two days,” Archer said. “Beynon has completed the
resurfacing of the straight away on the outside of the old TAR and this therefore means that they have now moved onto the second phase of their repairs, which is being done at the old TAR.
“Meanwhile, Mondo began its restriping efforts of the new TAR immediately following the BAISS competition and they are going to be completing their striping up until tomorrow (Tuesday). It therefore means that neither facility will be available to use for the next two days.”
While work is being done on the old stadium, Archer said athletes will be allowed to use the straight away on the outside to train. He said athletes will get the opportunity to train on the new stadium as of Wednesday.
He apologised on behalf of the BAAA and the National Sports Authority for any inconvenience caused, indicating that the repairs are necessary to get the stadiums ready for the CARIFTA Games, scheduled for April 7-11. Beynon was responsible for the new surface that was placed in the original Thomas A. Robinson Track and Field Stadium, while Mondo placed the surface down on the new national stadium. Both are expected to complete their repairs to the tone of $800,000. The Bahamas Government, according to Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg, is expected to spend in excess of $2.8 million in
Since they have been invited to be a part of Great Britain’s team, former player turned coach Albert Cartwright said he likes the way the Bahamian players have responded to the challenge.
Great Britain is preparing to play in the World Baseball Classic, starting this weekend at Chase Field in Phoenix, the home of the Diamondbacks, with seven players and two coaches making up the line-up. Cartwright and Antoan Richardson, who were the first two to play for Great Britain, are back as coaches.
Joining the Bahamian connection on Great Britain’s team are Chavez Fernander from the Detroit Tigers and Tahnaj Thomas of the Pittsburgh Pirates as pitchers, Ural Forbes as a catcher, Lucius Fox of the Washington Nationals and BJ Murray from the Chicago Cubs as infielders and D’Shawn Knowles of the Los Angeles Angels, Anfernee Seymour, Trayce Thompson of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Chavez Young of the Toronto Blue Jays as outfielders.
“Everything is looking good. Today will be the first day that all of the guys will be here,” said Cartwright, the first base coach on the team. “In the next few days we will play some exhibition games to see exactly where we stand as we move forward.
“I think we are looking good. We have some young guys who are eager to play this game, so I think we should be able to compete.”
Richardson, the sixth Bahamian to play in Major League Baseball and now the first base coach for the San Francisco Giants, said as the bench coach for Great Britain, he will work directly with the manager.
“I am here to help lend my expertise and experience in the decision-making process and be a support base for our local players on the team,” Richardson said. “I’m just looking forward to competing with this team. It’s been a while since I had the opportunity to interact with them.
“We have Albert and myself on the coaching staff and there are about seven players on the tram. So it’s really exciting and the ability to compete together is something that I’m really looking forward to doing.”
In 2016, the Bahamas sent nine players to represent Great Britain. Cartwright said they were looking to match or surpass that number this year, but a few of the players didn’t get cleared from their respective baseball organisations to compete, including Jasrado ‘Jazz’ Chisholm of the Miami Marlins.
Cartwright and Richardson, who will be the bench coaches, were the first two to suit up for Great Britain
in 2012. They also played again in 2016. Ever since, they have been able to add more players to the roster.
“At the start of the programme in 2012, it was rough,” Cartwright said. “But now to see where it is and we are actually playing in the tournament every year, it’s a lot of fun. I was there from when they first invited guys outside of the UK. So I’m glad that they allowed me and Antoan to continue the journey as coaches.”
There’s been a whole lot of talk about trying to get the Bahamas to field its own team to participate in the tournament. But Cartwright said the Bahamas isn’t quite ready to make
NOLAN Arenado wants the World Baseball Classic to grow into a global event with stature approaching soccer’s World Cup.
“I feel like the hype is a little bit higher this time around than it was in 2017.
There’s more guys that want to do it,” the St. Louis third baseman said ahead of this year’s tournament. “I know it’s not the World Cup, but just watching the World Cup and how awesome that was just to represent your country ... I don’t know if it will get quite there, but get it close at least.”
Baseball’s top international championship opens Wednesday at Taichung, Taiwan, when the Netherlands plays Cuba and Panama faces Taiwan in a
Group A that also includes Italy.
Group B of the expanded 20-nation field starts the following day in Tokyo, with Australia, China, the Czech Republic, Japan and South Korea competing for two quarterfinal berths.
Group C begins Saturday in Phoenix, featuring the defending champion US, Canada, Colombia and Mexico, Group D starts the same day in Miami, where the Dominican Republic, Israel, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and Venezuela compete.
“Last WBC, I was kind of on the fence of doing it and not doing it, and when I decided not to do it, watching the games, I kind of regretted I didn’t do it,” said Los Angeles Angels outfielder Mike Trout, a three-time MVP who leads
the US roster. “It looked like they were having so much fun.” Mookie Betts, Shohei Ohtani of Japan, and Miguel Cabrera and Jose
that jump just yet. “I know our federation is trying to get a team to go to the qualifier to see how well we can do,” Cartwright said.
“But it’s going to take some time for the guys to do what they have to do, but it’s going to take more as they trust the federation to do its part.
“They want to see how well the federation can do to make it easy for them to play the game, but I think they are on the right track to play in a qualifier. I think we have the position players to compete. We are lacking pitching of course. That is our Achilles’ heal, but we will have to figure out how we can get around that.”
In the World Baseball Classic, Cartwright said teams will need an abundance of pitchers because they won’t allow one pitcher to pitch an entire game. He noted that a pitcher has a limit of about 65 pitches before he’s not eligible to continue to play.
“You need 16-17 pitchers on the roster, so it’s something that our federation is looking into so that we can go to a qualifier in the few years so that we can see where we are and what we need to do to play at this level,” Cartwright stated.
Great Britain played an exhibition game on Sunday with half of their squad
Neymar will undergo season-ending surgery on his damaged right ankle and will be out for up to four months, Paris SaintGermain said yesterday.
Neymar will miss PSG’s Champions League match at Bayern Munich on Wednesday and will be operated on in the coming days at a hospital in Doha, the Qatari-backed club said.
“Neymar Jr has presented several episodes of instability of the right ankle in recent years,” PSG said in a statement.
“Following his last sprain on February 20, the Paris Saint-Germain medical staff recommended a ligament repair operation to avoid a major risk of recurrence. All the experts consulted
have confirmed this necessity.”
Neymar picked up his latest injury last month in a 4-3 win over Lille in the French league. He also injured his right ankle in Brazil’s opening match at last year’s World Cup in Qatar, but the forward was able to return later in the tournament.
Neymar has not played for PSG since the Lille game when he was taken off on a stretcher, but his absence has coincided with his team’s resurgence as Kylian Mbappe and Lionel Messi raised their levels.
Neymar has been sidelined by foot, groin, rib and ankle injuries since joining the club for a record 222 million euros (then $263 million) from Barcelona in 2017.
— Joel Embiid scored 42 points, James Harden added 14 points, 20 assists and nine rebounds, and the Philadelphia 76ers pulled away late for a 147-143 victory over the Indiana Pacers last night in an entertaining game virtually devoid of defence.
Embiid made 11 of 16 field goals and all 19 freethrow attempts. Tyrese Maxey scored 24 points and Jalen McDaniels added 20 for the 76ers, who have won two straight.
Tyrese Haliburton led the Pacers with 40 points and 16 assists in just their second home game since February 16. Jordan Nwora finished with 16 points. Buddy Hield contributed 15 points, eight rebounds and two assists.
Four other players reached double figures in Indiana’s second game in two nights.
Neither team led by more than six points through the first three quarters as they put up offensive numbers more closely resembling those of an All-Star Game. The Sixers finally took control with a late 10-0 run.
Philadelphia shot 62.5% from the field and 3-point range in the first half and finished the game at 58.5% overall and 47.1% from 3.
The Pacers shot 61.1% from the field in the first half and finished at 58.9%.
The game was tied at 118-all early in the fourth quarter. Shake Milton and De’Anthony Melton made back-to-back baskets, Danuel House Jr. followed with a 3-pointer, and
Milton closed out the critical run with another 3 to make it 128-118 with 7:49 remaining. Indiana closed within 141-137 with 52.1 seconds to go. But the Pacers couldn’t get any closer.
THE BUZZ Haliburton nearly pulled off a rare double in the first half. He finished both quarters by sinking shots at the buzzer, but only the second one counted. He made a 32-footer at the end of the half that was confirmed by replay review and gave Indiana a 79-78 lead. His half-court shot at the end of the first period came after time expired. A replay review also confirmed that call. Haliburton also made a 31-footer with 0.2 seconds left in the fourth quarter.
MOMENT OF SILENCE Indiana honoured David Benner, its longtime director of media relations, with a moment of silence before the game. Benner died last week at age 67 following a long illness. He joined the Pacers in 1994 after covering the team, Notre Dame football and Indiana University basketball for The Indianapolis Star. A memorial service at Gainbridge Fieldhouse is scheduled for Wednesday morning.
HEAT 130, HAWKS 128
MIAMI (AP) — Jimmy Butler had 26 points, Victor Oladipo and Caleb Martin each scored 21 off the bench and Miami held off Atlanta.
Butler also had nine rebounds and nine assists for Miami, which swept a two-game set from the Hawks. Bam Adebayo
scored 16 points, Tyler Herro and Duncan Robinson each had 14, and the Heat set a season high with 58 bench points.
Trae Young scored 25 for Atlanta, which got 23 from Dejounte Murray and 17 apiece from Saddiq Bey and John Collins. Miami (35-31) moved 2 1/2 games ahead of Atlanta in the race for the No. 7 spot in the Eastern Conference, and took the season series 3-1 — so the Heat would hold the tiebreaker over the Hawks as well.
TRAIL BLAZERS 110, PISTONS 104 DETROIT (AP) — Damian Lillard had 31 points, 13 rebounds and 12 assists, securing his second triple-double of the season before the end of the third quarter, and Portland beat Detroit.
TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Boston Red Sox infielder
Justin Turner needed 16 stitches, but appeared to avoid any broken bones, after he was hit in the face by a pitch during yesterday’s game against the Detroit Tigers.
The 38-year-old Turner fell to the ground after getting drilled by right-hander Matt Manning. Medical personnel rushed to the plate, and Turner was bleeding and had a towel on his face as he walked off the field. Turner’s wife, Kourtney, posted to Instagram that the infielder had “16 stitches and a lot of swelling but we are thanking God for no fractures & clear scans.”
“He’s receiving treatment for soft tissue injuries, and is being monitored for a concussion,” the Red Sox said in a statement. “He will undergo further testing, and we’ll update as we have more information. Justin is stable, alert, and in good spirits given the circumstances.”
The two-time All-Star signed a $15 million, oneyear deal with the Red Sox during the offseason after spending the past nine years with the Los Angeles Dodgers. He hit .278 with 13 homers and 81 RBIs in 128 games last season.
There are 63 All-Stars, after Nestor Cortes, Nathan Eovaldi, Vladimir Guerrero Jr, Clayton Kershaw, Alejandro Kirk and German Márquez dropped out and Alex Colomé and Gregory Soto were added.
First- and second-place teams in each group advance to the knockout stage, with quarterfinals to be played in Tokyo on March 15 and 16, and in
Giannis Antetokounmpo said he stole a triple-double. The NBA took it back.
The dynamic guard scored 16 points in the first quarter to give the Trail Blazers a 31-18 lead, and they had little trouble keeping a comfortable margin against a bangedup and slumping team for most of the night.
Detroit pulled within six points with 1:39 left to fire up the previously quiet fans, and Jerami Grant quieted them with a 3-pointer on the ensuing possession. Grant finished with 26 points against his former team.
CAVALIERS 118, CELTICS 114 CLEVELAND (AP) — Donovan Mitchell scored 40 points and Lamar Stevens fueleld Cleveland’s fourth-quarter comeback with his hustle, leading the Cavaliers to a 118-114 win last night over the Boston
Celtics, who lost their second overtime game in less than 24 hours.
Evan Mobley added 25 points and 16 rebounds for the Cavs, who improved to 7-0 in OT while avenging a loss in Boston five days ago.
Jaylen Brown scored 32 points and Malcolm Brogdon 24 for the Celtics, who didn’t arrive at their hotel in Cleveland until 2:30 a.m. after losing to the New York Knicks in double overtime on Sunday.
The Celtics, who were without All-Star Game MVP Jayson Tatum, blew a 14-point lead in the fourth and had a chance to win it in regulation. But Grant Williams missed two free throws with 0.8 seconds left and Boston’s Marcus Smart barely missed a tip-in at the horn.
The league adjusted the statistics from the Milwaukee-Washington game Sunday night and erased Antetokounmpo’s final rebound, the one that would have given him a triple-double. He grabbed a defensive rebound with about nine seconds left, knowing that left him one rebound short of 10. He hustled the ball downcourt, got near the rim the Bucks were shooting at, hesitated for a moment before throwing the ball intentionally into the bottom of the rim and catching it.
“Kind of stole one,” Antetokounmpo acknowledged Sunday night.
On-site statisticians credited him with a missed shot and a 10th rebound from that play. The NBA reviews all stats from each game and regularly makes changes to correct errors or omissions, and it removed the last rebound yesterday.
Milwaukee won 117-111. Antetokounmpo finished, officially, with 23 points, 13 assists and nine rebounds. The stat adjustment dropped his rebound average from 11.94 per game to 11.92 — but his shooting percentage, with the missed “shot” also erased, improved from .538 to .539.
ALL RISE Yankees star Aaron Judge hit his first homer of the spring — a three-run shot — against the Pittsburgh Pirates.
The reigning AL MVP launched a towering, opposite-field drive just over the right-centre wall as part of a six-run second inning.
The four-time AllStar broke the American League record with 62 home runs last season.
New York manager Aaron Boone said Judge will play left field on Wednesday, as the Yankees experiment with using their regular right fielder in the other corner on occasion.
Chris Sale pitched two scoreless innings for the Red Sox as the seven-time All-Star tries to bounce back from three straight injury-marred seasons.
Sale gave up two hits and struck out two against Detroit in his first outing this spring.
“I got it back. I appreciate it more,” Sale told the Boston Globe. “I’m trying to have more fun with it; I’m trying to be more openminded; I’m trying to kind of soak some things in and really appreciate it.”
Sale was one of the game’s most dominant pitchers throughout the 2010s, but has thrown just 48 1/3 innings since 2019.
Miami and March 17 and 18.
The semifinals will be in Miami on March 19 and 20, and the championship is at Marlins Park on March 21 — nine days before opening day of the MLB season. Nations play up to seven games.
“A lot of players, not every single one, but a lot of players place tremendous value on an opportunity to play with their country’s name on their chest,” Major League Baseball Commissioner
He missed the 2020 season while recovering from Tommy John surgery and then had a variety of injuries last season — including a bike accident — that kept him off the mound.
The 33-year-old Sale is in the fourth season of a $145 million, five-year deal.
Baltimore Orioles righthander Mychal Givens was called for two balks in the fourth inning.
Givens was called for both balks because he didn’t come to a complete stop while in the stretch before delivering his pitch. MLB says umpires are watching for more balks this year when runners are on base.
Givens has just one career balk in 419 regularseason appearances.
Some pitchers — particularly relievers — have funky idiosyncrasies in their deliveries and never come to a complete stop before delivering a pitch. That’s technically a balk, but umpires usually let those tics slide.
Not anymore. A complete stop with no movement becomes more significant because the pitch clock operator turns off the new pitch clock once the pitcher’s motion toward the plate begins.
Givens still pitched a scoreless inning of relief while striking out two.
Rob Manfred said. “I think that the change this year is we have seen less resistance from clubs in terms of making players available and actually meaning it in terms of their availability to play. And I think a big piece of that is a credit to the professionalism of the staffs of the various countries and you can actually work with the WBC staff in a way that allows the player to get ready.”
Japan won the first two WBCs in 2006 and 2009, followed by the Dominican Republic in 2013.
Angels star Mike Trout was 0 for 2 at the plate in his final tune-up before joining the United States for the World Baseball Classic.
The U.S. has exhibitions on Wednesday and Thursday before Saturday’s opener against Britain in Phoenix.
Trout, the U.S. captain, is part of a roster that includes Mookie Betts, Pete Alonso, Nolan Arenado and Paul Goldschmidt.
“It’s going to be special,” Trout said. “We’re just going out there, have some fun, see where it goes. We’ve got a pretty good team, but there’s a lot of great countries out there.”
Two-time All-Star Luis Castillo pitched 2 1/3 innings for the Mariners, allowing four hits and two runs against the Chicago Cubs in his second start. He struck out four and hit a batter with a pitch. The 30-year-old righthander was acquired from Cincinnati last summer
The United States’ 8-0 win over Puerto Rico in the 2017 championship game was seen by 2.3 million on MLB Network plus an additional 800,000 on ESPN Deportes and a Spanish-language simulcast on ESPN2. Fox and its related networks have US television rights this year, a tournament delayed two years because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Dominicans are considered the favourite with a roster that includes Julio Rodríguez, Juan
and signed a $108 million, five-year contract. Castillo was 4-2 with a 3.17 ERA in 11 starts after the trade and helped Seattle to its first postseason berth since 2001.
Unlike many of his AllStar teammates, including outfielders Julio Rodríguez and Teoscar Hernández, Castillo opted not to play for the Dominican Republic in the WBC.
“This was a decision that a large group of us came up with,” Castillo said of staying behind. “I feel like my team has all the talent to go ahead and win the whole thing.”
One of the Cubs he faced yesterday was longtime Reds batterymate Tucker Barnhart, who signed as a free agent with Chicago in the offseason.
“I think it’s the first time that I faced him,” Castillo said. “We spent a lot of time together. When we were up there he was laughing and I was laughing and we were just having fun.”
Castillo got the last laugh, retiring his former catcher on a slow roller to third.
Soto, Manny Machado, Rafael Devers, Wander Franco, Willy Adames and Jeremy Peña, along with pitchers Sandy Alcantara, Cristian Javier, Luis Garcia and Johnny Cueto.
Trout is joined on the US roster by Arenado, Paul Goldschmidt, Mookie Betts, Pete Alonso, J.T. Realmuto, Trea Turner and Tim Anderson, along with pitchers Adam Wainwright, Lance Lynn, Daniel Bard and Ryan Pressly. “It’s pretty cool to have the USA across your chest,” Trout said.
against the Los Angeles Dodgers’ minor league team. Included in their line-up were Seymour and Forbes.
On Wednesday, March 8 and Thursday, March 9, Great Britain will face the Milwaukee Brewers and the Kansas City Royals respectively. “We re looking pretty good,” Cartwright said. “Our boys are really excited about playing.” Great Britain will take on the United States in their opening match on Saturday, March 11. Sanctioned by the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC), the World Baseball Classic is the sport’s official National Team World Championships.
repairs to both stadiums in time for the games during the Easter holiday weekend.
In the meantime, the Local Organising Committee, headed by its chief executive officer Lynden Maycock, has erected a Cultural Village in the parking lot on the eastern side of the new stadium that will add to the attractions being offered for both the participants and the spectators.
Managers include Mike Piazza (Italy), Yadier Molina (Puerto Rico), Ian Kinsler (Israel), Mark DeRosa (US), Ernie Whitt (Canada), Hensley Meulens (Netherlands) and Benji Gil (Mexico). Trout is looking forward to a possible matchup against LA teammate Ohtani in the semifinals or final. The Angels’ two-way player could pitch against Trout.
“Every person I talk to that faces him says they don’t want to be in the box,” Trout said.
AFTER postponing the initial show in October due to one of the main event competitors getting injured, First Class Promotions has announced that the first All-Female Professional Boxing Show is back on the agenda.
And according to promoter Michelle Munnings, the show, which will honour her ex-husband Ray Minus Jr, will have an entirely new cast of fighters from the original show, but she noted that the action will be just as intense on Friday, March 31 at the Kendal GL Isaacs Gymnasium.
“I feel good about bringing the event back after we had to reschedule the original show in October when one of the main event competitors got injured,” said Munnings of the show that is being held in conjunction with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and sanctioned by the Bahamas Boxing Commission.
“We have changed the two competitors in the main event, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t have some quality competitors. This is going to be the first all-female professional boxing show ever to be staged in the Caribbean.”
Munnings said she’s delighted to be back, this time electrifying the
Bahamian public with a different show.
During the show, Munnings said First Class Promotions will honour its original founder, Ray Minus Jr, who is suffering from AMS, a disease that Munnings said she hopes to bring more awareness to the Bahamian public.
“We just want to let him know that we are still in his corner, even though he’s not feeling well,” said Munnings of her former husband, whom she worked with in First Class Promotions as well as Champion Amateur Boxing Club.
“There are not that many people who suffer from this disease and he’s the first in his family to suffer from it,
so we want to let him know that we are still here for him and by the end of the show, we hope that everyone in the Bahamas will know what AMS is all about.”
Minus Jr, who had an impressive 37-9-1 record with 27 knockouts, was the Bahamas’ five-time bantamweight champion who went on to become the 1989 Commonwealth Boxer of the Year, six-time British Commonwealth champion, three-time world title contender for the WBA, EWBC and WBO and WBC Continental of Americas champion. As for the participants on the card, Munnings said they have some “heavy hitters” in both the main and co-main
events. The two competitors in the main event have both fought in the Olympic Games. She added there will be no lack of talent and interest in the undercard as well as they put on a “night to remember.”
“We want to do something really special for Ray Minus Jr and, at the same time, ensure that the fans have something that they can talk about for a long time. It’s going to be the first show that we put on before we come back with a British Commonwealth show featuring two females in the main event and the men on the undercard as we mix it up.”
The 10-round main event is expected to be a grudge
match between Lindsay Garbatt from Toronto, Canada, who spots a 9-9-2 win-loss-draw record and Jaimie ‘the Miracle’ Mitchell from Las Vegas, Nevada, who is 8-1-2 for the World Boxing Association’s International title.
In the eight-round comain event, Simone Silva out of San Palo, Brazil with a 17-22 record will take on O’Shea Jones out of Philadelphia with a 2-0-0 record. Tickets for the show are already on sale and are priced at $35 for general admission and $125 for VIP with refreshments being provided. Tickets can be purchased online at www. bahamasetickets.com or call 242-465-2313.
“When we look at 2019; remember that was the banner year, we saw 636,881 air and sea arrivals. January 2023 is a 33 percent increase over 2019 and this trend is holding throughout the islands.” Mr Cooper’s address focused solely on volumes, or arrivals numbers, and there was no mention of tourist spending
and how this indicator was faring. The deputy prime minister yesterday said there had been a 400 percent rise in sea arrivals for Grand Bahama, with “momentum growing” ahead of the Carnival cruise port being completed next year.
Departure tax collections have increased with the growth in visitor arrivals following their COVID-induced
interruption, with Mr Cooper saying: “For the first six months of this fiscal year, departure tax collections totaled $71.5m, an improvement of $45m or 85 percent over the prior year.
“In the first half of the year, we collected 73.7 percent of the Budget target for departure tax. Beyond arrivals in 2022, room revenues, average daily rates, overall occupancies and spending by cruise visitors are all up.”
New airlift includes JetBlue starting its New York La Guardia to Nassau route this month. Neos airlines will establish the Milan to Freeport route in May, and JSX airlines will establish its Dallas, Miami and Whiten Plains route to Marsh Harbour in June. Western Air is also set to establish a new Fort Lauderdale to Freeport route in May.
Turning to the introduction of passenger facility
charges to finance upgrades at Family Island airports, Mr Cooper said Bahamian taxpayers are already paying $13m per year to finance maintenance of these facilities. The user fees will provide a more direct means of funding from those who actually pass through these airports, with international passengers paying more than Bahamian and resident travellers.
“I saw that there were some rumblings over the coming increase in user fees in the Family Islands,” the deputy prime minister said. “What has not been said is that taxpayers are subsidising the Family Island airports right now for almost $13m a year even in their dilapidated state, whether they use them or not. We can do better, and we will.
increase contribution rates beyond the existing 9.8 percent otherwise the social security system’s future may be endangered by the chronic underfunding.
It called for a two percentage point increase in the current NIB contribution rate, split 3.9 percent/5.9 percent between employee and employer, to be implemented from July last year. That recommendation, too, was never taken up by the Government, with the report calling for a series of rolling rate increases every two years through to 2036 to help stabilise and shore up NIB’s $1.5bn reserve fund which currently faces exhaustion in 2028.
Other reform options also include raising the retirement age, plus a further crackdown on delinquent employers and self-employed persons. Many observers have also called for NIB to cut its
“Let me first say that what we are going to do with Family Island airports has never been done in the history of this country. This will revolutionise aviation and bring a significant boost to our Family Islands. Let me also say that residents will pay more but will pay significantly less than international travellers.
“The number one complaint we get from domestic and international passengers in the Family Islands is about the airports – not the fees. Resorts have complained of guests falling out in the sun as they wait to be processed, visitors complain about toilets not working, leaks and general disrepair. These new airports will eliminate those issues and will accommodate more security personnel for faster processing.”
administrative costs, and urged the Government to stop using it as a financier of last resort.
Meanwhile, Mr Laroda said yesterday: “The reality is that the number of pensioners increased from 43,208 persons in December of 2021 to 44,640 people in December of 2022. The average monthly pension payment for 2022 was $25.2m compared to $23.5m in 2021, reflecting an increase of $1.7m per month.”
“Pension benefits were increased in July 2022 and that was done every two years. For the year ended December 2022, contributions totalled around $280m, while benefits expenditures totalled $355m.” This, Mr Laroda said, had led to a shortfall of some $75m.
Mr Laroda said NIB was recording surpluses up until 2016. That year, it recorded income of $261.191m and expenditure of $275.155m, and has not recorded a profit since. “In the year 2020, NIB took in $225.984m and paid out $405.876m. We go to 202. The NIB took in $257.687m and paid out $327.473m. In 2022, the NIB took in $280.008m and paid out $354.942m.”
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indicating that the arrears owed to the Government from fees collected on its behalf was actually higher than allowed for by Mr Davis, standing at $7.2m as opposed to $6.4m, said the provider in question had previously paid over $20m it had collected.
He added that the payments provider at the centre of the controversy had been hired as part of the Government’s Digi Pay initiative, which was designed to create a cashless payments system and remove the potential for fees and taxes to go missing via fraud, wastage and other forms of corruption.
Mr Pintard also asserted that the arrears owed by the provider had accumulated on the Davis administration’s watch, not that of its Minnis predecessor.
“With the commencement of the cashless system, Digi Pay, Immigration was one of the departments for consideration along with the Registrar General’s Department,” the Opposition leader said. “That company collected up until the time it discontinued remitting, it collected at least $20m that was turned over to the Government of The Bahamas.”
Mr Pintard added that the payment provider’s arrears owing to the Government dated from the period May to September 2022, when the Davis administration
was in office, and he had earlier challenged it to lay in the House of Assembly documentary evidence showing any funds were due under its predecessor.
“He sought to give the clear impression that the FNM was irresponsible with collecting funds and that the more than $7m accumulation in arrears occurred when we were in government when the exact opposite happened,” Mr Pintard told Tribune Business. “The arrears not only accumulated after the election but in 2022.”
During the House of Assembly’s morning session he had accused the Prime Minster of misleading Parliament on three aspects of the affair - whether the company in question was properly licensed, that it was the only contracted collections agency, and implying that the arrears owed to government dated from the former administration. The Free National Movement (FNM) leader initially named the payments provider involved, only to subsequently withdraw it, while the Prime Minister would neither confirm nor deny its identity. However, their exchanges in the House of Assembly revealed it to be Omni Financial Group, which has not commented on the claims or been drawn into the political fray.
Mr Pintard, during his mid-year Budget debate
In Voluntary Liquidation
Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with Section 138 (4) of the International Business Companies Act, (No.45 of 2000), MCS Investment Ltd (the “Company”) is in dissolution. The date of commencement of the dissolution is the 1st day of March, 2023.
Luciane Ribeiro Moreno is the Liquidator and can be contacted at Rua Afonsa Braz, 747 AP 41D, Vila Nova Conceição, CEP 04511011, São Paulo – SP, Brazil. All persons having claims against the above-named Company are required to send their names, addresses and particulars of their debts or claims to the Liquidator before the 3rd day of April, 2023.
Luciane Ribeiro Moreno Liquidatorcontribution, charged: “The figures collected by … relative to Immigration payments made, that here’s a company, that one, that was not licensed. He [Mr Davis] referenced a company that he said was not licensed, and I want to put on the record that the company was licensed by the Central Bank, contrary to the assertion by the Prime Minister who through their black ops had already put out the name.”
The “black ops” refers to the fact that the Prime Minister’s press team initially circulated a mid-year Budget communication that contained the company’s name, only to swiftly delete and remove that draft within minutes of issuance and subsequently issue an amended version with the identity removed. Asserting that he was doing “the responsible thing” by withdrawing the payments provider’s name, Mr Pintard said: “What they did, Mr Deputy, is they sought to mislead the
country when they (said) that the FNM administration had a company collecting money that was not licensed to do so which is untrue. The company was licensed by the Central Bank.”
The opposing positions of Messrs Davis and Pintard on the licensing issue may be due a subsidiary of the licensed payment provider being responsible for collecting funds on the Government’s behalf, not the parent. However, Mr Pintard also denied that the payments provider was the only entity hired under the Minnis administration to collect fees and other payments on the Government’s behalf.
He said three other payment providers were ultimately contracted for the task, including Cash N’Go, whose owners include now-deputy prime minister, Chester Cooper.
The others were Money Maxx and Sun Cash. “The facts are there are at least three other service
NOTICE is hereby given that MOISE MERIZIER of Yellow Elder, New Providence, The Bahamas is applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for registration/naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/ naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 28th day of February, 2023 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, Bahamas.
providers, and I could go through the names of the additional service providers,” added Mr Pintard. “There were at least three other service providers that are well known within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, but the Prime Minister refused to indicate who those service providers were and so that’s the second point that he misled the House on and misled the country on..... All three did some degree of business with government departments. The Prime Minister sought to give the impression that there was only one company when he knew there were four companies.”
Mr Davis, in reply, said:
“I never called a company’s name. They called it. I hold no brief for them. Perhaps he [Mr Pintard] could help us get our money back. I said about the company that has collected the money. I called no name. So Omni has collected the money. Tell them to give our money.”
Mr Pintard repeated his accusations that the Prime Minister had misled the House of Assembly, to which Mr Davis retorted: “I don’t know Omni. You called this company named Omni. I said that there is a company that collected the money that has no licence. Are we talking about the same company? I don’t know. If you are holding brief for them, ask which company is collecting the money. “And another thing he said is that I gave some impression as to why these funds were being held otherwise and that I gave some impression about why. I said why. They said why they ain’t pay the money over … and I said why if you were listening. They said they was keeping it to expand their business. That’s what I said they said.”
Mr Pintard denied that he was holding a “brief” for the payment provider, and urged the Government to collect the monies it is owed. “Go and collect it by whatever means you need to, but do not give the impression that somebody else was derelict in their duty,” he added.
NOTICE is hereby given that KELLY CHARLES of Woods Alley, off Market Street, New Providence, The Bahamas is applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for registration/ naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twentyeight days from the 3rd day of March, 2023 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, Bahamas.
tax treatment will not be implemented on that date.
“Several of them met with Mr Halkitis regarding the implementation of the new VAT policy for health insurance companies,” one
contact said. “They told the minister that it was not possible to be done and would have to be retracted immediately, and could not be implemented.
“And, if it was implemented, there would be serious consequences at all
levels - with the patients, with the physicians and the health of the community... It would have a huge impact on patients, the cost of care and medicines, and the relationship between the insured, insurer and medical provider.”
The source was joined by another contact, also speaking on condition of anonymity, who said those who met with Mr Halkitis were informed that “it’s going to be status quo; nothing is going to change come April 1”. That, though, remains to be confirmed as there has been no official government announcement.
Doctors, medical providers, pharmacists, dentists, physiotherapists and all practitioners who accept private medical insurance will be key to implementing the revised VAT treatment. They will now have to adjust their computer and other systems to collect the tax paid on insurance claims payments, and then remit this to the Public Treasury, as insurers will no longer be able to recover this portion of the VAT.
me to attend a meeting this week. It will be the first time we’ve actually been engaged by the Government to tell us what their plans are,” Dr Dorsett said. “That’s late, but it’s important. All along they’ve been going on their merry way. This now is an opportunity. We will wait and listen intently to what they have to say.
“All of us will be in the room; the BIA, MAB and government officials. This will be the first time we will be engaged and privy to information from both sides.
It’s late, but it’s a step in the right direction. They can have a plan, but we need to know what those plans look like to provide the service. That’s why consultation needs to start with the physicians, pharmacists, dentists and physiotherapists - all of us. We need to be able to sit at the table and have the input.”
at least push back the April 1 implementation date, he revealed that the Prime Minister had requested a further meeting on the issue during the pre mid-year Budget roundtable that he attended with other business figures.
“The Prime Minister said that during the briefing with the business group that Monday morning a couple of weeks ago,” Mr Rolle said of the Government’s desire for a further meeting on the changed VAT treatment.
“It was one of the very last issues raised at the very end of the meeting.” But, while the April 1 deadline may no longer be met, it does not necessarily mean the Government is abandoning the VAT treatment change.
insurers to claim back the 10 percent levy on medical claims payouts by netting it off against the VAT paid on the premium - a practice allegedly costing the Public Treasury millions of dollars. Its position is that VAT is payable on medical insurance claims payouts because these are being made on behalf of the end-user - the consuming patient - and thus should attract the tax.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Dr Cindy Dorsett, the Medical Association of The Bahamas (MAB) president, confirmed that she and the organisation’s representatives have been invited to this week’s meeting. She added that it will be the first time that doctors and medical providers have been formally engaged in talks over the revised VAT treatment given that discussions to-date had largely centred on insurers and the Government.
“They have sent me a note today [yesterday] asking
Explaining that the MAB does not have a formal position on the VAT treatment change until it has “a better grasp” of the Government’s intentions and resulting healthcare implications, Dr Dorsett added: “We only have information from the BIA. We don’t know anything from the Government. It’s difficult to read when you only have half the story.
“We’ve heard nothing from the Government, nothing at all. This will be the first opportunity where we’re going to be engaged. We will get to her the actual layout, the story from both the BIA and the Government.”
Julian Rolle, BAF Financial’s managing director, told Tribune Business that he, too, has been invited to this week’s meeting and was waiting to see if it will be confirmed. While unaware that the Government may
Presently, persons with private medical insurance only pay VAT on the co-pay or deductible, which is typically 20 percent of the care or medication costs. However, the Ministry of Finance and Department of Inland Revenue are altering the VAT treatment of health insurance claims payouts such that insurers will no longer be able to recover the 10 percent levy by claiming it as an ‘input’, thus enabling them to net it off against the VAT consumers pay on their premiums
In practice, patients - as the end-consumer - will now also become responsible for paying VAT on the 80 percent share of medical costs paid by insurers such as Colina, Family Guardian and CG Atlantic. The latter will almost certainly pass this sum on to consumers, with the end result being that the proportion of medical costs borne by patients will now increase.
The Ministry of Finance is arguing that it is “clearly against the VAT Act” for
Using the example of a patient purchasing $100 worth of medicines, where private insurance covers 80 percent of the cost and the individual is responsible for the $20 co-pay/deductible balance, only the latter presently attracts 10 percent VAT. This costs the patient some $2 in taxes and results in their total bill coming to $22.
But, from April 1, with insurers unable to recover the VAT payable on their $80 share, the client will now be responsible for paying the additional $8 in tax as well. This will take the sum due from the patient from $22 to $30, an $8 or more than 36 percent increase. Given that medications have to be refilled regularly, this represents a recurring and increased financial burden at a time when Bahamians are already struggling to make ends meet due to the cost of living crisis.
The Insurance Commission of The Bahamas’ annual report for 2021, containing the last set of available data, shows that almost $206m worth of health claims were paid by Bahamian insurers that year. That was split into $175.202m on behalf of group clients, usually businesses providing coverage for their employees, and $30.716m for individual policyholders.
will, as presently drafted, empower the finance minister to appoint the Council’s five members instead of them being recommended by the House speaker, Mr Aubry said: “Having them selected by the minister would indicate a step back in relation to independence. That’s something that best practices tell us will be a big part of legislation like this.”
The five-member Council, featuring representatives from the Bahamas Bar Association, Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA), financial analyst society, private sector and academia, is charged with examining whether the Government’s annual Budget, Fiscal Strategy Report and other measures align with set fiscal responsibility targets and principles.
ORG’s concerns echo those voiced last week in Parliament by Kwasi Thompson, the Opposition’s finance spokesman, who argued that the Council’s independence is being compromised because the minister of finance will, in effect, be able to appoint the very people who give judgment on his own performance.
However, the Prime Minister last night pushed back hard over these concerns regarding the Fiscal Responsibility Council’s independence. Philip Davis KC, in closing the mid-year Budget debate, argued that the Council’s present structure and set-up are “unworkable” because there were no safeguards within the present Fiscal Responsibility Act to ensure those selected can perform the tasks required.
“The Fiscal Council as constituted in legislation was unworkable. Vital issues had not been considered in designing the membership composition of the Council,” he asserted. “There were no guardrails to ensure that the composition of the Council adequately enables
them to perform the job they are being asked to do. “This is not to say that they are not professionally accomplished individuals, but what the public needs is surety that the Council was composed in a way that maximises their ability to get the job done.”
Mr Davis, announcing that “a technical explanation” of the Public Finance Management Bill is being prepared, added: “This Bill had input from a wide range of internal stakeholders, and benchmarks against similar legislation in other countries.
“What is being done is in accordance with international best practices. It will correct many of the flaws with the current legislation, one of which was to treat the Public Financial Management Act as if it was a part of the penal code.”
Mr Thompson then interrupted Mr Davis to ask if the Bill and other financial-related legislation was to be passed last night, saying he “would welcome” such a technical review and discussion of the changes.
The Prime Minister replied that Parliament would “come back” and deal with the Public Finance Management Bill “in the best interests of good governance of the country” at a later date. Mr Davis then continued his attack on the laws it will replace, asserting: “The present Act is overly prescriptive and does not reflect the current realities of the systems and processes used for public financial management in The Bahamas.
“It is as if the drafters never engaged with the practitioners. The legislation reflected a government totally disengaged from the people on the ground.” Mr Thompson, last night asserting that ORG “agreed with just about all of our points”, told Tribune Business he was pleased that the Government did not attempt to pass the Public Finance Management Bill into law
last night “as they originally intended”.
“ORG has only confirmed our concerns,” the Opposition finance spokesman said of the group’s 20-page Bill review. “We again caution the Government not to decimate the financial acts. The Government’s present Bill is a step backwards from transparency and accountability.”
Meanwhile, Mr Aubry yesterday said ORG had reservations about the changing role of the accountant-general (treasurer) in the new Bill. While the two terms for the post are interchangeable, ORG’s review said the reforms “adjust the role to be more operational in nature, with less oversight function.
“In the 2021 Public Financial Management Act, the accountant-general is required to ‘ensure each public entity has in place proper financial control mechanisms in accordance with this Act”. However, the Bill appears to have watered this down and confined the treasurer’s role to one of simply “verifying payments to be made in accordance with the Act”.
ORG called for the proposed legislation to be altered to restore the treasurer’s oversight functions, and also suggested that the annual Fiscal Strategy Report be laid and debated in Parliament prior to the annual Budget’s unveiling on the last Wednesday in May. The new Bill instead calls for the Fiscal Strategy Report to be tabled “immediately after laying the annual Budget”, with the latter design in accordance with the former’s objectives.
Mr Davis previously argued that the current deadline for unveiling the Fiscal Strategy Report, namely the third Wednesday every November, has proved unachievable for both his and the former Minnis administration. And, by tabling it so far in advance of the Budget, he said many forecasts and projections will have
changed to reflect evolving economic circumstances by the time the Government’s fiscal plans are released.
ORG, though, said in its review: “Best practices, as per IMF good practices, call for separation of the Strategy Report and Budget such that the Strategy Report development, publication and public presentation and debate prior to can inform the Budget process and build the involvement and awareness of the public.
“Similarly, requiring in the Bill that the mid-year review reflect progress against the fiscal responsibility objectives ensures an integration in reporting. Best practices would recommend that requiring publication of any revisions that may arise from the debate can also build public awareness and engagement.”
Mr Aubry said research and benchmarking The Bahamas’ reforms against similar fiscal legislation showed that the Fiscal Strategy Report should be used to “inform short-term and long-term Budget” planning. “There might be greater opportunity in having the Strategy Report presented and debated in the House of Assembly prior to the Budget for it to be used as intended; not solely as a guiding document, but one that can be amended as a living document,” he added. The ORG executive director said there was nothing wrong with the Davis administration seeking to combine the Fiscal Responsibility Act and Public Financial Management Act into one larger, consolidated piece of legislation. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) had suggested such a move in its review of the original Fiscal Responsibility Act in 2018.
“Ideally they called for those laws to be integrated so they’d support each other, reinforce the relationship and all the elements embedded within fiscal
responsibility, but ensure they were applied across the overarching public finance management framework,” Mr Aubry said.
“This represents a potential opportunity to improve our standards. Both the Fiscal Responsibility Act and the Public Financial Management Act were noted as being of a high standard. The opportunity is to keep the standard of accountability and transparency noted in those prior Acts and use them to achieve greater administration and strengthening. In some cases we see reforms at a higher standard, and in others we see an opportunity for strengthening of the legislation.”
Mr Aubry said the new Bill appeared to have retained “a significant amount” of what was contained in the existing legislation, adding: “Much
of the Bill does reflect provisions in the prior legislation.” However, he argued that there was room for improvement, and noted that the penalties and sanctions for fiscal misconduct “that offer the Bill stronger enforcement teeth” have been removed.
Michael Pintard, the Opposition’s leader, yesterday called for “a wider discussion” on the Bill given that there had been no consultation with ORG and other stakeholders. Asserting that his party cannot support the changes as is, he added: “This is the same administration that has a confidentiality clause introduced into the Public Finance Management Bill but, at the same time, are busy taking penalties out of the Act for persons who misuse government funds.”
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THE GOVERNMENT “may not” implement the new VAT treatment for medical insurance claims payouts by its April 1 target, it was revealed yesterday, with the decision hinging on a meeting with healthcare stakeholders later this week. Simon Wilson, the Ministry of Finance’s financial secretary, told Tribune
reformers yesterday voiced fears that proposed legal reforms are “a step back” for the independence of a key fiscal watchdog and also weaken accountability “enforcement teeth”.
Matt Aubry, the Organisation for Responsible Governance’s (ORG) executive director, told Tribune Business there is an “opportunity for strengthening” the proposed Public Finance Management Bill so that it retains “the standard of accountability and transparency” achieved by the two Acts it will replace.
ORG, in reviewing the Bill unveiled by the Davis administration at the start of the mid-year Budget debate, said it has identified 32 issues that should be addressed to ensure the legislation fully aligns with “best practices” before it is debated and passed by Parliament to replace both the Fiscal Responsibility Act and Public Financial Management Act.
Mr Aubry said ORG had particular concerns with reforms that will see the Fiscal Responsibility Council’s members appointed by the minister of finance under the new legislation, rather than recommended by the House of Assembly’s speaker as under the
current regime. He also noted that the accountantgeneral (treasurer’s) tasks are being watered down under the new Bill so that they play a lesser role in oversight and ensuring the proper “fiscal controls” are in place.
“What we’re generally seeing is that the independence of the Fiscal Responsibility Council is key,” the OEG executive director told this newspaper. “The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommends that the second most important part of ensuring fiscal responsibility legislation is effective and sustainable is having a strong and effective Fiscal Responsibility Council. Every component that builds capacity or serves to increase independence is crucial.”
Noting that the Public Finance Management Bill
Business the Government is hoping to “have a resolution” after it meets with multiple industry groups over a proposed change many fear will increase medicine and treatment costs for patients while reducing access to, and the affordability of, private medical care. Confirming that the Davis administration is seeking to meet with doctors, dentists and pharmacists, and not just health insurers and their representatives, he confirmed that the event is presently being scheduled for Thursday.
Asked by this newspaper whether the new VAT treatment’s implementation will be delayed beyond April 1, Mr Wilson replied: “It may be, but we’ll see after this meeting. We will have a discussion with a wider group. It will include medical persons, people from the business community, and hopefully we will have a resolution.”
The Bahamas Insurance Association (BIA), the industry trade body, has repeatedly warned that the proposed VAT treatment revision will harm patients who will now be responsible for paying the full tax on 100 percent of their medical care costs. Ar present, the change would mean that, from April 1, insurers will no longer be able to recover the VAT payable on the claims payout be treating it as an ‘input’ and netting it off against the 10 percent consumers pay on the premium.
This week’s meeting comes after several Tribune Business sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, revealed that medical providers were last week informed at a meeting with Michael Halkitis, minister of economic affairs, that the VAT “status quo” will remain come April 1 and the changed
THE PRIME Minister last night doubled down on accusations that a payments provider which has failed to remit $6.4m to the Government was not licensed to collect funds on its behalf.
Hitting back at assertions by Michael Pintard, the Opposition’s leader, that he had misled the House of Assembly on the situation, Philip Davis KC reiterated that the company - who he still declined to name - was not licensed by either the Central Bank or Securities Commission to conduct the activities for
which the Minnis administration hired it to perform.
“It was suggested by the member for Marco City that I misled the House because I said that a company collected monies on behalf of the Government; that’s what I said, the company, and he said that company contracted by the
Government - listen to me carefully - that the company that was contracted by the Government was licensed by the Central Bank of The Bahamas,” Mr Davis said.
“The company, and I will not call the name - I have the name - that company was incorporated
THE NATIONAL Insurance Board (NIB) is predicting it will incur a $98m total deficit in 2023, it was revealed yesterday, as a Cabinet minister reiterated warnings that The Bahamas cannot afford to delay critical reforms any longer
Myles Laroda, minister of state in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for NIB, told the House of Assembly during the mid-year Budget debate the social security system is forecasting that benefits alone will exceed contribution
income by some $86m this year.
And, once all other income and expense sources are included in the mix, NIB is projecting total income of $358m and total expenditures of $456m, resulting in the forecast $98m deficit. The deficit, which is similar to a private company’s profit and loss account, measures by how much NIB’s benefits expenditure and expenses will exceed income.
Mr Laroda yesterday reaffirmed that a decision has been made over whether to increase NIB’s contribution rates, although he again declined to disclose the details. Many persons are
THE DEPUTY Prime Minister yesterday said January 2023’s tourism arrivals were some 210,000 ahead of comparatives from 2019’s “banner year” as The Bahamas bids to “meet or exceed” 20 percent growth targets.
Chester Cooper, also minister for tourism, aviation and investments, told
the House of Assembly during the mid-year Budget debate that visitor numbers for the first month of the year were some 33 percent ahead of that pre-COVID performance.
“In terms of arrivals, we see that in 2022, the numbers were up 233 percent over 2021 and we achieved the seven million visitor mark but fell just shy of 2019,” Mr Cooper said.
“To understand the gravity of the seven million mark, note that it has only
happened once before in the history of The Bahamas. We are targeting 20 percent growth in tourism for 2023, and we have every reason to believe we are going to meet and or exceed that target.
Describing 2019 as a “banner year for tourism” with over 7.2m visitors, Mr Cooper added: “When we look at what is happening in 2023, we are shattering 2022 numbers and 2019 numbers. That’s good news. What is even better news is that we
saw nearly one million visitors to The Bahamas in the first month of this year.
“I’ll repeat that; you may hear me repeat a few things today. In January, we saw nearly one million visitors to The Bahamas. For context, in January of 2023 we saw 846,000 visitors. That number was 300,000 in January 2022. That is a 166 percent increase from January 2022 to January 2023.
on January 18, 2018. That company was not licensed by the Securities Commission and Central Bank to conduct the activities for which the Government hired them. I will say no more on this subject any more, but if you want to go down that line again call the Central Bank and Securities Commission” before raising it again. Mr Davis’ original allegations about the payments provider, made when unveiling the mid-year Budget, sparked a running battle with the Opposition leader for much of yesterday’s House of Assembly debate. Mr Pintard,
anticipating an increase of up to 1.5 percentage points, which could be unveiled as early as the May Budget and implemented by July 1, 2023, in time for the new fiscal year’s start.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO), in the 11th actuarial report on NIB’s solvency and sustainability, warned there is no choice but to immediately